TlirilHIlAV. .MM an, ,, 9ftT.K EIGHT THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Letters From the People Flying Not Dangerous as People Believe j . 'JviUor Herald Your editorial In a secern iuo reg-mtlng the neocslt tit action on I ho part of the city to .-wcuro anil build adequate riatks for ?Ao people, prompts me to iMiKgest ('inllinntl front I'.ibo I) iucli r.'.tineuxen iniisl b. done only out country notith of it, while on their t to Walt Iho Kojk KeMlval the failure of nn oiiKlno meant Iho death or the pilot mm i no pr.m.r landing would Itnxe been posMblo. hero kooiI InmlltiK coulil h itmilo no micb tUnger elted. I'or iht rc.on tutor tire rail that Ik (o ... ,...i.,i.. . u.iii, iiu, nil. ins tor air iiikhw' ot ilrnt of time ami Plenty of sp.uv " '1!" ,"",,,,,K ,mM n,,,',"", in to rlKht hi umchlne betoiv tough country In other ulntc pto , r,!,,,! for ., oa,y am, Cap ,0,. , 7 , '- rMh coniun. .... ..... .lion of the problem In ,r ,..e com ' tn vlth perfect security at ,0, themselu, ul.h .mi.hlo Ln.ll.ui rotation, during the P t se e . I ' ,,, ,., ,, ,,,, lhBl Ml, years, I h.m ailoratit tne meinou 3 now make public To nr old timer, or to any ohser wnt person, it is unnecessary to itale that all the swamp and adja cent low lands of this baMtl haw fteen built up from the lava and oth d sedimentary deposits of our riv ers and lake, that were deposited Jurinp the annual flood waters fol- taking at 1000 foot, and -stunts" '" "i "" "" ,r '"'"" must bo commenced only at such '" nnl come their a This li one heights as will enable the machine 'f the resects In which the airplane to be righted attain at not less than differs from the automobile The 1111 ....... .1.1 1.. ...... .1- I... .1 r.imttf ntnl lis 1500 teet. The accidents, as een a i.i..i...- .... Invman mav observe, usually occur '' fn l''-roases. bolter roads niton an aviator files too near the r provided, but the airplane will ground Then when something hap- onljr go whe.o Its uecessl haxe pens there Is no room for safety and '"- "iromiy siippiioi. .-... .. ..... . broken limbs or loss of life Is the re- flc N'orthwest wants the mall sorv. Imlng hard winters Those deposits ,., ",., , n ,,,. Ire. the express service or the pas .rrld in solution and loft after re- MKr ,pnw ,,,, , nlr !.. ... . r d t hi Hitu i.tiii'inv all machines licensed by the federal ' """ -- "'" --. ceding of the freshets have troqucnt- frreachiHl a maximum depth on the , .,.,; ow ,,. the one great danger of filing .ml Uoodeit tanus 01 eigut to ten incnes .... . m.ri in such tiniiwr roeulatloiis la one season, while the river l.o.l rtrs, ,w, r,.move.l "III .Villi IU UV,V.ll ..M,... ..... , that, paradoxically. Is landing must nd the lake beds retain many feet t this rich soil building material Ijke Ewauna, as well as I'pper Asked for more details the col in describing his trip up from Cab "'"I sltl '"'t nvpr" ''n' f ensued, could plane to a distance of about seven miles, and that about 3.000 feel of level surface U needed to make a safe landing I'nob still raited and handy material Is by e nse of the suction dredge, a 'r long as his machine keeps servoirs upon which mo may draw stress upon the dangers of the Jour- nough rich soli to fill up all the across the mountains In .south. w lying lands bordering the lakes Oregon C.lven a good machine. i mu 1 1 ... ...1.1. . ..I. nrnnvrlr cnroil for. he sals, an ex- ntt ri.t'i. 4111. iiiv.iiui. iu u.iiiAt.. .ins . .--. - - -- ...... ... ...... ... .. .,...1.. ..1 nd ......... i. porlenced pilot runs no risk in the v,v " "' " "" i"'" ami level as circumstances win per . ... . ,......!.. v,.hl.- ..Ill ,-., .!,., 1111. "mi siiiu i"i sii.u.r mm k'. jneen usea meinoa in many places . .-v.......r. ..... ....,,... . ... 3iore difficult to operate than It Plane " 's constructed now. but oil and a few tools. would be here. All the necessary ,ne engine may fail at any moment. With landing fields at suitable qutpment would be a scow with n When this happens he must make u distances Oregon may keep pace moderate sized gasoline motor and landing and to land In safety when ,, ,,cr j,t(,r i.0.. hut their nl. sfr r oicht inch nnmn with i.ffi- running at as much as 70 miles an ..... . . mx ro eigm men pump wun sum- , some will result In none of these nil' ot hose to pipe over the top of hollr- ,s n dangerous task unless i Hr or banks of even short with a PPor landing place can be found. an,nKPS """ h "I"'1 ,r ""' -w pontoons upon which the pipe ""ring the passage of his squadron I expected to bring to progressive sourd be supported when operated mor ,lu? beavlly timbered mountain communities wik distance from shore The muck , - ' . - -rtttt enough water to render its ; omplr.g feasible could be had In ' plenteous amounts near shore, and ! wxinld constantly replenish Itself I fctira the lake bed ! Tte cost per cubic yard of the 1 -raterlal which would te self spre.