w iii sit , .11 si. 'j.i, iiiiii. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE HICVEN tiTTONI WILL SIGN TREATY FOR ITALY TR , (I ,! I 'Ml' 'I ln i i Mull, ii I I . t I l III. . II. I ! iii.iil it unit ir pr.'T IU I , i) i iini. In . i. i ii. I , ,n I III' ilrllT.lllh.il H'll Ii.. i ruri-iKM minimi'i '."tiunl I'ril' com I" mil '!" ' ii.ildm, - - -- lArk'SHN COUNT MAY, IMPROVE PARK ROAD li i i mill linn- 'i Vn.t ttt.it l 1ii:Iiu.i in IiiiK-iim i mi llii' jr, i ra t in "' iiuvi'ii iriiin iih jtii pit ''iiinly litiiitnliir)' hi llii' Culili'in a lUi'' J'Ul'lli' Nftilliiii-iil I jlf,., t.,i in tin' Trnprmi'iiii'Mi r tin come on in HEMS CLASSJFIEO COLUMNS FOR SALE OAAWWM roll Al I lly owner Hi mre trail timliT ti It t nt Icin mill under illtrli 'v in alfalfa Sinull limine mill Urn Z'i nilli't friini Kliimnlli Kalis 4 mill- from ("In li-a llm I'nrtiiry II II Wllciu, It I II No 1 Phone :iki I H-Ot roil SAI.KOur home nt 224 Hlrb t. ulnii IH itrri'H tllnlmr mi hike fruit Kflr' hIiI i il lirM- tt( i:.tilt' loiiil. tipper Lit.- , blo J i" lt'"fi" trial on llr.witit imuiiit.itjt .litii'i In; two uutl Iliilf iiillllon feet pint' Ii Nrwiiliiiiu Ivif Hilt HAI.K- Mmurorlr Star Driii; Co Kvnnn. 2t-3t FOH SAl.ir-iiuoil llimiii s, Louiiil' flat top Hllll'IIIIK lll'BH ut-at KOIt SAI.K U.iio in 2non tlri'imt'il Inrh plnr liuiilii-r. 813 Lincoln 1'rlci- rlKtit . ft'Ct ll( Innulrit H-3t4 KOI! SAI"--1 1'iU D.iln Si'lf-HJt hay buck I7 HO 1 ni'w liny il'-r-rick. rnmiili't" K.R 00 Kiirmi'm Wari'lioim-. Cth St 2 4-tf rOH RAI.I 240 ncrr-K. $11,000. Tlirro mllrn of H It on IrrlRitlon illtrh olil bullilliiRn: cnml era In Intnl. Would lnki nuioinoblln up to $1000, f 2.100 rniih hnlnnrit tprmt. 100 nrrci" JHiOO, 70 nrrM Ktnln. IfiOO worth of tlrnber: rlono to 11 11 Ilnrn "nil old bnuitn; enn kIvo ponRi'UKlon October, Adilrrm Itobt. S. Fry, Alcmnn, Orn. 23.61 FO II SAI.K FlrH clnim ryo hny, lir. 00 por ton nt tln olil Mnilrn- linll jilnco three mile mat of tlio city on llm Oli-no roail I. C Cnrlnon. 23-31 FOR RENT TOR HKNT FurnlMinl hnuno 914 (Irnnt Rtrort. Imiulro 714-10th St. or phnnn 270 W, 23-3t SITUATIONS WANTED WASHING AND CMUNINO ilono by llw. I - I. li I 1 III..Mnl. t,0iit ..- HIMII rtlin. lllll. . I m, .-...". It 3 .in JoffiTKon St IMiono ovon IncB nr. W. 21-01 ' iner iwrt rnt inn U.ja l SMIL ruuni W..H..I 1-OST On Merrill Iloml with InltlulH C. i:. K. eiiKriivoil . ,..ii V of (ocl h. nil ttckulB imi-riivi'ii . Ihcreon Cnlllnir cnrilR Kurluirt nnil two rnllron ftnioiiK contontH. Flnilur plenBo coin munlcnlo with Dr. Soulo 420 Mnln Ht. 1'hono KilJ. Howard. 24-31 BTHAYKn OH STOLEN From Mnl ln 1 black Jack Hinnll, whlto npot on noRo cnuHoil by lialtar Suitnblo rownnl for Information. Wrlto I.lBkoy Ilanch, Dairy. 24-3t PHONE PEYTON for Wood 11 211 LOpS WANTED Will contract for five ,to ten million fedt of pine logs per year for any number of years. S. P. or Strahorn -railroad delivery. Purchase in either large or small quantities. SAWMILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone 149-J K. D. Building. " " " """ " t.. . h., ..i. '"'""' "',"l,i ' fnun M 'll'llll III I lll'.li- I'lillll (III I ' In li 'Mi I in KuifiiK ilwi I iiiiii' iih I'll' I H'll ll f lllll M fllll I Mill III I I mil' fimn I'i .ii. . ii. n. iiii.i lull" pall. Iiiiiiniliit 'tin. ml M I. in I. .Hi III" I ill lfi' HIKIIHIIt ..I 'i i ""I I mm .iinl nn.i'il iii i'm 'iwi i '.i" niiiii v iiil.l ! up i ii i-1 i ii lin inn. iii. I'him i iih r . .1 in?' .if hum.! ANOTHER RESTAURANT OPENS FOR BUSINESS I r. hi itiiln mil. ii ji r 'I Hi '111 I- In In li'lll Iflllh Mlpplilll it 'I n i.iirtiiiH tit nmt I llii ileinniiil n tin t ii'iiir pillilli Imlli lltiu iinl ilur HELP WANTED VATI"I liicrli'iiri-il twimaii or girl fur gKiieial housework I'hoiu 25'. 