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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1919)
THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i mow, ii m nun llll.l nililllllll plKI-spliale Pill lllll III- I Sir I'lilllltli I , , i i , ,-, -nils Is lined b lllimiiiilids i'l liimltitlu nr I 1. in , , , ,!;. fm ntuiiiiuh Mould wllh i i. Iiitiini i,,, , , , ,, ti in i, Mills r (, nam. imi , i,kl,, , , c & ' TIIE 3IG Sl'LASII IS ON NOW AT VIRGINIA BE AC II II l lir-ll, , , H,,,, , ,, ll-inDIAI 'YC DA MAMA .' 'limiting IW r.lVllMll I J I HM.IIIIM ! i limn w III In Li ,!,.. i I . .. FA 1M CANAL ENGINEERS ''"" "' "" !.;t; si PUT STOMACH IN FINE CONDITION v ' '"in 1 ii i niiiun i in. - -- ,-m -'r?s j b crKaB su ! t f u m k 111 Bf JJKste?!yBs2' 4zKm Sk?5? bbbbbbbH BBBfcrPv"V -N .h5 f ibbIbbb. i bEkL bLbbbbbbY PSLCl EHL mBLHbbW. LbbbsbbbH bbbbHt LbbbbIbwh 1Ibmibbsb. psHkvW t -j iP s c .LLH 2r i t.bbbYbbbvbbbB' Can jou do a black tlopptr ' ands clasped behind your neck ? Can you do a shallow dip into three feet of water from a four-foot uilins? Can you tread with poise and firmness on coarse cinders and sharp rael? Can you lie three hours bare- Imkol on a p .ii n m wearier like tin? and not cook to the middle? Can ou scale a 75-foot 73 per cent embankment in 10 seconds lint and two and a half jumps ahead of an athletic policeman and don all jour clothing en route? I.earn to swim. You may some day save life, yours or another's. lake n trip to irKtm.i l- It's the finest sutmmini: sand . n i Atlantic, just a nice street c.i ' from Norfolk Not so hot as IV i Ilcach; no ice in August, like v - tip north. Just right. And in V pinin, wher? booze is history Itath mjr, fishing, boating makes a whole srme program there. The splash Is on. T MEXICANS KILL OWN COUNTRYMEN W Jl'DGB I.KAVITT OVKKIiri.KS DEMfRltKIt, AMI DKriiAHKS nillllNA.NCK IS K.M-'01UK.ltl,K IX KVKItV ItKM'KtT Police Judije I.mi . has lundrd rfown a decision in the garbage ordi nance case, u herein he over-rules the demurrer filed hy Renner and Chas taln, representing F t' Orennon. ho claims that he Is within his rights In carrjing out the terms of a contract entered into prior to the passage of the ordinance Judge teavitt's decision upholds the con tentions of City Attorney Carnahan In ever)- particular, and the latter states that from now on the rights of the city scavenger will be pro tected by the arrest of any person trespassing upon them by a violation of the ordinance The question arose because Mr ttrennon had entered Into a contract ultti certain restaurants and butcher shops for the removal of their waste material This was done prior to the passage of the ordinance When the law became effective. It C f! roes beck, on behalf of City Scavenger Hunter, applied to the circuit court for an Injunction to restrain Orennon from removing the waste from any of the establishments with which he had vontracted. claiming that in o doing he was Injuring Mr Hunter This in junction Judge Kuykendall denied, on the grounil that It was not a ques tion for a court of equity to lass up on. The matter was then taken up by City Attorne Carnahan ana ne n--gan proceedings before I'ollce Judge I.eavltt, whose opinion In overruling the demurrer, upholds the provisions of the ordinance and the power of the city to enact suth legislation. An appeal will undoubtedly be tak en to the higher courts. VERA I It! 7. Mexico (Correspond erce of the Associated Press) The dt'ith of seventj-rive defenceless pas sengers was one phae of the revenge taken l the rebel bands under the nominal command of Foil Diaz for the death of Aurellano illanquett and Francisco Alvarez A train on the Interoce.inlc line, beirlng peons, being armed onl with instruments of labor, was djnatniled between Pine and Vlgas. th greater number of the passengers killed b rirle Tire and their bodies, together with the living wounded, burned when the train was ftreil "Within a few da a party of ban dits, commanded by the Arellano brothers, burned a large part of the village of Tlapocoyan. causlngah un determined number of casualties An other attack on Pedo Oobaj, falsely reported killed, on the Alvarado rail, way near Salinas, claimed fifteen pas sengers and fifteen soldiers as vic tims The only military success register ed was the attack on a military train near Tlerra HJanca, on the Isthmus railway, at a point known us ''Devil's Backbone," by forces under the rebel leaders, Villegas and I.agunas The young Ceueral Krncsto Damy Major Olrilo Oamhoa and fifty soldiers weio killed Damay fought to the list SSI TO DARKEN III GRAY VOL CAN lUtlMJ IIUK Ol.Olt ami i.r.siiti. uirii Mi.i: tka AMI I'l.l'llllt When 5011 darken our hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It's done so natural!), so evenly