Mil ltlW. ' M' "-' ,,m'' PROIIIbrnONBILL 1 K s!HTUI' bY HOUSi: I II IP I l null I ' I n'l l ) ! lli. i' I ll III I " Ill-Ill if I nil 111 II I I ' I mil-Hi it i liilili in i .if llli'.l II I ll n! ii ' llml I" 1 llir.' i unit ' ' ffilln i' (lllil ' hoi PORTLAND GIVES H8TII A ROYAL WELCOME nl ll NP luilti 2 "'ll' of I In' Mfcc mm ritn ruui' Tin ' Mill I fllllH i i. il ! i nix M'l iii'iurili'il i , n mill mii ' i:lvin (inlay in ih" I ii,. 1 I Mil Fluid Arllll rv -Iiiii.i I'liiin-i" In I'll III i LowU , i, 1 1. nl lln tiny hern mill ni'in tin. I li ill" llUli h riir '11111111 I'l. coin 15 r.iir-1 ll I In I li"V i In- Him Vtltfim" W'll IlllVf l II. II uml P assengers ana oaggage w win in: i mi. ii (,H ll lv s, ll I' I HI ii viu i ; s piioni i: Western Transfer Co. COMEONIMUTHE AD"5 V r- S iV' M. Sm I S II I U HERALDS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE I'Olt HAI.K - Our Iioi.ii lit 221 IHI nt. iili-o I IC urnm llinlwr on lk ln,nt Knt' nld- it In m- u( i:.uli loiiii. iiimr Int."; rUo !" li Kteiul on llrrnni mountain, eiiitj In? to nnil"ialf million f(ci i.n" li fil'wiilmm ls-if. I'Olt SAM"- 1 10 IS liilili Self-IUl liny liuck 1 new liny der rick, coiiuilele trij OM. Karmem Wnreliouse. f.ih SI. -t-l' roit ham: 210 ww, jfi.nno. Tlireo mllen of ll. It . on IrrlKiitWm dltcli old liulldlliKd: 1:0ml KMln Innil. Wnnlil take nutniitoldln up to $100'), 2rno nihil lialnnrn termK K.O nrreo. IK.OO. 70 ncre r.rnln. JS00 worth of Umber; clone to II. H. Ilarn nml old liouiie; ran kIvo popneKRlon Octolier. A dil nun Unlit. S. Kry, AlKOtna, Ore. 23.f,t J'OIl BAM: lli'ctrle ll;lit fixtures; also tifintliiK slovii mill slielvi'ii. TliomnH Driike. office Odd Kellows lildi;. 27-tr Hahv (Iranil I'lmio. iiiiiliiu:nny. $1200. Jl loo I'riiNuiit nlue J7MI Oil. llnr- cash 120 WashliiKtou SI 27-21 roil SALE I'urnlshed npartment 'i"- ati-iKtiv modem, best loca tion In city also one corner lot Tortus If desired. Mrs. A. Whltlock fi2l lllRh St. 3t J'OIl SALE Excellent business lot on Oth Hi , between Mulii and I'lne. Easy tonus; itood Investment. In nulru lleral.l Office. 27-31 l'Oll HALi: New Maxwell car. Over Hljed tiro new Wlllard llattory. Hon let terms and price. Dr. Snulo. sV-at A" I VOIl SALE fly owner, nlco homo' on wont Hldo whuru fruit novor JiiIIh ami Irrigation costa nothlnu. H Bouth nivorBldo, or P. O. box 4. Klamath KalU. 28-8 i THONB PEYTON for Wood 112R HELP WANTED WANTED Eiporlcnc'ed woman or Klrl for Konural houBowork. Phono 20C. 24-tf. WANTED Woman or man and wife to work on ranch, Francis J. Downo, 2C-3t HAY INHUHANCK. Wo had n number of lossos last your, hut nil of them woro paid Ill llll'lll mu I"'"! i. rt.. f,.,.i 11... flrnnil I II 1- -. J- ... nro'XTSoS.' TfeH VAN HlVFU ;' MTOO & Smith. 27-lOt i2S-2t Worthy Matron. anx "" ' ft (ill HI "- ffl 10 ;; m M1III.IM i I , Win i, II ltl,l (.11 . .lll Ii II Mlt Mil s(, II 'Ii.iiiilfiiiiil.i r I. i'.i lii-i Liilr l i i, ii full, tin I ki luil Kli'.y iiihI all ,i iHii i Hi ii liu a i f Shi'i I I'u mil r(i in,r A,i' i r lii'i lintr link mi llml 'I'll!, (mini ii nlli'.lKiil itiim 'in- ll m l iplr lilMlllt' n luiilni hiii i n Ii rllll I'Tl'i'l Ilv llakltiK nl nn lint tun fur W rtlt' H.ige on I S M.iir iiiiin unit.' ' ii lll r. i u Ihihi' tin' liu n( lllln iild-llllin li'ilp" I III i nii'l M (In nilillllnii (if iiiI'it liriiM nt i'l irmly l ikii. fur I'tiiiut Mi i ui 'I k IIIUi I" IlllXtUle I .III III' lll'l llllll (ii In iiKtitin lint it ul iiilir- ami i I'Hity lu ihi' linir, N l '(fllll. , lIllMlllllUI) ill ll'KUl , , ii ii yliimv Iiki'i, W vi ili Hn i iiinl r ! 