24 If MISCELLANEOUS VANTi:i--A -ll furnlnlii'il room In prlviitn Iiouho with prlvllcKi1 of tt'litphiini- mill liatli iilmi urn of KiirnK''. t'npt Mni', Iltiti-l Hull 21-tf WANTK1) IIOX I.UMIIKH W nrc In tin- mnrki't for S. 000, 000 feet of plu liox liiinliiT. run take hiiiiiII pt-r-ci'iitiiKi- whltn fir AilviHii prlrv f o li rum ami iiuiinllty that coulil bo Blip, pllril A(lilri'rt llox 2. Ih-rulil. 12-12 IIONT fnrKi'l VANS Al'TO i:.(TH SION to Klainiitli Hot SprlliKH Join tin' rrowtl mni luivi- a Jolly tlim- I'or IMrtlruliim, rail VAN'S Al'TO SKIl Vlli: riioni- 29S-W 7-tf IlHKSSMAKINd AltfrntlotiH. kow Iiik Hiitrn rciiHounblu. 70"; Mnln St. 21-5t' TO I,I'T--A rnntrnct to Iok nnil hnul lunibiT Wrlto or cull on O F Ilim lull. Mncilool. Calif. 23-Ct' Mrs. I) K Snlinon, 1S1T. Mpsinnlo St St JoKopb. MlHHourl would n pit'cliil'; any Information conccrnlnK her btotlii'r, John I'tluRiT. now 47 vrnri - of nK". l-nt brnrd of nt I.cwIb- ton, Iilnlio, In 1913. 23-3t tiTui: TO liril.MWS COXTHAiTOI. Tim l'n-ibyti'rlmi Cluiri'h Invlton IiIiIk on plnim for ni'w liullillnR nt rorni'r of illh mill I'lno SIh., Klnmnth KiiIIk Ori'Riin. Sonloil IiIiIh nccontoil llll 10 A M. Snturilny Juno 2Sth nt nr'lci' of Arthur H, WIIhoii, r.17 Minn St Pi narato IiMh ronHlilorcil on pxcn VPllon. wlrltiK. lii'iitlnK, plumblnK ttr , All bills munt bo nreompnnlr-il wltt' ctTtlfli'il check for T por cent of r"".'""' J.,l,.,:L,i?n" "n'i b,,hm!Ic?110 IMI llll' HI I'linn ii'nii'"' ri J'"t nny nml nil b 1,1b r 7"' ',,, Allrlll'll It. II.MI. 23-4t Cbulnnnn Ilonnl TriiBtecs. NOTICE Then' will bo u rnll iiipoHhk of th" . ,lf ,,. Wnninn'H I'lirlRtUni I'lrilMii'in .... . .....t - I Ti'inporiuiro 1'nlon, Frlilay .lunu 2t , 'nt 30 V M nt Iho homo it Mm. H. S lirlpiiliy, 1'IS .ioiiithoii m., in -ii' "ri ,p for ,mr Htnlo I'roBlilont. .Mis iMutllo Sleoth of I'ortlnnil, who wii: . n .. n .- ..- ill be li Kliimutli July 21st to 2 lib. Sir Sli'i'lli Ih n flno orntor and wo horo nil will nvnll thomsolveB of tho priv'- Irrje to hour hor. NOTICK Tlio Womon'H MlBBlonnry Society of tho Chrlhtlnn Church, will moot tomorrow nt 2 '30 nt tho homo of Mrs. M. U Mlllor, Mills Addition. Membors nnil frlonds Invltod. ! JHE AITS KmmniiEi inf On i ii i . m. ,iin ii . i . :,iii .i ml'llii .ii in i in riiiiM- nf iii. . 'i 1 1 rut r i'ii iti i , , ,,. bin . i"i i i 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 n t sin i. i. .I. i ii i 'i KISSLESS BRIDE IS UNTYING THE KNOT iMSiH ' in lUr- ta Warner l." st.'ll till- klbXll'R i uiiUlnr llii- knot nfifr ., -..ir .( fi.. ret marrli-il life I', il o Iiunlianil wlio nalil "Im l . I'lrrli't people who liatl ilnldreii " Warner vlslti-d his lirlilu after llio marriage but (or m In found out novor Ho refused to lot her with him on bU 1150 th. She U popular In society. O , Fishing fin- .it Kotk point Re sort now large Hitches being made ilalh (,ct out tliitt out-fit, ko anil Hike n whirl nt the greatest game In the worltl '.M-4t House Movers We are prepared to move your building promptly and reasonably. Old houses bought Smith Bros. Phone 93 NOTICE CARPENTER AND CABINET WORK E. C. STL'CKY Iorntnl t 1140 Mnln t.t. NOW Ol'EX I'OIl