FAOB TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MOMl.U, .11 - ,,, ,, ' " i.' WHERE WILLARD AND DEMPSEY BATTLE AND RICK PRCr,.GTIr.G BOUT -Ad Thachee, jp .w r, -i J 4frlMto .. ATUM "m t-n otfT.Jv ra & iBX WICKARD -AdTHACHEE, j' V An outside v'pw of onr-lalf trip arena at Toledo. O. battle on Jul) 4 token one opck before the s.ucttirc me loieuo Aimenc i iuu looperalcs with Promoter T Klckaru In Urtii to Wul runted that Su.tlH fant will vlinejs the bslllo. where Chump Je. Wlliunl ntul Jack IVmo s complrtc-J Ail Thuchcr. irvliliit of It 1 UOW C4ltl- OLCDH UfJGES Ti BTSFOHTSH POKTl. VXn Tb- -porumea of Orcpon need have no concern about whether they are pome to receive n just and lair deal from me a rov craor in fUh and garm matters and in connection with the administra tion of the fish and pame commis sion " This statement fcn made by long- ' distance telephone this moraine by Governor Ken Olcott at Salem in an endeavor to clear up report of the position h took at a committee con ference of the fish and pamo com mission nt the state capital Thurs day afternoon "There is Kolnp to be n Reed deal of soap-box oratory and agitation about fish and panro matters and considerable disposition either to doubt or hamstrinp the governor In the effort to handle this contro-. Tersy. I want to say once and for all that I am going to give a just, honest and full administration of fish and game affairs just so far as in me lies, and that this policy extends to everything else connect ed with my duties as' governor Teople will find it is possible to go a long ways farther ?y cooperat ing than by agitating and playing politics. '"Now as far as my attitude to ward the subject of Thrusday's me t ing Is concerned. I will say this Mr. Simpson, keeper of the state present farm in Linn county is in adequate and low and unfitted for its present use. He recommended securing the proposed farm in Linn county and I accepted his report for my own guidance. The whole matter comes up for settlement at the meeting of the fish and game commission in Portland next Thurs day and all the facts will be con sidered before the matter is decided." sharp turn should be undrinkt tt only by experienced drUers Kiddle Tiller Open hetw.-i-n KM die and Tiller and In good condition Ivuglas county him n crew cutting down some of the worst grade h tweeti Canyouvlllf fetid T,". r TVs work will lake about thive month t'ottage Uroe-Kuwtoti - Open tua .n giHid condition between r.utuR' ('.rove and the Kusaton ranch. Closed for autos between this ,h1i and It -hernia No detour possible Wujron can get oer this road, but it will not be open for autos this ear Uarlou'-Oak tiroe Open ietmcn Zigzag Knnger Station and I: K Mru i ow on Salmon River. In fair condi tion for ten miles to Big Mud hole, and fron there is In bad condition Rond f!red between Hie Metduw. jrid Clear Lake on account of snow Shonld be open about Jul Pacific Highway Open and in et collent condition except where road construction Is In progress bettreen Medford and Riddle Itond is open o traffic nt intervals during the dnv and cloned nt ln'ervnH t'urttip bl--Inc operation I'aving I in progress between (Grants I'ass ntul Hague Hlv er. and a detour over n rough road on the north side of the river I neces sary Roeburg-Pee! Open and in good condition. Three Rivers Open between Wlll amina and Tillamook. Six miles thru Grande Rnntle Indian !tH.Tatlon l very rough, and practically Impass able for several days after heavv rains Construction work is in pro gress between Dolph and Hebo Aluea ItHer Open, i orwillls to Wnlilport In fair cotidltlon as far im Miourl Mend l'nssnblo but er ri'iirh. Misnourl Heml to Wnldpurt I'andou-tiold (loach Open and In passable condition for light curs, en "ttr.- length. .puritt-Kast Kagl Orwn and In fair condition not ween Sparta and Lilv White Closed liv a w.nhod.out bridge b.