.wkdav, .mm: i. nun. PAGE FOUR BE PRET17, Til GOVERNMENT TROOPS 'JEWISH MASSACRES The Evening Herald FIGHTING FACES VUt.i-.i- wi .www mi lt. llNVh.STir.ATCn. I.I IN ll I i t ..ly-rilm in OESS K. J l V It It A V ED1TOK i ,,. 'I . H. tltll(r t ll'' 1 1 art ti ill ll ll ll ', 111 II I I Sill . ' iili 11 ili.-ri- ri lu'hi .' It. til i lit this mum W A( HIS., ti l in .1 i.. 1 , ' 'I , I I . I'l-'-m " 'I- in 1 "ml '' of ' ll. I, I Mil. ll, lit I.. li i'hv I hi ii i' . . hi- w.m i hi it i .i nil r i mini rntlr,rttt lb,. t"i tin-1. ' I- i tumps nfili I I nil h tlilmll , -Hill nil Of nil IlimtlllUns, 111.' ri'li".o of nil prisoners iin.l Mm dd.v i rv of mention. lll .ltM)M.lTi;i K's M l j:i ri: in ii'K ti Mtr ami m i.i'ii 1 1: i IT.A THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON m m lis !;; i . li t Published dall) except Similar tn The Herald Publishing I'omp.tto oi Klamath Falls, at US Fourth street Kntered at the postoflloe at Klnm lb Kail. Ore. for transmission thru the malls as second-class matter Hubscrlptlon term by mall to an Address In the United States: Ore year . 5 oe One month .... SO Member f the A.mm-I.iUiI Pres-i The Associated Press Is exclusive! minted to the use for republication of all nes d'sp itches credited to ll nr not otherwise credit it In this pa " 9r, and also local news published fcrin. All rights of republication of p etel dispatches herein are also r- dwnred. i sioviiw, Jt K .to. mm. This composite picture shows how charni.ion j-s win l .no challenger Jack Ooinpscy will look 4 the tin-- .-aid .n.'i.r : the earnestness of battle for the fistic honor, dtid till . Uim in -!! t.Mk realms. Doth these snapshots are from the I'uinln; taiup ,tt ru.edu, O.. wbure the bis bout Is to be staged Juli I J At the Theatres "i CUB LEADERS ARE CALLED TO CONFER Mr 0 I. MeWllllums has received one new 19 IS Liberty iMx. H expect cur lund In the near future 30-1 Ni 1 OKKliON AOIlU'l I.Tl It A I . t'OL- "Pre. S-iooth ' a i'i I'ruoila LKGK. Corwtllis. June 3V Cuuntx IVr.n ..' the si.tr. will V at the Lib- 'boys' an 1 girls' club lead ore from till 1 t-rty tonirht a half of .1. tug 1 tuble j Part of Oregon have been ended i. bill . relty Smooth" was written by "W " conference Juno JS Jul 1 b Hytnrt Vetller. author of "Within J Seymour, state club leader. t The inn" which In Itself I a guar- J Ueu.on. national club leader Is antoe of the real worth of tho play, expected to In- present from W.mh-iw The . bet big feature is -Iteuenern-Hon and assist In Instructional work tlon" starring Kocfccliff Kellow.w. jThe cciunt leciers will re.-.-ive . . who Is abl supported by Anne U ' cUU traininj; in demonntrntion . I Nllscon and an a!! Star cast. A Stnn-w"l-h '"-v w' K- u "" c.i .aun-! rnmedv comnletes tin Interest- leader later In the summer lteKtit.tr ln; program. summer school classes In club work ( jwill nlo Im aTsilable for thos. who Rockcliffe Kellowes, who plays th:eMp It The follow Ins leaders will lending rnrt In "Tho KeBcnerntfon." attend. i has had a remarkable career Mr ', Krai! Settou. Klamath. It K Mor-Fellowt-. ha'ls from Ottawa. Canada. rls. Jackson. Wllford Drown. Hour mhere he wa a clerk of one of the 'las. E It Peterson. Coos. Ployd I. leading tanks In that city He is still Senter. Lane. John V. I. Smith and a young man. not yet thirty yearn of i Mrs. Ji 1. Wulkemnn. Marion. Miss age. Mr Fellowes belonged to a dra- Ft P fnedeker. Clackamas, Kthel matlc club In his home city, and hltl Calkins. Multnemah: K. Morgan.) acting attracted more than passing Wasce: ; M Nash. Linn; A. C attention. Cifted with a handsome Strange. Itaker. X C. Marls and W face and a magnificent athletic body. I C. Hopues. state department of edu- Tie attracted attention After (orotic- I cation. i ing the bank (or the stage, his rise I -was rapid in within a couple of seas- TIIK Mt'TfAI. 1.1 KK. ona he was playing the leading part " in a broadwav success and as a I insurance Lompany or .