THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON niiit.w, .11 m IIMo stmkholdiaiul Mer t n tm.p lu '. I n well anil Rlu the irmlit hell I, Mieini'li- mnl ritiui It iomMin III tile prrm-nl lule nf uf ,., ., ,, ..... ,,r fan in Maiiintlt t'liunt). wlihli II n Wele iipt'i' lUCil II. ''ii. oi "" ' . . w Ullil jlltlf the colllluil Hie of llm the .o,patl to wind HP Hi. UI im ,(IIW1 ,, IUI ,,.oom. ,,w. !!,.. hrtie flnalh closed out the ( iim tin." . mnl pitil 1 1'"-. " " - ""' .... doll- III II..I.M...IOI. il...Vii.l ir , S,.MIU, svn xv tllllilin in I'IMlie I'linrlpul (lid at MVUMi: T Till" l,llll'l!T. J p. r lent a mar liitin1! 'l'ln-r..i moi oftli i and ill" UholdiT of 111.' to ii -,Mitila nflerimon it hlr tloilhl paiix loiicianilatr tin inn I'' - "a K ' lieiiili r will lie kIiiiwii at I lie Liberty ' of J2oo ono to do n Keneral es ! il i lllMlllllKe IHIMIIO". inn nmi part,. . lit. !j tu I'Ulni i.iui i I nv,:, iHK house It hud (i hum oi nil taroor of f ho st n it flunll) lauding In the i .: .i of a coMratte board of ill ietor composed of Mpr l It Campbell. 15 I" Smith. V V Mur pin. 11 if. Fred Melhae. Mariun Hank. 15. I!. WiiticnhurK unit intor on InclmlttiK J W Sltmoi 15 A .totitisfin; r K Klli'x Arthur K i' on .imt M 8 it Aftt-r more tlar three i'ri of hard woik thev succeeded In intitviiiK iii thii Iom usutalued tu tlu tlrt feu month of to existence o tin' in' iti If lait's Iiiiiit when (tio offi eers of the company wcr aide to tin tiiMtme to the Miirkhotdur tha the .et of the rompany woie safe thev , were .ilo compelled to aiinoinii'e that thev could see no nitnre for the in til. tl ii i tor who "ie no mm h of 't'i ir t.u.e and attention to altu lnn'Miiienl which lit one time voio .ttt.ed more like uiIiiIiir stock than iti 'tt.inft i se This nctlon was taken hy the I'll llll I I . II .... . I" Kl il ,, Mors with ii.i,, , ,, , , . Wr,l'rit I- Uio iham t..,i,. ,, "'"" SffiMITS ml alii,., ii ,u u. .. . "" "'Ml. '..., m,",: -"Jill rmirnn. Mull ,.,, ,, , hll , "'. ton (till) ..a,. -i,u m , '"" h" iK.i, ..r ,.. ,.... ;;:;,: It. ji'Ti:i: imi;s or cutmt. m.n.,'i:mi:nt, lumvioii, .m: .srtx'issrri. i .s.w; iTO(' Tim .iff.iiih of rv .. . !-.i,umc Ivciln (intMti hue rip i ' I t .Usntved of d i , trvs-U'os ,m,i ., .fiv .'end !:, ttl f r t i This eo tp.wt n is org p ilt; kf. , llnlniHMllit.i .,. .ti... ... " lllil III, , on hand nU . ,,, ,,,..., 111 III) tiiiintiMh id ht , i i , a. i j.. ' ."i;;- -I It U The Woman's Store SAFETY SAVING SATISFACTION t'AOK EIGHT M t mm it I Fresh, Pure and Full Strength Our immense procrtptlon busi ness Keeps our drugs constantly moxinK. which results In eiery Item ue use bolnc fres-h. pure ami full strength That's one of the re.vons why good doctors recom mend Star prescription work Smalt 1MII Small IVe Sm.ill Price I'nr tVntlp.illiiii. fair l.lltlr I.U. or Lifter ulll ct joii riutit oer ltit. I'urel) Vegetable. i4i ICARLSt I WITTLC ' IVCR irrcBsi, A. Few of Our Specials '""wJESiCSS HNOTnlfiU HK!lS5aii2t Hand Brushes, 25c to 85c; Tooth Brushes. 15c to 75c; Hair Brushes, 75c to $7.00. -A wonderful assortment of bmshes of all grades, from the' highest to cheapest. Stationer' A new line of Box Paper Try a Home Shampoo with "Septone" Just received from the fac- and your hair will look tory. I better. 