-tween l.lly hite aud l."ot Kng!o No detours posufble MltohelMmyvllle- 0n and in irooil condition Mtrrhclt to Invvllle This road will remain open and in irio.l condition for auto trmel till the hi-ow rains 'n the lte fall. I'aulma-lturns Via Hear Valler Open and In Reed cmliHo"!! entire route Paulina-Burns via Fife Open en tire length and In fair condition t cept the swtion between Grindstone Creek and riucb Mountain, where it Is still rough Klora-Knterprise Opn and in gootl -ondltlon for ontlre length Traffic is not delayed by construction work Tlio following eastern Oregon roads aro now open nml In permutien' sutiimer condition Enterprise -Chlco; Knterprlse to Imnnlm. Wnl-low-n to Promise. Wallowa to Vow watkn: Ilaker to Cornucopia' linker to Prairie City. Prlnevllle to Paulina Also all roads In vicinity of Premont Natlonil Korest l.akcview-Plush Open nml In fair condition, likevlew to Plush I-ikoview-Plush Open and In fnl' condition, entire length Pendleton-La Grande Open and in good condition entile leiiisil' t.tik. Mew Kliim t'li Kill Is "pen elltii li i.eth. poor lUlilitioii I.nkoxlew-AllUiiis te" ! '" fair oMdllloll. "itll so-nn i u.tih places. Pi ntetillr Miii-hell up ll .Mil length, with om' rough pla s bo twvtti ocIkko Kunger Smth'-i nnl MeMt Ranker Station Tollgnte .Open and III l,i"il'le condition between Mlltotl lit) I Kla.li woniii; ihm iii ' mi. i. i' i mi: I.IIIKKTV. I'o vou want a big eeniliK's oil tettnlliinetit Then come to Hie Lib erty Theatre tonight unit e ilu big double show l'rlsclltii I lean III 'Prnitv Smooth" Is one of the big features to be followed bv 'lii'p.'iieru tlon". Owen Klldnre's great storv There will also be a fine comedv with Stun Laurel doing the heaw As there will otih be one show on a.-, count of the length of the ptogram ovnevouo l urged lit conn- eiirh In eltaltte ou to see the entire proKrum ioor iiien al .-Mit hnrp. pic lures start til s.-eii ihlrtv to t SPARTACISTS GET THE UPPER HAND I.ONl.ilV. Jutu Itnprfsi ntn lives of the industrinl -.ntnclls have assumed full control of th.- tmlitl.-itl and military martunarr i-i lUt'iilmrit and are sitting in the town hill a cording to advices from lleitin Strong governm.nt firi-e- ! v Sr...n snt to restore, order i:lu wiii:i:i.i:u wu.i IS KKtOVKIII.M; lllM.III LONDON Kl Whe.-l.-r n.'.oi tile tiot.il M . who rerenl't wii, rllirril) ill. is ro owntig rnpullx Mr Wilcox plans to r"'i'' to tit" 1 i 't il ."ales In ! .1 t. ' . NEGROES PROTESTING ' '.- i , AGAINST COLOR LINE P i : ln'it ' lllln m Ttoil -r tin 'tterieii tugio l iim In Pills. snekD.g to have lli.t liegio iki.IIoii III the I nlti'il tsinti-n lahll up In Ihe oca.e confofntire nloiiR nlth tin- Irish JewUh mid oilier "rnclal iiilmirll ' lle.tolts Trotter Is seeking pal llelllttrly tlio siiltport of tint HrttUh nml lias glvm llrliisli rorivspotiilntiiN long llsls of nllt'ited mroi-ltles committed iignltiM itegro.-m in l lie fulled Hiatus lie died lllstatnes of negroes being Iviti'lieil, III Ktipporl ot Ills pl.-a for llrlllsh md In hntig'tig the mailer before the i-oii I'HlM I. in ... I.. ' " " '"i "Mnciiiiitir Mint i llio Aiiii-iIciiii negro, s i,i, IlllnlesU on the pi muni , eiiilll ' 'Illil ""ilunl ;f imlin WHY THE ACTIVITY IN BEHALF OF MOONEY? WAHlllNiiTilV .t,iii.. larv V llaon nnl,, , n, , l.tjt'i t li) lh.. Hi. n . i, I oil on Ihe l(i-i i,,, ,,f , " i re 1 MM, ,11 '" r. I llll. I .tun ili.y,..i (.r Ihct llt.parn,i.i,i ,,, i,, .