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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1919)
PAGE FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALUS. OREGON Tiiutsnn. j m J.,, mm. TkAITrAM;n 14A.I1 Mimitnniid In UI-. own tm.Io by liCbTCUUlg llclalu null J. M V l It BtllTOK A V tho liiiiiuroim rt'vutu tlml linvr livt'll otili'tl ciiln, oxen lo'ttiK tlio loc of Kntplpri'M'titiMl from Mint' to Unit' I ho nr Cordon to nnothiT num. Hrnrthrok- ulrn mil not ilrt'iiit'il foAHilili- for tho l.n.up mi. nml xx'ith nil of hl litanN Miiuth- icroim until illinm Kox dnrliiKlv Jiu-k iiiiil tlic lit'iiiiMuiU muii lillf iitul iiixlnn. Hum rltuitutlnii lmlilln mill tin' Wiimli'tfiil nwu'irnliu: niul innlfxlim Urn I'litiir TMo iiip". ''n1 iiiTini nllim'titnri rntml liotori' tnilllne nui'i ilt.t iiift en. out uki'i .1 fur toml Into tin-toiiimli Tin- nriloii .i oil. liortlon K1IN tlu man won hi common-law wifo x ho him Whi'ti In1 iiliiililniii.l nil pri'n'ili'tu mill pro Entered ixt the postoltlcp nt Klam ath Falls, Ore , tor transmission thru tk mall aa ncconil-clnsa mutter ftabecrlptlon terms by mall to any ddrtws In the United States: On year 15.00 On month 50 Pahllshiul iIaIIv Airt.nt Snnilitir hi Tie Herald Publishing Company of'1 conxlctod niul sonti'iKoil to niNon Klamath Falls, at 116 Fourth street for life, his fornii'r uifo ht;s his rt- Ii'iki' mm tiiKi'i Ulm bnck ltt'sio ItiirrNonlo (nrs tit tho Tri aiiKlo play. "Wooilou Shot' n quaint story of Holland life xvhlch x III bo prosontoil at tho Tomplo Thontro tonight A S3S.O0O Dutch xlllaco. xUh MetnNr of the,l l'ro ,iml,,p amoiiK tho windmill The Associated Press ts excluslrelj ,,,,-. ntttled to the use for republication nm tllml-roof houses, xxas erected t all news dispatches credited to It for tho production .xvhlch xxas dlrocv r aot otherwise credited In this pa- Vi by Raymond 11. West A companx- jwand also local news published of sewra, hlmlr0i, ,cludlnK tno popular mangle Kiiiillos. appear In tho street scenes while llesslo clatters about In xx'ooden shoes sell Ins flowers to tho tourists Later tho action shifts to America xxhore lies, sle meets an artist for xx horn she pos ed back In tho Netherlands. Tho Liberty Theatre will striking ly demonstrate the fact that there is ivally Minu-thliiK now In tho realm of the photoplay tomorrow when It will present for the first time the Will iam Fox 1919 extravaganza. 'All Llaba and tho Forty Thlexes ' This I'xtratMcanxa as such Is fum lllar to the patrons of the legitimate stage in tho big musical shows and ' SHE'S SAM GOMPERS OF WOMEN WORKERS All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re md. THVltSIMV. JIWK 20, HMD. I At the Theatres ii ' 1 1 t ii 1 1 1 1 f This Man in Tho Open Is first a K&llor. thou a cowhov. last a ranger. He knows the bitter cold of Labra dor winters, xxhat It Is to bo wreck ed at sea. how- it fools to lix a brother to the grizxly In tho xvilds of the great Northxrest Always he Is a lox-er and worshipper of nature Sim plu of heart ho is, and If a quaint, bounding, unfailing humor all hla own. He falls in love with a grand opera singer whom chance has brought to the forest and the wilder ness, marries her, loses her, fights lor her. loses her again, and at last - Iwell "xu must discovvr for your self what happens at last Here Is a mory enriched by the warm blood of life. Tonight at the Liberty. The Mastercraft production of Thomas Dixon's vivid novel, "Tho -One Woman." will be presented by Select