IIUSINKSS Coc's Jitney Service Day I'lionc 108 IWIIENCE'S CIGAR STOUE Klamath Falls, Ore. Physicians' Prescriptions Our Specialty Drue StorcB nro renlly neigh borhood department stores tn which various lines nro feat ured. Ono druggist may push pntentod preparations, an other toilot goods, cameras, optlcnl Borvico, tho fountain or other department which nuts him good financial re turns. Our spocialty has always boon the filling of Physi cians' Proscriptions, and as a result our atoro has be come a prescription center. Wo carry an exceptional stock of proscription drugs, and our laboratory equip raent is up-to-date. We em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. All of yoar PreKrip- , tlona and Reclplea mro Important nd deaerre the special' care which we ,! able tit em. to giye a W M-ATVU H TAIXS UKtllUn flTi,7J V I WHCl HTIClli nO'll VJV ii'Jnu "' Rdr.tii';i NOTICE OF BOND HAIJC, Scaled bids will bo rocolvod until tlio hour of 3 o;clock p. m., thO 12th day of July, 1919, by tho undersigned uud immodlutoly thoroaftor publicly ndcrwoo wannafY o.i iii il bv the ( outil ourt nf Klarn .iili ( o'inty, Oiecmi at llnj of fire of -a il ' otirl In i In- ( oiinu Court Moul in V. .iiiiuitli KhIIh, (iri'i'un, for the imnliiiHi of IiikiiIk nf Mini I ounty Ih iii-i fur ilin biilldlitg nf jn'rnianerii ru.'ulM tlnri'lli in lln- Hit in of Kjii.O'Ml mni' iii-tnr a port bin of an niiiliiirli'il " nf 117,70 I Fimn. Im ine In (le i.i.iii'i iitlmiN of 1 1'""' eai'li, i'xr'i-il tin 'i In iiillitbiireil IiiuhIk fur 3000 mni Ji'l n ii"i tlM-l . ntiiiilinri-il from 1 "I. v ml ilii' i il Jtilv 1 . 1 'i I 3. mni inn 'u in' ' rtnlly in nutiii-i I'nl null r ni f'.illiU .. i al Viiiiibpric 1 "i II lli'l '!, iKiii. ten (10 1 i'Iiih from ilnt of Ihhiiii, to fiv liu I , 131,000 ulewii (111 i hi k from tlittn of Ikhik-; r.!i to 10 2, Ind . JH.OOO twelve (12) i.irM from date of iHHiie; Ki'l in n, Inrl , $34,000 thlrt'-en (It I earH from ilnte of liisue: 137 lo 150, Incl , $14,000 fourteen (111 yum from ilntu of lsu Saul IioihIh to bear Intercut at not lo exiei-d Mix per rent (C per rent) per milium payable xeinl-annunlly on J an n a iv anil July flrit. principal anil iiiten'ct jiayabli- In I'nlted States gold coin at the office of the County Trea urer or a ttbe Fiscal Agency of I be .Slate of Oregon In New York ( lly at the option of the-holiler. Saul bids must In- accompani'vl by ,i ii-rllfli-tl check for fi per cut of the amount bid and must be unrondl tlon i The approving legal iiiilni-iii uf Mi-hkth leal. Aimer A: mfr"e of Portland. Oregon, will be furnished i lie sum i-sful bidder Tin Court rescnes the rrgbt to re )' i .in or all bids C It TIKI. 1 1T-2I-1 Clerk iii:mii.itu).. The City Hnglneer pursuant to re Hitlutlon of the Common Coum.l lien tofore ndopti'tl. having on the 'I litlav of Mnv l'll'i flli-d plans pe ifniitioui and estimates of the cost if Improving High Streets from Mb triet westerly to 1st Street. Includ ing intersections, and 1st. 2nd. 4th. "ib t'.tli mid 7th Streets from High street Kiutherly to Pine Street, in ' lulling Intersections, and the Coun !1 balng taken the same under ad vlci'inent and finding the plan", sp"--iflcntions and estimates to be satis factory. nt: it unrtEnY resolvkd. That the plans, specifications and .es timates for the Improvement of High Street from Sth Street westerly to 1st street. Including Intersections and 1st, 2nd. 4th, .'th, Cth. and 7th Sts. from High Street southerly to Pine Street. Including intersections be. h"'1 the same are hereby approTed and, UK IT FrRTHEn nESOIVED. That the Common Council hereby de clares Hb Intention to Improve said portions of High Street and 1st. 2nd. Ith. nth. 6th and 7th Streets In ac cordance with said plans, speciflca- tlons nnd estimates: said Improve- ment to consist of paving snid por tions of said streets with oil maca dam pavement at nn estimated cost, Including cement side walks, con crete curbing and grading, of 453. 