(JK RtOUT THE EVENING' HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON svu nu.w, , m .jM ,,,, OCCUPATION TAX UJULY FIRST ElKS TO SEBSE WflflNillWlirc ""'Trv" .uOUS LUnUliLU .t.... iUrlnS iiver Jl.oo p..: ji:j?jk:: wi i f t 1 i.n m- WM.1. lll I'M Tmi mw). d.iv i,r u t rrMi'ir i dm. 3ii:cit5 j r moiy In ordr to brlns the i'" -errs of the Ktki l-odg togth'r In .1 social Ttty. more ofteu than Suit bn !o siblo Iti the iast. the local order let decided to srrio a luncheon at the Chili rooms each day commencing next Mnnd.u from 1 1 30 to I .10 This feature which has proved n great n factor in getting bittneN men together informally In the lar ger cities, will. It l bolluoti be lery successful here .1 the Clk' Club is centrally located and eall available to all It I announced that the ber of home prepared food wilt be depos ed of at the current cafe p-iies Mem hers of the Klks Lodge and their guest friends will no doubt find this a most roRRpni.il place for noon day luncheon even though their time at noon Is short charting 41 no ter r 10 dm I Kill I Lfil I I lllj V uuininfluiruii t HP IS LET I Hot.'! Ii T " Hotel r boarding bonne tuttner uule i sttrh person I proprle tor of -uch house, for each runner 2 SO Ire factory nnd cold storage 10 00 Insuramt agents, .soliciting either life f're or accident Insurance within the ettv 2 10 Jewelry and repairs 7 SO Junk dealers S 00 I Urv -tnhIes v 5 00 Lodging boues. more than two roomers, and not more than the 2 SO l.odgiiir; and boarding houses with ten roomers or more . 00 Lumber anls 15 00 Lumber jards selling sash and doors CO 00 Laundry, hand power (not Incltid- Daring Juggler Who Did His Stunts Twenty-five Stories Above Broadway J. 'AsJkSbSi :. 00 5 00 : 50 : r.o r. 00 ; so 2 so .-. 00 I-v-Z-Jrfw- 4Zif Jjf sk. 12S&J ? isr- '1 S4 l st 1 ief rjsV.. rr'..,-' n flif 1 -; t! v i"F-K jr .jlrtw r " s? JI.l!h . : iS r ffrrfw?ia r IT'S c ing women) 2 50 I.auud -v. Steam . . 5 on Manuf irturlug chemist' 2 30 Marble cutters and dealers 2 So Millinery stores ; 00 Muic houses 00 Optlcl.it s. each 5 n. Opticians, transient, per dav 2 ".0 Ostop.uhs. each 5.00 Ostopiths. transient, per day 2. SO I'mnt in. I wall paper contrac tors I'hjstriar.s. e.uh Phselans. transient, per day I'lumblng shops T'lotograpliers Photographers, tnulent. per di Pfcturo ri;ents par day 1'r'ntlng tabllshmetlt5 Printing etnbllshment ntid nws.paper Pop-corn and peanut stnnd-' Miortale and mitionary IJeal Fstate offices Restaurants ?wfug mrbiiie tetnt enlnc machine nconts. tran sient per dy 'liwraak -rs shops . Stvirtlns goods ?.ish and door factor' oaU pluu- ing rail!" T ?.ish and d6or foctory nnd plan ing mill, selling lumber 11 bating rink . Soda Fiantaln 1 "snda Works S ?ecord band goods store . S S'-1" show held on street, or ex hibit! u helil on street ... 2 SO P'a i'lanufacturors 2 50 afe D po'It Vaulu 2 r.n Tailor 'iops . . u 00 T'ti 1 lth 2 SO TuUirr,, f tores, n-tnll. w here cards. j.col or lillllariU aro plnjed anil IS. V 'Will Mil lit. II I 1 mi 1 on nsi'in i ii in TIM' IMJI n Tl m xn t ten wniiiv 10 111: in viii n. Cmittnrt for the const null u of the new Vriiiterjti I'huic'i at 'h "ir nor of SKlli and Pine Sueet In this cltv w is awarded this uioitilnK I" t'ontractor 15 V. Wtittenbu g when the bids were opened Wattenburg's bid of $1. '00 wa ' the lowest of m-xeral two of which came In (torn Portland firms The work will now be ruihed for ward is fast as possible on the new structure and It is expected that It will be completed by Noiember lnt The Presbxterlans have disposed of the former nlte at the uiriier of Third mil Main and taken the new one In order to be more contrail lo cated The plans for the new rhurih were drawn bv Architect V. V Mr Clarrcn of Portland, who has been at ' work on them for sexeral months 1 he building will face on Pine Street anil will be In keeping In appearance with the other modern buildings in Klamath Palls It will seat about file hundred people and with the addition of a gillerv later this capaclt will be materlall Increased Members of the church and their friends who bine been so liberal In their aid with subscriptions. ro greitly rejoiced that the last step been taken to foruiall get the work under ,n i t t y y y y y V t y y t y y V OUR EXPERIENCE MAY HELP YOU .(...t...t4.t.frvt.i.;.4.ssN. Every day the employees of the Klamath State Hank serve many people in many ways. And by reason of this daily service' they have accumulated a fund of experi ence to help you in a practical way with your financial interests. 