Mht I OITIllAI. VM'KH OF OFFICIAL PAPER 01l KLAMATH FALLS KLAMAT" COI'NTV Thirteenth Year No. 3,661 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1919 Price, Five Cento J U.S. TROOPS HIJKKYINCJ INTO MKXICO OVKR PONTOON BRIDGE HASTILY THROWN ACROSS THE RIO GRANDE. I ZANE CO IS DEPARTMENT OF ISttgitmg Mvmlh HEATIES WITH me poms T N T' T Miwnnnniinmiiini immimmmwmim mrmu,m mmwww ww Mroi.iimiKiaiii'wwiHWHJWWJlJiiwwi i wwiwwWIwiwti ' f? Yi -. N DOffll Little Progress Made Since Saturday WILSON HAS SAILED I'i'ihi MiiIiIiik Mm-lilnrrj Running in Lou (irtir Hlmr 'liriilj Willi (eriiimiy Vu HIkhi-iI. .Mini) I'iiiIiIi-iii Vi'l fn In- Mel lli-fiito ItlK .Miiilttlr I- I'liuitl) HtiiilulMin .il Out. i I'tI.'Ii'kh illHmt(li liy A tt H I I f t . I 'TKit Villi lli Tnnil) nr Pi;iv wllli llnrmntiy signed 11m if'uu. t the ' i-ni-, ..lliferollio ww vlr uiiIIn I ..I'. m1 unities with Aii-i-'.i Ih. ti Kiiry anil Bulgaria nro mill to l i mi jili'liul, mill iiiljimttucliti) nK In thn fuliiro status of Turkey iiiiim be inniln, lull for mime liny. Il l ex ' peeled, tlir peace making liiurhln-r li lu operated niilv thru the fiimiii1" mi m Minlylm: iln different jilium- . f problem inn) preparing report J lrit.ninl Wilson In mi Ills way l'i . rlfi I lot. I Ci'orR" t nt tin '! . i mi- if.' mid tnnnv o' ilii !!.. ' . i ripuri'i) "I lh '""no 'Miif.-r-t. I ir ltd I'arl twitiP'irarily .ram .fazrwBsmmMRmtiERSfM'immm&ssBs --' - rmiffimufflMmmmmmm?vM &. tW MWfcw. fciW.-.iW -JW.I-Wi WPTff M tVaW I AlKJgiy VWMW - "jm NOTED AUTHOR COMES TO KLAM ATH FOR Till: PURPOSE OF FISHING AMI GATHERING RA TA FOH NEW STORY I I EEHHI INE Announces it Will Abide by Decision of N. Y. Cou- "With the object of gathering data that will form the basis of a story ' about the Klamath Country. Zane , WILL NOT PROSECUTE Grey, the famous author, has come ' f this Lounty ami Ik spending part Eletcnth Hour Decision of the Gov ernment umcinm .ncniii i nai ier- mil,Mtiim :-?3ai- "Sc. - i .... iil . .i.hrWrtiWVYi 1 .... . ";'.ti 1 &&? WdlMi WASHINGTON, June 30. The De partment of Justice today sent In structions In to all wet territory that city, among them being "Tho'n,- n,.., ,-.,,.. u-n,.i,i .,i,i,i t,v th Within ten MUiiiilcK afti.r llrigii GOO I ihIcmI States troops hud cross , reason for the speed of the advance ' Riders of the Purple Sago," "Til's recent decision in a test case in New Ml tin' hinder lo disperse thn Villa is shown here of his time at Rocky Point. With Mr Grey Is Mrs. Grey and the children. his seru-tary and his brother. It. C. lorvv Mr Grey, who is perhaps the jmost porular author of modern tlms, I aivl many of whose stories have bwn jscteened at the Liberty Theatre in th!H eragc. Hating Not More Tliaa Tuo unci Three-Quartern Percent of Alcohol Can Still be Sold. ill'-r Gi'iii'ial Jntiii'H II Krln Ti u ti tuininrin lirdliri. Man 'ii the Onen." and "The Rainbow -.i, i .,1.1 . .... j i K,,.. " ' "" "- "" Jl IV .Will nuuilk IIUL llU3Ck.ULC UCdl llM)f.i.flj.u .. l.lnl. .. .. t.... I .1... .!. . nt r 1- t. n.-..ll " 1. ....l..ln.l nll ..Ih..1 . . i,iw-n ..mi. ii ,-!, iiuiinKiM iiik me inruHii iicross ino uio uranuu vy ii.m. i imiiiiuniiij en muiii.mi ers se)ng beverages containing not "'" "r,l"r '" '"'"'"" Into Mfxlro 3,-IIi.h of ri'slili'iits of i:i Paso One the Klghth Engineers. -m to -.vH'e about the Klamath Countrv more tnan two and three-auarters with Its long history of legends ard , ,,ercent alcohol. This will apply to Ktirrlnc events, and it Is doubtful if 11(;Ilt wlnos antl beers- I .i:i:iti, who iiti)i:iti:i) I . S. 