itmsmmaffi Qttpmmna Herald orriciAi. paper or KLAMATH COIN IV OFFICIAL PAPER Oil KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Year No. 3,6. 7 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1919 Price, Five Cent CO-DPEHATIVE COW ER PLANPHOPOSED STDNETELLSWHY FOR NEW TOWN May Be Located on One of Two Sites Examined j iota. no on itvniiNs ins i. Tl IH'dll'H WITH risjll(; V sk.mi; streams pi, i:-n ,. i isii is tin: cotvn NO UTOPIAN SCHEME inciil. I "lit I'ImIi mill limn,. ('iimiiiiIxnIoii- j rr C F Hlntie ,u . ii Mrulpht frru i .'.ii . boulder li'l'l " . i lii' r .tiuilllii'i- II ill llllll ltIUVli i In I Mi' lien' I I .in i nlfilil. U-m'rn mi t lie Hulling I umillHoiiH x I k t n i k in id,. Hlri'iimi Ilul I PUniiril AIihik I'rnilli-nl l.liie mill hike cif Klamath county Oul of Ths! Will OIr In Miiniifiii Hirer rouileiiy In Mr HIiiiim the iiii'tloln (hrni I'm tor) Sllf n ntllii i:tn thImimI l ihi- ti-lliT nluitilrl luii Ix-i-n pln)r nil llullir. Men lAtio (or hiiIihiIUimI for his iiatiiitlnil before , llimir unit llu.ln.-.. IMiildWi- imtilli nl Ion. fur it lit.ri- illn-ill) upiiti i I " work Hint lii' Iiiih liiul In IihihI J here for tlio piiHi seven or eight )iurH Muring nil of Hint tlm,. he Uis I.U.c.r Wltli tint ilnilul skepllrhtui ultwi) I '! inmliluiiiisl) mid successfully for jirrtluiiilnint when tlinrni urn kooiI lb" Inn-rents of the roimty ami whnt and everyone making uloiny, the Kliiiniilli bus gained In tlm way of rovelnlloii Hint Kluiuuth fsilln was i Iwlrherli-s. Clilim pheasant, elk, threatened Willi competition In the ''iull mnl other game that will mnko nature of ii ni'W rli wi received li ' p-midlse for the fliiinunn nml ,iiiiiii nllli n Miruit mill ii mulli' TIi , im"r. needs no liiiulmory enm liliw m-eiiis lo eilut among miiiin tlliit ( menu such n thing tinllkelv. unit Unit' Mr Skmu-' letter follow Kliiinatll Putin Ik mi unit entuhlMicd thul It would lin Iiiii'-iMiIi' to Htnri another town (lint would remit! In jiny niiili-rliil iIiiiiiiiki' to llin develop ment of ililii tltv T tin ( iiui lio trim, ami (In ugnlii. It inny tint be If mi. ,.iJiit Inwn I ntitrti-d It Mill. Wltlllll M'MANUS TO OPEN NEW RESTAURANT I i 'I w li Miiiiiih. who been ii.i'iiiitti-il in lurloiiH fuTurllli.-it with ninth nil of i lie rest'iiininlH of this in nml who operated onu In Mcd- fonl I i.fur,. uiuilng Ti.'ioVoTm) year m:n. I'ii taken n IriiHi. on the Joel T Wind building nt fil'i .Main Street mi'l will opmi ii grill there nlmiit An- (ilul IhI I Mm plmis for tl hIiiIiIIhIi- nu'iil nn miliiio It will he u scml- infi'ti-ilii iiffnlr. nml will nrcupv the Iiiim-i unci it iiimt flonm On tln.l Hit Mill HELL'S COMMTION I M H.WHI ' I). 1'ii' Lillet t'p'iri-i from the hosp.tnl stale that Or Mitchell h condition Ik unchanged Thoie wishing to phono ahout hid con dition should call 437 or 190J. JOHNSON HAS i NARROW ESCAPt GERM SILENT REE GOER UNCLE SAM NOW HAS ; FORTIFIED FRONTIER I TIHVS ItOIHIKIt, UAMIILI-:it, HKf'K ' LI-SS IHtlVKH AMI OTHi:it Tinxfss whili: iii:lii(; uvk Tin-: ni:it.MA.s Lieutenant Morri L. Johnxon, li lurmi'iTntii n . .. r fliw.r- A.. M...I ""-Tii.-uiw.,. . .. ounu in. liroiiinl floor honm rooklnK nml u. '"" l""",,,!ll" '""- ami nouwnK "'"" ...ui. iur me ivianiaui ue- iirroiiiiiioiiuiionx aiong mo .Mexican ioi'iiicni company is eari: m mam bortler, by the 'war department, to uln Fall with many tab'H Connected ainulloratu the condition of the pa-1 with jils eighteen months stay with rtol trooim, will give the United i lhe Army of Occupation. Mr. Jolin Staten Itn first real fortified frontier. Kon left th" United States with th.j .More than forty border army posts Second company of the Twentieth hnglners, but because of his iimK'r J standing of the French he 1 was transferred from the rank-) of m 'n lonniTtlon with nlmrl ordri i.ii: In Hi-rteil Tho scrond floor .vi'l f:teil mil with tables nii-l In iidill. ..'I Ii. liieHlllIK '.... ilxllnl .I-ill Hit' I. w II le equipped to rum I'or'i '1 -1 mid sperlnl .nrlli-M. Ti.i n:iri lit the new estlllillil melit will .1 i, 'en lleiiil Crlll," mid ihm ( tie M'ie,i fiintiirei will lie (In ii.