707,00; or concrete pavement at an estimated cost. Including cement side walks, concrete curbing and grading of $00,131.00; or blthullthic. pavement at nn estimated cost, In cluding cement side walks, concrete curbing nnd grading, of $CC,247.00; snld Improvement In either event to Include grading, rolling, curbing and concrete side walks 4 feet wide on both sides of said Btreets and. P.E IT FURTHER RESOLVED. By1 the Common Council that the proper ty hereinafter described be. and here by is, declared to be benefited by snid imprevement: I ntR 1. ?, 3. nnd 4. Rlock ?: and southerly J4 of niock 41. Nichols Ad dition to the City of Klamath Fall.s, Oregen: Lots 3, 4, 3, C, 7 nnd 8 of Illock 11: Lots 1, 2 block 10: Lots 1, 2, Wock 9; Lots 1, 2, Block S; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, . 6. QDQ 0 Of 3, 4. 3, 4, 6, 7. and S, In 6, 7, and S, of and 8 of Rlock Lots 3, fi: .Lots 1, 2. C: 4, S, C, 7, nnd S of Block 3, 4. 5, C, 7, nnd S of Block Lots 1. 2, 7, and S of Rlock 4. ori ginal town of Klnmnth Falls Oregon; i The southerly 220 feet of Rlock 51; The southerly 230 feet of tho prem ises occupied by the Klnmnth Coun ty High School, said property lying between High, .Ith, Cth nnd Washing ton, formerly Cnnnl Street; Lots fi, 7, S. 9. nnd 10, of Block ne: Lots C, 7, S, 9, nnd 10 of Block 43, 1st Addition to Klnmnth Falls, Ore gon; Lots 1, 2. 3. 4, nnd 5 of Block 6; Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, and ." of Block 5; Lots 1 nnd 2 of Block 4. Ewnuna Heights Addition to tho City of Kla- 'mnth Falls, Oregon, nnd that said , property nbove described is hereby declared to bo tho property assessed ror the expense or said Improvement and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Monday, the 14th day of July 1919, at tho hour of 8 o'clock, P. M. at the council chamber In the city hall, be fixed as tho time and place for tho hearing of objections and re monstrances against the said propos ed improTement and the police Judge be, and hereby Is, directed to cause notice of said hearing to be published aa by Charter provided. Stato ot Oregon, County of Klamath, City of Klamath Falls ss: I, A. Ii. Leavltt, Police Judge of the City of Klamath "Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy of a resolu tion adopted by the Common Council on the 16th day ot July, 1919 declar ing Its intention to Improve High Streeet from 8th Street westerly to 1st Street, Including Intersections, and 1st. 2nd, 4th, nth, 6th, and 7th Streets from High Street southorly to Pine Stroet, Including Intersections nnd approving tlio plnns. specifica tions nnd .estimates of tho cost sub mitted by the Cltv Engineer. A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge. I 18-lOt Lively, Feed and Hales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable lini! Tilpi Our Sicilnltj Iti-iiMiiiiililf I ales I'liu tic I Jill M22 Klmmitli Ate WWWASVNkAkiWV'' Set Ice Our Miitlii Sal Isf act din Our (iiiuriiiiti-c