'They want you to come to them, and in a friendly, confidential way are ready to dis cuss your plans, problems and prospects with vou. AT THE CHURCHES KLAMATH STATE BANK 10 00 2 in 10 0 5 On 1 00 2 0 2 50 First Ilapt'st ('mirth corner Wash Ington and Kighth J H UrtilUh. pai.tor Sunilat si boot at lo a in. I II l)elip superiiitetident Prefh'ng at eleien h) Iter J II (Griffith an! u!m In l U . eieiilug ut lft eight o'clock t'riier service x ednesdaj at s P M Krcr necoml and fourth Wednesday evening will be devoted to IDlsslon.ir work. Sacred Heart Churcn. corner Sth and High streets ltev Hugh J. .Mar shall, pastor 1st Mass nt s 00 . M 2nd Mass and llenedlction 10 30 Next Sunday. July tit li the summer schedule will commence. .Methodist Kplkcopal Cnurch. T'tith and High itev. Simpson H-imrlrk. pistor. HIT Kast street Phone fiTW Junior l.oiuo at " 1 A M. sundiv i,.,cl nt 1' if A M Morning Worship nt 1 1 00 A M Due to the Illness of Itci Hnmrlrk the Suiiila morning and evening services nt the Methodist church will be cotlililitLil b the Itei. J W Ilry- 11 nt SMiIa fountain . 10 e TuVto stores, wholesale or re tall . . -,00 Thetr-s. chnrginic flie cents or more udmiasinu. per three months 12 SO I ndertakers . . 7 30 arlety stores NORTH GETS BACK FROM OVERSEAS There is no doubt but that Klam ath Pall" can latin title to tin mi't modest American hero William (' North, the son of Mr anil Mrs W II North When urgul to Hpeak for publication. Mr North, Immediately forgot nil 11 f his thrilling experiences and hraio deeds. In fact, lie een hesltuted about giving his rank anil compaii) He was. nevertheless, bravo enough to admit his bashful ness III being held up for the public gaze It larks mil) nineteen dn)s of be ing 11 ear since Will set suit for Frame, with Company V.. 3I5tli snuadroii of the UOth division, or the T-n s During his sojourn DISORDERS IN BERLIN ARE ON THE INCREASE I umidn lime J' Disorder nr 'ii rtanlng in Herllti III" h.-i." telegraph correspondent t' p. I Mnn street nre Imrrbi't . I there have been serious etlcrvi beiwien goverilllienl r .. inobs ..i II I - - It takes not only skill but Iniagina- Wagon makers Hon and daring to be an up-todate Wood -ir coal dealers, or "both Juggler. Take, for Instance, "Dare . Devil Re)nol(Is. He went to the roof of the Herald Square Theater building In New York, twenty-five stories above Broadway, and Juggled three balls while standing on three tilted chairs He does not advise the 2 .10 10 00 Mon-liave been visiting Mrs. Click's mother nml ordinary citizen to do this as a morn- father. Mr and Mrs liemer Tn.i: I.AKI3 XOTKS Mr act! Mrs. Click returned day from Ashland where they All services will be nt the usual hour Tberu will be special music and singing. The choir has re-organlzed nnd will be able to furnish some good -I.. ..... ..., 11 ...utiln ..III. IIU ,-,. .u,v- a..,.,....,. -.. M-. ,y MlKtil MlioiU IlKlUi) ,0 m(11 Presbyterian Church, Pine street in the front line trenches near Second Itev. B P Lawrence when the army of occupation en- r!1The subject for the discussion Sun- tT''l Oerinnny. Mr North was with day morning at 11 A. M will be' them, nnd sta)ed there for over six "Dare to be a Christian" Mr B S months When asked bow the Cir Veach will sing a solo at this service treated Vmerlrun soldiers he In the evening at 78 P M. "The cause m""K "'otnl Am. rlran sol.llers. no and cure of a depressed soul " Bvery "I1 thut "to nil outward appear soul has Its times of discouragement nnceti they went very friendly and anil uesponoency. 1 nine uno mini; courteous TO the Public I wish to itnnounre to my inntiv friindt and former customers In this commuiilt). that I have taken over 1 lm Altnmniit Dairy heretofore opera tid lv Mi-sirs Cornish and I'ordjre and will be prepared commencing July 1st to serve all the customers who were recently cut off by (he shortage of milk supply The rows at my establishment whlrb Is to be known lis tile Perfer tloti Dalr) will nil be milked liv mach inery nml the most sanitary measures across ,mpto)ed for handling the product the wtiler. Mr North worked with I have n new clean barn In whlrh to the supply train whirh was ronstant- ZXWS ly under tire while rarr)lng supplies, , (ll .,. iIOHI,t, One thing whlrh will not be rhnugeil however Is the regular custom of sitinrn deal ing Yours for business, WAI.TBU i: PBKKINS mm HERE Monday vx...:..:....ss...M..:- Crow Elkhart ! Watch THE HERALD Ing exercise unless he has practiced a bit. STOLEN SECURITIES ARE RECOVERED PORTLAND, June 28 -Securities rhes and a few have begun cutting nl- Mr and Mrs. flubb of Merrill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Crandall Cleora Caten was kicked by a horse and her foot badly bruised Kortu nateely no bones were