-iiiii t i iii. I in iind hitvIii.; of fish unl .m e Iri iicht In liy patrons TREATIfSIGNEflS Delay in Appointing Dele gates Causes Uneasiness MAY BE SIGNED FRIDAY have already been established. ELKS TO DELUGE l'nlei Announcement Is Promptly Made an ltlmatum Will Re Seat emandltiK the Appointment ot Plenipotentiaries Within a Cer tain Number of Hours. Dateless dispatch by Associated tl IM1TU Fll I c AT CONVENTION "ME r w. hP HH UW h Cilllor Herald. In ) out Injun of yealurdny miiienr i'il in iirtli'ln iimler the hemlllne, l.liinimli A i kn Tor More I'luli." that Ii o ilillriilottHlv file lluil It hoillil iiul pimi urn hnlleiii'.i'il 'I'he nrtli'le piilioitM lo i-oiiie from the pi-u of n JOH.V A.VSKL HACK. John Ansel, who has been llvlne at ! "le Engineers and sent cliasiiiK wlld- i A l.i Ifl.nni. t,x- lw. n..u. .1.. about ttln rnnntr in An l,nrr..u , has hearkeneil to the rail of the or 8teaI supplies for tho Amerlenn 1 Klumath. und Inst night he dropped i arm'- Ho told of one sad enso where off the train at the depot with a look ' a Frenchman was tlu proud cwner of ( jreRS rjermany's silence regarding- ir hatlsractlnn ami it smile that beem. I" W00(1 P"e which the Americans her representation at the Formal eil to say "Hosh' I'm glad tp get I '""Red to possess; and in order to get slenlne of the Peace Treaty has caus- back." yul his friends are glad to ll Mr. Johnson was forced to put all jej some uneaslness In Allied confer- scruples asute anil gamble, the mtieli . Cnce circles, still hoped In Paris that sought wood away from the unstis- the treaty will be signed by Friday, pecting Frenchman. ut whether it may go over until the In speaking of the great things following day now manifestly de "UV iliil In the world war, the ' pends upon the arrival of the Ger l.leutrnunt spoke of tho bath he had I man delegates. In Ma ISIS, the llrst one after bo It Is expected that the new Italian Ir'ided In November. 1917. Another , delegation, headed by Tomasso thing which seems to stand out v!v-JTittoni, foreign minister, will reach Mh Is the egg breakfast be enlow t l;irl nn Frlil.-iv tn rosiunp tlio nrtlvl. have him among them ugaln .'ichliTli iiiiTlnhi. hate more n:iu mllU siorlsinnu. but I want to say that he mnl but fin tnrli'K than Klaiuuth Falls now Iiiih mill there will be it i'or t .tint -y Hint It will get nil ot Hie new ilie III the future. V In the llrst ilaie the mill Kites will In- at iot Tin- mutter of rlty tin a'lnn will be illiulnnteil In a I'l'ilnltf lacki the Drit eiHi'tillnl of n jiiorti in ii 1 1 . mnl that Is fiilrpln) He appear to be rompleti'ly imiii formi'il "a Imnt inntters In Klmniith Coiiul. i-oiu'eru lug which i'Mr gooil HpoitNiiimi Ik fiilitlllnr. Ill fact. The lleiald repre U'lU.lthe. Ill his pinflire to the Ml ...t.'ii Tli'' btislliesii nettlon of the lulled letter seeiim to bu In the ilmk nu will bo laiil out ifml the lots sold I ""I' leferelHV lo trout work ill I'OltTI.ANI) June 2'. lam S Keiineil) presidi t of tjie St tie I'lki' asmcl.itlon has reports from nearly everv lodge of KIl.s In Oregon assuring a large delegation for the state roiiw'iitlon of HlkS at Klnm'tth Falls. August ll-li: )r Kennedy Iiiik iiipoutiil tleorge O. Ilr.inilnburg of Portluml lodge ns I'llll I riititt, .if III., si ll.t ''liAll" ,,n, ,,,! Among the features that Mr. , Electric company, returiicil yeertlny l.nt I was thrown out of a sM;. ear llriindenliiirg Is now arraugliig Is a :7.ll(M) ACHKS XKAH OIKSCKXT, TO Hi: IIOL'HHT L'XHKIt fl'LTI. V.lflOX POWKH PLANT TO in: paht or svstkh t'K- . islies or the owners of the hen.i wire not alwnvs I'linsiiliinl When asked if be h:ul suff-red any It. J. Sheets, of the Link River wounds .Mr Johnson said: "Well no Hun ins wue aim oauguier. irom a imu me inn iiiat I lit on niv tin ee tunes a week. The egg were 'ties of Italy relative to the treaty obtained by a house to hoii'e canvass. ! with