-iU- Sir. would be infinitesimal compar if to that of an equal bulk of any jther suitable material and could be icimedlately utilized when the wat r had run off or evaporated, either s garden or lawn. "We have tulle inds lying Idle ad Sicent to this city to give all the ne osssary dry parkage. supply all the rfcmands of a city of 50.000 popula tion with vegetables and small traits If sufficient enterprise and ?abltc spirit was employed to utilize t. We are looking more for easy aioney In the shap5 of Interest profit 00 goods and lands, and are lacking Si public spirit and the wide vision iftt looks to the future and its ads. "Wake Up ! Utilize the- means that satare hai so abundantly supplied 3Tn and the thing fa done Some of r money will be kept at home. Come to Chiloquin JULY 4 This is our first celebration, and it is goincr to be a hummer. Horse Races- Bucking Contests, Foot Racing a little of everything that goes to make a real lively cel ebration. Fishing finest in history. Pack that Picnic Basket and come to Chiloquin fdr the-time of vour life. CHILOQUIN BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION xrmni: on .Tune 21. 'the First Baptist MJurch of Klamath Fall) will hold Vaptlsm at Everett Griffith's ranch on oLst River, for four candidates. There will he prearhlng before the swbjects are baptised. i Pleasing Presents For June Brides Select lnj; a wedding pres ent at Upp'B 1b a mott pleas ing transaction One has al most unlimited choice In suitable glftthingB, and the reputation of the store as sures quality most gratify ing to the purchaser and the bride. Variety, beauty and value make Upp's display ot sil verware, glassware, Jewelry and novelties, (he most Interesting-In Klamath Falls. We Invite, your examination. r Frank M. Upp JEWELEB Oil Mala St. Official S. P. Watch Inspector. SBSSS The HAUAf&gKStor. t I We Have a Better Grain Binder for You Ths next time you are in town, come in and look over the John Deere Binder. It's a machine that will give you extra years of ser vice at less cost for repairs, and will do better work under abnormal field and weather conditions than other binders. We want to akow you many points about this ma chine not found in other binders that you will rec ognize as extra value. Stronger wheels, heavier frame, reinforced platform, self-aligned bearings, roller bearings, three packers in stead of two, hardened wearing surfaces on knotter parts, ground and polished packer shaft bearing, and quick turn tongue truck are a few of the many points about this binder that make it serviceableight draft and economical to operate. You will appreciate what binder satisfaction truly is when you get a John Deero , into your harvest fields. Come In and S this Better Binder BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. "The Home of Quality" k B::::;:,;;i r-... co, w.,. ua muclli.1R..o.orrl.,,r,M1,.,, K -lv,"",iM " " v ni tmiutt. niHUM n .tnuit.wl mi 111 ftlntwi til it illur n lli. ilf i '& Of J iwt For The r JULY 4TH CELEBRATION You want a new nifty Suit, a good classy hat, a good stylish pair of Shoes, a Silk Shirt or two, and all the other trimmirgs. Step in nnd look over our "Kuppcnhcimcr" Suits; they nrc preferred by well-dressed men everywhere; for distinctive style, refinement of tailoring, quality fabrics and real downright value they are the best ever. JkVO hji KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES KNOX HATS NETTLETON SHOES K.K.LST0 Leading Clothiers and Hatters iij mm ml : :iBMHu fcly,r ImK THE FIRESTONE GIANT SOLID" TIRE shown above is one of many types in the Firestone line. It is built for heavy duty trucks, four and five tons, or more. It protects the truck better. It increases speed safely. , Because it holds the road. Wc have a truck-tire press to apply this tire and remove it. Our machines and our men aid you to get most value and most miles. Whatever your truck or your hauling, vvchavc the Firestone Truck Tire to give you trac tion, truck protection, long and continuous use. i& The fact is Over half the truck Tonnage of America is carried on Tfrettone Tires D. A. KENYON Plum and Sixth Streets 4 The ..................... ... ....... .... i j....... . 1. 1. mi i lj.xj.aj.: l.4'''4'tti Herald Gives the News of All the World J A&ii j. - .. K. ,.Va&1