&"W!3jI LMlmJSi it ii'-1 m i ninu, ii m I Mil, ThE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON paei: FIVE ggggggg t t I D L ERSONAL MENTION It'll t MIICI MJIIlN ON Mil IMII'IM'lf AMitso mi ruin i. or nil n nn ihmd OHIMlN AMI TOM IM.s n Al, I Ul.hH h ' ' limiilHK nf III.. Klliinntll ' ' " ' ' Hr ' iiipinv mill .MIhm 'r I ' ' i i ii rv .-ir friend of DMiii lift f,,r sun i H I In .irlm: of till ii ulli I'l'ill KM 'I I I Hi ll '.r A nili -I Ik' tur ii A i.mirlm:i' 'f Duliith M I mi i ll(iiltlK ,l'" wl'"" l'"llrilll linlil on iii " "' ,'r'' y,,"i,"''iy i'" n ,,M"I II" IK Clllftlt lit M lirpllV Ulllllllll ,irn mi iiiipliiy f '' Wi-ml I'll'" Ir mill"11' "" killed while hiniH- I H In Lap ntilviil ii Ifli-Knuii (,. In Hitii Triln, InlllllK nf III trMi'f'T ,r"ni "''w Vnrk In Kiun flild ln't I"' will In- for iiImmii tun junnili" KumI II I:mkIIIi. who him Ih'cii In fan Franclm ii fur the punt two wenkii on liimiiit-iH. returned home lui lrhi (it'-'ri!i- II llrndner. is ho U riimiurt. ,,l u .tli tin' lidtiir office (if tin- (.'nil furnl" Oregon Vu r I'ompiiiiy. drove up fn in Sun Fram lnco In ti In mr, urrivln hern )eMerila (rl Newbury It working tempor arily fr ii I'lilritRii triiMilliif concern i , 1 1 - ' x i llic Mull ii r ' J M I'uril nil 0. M J'oril of Siicri'im nlo, llarr Kiii'li' "' ' I- ""II "' ' lillii'i'iln. ' V I hi inv uiul Mr i o I oimley Hlih in r daughter i ii ml June uf Furl Mitiiuiili. Cliitrli" llnvlit from tin- M. ituiili Agency I! l.nKorrent of ? rr.uirliifii l.iiuri'iiri. r') of I'lirtliiiiil ami Vir Miller of III) Mnuil'i' MiAullff A ulienpmuii (rum ii' HI) iiiiiniry. :n In towi on bulin""' Mr mill Mr Wllllmn lunldniiti Ihi-lr ( children with Mr ami lri Skllli rfii ninl clillilf on nrt- niilomu lilt- tiitlrlnlit friiin llnlne liliiliu 1 Mr rimy U Mopping nt tin- White I'eii run It C (Irncxheck li-ai- thin morn Inc fur Jurkou con lit - nn dunlin ah S : lnhittn In In tlin el'y 'roi'i' Mr mill Mm li A K ra it - It r t ihli. iimi iiliii; fur Hun I rum lui ii mi i in il,. .(..nil nf ( A luliiiMiiii C Heime relurni il lo Han ri.inrimi, mi ililn iiiiirnlniiH triiln iifliT u w.. ii'Nl horn In oemei'liii; Mo v pi jir umk I till t In Im'Iiii; iIoih- In the . oun iy .Mm Kil llrmly In hep- friiin liorrln Mm I. i-ii Ciiffiiiilinrr), who htm hi-ui lnltlni: her hIhIit. Mm II I. cwln, lfi this morning for In'r Ikiiiih fn limy Ciillfnrnlii Oiih 0 .Inhnnnu. of l In. Hi. I.imn tloii crlui, took Ii In i-,lHlir, who i r rhi'il In hi night frinii 'imio.i l iiiiIh up th) Inko thin mnrnliiK lo tlinlr Hiiiiiinitr timiii. on Hoot' .itiim crcok. y i .' nrli-ltn Iii"tii', wli-i h- "Ii II H.il I l III tl I'tT llDllll' ii i r-iit ii in i ntni'livlni; l,i;ii .n mm mill ij'i it)n inr-i ...iii hi- i'iiriiMl tiflpi- a month h 'lt In rnrihiiiil Cuil A iluiiiH In Hpi'liilllii; n f tlti m 111 t'lutt frimi IiIk hiiuiii In Mi-I I""!, l'.illfnriilii il ' I if inn ,i llMiii-nmii in Ho nin' - Miy, ii inn In ant it lor a f w iii)k uiih ii r hi i, Hi Mi, i Inn In ', llni mum III o Mi (rttmlii .Mnuti! of Ml -lull- hull U Mr HmU In- aii) lo hln lnm. ! In W linliliiKtllll. Miitiic anil f ii in 1 1 v an inov liiK Iron, ' In Ihhu to l'illiun ( Ity A iiutr'nKi- lln'iinc, tin llrnt nni1 In ii-rnl t)b m to lie ImuviI hy (ho (ouniy c Ji-rk. w.i nunli- U'l-ilni-Hil.i) to I iii ml .MiKlnluy ami Uoruthy Vi-)in, of Modoc I'olnt. Thi-y wcri' tuurili'il Ihul i-vt-nltiB hy Itcv K I' I.nwri-im of tlii Plrnt I'rili tvrlmi ihtirrh , II ' Mnltoon hcllincn that hu ill--ht!rtn th- prlzi- for curly potato illKKHit' in Klnuiath (Oiluty Junl lit pr-feiit Mr Muttoon lun tlirco ti'iiinn i.ml Mi.ij'irn anil a croup of men iHyrMiK on hln lltth- town lot Tlu-n-l vwt) : unoii to hi-lluM! thut .Mat toon I). if tin hi tlwnrlltH ut uorlt on hln pluci for funiii jiiiriioHc olhur than potii-.ii illcglni; I A nt'tt motion In tln Court lloii'c um- linn ',c;i filed with tho clerk of thx Circuit (oiirt Tli motion nnks t! u' '' rta n 1 iii-h and p.ir.iKr.ipliK lie ntrnk irn.ii tht li ft ndi'nt'H anwcr 5 V You Can Afford To t r r ? t t SAVE MONEY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WASTI.I"- Ti ruit .i inotorlin.it for tin- hhiimoii will riipiilut ami put In i'o il r'-pii.r ( I' MiiLC'urtcr. llur ald nil 'J7-lf upi Miirlon viiin ilriikc to Kltk In n I'lirrmvuil oir tills mornlnt; to hrlni: hN own mr down While drlv I in; In thin I r ! 1 ri H y i-tritnv ( ii Viin rim imr u rock In ihn rorul slil II I. Hi- the i rank i.mi' off hln runitnliT Mr and Mm Lcnlle IUikit. with their dmiKhler ...ph., and Mr and WlT . , ,. - ,,,,, r(, near Mm r Van Kinmi will drl.- in Modoc f'olnl $ 1 '. reward If return- the I'ort thin afternoon In order to il to II I Ilrookn -White I'ellcan a id the llunlnenH Men'n .Iilhllee 'ianiK- 27-.1t Mini 'ephii will reninlli there for ft ,.,, ,, , . t- 3".. m,. n . n. ... "'"-- -""" -" "'.irr-v.; Jw;";,n,r,i.rat"v;- Mm Ira flrein spent )enler.iiv In r.et term- and price l)r A A town with her mother Mm W K Soule 27 3t t T T t t r X (Irairii 'imn. on nui'inenn (irlffltli MIn Alice Kohertn and Minn Prim- Mm Churlen (Jniven left mier- fli Harlnn. who have, heen niieuillni.- dii) h) auto for llend, culled there Ihclr Miciiilnn here. rlurnid to their h) the nerloiiH lllnenn of , her iIiiukIi- humen In Oiiklitiul thin ninrnliik- ter Mm t'han (irinen, Jr i All Are Invited to join the Peerless Orchestra in Big Week End Excursion to Rocky Point Resort Sat urday evening. Dancing, Boating, Fishing, Bathing. Special Chicken Dinner Sunday CALL WESTERN TRANSFER OFFICE i--j-ij--i-'i---i-'i----:- FOR ALI- -'Ix tliorotlKhhred llojc anlie.l buff h'Khorn henn Iteason nble M'i Walnut 27-H l.(WT Alincmt tv o months ni;o n hand-liaK m iiIiik one fourth I.lherty Loan Hoiiil No 12S02209 for - --m iiemnn hnvInK tl.ln bond, vihlch rcpresentH the hard d i -inK" if poor Klrl please It, io the Herald Off'"" He- fc 27 Z ward Mal'V U'liml I'uino miilio"nv 1 200- limn Present Milue $7riH 00 Ilar- in 120 WnnhliiKton St. - ! t i - r irnilu.i npartmont J --i-.lv 'oilorn, best loca- tlon In city nUo one corner lot Ternip J If i1.