Austria. Dispatches from Ber The returned soldier Insinuated that i Iln Indicate that the feeling over the Peace situation still runs high ln- vaudevllle performnnre on the shores of Upper Ktamatli lake, where a bar fishing trip to Crescent, and reports bead is the only tliing'thm sived me a fine 'trip. He says that some hlgi Honi being mortally Injured." This in n prue Hint will be just sulllcletil ! Kln.i.iith Count). He states that If u j ,.,.,. , ,, Hl,r,(M, 'Kuch I()(, , ' Improvements are being made In that nperienco gave him courage to at Herman military circles. Officers 'peak of defending the honor o't tha Herman army and Its leaders by adopting special measures. In roier tile rout If the are resold nil profit nbon .S per rent on the In- -nt itifii I goes Into the gelii'rul fund nf the town, and Is distributed among lot holders Those who will build liiitues there will be furnished the limine at actual con I. mid will lie per mitted to buy II on (be rent-payment hinds, the iimortUiitlou plan being followed All properly Hint Is sold Hi II hi be sold ill cost, plus S percent III tereM so far as the owner Is concern ed ii he sells It for moro than that thru all over amid aboro that sum m be distributed pro rata among Hie other property owners. Ideal mill sites laid out, and this Is believed by t tin promoters to be n stiltlcleut Inducement to attract prospective, mauufaciurers. This Is a rough outline ot the pro posed iinw town ns outlined by one I- -of the men who Is , bucking the iiHiwincnt. It Is to be one of the cardinal principals that there shall be no prollt accruing In mi) one It Mill be In tho nature of u co-operative enterprise; free, however, from any Utopian handicap. Several sites have already been looked over, mid a ten tative selection made of two Them arn, however, men who urn viewing this propoHod new town with tlm surlous rnnsldnriHInn II deserves. Various suggestions havo been made, I'Ut Ilm mot general one thul the time is at hand when Klamath Falls must liiivn a Commercial Club and a sec "tary, tho duty of tho Inttr being t go out and get factory sites; to do for the factories what they propose doing for themselves. Of course, It 111 not bo posslblo to get sites as cheaply as they Could bo secured In tlio now lown.'buf they could lin hum iiored down to u point whom tho Klcn would bo acceptable to prospect ive mill men, If this can ho done at nn early duto It may havo thg effect of stopping a movement that will Rlvo to Klamath Falls one ot tho liardost of tho many hard blows she ls hod during tho past fifteen yoars, rod mid gun club, or some such or giitllziitlou, could be tutiltttiilited. "Klmnulh will soon luivu Its own iinii-oer.v. lie linen mil scum in Know ,j (it(,t ...... .v.m.imi. v mis .wo trout I ,,. , tr,,,R )Illnl)0(I ,1V the coll iiaii-ueries. one at Mpenrer rreoK mm i the state will furnish one net. I Automobile trips to Crater lake, the Modoc lava beds and to a score scenic wonder spots are part of the country. A big Irrigation system, that will , take In 27,000 acres, is being built In tvvn branches, nr of which Is I nearly completed. The water will one on Crooked Creek, near Fort Klamath, the latter the fluent trout huti'herv 'n the State, whine the I-'IkIi and Hmue Commission has spfiit $ I'll. (Mu for site, buildings ami eiillp menl. This hatchery has a capnclt) of 1,000.000 eggs anil we are also holding mid feeding .". o.iHlo brood trout In I ho ponds Tlm communication refers to the trout eggs to be taken at Diamond Lake anil shipped to other parts ot vent Ion committee. In Klmunlh Falls j during the convention a 'niardt gras" I spirit will pievail with a dozen bauds to furnish music and dancing nightly I on the streets (Continued on Page H) .v urn PECORD MAY REFEREE CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT TOLEDO. June 2.". Ollle Peenrd. oi Toledo, will bo referee of tho Wll lard Dcmp.sey fight' according to an unofficial announcement made hcio toda). tempt driving himself, and