'JISODP.S INTO MI.MCO. GMSSHOPPEHS' (in i (.iti( i i n in i Hi' m- is m mi. (,iini i-ittr.i i .s IV III! '. H" I'l i'l'll , ui n ikiim i i - r C I T Ihe people of this section would v."'.b1i for a more able pen than Zane fin. s to weave into one of the delightful rill I rnp riri n t,i!cj :,c' a'wa8 w-"itcs some ot tnu I" IM 1 I II ' I II I I ! 1,":'l'Ic,It'i connected with the erfly Lt2 i L!!3J 1 tLLL?,djs of the Klamath Valley. Ho Is cnur il l ti K II Hi' mi' in vn'irilig mi pri'iiiiiim 'lllllix mm. SELLS HIS ICE PI.IT I KATOHIM'OU. .'tin 3 '--Frl ilm iirn.t of Kulinn rwlatU opcrat ' T..hopwt ..r.. I iti,fi po onn 1 ,i.B in l'i.. Ilcnil of tho Hon Klvor '"" "' v'rw of on. liundrod and, ipt'ir-d four thfiUMlid HoUheMhl twenty tit ti.ii .iiinn. foot on the l.i;: Tin. Don Cosuni-lss. who iviiuin .moisii. i-.. ii. i nomnu. i o n norlliwnril. tptiir"l '' Agriculturist, repnrt.-il up in .in ami throe nrniorcd "'"" '",," 'hero lain bnturdH.- .ift- i eriiiiiin 'I be meu who havo tla.. . tlandn IimimmI. RRslsttxl by t!lu lmliuu 'Agency, ccntlered the foruiul.i Wi.-J , iwiilny mid by Friday Iho poxls .ro' ii. .irly dead In the poldoucd nrnr ' I Mmi and material wore no tcarvn that thn whole iiiarili wnn nut ntie ucr tlth the poison but net ' men will be at work to rid tho ronn- jtr of the nrnssliopper from the tine It liatehes until f'.ll. i ItuporlH hiiM1 romc In frni.i the' I-., no iJIstiii-t to the eff.-.-t I'l'l llU'V li'iii- i-l)ll-i'l rid llirms.-'tis of llin g'.i 'shopper P'-st. for this jeiir al bust Tile fiirmers In Unities Vnlle ' are at worK In their fleld.s with the. fot I ii il In and Ihev expect to protect t'le greater part of their hay. Mr ThoimiH lei'ves this morning for 'I he Tille Lake dlstrlrt where reportH have ' (Mime In regarding the swarms of I grasshoppers Infesting tli." hay fields 'there. ' The formula 'ielng used ran be sowed without danger to cattle or horses If rain Is taken not lo scatter It In lumps or piles. The mixture used Is as follows' Mill pniindH of brand, 4 0 pounds of dry sawdust This makes ei'iiul parts by bulk K pounds of white arsnlck Mix these three dry Ingredients together. 24 lemons, I pounds of salt, 2 gallons of thick molasses. Gilnd the lemons In meat chopper and mix with mollis ses. Add the dry and wet mixtures with 10 or in gallons of water. Ho -ttrJS.i J9fil&j&& JfS far f' .-J'ASS."" . N( "t 1 Ol! Tlllx Wl'.lil, KMIWV Mt ! TIKI N IJ II lll.i:s D NVKT k. I . .? U ,.'-''-"i sr' p'jvsf sscd of a pleasing, whole-souled, glad-to-meet you-personnlity and has the happy faculty of putting Its im print Into his stories. I So great has become the demand ' 1 lit st entry Into the automo- for his stories in pictured form thnt I I k Hi-ld of this city is the Crow-Elk- ' lias decided to embark on the pro- ' b..rti the agency for which hns been ducton of the films under his per-1 t ik.ii ' Charles Donort. This Is the 'nal dirtctlon. and wh that end In ; Ti-t .Mitranee of this well known view ha organized the Zane Grey J in i , this territory, but it Is r'ctu- Corporation wh'oh will in. no .-i iij-r to the owners of mac'i- future handle all of the films of his ines f ir it hn a reputation, thnt has stories. r, .mi. i-iuled for It the cloe attention IS CHAHGED hKATt)R RORAH .STATFS THAT in: Roi'ciiiT Tin: xi:v a-oric POsT TO ROO.Vr FOR I.KAGUE OF NATIONS WASHINGTON. June 30. Senator J Borah charged In the Senate today Ki.Mvrii i.i.i- WMtFiiot si: AMI MIIHMH. OMPAN Is TAI.FN 0i:it ll (OI.I.IFII, fi.i:i:t and fartfh. 