Kandy & Hartman Painting, Kalsomining Paper Hanging City and Country Job? Soliclte-l Make Your Home Atlractiwj Phone 414 DI)HESS 1 Kill I'ine St.. Klniiiatli I .ills, Ore. $ ''SMMAMnaWInskakakvnaSrffVflsKHV HARTMAN CEMENT CONTRACTOR Slili- Walks ruiiiiilati'iris I'ltlirj I ophiKS Steps. ( einciit Plasti-rll'K Floor-. StiiKii mitl Tnriz.i Walls Ceiiietei Work a Spi-einlt.i. riltST CLASS WOIIK PRICKS ItlfiHT White Pelican Laundry DAMP WASH, 20 LBS. 75c FA.M1LY DRV WASH Oc LB. "Put Your Dud In Our Suds" 83 MAIN STREET PHONE 421 i 1 a. !Bjj,-..a.....-m.a.jlAaa. --"vvvvvv x-::- t HARLEY-DAV1DSON Service Station We handle the Haley-Davidson Motorcycles and Dlcycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes C. E. BISMARK 115 S. 9th St. Klamath Falls KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair- Ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacksmlthlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 2S0-Y 017 Klamath Ave. VMVMWMVMrrAW OLD FURNITURE Repairing New Made to Order Andy Mauritsch 10 Main St. j PHONE 170-J TRY ME WWVVi'll''swl For Home Made Bread, Pie and Cakes, Go to T. A. ROBERTSON 42 Main St One Trial Means Satisfaction Orders Delivered Any Place In Town WWVWyWWMWWWWWSAAMAA SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture R- pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH The Handy Man" IM MAIN ST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A. SOUIiE X-Ray Surgery Medicine Phone 1B1-J 480 Mala jMMMMMAMMMMMVVV E. L.ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 211-14 Wllllts Bldg. Klamath Falls Oregon liWVWWWWIVWVSAArWVWWWWV J ,:iK Pine St. Cor. (Ith ami Pine PROFESSIONAL CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open fur Malrrnll) Cases 301 Hifjh St Phone 455 nn: paiiisiav iikai'tv shop IikI.iI .Massaging, Illi-iu Itlnj anil , I'm lal Parks Manicuring, Shampooing Scalp Trealini nt ; .llll .Main Plume 300 '. r -x:-:--m.'..:'..mx-H. C. SCHLEEF KATHERINE SCHLEEF I I'll sli inns nnil Murgexina ' Oflec, White Hlilg. ? i -.-:'"::':'-:.:kh-:X'-m- DR. G. A. MASSEY Hucceflior to tr. Truaz Suit 200, I. O. O. V. Bltlg Oflicc plump Hfl.f Hum Phone HUM DR. CARTER DK.VTIST WIIITK Ill'lI.DING PHONK :.- DENTISTS E. G. Wisecarver piro.vK a.-i Dr. Dr. P. M. Noel PHONK 4 Oicr Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DKNT1WT Loom Is Illdg., Klamath Falls DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE ei WMWNIWWVWWMWVWVWWWWXWWW t CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY , B17 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician A Ouigwom Suit ail, 1. 0. O. P.Templ (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and BurgeoD In Klamlh Falls.) SAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod em Saw Mills, Plnnlug Mills, Box Plant. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to bnlM any class of a building and install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Oflicc in K. D. Building 207 I. O. O. K BliDG. rrMMMMAiiWMWMvwvWMVV WELL DRILLING Voc&atzer Bros. &)Oabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Rob Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE ' .. i j v . v 1 1 K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W W-m&m44il.,M SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP SlWr AND NOODLH ' T HOUSE ' f Short Order Meals Hurved. 73 Main Street KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. .X"iX'";-K";";"J",J",!,,!';-M- t IL