'nir ( iiiiiiihii1 .iiiw Ih'ihh.i. Ii ' i Mm ii ii.iIitii'Iv ami c in I tint I. i ii li 'I II I 1 1 been i;ii I il .HI I 'Ii (iw Inn ni i it lv nli Hllft III II I llllll iiiiii ink)- r "in it IIV llllll It 1 1 (.' Ml I - . ll 'llT llli It I I i- i n n il (i, t. kIiiiiN . I" ft in I FOR RENT I n: in r RPtltlfllietl I'lirnl ilieil rii'i'i T 11 Walnut axe f.u MISCELLANEOUS VA.Ti:i To rent a inolorlioin fur I lie teiiNon will ri'iui'llt and pill in kooiI repair ii K. .MacOarler. Her ald offlie 27-tf W ANTIC I) refrigerator fersou hiiiiiII sornnil hand - Kuiiulro U20 Jef 2S-I I'Olt lUI.N'T I'urnlslied looms for I'.enllenK'UI. I'leiin. I'omfottnlile lii-ds Mil Walnut st. 2.N-2 WANTKIl To i'.m'1i:iih;h liraiid new IiIkIi i:rade piano for a i;ood second liiiud Miitouiolillo Call at TIKI Main st. J'htinu 125. 2C-7 DON'T foritet VAN'S AUTO E.VCflt SION to Klamath Hot Springs Join I he crowd nml have a Jolly time Cor p.irtlculani. call VAN'S AUTO SEIl VIl'U. Phono 2!.S-W. 7-tf DHESSMAKINl! -Alterations, sew liu; ItateH rea.souahlu, 701 Main St. 24 -M- TO I.CT--A contract In loir and haul lumber. Write or call on O. V. llos-l-i II. Mucdoel. Calif. 23-Cr Mrs. I) 1' Salmons, ISlTi Messnnle St. SI Joseph. Missouri would ap- pieclate anv Information ronceinhiK her luother. John PfltiKer, now li yn.irs of iiKe Last hoard of nt Lewis ton, Idaho, In 1013. 23-3f SPECIAL for Sunday and Monday lieu, Cut Down; i;ood tires, Kod runnlni! order. $17" ensh. 2300 Eiierlnln, cor Mitchell, Mills nddl- 7-l LOST AND FOUND LOST- -Almostt two months iiko ii haud-baK contalnliiB ono fourth Llhortty Loan llonil No. 12802200 for Fifty Dollars Will the poison having thitt bond, which roprosontH tho hard parned hiiviiirh or it poor gin. inoaso return It to Tho Harold offico. Ho ward. 27-2 LOST 33 by 5 Ooodrlch tiro noar Modoc Point. $15 reward If return ed to II. L. llrooks Will to Pollcan Uarago. 27-3t LOST Watch fob with Initials R. C. M. Ilcturn to First Stato Sav ings Hank, Howard. 28-tf NOTICE. On Monday owning, Juno 30, tho Aloha Chapter O. M ,S, will hold fti sneelal meeting for tho purposo of, THE EVENING HERALD. l Ml Ml. I Its Ml MM N Hli l:n v I .ION Mi I7i, i i I! A v. II tin 'if inlv 2 nl I s ,os. i!n: H'i 1 1 luiy 'I m; i, w W1I.H, ' i.i' im.MiliiK , ' ' ' 'liu .n . ...hi,. iliou, . ., i i ii ' ii il i. j Hi pi ,,, I. H .su '" "" M At I! I hum ' ' ' " ll k. hi Mill 4 il I Ml! Mini I ' Mil' ' .ir nlil mIh.t llraiuli'il ' ! lurk in rlclii iiml mill in l ii i r ' U il. i .' y. ,r i,. I (.! Ilranili'il I i I" r I . nil nf inn Ii ( inn- him . in fi i., viikI nf Ii (; II '.ii (rt (iri'Kon. November. I I (iwiiirn iiiiiv liavi' Mimifi hv pnnlim .riinrtv inyiift (out of nil riiNltij' uinl keep 21 zk., unit i. tut lirwmiix. In ' ' "I'll ' Hurt nf tin. stnif of "ri;..n. I nf tin- County of Klnm- ii in i' M H. r .f i In. PilM" of Tliom l n tn-,1, I .- It-w 1'. !..., in- liit riK ilnlm at;nlnut thp "-t iti uri- r.'iiilri to irHnt i'i uri 'iit vonr-liem ttlthln llli" from ditto horonf. to tlio ti .' i " .. 1 1 o'i".i .,f r f' t emir nri'l "nvlnir It i i 1.1 n Klnmath Fullii. Ore- "1 Tnni I" llO. ni'Tif nnuT. 1 '" ulrlx of mill Kn'nte III. II '111 u. . I 11 I! ml: fi. ' 1 " I 11 IS sunt i: 'i I'd rs. ,'K i i ti r imil 't I'.