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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1919)
ktcwwp-? iswiflSTsw WSmUliSiSin'SSRSSSSSSZ. 'PiimMBB .'-yr.- i- .wrj.v .Hig 0lU. .H M "" ""' II DFFICLBS PISE MM ' Ttir f ' v h ,ldVTllil' niuiil In ll ,, r- '" V'r,""i . . . r.npiiiiihv I in lit k firu f "'" l " pltl i'l " '"'IpiilKII llm I" KlllK ' .in . ' iniiiiir niiiliir tin ea l" ,u.rlf- ' ""- '''"''",,'' Allhiiiei. -V lime Ul"KIHil"'ll ll" -linil Oovprmi" hi ii follow " fin ( i tnnii officer's .iillliiii. jll hiiIi Kriiillinlit fur tho lioxpl Ulltr "''rl,1 ,n" '"""'" KiiIhit v. Ildllanil. Hi til" ninnc f tnlllliniii tj Oninm r'"l,'"t "'" !' nrt of ill" NwiImtIuiiiIh to ri'fuiii' (( jrh rr i In- Kiilnor I oihu Endm u Wo rminiit now dofdiid iiur COME Oil 1Mb V a LL. ivlXK""! lit "?:".' A m II E I L M'rlrli I U' 'l i U u u Lnu u L U U L u I 1 1 u U.U J ULIIWUII ILU J J L-U MMU FOR SALE '01t PAI.B our homo nt 224 IIIkIi it. nlno 1IC nrret Hiiiher on hike dent. Kn nld it liree of ll.ili. loitit, upper l.ii ; ,lnti .) l liiMMti. ittatl on Il.-vunt moiint.iin " iiitiid. In; io and Imlf irillllou d et r "' I! tifvnliani -11 I WOULD like in how imi the tnonl dnlrnlile home In Klumnth l'ullii ntl the l('t buy. Pliuno 27, or nil. tlrriut liox f.7. 2Mf FOIl KAI i: 1 room liouco on Aln mctlii. l'liimo 296 W. 2S-101 Km 8AI.1:--12 (twolvul bend of stock entile Phono or write l.oil flrlffltli. 01. tie. Oreg. 2S-Dl KOIt SA1.K A good Ford. Apply to While IVIlrnn tiitruge. 3(1-1 KOIl BAM:-A 2nd hand Hon. In gum! condition P. I., MrVlIIumn. 3o-l KOIt KAMI- Fleetrlr IIpM fitlire; also bentlng utovo ntnl shelve. Tliomnn Drake, offlco Odd Fellow' 1'lilB. 27-tt r'ljll SAM" 1'iinitslii'il iipartinent 'v- fi,v ,mM,r iiMt loca tion In city nlno tine corner lot Tornin If dcHlnd Mrs A. Whltlook. f.24 HIkIi St. 27-:it roil RAI,F.--i:xcellotit ImimIiiohn lot on Btli St . between Mnlii nnd Pine, i.asy terniK. good Investment. In lulro Hiirnlil Offlco. 27-31 I'Olt HAM: New Mntwell car. Over filed tire new Wlllard llntlery. 'et terniB and price. Dr. A. A. nule. 27-3t 'OH BALK llv nu'iiei. nlri linmo. "II Vest side u-tmrn frnlt never mm and Irrigation rosta nothing. Houih Itlvtiruldu, or P O. box 4, iliimnth Fulls. 28.8 ilONK IM'JYTON for Wood 11211 JjgLP. WANTED WANTED - Kxpnrlenred woman or mo for general hmmuwork. Plinuo 05. ' 24-tf. SITUATIONS WANTED ANTKD jn in, wj. wntH nosl- lion on ranch. Wlfo to cook.htis- said id to do farm work. Inquire nnld-. JL'iotei, ...LOST AND FOUND 0ST an by r Ooodrlch tiro near Modoc Point. ir, rownrd If return to II. L. lirookB Whl to Pollrnn ,raKo. 27-3t nTCTWnlch fol w"n Initial It. " JJoturn to Klrat Btato ft Buv- MISCELLANEOUS" ' TIOH TO MEMDRR8 OF MILL- tho Klnmnth Irrigation District by W., MEN'S AND I1OXMAKKR8' 1 F, nonco provlnu for an orrtor of said UNION NO. 1764. (Tlonril oxcludlnjr nnd tnklwr from 'o, Awp. bwmoh. ,"'y. ncr09 In lhe wc8t -,,. of tno Actlng s)crctnry- poHhenst nnnrtor of aoctlon 14, to. INFORMATION WANTKn 1 i0 "oiiUi, rnngo enRt of Wlllnmotto Vnvonn i? ! .. . Meridian. Klnmnth County. Oregon. a M?,?,.know,.nK "ny'n'iK nb0t All persona Interested In or who ,: ... .,,UU),, w"o wiih drowned nt ,nv bn nffectml bv such chongo