ioin, MS ' ' THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PERSONAL MENTION lll'lll' MIIIKI.KIMM U HUM Ihll'IMMI' momi Mil I'I'mi-i 1, 01 mis nn ni. niiMn (,llUM (Ml COM JN III' MH'M Inl.ltr. ullll IlllH lll'tlll III III' k::4.:.,,;,,x:j.::: iinji III (1 ' lx ,'11 " ' -M huh ti 1 H A II hi III I If III ( MM'" '' r '" '""' '"" U'"' '' ' ''""" ''""I'-'l' WITH III III. .)') 9j ml- 'l K'iMiik ovtTHi'Hi "' mi" 1111 i' on niinininy thin '"' "'""r. '" rtrelveil IHm l...l,rlffllll w.mln ff.Mii liLr.,ii.h .. .1 ..... will riII.l lllllll f rtlltl I It. II.... I ..II.... .. (IIMIini )"' ' "' "" niiiuriiiiy ill minimi: Hut n i:r.illl lllU I.M'lllllK. Mr, N'. I hium m l,ury l ill" " "f 'r,, Wlllmr jt()r. nf thin i'liy. formerly of MmI jnnl. omson Oconto I'. Idi'iilmwiT, nf llm finiii ly mineyor'n office, .pent lni week In ihf I.miiki'II Vulluy mill llormifly itUi'in' Mirvt-yliiK for lrrH:ntlini illlcln" J II ItuniK'll, wlm Iiiin Im'iiii lmr dairy 1 union mil., Hlilpplnctmi He "ml H111I nnry llilm; wiib vi'ry lr In llm .ill.v dim (n ihn fliuiiM .r I.iihI river I'liilru; broken Urn Cindy. I'urrlt! nml dutir.hl-r 1rrlM.1i 1111 thn I nil 11 Humliiy fnnn S'l-uliiirit, Uremia, for 11 hK i. Hie Imiiii" nf lur ihIhIit. Mm (Iran. 1: Hi urn Mr 1.111I Mr. (irnrij" Who I -in ! T ? ? y Y X i f v y y y y y y y y . iJ , 1 I., tit uiiViifnl liik m lufl fur 1 i. irum " -"' '- 111111 (-.itiKiimr. who were Kluunitli I Uk.vl on Ui "IKK" Mil tnoriililK j,.,,m i1Vit tin. w.tek .-ml. retiriml Hoy MrNi'Al who wim In over Ihn - Into Sumlii thn prou I .lAtun i.ik t'liil from hid IiIk locl ranch of 11 I'unl Hediin, neiir llniiiiiisu ri'liirmil home ttilt Phi Idler U In from MiiMutitn mumluc ihtnliiK luim miifhiimry Ml MII1lr.1l TliMhlmr. who him 1 ''olinin ' l.niiithllii reiurmd Sim been employed by thn County Ah- ,1U' ' inp I.ohIh where li ,-x triii I romiwrt)'. In off for it month' " r,,! '" B" bin regular dlarhnrpc TRislhM In tho iiiouninln fi''in il army within llm m-ti few II V Itamtnty. loft 011 IIiIm mnrtii ,,"," IftB !..' for Mimlm-l wl.n. h- Win ''"'" '", "'' '"' l""'l h n.y fuiorinMiil nonio woik h-lni: iloim la '' v"" '" ' Wr,u ,"" on ""' MIk- '" 1)1. mil), llirm. '' '","" '" 'J,k"f' ''" '""1" Mlm Vui rt anil moilmr U nioTUil to lowii for iho iinimt,r, tron tlifli tickirm iin IIim lii Vnllnv riinj) ' Vr 0111' Mm Uoiil". nt'roiiimiii4 ly Ml Vm Ho'iKton upsiil yi'ster ijy (it Oilorcu. Thny roporl thill th" mu'ininlu IIIIUs nntl moduli tiii .v.ri fcotlt urnrrc 111 thiit "'tlull. ' " ami Mm. Walter Ki-inn id d.iUKlitttr iir li'iivlni; dhortly for th Mil I" Ihi'lr nir. In tlm hopo of ..i pr ,i! Mlm Kriiil) IiimIiIi ' 1 I, M k wmi n pa' 1 ir t 1. ,iWl i'i ikp I'll nion I. MI- I .))!' Pl.hor. I1I11 llrmll.-v llil !,. K'rniK-in Cfinnul nn.l tnc Crib ipi iti.nt i'uiilny 111 Itorlcy I'llllll I'rcil 'lnu'iiili iepi.,i't'i I tln'ilnlh H'K Inib n km "-nil el. iy iiml lurm-il ar-Illlr- In 1111 iiIi,:mi) In i.-iliirK'' I It ilp-ii 1 t liiinii- on Id-, ri-iiilnii t'n-i-k DRINK HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST ' HERMAN CRAVEN NOW CLERK OF SENATE t y T y t y y y t y f y y y y j Says you really feel clean, sweet and fresh Inside, and are seldom ill. If )ou nrt .irtimtouinl to wuku u,. wllh u (i.itril tonuup, foul breath or a ilull, illiy h iii tin clip, or, If 011 r iscfili m i:r iiml turn Into nu ami j ncliU, )ou hiiu n r.,il mrprUo iiujIi Inc ou. ' Tiiiiuirro,' morii'iii:, limnmllnlrb ii nil nrikiiiK. itritih 11 kIii mi of hoi 1 nii.r witii a ti'ai( lliiir.tono I'lionpliut,. in u. Tin lit ItitiMiili'i! In, ilret tifi.i'alijo ninl llivu a,h out of 1 your itunutli, llvt-r. kliltu1) n ml thir-. I)' frrt of IntfulliiPH nil the IiuIIkchiI- Mo ttnitf, piili.uiin. iiur hllo iiml lox- J AA inn, thus rlcaimliiK, hwcpIcjiIiiK nml I'urlfjlng tii n tiro alluifiilary canal ThiiMi HUbJcct to Kirk lieniliiclic, hacknrlnf, lilllmm ntttifkn, coiimlpatlon or nuy form of lUninuch trouble, arc llornian C. Crnvon, former morobiT of the civil .on leu com nilinlcii, linn brim nnmril chief clerk of iho Honatu to uueccoJ Jtrt 1i. Wllion. ()ci:. ri.imts iiumi (II) AtMirlntiMl I,r) NKW VOHK. Vho t y y y traiiAport iirpidl in .. . t .. 11 1 " T Honu phoKphatu from ttiv drug More !,,,.. ..,. u u ,,,,, ,,.,... 