-itm of Tin- Klmii. i .Hun Dl.irl' t. ' ' n Ii of m.u ar" hrri'oy ' ii iii"nt I'f o'l fur i hi l nl" from tin- Klii'iath ' ir'it or fur th nu i. ! nt on anv iirinn of froiii III I,' ' Ii ri . lo I .tti th i ' - i ir of i" Ill SUNDAY EXCURSION on Upper Klamath Lake Tin- Inunrhen "Sirav" and "Oak laiu' ' lll run excursions ovcry Kuiiilay. lit .itiR llif mail linni UnilliiK nl ii m , allowing fivo honrn at Korlcy I'olnt Pare 1 50 from Ii inline for round trip Hus loavm Wiiiirn Transfer office at T rfi a in Calkins & Hamilton House Movers Ve are jircpared to move your building promptly and reasonably. Old houses bought Smith Bros. rhone 93 xetkm: CARPENTER AND CABINET WORK i:. C. STITKY Ixirateil at 1 1 10 Main t. xow eri: rou iicsinkss Coe's Jitney Service Day Phono KM l.AWHK.MT.'S (TOAIl STOHC KInmnth Falls, Ore. Physicans, Prescriptions Our Specialty Drug Slotvs nro really nolgh liorhond department stores in which various lines aro feat ured. Ono druggist may push patented preparations, an other toilet goods, cameras, optical sorvlco, tho fountain or other dopartmont which netB him good financial re turns. Our spoclalty has always boon tho filling of Physi cians' Proscriptions, nnd as a result our storo has be come a prescription center. Wo carry an exceptional stock of proscription drugs, and our laboratory equip ment Is up-to-date. Wo em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. AH of your Prescrip tions and Reclpiea are Important and deserve tho special care which we are able to give them. KLAMATrf FALLS, OREGON 'i i Hi. i 'in I (irfu . ' mi iilnn li'illil'nr Klnm.ii'i I 1 'ir ll'. I 'll'' l i 1 l 1" l'i l'i In order that Mm Mount oi Director of the IHtrl(t m.iv li.i u w inn' in ii il ' I iin'i In ii ii i n prin ii i" i''i ir ii i !' ,i- ' ii rull f-ir 'In uri ' 'ir ill A I I -il Mtli " i n I n fi, I ii I.d.ikI of lilr"' in'1 if il i I'l-iin-.Hli Irrlr ii'mi I)1 irl 1 ! 'I I'l IH.K M'll( i: ( mils. M.I.INfi Mill it ii I (Hill 111 ri, i'lnc li' iHiriHinc of liu- "oiin'', of Kliuiialh ' iiilllly to roll- II t.r ,f. T(hh oil IdVIT whl'h Hlrui'tiirc ulll rfti'ilro a rcr- linn .itiiiitint of Kelt I'lr Tlmlicr. lildn in the following ipci Ifled ii'i'iw will In. rc-i'h I'd by the r'ouniy Court up iinlll 2 p m on .Monday. Julv 0. at which time lililu w'll ho 'nici'd T-u-lier to lie delivered nt Klnmith Kali or Mi-rrlll hv Autjiist 1st, I'll'i. inoo prH. floor, 2i, IC ft , 10.CCC 11. M H I K k" tirn IinlllTR Htrliw 3x0, 10 ft , 1.H20 1IM. S I S. IB nrs felloe gunrd Cx. 1 fi ft 7'-.k IIJI. S I S. i f f-lloo nard. fxfi. 20 ft. 240 MM. S I S IK rail posts, Cxfi, C ft. r, In., 317 HM. S 4 S "I mil ti'iim, Cxfi, ft. 1 In, 3S1 TJ.M 8 4 P 10 rail posl 3x10, 10 ft , ffiO DM, a 4 S. total of 1".123 ft. IJM. ,. ,,n-i 'i ...-vom the r'8'it to re Ject any and all bids. r. r. nrup. 20-10 Coun'v Clerk i:sii ITION. " hl City I'liK'nuer piirs'iant to re toluunli of lli' Common ( oan-i. 'ic-i 1'ifure i (I ipted hivni; "n th" 't ! i!n c.f Mav I'll'i. filnl plans. pf "Hi niion aril ehtirirte- of I lie co'l if 'inprot i hi: lllch Strixti fro n Mil Strut itii"li to 1st .Street. Inclu'l- 'nit Interui '.tlonn nml lrt. End, 4th '.th t!i and 7th Streets from MlKh -ittiet southerly t Pine Ftrett in- Iodine Inti --"(riions. and the Coun- u iiavini? taken tne same uiwt uu- U'i;ii" and findlni? I lie plan sr- 1 Ifii-iti'Tis and estimntes to he satis f,ii lorv in: it HKitcnv nrsoi.vKD That the planx. speelfleatlons and es nriati's for the Improvement of High "net from Mh Street weterh to 1 st 5treit ineludlni; Intersections and 1st. 2nd. 4th 1th, fith and 7th Sts. from IIIkIi Street Kiutherlv to I'lne -'trpet. Inelndlnc lnti"sectlins lie iifii the Kame are hereby approved and, hk it rrn-nint rksoi.ved. That the Common Council hereby de clares itf Intention to Improve said portlors of IIIkIi Street and 1st. 2nd tli Olh and 7t!i Streets In ae eoidance with said plans, specifica tions and estimates: snld Imnrove nent to conslrt of pains said por tions of snld Ftr"ets with oil maca dam pavement at an estimated cost. Ineluilir.R rr-.ient side walks con crete curblnc and cradlnp of f33. 