or '"luin on tho 2Cth. ploasn, in)-1 evcluslon from said District are hern-, A ,, '' 8WANHON, j)V jiottfiotl to nppenr bofore tho I ActnK.'BoQ, M. 11. Uuton' npnrtl of D.trnctorR ofilho Klnmnth Ir-' - 414 Bo,7th 8t, or call 404. rlgntlon District, nt tho District Of- Willi f1 t llMlll, IIMIKII.IIUlllll v II lllln llluil !,, HIOM lllllllllllltlllt' lIlKKINII' ' Ni iiiii ii i nut; M 1 1,, lllllt HI I llpll'll mi lle !. inllliil in i In I llii' u,v, lip Ii Ik mlilri Mm')) Tu lllllll" ' nl.. Illl I I I' I' i'Hoiiiiii iihv mi. 1.4 ItKI'iiIti i;n is nill hi. I.'iifiirri.iiii'iit I"kuiii;,iii rm linih V.H1IH111' uml Minmliiiiliiiuil in ii ild Hon una riniiiiilly i '! u t -t in llii' llllllHI. Ill II lllH Of U,I NI'I'lloilH liy till. Ilium,, judiciary niiitn II ( in In Tim vote on ii'pnrllni.: the e,; leiMirlliiR the ler: 3 A Hit. lull lenient l,,H in,. .. , . Hoi. for wrll,,,o Million uun 17 lo now hIiiihIb. iniiri, pro vliliil lit miff piiililliliiim limn In ilin i iiiiniliiitl'in nl proliilillloii section MISCELLANEOUS WAMKIi To n mi i ti tittirliont for the hciiKoii mil reptilul mill put In i:ood repulr i. 1. Carter. Her ald office 27-tf WANTKIl A refrlKerator fvrMiu. mil, ill Necond blind P.iunilre 920 Ji'f JS-l FOIl Itn.NT Furnished roonm for Ki.nllKlitent, rlouu, rotufiirtable bmlH 1ti Wnliiul nt. 2S-2 NTKI To excliniiKi hrund new li I it t crude plnuo for n good nei-nud tin it tl nutouiolille Cull at T.'l.I Main at. Phono 125. 2C-7 DON'T forget VAN'S AUTO KXCl'll- KIDN lo Klutiintli Hot Springs Join the croud nntl have a Jnllv time For lurtlculnm call VAN'S Al'TO SKIt Vll'H Phono 29i-V. 7-tf Mrs. I) I SiiIuioiih. IKK. .Messanle St. Ht Joseph. Missouri would np pieclnte any Inforuintlon concerning lier hrother. John I'fliiger, now 47 Ji'.irt- of age I.nst heard of at Lewis ton. Idaho. In 1913. 23-31 netkt: op pimm; petition. I.migell 'iillei liiigntion IIKirlil. KI11111111I1 Cuiiiit) Oiegiiii Ilefore tliii llonrd of Directors In the mutter of application for uxcliislon of lands of tho Kllgoro Co Notice In lierebv glM'li that on tho 4th ilnv of Jitnu. I'il9. a pititlou was filed with the llonrd of Directors of tho I.nngull Valltiy Irrigation Dis trict by the KDrore Compnny praying for and order of said Hoard excluding nntl taking from said District IiiiiiIh owned bv said petitioner and de scribed .is' li'.n ihti's In I lin NK U . 3fi ncres In the NFV. of SF'i . 27 leion ill tile NW4 of Si: 4 of section 7. 3S nrres In the NW'i'i of NV'M; Ifi ncres In III" SV '4 of NW'i and f. acres In tin. S'WVi of sw of Section S. Tp. 4 1 P . It 1 4 K W M Klnmnth Cnun- ty, Oregon. ll persons Interested In or who liiav bo nffeed by such rhnngo or exclusion from said District tiro hov bv notified to appear before the Hoard, of Directors of sultl I.nngell Vnllov irrigation District nt the DIs trlcl office Loomls lliilldlug Klum nth Falls, Oregon, on Tilesdnv. the 1st day of Julv. 1919 at 1 30 o'clock P M then nnd thoro to show cniiso In writing. If thoy have nnv. liv suld lunds should not he excluded and tak-1 en from said District, as proposed In petition. Ibited Juno 14, 1010. A. L. WISHAHP, Recrotnry for snld I.nngell Volley Irrigation District 10-23-30 (rnicr Wiir l.unl lull rto t'Xpnl I In. nl h tu Hiiiri THE AI3S OTIfK OF FILING PETITION. Klnmnth IMgntlon District, Klamnth County, Oregon, Ilefore tho Tlnnrd of Dlrocters: In tho MntVr of tbo Application '"- KxclualQn of Lands of W. F Renco. Notlco la horoby glvon thnt on tho 3rd dnv of .Iiinn. 