1). II Campbell has disposed f hi IntereutH In the Klamath V.ilb" AVitroIiome and Stonige company to Andrew M. Collier. Fred K. Klivi and ) I., Carter. Messrs. Collier and Fleet will bo now mombers In the company. Mr Cartor having been a stockholder for sometime. Ho will, however. In eronso his holdlnn In H' concern mill rontlnuo to he Identified with 11 Mr Campbell line long contemplated this stop, and as soon ns It becamo Tdiow-n that he was willing to dlsposo if Ills iioldlugs lie hud many oppor tunities to do mo, as this business is recognized as being one of the sound--st In tho community The salo was -consummated Bntitrilay ovunlng Tho property Involved consisted of Ihe lots and brick warehouse near tho Southern Pacific freight depot Here Is Installed it modern five. Ion Ice making plant, cold storage "nil K'ii iirnl warehouse! f ho two new members of the firm nro among tho llvcst of the young liuslnesa men of the rly, Mr, Collier Is n director and assistant cashier of tho First National Dunk and slnro coming to Klamath Falls lias taken PARIS, June 39. (lly tho Assocl nn nctlvo pnrt In nil things thnt lmd,"l Press.)---The Polish High Coin- to do for thn making of Kliimutn SI! -1ST 'WJTTtf'a.VVtM. 1 . I it ijB 4bK 3 ; Mm- i of men who make a study of the I f f Tfl lb i. ling points of all makes. j L I K L, III The selection of this car was made j I lx J FRfflAr Within ten minutes after Briga dier General Jaiut-s II. Krwln had is sued orders for 1 nlted States troops to cross the border Into Mexico a force of 3,tl00 men was on Mexican soil. He acted after u woiuun had been killed and several persons dur ing fighting between the Villa and Carranzii forces at Juaiez. The Am erican troops routed the Vllllstas aft er a short encounter. COMMISSION HEARINGS SET. 1 . I M A T II not luivo the formula lumpy In nny way. IH'PUCITV HV GERMANS IMIICATEH Falls u bigger nnd hotter city. Ho will be president of thn company. Mr. Floot, who will ho vlen prosldont was "for a long tlmo secretary of tho Com mercial Club, which under his direc tion Hindu splendid progress and was an Important factor In doing things Tor KUniath Palls that becamo part ot the foundation upon which today rests the substantial progress tho city 1s making, I.ator ho became city edi tor of Tho Herald, from which ho ro slgnnd to Join tho official family ot County Clerk, Mr, Carter hns soveral years boon tho actlvo mana ger ot (ho company and under his di rection It has forged to tho front and. maintained a position In tho business community that has commanded for It tho confldonco nnd support of the huslnoHsmon, Tho now men will be Important factors In adding an Im petus to the company that will con tinue to maintain It In the front rank Position It has always held. maiiil bus forwarded to Promle; Clemencenu n ropy of n German oftl rial telegram, which It Intercepted in Sllesiui.tliu text of which follews: 'Posen, Juno 31, Tho Government will sign (tho peace troaty). Nover tholess Horsing In Silesia and Wig In Western nnd Eastorn Prussia will proclaim I'l.nlnst the Crlpnt. The Gny ernmont officially will oppose, hut sonil-offlclally will support tho busi ness In tvory way." Ho'slnt' and Wig nro tho Prussian High Commissioners tn Silesia nnd Knst and West Prussia, respectively. Hit, MITCHEIJ.H CONDITION. Dr. Massoy statos that tho condition of Dr. Mitchell Is en couraging, though not suffi ciently improved to' warrant the bollof at this time that he Is en tirely out of danger. ' THE KLAMATH PACKING COM PAW IS IWOHPOKATER AMI WILL l'ISH THE WHOLESALE MEAT Ul'SIXESS