i r' Wop iEuntng Iterati !. Ioiticiai. WW "i" d I OFFICIAL PAPER iii..M.TH corvn i J KL.ULVTII FALLS a Vs, Thirteenth Yoar No. 3,658 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1919 Price, Five Cents i f HO CROWN PICE SNEAKS NT HI Escape From Internment On Zuyder Zee CONFERENCE ROUSED gVmr Term Will IU- Slgnrtl Nuliir iln)'i .Irronlliill " l.wlrl Athlic. Sen l'lmn (ieimiiii Situation .SipI linprotmldi1 I Uriiifr liin. M-ror M) ANii ( UixK lo UN I'llcntl. I'AUIH, Jlllin 2S I'teilertrl. I'l dam llolinixollwrn, former ijeriiuiii fiwli Prime has escaped front llul- ! Inl'.l llllll tierilllltl) Till' llt'tt nf It' ..upt linn oatleil oimltli'r.tlilp lr In .uii cimfereiite tire lea Tin- i" 1 regarded u of rotmlitxriililf ik nifi.eltre hi )lew other liermiin nli ilriini y IiIiiIh u hit It lime . hi from Herman) It liln t ! ptit ' ,luh Hint Urn mllliiirv ruste the' tt..tllil llnl III' IKlttTlH' i" lirinc'i'i: ,ii .ml a iiilllltir) ulitiittlim within .'. j. iimr empire Ilml would miliar-. in liii' in pulling irwii iii'n i'l tut mill it ''m nut lniprnlmlil'1 tluii tlic iiwui b n Crown Prince I . .Kin. iril miiiip mirlt it iliin. He n ...'. Iliillmiil mMiti after the Armlt- ilir .i mgniMl nnd wn Interned uti I tin.; Wlcrlgoti III 7.ililer '. i . V, 8HIN(i-ii.N'i lune S - t'liufl- l.i' il repot' tiiitt lh former nun ' iiiite Ai'.d itlun ptob.ibly for-jlliil iiier t.eruiaii Kiiinernr would ntteiutil I., n-enter C.ermnu after hIriiIiik H I. me Trn.il) hni been tucelwd. I'AKIS, June irt. -Germany 1ms I. i notified in a note sunt todii) li) the Allies that they pnnsnnx th'n rlitbl lo punish Mich permm an lire ri'Kpiiiilhl" for dent nut inn of German tthlps mill to collet t repaiiillou. Tin i Jinking of the fleet In ili'iniiiiit etl ii Mnltitlnil of the uriulstlre ami lirciu h of tiie pence cotldltloun. I'AUIS Jitni' 2t5 Kfforts arc he lug nuitle toiln) lo arrango for the tinning of tho Peatii Treaty ut :i o'clock Kaltirility nflernoon. The Council (if (lireti Is apparently satis fled with hiiiiiI official- nssuraticos that (hu GermaiiH will hn on hand. TRYING TO REVIVE INTEREST IN BASEBALL 'Immle" Clark mid -mt)' lover of baseball In this ell) ntiuvrf him. Is Ktilng lo irv mill put Kliiiiinih K.iMh in Hut linmilnill map, rml wl'li Hint entl In litw-liii has rented l he Motrn Hull for iifturilav nights with n low l giving danens there, the piii'.-cls to ho iihuiI for the benefit '.f the IiiihoIioII cluh. Prior lo Hi-) war thl city was nhlo lo support n first I'iss -lnl. nnd It Is Clark's hope Unit tie ftuino thing can bo dono again. Thero In plant)' of goml material here, and if ho gets tho mipport his efforlH tie unrves, llion hn will whip n team Into shopo nnu once more clean up tho neighboring rides. NKW lUKlfiATlOV I)ISTICT I'liAX.N'KU. HKNI), June -. Fifteen rimclies lioldlng upproxlmntnly 3q00 acres of lnnd liolwoen Plalnvlow nnd Turn lo, have perfected plans for tho or ganization of on Irrigation district, nnd proposo to spond $25,000 In tho construction of canals and rosorvolrs. Tho district Is a portion of tho flec tion controlled by tho old Snow Crook Irrigation company. ', IH MITCHm,TH CONDITION'. " " Thoro Is no change In tho ann- dltlon of Dr. Mltoholl, It being practically tho same ns at 3 o'clock yostortlay. Ho 1b, how- oyer, much hotter than he wus durlne the night i ' 4eteettt Uncie sun Strikes Quick as Mexicans Threaten Cnrlp Hnm in I in; nnd I nrlo fla.n In l!H:i U nmoCllns clin ;jIii. him barn fottrtl out by ft.'ilcan revolutlnnnry Icnlcri, rmiclm Vllln In parllculnr lllrny liullolii from Mexican gum klllml ii.it nnd Injured Bovurnl Atnorl n In Kl I'aio, Thus, acrota tho Itio (Inutile from Junrui, Mexico, iiri MJ Oen Do Honey r Ct bull, coiiiiiinmtpr of tlmlJ a bor PEDPEE BE I'DltTI.VM) Jinn- :' rivttig l. ,111 Hie ptipillitr belief it ei hit'uul oiin : ii ine mid n good uiator t i 1 11 ,-i,i( think, a iluredi-WI ndteniiirer ; inkliiK IiIh life In IiIb Ii:iuiIh at each .niii'euslou with a (.inrln.it Ion for, or mibllmu disregard of ilwiignr truly 'wonderful lo the eiirtli-liounil mind llm line nvlator doing, crx-dlt to ihls vociitlon Is the routrniy of this. iiiccotdlng to lieutenant t'oloui'i WatMin. who visited Portland recent- . .. ..