broken with us this thing thut hampers and burdens many. Christian Kndenvor service nt 7 P M nt tho Bmmnnucl Ilaptlst church. First Christian Church, rornor Ninth and Pine streets. C. V. Trim ble, pastor Sunday School nt 10 Sermon 1 1 Sermon nnd baptismal services nt 8 Talued at $30,000, stolen last Satur- falfa There are many acres of nlfal- 4ay night from the ault In the of fices of the Hammond Lumber com pany were found today In a vacant room adjoining the offices. GERMAN GENERAL IS fa being put In In this vicinity this ear Mr Click and Mr. Oraro were Klamath Falls Isltors Wednesday. The Girls cooking club met with Miss Hatch for their regular meeting DISMISSED FROM ARMY Tburli,y afternoon. After tho lesson the girls celebrated the birthday of BERLIN, June 28. General Hoff- fieula Hunt, one of their members, mann, an army commander In the Mr Knninn and son, Sam were vlsl- eastern district was dismissed for de- tors In this vicinity 0110 day lust daring be would defend the district week. to the last man In defense of the gov- eminent and would never recognle COlOSiU. JOHNSON'S IT.VKILW the peace treaty. IS POSTI'OXKI) UXTii, tiikhma vl TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WA.NTKD Man and wife wants posi tion on ranch. Wife to cook.hus band to do farm work. Inquire Bald win Hotel. 28-lt Hnllnr inci ticfitn nn ,li lt- wim O'clock - ".- - ! "- ,,.. .,,,, -,.. Ing nt 8 p. m. Bmanuel Baptist Church. Bleventh and High streets. W. L, Wilson, pas tor. Sunday School 10 A M. Mr. C W Murphy. Supt. Prenchlng at 11 A. M. and 8 P M Prayer meetings Wednesday at 8. Tho Seventh Day Advontlsts will meet at the Presbyterian He hud been working hard all one day hauling bread for the 90th divi sion, and had accumulated a pile of 2,000 loaves, when a German shell came sailing through the air and nestled In the middle of the loaves of bread, scattering them In every di rection, nearly burying men who were standing within range of the flying louves; nnd bread was scurru In those days, too XAiutow Bsc.tpi: run basil- A telegram was received here to day from SanTrancIsco stating that tho funeral of the late Colonel Hob ert A. Johnson, which was to have been held on Monday, had been post- FOB RENT 7 rooms and bath, one poned unUI lno following day, Tues- "Christian Bclenco Sabbath school. 10 a. in 11 n. m.; young peoplo's meeting 3urm, p. m. ' Prayer Meeting, Thursday at 8 '00 mm V. M. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. T. h. Thuemler, I'astor The Christian Science Bocloty of Klamath Falls holds services at 113 Fourth street every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and every Wednesday evening at 7:30, All are welcome. The subject of lesson tor Sunday, tialaHM QaIjUIM1' Basil Brown, the small grandson of I). S. Crlgshy, while riding his wheel beside his father's truck, was thrown under the big machine Tho youngster escaned without anv sorl- church at -.., it,i.,rv witi. im .,Knniinii n services, 'lislocutud elbow and a badly skinned Come to Fort Klamath JULY 4 This is our first celebration, and it is going to be a hummer. Horse Races- Bucking Contests, Foot Racing a little of everything that goes to make a real lively cel ebration. Fishing finest in history. Pack that Picnic Basket and come to Chiloquin for the time of your life. FORT KLAMATH BUSINESS MEN'S ASS'N. block from Main Street. J35.00. Geo. B. Cbamberlln. Oarage. "" 28-lt' FOR SAI,E G room house on Ala meda. Phone 295 W. 28-10t FOR SALE 12 (twelve) head of stock cattle. Phone or write Levi firlfflth. Olene, Ores. 28-6t I WOULD like to show you the most desirable borne In Klamath Falls, and the beat buy. Phone 27, or ad dress boi 67. 28tf SELF GOVERNMENT IS i DEMANDED FOR IRISH LONDON, June 28. Establish ment of self-government In Ireland, within tha British empire, is propos ed today In a manifesto by the Irish Dominion League and signed by Sir Horace Plunkett and other Irishmen, The Sunday school session ! from 9MB to 10:46 every Sunday morning. The free reading room and tree lending library Is open from 2:30 to 4:30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Lutheran services will be held at the Baptist Church Cor. Eighth and Washington St., at 7:30 P. M. Sermon by the Pastor. All are most cordially Invited to worship' with us. Rer, M. Rossman, 137FirtBt. PHONE 41 PHONE 290 hi FURNITURE Both New and Second Hand PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE "Th Furnwhwr of Happy Home" 120-126 N. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiunpijiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiliiil ! ? ? t v t Y v t T v Y t Y v t f t V t IM mmm