miiM-sim, it r j, lllllf TAGK FOUR THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON The Evening Herald K. J. M V II It A V EUITUK Published ilnlly vicept Sunday uv The Hernld Publishing Coinmn. of Klamath Kails, nl IK Kourth stroet In moip foulld nffnlt nml lionutlful vomlslilos" uml "oo Amoiirn fltit" im loi:nii liultllilk unllmltnl possibility. i-ommiion .not i;i.ii:i In I lie stor.v In iwivrilR'i 1It.i1i1 Klttitiiith Asks for Mori' Klsti " no rolloctlon vvn Intomloil on iho ofiorts Entnrpd at the nostofllco at Klam ath Falls, Ore , for transmission thru 0f tlio Klsh uml ilium1 Commission. tte malls as second-class matter Hu, ,mrtu.uliu.,v , ,xorl of Com- Babscrlrt.on terms by mall to any mHloner C K Slon of this oltv ddreas In the United States: Mr Stone tia spent initio time nml One year .IS 00 money In his efTorts to mnkt Klam Om month - so nth Count v the Sportsman' l'nra ,, .. . ,, 1111' mUU piOU.llU IW1J t'HV lllilll .!! hold u similar position, nml Uoo.l roads," put forth by every lover of the Brent these nttm-ks nml sometimes II illilii I out ilooiM to ImtiK .il'ont the leinrilv. -fi-m like I would live uirii nml whatever i ! ioim.li mv l. Hied evervihlitK I had .r '"I or nml whiitt'M'i xi "l" muv to iie,.siiiv nml spent nii - m li'Kl ' '" to liritiK about ilio de.tied ikmiIi mmm t i Iuk l K". ilf r l.ui .t.-H-im .1 .!..., I 1. 11.1. l.nlll.lil III. Jl I ll'l one mini who uin ie uenoiuieu upon " " to nil- his ut moot endeavor will bo I'oinmlnsloiii'i I'lmrles K Stone TltOl T I.OVKIl nml I ti'iiil o miii'li iiiuiitt I i i'm tin- Ki'Otl It ilolliK llml I I'll'1 in tr n liotllo I limn now ' i.'i'ii '"'if boltlos nml i'iiii trutlifullv n thui hits entlrel) lelleved mv simmIi lion bin Mv nppolllo Is J'l t Ion did mid over.vlhltiK I wit now UKri'on ullli mo nml iliu'iT me kuihI nnl I am never bothered with IuiIIm'siI-iii m those rmmpltiK pains lu mi mimiieli or oh ist mi) more I run nt any thing I wniit nml iiiniT hnvo a lulu ute's discomfort iiflorwnnl ami I mi feeling bolter In even way limn 1 and also local Devi fublished """""" '" " "" --- . about Tnnino lurorc lor i u mm' R"- ,,. in lusu luiiti uiw uuiisuvu .... . ... ... lint., for ..irs TmiiIui. hni sllri. ilnlie ftwvln. P"'""' n r""r M1"' lR ,"a nl miMdf of sufforliic nml mi binl. " ' , " " All rlftiti of repnhlloatlon of sp- mond Uike. Lake of the Woods. KHh nccoull, woul(1 t,ax i.,.n ,.r,.at d-nl "" ""rK ,,,r "" """ ' K""" " " '" patches aerein are alto r- jp, ,.tv. , whero n fw ears aKO. ki--,,. ,,i,i t ( llnrrlll. u null- .prior to 1S1.1. to bo oact. there wai kmiwt, rrond mnn with tlio Toxnn not a slcn of u trout., now aim uml A. ),,Cfr. who rnlds m s00 VI with splondld rainbow trout of mac- nVnrp street. r"ort Worth. V-miis. jnltlctint sin? .nml due entirely to then!ul ,xiJ0 f)w, j.1,n a resident of that Member of the Awocliitrri I'rryis The Associated Tress Is excluslrely over atttled to the use (or republication the fact that he has worked vo fnllh- t All awi aispntcnes rroaneu to u fuV j, resHiuilhle for thN county RAILROAD MAN SPENT SAVINGS OF YEARS iiu.itii.i. si rrKiti.i) rv. vi its ti tiiii:i nm i v it Ml MCINK HIT (THIM. Ill I I'. I II DIM I wNh to Koodne I had kiionn lot otherwise creqiu-.t in uu p; ., whtn. ,,W! ,n thls n.WCl ' . . . , . THE KO.tDMlih llKAlTIKCli iiihiiiI It In itnyoiin who tint tru ihl. like ml tie were " Tnnlno U miM In Klniiinlli VulU by the flnr HriiK Co . uml In I. on II i by the James More Co Adi boulevard promUcs to become one of the established intltu Uons of the Cnlted States I.o An- Ty,A HA.iinn.i ...i .v,.i.-t....inirAa 'efforts of Mr Stono ami his helDers ' ..i.. ... ..... v.n., tiiinv vii.in ii- .1 i.iim.i , .. ff.. uu-wv.. M .--- --- .- . Wl. .' in .ii. ........ .m... j....- .. ....mat.. ..., In Klamath County .. ,., uimut ten lours iiko " Mr ' , 1 ... ,. ,. 11 wus iiiHiiu uu ii us.. Insurance Company of No otk That the trout are not In the Nil- Harrlll continued, that mv iiouM.-s ,Knn ttuntitfni In IMS I iiiik esinh llam-on Kiver, SpraKiio Iltier and i,gKn y uppotlto failed me and llshed (lumirlnll) ImpreKlinble and Sorlnc Creek mas be. and nrobubli .....,.i,im.. i ,.i ,.iir..,l mi ,u tn-i. "' Poli'Me tnat nr- uu in me mm ecles Is no lonper to be the onl) (, ,llu, to ,h() f,rt ,. ,h( willium ach nml formed ras that a .e "Mecca" for auiomobillsts. The splr- son ha-, boon tilled with Iok from u'rrtble critmpliiK pains mid I "iilil It which animated the planthiK of bank to bank at different places for linnlli Ket mv bre.nh It s-e't- ii like rler and bloom alone the approach ,ne l' Par or more .and thu stop- there was a blK hard lump rlKht m to the lortland-Vancoui or interstate P1 the run of the flsh m chet thai was rutiltit off ei No matter what the cause mn be, breath I Kul so I could hnril'i i it a bridpe has ranch tlhe country at larce Kentucki has taken up the dan The whole