Th EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1 I'AOK F1VK TTivMftM'SWT YCd CYCS AM'OIH-NlM?HAMIMM' j U Q,vG Yoi) SOMCTHM vwitATlMOOiNO ifmS WliT'5 TH' OK THIS LITTLC fMP POT A Fl$H- jj I weic QUIT YCLLHO-' IATTCR H Cf?l U-u wml. 3 1UiNl 7o I l4- v0RM.W TAKE IT AWAV 0M tAl t- '""tl 11)1 u M MY tJAtirt svii:t . L IIOMU n o,.un .i. ""' MTl'lt L. WCY.M WIiT'5 TH'I EBSV MATTCR H Cf?C 'ttct.'-k .7 i r tjiwj i itii i r l &? Wfl'"'-JJ La. Tv .5CT Affl " mjyajk ? o-a - wan LrfS9J IHi aSP IsL jgr J r J g r ( lr- p ERSONAL MENTION IITTI.K MIUKI.MHirh UM MM'AI. rlAII'KMMJh AMONO THK I'KltCI.K OK rMIH f'lTV l VICIMn ,,0N(iH AM M)M IMJM OF MICA I. KOI.KH uilli hi. be itrllng pastor or t It tt Haired II"iirt church during ill" iihaenrn of PhiIiit Miimhull. who Mill tin iiwny mi iniil- "II ll" ... r.,r,an of I I'Ohi'Ul It .ml .If- " "" " . ......i.i..r Mr. ( tin l.nin 7" ,ln. )lr..H.I Ti- HI li-m t IMI.T.-I to liU purlah. w . .l.i.i .i iimH.ui ih. Clmilfn McOirlli-. Muiirlut I n'""1 mill i i in l)unl)fii, himii iiiiiiu: iiiu Mf.wl, lUll'b l' '' ' """ lMI"" U' "'" ,a ''","'"'lv '" Knni wit" Crnlur l.nk vli-l- lnur tin- lesolt uf the Wllluril-I"iiip- '.hi. virrW- Whom. 'rrlM .f(., zuintirtim. who liui .Mi unit Mm. llniry I'nlu mid dill ilillliiK lil" I'-'f'"" "" ""'" ,,nj" uhv'-' '''i"-'1 "Hiir mi iximiil- . niBr I'ori 1,'u iiiilli. mi) fl Pfia-'eil iiulomobll" Hip oiel tll't clati" Af " ' on (hi, ni.iriimr.' trntii fur fur UllliiK liirilaml ilnrliiK Hi" Ho uii r Hi will j ii inn nuoiv, iiii'.t bifiuiT tin iij iiiiiiiiiiuii i..if.i7 1 wlii'fi' tlu-y c'llil'il lor lliriM' Miikii Tin- fmliillR nn illii) tin nt mill tin- I't'llIK Wtt n'llK to kl'ltp lIll'IHSi'lVl'K ii Mull mi Ui.'ir Ilii'inU In flli Mr mill Jim K. ( ArKrf. nfti u iiiolitli oiilu trip, am biuk In tliu city Mr ArKrtitt'H hiiyn, tlmt llir) Iiml Fun Krunclw ti.mpny ' M",IM" HiritlinPN. Cap! Marion Mn ilrutn t f'nit r Uko iliril " rnrli vnry tooA cropn In ll"' r"" Klaii "" lion. j I' JlrAuliffi Ml fr til" Iin In III; cilrrilii) "ffr " IH "' "v nl dafl In tlm Counl) Hnit pitmtmil trip thru ill" IIokii. Itlwr UIm Morisurrll" MHirntli who lifl ulli-y, Inn ihut thrrc In no plm-i- like lwBfmplo)rtl In tti" liHtn for huv- klitiiiulli County tn tuootli. rclurnt iimiiirro to Mr m,(l xi. K ('. DoC'Imlii uml lit her homo In Cann.ln wliiri' Uc c ,,, nyiiiiincl. with Mr iitul Mr t to remain fr vt.rl hiiiIik ;j (. uiclmr. .Mr uml Mm V Mc Ytrtf Cooper utit" KiikIiipit. nlll Niuiy nml llttlo iluurtiti-r nirnt ycn b la Ibli count) tntnnrriiw mill will untluy pIcnlrltiK tirnr Kcno After iped nome tlmn too k In k hut III" (UtiliiK, for hcv.Tiil hourn Him Iui'mI'h Uofetl Valley iirnjvct Morn rctiirn- rnrvt'il u tiankiU lunch unit ui'rylniily Inc. Mr Conpi-r In lu-ri' nlo In tin- in tho pnrty hn-l u womlrrful Fourth. lntMMt of th Uml uptllrinrnt liiml- MrH w () mckok. of Murrlxlmrg, ttu- l l' , U u Klumnth County vlnltor. Fiord McMlllUn lio ipmit tint .,,.,. , D , ,, .,.- v, L..I,. ,' i'umvTOY. of Snli'in. Orriton toChloqu In Ut hut vrn nr. . ' . , ... ,. ,, ' Jitroy l connrctod with tho Harroy IJoril Map ami lf pnt lhlrl Wru off(.p , ,ho capn, j Fourth at fiprltiK Cn'i'k hrn l.lnvil , .....on. .iir nun .m rui r n .miiiin in iwm- i ipnny Mill) Mr nml Mm II V. Sharp ' -. la.. i.... .. .