-T.jd Mr A Whlllock. r.24 IIlKh St 2T-3t t T t t t f t t ? T ? ? ? ? IawJK And get better Clothes. You can get better values in Woolens tailored to fit you right here if you call today and let us take your meas ure. Perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. We feature the Famous Rose Line. ' CENTRAL OUTFITTING COMPANY THE STORE OF SERVICE NINTH AND MAIN STREETS 1 ?a M S T S'! " 1 FOR SAI F Kxcellcnt huslnes lot on flth P' between Mnln and I'ln" Kasy terinn nood Inpstmont. In (iilre Herald Office 27-3t FOH SAM Flenrlc llKbt fixtures; n'o henilnc movn and shelves Tliomns Ilrak' office Odd Fallows' IlhlK 27-tt FOU HI. NT 2 unfurnNhed rooms v on KVtind floor I'rlce $12 00 "(I Fifth St 27-lt ii v ix.sritANt'i:. Wo had n number of losses last Tear. hut nil of them ioro pnlil ? I promptly and in full. We represept .only STANDARD companies with ex ,cilh'nt loss pn)liiK records. Cull at 4!03.1 Mnln St . or phono GO. Chllonto ' K Smith 27-liU . 1 UBERTY THEATRE "THU I'ICK OK TIIK I'lOTUBKS" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES ,t k Charlie Chaplin in in ; 'THE HULA-HULA DANCER" "" UNIVERSAL SCREEN MAGAZINE vwwwm(wwvWmUwiwvwwiwiw SATURDAY Harry Carey in "ROPED" Pleasing Presents For June Brides Selecting a weilillnR pres ont ut I'pp's Ib a most pleas liiRstransaction. One has al most unlimited choice. In suitable gift-things, and the reputation ot the store as sures quality most gratify ing to the purchaser and the bride. Variety, beauty and value make Upp's display ot sil verware, glassware, Jewe'ry and novelties, the most in teresting In Klamath Falls. We invite your examination. Frank M. Upp JEWELEK Oil Main St. Official S. P. Watch Inspector. t T t T T t r T T T t t T T T if T T T T T f T t ? t T T The Summer Shoes -'-.C A MEN LIKE The new town footwear in Outing Styles now shown at Bradley's Store will engage the interst of men who recognize the fitness of Sport Apparel during the summer months for street and business wear. White Buck Oxfords are most appealing to every good dresser. 'Frisco Wine Calf, with box toe, gray tops, button, the latest thing in style. The new Crossett Shoe makes life's walk easy. Made in cocoa brown, black and tan vici kid' round and English lasts. Our Men's 2-Tone Shoe has no rival in the city. Made in brown, with light tops; black with gray tops. Our stock of Army Shoes is most complete. Made in black, brown, tan and chocolate' color; in all sizes, and with prices from $5.50 up. Scout Shoes, in low and high tops, in black, tan, brown and gray, $3.75 tq $4.85. We are headquarters for the Natrofi Line of Loggers, Cruisers 'and Fanners Shoes. Men's and Ladies' Sport Shoes made to order. Bradley's Shoe Store n The Low-Rent Store 927 MAIN STREET t ' i 1 f t' i tTiJ! rJiJ l A. t V f V V v t .T t t T t f t t t t t ' )M a. i a3r t T t t t T T t t t t o i 4 t t T t jib X DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. XOXXBMlU. The HALLMARK Store : 5M3M3M VftLL r Jl