191!), n petition wna tlln.1 'lullh Ih. Tlnnnl of Tilrnctnrfl Of THE EVENING HERALD, fi' l Ii. . i Ii nl, ii. of 'Whin I 111 I iiUh, (ri i I ii h, Or. I , I, I,,, ,i. ,. I ".in- ! lb" i , , ,, ' '' " " - r Ml,,- n In ' '' '"I I.M..I. , ,. i i..i I. I. ,1.1 .,, ,, . ,.r , , , , ", ' ",;;: ,;' ;v. . iiii i i Ii III' I'm II I', pi i wi-MAim " rlnr rot ,-, Mnnini, , " tlpiiilon lii-irPi if. hi NOIH I ')! I IN M. MMI 11,1 Ml, SI' In tlw oui,t i ,,i,ii ,,f i,,, i.,lt,. in con for Kliiiiiuiii ( ,,,.,, Of In i In Mm" r of the i:iaie of d ff..r oil r" Hoover ,ei ;,,. , Not ie In furl liv Kli en ll,i il... Illl iBneii haii fllci in me lout IV ilf flf,.ra. r..- t oint ,,f n,,. rttuto KlnniBth rounl) H,t. firm n,rnl f IiIk "'ItiiliiiHtrntlon of .ilil iHime mil ?,1;. ',"''!' '"" ''V''1 .,," r'"' 'l.') ' '"" l!"' " 3" oik, p pi , iih the time . ,,, rlJllr, ,,!, , h Uir....u.t ,' " iinlil "ourt In the city of Klninalli tin Hie pin,.' 'or Hie Pull Oricnn. uriirini; or on)f, I luni. f un i , n,1il fuml i count, nntl for tin -euV'i em tin reof , l'nte.1 June 2 in 19. ttll.MAM 0 1IOOVKU. Atlinliiliitrntor of the j:i.iic of JefferMon I". I!oo-r, d..c.iseil. 2 ft, 10. 23. 3u nhik i: op siii:iiipi-s saw:. Hy virtue of an execution duly U ue,l hy the Orfe of lh C'lnult Court of the State of OrKoii for KlHiiwuh ('ountv, dm eil .lime 20, l!M9 In n reriHin Milt In mid court '.".."r'1, "" """ nUl ,lu- of Jl"l'. 1910, K r Rraralieck, an plnlntlff, reroered Judgment airnlnat IMmumJ M c)roti, a admlnlstmtor of the i Int.. of J I! Wntlller, dereuxed, for he in in of 3tR 6S and Interenl i hereon ut the ratv of 10 percent per mm ii in. fruni June 14, 1910. ntid roniH mill .li'liiinieinentH taxed at ft i) 2') Not he H h reby given that on Jitl 21th, 1319 m the front door of tin Court HoiiM'. in tho city of Klnm. nth PiiIIh. On con ut 10 o'clocl:. In the forenoon. I will tell nt public an. nun to the hlKhi'Ht Milder for rio-h. the following dwnrrlbed prop- rti turn' tuiiti'il In Klnmnth County, Ore- ns r.mitii. mltiK nl the IntorMrtlon o Ui -"""""'nv com..r (.r wun n... ,rn,, Htr,,,H clt of Klnmnth Kulls f il f... ...... .1 i i. .... .. v...-hu.. wieiifi r.iiiui.Ti iiioiiK uio enxterly line of Irouil strtot SO feet; tbetio. nt a rlKht ancle cnsnorly 7G feet: thence ut a rli;ht ancle north- erly So feei to the southerly line of Wall fitre.'!. ihente westerly along the southerly line of Wall street 75 feet to Its InierHi'rtiQii with the east- erlv line of llrond utreet. tho point of beglnnliiK being the northerly 80 feit of I.ot k 9 and 10 of Block S House Movers We are prepared to move your building promptly and reasonably. Old houses bought Smith Bros. Phone 93 f s GLASS me and I come and a price will saw Phone you glvo you money. 