-.. ... iy in command oi tno Biuaniou m oi my plunes that did honor lo this )eiir's Hose Festival. It was in Col- onel Watson's airplane that Gov. 01- cott miide his trip last week to Coll- foinlii The worthiest spirit of a good iivl- nior In tin hi tla)H, Colonel Watson states, Is disployvtl not In lerMess- liens of danger, hul in Its moldance An accident Is not metely u inlsfor- tune. It Is it fault that could, at least In most cases, have been molded, Mou of Colonel Watson's typo are arilenl belleteiH III a safe ami sane future for the art of fl)lng mill the I'nltetl Suites government N doing T M iiiiich by legulntlng and by encour- Thrre nre a uuiiiIkt of other very Im aging to further this end. nortnut mutters which are to come This Is well Instanced by the re- tfiit passage of tint Atlantic ocean by seaplanes adequately guarded by W'arsll I H. as IIISII IKlllSlietl Iltllll Hill . . .. ., . . l .1... heroic exploit of the two British aviators who, unaided and alone, pressetl their way thru the fog and Moot from Newfoundland to Ireland at continuous and Imminent danger to lOelf lives. fi.i... .i,.,. ,.f f,,i,..i ii'iui, .....i 'I he theory or Colonel ntso'i a'lil .,,1... -...ini...... ia ii.ni fivinir run unit' ntlit) rnvlntoiH is that Iling lan oni) i t .,. i... .f ...,i Liiinu linn f....... ... ..n.j ...... .... ... ..... and commorclul value lo peaceful communities by making It nafo. Kvery avoidable risk .when run, Is consequently reprehensible, and the merely Hpeclaculur flying Is a do- trlmont to the advancement of tho science, But lunguiigo Is often con- fusing uml hero Is a good Instunco In point for tho usual so-called "stunts" , ., , ,, ara In reality no such thing, rhoy nro tho pructlco of cortaln manou- vera necessary to offlclout flying nnd nro Intended to Insure safety, not to dofy dongor. For It seems that undor bad air conditions, or in 8tor- my weathor an airpiano may no toss- od about .turned over or thrown on end ot any tlmo, and tho pilots must, bo trained by constant practice to right tholr machine without dlffl- culty. Looping the loop, and tho certainly thriving there. During this, fifty-seven varieties of cereals and noso dive aro no'moro than this. Tho8ununor alone $140,000 will be putlthls misunderstanding entitled her to tall spin, which a year ago was a much dreaded dangor, Is something that may happen to a piano In any flight. Honco pilots are now not al-j lowod charge of an army machlno until thoy can, without difficulty, go ,'nto and como out of a tall-spin with "" tf not wlt" comfrt' It Is in reality a safety first method of get. T; ' & Tclitc Angeles I - 3 WOrVTl "VA 1 der gunrd. orderrd an advance of American Infantry, cavalry and artillery across tho Itlo Grande at rtvn polnta onto Mexican aoll to meet the An,toles-VIIIa troops which wc-o thon cdrtnelaj on J'jara" ting the plane out of an itherwine dangerous pusii.o.i mto which It may be ihroun at un time The ar in) ii'gulntioiiK pi rh, rllie that all ( iiiilliiuril mi I'iici' H) MEET THIS EVE I'l-.I'VIt V'lltiN I (lt ( ('i:.VIIO.V )i:.M.Ms. A'ITi:.Ml..Nvi. F a i.i. .Mi;.Miti:its ii;ivi: roit SAIA'A'IIO.V AltMV (IV With the big state conv.ltlon of n,t. j, p 0 K Ilou. otllv ., tPW WOeks off, antl ,. ,)rlxv for ,, Salvation Army now under full swln in Mam- n,, i.