TU;SI., jim .J( , tack icinnr THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON p t II f 1 ORGAN S pomtment ot J W. Ferguson, Demo oral, nnd Will T Kirk. Keputillcuu ami tlie retirement of H.uve Heck Willi nuil Wiltiml Allen, will in no manner Interfere 1 1 ti th Inveiilgii t..m of tln comuiiitloti pi-"" nml ordered at the request of the Tort Mini 1 nbor Council Omernor Ol (OVI:i:M)K OMXUT XOtcr.S cott h.. asked Heckwith for his re in n in; wn.i. iiPi-itvriTitriT stgu.itl.m Commissioner Allen's Ml GOD BLESS IE IT m M EWAUNA BOX CO. SUES ; ;1',t!?,;.,';,,,,,.Z T"Z SOUTHERN PACIFIC AaAN111 ,m '"""' '"" iiiiltnti iiii'iu of the t niuiuin ml t ili- ( i riled ill the ii Hi t '-' lln Hi-nnhiMH strike lllliitlllliollslj Voted i.ii iKi-.iik (oilny by American rmlorutlnn I.uliur. TIIK ll)t'STUI.l, COMMISSION .UVIOK.NT SAl.l'M. tunc 21 -ilovornor Ol cott said today that the Impending re-org.-uiU.-it'on of the lmluMri.il ac cident Commission, which he an nounced Sunday, including the up- term h.is already expired The !ov- ernor s.ii.l lie was dtsMtNfled with the work of the commission as nt pie sent constituted Tho time is Renins shorter every dav for miu to ilo whnt should be idone before the Klks got here on VKiit H. 15 and 16 'What are you doing? SAVE Vacation Money by buying VACATION NEEDS NOW AVe have given careful thought to securing the articles necessary for YOUR VACATION COMFORT "We not only save you money, but offer a more complete selection than you can find at the resorts. Star Drug Co. The jCCL Store Klamath Falls Oregon ;n, "Lest Ye Forget" Remember, the "Furnisher of Happy Homes" Is still on the Job, and is after your business, and Is In a posi tion to furnish your home from the cellar 'o the Barret, In nearly any class of merchandh-e that you might re iinire. We still have a few pieces of furniture that have not been sold, so come in and get our prices before you buy. I'KKKI.VS Fir.VITL'Ili: HOL'SK & "The Furnisher of Happy Hornet," Photic 41 l-JO-llifl sixth Strict Boys' Shoes i TIIT lTlir IMt.W I'll OIOMC or I KLAMATH lOlNTV- ltO.s who .s t.vintrn in tiii ' aikievm: J tutor j "Ood llles the Salvation Awn? to," what the. did for me and for nil III. bov ! vint to sin- the same tiling for the Knights of Columbus nnd I he l!d I'r w The were alwa.vs on tl i fl'lng lihe and they were there to help t'-e bovs. I hoH the drive for the SaKnr'on Army will meet with ) 'he succor."! that the Inborn of the Ar my Lassies met with away out thn' in front " This is the pravor anil message -f Sargoant 15111 Illch. one of the Klai". nth Corntv hov who went thru the hell o the Argonne Mr lllch was! wounded In both hands and the fine, with shrapnel, and he speaks wllli warmest words of praise of the or ganizations he mentions for I tin splendid care they gave htm He was a niemtmr of the 91st Division. 3fMt In fan try if the flien ",l , (( (. ' "1 "l,'lll-"-.' I I , 'l I" ' ' ." I' " I l ... , " ,. 1 i ! . ,.. I III 1 'i iii Ho t'liinpiin.' V' iln ' iin I' 'i iillr t'oi'tpftuv T ol-- 1 1 Hi" let over several ' mi Mf I'm j ! i n 'lit' nll'S'il to hii '.'ti I" 'ii i" ' .i lie tlui." the i'i. i in li'i," M.s1 di Mil j TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY i i . 1 Helm in ... ... , ""' Klip . .in, '" . "Hi ' U'H I'"MIM . II I),,,,, , II If "Listen !" WKATHIIIt IIIM'OItT OKKtlON Tonlglil and Weill! dm ,uh with gentle Noiltiwestorly winds TO llllt tWTHONs: JUSTICE BRANDEIS TO THE HOLY LAND Justice tiul D nrandcls of tho I' S Supreme Court did nol get to go as a mmber of Amorlra pwace commission, bul has no been assigned to the Palestine. Poland. Oallcla and Kumanla to report regarding a separate Jew ish slate In Palestine and other equal rights, also methods to end massacres of thousands of Jeus IDR. MITCHELL SHOT BY MRS. T. F. NICHOLAS. 1 11 H"M"tUvjJ"i"l I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 IMIII-HHH! 1 I I H 1 1 1 1 1 HUH I ppv oho :: TN ( ('iintitiuiil frnin l'iiyo I) cared for the dug. each day becoming more morose und melancholy, cul minating In the shooting Mr Nicholas, who had gone to work, was notified and he hastened to the side of his wife, who was plac ed under arrest by Sheriff Humph rey. Pending the outcome of the shooting she was admitted to ball and Is now under the constant care and supervision of neighbors and her physician. I)r Mitchell late this afternoon was resting easily at the Hospital. Dr. Masses stated thut It would be Impossible o reach any conclusion ns to the result of the wound for two or three davs, but that It was of an un usually aggravated charncter. ' Mr and Mrs. Nicholas have been residents of the county for over sev-1 fiiteen yean. Mr. Nicholas served ! " nearly two terms as mayor anil one ' .. .....II I... I.... .. tl.l .!. tl- f IB lerill its llllliiu jijiikii III lllin til I'-'- ' ' fore coming here he was n well Vnnwn banker of Missouri. I lu-nner and Chnstaln have been retained as the attorneys for Mrs. Nicholas, Sturdy Shoes for Boys let them hike or play all day and the shoes will never show it. Scouting Shoes,in brown, tan and gray elkskin, never scuff. Boys' Army, Munson Last, Shoes, built with good stout soles and soft toe boxes, in all widths. THe American Boy Shoes need no introduction. We have them in brown and black : rminH top and 4 ' ; English lasts. ' ; ; Barefoot Sandals in all sizes- gray and brown. ; ; The most summery footwear. :; Boys' Tennis Shoes, white canvass with rubber :; soles, are light and easy on the feet. We carry a :; complete line of Children's Hosiery. i Bradley Shoe Store The Low-Rent Store 727 MAIN STREET j RELIEF CORPS 1 ENTERTAINS. Kven though the war Is at an end j the Woman's Hellof Corps Is still working away to muk6 life for men who are still In tho service or hnve been discharged, as pleasant as pos sible. With this end In view tho loyal women ot Klamath Falls have plan ned a dancing party for Thursday night, at which all army, 'navy nnd marine men, with their wives and sweethearts are to be their guests. Tho dance will begin at nine o'clock In the Houston Opera House, and the women of the Corps are urg. ed to see that their own husbands are there as well as the men who have been In the service. Ilocfler's Centennial Chocolates In boxes, 65c to $2,00, Harry Richard eon's. 24-lt ' '"it Hug W'oilnofiit.ty morning. Juno JJ.Mii. we will uiuke all milk do'. !,. ti. mir iMiHtmiiH. mi ill. 1 1 1 If .m School hill, Third Si ami t'lillfornlii ! nnd Con kit AwMuii'nln the morning before -!? Patrons kindly put out bullies nnd tlrk.it nriorillngly t'lTY MILK DK I'OT 34-11 ( eiilenulul Chncolule rer Week by express Harry Itlchardsou's 21-tt saya the Good JuuW "A nil remember it, ton." The better the quality of your chew, the more you'll enjoy it. You'll et more out of your to. ham) money, ton- you'll save purl of it for something else. A Niunll chew of thi quality tobacco tastes good and it lustt und lusts. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put ufi in two ttyles RIGHT CUT is n short-cut tobacco W-H CUT is u long Itnc-cut tobacco V Mi I I'SMIB The Woman's Store SAFETY SAVING SATISFACTION The One Store That h Best Prepared to Fill Your Vacation Apparel Needs - Women planning their Summer Out stay-at-home warm weather, will find parel that is best suited to vour nartfeu few days off, should find you looking Pretty Silk and Washable Frocks For Women In point of iii'lit) -")li" mill mmleritti" nrlre our sbowlig of l)n-m leates noth ing to lie iletired Silk Orenses of i'repe de Chine Ororgt'ltt; anil Taffeta In the seiiNiiu's best I'olorlngs Summery Dresses of Organ die inn! Voile in cuptlvutlng tiuw styles Priced by ,eay degrees from ST..1U, jUt-Vi, SKi.iMl mill ni in sail. ui. intr or in nrenaration for ovmiLo. this ytore .splendidly ready with the ,ip- lar requirements. .July the Ith, m-t a your prettiest in Summer weai.ili'. Delightful New Styles in Summer Blouses -lleailtlllllh bi-niled. euilirolib ' ! med, lieuislllclied and pleat, , i lllgll llllil low lierk k1)Iih. fUl iiillarM The rolills are While. Pit ll lllnllte. SlIUiH't Ullll tllu lllllln-r cliu.l Of (ietirgvtle ami ('tepe de Chttn ji-i-u lugly priced, 9.1 up to (i.1. In re I It'll 1 