Preparing this mixture, though, at home is mussy and trouble some. For 30 cents )''i c-n buy nt any rdng storo the readv to-uso prep aration, Improved by the addition ol other ingredient, called Wjeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound " You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. Hy n ornlng all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, n u r hair becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace. Is a sign of old ago, and as wc all deilre a youthful and attractive appearance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years ounger svs IMllld MION Kl Mil1! I KiiM 1 I ss III in- Dlillt III.OIIK A U. I n tu"li'd food delnvixl III lb" st. mm. ti ileiuvs or nillu'l. fiiriileul the -nr.' as food left III the open ttr. sin. ,i ii net! itiilhorltt Mo al-o tells us (Imi Imllgostliiti Is riuineil tn ll per m l.tllv. nienlilli (hern an ex cess of h drui lilorli uclil In the stom nib wblili pteveiits romplele dUi's (Ion mi. I starts food formi'ntiiloit TIum I'Virvthliic e.ilen mints In U mouittih miuli like garlMKo Hours In a inn forming acrid fluid. unit sue whlih lufUlo (In' tiimaih like a to balloon I'lii'ii wo f"i'l hoivv, lunipv nilr In the ctu'st, wo bob h up gas wo I'riictiilo Hour food or tmvo liouillitirii. fliKiili'iuo. walorbr.uh or till lino I lie tolls tin to U aslilo nit illgos llvo aids nild Insloud. go( from any phnruiiii) four oiitinu of Jail Silts nnd tiiko a t.ibtonpooiifiil In a glass of wntor before breakfast mid drink while It is effervescing and further more, to continue this for a wenk While relief follos (ho llrsl doie, It Is Importiint in neutralize (ho acidity, remove the gas-maklng iiiniu, start the llvor, atlmuluto the kldlio and tb-is promote n free flow of pure ill festive Julio Jnd Halts Is Inoxpomlvo and Is nude from the mid of grapes and lemon Julio, combined Willi lllbln AM it .N ( aniil Zone Jlllio 5' A inoliioilal lo III" i'MKIiii'i'Ih wh oiilll lii I'liliulllil Cnllill lo bo oroi led III III.' flMIII of a building lolll linn g II ..mill, mil IH'iiiM mill museum fit. I lilo i as imhIoinimI ul i in. .-ii I- . fe,. j 'tt, - t" 'i i ! r-jCT-ta '.rr -- REASONABLE AND SEASONABLE NEED AND REQUIREMENT Till: Flrsi National Hunk l ul.ios gliul i.n, wiit(! i, int-ot finch omorK'-urv upon III.' pnrl of Piitloio iiu, ,, oittti ioriiill us lo afford Ibo iiiuxliiuiiii t no. t in. i, In ibo building of htiitlnt' or fiiillirrliig of f ur m ink .so, biliig ii-. .viiMitiiilUilitillii(iiir)liiiiiiiiiitt) So, llrlngs limr IViililt-iii. A Well . oiir toHi I.. It. Itonines, I'lrolilrnt. I.. I' Ulllr. lir-Pifv,lirnt. I.fllo Itogois, Ca.ltlrr A. M t'olllor, m Cnior. John M. liHirf. ,l. Cnahler. w Ue Tirst National Bank KLAMATH KAU.J ORDiON Hil VISIT FROM MT. I.AKI. I J We alwas have a carefully select ed list of houses, lots, business prop erty and farm landH, at reasonable j prices We know good land, and wo i know values Call at 633 Main St., ,or Phone fiC Chllcote & Smith 17tf Mrs Theodore Case and son, Aus tin were In the city for a short time jesterday from the Case ranch In the Mt l.akl section SUHSCrUIJB rOR TUB HCKAM) KOVERALLS JvKAVKS FOR LOY(; VISIT. Mrs, R. Alexander, who has resid ed for many jeans at the corner of Alameda and Rarl Streets In Hot Springs Addition left Wednesday for points in her old home In Michigan, where she expects to remain for an indefinite period. She will stop In Portland, Seattle and Chicago en route. Fishing fine at Rocky Point Re sort now, large catches being made dally.' Get out that out-fit, go and take a whirl at the greatest game In the world. 24-4t Just Remember this. The dates for the Elks' Convention are August 14, IS and 16. Get ready. Re. U.S. Par. Off. Is our Registered and Common-law Trade Mark and can only be rightfully used on goods made by us. Should any dealer try to sell you any Jldren I to 8 years of age garment for Children under the KOVERALLS name you 9 I I-., II. may dc sure he is trying to market an , inferior substitute on Koveralls reputation.' Unlet made by Levi Stratus & Co. they're not KOVERALLS Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit MSf FREE "ST ,Sk BaKfiffaHalEXiaBlBflBBBflV MPaWlj KOVERALLS are nude only by Levi Statist &t Co., San Francisco and bear this label KOVERALLS RE6.US.PAT.Orr. lun.arf' LEVI STRAUSS iCtt SANrRANCl&CO.CAL IT'S A POOR DOCTOR Who Won't Take His Own Medicine THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modern method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about whafc-you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be very likely to say: "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else ; do you want to call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING MpniHHIUiaaUUIIIMUUMHIHMIUHHH s i S