-all. the nillclaU o.' the local of ,0Jh j xw rounlrv these (tay. lodge are about the busiest Lunch Kxaliod lliiler (.'laience L'lulerwond, ,, j8 mipposetl to operate n ph.ir-, mry n (,0 dtj, i,as been absent so much that he had to Inquire the ij'()" I 1P0RTJNT ELK t() luo ostabllsliinent this moniliiG,, marches and accompaniments for the according to roport. , l following songs which were siwig be- Applications for membeish'p lnt'ttl'p ,ne contests of the different this enterprising and patriotic order Kratles: The opening song, "Wher- are now rapidly being receded, anillper we F1-v 01' Olory". was heautl- a huge number aro to be acted upon,' fu"-v rendered by the children, as nt ti1L, regular meeting, which Is to ! wp" a" tM "Sw-lnglng Song" "Colum- i, iiolcl at the Temple this evening. 1 1,la" a"'1 1"'0'" nongs. for si,,.,-!.,! attention by tho mom-! ..rKliIii. nnd it Is urged that every m(.mi,or bo on hand. . . . - 1 T ,,, ,1,. v.. f.n- fim.la r.ii- Mm Rnlv-n.i tlon Army Is now going ahead under m,,or aml UnaUy taUxer ""halt tll(! chairmanship of It. C. Crocs-' lmi1 ,0 rosort t0 1,is ow" vocabulury, bl,ck. A ,nrBe ,)art of 10 ,nwn ,lM;hecnuo the time was growing short. been rnllVasse.l by those who appre-l ",ul ,he visitors were getting uneasy ,, R. work lnt ,in8 ,lcen done'"" accou"t ,f !'10 a""r"ach of ,uc" nd Is constantly being done by this1 ,hou'- n'nnco Is something . ., ... I.eadore will look back on with ven- great ordor. Many sections ot tho . . , , , , , ' geunce, for It was the word that he Ht tit t have alreatly reported com- " ,, , . ........ , ... -- taileiX to remember. iHi'iiug mo quoia assigncu iuuui, aua t a ,0eved that Klamuth's quota,' Whlch Is $2,.ri0ft, will he secured bo- (0re-1,0 C0fl0 0f tjl0 campaign, BUILDER OF CITY GIVES SAGE ADVICE when tho train pulled out this monilng It carried with It a builder i of cUIoh. A. U. Harlow, who has beeu paying Klamath County n visit. Mr Harlow In from Grenada, California, a llttlo city In tho Shasta Valley which was built by tho promoter. Besides having tho distinction of having built tho city ho Is tho proud owner of tho only Irrigation system there. His canal takes care of 20,000 acres of farming land. j(r. Harlow says that business Is into buildings. A big cheese fftCtor is undor construction at tho present tlmo,' as well as a bank building, twenty houses nnd a Union Oil plant, Mr. Harlow says, "Klamath Falls would bo a fine place, If people would atop quarreling and settle' down to a peaceful exlstenoa." HBsivMp-8. SPELLING BEE BUTTLE ROrAL pi 1'iis up tiii. n:i:i iii:iit .i uirMV im:oi: tiii.ii: aiiii- ITY TO s'i:i.l.. IMtlKi: AWAidi- ,:" 4 Thf great! t 01 thographical battle aer stagetl' In this city occurred at tin S.icred Heart Academy this morn- lug, when tho children of the vari ous grades, demonstrated that It w is ; necessary to pick words from higher , grades in order to find ones difficult enough to knock dowrr the young- Marshall conducted the'nffalr. and It was plain to be seen that he was fac-' . . i mg a problem that pftjilexed him more than the wordM the'cjiildren the facT fiat 'ie did not have pock- ets full of cartwheels with 'wyca tu reward all of tho contestants. An Interesting program w.is given Instrumental and vocal music being rendered by the pupils of the pn-- Elizabeth linmsby played tlV I lie result or the contests Is as fol lews: KlB"t crade- First prlte, Murr.. Hannen: Second, Leadore Gerrue, Tllls was a ,ia,t,e ro-val- Tho wrds Tlr flirt nllvltlM nr.l.ln 1l.nl t.rt nflnnl rtn I "- -" i'" "" "" c"c" "" Seventh grade: First Cecil Matt; Second, Charles Hellly, Catastrophy