fmrmmw0wM tfttSfei53si m (- 1 MSHNIISIMt. .11 M .!., lltlli i fl ,42 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON f . V r V 1 I Y.ttVIt I 1 I'M ,r- fJHl- -y COMMEMORATE THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO SERVED THEIR COUNTRY IN THE GREAT WAR w.s.s. I I f ous c Liberty's torch gives forth a brighter glow of freedom because the noble men and women who have participated in the vari lauses and in the great Army and Navy of the United States from Klamath County did their part loyally, gladly and willingly. The success of the Honor Roll of Klamath County depends on those who have engaged in Home service work ana on tne parents of the boys who inarched away to do their part to crush an insolent, arrogant power Germany. We need tlicse pictures and -biographies. Therefore no time should be lost in getting them into our hands. The photographs will be carefully handled and you will be under no obligation to pay us for the pictures or text that will be printed in this splendid, historical record. What would your boy think if his picture were left out of the Honor Roll of his county because of negligence on your part? This Honor Roll of Klamath County will be a book that everyone will be proud to have in their home and show to their friends. A volume of this kind will be preserved for generations to come because of its sentimental and intrinsic value. In two short years we astonished the world at what we could do in developing an Army and Navy; and when our boys crash ed against the Prussian guard at Chateau Thierry they thought an avalanche had hit them. And it was an avalanche of courageous, determined, trained soldiers who knew only one way to go and that was forward. How proud we were of the victory and achievement on November 11th. It was boys like yours and your neighbor's that helped the United States crush the enemy. Are you not willing to perpetuate the memory of every soldier boy who donned the khaki or blue from your home county? We thought enough of this proposition to go into the work of building this record and it will cost thousands of dollars and take lots of work, but we are willing to do our part so that every man who joined the service from Klamath County may be remem bered in a lasting way. Imagine the keen disappointment of your boy if his picture were left out of this authentic record. You understand- of course, that the printing of this picture and biography does not obligate you in the least, so please send this data and photograph while the matter is fresh in your mind. We are sparing no expense to make this a volume that everyone in this county can be proud of. The cover is a work of art with an attractive design of the Statute of Liberty on a rich "Kowhide" cover stock. The opening pages are in five colors and have bee esigtie 1 for us by artists who have embodied into this work a style of decorative art that expresses the mission of this pub lication There are four handsome art divisions in five colors, visualizing the Navy, the Army the Home Service work and the Red Cross activities. Each Soldier Boys' picture in the book will be on a handsome War decorative background and all other pictures will be ar ranged oil backgrounds that quickly tell the stoiy of the activities in which such individuals have been engaged. Lose no time in handing in this picture and data. Come in and we will be glad to tell you all about it. Please fill in the data below and bring it in or send it with the piotures at once. THE HONOR ROLL OF KLAMATH COUNTY. THE EVENING HERALD, PUBLISHER - . mAMAnmPATrcnRRP.nM .. , . A. U. LUSTUK, JUANAUEitt ..J Iiumui , i : .i I. .-. $1,1 ' COUPON FOR HOME SERVICE Name Branch of Home Service Name of Town Name of County The abore should be used to designate the tjrpe of Home Sertlce yon hae been engaged In. Fill In care-ruJlj. V..' ' COUPON Name Rank Born Son of (Both Parents) Date of promotion to rank of Date of promotion to rank of Date of promotion to rank of Date of promotion to rank of Wounded at B'attle of Date Killed at Battle of.. Date Died : Place Date -ki. mMisw y), PAOr. TIIItEB V la - -4 t! ! il J r. ,ii i I; ? K: I; M i 4f I w m r w. m II f, ww