i c o C 8 & c & D C c c a a c c c m a G a E C D C D C c c c c D C c c c a n y- ft: iu;k nix THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MTt mm, .u i, n, - V- "- ins BIGG AMERICANS AFTER MEXICAN BUSINESS mm TRADE MARK I ' ' The City of GOODRICH .ABBisAkron. Onioi Adjustment That Squares withGoodrich Performance In practical usage on road and pave ment, Goodrich Tires are to-day consistently deliv ering remarkable mileage, showing a strength and en durance which proves them the best tires the rub ber industry has developed. Knowing by actual performance what splendid service Goodrich Tires are giving, the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company has taken a step frankly in tended to induce every motorist to share the more mileage oflts tires. It has established this new adjustment mileage worthy of the proven dura bility of its tires 6,000 miles for Safe ly Treads 8.000 mile for Silver town Cords, in itead of the old adjustment of 3,500 for Safety Treads, and 5,000 for Silvertowns. The new adjust ment holds good for all Goodrich Tires, including tires already pur chased in the hands of user or dealer. Go to a Goodrich dealer, and buy Goodrich Tires, sure that they will fulfill their mileage. Bay Goodrich Tiret from a Dealer ADJUSTMENT Fabrics . 6,000 mile) o c c a c Cord 8,000 miles a D II 5ILVERT0WN fCORO tires! "BEST IN THE LONG RUN' MPXICO CITY. Juh A Mi'M- Ti DAI nt'K to Tin-: staijvk conimtiov OK TIIK IVIIAUITANTS OI-' WAIt Tonx coTimr.s ihsi:asi: is ItAMI'ANT a a a a a a a a a a a c a a c D G a y a 3 a a m c a LONDON. ( Correspondence of the tAs.soclsited rnf. ) "In the condition of chaos in which Kastern Ktiropo Is at iv.es.ent. famine and fat I cue lme in educed a condition of lowered re- ' slttanee 'o infection which favors the i reproduction of the epidemics of the Middle Ages," says a writer in tnc . l.nusnnne (Switzerland) Omotte. I 1 "Prisoners are wandering In Kust can Kovernment official Just return ed fiom the t'nlted State wivh that seerl lari;e manufacturers or farm mm-hiticn In the Tutted States lime decided to establish branch offices and plants in Mexico. Motor trucks and tractors were mentioned ns two of the commodities that will meet with readiest sale and adaptation In the republic. nsuEro which eontlcled hmmiiI I'-'i" ' ' " Im-II'v.-iI Hull the I'm , , ti,.r of Km I l.lelmeuM .in.l I.T i. ml of llii. ImIIi i ,.. , Mix.Mlll.lim pe.MM.Iot.lhn this, .(,,, tu r...m.-r Ihii.-H Hi iit.-n... vmitO i tl '"Mcts lemaln In , h.iie been .oliflnued h th K.ni. of '"'" l"'l,'"1 r,,,m ""' ' I'ruasl.i. the tieruiiin Kinpeuir mlllnl niurl Mill) i UK sum: iiakm: UOIIX ( t WITH SI I.IMUIt IT s .si) VVUKAU.V m- ti:i.i. i GERMANS TO RATIFY TREATY NEXT WEEK PARIS. July ' - The (lernmns ex ptct to ratify the I'eace Treaty the tlrst of next week, according to a note reni to the Allies. Aekmnv loilsins the stipulation that the iltockauo would I e raised when the treutv wi.i em Europe on their way to their r:U,cc. The fiermans also expreisc-l , homes, innumerable Russians on t,e l.ope that tho war pn. oners wo.nl , their way to the east from Germany. L(. m..reil ut tht sltnK, ,ime. I Germans, Austrlans and HuiiR.irlans j passing from Russia to the West Serbia and Croats striking south Poles going to the north, crossing one another In indescribable confusion in I TELEPHONE STRIKE- STILL SPREADING '! SKATTI.i:. Jul) ' - changes In nil the -Telephone ex- utlltlll tmi'tle absence of linen and clothing forced , hj. lncIltlIlK Kent, All. these prisoners to clothe themselves ,,, ,.,.. ... . ,. . pi I In rags of skins In the same way as .,.,,, . , .. "..... . . I orinnleil toilax- as n result i t the strike he civilian population. I of the telephone operators who walk- I t-i. n.w. ....iH. .... .,... t-... ,C ,.Si ..K,,,,. .,,, CU..M... et, ou, , 8Vm,n,hy W,h ,e strklnK mainly In bathing the men and sterlll- oporn)r!, nt olller polnt8. zing their clothing. The Hungarians! ( possess ovens, but no ceal: the Czecho Slovaks have coal but no ovens. Soap Hid oody linen are ao-enl evorjuiH re. Mlllmcn's and Doxmakers I'nlon .Linen when nut Into the oven Is so 'No- t'64 address nil communications ... . . , , ,. . to Recording Secretary, ATTEXTIO.V. The old-time mixture of Sage Ten and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair in Brand mot lie M leclpe. and tolks are again using It to Keep ttielr hair a good. eon color, which is quite sensible. as we ii '0 living In an age when a youthful appearance U of thu grat est advantage Nowadays, though, 'e don't have the troublesome tusk of g.itheiing the sage and the inussy mixing at homo All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product. Improved by th addition of other Ingredients, called "Veth' Sago and Sulphur Compound" for about .'i0 ct'iits a bottle It U rer ,opulur because nobody can discover It has been applied Simply moisten your comb or a soft bnirfti with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time- by morn. Ins the gray hair disappears, bin what delights the ladles with Wjntli'i -Sage and Sulphur Compound, Is that besides beautifully darkening the luilr ifter a few applications, It alio pro duces that soft lustre and appearmio of abundance which Is so attractive Postottlce Box 7, Klamath Falls Oregon. 