is tle word that Charlos will not soon gorget, for It Is the one that wrecked his hopes. Sixth grade: First, Klizaheth Itam sby; Second, Ituth Moorman Third, George Connor, George's chivalry would not permit him to walk off with the prize from nun to wins, uii wuii iiiu prize irom the glr,8i aml atter sl)olll1B , everyone was getting tired he .houeht that "svllahln" wnuhT im n BOod word to trip on and he went jown wt, honors flying. Father Marshall suspected tho rush, and gave htm a special prize, anyway. Fifth Grade, First, Blanche Stev ens Second, Dorothy Gates; Thid, Constance Schallock. Constance got mixed on ono ot the the special prize awarded her. Fourth grade, First, Anita Ryan: Second, Ada Ball; Third, Wendoll Holmes, and David Totten. All ot the words In this grade were exhausted, and Father Marshall re sorted to the fifth grade speller to find a word with a punch strong enough to land a winner. Wendell ! ami Oavlil follow i-U tlif chivalry of ficorKf Conor, and after proving their ability, resigned In favor of Un fair contcRtantH. There was practi cally no difference between the fooya, and they were given a special prize. When this point was reached. It l wan discovered that a change would I have to he made In the program, for me tots or me nrst grade vero fall ing asleep, watting for Father Mar shall to find words hfg enough to down the grown-ups. Consequently they were brought forward, and af forded a great deal of enjoyment, as well as amazement over their prof!-1 clency. These children never attended school before last September, and HitiilllintnnillHif t llm n nn !rtntl was closed for nearly four mouths on ! account of the Influenza, It too!r "whooping-cough" to down Mary Ward, and she has nothing to be ash amed of, for many grown-ups there are who hate left the hyphen out of this word. First Grade, First, Mary Ward; Second, Elmo Pearson; Third Hubert Totten; Fourth, Margaret Rail. Third grade. First. I.oralne I.aven ik: Second. Itamona Ball. Cher four hundred words were 'used before this grade was disposed j of, and It looked for a w7ille as U the I I .. .. ., .- i. i i. i i tlicuonary wouiu nave m ire uiuugui ! Into u-e to plrk the winner. Second tirade. First. I.etltla Kirk, and I(i-"eph Kirk. Tin- is the first yeiir for the pupils of this grade, the members having made the two grade this term. It was a hopeless task to down this brother and sister, and after spend ing a good denl of time trying to do so. Father Marshall finally decided to dhide the first and second prize? between them. The prizes for penmanship were as i follows Margaret Schubert, Tlo-se i (ioddard. Florence Klliott. Mary 511 vas. Itamona Uall and I.aura Gerrue Rarely iylll an organization meet with the hospitality offered the Wo man's Improvement Club, at the NT I atud-'ranch home ot Mrs. Martin Green yesterday afternoon. This was a regular meeting of the club, and ev ery member who found It possible to do so came, and brought prospective, members, who joined before the dayi "" "" "" was over. I With a crash and roar that could The country luncheon proved such' be heard for miles, the 3am across a success that plans will be made for Sprague river, that had been install similar meetings from time to time. ed by Charles Otey for use in his It Is believed that the women, whoso logging operations, gave way about homes are In tho country, will prove six o'clock last evening. An Immensa tho most enthusiastic members of inmrovement Club. There were several important sub- " members who drove to the Green ranch were tho Mesdames Bratton, Winnek, Jacobs, Bogardus, O'Lough llu, Robinson, Beynolds, Deeringer, Arena, Powers, Pools, Otey, Edmonds, L'lrlch, Delzell and JUss Waive