SALEM. June 30. (SpeclaH i Nine cases have been sot for hearing j by the public service commission for I next month. They aro July 7, at ! Swiss Heme, relative to station fj 1 duties; July 9, nt Dandon, relative to electric rates; July S, at Marsh field, rrlatlvo to telephone rates; July 13 at Portland, relative to ex 1 press sorvlco; July IS. at Astoria, re- latlve to station facilities, July 25, 'at Waldport, relative to telephone servico; July 29, it Boardman, rela .the to station facilities und July 29 I nt Irrlgon, relative to grade cross ing. l - EVI DENCE AT MIIISl'MMER M' FUR. NOONDAY I.FNCH ' IS PROVING SlCCESS aut-r a caremi buficv ih iuu uuiuiuu- bile business and Mr. "Donart states ; that he believes that he has a modi- ine that will ui"et the demands of th territory, from n cost and mechanical "in.ipoli't It Is the Intention of Mr. IsilIRT WAISTS TO ISC I'un.m to cariv a complete line of p fn" the ear. and when he has all of Ins plans matured be will be in a portion to promptly and properb sene the owners of this make of car The new agent needs no introduc tion to the people of the county, for he has been In business here for years. He has a wide .circle of friends that will aid him materially in introducing to tho buyers of automobiles a car that he will havo no reason to I ashamed of. Of Ail pi I that Thomas W. l.amont, represent- - ling the" Morgan "interests" had -par-chased the NeV York post for use in connection with propaganda In favor j of the League ci Nations, which ha i callod a conspiracy. T i iik.hei: I. PRICES FOR FRL'IT IS PROSPECT. IN 1 ; attent'.- z. of the read. a of i 'the Herald is ('i.-cted to tSo ai. nouncement of Tlic Winnek company , lUewhere In this Issue. This paper 'und The Winnek company, The Gar- ....... L . ilch Grocery and The Sunset Grocery shirt waist dance on the evening , , ... J . , i;ttttr Hum tunc tvi tiiiic liicu lu tiu- of July Fourth is to be the feature In local Elkdom this week and big pre parations are under way for a fine time on this evening. The Elks will follow their usual custom of wear ing pants on this joyful occasion but any sign of a coat will bring down all kinds of direful consequences. .This date should be carefully kept in mind by all the Rills as nny who fall to appear are going to regret it. Thp first of -the noonday luncheons served at tho Elks Temple was en joyed todav by a large number, tbe banquet room upstnlrs being well fill, el with members ot the lodge and thblr guest friends. It is expected tint this new feature of the local club will be. very popular as time goes on. Articles of Incorporation have been filed for thu Klamath Packing Com pany of this city. This Is more In the. nature of u re-orgaulzatlon than it Is a now company. Tho capital tocr Is $60,000, which Is nil paid up. Tho of ficers of tho company will be I.uko E. Walker, president, A, K. Ulchtor, vice prosldont and Jack Slater, sec tary ond treasurer. Extensive plans are mapped out for tho extension ot tho business ot the company, and those include tne eroc tlon ot a modern ubbatolr, feed yards and corral on property recently pur chimed near Texum. It Is the Inten tion ot tho company to engar ex tensively In the wholesale meat busi ness, making u special feature ot their hams and bacon, the demand for which has greatTy Increused. FINE FISH COMES FROM ROCKY POINT. RETURNS TO I'ORTLAXR. Miss Bella Carr, who has been vis iting for a few days with her sister, Mrs, Calhoun, who resides In the Miller Hill district, has returned to her home in