1.25 I 50c New Bath Sprays I There's only one way to ! secure a Satin Skin, to fit any faucet are wait- and that way is to use Jon fng you here, priced from ! teel Colcl Cream, then ap I ply Jonteel Face Powder $1.50 to $5.50 50c each PALM OLIVE, CREME OIL AND LAVA SOAPS Priced to Sell ecaSZ I I TT'sansj? ssflg a 22 10c &3 VhiW-.atfV We carry all the Standard Dentifrices. 25c to 60c 25c A Vacation Cream you will be glad to use. 35c 35c i ii Come to Chiloquin JULY4 . This is our first celebration, and it is going to be a hummer. Horse Races- Bucking Contests. Foot, Racine- a , little of everything that goes to make a real lively eel. ebration. , Fishing finest in history. Panic, that PiVniV RnalrAf nnrl Unmn frt rki1ni,;n tj- . ... . vw..wv .U.'VVtll, kV UII1IUUUIII for the time of your life. ,y CHILOQUIN BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION With These Warm Days Serving as Gentle Reminders That aecition'TTme Ts Near R.. WE PUT FORTH OUR GREATEST EFFORTS TO ASSIST "&& "" YOU IN THE IMPORTANT MATTER OF CORRECT APPAREL FOR THE OCCASION IB"" mi.. i i: :.i :.. ...Ill, no linlmv Keiirht iliivi iii(ri fiirciliK' imnri(M no vvitli llm il,,!,.., i I 110 Milliliter IUl.t.UUUU (ILMIUU in no w.....v I '""r." .; ; --"i- - v nv.-uu ui be in the open. And with the Glorious Fourth but a few days distant, our joyous spirits urge us to don the garb of mid-Summer. In every matter of Women's Apparel, we are ready to serve. Head Your Saturday Shopping List With "Welworth" Pn'til new models III nur fauirlte Mouse are here ' are sure .Mill will like them and where such an economy ai ex pressed In these popular $2 50 Hlone They solxe the proh l--m of suppling a really stylish Illouse at an unusually low price And the Smart, But Less Expensive New Wirthmore Waists $1.50 Made ! I lie same manufar inrers and full) as In uliii- .ii tlu- price as Is WWworth at !2 ."o On One of Our Counters Will Be Found Pretty Waists, Special at 98c ' r I I To Complete the Summer Outfit You Will Require Sunshades And Mich n woiul.rful we are ofd'rii.K pi .-Il I' rani In lolnred deii!ii iii rt.irl ami roiiieiillniiut mttrin unli iiiin dies harilii.llloiia I lul.ri'lluo uf colored Silk Ihil .i- mally wll In case of unit ptnir. i urn or show or l'rli-'d In i-ni lUitrrri (roiu rll.." up I" 11. mi Hats and Cnps For Motoring Wear llendwxar ilii tllU ilu r ciilremnl for .hi'i i .intlaii ami tldllK rou.foii It i ' i ml or. t.erwl iii ' "l m "I' " UJt.lM. BnthiiiR Suits Hi-llllili' lle 111"' "II""' fH fri'rilnlii of million ii "" "'' tu UlUfN. ltMU and " '"" ' '" Hied III ionlrnlinK r. !. VI 110, niLAII anil ST. HO. For Stay-at-Homes, or Those Planning Trips, We Arc Offering The Prettiest of New Dresses for Mid-Summer Wear Frocks whose utterly desirable style features bring them into prominence as the last word in fahionable apparel. Come tomorrow and view the newest arrivals and make selections while the showing i at its best. We mention in particular: Many New And Attractive Styles in Cool White Frocks -The prcttlciil iiheer nutmin-ry OrKunillo'niiil Voile Krorku Ihtoiii ltiKl trimmed with Iiic.h. emhriildur) and ruffle, with roll rnllart, round and V neck Womvifit and Mlime' kite er inoderaicly prlcinl Indeed for kiirh upleudld warm weather ilrenn. ai A Choice Selection of Pretty Dresses of Silk Could wo hut paint a word p cture of these ailraitlve Frock, wo would he mi re of your appearance here tomorrow Hut an Mich li lmpoilhle. we munt urKe you to view th.-iu-innd.