IMOK RKJHT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MOMlAY, .n m .I'l I'll.i it 4 n if fS ft :'' iir i K I :JP ;fo ii i ..V ' ENCf ni:i:r mtfiPH in at mciiodi,. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY III'Vil JIIHO .!' I'llllllWllIK ln .uriHon.Him liy hlato nil t liorl t len of III II Un!l L ! nU l!'im taw ilolntoiH In thn tllntrlit ho rlln r nllii linn x,,mi u''- ,""r ,n ,,mi ""inn 3 UN J illULa Ulll! Imvi' homiuo u tamo n hoop, nnil . ii. ,i n: join ihwui.wii ,v MCCOI.I.CM, Al Mi riltM uii.i. in: known ai mi: im. I'lUIAI. WAUAtJi: T'io Knrini' mill nut nnolilt im I noun hot hoon opnr.tfctl hi Hour html mill MoCnlluin will In ili future On known im tln Import it (lurtiKo uml thn dun im IIiukI mil. MrCollimi uml Autott. tlio Inttor h.iiln entered Into (nil purtnorwhlp wldi tlio oilier two As In tin- pist. tlu Rimini will III It (llli llllMtlOII. III'.U' till' pitlltOffll'C n:i Mnln Street One of the tlmt url of the new firm to tuke the hi'.kiii1) (or tlio PnlKii, which tli mihcrt term "Tint Moat llo toilful Cur In Amor Iru " Mr Auteit iirrlrml I'rlilii front I'nrtliir.d with in of theitu fur, tin d rlinot ln nfiltutl mild It to Cieil tlnrlrh. of Clsirlrir Orocery. One of cho Kroiit fetilurn tiliotst thin car Ii Hit IIrIU uxlKht JTi'.ii i Hindi villi! m'l.cs It p.trt'ri.1 try iul;fl.tlii In tlu oiinilltloutt oil, tint In till count). It l Hit' In'-iiftim rf Mr Aitlcti to , OtiMits all of hi" Iti.'o 'o the sales end f the liuntniMn Hi- ' well know n rh0UKlio,,t thin Koctlon of the ntuM. f'nvlni; Iiht. hecu Identified with "mny ' I'jk iiiUronti of thU nm1 '.ako counties, nnil 'jrinnn to tht firm 13 r","!"ltiiiit"'fhlti ifmi will ho n valttnhle imsiit to Hit hinliu"H. t'Oll lli;.NT '.' iinfnrnlHhcil loom on itiouml floor I'lloe $12 ihi 2iU I'lflh W :i ll roll HUNT Nlool fin Minimi hod rititin.. tiir ui.iiih.iiiiiii Math Two imo M'urluiK HiiiiirUoil hmchir uml hlocldi from MiiIii. I'hniin II .'ii oruill liupllH of tlio 1 lotnitiK Mrliool. ni tnlloM nftol' i o oVIock lit KIT IIUli .1" Of from lido ii fow liny hko hy iitloml ItiC clnmici. I'ho iiniiiinl'rt IikihI Miililonl) ni lioiircil in tin' wlmliiw In tlio mliUi of ti loi'ltutlon. uml nil thniiKlil of hcIiooI illM'llillii" wiin iioiii!itli forcottin hy tin iniinit4tir4 1'itr fully .ii nilnutn tlio ilivr cmi'il nhont tlio loom, thon I'lilmly w'lthilrow lib honil uml ilopurt I'Oll HAI.K -tliioil imrlj vitriol) Toinnlo pluntH, l.'i'i nr ion, pro- luilil I'.nimi't Htim AnIiIiiiiiI. Oii'KOit. I'Olt HAI.i: Our Kuril AhIiIiiiiiI hoinn l-rt nrro, ri-ioom Iioiiho, imill'i In liotmi'i nnil iiiiln mnl oiitlmllil Iiikk. kiii don nnil fmitll) orchmil. No liii'iimhrmico l,':oo iiimIi. IS. Hlun.t A'lilm.n. Ori'i'.ou. H I CiilUorlilii HI. .td-ll woriiKit imu'iim: uii.i. vi ihi: i, incur). Im )ou witnl n ln KvcniiiK'i mi (urtiiiiiiiii'iit Thon miiih In hi I " ort) Tl.iitro IoiiIkIii mnl o.