south likes the Idea. Coupled with the movement for planting imposinc shade trees as tne-- mortals for soldiers it .ofias likely "to roult in such a carnival of out door decoration a wTl make an au- tomoile ride on any pood road in any flirectlon an esthetic Jo). Nays the "Orponian. The frt of roadIde decoration Is still )oung. but much may be cipect d of it. The purpose to'be souitht is harmony of color and continuity of "bloom. This has been partly achieved by choice broom and roses Tor the interstate bridge approach. There Is no color so decorative as poliion yellow, almost the exact tinge of the springtime sun, and none so dtintr as the pinfc of the variety of Tose chosen. We need only an au tumn red. like that of the woodbine. to make the seasonal cycle complete. s All possible colors harmonize In na ture, the super esthetics to the con trary notwithstanding. Flowers and trets and plenty of them will be the goal of the new roadside decorators. Bat the aim should be to employ In ach instance a scheme of ornamenta tion characteristic of the. locality. There are few localities In the Cnlted States, even Inithe plains states, to which some beautiful plants are not Indigenous. The automobile' has im mensely widened he radius of travel ol all American!' with consequences, that may be politically as well as ec onomically Important. A Journey from mate to state may in time become & kaleidoscopic adventure of floral delight, with every bloom nodding a -separate welcome to' even- tourist as he speeds alone. It will not detract from the larger features ot the land scape, nor will the planting of flower tag Bhrubs preclude the programme of planting Elower growing trees. All haye their places. The esthetic move ment Is quite evidently popular. And as localities develop emulation In -natters artistic, it is easy to imagine that they will be less keen for strife whatever it is, all effort should be thing that illtln t bring "U Me "f t lit" nnd service to pollrv holders nod beneflrlnrles llml Is une-irelled lliis Krelit Institution offers v-ui Its fnoi. ties and benetlls of li eii..rli n-o Kor full particular regarding our methni' nml n i' -" i '.i"ii-"i see M'O. ' I I UK II, 111-. I UK I' MN.nt fur K'nmntli t mliilv of r flee over Klrst Stai. jun1 Saving' Hank 0 1 nt The Thrifty Housewife has for her motto "One lhuulicd Coats for Every Dollar Expended." She believes in a full return for every outlay. She is not tight-fisted. She knows that the cheapest materials are often the most expensive in the end. She has an Account Rook which shows what becomes of the money she spends, and a Hank Hook which shows what becomes of the money she saves. Her funds receive absolute protection THE KLAMATH FALLS BASEBALL TEAM WILL GIVE A Big Dance At MOOSE HALL EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT PEERLESS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 50c mbntii c l J- ! H PAY A VISIT TO THE JEWEL CAFE JUST REMODELED C 0 Z Y AND CLEAN QUICK SERVICE Every delicacy of the season served, in cluding Ice Cream, Strawberry Short Cake and Good Eats of all kinds for Warm Weather. JESSE BAILEY, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusement s HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE IUXCI.VO Wednesday Ac Saturday .VlKlitH. JAZZ .MUSIC, STAR THEATER TOI)AV Jese I. Ijtsky Presents '' I.IXA CAVAl.IKltl In liOVE'S CONQUEST" Also Two Ilecli, of Good Corned). In VAUDEVIME 7 People 7 TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Mue bird I'retienU CARMEIi MYEU8 - IN "7 HE MTTLE" WHITE SAVAGE" AUo A Lyon ' Moran Comedy nml Vol verbal Current Events AdmUaioa '10 M 15 etnU MaUne -1 09. Evening 7:80 9. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PIOTCBEb TCBSDATS AND HATTTHDAYfl Merrill. Oregon X 1 Auction Sale Saturday, June 28, 1919 Two miles from Klamath Falls postofflce, on Sblpplngton paved road, I will offer for sale my herd of choice dairy stock the result of several years careful brooding and weed ing out, and the equal ot any In the county. Comprised of cows, bulls, heifers, steers and calves' galore. Also hogs, breeders and porkers; one largo bay gelding, dairy machinery, steam boiler, kettle, stores, cans, otc; hay rack, bob-sleds, grindstone, etc. All sums under $20, cash; all sums over $20, bankable notes, five months, at 8 per cent. Five per cent discount for cash on sums over $20. FREE LUNCH F. C. DeChaine, Owner C. a, MERRILfc, Auctioneer. TTI.ki'l tr. tt.-ttb First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ITS A POOR DOCTOR Who Won't Take His Own Medicine THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modern method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be very likely to say : "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else ; do you want to call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING n tfv -i, JMMp