'ill pCllti'l' lllltl ( JlllllH't W'oiU. E. ( . sTPCKV. II 10 .Main. Phone itlli-H. Coe's Jitney Service liny Phono HIS LAWRENCE'S CIGAR STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. Physicians, Prescriptions Our Specialty Drug Stores are really neigh borhood depnrtinont stores in which various lines nro feat ured, Ono druggist may push pntontcd preparations, nn otbor tollot goods, camerns, optical servlco, tho fountain or other departmont which nots him good financial re turns. Our specialty has always boon tho filling of Physi cians' Proscriptions, and as a result our storo has be come a prescription center. Wo carry au exceptional stock of proscription drugs, and our laboratory equip ment Is up-to-date. We em ploy only 'experienced grad uato pharmacists. All of your Prescrip tions and Reciples are important and deserre the special care which we are able to give them. " , kuuiatu rAUS orcrxoN in,,? I J WHtl AHll Mpill "'111 KO30 "" '""" B"Wi rcKOa I U3033 J .!., KLAMATH fAUS ORr.f.OM in$ I KLAMATH FAILS OREGON of Hot Springs Aililltlon to tlifi city , ... ." .......nun hi inn ciiy of Kliii,..nh Fulls, Oregon; tnken and ''I'-l upon In nld huh or .. uitirh r"'""r, "' "'"V '"' "'" Wit- Hf ""'" '""R"-i"'. nifr.i there,,,, ,, ,flM Iin( ,Hllllril, .,,, ,hat "' "i imiv iiK-rui. w, Sheriff Hy -M.LKN SLOAN, i. . . . Deputy. Diileii inn,. 21,1, m;, -'J-SO 7-14-21 II HI Ii )( l. ( ii.i.isr. I lilt Mills. I' lie lie Hie purpose of Hie f ountv ''ourl ol MiiiiimiIi ( niititv lo eon. Hirnr, lirlrlife ii, roKH Itlver uifr. .!..-. ....I. ' '. ,,,J '"'l"ir' a lulu iituoiuit of I!,., Kir Tim her IiIiIh on the followini; Hper(e( pietei, will '" r""iv.',l hy the fount) Court up Ulitl 2 p in on Mnniliiv Inlv ,; -n ..., . 1,1,1k uMlt Opened Tim! '"r to he ielvere,l nl Klntnntli Falls or Merrill hy AiiciipI lt lfilft looo lion floor, 2xt, 1C ft . 10.CCC MM. S I i:. k'i v nnlllni: utrlpH ?.C,, K ft. I. ''20 ll.M, S I S. K, wn felloe gunril. CtC. 1C ft, TIS lift. S I a. ' Ik-h felloe Kunrd. CxO, 20 ft, MM, S 4 S. IN rnll poiitii, OxC, C "ft .' In., MM. S I S. "I rnll tiot, CxO. 4 ft 4 In . I1M. S I P 4" mil pout rjxio, in ft , nil ? I p A totnl of r.,125 ft. UM. Ti.p -0,tr, r, .e'v- the rlclit to re- irl n'l all bid t 2C10 Tl PFI.AP. Count v Clerk i:p..soi,tTiON'. The I Ity KiiKlneer purnuant to re itiltii inn of i in- Coiiiiniin i ounc I lieri'tnfo'e nil, pled, having on the ".I hil.iv cf Mi,'. I'.il'i. filed plans, bpe clfli'iitlont .mil ,'htluiiit of the cost if liiiproi'nu llli;li Stre-u from Sth Street westerly to lBt Street. Includ ing internet tlonit. nnd 1st. 2nd. 4tli 'Hi. Gtli. ami Till Streets from High ilreei Koiithtrly to Pine Street In iludini: intpraut tiona. and the Conn ill hmltiK taken the same under ad vlen,t'tit nnd findltiK the planp, Fpe "Iflentlnns ar.d estlmiites to he satis- fnt tfy in: it mntr.HY . Tlint the plntiK. appclflratlonn and o- 8, llnifilna f.r llift liimrnvnniniil nf Illtrli , l,.,,t,Vl w. l.lhH street from 'lb Street westerlv to 1st mrCrt. IncludlnB Intersections and it. 2nd. 4th. r,th. Cth and Tth Pis. from lliKh Street sotitherlv to Pine street. tnrtudltiR Intersections he im,i the same nre lierebv nrproved and, in: IT FlTlTHKn RKSOLVKD, Thnt the Common Council hereby tie- clnres its Intention to Improve said portions of Illeh Street and 1st. 2nd. 4 tli. Mil, Cth nnd 7th Streets In ac cordance with said plans, specifica tions nnd