-lii of fN'oritettn Crepe. Crepe tie Chine. Satin a nil Taffeta In no many differently em hroldered. headed ntul trimmed ntvl.-ii. In Hummer'n inoiit approi.d shaile-i $20.00 TO $35.00 THE SPORTS SKIRTS Are Simply Beautiful - In their untiMual weaven and rolorlnjtH the very nrlHtocratu of Rklrtdom. Of Fan-ta-ul. Haronetto Satin. Trlcolette and Crepo de Chine, In hlmple and effectively trimmed models $12.50, $16.50 to $25.00 $7.50, $8.50- $10.00 TO $20.00 NEW .BLOUSES THE SPORTS SWEATERS A Display Extraordinary In Wonderful Colorings Creation of the couutry'ii foremot IIIoiimi maker and Mich heaiitlful ntyle hand' Homely iimhroliler.Ml, head trimmed ami tucked model nf (teorKett.i Crepe and Crcpo de Chine In the paMet and darker xhnden. $5.00 Upvto $15.00 The popularity of tlume heaiitlful Karm-ints Koe without h Imk- Our latent arrival are hy far the mol Knnccnii of any we ham cl khown In the new lllue. IIiim Hreeii ami Hand nliade; novelty weae and utrlpeJ and checked effect In conlraflliiK khade Con HlderlnK itiallly. they are moderatel) Priced at $20.00 to $30.00 Garments of Khaki for Mountain, Fishing of Motoring Wear Where a garment is subjected to severe wear, no other material serves in a like manner. For practical Outdoor and Outing wear we mention : KHAKI MIDDIES, $2.50 $3.50 KHAKI SKIRTS, $4.50 OUTING SUITS, $2.50 - In Women's and 511.'' size, ton front atfd laced collar Htyleu. Children's Middies Women's Khaki Jackets.. Full hut Full cut HtylcH, Hid.) lilt 1 1 on t M K All Hire. i HOSIERY SPECIALS WOMEN'S FIDRK HOSE 73c Hlack and White, all slzos. SILK LISLE HOSE 8fic nisck, Whlto, Drown and Gray. A special value. COTTON' HOSE 40c The last of a special lot. Black and White. A special value, CHILDREN'S HOSE 20c Good quality ribbed Hose, A very special item. Black only. All sizes. -For Klrl 8 to H year llloomer bI)Io. A flue mi m hut or oulliiK Suit $2 Women's Riding Breeches . $4.50 child's Play Suits $1.25 to $1.50 $5 Girls' Riding Breeches $2 Children's Overalls $1.50 n i r c.u.. c ii r Tt.-.- "N ncau urciuuy- every iicm ui incio Saturday Saving Specials Mean Real Economy to Thrifty Women Each week brings more Women to a to a full realiza tion of the importance of our Saturday Specials, as money-saving opportunities. From 'mongst the many we have selected a few: 7fJc Mlilily IJIouhph flOo :Wc Hair How Ribbons, yd iWc While Jersey All Silk Gloves 8.1c Waalutbln PHomcUa Glove fl.Uft Women's Kiblted Union Suits H0c Children's Riblied Union Huits 4nu fl.JM IlunKalow Aprons OHo $3 CoroetM, broken line $3.48 2.ft0 Corsets, broken llne....1.08 1.7ff CbrseU, broken lino....f 1.48 Cornets, broken line 08c IVSc Percale, all shades iiffc niiiKlmins, !Wc value 23c 2.1r Illcarhril Mualln 18c lrtc Nainsook, BO-li 35c 85c English LonKctotli U3c aln. narrrd Nainsook .Iffc 40.1n. Cross Ilarred Voiles rJOc (10c TurkUh Towels 50c Bc Huck Towels IWc Wash Cloths, special 10c 18-ln. Unbleached Linen ...., Toweling ,...2.1o H. N. MOE vt IN THE WASH GOODS SECTION Ilc-ent shipments Iwyn brought us some ' th "f" son's most deslrablo Frock ma terials, inoludlng NEW ORGANDIES M In dainty nosobud pattorns. An unusuat valuo, PRRTTV ORGANDIES 4c Several different Floral pat terns. VOILES AT 75c TO $1 Includes olaborato r lora and conventional designs in many color combinations, awo Polka Dot patterns. VOILES 450 AND 500 VYUIIU lv ww.w.w-. j i! j-kitiA&