- .. ...n.l.... I. . nllll . Other. fco. pmt tt.,. . Iy Bt8prlnK.," ' ""'""" ""' '' - "" I Otfk er Mr -ml Mr. A. H '',,r " fp1w,,"!1' , , , I Ckmpbfll. lr ami Mm C. A lll.j n,nk I''1ph U Mnmath vim-, . tor rrotn Min i rancuco, . Mr uml Mm, Philip WUimuuii nn 'tourlatii In thl. county. 1 Mr unit Mm. II. W. Turnxll, of met with unuiunl lurk In finning for' th rainbow trout In that tr-nu). THREE BUICKS IN LESS THAN A YEAR I In- hi i I il- own -M i. i in' Jmi "-iinuiih i"i looking .H Hun llM ii nml Kitlt.K, "Ci'it' With I wiih tin I rr ' AlHl It la all Iiwiiuhc Dun hiii nil. I ihr. i I rum) ni'W llulrk Hlxi-i In ii-p tl.ii'i ii c,ir Who . ciulcl.i t , i"iv in, j, i,i. k) ulnk. Juat lia tlif hoy With tin i;rnt hi ri-il upplc si. .iilml at m'hool Hut Dau nayn , ll 1 no Irlik nt nit "It's ," li riiya All you linn' to ilii la to huv a llulrk. iiml ivry fllo who nii with Ii 111 oii I It won.)- t tut ri )m ilo nu a.-p It ia n luiril inutli-r to f'.i't llulrk thif iln. Juat as It la li.ifil In i;. nu pnoil nilirhlno AloliK roinca ii fi-llow who l In n ro-it"r h irry thnn yo'i nml h it wllPni; lo pny ii prcniliMiiii nml I m-wr una a fi'lov tn turn iliiuu a ,vnil ili-ul Pi th" iiiIkt f.'llou r."t.i ili" maihln" nml I r,"i tho coin Th"ii I Jut ili'n In nml lull i.onlun my lirftriilti li 'O'lit lir.owa tin la a K"n '. h"(irt"ii ru" irnl It it mi nit) ii-r for in lo cry whi'ii 1 nml myxi'lf v, ithout u llul. x nml pr.alo, (ionliiii at.-p hurk llllo II I'lVlltl' Vlltlll UtllTI' llM k'"M mix hlil iiwu) for hi own u" or nn 'iii'ri;.'nry. nml I ki-i it IJjt for Kooilncaa aukf ilnn't puhllhh th" irlik or 111 h" w.ilkliiR ha. k aii'l fm th from tin- Tort " So if you Han hooflnK It urouml Moilor I'olnt. ilon'l uorrv Hn Juit illhpoai'il of hla llulrk one too often, ami It Kcrvcfi him right Juki let him utilk C A IluntlnK hciinl of llan'K ' nrhi-ni" nml h- hnn bcrn llcurlni: o-i ' liil mar it llulck for foiih'Hiiip. ao he ilijclili'il to Knit' one off hi-for". na hn put ll. "th" ilurn cuaa aclla (!or-ilon"'- nllottnint for tho your " Thai la why IluntlnK la rlillnK In a llulck toilay nml why Iun hiis niuil" nn "n-, try In him profit nml Iosh acrmmt j n I.I. nt 11 lilt HIVIv, THT friitir Lake hua an ari-u of 2'l aiuar" inllci or l".!:ii') urn a It una iIIki ill 1 ft .. ,'! ' Th" Ink" la 2,l'liiO fi-ct il..p In plana, It hna no Inlet, nor la there any utrciun rutiliiiiK out of It IN'.iki rli"- about 1,000 feet Hljovf lh" I'.tH'ral rr.-al of th rntiK" on ulilih tll" Ntllllll Th" wafr If "oml'Tfully hlii. a lov") tiiniuolai iilonK th" "dp.-a. anil n th" ili'"p p.irla, an n from aliuw. iixtrcm.'ly ilnrk j ' i th" u'-at rim of the Ink" th public enmpina ground huv" bc-n In.prfivnl A lirc" tank nml nr "iulpi.i"ni f.irnlah nn miplr at"r n.ipplv not only for dririMnv i.-.'l OD-tltiK puipiaua hut fur vhoAi-i ba h? Hi and bl'n 5. i n""! tro it nbound In !ta wutvra und t' " f'f'ilni; la "lli nt , Th" CrntT ' "k" Comn.i-iv oi r; t a a roinfott.iblc hotel and camp In th" purl. At Anna Sprint; ' ani'i mi). ii'Ioh tin- rliu of lh" rattr ih . I i.i r iv uaintaina a camp for th" a" on mentation of KUoata and a K-nnral alor" for th" mil" of pro f-ior- II III X H' Itipplil'H Th" toitrHt M'ii(in "Xt'n'1 July 1 ' K"pl"tnh"r 30 i:sTit." IMItMKItS ATTHNTIOX. 1 H,i.: your Alfalfa ctioppfd and In cnaan th" food value at least on third f.ct twlrn aa much hay In your h.Tn To have hay chopped and put In hern " Harry Telford on Merrill road or phone 1SF13. 