- ih IiIk (loiiii'o mIio l'ri-lllit noun in 'i Mv Htnii'illl' "I"' "f "' I'1 fontiiroii In ho followcil hy lliiHoiiorn Owon lithium a "tor) Thoro will nlo ho n fiim loinml) Willi Hlnii l.iiiltol ilolliK thn hoiti) An thoio will oiih In- "Ho "Ii" "ii in' count of tlio Ioiik'Ii of ho pinarnin (iiiir)ono In ii moil lo (iinii' onrly to M( oiiuhln ou to lino thn ontlm proKniiu '1 he imio ilrit. r i , Hoorn npi'ii lit rnvmi liiirp, pKiunm tiinoioiiMiv 'i,j,,,, 1,,n"1")ii .iiif, i.i ki.t'i.ii iiuri. .in.! .mi' Miniii.L '" iri.v iht. iin.i ' mm 'lion,., on iho si,i , , "'"M Lit Mil,! 2llh hotter (oiii f,,r?h rnnwn it n ,ii I ' l'u-1 ,(! ' V " III II.', 'I li..v (I limit It ltll I I f II ' I M lit I ll I I I I. f If tl 1lt l - .. . i i it; -i ' ..,, . .. . f. "...!, .!) it tn i u nppii i , , f . , tin ii lit I mil ii lltut i ll I mini iird t I... ' I 'II II ' !' M III" l Ml ' 11 1IHII1' w t p Tl lll -I Anil wn'll ilrluk cohl noiln wntor In nmllniilo iluii ' iihic "t nun. x v Ami "vol) niini; nooiuk iihuii) mm iuo I III Kill" IO0KH llllll' III, I, , Ami I'll wiilli thoHtriilKhl mnl tuiriow i nv.1,11. n i, diittil thn Ioiik, Ioiik trull with )ou " r y,i 111 Rl mrito 1 '" (ifi. n M "'MM n i. ci. i.t iiiiati: Tin: ;i:aci: haw or con HUNT i Kotlllouicll CiiiiiIkIioiI rliiiiiiH for ru Wiiinut An- an at MokIii )our colohrntloii on tlio Cvo of the Kroiitont Coiirth ::i July In our lltxtoiv Alloinl the IIIk Dmiro ul HoiiKton' Oiiciit Hoiiho, July .tril , lilicli umlor tlio uiiHplroii of Tlio Itril, WliU n mill llluo Club .lum iiiiihIo Tlckntn. .'.ii contn. MiTICi: II. A. MASON. 'toRtlhir coiiiorutiiM, Klmuiith Cliatiior It A M will ho hohl Tuoit tl.ii oionhiK .Inly lt. Work In tlio M M Ht'Kri'o All lut'iiihorn iiro ro qiiotti'il to l"i pronont 3'-2l OKOItOi: WALTON II l I.OKT Two 3 4 hy I (Iron mnl rlum hotwoon Wlillo l.nko mnl Klmuiith I'ii I In Itouiinl Not If) Iiuuhmii Auto Co. :ni-i!t KOIt HAI.K -'Jinl hiiiiil hoilHioml mnl xprliiKi, illiilin: room tuhlo, Hhmry tiililo. '1'2 mi. uriln lliioloiiin nnil hiiiiiII mIoio All In koiI comlltloii Alio illicit for only lino work I illiilnr. room chnlrK, hiiri'itu rockliiK chiilr, niK (S h) III mnl I titniill run ThN fiirnllnri, in ti Ht hi' inilil h TiloHihty nlKht liniulro 1220 HitrKcut Aio WANTI.'O Mvpoi louci'il iMiuimi with m , kooiI ruforonco for Koiiurnl houno work I'hono 2UT 30 3t .r ion roil iiik ri'iiui - ivii) iiout . you know tnnt tlio MlkH n nimliiK roil HKNT 7 mum uml Inith, ono on AiiKtiit M. r. mi, I I G7 Now Kot hlorlc ; Mulu Htr-ot (InriiKo ll":tN $3.". 00 lion 11 Chmuhorlln 2S It Niclot) (ilrl Wli .S,H-ri't Itct iino lltlilo "f i lulnr iWlf -WJwiV 'A , -', " - ,$! i" '-3??' ir' Lyon & Healy Apartment Grand ::;; ih mtiiHi' features: The CANDELECTRA and The SILENTO J An answer to those who slc-. mancl the beautiful who believe that a piano of .superior tone quality should possess an appear ance wurthy of its musical charm. A Lyon & Ilealy Afinrlnicnt Gram! occupies in little space that a earner fiie Jeet square will lontnin it. lot tjF Yur Suit (r the Juh Fourth H Wfr'jW .fjl 'lsl u- ,HU't- .vou wnil is waiting for you at H I UHI B 00(' looking single and doulilo-hreastcrs in M'lAB i,m!SHm H ln( new waist-sea m styles and other models jMpfl vB 'KJIIy rm J n'U like--see our Suits before you buy jours t wwxH $m Knox Panama and Straw Hats Xettieton g$fc wM KHIMmill -Mt l10t'-s in new summer .styles -Arrow ShirU lsflF;ffl Ho'1?! izk anc l,I,urs in stylos