- mi i iiiiiim-'l- in, ., t II Toy bom i e;i', , ,, 'I I "f iikciii in- khh Tin- hi i, u E TGON iT inu i Western Oregon. Anna Creek Open from Klan-.ath Falls to a point two miles insld- Na tional Park boundary', and In fair conditi in Closed by snow between this point and Crater Lake No de tours pi.hbible should be, open July 1. Medford-Klamath Fall Open and in fair condition. Medford to Klamath Fulls.iRim road Mill closed on ac count of snow. Na detours possible Should bt open about July 1. Medford-Crater Lake Open a-. In fair condition between Medford and Park boundary Closed by snow between this point and Crater Lake No detours possible. Should be open about July 1. nrookingg-Gold Beach Open be tween Drooklngs and Gold Beach, and in good condition except about two miles on Pluol Hill, which is rough. Grants Pass-Crescent city Open entire length and In good condition. Crescertt City-Gold Beach Open between Crescent City and Gold Beach. In good condition between Crescent and Brookings; rough north of Brookings, and very rough and muddy at the Meyer Creek Hill. Eugene-Florence Open between Eugene and Florence, but In poor condition In many places. Road will remain open all summer, except Im mediately after heavy rains. Rough and narrow in places, with many OKlMHm tin e' Tija. ept secret e? 4 and special "T iff v- 4a and personal for I ; ' r WRIGLEY5 I T" I I ,A( . in its air -tight I I fJXjmn I sealed package. I r- Jf A docdv that is : i . iJ m . , I 1 M aiMtlM BBB il ' ,astlnfi regard I jl fT because of Its B 1 V " lasting quality. 1 Three flavors to riJ I I suit all tastes. vir3,?: I I Be SURE to get -SV I fflflULCI.9 WtttStv ' k. rMivi4i m I Sealed Tight Jgfh &g2&xm Kept Right Jv m&rm I The pOj riavortasTS ME&MHM ' P u ii W5mwBBBg$mfm' 7,,, ,,mJUu mmmgms' i fmmmm I High Grad Ladies' & Men's Clothes MAIM: TO OIlKLIt riMWT m.vti:ui.i.s IllT OF WOUKMANSIIIP I.Ti:ST KTVI.KH P'Mll'KCT FIT (iL'Alt..NTi:i:i) Prices urn yrry reasonable Your Inspection Intltecl Chas. J. Cizek MKItCHANT TAILOR nH Main HC Pleasing Presents For June Brides Selecting a wedding pri-n- ent at I'pp'a Ih ii moHt pleas Ing triinmicilon. One; has al most unlimited choice In hultahlo glft-tlilngH, and the, repulnllon of tho Btoro as Hiiren ciuallty memt gratify ing to tho purchaser and tho hrldcj. Variety, beauty and valuo make Upp's dlnplay ot sil verware., glassware, Jowolrjr and novelties, tho most In teresting In Klamath Falls. We invito your examination. Frank M. Upp JKWKLKIt BliMainHt. Official S. P. Watch Inspector. Th HALLMAR1C Store I 6000 8000 Miles This is the now mileage adjustment you get with Goodrich Tires From JUDD LOW 23 MAIN ST, PHONE 22-M fr5 I. rfsytiri3jrjz! 1 sfiavvz. s- '- V '- I -r3 JJZ ' .- -U ??? r-wijlts The Now I' II. P. "ZM Enno successfully uses KEROSENE 'r'HFRK m nucli to inli'r-wt cA-cry fmtner in lliis an ro'ii.rcrr.ent. Ucaow aMin t!o rrcmilly iK-ltrl rninll irc ninplolrs a Jiiii oi cntJincr-" lj'j II. 1'. lo 15 11 i'. nil ol nlncli toccvufully run oil KEROSENE eho run en D jtillotc. Col Oil, To or GM.!irc. llitf ln;o ' , vii)2iiica aKvav luw ciiccc.fiills' iih-il Kt mic now I tut tie e 1 ' ( 1 1. 1'. nu i1.h t l' ci' y i . m.!nlinJ I mo lu.vit iifiu-lii'o) mid tlncjcnl cniiine luie iwr ':.-iJ. IJot vou rjunut l.tu llic '".' ' l. rvcJ...t alsMit it. Co.ntf in ninj tcj it J.ct c. t!l j on uliy "J 1.1.1 'ir n-UUiui to tint oi I airLjnkn. MoitJ U Co. hIkii riliii, L '", to yon. 'li.ni:ha Gttfrmrn.ilt-iii Ot(i!L:iit MiKts Im..-IAII I Scion ill! P Sloo.00 t H.V. ii.-cjOO P. O. U. Fic,,. G. C. LORENZ, 123 N. SIXTH Reclaim That Tule Land One season's crop will pay the cost. Let us make you a price for reclaiming your tule land. The cost will be so low it will surprise you. Reasonable terms can be arranged. Land taken in part payment. SAWMILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone 149-J K. D. Building YOUR ELECTRIC SWEEPER Will be with you nearly as long as your home itself, and should be purchased with the same care and consideration. Will be a source of satisfaction through the years to come. No need to apologize either on account of ap pearance or performance. Free Demonstration Any Tine. Link River Electric Co. PHONE 171 FEED Egg Mash. Growing Mash. Fattening Mash To Your Chickens Murphey's Feed & Seed Store Phone o 126 South Sixth St .