2-3-5-10-U-12 Left my place near MIIIt lll'l . n... rou' AT l'UND. ori" two year old red ateer hranded I bate at the pound a Holsteln co. OK on left hip, crop off left ear I'p- about to become freh. has no brand pill and lower Blip on rlRht ear He- or mark of any kind 0nr may ward for return or Informat'on of have mine by paying coats. Otherwise w-h.-renbouis William I. T.n;ley , -he w,ll be aold H H WIISON, 'r'-lf)t- I'oundmnmer G-3t I 1 ain.JIr. and li A A llellmnn. Mr and Mr. I'crcy Kn uml Slu-rlff Ofor Humphrey nml fmnlly ilr ami lr Will lint.iui,. ..,. ioll ion. int ),ai.'r.lny In thC,nk,,u"1' t,turn " ""JojInK j Fort Country (tour turn in atutii oi iiruKiin una Mr.indNr. A J Vo).-. iiccompnn.,,,llml""r "l"1 hnv" ,,",,p"1 ln Klama,h iMkrMr.. Voyc'a tnnthcr Mm J V , Kb,, for u "horl ,,mi!' Ue. VIm Edna Wolla and M . John- Mr. mil Mrr. 8 T I'ouluu nnd buby Mn.droTeloCrnlcr Uke for ttm 4th ro hfro from Seattle. Tkty report thnt th" ronila nrc In very I.. J. Wllklnaon, uml Jame Mnaon tood condition for thin time of tin urn city vintora from l.oa Anneloa. )r, llh the fxcitlnn of n atreteh nrlhe rim where It waa nccaaury m'.T ItKt oVKIls CIIOM Slt'KNf.-s cut a ilnKli' roml way ,'iru the. o drill. Mr Jnhtmon ana thnt "ere ore tvv iiiiN.qulti.w ,, tlu) Prh-mlii of C (5 Hunt of r."t '. Ruerratlon. vrlm b l0 hnvo tired wl" be K,!U ," 1,,ftrn ,1"U h" '" ",m" l d th Indiana ami tlmy wait fl,,ly r,,,," '' fr,,m Ml8 " '" hanee to pounce upon every whltnl ur,i' w"l,',, """-I I'll" 1'" ,,e'1 whoputa foot nu the turrltory, ,or '"""" ',,,,,( ' Mr ,ll",t iH ''' "'""" Th party nln report, thnt I.lndaey '' f.rntef ll n ItU i.-ooil nel flilmn nnd fliemore and nil the wit of Port 'friend In 'Mi'tun and Itniiml I -i'ii', Wamaih ipent th., ,iny n, ,i., i.i... who put hla I ..y In thu ntiw a win: e they herd n dunce nt the lintel ' h" wnH lnwllMi'il. Accordlli.t to darlns odd lnfernla Mr. Hunt lie will ever hn linleblol to Mr. and Mr., Wilbur A Jonea with ' '''" f,,r ,n"'lr ,c,l) CIUno "' a ,l"u, wn Newbury nml Mnrjory DuUull ! "'" " n''i"oiit needed th? 'T '" mr '"", :'nl"vI"w tor etK end n... .i, iu ,.ii ir ulinrler nvorv RT. Father l.eViiaai ii r S I ,.. day for you to do whnt Khiiuld ho toed, here lout franclici 'viiiIiik from 1 mil for the next month ',,""' ilntih l...n... t,,. t.Mlr.1 l.itt ll.irit nn Bun """" """" "" """ "' " , lAiiKimt 14. U. nml lfl. Whnt ure you UBERTY THEATRE "TIIK 1ICK Oli" TIIK I'lOTUHKS" " W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day iuvyf TONIGHT LILLIAN WALKER IN ' "THE LOVE HUNGER" a Peerlew Comedy ARE SECOND MARRIAGES HAPPY?" and Mutt and Jeff Sunday The Great Japanese Star Sestue Hayakawa IN "HIS DEBT." M DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. VKI1US! IAY Ill'I.V i CKLKIIIUTKI) lV PAIll i Otic of the happy events of tho aeaaon waa the .hairvlni: of Ihr j thl.'ty II rat Minheraury of the wed . ding of Mr and Mm J I Hooper tlild week, ut their beautiful home on ( the ll.i. '. In the Klamath Hlver. n ' nlle .mil .i ln.lf from Mldlnnd Mr and .'trx llopcr were married July ?.l ISA", in North Curollnn They hint 11. '"ii ln the Kinniaili Hiihln on their j prolan rtrul- for ten yeuri, workliiRJ on other rinu' the four yearn pre-j cn'iiln:.' j Theie van preaeut at the celebra tion nil of the lame family of ten children find their families, as fol-lowa- i Mr nnd Mri M K William" nnd I ,o children from Willetls. Califor nia, Mr Wllllama la nn employee of' the rnllroad company there Mr nnd Mrs Austin Hooper, who