7n7 00; or concrete p.i'-ement at nn ("iMiiiatetl cost. Including cement -Ide walks, concrete curbing and crnilinir of $00 131 00; or blthulithic nnement at nn estimated cost. In cluding cement side walks, concrete curbliiK and crndinK. of $00,217.00 said Improvement in either event to Include KrodliiK rolllnu curblnj; and concrete bide walks 4 feet wide on both sides of said streets and. HK IT Fl'RTHKIl llKPOIA'nD. ny the Common Council that the proper tv hereinafter described tip. and here bv Is, declared to ho benefited by snld Improvement- I ots 1, ?. 3 nd 4, nio'V ?: and southerly M of Hlock 41. Nichols Ad dition to the C'ltv of Klamath Fnll.s, Orepen: Lots 3, I, 5, 0, 7 and S of Hlock 11; Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, C. 7 and S of block 10; Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, C, 7. and S, in Hlock 9; Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, C, 7, and S, of Hlock S, Lots 1, 2, 5, C, 7, and S of Hlock i ; Lots 3. I, 5, C, 7, and S of Hlock i"; Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. r, 6, 7, and S of Hlock Lots l. 2. 7. nnd S of niock 4. ori ginal town of Klamnth Falls Oregon; The southerly 220 feet of Hlock ,11; Ine southerly 230 feet of the prem ises occupied by the Klamath Coun ty High School, said property lying between High, 1th. fit li nnd Washing ton, formerly Canal Street; Lots fi, 7, S, 0. nnd 10. of Hlock .10; Lots fi. 7. S, 0. nnd 10 of Hlock 40. 1st Addition to Klnmath Fnlls, Ore gon; Lots It 2. 3. I. and r. of Hlock fi; Lots 1, 2. 3 4. and ,1 of Hlock 5; Lots 1 and 2 of Hlock 4, Ewnuna Heights Addition to tho City of Kla math Fnlls, OreRon, nnd that said property oliovo described Is hereby declared to be tho proporty assessed for tho oxpenso of snld Improvement and, HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Monday, tho 14th day of July ,1010, nt tho hour of 8 o'clock, P. M. nt the council chamber In the city hall, be fixed as tho tlmo and place for tho hearing of objections and re monstrances against the said propos ed Improvement nnd tho police Judge bo, nnd heroby Is, directed to cause notlco of said hearing to be published as by Charter provldod. State of Oregon. County of Klamath, City' of Klamath Falls ss; I, A, L. Loavltt, Pollco Judge of tho City of Klnmath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a duly enrolled, copy of a resolu tion adopted by tho Common Council on tho16th day of July, 1919 declar ing its Intention to Improve High Streeet from 8th Street westerly to 1st Street, Including Intersections, nnd 1st. 2nd, 4th, 5th, Cth, nnd 7th Streets from High Street southerly to Pine Street, Including Intersections nnd approving tho plans, specifica tions nnd estimntes of tho cost sub mitted by tho City Engineer. A, L, LEAVITT, Pollco Judgo. 18-10t Livciy, V"c :j.n(l ??;!' StaLle Auto c ,OTT7TJ e . 2L i ii. Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Imt: '1 1 Ips (liu ie lull) Kciwinnlili' ISiiles I'lmiie i:;i Ivl.iniiitli Am-. Sl'Mlli Kill' 1 'U" S.itNf.K tion Our (iiiaiiintcc Kandy & Hartman : Painting, Kalsomining Paper Hanging City and Coun'-y .lobs Sollf'ted .M.ike our Hoiik Altrntiv Phone 414 AIIKESS 11)! Cine St., I.liiiuatli CnlN, Ore. J. HART M A N CEMENT CONTnACTOH iltle Wall.s KouiKl.ifi ms I'enij Cijilrps Steps. f'enieiit l'Siisti'ilr R Minn. Si lire i nml Tiiiinia Uj!1 ( 'einetct j oil n Spctinli. I'lItST 'LASs WOllK 1'UICI.S IJKJ1IT ,-:5S Cine st. Cur. (1th nml I'lne . White Pelican Laundry I.Ml,.'.V.SII, 20 l.HS. T.-e IWMII.V IilY WASH Oc LII. "Cut Yuur Ouils In Our SiitN" S3 MAIN STltKET imiem: -121 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station Wc hand'e th." II el-v U.ividon MotorcycK - and Tic ''les Exclut, Ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires iind Tubes C. K. UISMAUK 11." S Oth St. Klamath Kails KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair- liiK New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Itlncksniithing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 017 Klamath Ave. OLD FURNITURE Repairing New Made to Older Andy Mauritsch 10 Main St. TRY ME PHONE 170-J For Home Slade Hread, Pie nnd Cakes, Go to T. A. ROBERTSON 42 Main St. One Trial Means Satisfaction Orders ' Delivered Any Place in Town SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re- patrlng, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH The Handy Man" 100 MAIN ST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A. SOULE X-Ray Surgory Medicine Phone 151-J 430 Main MWWWWMAAAAAAAAAMAAArMMAMAAAMi E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 211-14 Wllllts Bldg. Klamath Foils Oregon page seven i"-"H V- :jOMAl CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL nrv f )ji n for M.itct nit aNi 301 High St. Phone 455 nil': PAfmiw ! ( IjI "Inssi-Kii : I acini Hl,.l TV SHOP j , I I' lulling anil i Cacks 3 Man i uriiiK. Sh.nnpooiiis Stalp Trent in' nt ."11 M ilii rimiie 3(io : t It. C. SCMLEEF IIATHERINE SCHLEEF I'lijsli Inns nml Surjjeonii Offlif, White. IHiIk. ! Xr DR. G. A. MASSEY S'lKiessor In Dr. Truar Suit mm, I. O. O. I'. Illilg Olilre plinnc Hfl.l I'.is I'lninc K0.M DR. CARTER iji:ntist WIIITi: nUiI.DINQ I' :is.-i DENTISTS E. G. Vicecarver rno.VK s.-i Dr. P. M. Noel rnexi: i Oicr Underwood's .Si.'cntli and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST LotimK Hltlg., Klamnth Falls DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE CI (.'IIV AM) COt'NTV AliSTKAOT ! COMPANY HIT M.iin ARTHUR R. WIIjSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDAKD Osteopathic Physician A Surgeon Suite 211, I. O. O. F. Tempi (over K; K. K. Store) Phone 321 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon in Klamath Falls ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers nnd builders of mod em Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals nnd reports matte. Dredging. We contract to build any class of a building mid install uiiHlilnery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. RIuo Prints made. PHONE 14SJJ Ollico in K. D. Building WELL DRILLING Vochatzer Bros. & IUabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Tool Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W 'h:...m8-xhM' SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CnOP SUEY AND NOODLE HOUSE Short Order Meals Served. 72 Main Street ? KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. S ( 207 I. O. O. F- RLDQ. '''iM ' I flnW.Tf W 4$