before ho was provided with a driver Tie hil a ''ictiili row. which h,. thlnr.s landed ii Cen-iany; scared a Frenchman I" death; ran into a flock of sheep come fiom the Derhutes river, work. "I"1 l'l,t ' Ford car In the tllfrTi. One being done under the Carey act. wnders how the Hermans held out Mr. Sheets sa.vs that the people as lo"K as they did. are very enthusiastic over their Irrl-1 Johnson Is decidedly opposed (() gatlun system, as well as over a wat- l,rhlhltlon and will more than likely er power site, situated at Prlngle j re,ur" ,0 France after July first Falls. When this Is developed 10.000, ''"Ptuln Marlon Nine and Lieuten- horse power will have been harnessed , ""' ,oll"so were together for some for the use of man. PARIS. June 2.-.. If the Allle.r powers do not hear from Hermany j very soon rejnriiu.K uie oeieguiiu , for signing ot the Peace Treaty, an ultimatum will be sent to the Her man government, according to ParU office renter's dispatch demanding the appointment of the plenipotenti aries within a certain number at hours. M MKDKOHO II. P. O. H. IIOXOH SOI.DIUHS. H iH'.Ltur pih:.ui.s Tiivr phksi- HUNT WILL SUSPKXI TIIH PltOVISIOXS OF TIIH PltOlllltl. TIOX LAW AITIIll PKACI': IS ih:ci.ahi:i WAHIIINHTON. I). ('., June 2.', President Wilson 1ms In mind tho Is sunnro of a proclamation declarlu:; the army of tho United Slates demo bilized when Hermany signs the nea i e trnty. Ouiinnry Is oxpoctod to sign tho treaty next Monday, It alio signs It on that dato, or before tho Juno 30, ai'd tho presldetft Issues his procla mitiou if il.jiiioblllzmlmi, tl'.i 'tsults vi'i Pi Hat prohlblttiin will It i-t- I'oned tinlli thu cnnstlt iHii' -inirid- mm' laheti rrect noxt Jmii.ary This bl,itil,v important ItiLirmnilon was obtained from sources close to tho Whlto Ilnuse, It muy bo rolled upon ns representing tho prermt stuto of the president's mind, and a certain forecast ot his action, unions soiuo unfnrsoen difficulty develops to clmngo his decision, , .Tlio .proBldant K sold to .bo actu ated by-a -variety ot motives, He Is said to uolleve that it would only ho fair to tho Interests affected to allow I them additional time to wind up' WKATHKH RKPORT their affairs, Moreover, such action Oregon Tonight and Thursday, I would ease the revenue situation and fair centle westerly wiads. I lighten the b'urdeu ot taxatlou, j MKDFOUD. June 24 The biggest event In Itogue IHver valley's Klk- doiu In )e.irs was staged in Medtord, time, trying to persuade Frenchmen to work In cold weather. In relating his sufferings during the great war, the returned warrior said, that he was In Paris onlv one i day was flat broke and couldn't get any credit, it being the day before Christmas and the banks were closed. Mr. Johnson will make his home in '. j Klamath Falls from now on as ho XOW KNOWS THAT ONK OK THE wl" take Mrs- A- J- Voye's position CONDITIONS OF PEACE CALLS !'n the ""tJ" Assessor's office. Mrs. I FOR HIS SCHHENDER TO THE i 'ol",so "'"' hU small daughter will PARIS, June 23 Vp to 4:45 thla afternoon no official word was re ceived here regarding Germany's plans on the formal signing ot the Peace Treaty. The Peace Conference leaders were undlsguisedly perplexed, over the situation. TN Ei ALLIES last Friday afternoon and evening with Elk's present from all parts ot j the county, Inclujlliig the largo con tingent of members of the local lodge . "rmany's acceptance of tho peacol from Hrants Pass, and with the Ash-I tl"s. including tlio clause provm Join him hero in the near future. AMRRONOEN. June 2fi. News of WINNIPEG STRIKES COMES TO AN END land lodge as Invited guests. Med ford lodge of a class of 12," mem bers, tho last of 200 new members to bo Initialed. The membership ot the Medford lodge Is now S00 men. lug fo rthe delivery of the former! vmmsiplg, June 25. Formal ti... ,.,!,. fr h.i. nun t.' emperor to the allies, reached tho1 announcement was made todav bv outburst was tho initiation by the cnstlo late yestrday. Exactly how,no Winnipeg strike