for four nnd r. half yearn tins been In tho regular, nrmy service of the I'nlted States and waa u member of the Fourth Cavalry stationed at Honolulu for tho past four He has recently been ilUrhurK eil, has married, nnd will settle on n ranch near the old home Mrs M .1 Morrison of San Francisco. Califor nia, Mr. nml Mrs. Walter Kemp of Keno. Ori'Kon, nlso tho children who urn still nt their home l'oey, who has recently returned from sorvlco In France, lln. Johnny, Orr, Bernard nnd Opal I" addition to tho family Itov. and Mrs, K. I Knvvreno and two daughters, Ituth and Mildred W'Oro SpOCllll KU0Ht8. It was n most dellRhtiul Riitnei InK. A sumptuous dlnnor was sorvod nftor which nn hour was spent with music nnd social companionship ana taking of picturos. Mr. Hooper bouan renting rnnchos when ho camo hero, finally purchas ing tho ranch on which ho is now located. Ho has developed a most prosporoUH farming IntorcBt, having 400 acres In cultivation and pasture, milks 30 dairy cows, soiling tho croam to tho Klamath Falls creamery for Ico croum purposes, ho also rontB 800 acros for pasture for his own stock and that of his neighbors. An aluminum coffee porcolatod wos pro sonted to Mrs. Hoopor by her children. Let Us Clean That Car We'll do it right and while we are doing that we will take a look at the works and ice that they are O. K. Full Line of Accessories at lUght Prices. ffc Guarantee Oar Repair Work. Lexington Cars the car with tho double manifold and increased horse power. KLAMATH STAGE GARAGE H. W. FREE Proprietor 127 Sixth Street Phono 4S7 "Independence Day" TOUAY we may look bak upon three great epochs in the history of Independence of theae United States In which our forefathers, our fathers and our sons per petuated their birthright to Freedom May the spirit of '7C, of 'CI and of 'IS guide it In the generations- to come. '. It. Iteainet, Preolilrtii. Ii. F. Willeu, Viro-PrcakiMtC linger, IWitar; A. M. Collier, Aunt. Oiafctrr. John M. Moore, Avt. Ca She First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON We Clean. Press and Repair EVERYTHING From a Heavy Suit to Flimsy Lingerie. We re-block Hats, and call for and deliver your goods. Klamath Dye Works 431 Main St Phone 408 AA WV if t T r if f f 'f If I t ESTltAV Como to my plnco 22R2 Vino Avo Klumnth Palls, ono dark Jorsoy cow and two wookfl old calf, brnudod R nvor II on left hip nnd li 1 li M on right sldn, ownov nmy hnvo snino by paving costs. W. R. Mooro C3t X rV aa jft .. .. J&. ja. ja. jA. jav y!a aT ja. ATfc A !a alfc Aifc !fc ifc !ifc j!ifc aTa jWfc jftfc jfffc jftfc alftfc Jki iit A iffi i altrii aVfc jifc r! Irm T Let Nux-I-Tone Tone Up Your System f Nux-I-Tone is peculiarly fitted to tone up the system, en- ! rich the blood, improve the appetite, aid digestion, and promote new health and strength. f Convalescents, weak, anemic women and girls, feeble nM ; folks, delicate children all need a good tonic and blood builder. Nux-I-Tone I A Powerful Tonic Containing Iron and Nux Vomica jk, in Combination With Beef and Wine & Is our recommendation. Nux-I-Tone differs from many other so- v called tonics in that it is pleasant to take and the Iron and, Nux y Vomica are in a form that is readily accepted by the system. There are othen-reasons, too, why Nux-I-Tone is so popular with our customers. Come in and let us show you. ( , $1.00 THE LARGE BOTTLE Whitman Drug Go. 520 MAIN ST. PHONE 143 f I