SILK SWEATERS In Wonderful Coloring - So beautiful are I tie) Unit we heinlr to describe them knowing we cannot do them Justice Of lustrous Klher Silk in every wunted shade or i-ombluutloti of colors, plain and 11D1 ell) weaves Slmpl) Ideal for Hummer Dress wear anil prlied al Sin ii in tuio. MIDDY BLOUSES For Women and Misses Of fine While Duck nnd (iiilatea, with largu sailor col lar nnd laced fronts Plain and belled styles One model has collar unit pockets of Navy Mine All sizes Hi!. 9'J..1), ("I ami S.'l.l!.1. WASH SKIRTS Cool and Attractive This Is decidedly a season of separate Skirts and wo want you to know that our showing Is splendid. We have many pretty models In Piile, (lubar (linn, Wash Satin and Wnfflo Cloth with simple und button trimmed pockets Scores of styles 9U..VI to VM..10. SASSY JANE FROCKS In Many New Styles --Ho varied a showing of these popular Hummer Dresses, us we offer, makes selecting easy. Simple and lieruffliid styles In plaids and plain colored Ging hams u scores of attractive, appealing styles ami moderate ly priced at it.,10 up to lii..H An Unusual Display of WASH MATERIALS For Summer Frock Making - Our aisle of Wash floods offers so many Ideas for the making of the new Summer Dress The New Organdies --In the daintiest of Itosebud and larger Moral patterns, Polku Dots and conventional designs See our window display. They are priced ,1i" up in gl.OO. The Voiles Striped effects and plain While and an almost endless variety of rolored patterns ut prices ll.lc up lo SI. 00. The Ginghams - Ileaullfiil Plaids and dainty Checked and Striped (llnghiims In variety for easy choosing. Scores of patterns at enrb price. U,1c, ;i.1i", 1.1c mill I'illi-, SILK SKIRTS -Of llaroilette Satin Trlrulrlle Kmi-la si Silk mid t ri-jn. i(. Chine In White. Old Horn llllles, (lold, Slher and rliange able rolnrs Plain ami ha ml some novelty wniim V upb-n did showing at Ml'J..io up m s-j.'., SUMMER SUNSHADES In Splendid Variety - whether milady wishes an elabboralely designed 1'ar.imd or the prurllrnl rolored I mbrelU. we feel sure I lie desired ntltisllflil" Is here Priced from l 1.1 up l Hli:..1l. BATHING SUITS $6, $6.50 and $7 - I'nr the warm days Unit are mining you'll want a llathlng Suit III order lo obtain a full meusure of Hummer comfort These are one-piece style In shades ot lllue and contrasting stripes, ' SPORTS HATS For Outdoor Trips - So practical for motoring or general outdoor wear Of Poplin und Poplin and Straw combined, In lllues.Tan, Itose. llrown drays and Chucked Several models at KI.IIM to 9II.IM, Wash Skirtings - Pliiue and Novelty Weaves Plaids and Stripes In special showing, .lor. 7.V. Kl.oo up t 91. .10. . HI! Inch Khakii Clolh .T'' )''"' For Mountain, Stream or Motoring We Suggest Khaki Outdoor Apparel for Women No other garment has' -the practical utility features possessed by those made of Khaki. Good full cut, well made Middies, Skirts and Breeches that will give wonderful service. KHAKI MIDDIES $2.50 and $3.50 KHAKI BREECHES AND SKIRTS $4.50 Of good substantial grades ofi Full rut stylos, lloth llreoolii-H material, full button front nnd laced yoke styles, plain und braid trimmed coIIuih. Women's und Misses' sizes. CHIIiimKN'S MIDDIKH, $2.00 nnd Hklrls Mutton ut sides. The Hreeches are of double thickness where wear Is greatest. All sizes nt m.30, OlltliH' ltlllINO linKMCHKH fil OUTING SUITS For Misses 8 to 14 One-piece Khakii affairs, bell ed. llloomor stylo. A proctlcii Runuunt for outing wear. Bjieciai wom'kn'k' KHAKI JACKKTS, IIKI.TKO MODKIi AT..- "UM' ' Play Suits and Overalls for Children Serviceable, full cut, One-Ploco Oarmonts that fill every requirement for wear and saving of labor. Of lllue 'und Oray plain Chambray and heavy Blue Denim. The Play Hulls come fn several attruc tlvely trimmed stylos. Tho Overalls are sturdy nnd strong, wear resisting, All sizes. Play Suits $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50 Overalls $1.50 Matting Lunch Boxes, Leather Trimmed, Special at 50c, 65c and 95c H. N. MOE 'Kn V I i tH H4 i 1 1 1 1HI I H I 1 1 M I Mt SUBSCRIBE FOR TUB HRUAI.D