-sew torn Broadway matinee Idol. I His first picture work Is In The , wjtn policies that are uino-thu-mln Regeneration," and he has fulfilled lute and service to policy holders and this How refreshing U a nun after a tlut-ty drive nil Imih. It BIG CELEBRATION DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT JULY 4TH, 1919 At MALIN HALL Music by M. Dobry Orchestra A Good Time For Everybody. Almost eterjiiiic Mini!- Ihttt lB" ji'ea mid Sulplitir I'roperl.v ronnioiuid- ed brliE '"ick the iintnrsl color unit 'inure to the hnlr wlim tiuled. grnt J -r streaked. Ye.trn iiko the only n) I to get tlit. mlxiuiii was to mnke It ,tl ! ! lioiue. which Is nuns) and (roublu- (some. Nowadays, by ttskliig at nil) I 'drug tore fir "Weth's fiitev itt'd Sul i ' nhtir Ctimiiotiitd." ytiti will set it Inttit t-ottle of thl famous old rerlpe. lilt liroved by the addition of other In crodlciit. for titiotit f-o te.ttn Don't stny grn ' Tt If No tun can pofslbly tell that you durkeiimi tur hair, ns ll ant'n ll mtiirnll) mul utt-iilv You dumpi-ii .t MtiR oi ..(t tn usli with It. iiutl lrnw III through nur hair, takltr nno snial .t .iu.t .it a time b morntiig the gray I :ilr d.nntu e.t. ontl after i other ap. ,.IU I .-ti -r two. tour hair bcniiie he-f ' .H d.irW g'.-s a till nitratl te Come to Fort Klamath JULY 4 This is our first celebration, and it is goinn to bo a hummer. Horse Races- Bucking Contests, Foot Racing a little of everything that goes to make a real lively cel ebration. Fishing finest in history. Pack that Picnic Basket and come to Chiloquin for the time of your life. FORT KLAMATH BUSINESS MEN'S ASS'N. lllllHlllBliai!aSlEa!S!!XiaHliaaaiBSi!3ZBIESsi3SiUt31l tM m PHONE 41 PHONE 20 J FURNITURE Both New and Second Hand S PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE "The Furnisher of Hnppy Homci" 120-126 N. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon began business In IS43. l.ong-estab- TtMIMiMMI I 4 4-.4..t inimiiinii i-tj-iti.--i-i-i-i.j- l-l 1 .1 111.. I - ..l.1 H.I I --------------------------I llSllftl, IIUUIICIUII) 1111,11 1'Slliii'lc. ami I every expectation held when he was , beneficiaries that is tinetcpiieu ,ln" S"8"1 ,n I ucBCueraiiou. . hpn . , .ru.n,.p sir. hellowes is cast as Owen Conway i pP ,.ii nnnirnlirR X " heuowes is cast as uwen t-onway i por j,, and this character glve wide scope methods for his excellent and unusual histrl onlc abilities. At the Liberty tonight ANOTHKU fiOl'ltl.F. IHLI LinKItTV. AT TIIK regarding our ,i. and no,' po'iy 'ni'i'M see nro. r. ri.ttirii. ihstiiktiY MANAflKft tor Klamath County, of- 4. fice over First State and Strings 1 Dank. 19-10fi '. Do you want a big evening's en tertainment? Then come to the Lib erty Theatre tonight and see the big double show. Prlscilla Dean In "Pretty Smooth" Is one of the big features to be followed by Regenera tion". Owen Klldare's great story There will also be a fine comedy with Stan Laurel doing the heavy As there will only be one show on ac count of the length of the program everyone Is ufged to come early to enable you tojsee the entire program Doors open a seven sharp, pictures Mart at seven thirty 30-1 1, rTLl il LA.