1 T y y y y y y Tl,,. ri...i.i . . , .Mommy orimini;, jiiihi ju, iho a no prlnrlplo of Imthlnc Insltlo lm ., ,., ' r. i' a ,in i,i,i oi new, iih mlllloiiH of peupUi rrnctlro Hpoclnl nieotliiK tor thn purpose of A It. Just fin hot wiitur ami nnnti rloiiis lniirlnir 'a ronnrt from thn Ornnd .X. . ----- - ah nu'nuJtjra ru rLMjuuai t n . 1 IMMM ll PIIIMlllllTn 1 III- II HI ll M'lU- Id, 1, , B , . ,norn,nK ,u; cJ In the ruivy'fl (raim-Atlantle fllBht IUo hutii. u n B1 j 1 ,nt m,. n,,a ' ,,.... ,.i .... . , iiim homo UK 11 In. A ilrltzlliiK rnln woniun Mho try thin bprome piiHiubI-1 , , . , . , Mile nml !,,. it Ul ,.. U , . """ -c-H-ary to riincl par of l-lendlU Ixalth neuiirr. for It U more tho "ll,Jornl limo-comlnK rocoptim. liolmil.U,thn.. im tlm nuleltlo, hccn.iHo' ,,ru,:"lm ,,y "!r,r"fl fI,,m "u" Mo kln iunv ,lo not uhtorb linpur..'"K M,n,,on9' I JtiS" lo Into the blood, raiiftliiR illfcaue, lillotlm bowel iiorcR do, NOTK'K. wilier n.i .... . .i - id to bo nrceent llllll Ik ll'IIHIllllini 111 III IIIIIIIUIIITIH . hi'iirliiK liirlfy ami frcHlivn tho hKId, so hot Chaptpr mi'slono "".iiiiiiiu net on mo siomaen, nvor, 1 '.lunoyg nml bowels. UmcMono lilios. I'lmto In an Inoxponslvo whlto powder, 1 28-2t NKI.ME VAN' nil'I'U Worthy Matron mil nlimmt InmeleHit Adv Tourists' Attention' Hot .HprltiKx Hath Hoiiho Visit Y y tho It UBERTY THEATRE "TIIK TICK OF TIIK J'lCTUUKS" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT BIG DOUBLE BILL Pritcilla Dean IN "PRETTY SMOOTH" All Star Cast IN "THE REGENERATION" Owen Kildare'a great Story STAN LAUREL IN "DO YOU LOVE YOUR WIFE" 1 v 'Ki 1, m:- J? Madam Heusewife: Here are some facts for you to keep in mind and act upon at once. Last year California and Georgia were compelled to supply America with peaches and other heavy fruits. This year the Government estimates show that the largest crop of Peaches ever produced will soon be ready for market. Every state in the Union has a large crop, with the exception of two of the Eastern states. Oregon, for example, this year with a 9S percent peach crop against 18 percent last year, Idaho 95 per cent against 19 percent last year, Washington 85 percent this year against 6 percent last year, California 96 percent this year against 75 percent last year, Ohio 85 percent this year against only 6 per cent last year- New York 80 percent this year against only 15 per cent last year. Notwithstanding this increase in the production of peaches and other large fruits the prices that are being paid by the canners to secure this fruit is the largest amount on record. Europe has been fruit hungry during the period of the War. All Europe has practically had to do without fruit or secure only very small quantities. It is reported that this year there is a de mand from Europe that would take all the canned fruit that could be produced if the canners desired to sell them all abroad. The bulk of the canned fruit will go abroad, and. it seems that the American housewife will be compelled to pay for good extra " peaches not less than 50 cents per can. This situation has come upon, the market in the last 30 to 60 days and we urge' the housewife to can all the fruits regardless of the price of fruits or sugar.' It is our duty to let the housewife know that if she does not can fruit in large quantities this summer, that she will pay twice as much for the article in tin cans this coming winter, and in fact will find it difficult to get some varieties at all. The Winnek Co. is prepared to supply you with Fruit Jars, lub bers, sugar and fruit. Flint is not a luxury, but a necessity and is eaten in the average household every day. Our prices are as low as we can make them. Cherries are in abundance now. Blackberries will come in this week. j - Get your cans ready, get new rubbers and caps, don't take chances on high priced fruit spoiling. Our telephone number is 34 call us up. DO IT NOW! .x, 1 iAu 'A ,", lij THE WINNEK CO. PAK F1VH . .. .y .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .4. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .VI y y i t y y y y y y t y y y y I iti t X A ' ,.- T1 s w 5 I t : 4 f T T T T 'f T t y T T t T t T t t t t t X X y y y T y T y y y T T T f y y y j -'6 fflfe . H ;? fitity? j? fi k M r.i ": r DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M.