Portland, where she is employed In one of the banks. They say that the proof of tho pudding Is In the eating,, mr the same is true of fish. That Is why fish ing Is goodU Rocky Point and why The Herald believes that Manager Hr.rpst Is not trying to put something over on the patrons of that popular resort. Great have been the stories of the wonderful fishing to be had un here and greater have been those about the size ot the fish. As evidence of the lattor Manager Harpst .sent The Herald ono Saturday that sub stantiates everything that has been cald about Rocky Point, and anyone who is looking tor the time ot his life on a fishing expedition will make no mistake in trying his luck at Rocky Poiut. WEATHER REPORT. Oregon Tonight a4.Tueeday fair, gentle westerly UdbK ' MRS. VOVE GIVES "PRIVATE REHEARSAL FOR PCPIT.S. Friday Evening Mrs. A. J. Voy presented Miss Claudia Spink, Miss Dess Pickett and Murlol Kinney in a private recital at her home on Fourth street. The voices were all medium soprano. Miss Kinney has been studying under Slgnor Roberto Corruccinl In Portland and during the winter she carried the second lead In the Port land Opera Club. This is considered very remarkable, since Miss Kinney Is only nineteen years old. Her fither Intends taking her to New York the first of the year to study with teach ers there. Miss Spink and Miss Pickett ara both Klamath County girls and their friends are awaiting eqxlously to see what the future wU,hold for these girls who seem to have such a fair chance to make a name' for them selves in opera. Miss Spink 'has been the pupil of Mrs. Voyo for several years"ana this fal she expects to be In San Francis co studying unqr Madam Luella Wagar Coplin. Miss Pickett has been in Ban Francisco since last fall and U tb nupll ot Madam Coplin, She top vl) "tut" In New York next m-T. press on the housewife the necessity, ot canning fruits and vegetables and warning her that prices were going to be higher. Many of them have heark ened to the warning, but a great many accepted the statement as bnsl nes spropaganda. At last, however, they are beginning to awaken to the fact that it was not idle trade talk that these business men Indulged In. Again the warning is sounded and the reasons why are told. What Is said about peaches is a well known fact to the trade. It also applies to all canned goods, so it behooves the wise housekeeper to can all the fruits nnd vegetables she expects to need for the next year. Canned goods,wlll more than double In price within tho ne.xt few months, and even then will be hard to get. And It Is all due to the enormous demand for them from Europe. HIGH HEELED SHOES , CAUSE RROKEX M!C. Decause of the high heels on the shoes she was wearing. Miss Mabla Latta is suffering from a broken leg-. As she was tor home after the dance at the Louis Schmitz ranch, last Saturday evening, the heel ot her shoe became caught In some un accountable manner and she fell to the floor In such a manner as to break her leg. Dr. Massey reduced thtt fracture. HOME TEAM TRIMS DORRISw The Home team was victorious tab yesterday's baseball game at Dorrioa with a score of nine to two. Clark.'" and Hoffman played for Klamath ' Falls. Up until the third inning tka score stood one to nothing lnKhun ath's favor. From there to th seventh the game looked as If it war determined to bo a tie. By this tt the Klamath rooters were unable, to plck up any more bets regardless ot odds and so the fellows decide to. walk away with all honors, and tk did. i '" w i 4 n i W 'H $ 1 M II