estimates: said improve ment to consist of paving said por tions of said streets with oil maca dam pavement nt an estimated cost. Including rement side walks, con crete curbing nnd grading, of $53, "o7 00 or concrete pavement at an estimated cost, including cement side walks concrete curbing nnd grading of $00,131 00; or hlthulithlc pavement ut nn estimated cost, in cluding cement side walks, concrete curbing and grading, of Sf.G.247.00. said Improvement In either event to Include g-.idlng. rolling, curbing and roncrete side walks 4 feet wide on both sides of said streets and. Hi: IT FPHTIIKIl RESOLVED. Dy the Common Council thnt the proper ty hereinafter described be. nnd here by Is, declared to be benefited by said improvement' I ots 1. 2. 3. nnd 4, nioek 42: nnd southerly H of Illock 41, Nichols Ad dition to the City of Klnmnth Fall.s, Oregen: Lots 3, 4, fi. C. 7 and S of Illock 11; 40 17 84 ' Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, C, 7 and S of block 10; Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. 5, C, 7, and S, In Illock 9; Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, C. 7, and S. of Illock S. Lots 1. 2, Ti, C, 7, nnd S of Illock Lots 3, 4, I, C. 7, and S of Dlock Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. C, 7, and S of Block Lots 1. 2. 7. nnd S of Block 4. ori glnnl town of Klnmntii Falls Oregen: Tho southerly 220 feet of Illock 51; The southerly 250 feet of tho prem ises occupied by tbo Klamath Coun ty High School, snld property lying between High, 1th. fith nntl Washing ton, formerly Cnnnl Street; Lots C, 7, S. 9. and 10, of Hlock .10: Lots tl. 7. S. 0. nnd 10 of niock 4 3, 1st Addition to Klamath Falls, Ore gon; Lots 1, 2, 3, t, nnd ." of Dlock 6; 1 Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. and 5 of Block 5; ' Lots 1 and 2 of Illock 4, Ewauna I Heights Addition to tbo City of Kln mnth Falls, Oregon, nnd that said 'property nbovo described Is hereby ! declared to bo tho proporty assessed' I for tho oxpenso of said improvement 1 nnd, , nE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, I Thnt Monday, tho 14th day of July 11019, nt tho hour of 8 o'clock, P. M. at tho council chamber In tho city nun, do iixeti as 1110 nine ana piaco for tho hearing of objections and re monstrances ngalnst the said propos ed Improvement nnd tho police Judge bo, nnd hereby Is, directed to cause notlco of snld hearing to be published as by Charter provided. " State of Oregon, County of Klnmnth, City of Klamath Falls ss: I, A. L. Leavltt, ' Police Judge, of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy of a resolu tion adopted by the Common Council on tho 16th day of July, 1919 declar ing Its Intontlon to Improve High Streeet from 8th Street westerly to 1st Stroet, Including Intersections, nnd 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, nnd 7th Streets from High Street southerly to Pine Stroet. including intersections nnd approving tho plans, specifica tions nnd estimates, of tho cost sub mitted by tho City Englnoer. A. I. LEAVITT, Polico Judge, lS-lOt Fcfd and Rta'ilo Salc A UltO Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Ioiik Tilp Our Sm.'I,iIij Id'aHoiuihlc U. ill's I'liont- littl H'ZZ lilniiiiilli .i: Senile Our .Motto S.ill'fin lion Our (iiiniiintee Kandy & Hartman Painting, Kalsomining Paper Hanging City and Count n Jobs Hollflte'l Make ur Home Attraftnt- Phone 414 Aliukhss HOP Pine SI., Kl.ntiatli I'alN. (j,e COZY RESTAURANT NOV OPEN 7120 .Main Stlttt Meals served from C a m to 0 p m. GOOD COPI'Ki: AM) IIKAL I'ltKAM White Pelican Laundry DAMP WASH, 20 I.I1S. 75c FAMILY imv WASH Oc UI. ... X S "Put Your nutN In Our Suds" 83 SIAIX STREET PHONE 421 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davidson Motorcycles nnd Hicc!t-s Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange nil other Makes Pennsylvania nnd Diamond Tires and Tubes C. E. 11ISMAKK 115 S. Oth St. Klamath Falls KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS Wo Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Rlncksmithlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 230-Y 017 Klamath Ave. ssVWWtfVVNAAAsMV OLD FURNITURE Repairing New Made to Order Andy Mauritsch 10 Main St. TRY ME PHONE 170-J MAAAAAAAAAAAAMA IP. Main St. O. K. Lunch lee Crenm and Confectionaiy. Home Made Pies and Cakes. SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re-J pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH "The Handy Man" 106 MAIN ST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A. SOULE X-Ray -Surgery Medicine Phone 151-J 430 Main rrAAAAAAAArVrVAlNAlAAAAAAsAVs- E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 211-14 WIllitB Bldg. Klamath Falls Oregon yvA)SAAVVSVlVVVSSSNVVVSSVVVV Livfry, PAGE SEVEN t'KOf'ESSIONAL CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL ?'im Open for Miilcrnltj ( iiiim 301 High St Phone 455 Till: PARISIAN ItllAITV SHOP I' .MiiiHuuin, ISli in IiIiik anil I'd, lnl Pm ks Miitii, iirini. Shiiinpooini; Bcalp Tnntmi'tit ."III Miiin Phone .100 ' VWKAW :K..M.X-.X-M...K...XMi H. C. SCHLEEF KATHERINE SCHLEEF I'IijmIi Iiiiik ii tic) Sui'ucoiia Orfiie, Willie ItlilK. 'i A - l M-r-w-M-x-M-x-M-i-x-x-:-:- DR. G. A. MASSEY KiiMeor to Dr. Trunx suit lion, i. o. o. v. nidg Olllic phone 80.1 Id", I'linne 8(i.M .S w DR. CARTER DENTIST WIIITK liUII.DING :!. VHWVit'"Viail.lll' DENTISTS E. G. Wisecarver i'iiom-: iisi ii Dr. Dr. P. M. Noel ' piiem: 4 Oicr Untlerwood'ii Sccntli nnd Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomis ItldR., Klamath Folia r -v, DIt. C. A. RAMUO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 01 CITY AM) COUNTY AHSTRAOT COMPANY 017 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician A Surgeoa (Suite 211, I. O. O. F. Tempi (over-K. K. K. Store) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and 8urgeon m Klam&Ut Falls ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers nnd builder!) of mod em Saw Mills, Pinning Mills, Box Plants. Complete plant-s contract ed. Appraisals nnd reports made. Dredging. We contract to build nny class of a bull, ling mid install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done, llluo Prints made. PHONE 140J Oflicc in K. D. Iluilding WELL DRILLING Vochatzer Bros. & IUnbiuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE.,., K. F., Bend Stag Phone 276-W SHANGHAI, l RESTAURANT CHOP SUEY AND NOODLE WH'UPl r ) 07 I. O. O. F 11LDO. N 4 1 tl A I 1