you'll fanc for the Hot p'H HElIA , nVesi, up for the Fourth aL this biir Store for iftlf B Wmk ' "' K-K-K-ST0RE m ImOP W KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES. iH nHwii !'llWk. Ncttlcton Shoes Knox Hats. JB Mm. Wlllliitn Iturrclt 11 Inn Allen (Jordon Duxlrol, who niiico not iiurodiictiiin to hocloty hU yarH njso Iihh hoon prnuiliiont In New York, I'hllutlolphln nnd Now port, Ih i)ov thn wlfn of Captain WIIHiini Iltirictt of tlio nrmy itlr nnr vlco They worn murrlctl iniktly In Nnw llochollo. N. Y Hur paroiilH, Mr. nnil (Urn. John ll Ooxtrol of Now voiIiIIhk until til,, next iliiy Cnptuln nnrrott mirvcil In Krmirn for olKlit ton montliH .mil wtm woumloil huvi.t tl tlinoti Earl Shepherd Company Knabe Pianos Victrolas, Sonoras and Records. NEXT DOOR POSTOFFICE. ft A :::: t T if HAY r.VSUKAXfJi:. Wo had( a nil tn her of lows hint year, but all of thom woro pnhl promptly ami In full. Wo roprcROitt only $TANOAIlD companion with ox rnllent Ioiih paying recordH. Cull at 33 Main St., or phono 80. Chllonto Smith, 27-lOt . V. MOCOK HAIiFt WIMi HTOI TONIGHT HAN PUANCIHCO-OrrtoM Hint Iflo Huh: of llquorH inuut stop at 12 o'clock Monday nlnht, and that all placoH iiiiit,'ho cloned und vacatod one hour (horoutter, woro lHauod by Chief of Police D. A, White horo to day. All night dunclnn In the cafes will be permlttod tomorrow night, hut &hu alo of liquor must ntop at 2 u, qi., the Chief ordered ' Tho ordors followed 'a conferenio1 between Chief White-kdJuitlce b Wardell, Collector of IftiernalTRpri CltWOl tuKyeb i BABY DESERVES THE BEST As warm weather approaches special care must be excercised in feeding the baby and otherwise providing for his health and com fort. We handle all of the good Baby Foods and turn the stock often so that we always have a fresh supply. Lime Water We make a fresh supply of pure lime water every few days and guarantee it to be fresh and full of-strength. We also carry a complete stock of Baby Powders, Teething Rings, Nursing Bottles, Soaps, Brushes, and other Requisites. -; We take great pains in prepar ing medicine for the little folks. ( nviPrwoo(f5 ? Mm WMMwrw . ,' 1 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON TfTrTf Phamwfv tiUm IWmWmm BBlHBBBBSm.SBBBBM BBBl .!. t "1 t ? ? ? t r t ? ? X T X lXKH! "There it goes!" That is what you will say when you see the finest speckled beauty you ever got on your hook flip his tail in the air and plunge back into the stream just as you were about to land him unless your tackle came from The Gun Store. If it did, you are never disappointed, for everything that we sell is the best that money can buy. We carry a full line of fishing tackle, guns, ammunition, tents, all kinds of camping equipment, which we sell or rent. We have the most complete line in Southern Oregon or north of Sacra mento. Tourists are always welcome, to visit our museum. And if you are looking for a good fishing hole, come around and we will tell you where to find it. ''M''f''' WHERE PARTICULAR FCOrtE JUL. 4& The Gun Store J. Bv CHAMBERS, PROPRIETOR. 19 Main Street Phone 59. ike lEuJTTVl UY TrtCIR ORUO lt A ... , .v A A .A .m. .m. .m. ,A, , tA m m eBBssiBBBWtWLrlLrPT'