2-St SUNDAY z:' E.yVUI01xn on wards and the owner has to be sent, i ...... away clad In his sheepskin Prisoners' Just Remember this The dates for land wandering civilians know this so the Elks' Convention are August 14, well that they take every means to lj aml 16- Get My iaolil ilKlnrectlon more than any thing else: to avoid being stoved at, a station thev get out of the trains . when they stop at the smaller station ' anil rnt-r the town In small scattered they stop at the smaller stations and , enter the town In small scattered groups which ; attract less attention . j "The ordinary mortality of exan Uhematous tvphus In endemic regions before thp war In Silesia, Poland. , ! Russia and Galacia was from fi to 7 'percent, nt present It Is over 20 per cent. It Is true that the epidemic hus uot yet assumed the proportions of, epidemic cholera In India, where in I the town of Ilombay alone there were 2.29.", deaths from January 12 to 2.".j 1919: but there Is a great danger, I for Europe AI1 Eastern European I states realize this, and though they! I were at war with one another, yet ! they sent their delegates to the Hilda. pest Congress and decided to place j their resources in common." Upper Klamath Lake Tho launches "Spray" and "Oak land" will run excursions every Sunday, leaving the mall boat landing nt S a. in., allowing flvo hours at Rocky Point. Faro J 1.50 from landing for round trip. Dus leaves Western Transfer offlco at 7:30 a. tu. Calkins & Hamilton MMVMVWWWMWIMWMA W0Mi0WVWVMN IRISH SHOOT O'CONNELL STATUE i DI'UI.IN. July Examination has just revealed that In the shooting which took place in the streets of Dub' lln Easter week In 191S, the great i O'Connell monument was penetrated , by eight or nine bullets. A proposal has been made that ; the damage should be repaired. The , City Engineer, however, has advised that the bullet holes do not Involve any risk to the monument, are Invis ible unless attention is specially drawn to them, and In the future will have a considerable historical Inter est. Accordingly, the corporation has decided that the monument shall re main as it is. Gee Whiz! "The darn thing's busted again!" You don't say that it we do your .work. We do It right, and It doesn't "buck." Hoagland & McCollum 221 Main St. Phone 2S2-W. AAMANAAMWVMW WHO SHALL CONFIRM THE LIEBNECHT DERI. IX. Jul' . ..Question bar been raised hero as to what uuthorltt under tlm Prussian law. shall confirm the verdict of the military court When tires are out of aliKimient there is i constant scraping wear on them, as the tiro slides slightly on the pavement all the timo. It costs far less to repair a bent steering knuckle or a worn steering connection than to buy new tires. Have the alignment of your wheels verified regularly by experts. "We do this work and all kinds of repairing. WHIT TUIC f'N v xlhl jw?,mmm fA'MG&rj ICAN THE OfriCIAL AUTO OLUE DOOK AND CALIFORNIA STATE AUTO ASSOCIATION GARAGE New City Laundry ; WE GUARANTEE OUK WOHK j Shirts and Collars Laundered I Wo also trash silk, wool and cot ' ored goods very carefully. Try us once and be convinced. Our prices J are right. Phone 154. 127 Fourth Street! Hack of First National Bank 44,..t,4.4..X--X---X--M";--H---W-fr- G i Owil w 1M TO THE BUSY BUSINESS MAN THE JEWEL CAFE OFFERS AN AVENUE TO SAVE MOMENTS EVERY DAY You may be too busy to go to your home at noon. In assortment of foods, their preparation and the serving, The Jewel has no parallel outside the larger cities. Most certainly The Jewel merits your noon-day patronage. , THE JEEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St . ITS A POOR DOCTOR Who Won't Take His Own Medicine THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modem method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be very'likely to say: "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else; do you want to call attention to some new . feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? t t,.k USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING r-r- 11 i-'m. ' I rn j ' "l.i, "li nn '"MM ifl