committee that the former emperor was affected l"v general strike here will end to cannot bo ascertained, but tho attl-j morrow. The strike committee as tttdo of the members of his party led serted in a bulletin Issued at 11 to tho belief that It was considerable 'P'clock this morning that the strike of a shock. Tho former monarch ro- was called off, when the government GRATER LAKE TO N N SPARROW AND MOMVKR RE LIEVE THAT TOURISTS MAY VISIT THIS CELERRATED SCENIC POINT AFTER -U'LY 1 HKftlPRKV IIU8V TRAININO. TOLEDO, Juno 24. Jack Doinp Sny. challenger for hoavy weight championship of ( tho world spont his 24th birthday here today artlvo y training for the coming tight v"h Wlllard. GRAIN HANDLERS WILL ASK FOR HIGHER PAY suuied hour. his logsawltig at the usual PORTLAND, Juno 25. Grain handlers today notified tholr employ ers that they will seok a now wage schedule when the prosont agree ment expires, on July 1st. The pres ent wage Is 75 cunts per hour. It is oxpocte dthat a considerable Increase will bo sought. .IUDOE CHAPMAN CELEHRATE8 RIRTHDAY. ROBBERS MAKE BIG HAUL IN PORTLAND N, J, Chapman, tho esteemed Jtts Hco of the Peace, celebrated his birthday this year with a dinner par ty at the Owl cafo. The guests were unablo tbTdlscoVer fiU "exact age, 'but his tioaf est friends say that the Jus tlce wrltos It "21 plus", Those present at tho party wero. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W, Eberllen, Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Graham, Dr, and Mrs, I.yle, Mr.JIelde and Mr. Chap mau's son, George, PORTLAND, Juno 25. Thirty thou sand dollars In non-negottablo secur ities Were stolen between Saturday night and Monday morning from the vault in the office ot tho Ham mond Lumber company here, the pollco announced today. Tho rob bers worked the combination ot tho safe. promised to name a committee to make an Investigation regarding tho reinstatement of workers. The gov ernment announced last night that tho strike was called off unconditionally. RUVS NEW REO. Captain J. H, Curnahan, attorney for the City o( Klamath Fulls, Is the latest to Join the extensive Reo fam ily In this county, having purchased one of these popular cars from C.' L. McWIlllams yesterday. COUNTY COVIr MEETS. The County Court is in session at tha Court House thla afternoon, MUCH LUMRER HAULED ON NEW RAILROAD. Hurry Ackley made a trip to the Swan Lake District today. He re ports that good progress Is being mado on the logging railroad which the' Ackley Brothers are bultding from the Strnhorn line to tap tholr timber in that district. A large amount of lumber is now .being haul ed In on the Strahorn line, he says, m JAIL HAVING HOUSECLEANINO. The County Jail which was found, upon inspection, to be insanitary, is being renovated, and tha Sheriff's of fice is of the opinion that Allen Sloan, who Is In charge of the work, will need renovating himself, after the job is finished. MEDFORD. June 25. The Crater Lake tourist season will open on July 1st, ecoiding to Mnnager Parkbu-st of the Crater Lake company, Aler Sparrow superintendent ot C.Mt-.T Lake National Park, and H. Momyar. park r.iiif,ti who are Medtord v'a- Uurs, The) reported that the road Is open now to within 1 V-j miles ot this side of the lake, and that between, this point and the lake the average depth ot snow is from three to four feet, and at places there is a 10-foot depth. The road will be opened within a tew days to the lake rim, and after July 1st autos can easily go to the lake rim. ' The hotel lodge at the rim is read tq receive visitors, and the stages between Medford and Crater Lake will begiu operating on July 1st. HERE FOR VACATION. Miss Winifred Wlnnard, who for merly taught tn the Central School in this city and who now teaches la Portland has arrived from that point on her way to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wlnnard of LangeR Valley. She will visit at the home ot her sister, Mrs. Fred E. Fleet for few days before going to LaageU Valley. -