Ja cobs. Mrs. II. . Reynolds was named a Jocts taken up. and committees nam-,' P lne river, snot lorwaru wua ed to look Into tho advisability ot lightning speed. A party of fisher protlng them. As these things de-' mea i,lst beIow tl,e ,,am were caught velop. notice will be given so that aml a11 but one bare escaPed with. members may attend en masse, and tlleIr llves' 0ne' a man nameJ Mun see why certain needed llnprove- n. and who has been Identified with inents ar not enforced. Among tho tho ""'"""ing business in this sec- committee of one to try and get the ,0 Mr otey who wflg Ju3t geU,ng t9 Editorial Association to come to pont whorfl h,s oueratIons wer, como to Klamath Fans. worklnB smoothly. He went lmmedi- An executive board was appointed! ateIy to the site of the dam and ga by the chair. The members afe: Mntarl-,pHons fnP rna,r,.. .hfi hrMfc Mesdames Bratton, Winnek, Rey nolds, Jacobs, Roblson, Ed Martin and Edmonds, DON'T FORGET THE DANCE The informal dancing party that the Womans' Relief Corps is giving lor returned army, navy and Mar ine men, will be given as scheduled. The Corps asks especially., that men who are strangers here will come, as this will bo an excellent opportun ity for them to get acquainted. For tho first hour the reception commit-flly tee will devote Its time to making people acquaintd with each other, The women promise all a good time, so be sure and come. I MN PLAN IP TO Fl Leave Tomorrow Afternoon for Get-Acquainted Jaunt BANQUET AND DANCE Another of the Many Excursions to He Taken This Year Will Leave for the Metropolis of Northern Klanrath County, Where the Busi ness Men Will lie Kntertalned 1a litisli Ku.nlilon. The Business men of the city will leaie tomorrow' afternoon for Fort Klamath on one of the many excur- ulnnu tn h heir! this vpar. The nur - pose of these jaunts will be to bring about a closer business aniTpersonal relationship between the residents or the various sections of the county. with the end in view ot uniting tha county back of. any move that will work for the greater benefit of iu j "esldents. -The party will leave the Hotel Hall ' at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and will reach the Fort in time to partake ot j an elaborate banquet that will be prepared by the people of the hust- II II..I. . ...l ...t.lAl ...111 tu. Iluo lime IUWI tuu wuitu m no. ' served at 7 o clock. Following tna i banquet there will be a grantl TiaU -j and other meal!? of entertainment. and the promise Is that It win be one j of the enjoyable events ot the Busl- ness men's Association that will b J long remembered. Music for the ball will be furnished by the Peerless Orchestra. numuer ot logs were stored aoor the dam and these, with the large body of water that "had been backed lion tor a numoer oi years as a grau- er was drowned. His body has not been recovered. It is believed that he must have been hit with one o.j the logs, as he was known as an ex pert water dog, and would surely have escaped unless seriously injur ed. TIia lironk will he n sprlnue In and gathering together the 1 og which were scattered over n wide territory. No definite Information as to th full Identity of Mr. Munson, who was drowned could be gathered today. RODERICK SMITH RETURNS. Last night's train had as one ot Its passengers a surprise for Mr. and. Mrs. Sam Smith, In the person oC their son Roderick. He has been tn France with the 32nd Engineers fo nearly a year and though the fa had received word of his arrival In San Francisco, he was not em- pected home tor a few days yet. HI- many friends will be glad to come him back to Klamath Fall. IT HTH 1 MH1 ER ? -) r' U W .1 t i f m n. 'V K ?. ; "Z ji B w. it ml 'A i i ? U2 h im n jo i r i