Pictures at the Star Theatre on tonight. The story of "The One , .. . . woman concerns the career of Frank Gordon, a brilliant young cterxyman, who forsakes his wife J "nd home to follow a career of so- J cuuism. xx nen ne is expelled irom his church, Gordon enlists the serv ices of Kate Ransom and later div orces his own wife in order to con- J tract a common-law marriage with this woman As time passes Gordon Mrs Raymond Robins ot Chi cago Is the new preildvnt ol tho Women National Trade I'nlou Leigu She q unified for th po iltlon through years of settleiurnt ork The lnojfue aspires to l the feminine equivalent of thu American Federation of Labor The hcadguurttri ar In Philadelphia. rwwsf IjWSwt i jy COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 720 Main Street Meals served from C a. m. to 9 p m. GOOD COFFEE .XD RE.L CREAM H OUSTON' Metropolitan Arausements s HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING Wednesday & Saturday NlKlit. JAZZ MCSIC, STAR THEATER TODAY Select Pictures Coi-porution Presents 'THE ONE WOMAN" By Thomati Dixon, Author of 'The lllrth Of The Nation' Alw) A Mack Kennett Comedy '"Her Flrht FaUe Step" AdmihNion 10 & OS Cents FJrfct Show Starts at 7: DO, TEMPLE THEATER' TODAV Triangle Presents BESSIE BARRISCALE . -- I "WOOIMSN UHOEH" Alo Pthe New Latest Carrent Events. AdaaiMloB 10 IB cent Maiiaee 99. Evenlns 7:80 9. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PIOTUBEU TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill. Orejfon THE KLAMATH FALLS BASEBALL TEAM WILL GIVE A Big Dance At moose Hall every saturday night peerless orchestra admission 50c TO THE BUSY BUSINESS MAN THE JEWEL CAFE OFFERS AN AVENUE TO SAVE MOMENTS EVERY DAY You may be too busy to go to your home at noon. In assortment of foods, their preparation and the serving, The Jewel has no parallel outside the larger cities. Most certainly The Jewel merits your noon-day patronage. THE JEWEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St Auction Sale Saturday, June 28, 1919 Two miles from Klamath Falls postofflce, on Sblpplngton paved road, I will offer for Bale my herd of cbolco dairy Ktock the result of several yearn careful breeding and weed ing out, and the equal of any In the county. Comprised of cows, bulls, belfers, steers and calves galore. Also bogs, breeders and porkers; one large bay gelding, dairy machinery, steam boiler, kettle, stoves, cans, etc.; bay rack, bob-sleds, grindstone, etc. All sums under $20, cash; all sums over 120, bankable notes, five months, at 8 per cent. Five per cent discount lor cash on sums over f 20. FREE LUNCH F. C. DeChaine, Owner C. a, MKIIIIIM;, Auctioneer. I liv vioilm I lo i niul ' ll Hutui result Friilit ivil nlor.K Mum' lliifii ii"t "iiur nun niiipn'iir iinimiiiiiii mi .. ,1 ,.1. ..(,!., "II I'tlll'ty Htllltlltt'll U MOIIlll'lflllh l' nt tho Mln'i-ty HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! Says glais of hot watr with phofsthatt before brtakfatt wathts out poisons. To M'r ttir tlUKi' nl limit))? Iiliiiiiu In your fnrr, to )our Mn Ki't cl'ri'r and rlrarpr, to wnkr up lth ctit u tu-iulnclu', tmrkni'lii', ronlpil timrup or a natty lirrath, In fni'l. to (or your limt, day In niul day out, lunt tr Innl'lp tiutliiiiii run moriiMiti for one !. llt'forr tirrnk fni i-nrli dny, drink jtliien of rrnl Iml ntir with n trn tpoonful of llinrntoiip tioiihiit In it i a hnrmlms iiu'iiim ot iiikIiIiik from thi utomni-h.lhiT, kliliu) niul tioi't Hit' priloti dny