- 1 I M liiiiiiiiiiiK W i iH iaiak.XllJIi Try it on fruit H OUST ON' Metropolian AmucmenU s HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE IUXCINO Wednesday & Katunlay Nights. JAZZ Ml'fSIC. STAR THEATER TODAY fioldwyn Presents m.hi:l XOIt.MA.VD In "A PKiti-'i:cT :mi." Hit I'ljiurc s her Fortune Also A HIk V. Speclnl Comedy "Damsels unit l).indle(." X I ! . I 'I 1 t i -? ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL Of Our New Line of Automobiles CROW-ELKHART "7 T f im 1 1HI JTJIrKTOi riK- HERE I w I M II II II II II 1 1 1 1 I V mi ( I -f 1 1 $1300 HERE 1 IMI1H1III - v. vmsu-m. m. -r r v mr m. -T-t -t--l-f-l-f-I--f-H- ...Ji beautiful, comfortable, powerful car at a price which it in itself wonderful. Every modern feature of a high-class car at a price which will fit your purse. Se e these cars, take a ride, and you, too, will become en thusiastic. Full guarantee and service. SPECIFICATIONS: MOTOK Four cylinder. L head IXHtTllKAIi KQl'IPMKNT Wb )u tiTt b&4 u tuwull tny itvattcti ulltn tad cwurfku uW"txumptioM, uA luA vowwlz wtlb limited lima tu ntfnzt & ctnixc mul. IB" r " ' " "a' BM ArtMTl. OOD 1 fMl I lKW-i Orin Ut ef X'e' Tu DMl lust M witk ?kk ttutti, in K m ruil Tui iH usd Um MjihnuHow tdd. -4trt uJ rkkaot ud nu VmmCmhfmfmt OUAf rt&U , 1 1 f v m r - -T I r- t r T 1 LMrLC I ulai cn i HJII.l i TrlanKlc Preent IOL'ISi: fiLAL'M In "GOI.DK.V Ill'I.K KATK" A Heal Western Thriller Alcti I'atho Xewu anil A Good Comedy. Admission 10 A IS cetil Hatiae '-'.no. Kvenlngs T.iiO A 0. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTUKE8 TCB8DAYH AND SATUItDAYS lfrs-HII. Orero GLASS Let me give you a price on youjob big or little. I am prepar ed to put in glass from the smallest pane to the largest plate glass store front lo windshields, headlights, mirrors, re-silvering everything connected with glass. I will make to your order scree ns of every description, storedoors, sash and cabinet work. I'I save you money If you will take the trouble to phone 346-W. E. C. STUCKY 1140 MAIN STREET. type. .Multl-rowureu; uore Inches, stroke G inchs. M'lHtlCATION Splash constant level system with gear pump, as sisted by oil scoop on connecting rod. COOLING Thermo-syphon, wa ter Jackets extremely large; cop per lined; honey-comb radiator CAltnUIlKTOIt -Float feed, dou ble set typo; gasoline supplied by vacuum system; fourteen-gallon tank located on rear. unit 6-volt system dlx tlrivo up piled to fly wheel. I'lA'TOI llorg & Deck, smooth working, selMuhrlcathig enclosed WIIKKLIIASK 1 in Inches. TltKAD 66 Inches. WKKJHT Approximate shipping weight, 22'Ju pounds. (JKAlt ItATIO ti to 1. FltONT AX! -Drop-forged. "I" beam running on heavy liearlngH, Itl.'Alt A.M.iy- Full Itontlng. 2 'i Inch Mtvl lulling, 1 ' Incli chrome lilckle steel shafts, 1 level drive pinion and ring guar of 3 Va per cent nickel steel. Truss rod on n-ar iixlo. ItKAIl SPItlXGK- Huml-elllptlc, lillderNltitiK, X'i Inches long, llxetl at front to transmit drive Shack les at rear hub drums, Diameter of drum. 1- Inches, FIIONT SPiUNOH Seml-elllptlP, .III Inches long, 'I Inches wide, fix ed at front and shuck led at rear, wl InvieK oil bolls. I'ltOI'in.l.F.lt SHAFT INSTALLA TION Thennold Hardy Fabric Fle.ilhlo CouplliiK Joints, nllniliiitt Imk any possibility of tiiihersul Joint liuiiblo; re'iulre.i no liibriru t Ion IIODV- Invlslblii hinges upliol Htured Instrument hoard frame while itsli, covered with silver fin ished sheet Hleol. fentlnrs eiiuiiH'l ed and hotly couch-lliilshed. tTSTOM MAIIK IN TKV AT TltAtTIVK ("OLOIW. CHAS. DONART 230 Main Street Just Above Postoffice. TEMPORARY LOCATION: Let us give you a Demonstration. nFAi ERS FOR KLAMATH AND JACKSON COUNTIES 4- . r . i.i iii J