liullKi'rtibli' Knt, rorii 1 1 iik II i-'i'Jili '"l till Mi- xiiii ft i nu'lil.ill"li, KU niul nrlillt.i mnt slit" nm' u kii'iuIii iiiirtlto tor In rn It fit at A iiiiiiti'r poitiiil of lltui'tnn ilnp iiiintK li tort wiv llttii- ni tlu ilriiu Mot i' tint mittlrli'iit In illtioiilrnlr (tint toil i i'iii niul hot uutt-r rloMin'n i'rtrim niul frfxlii'lm I In (kin. mi Iml untrr nml I Itnt-nl (Hit ilio I'lmto "it on tin' lilootl mul Inlrriml or itntm 'llio-i' ulm mo ntijirt lo nn ll' tlon tillloim nttni'Kii. nrlil utoinni'li rlit'iiinulir IIiiki', nlo tliimo liof iilii In iillii and romplrxlon pnlliil, nm nrmirt'il Hint one wruk of Itmlitit l.itililnu l htip tlicm both lookltti; utul ffi'lliiir Imttrr In every ny - Ad TSghl New City Laundry VK (; oi it woiik Milrt niul 'tiltnr Uiuiulrri-tl Wr alio nauli lk, Mixd nml nil- ortxl kihhU cr rnrrfully. Try m t.iit nun vr ttmiintrti. uur tricr i M. .lllll 1. 1.. ...a t I I ". - ... I llt.IV !' 127 Fourth Street lUck of Klnt National llank lilt! MI'TI' l, I IKK. Inmirnnrn ('oninny of Npw York lifcnti liiix ni. In IM3 l.mii; t'dtnli llnhed. flnnnrlnlly I in rt-Kn n lilo. niul wllli inirlt' thill nr uptit lht niMi ul niul t'rvlfo to pollry liiiMom mul liiii-'i''nrlfii dint In lliUMi-nHnl thin rr-nt I tint I tu Hon offuni m lu fnrlll lli' ntul hrni'llln of I h t'ximrli'lirt Ktr full piirilrulurx ri'KtinlliiK our iiiffhiu1- nml "W P'l'l-v fontrni'ii (jc. v, ri.iiirii, nisritur M.;t:it for Klntnnili Couiitv of f'rti hut Klrnt Htatn nml HhyIiik llnnk 13 0t Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MAIIl: l tlltllKIl IIMCKT M,ITI.IIIx HKHT OK OltlMNN Iwti:ht st i, in rKitKi:(TriTia.itvrKK0 I'rlir-i nrr fr) rruxiiutlilp Vimr In-prt linn in In) Chas. J. Cizek Ml III MNT 1 MUlH . ln m Dassengers and Baggage ANYWUKIIK IX TIIK CITY gl'ICK MKKVICK ltK.SO.VAIIl.K HATK8 I'HOXK IH7 Western Transfer Co. CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of all Kind ami Itoollnit Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contractb'' Tires Have Neither Eyes Ncr Brains Use Yours Help your tires "watch their step," awl save good tire money. If tires could think for themselves they would pick their way as carefully as bare footed uoys. But as they cannot think, hut go where you drive them, think for them. If you do this they will repay you by giv ing extra good service. M us give you sug gestions on preserving your tires. THE WHIT xlv'sUJL M. t '.'i kJ 3 irdiw , ir'rmf 'i Ki ' S ICAN 7ME OFriCIAL AUTO DLUfi UOOK AND CALII'OKNIA STATU AUTO ASSOCIATION GARAGE jccjMCTjiuBicaiKyi ucbilrr 1 4 Jtm 111 y it n) amm WmtM V w'tW B BV B.-r-r&-mr aw .av l Better performance longer life Correct lubrication with Zcro !cnc will mean better performance and longer life for your car. Zerolcne keeps its lubricating body at cylinder heat, holds com pression, gives perfect protection to the moving parts and deposits least carbon. It is the product of the combined resources, experience and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. By exhaustive study and actual tests the Standard Oil Company Board of Lubrication Engi neers has determined the cor rect consistency of Zerolene for your make of automobile. Their recommendations are available for you in the Zero lene Correct Lubrication Charts. There is a chart for each make of car. Get one for your car. At your dealer's or our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Ca!Uernio) Jl grade &r each type cfengifle R. A. WINZLER, Special Agent Klamath Falls. f- .'4 44twf