fa H s. MM- '!. 11)111. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN v( Ms u lit I.AKI.. I'll Mi- i Hull i )liiii'Milli'il ii il" nil litriiUfnM mi nun u( l II'' tin- liiwr IliKi' Sutlilm iiri'i'11 1 I' IfliU"'' morn"' ,rvi'li i-il I" ' luK !' tml " f1llll!' lull' ' I Ik lll IllMTh Ii ft In" II ill , I, wltll tln'lf luiMu'th till , .IIIK llll " ' "ll'' - Iiiimi hIiiiu lirri ii v other Pli lid Im iKf.i i ' ,i,,i illil mil ri turn u iiIlirii(Kiti I, lltll'llllll wit' v COME OH 111! jfflPEK&WM wSm mm KRAUTS CLASSIFIED COWS FOR SALE mil ,l I 11 v owner in ii" re tract utitler rulliuillon and under .lltch "s m alfalfn Small hoime uml Um ih mil"" 'f'"1' Klunmlh Kalli mile from CheUea llm I'm lory o ii u Him It V I) No I Phone :ik: Ht-fit FOIt SAl.K Our home at :'. HlKh m iilsn M6 iicreii tltntxT on lake ftint K' il' " '"'"' "' ,:''5'" lo.iit upper lai.e, i.Im j I" Ii-I'H' trad on llrxuut mnuiilatn cutn't .-, Iul. n.l 'inlt million del I''"1-' 1' IM4 I " w... .. .- - ti'CV.'llllUIII Ivif FOIt SAM. rurnlshed aparluii'tit hotue sirlclly moderti. bent loca tion In city, nisei one corner lot Terms If desired Mrs A Whltlock. 4 High Ht , 111'.. FOIt SAI.U i:iertrlr lli'.ht future. one table nnd flv sets of book Oiihis Office of Thotnim Driiku Odd Fellows bldK J'!- - FOIt HM.IV 1 3' l,l" WitKon Stake Hack. 1 3U Mitchell waRim Htnki. Hack. I 31 Studelmkiir run ning Rear. 1 3 '4 Stviilebaknr Willi tlumpboards. 1 'i niuiu-in-ii Hay Hack 1 3 V. Web-r Htako rack. All in Komi rotnmloti I set leather harm n t ihniii mrmnM. All com plete 10 head l''iiy work liorsi'H 1400 pounds to MOO poitnilH. ready to go to work Modoc miiiih- tth nnd Walnut. 21-31 FOIt SAI.i: Motororle See F-viMls, Slnr Drill: Co. l-3t l FOIt SAI.I fiooil flat lot' 'l"K Unoiu h. LoomlK Ilulldlng 24M FOIt SAUK U.on U. 2000 feet of dressed Inch nlm. lumber, '''l"1; H3 I.lncolti-Prlco right. -- r0li 8 A iTl Tl 0 1 K lln Self-lift 1ms buck J.70.00 1 new y ,,,,r rick, cimipleti. -fi'. 00 Farmers Warehouse. Cth St. '--' rOH SAI.n 240 ncres. Jfi.000. Three tnllon of II. It . on Irrigation .Jltrh old buildings, good grain lnnd. Wnnlil mko ntitninnbtln up to 'looo. 2ti00 rnsh Imlnnco terms. lflO ncros. 'IfiOO, 70 ncrcH grnln. Jfioo worth of timber; closn to IX. H. Hnrn nnil old litmsit; enn glvo possession October Address Hold S. Try, Algomn. Oro. 23-Ct FO It SALT: First class ryn liny. $1" 00 per ton nt Um old Mendon Imll plnro (hreo idIIch east of tho fitv on the Oleiio road V C. Cnrlon. 2'l-3t' FOR RENT rOUWm?NT-FiirnlHlimI rooms for gentlemen. 741 Walnut Avi) 21-31 FOrt 1IRNT FurnlHlied houso. 014 Ornnt Street. Inaulro 7l4-10th St. or phono 270 W. 33-3t SITU ATlONJTw ANTED WASHING AND CI.EANINO dono by the hour. Mm. Ilonil nnd MIhh Mol- lr ann Jotforoon fit. l'honu ovon- 1ngB 14B W. 21-0t r il LOGS WANTED Will contract for five to ten million feet of pine logs per year for any number of years. S. P. or Stranorn railroad delivery. Purchase in either large or small quantities. SAWMILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone 149-J K- D- Buildin5 Mitrv Mull Oiiiivm liil.mi V' tu HfiilMnn I'n vi Wont, .li'iinli- mill Aiiihi M.iv liihiniiiMi Vlic.ll li'l.iii Ain-'ln ( ii-. Win unit Witlliin- Mi Cli'll.m ii ml Climb Ilnrr KHMi; i III Itltl !,-. I hi ii I i In' iiMirnlili i ii nil M-i in I"" for KnuMim n-r M lit i i ' ' in s it i" i In lllllll' I ll" I'l'l' ''l '"' II till illl'W HlilnU of t'l" l i in i. i IE AIJ'5 finei HELP WANTED WASTKIl i:HTIi'lireil wi.iuiiii m Ctrl lor Kent ral lniueork l Im'ii :c. :i-if MISCELLANEOUS I'Ol NI) Automobile door coer I'lnder run htmi hiime b 1'iilllnK at llernld olflce ldentlflliK same and payltiK for thin ml. 21-31 WANTKD- A well furnished room In private house llh nrhlli-Kt' of (elnphone and bath almi um- of rariiKe Capl Nino. Hole! Hall Sl-lf VANTi:i)--To buy or hire two good ll..!. ....u u l..iinlri I .... KiltsOV lllie'l ii.i .i..m..i. ... - .....-, 930 Dill St "- WANTKU- HOX UJMI1KH We are In the murkel for 8.000.000 feet of pine box lumlKir, can lake smnll per-ce-itagn whlln fir. Advlso prlcv f o b en n and iiunnllty thnt could be sup plied Address Hox 2, Herald 12-12 DON T forget VAN'S Al'TO i:.Cl'H- SION i" Kiiie-min Hot Siirings Join the crowd and liavo a Jolly time For particulars, mil VANS Al'IO SKH- i VIl'i: I'hono 2HS-W 7-tf I)Hi:sSMAKIMi Alterations, sew ing Hates reasonable. 70. Main St. "'' TO I, FT A contrnct to log nnd haul lumber Write or call on 0 K Hai Vill. Macdoel. Calif. 23-Ct' iru Ti F Rnlmons. lSlfi Messnnle St St Joseph. Mlsiourl would ai preclnio any Information concerning her lit other. John I'fluger. now 4 7 veiin- of age Last heard of nt Lewis ton. Idaho, In 1M3. 23-3r viith'i: to nrn.iuM! CONTHACrOI!.. The l'rei.bterlnn Church Invites bids on plans for new building at coiner of fith and I'lne St . Klamntli Falls Oregon Sealed bids accented till 10 A M Saturday June 2Mb it o"lce of Arthur It Wilson, Til 7 Mnm Si parnto bids considered on exrn vnilnn. wiring, heating. Plumbing '"aII bids must be accompanied will' ! certified check for r, per rent ,, amount bid Finns ami h . -- ,li. nt offlro named. Itlght to re- -" m,y ("", AVlTm"uT"vTl.BON 23-41 Cluiirnmn llonrd Truhtees I'lIONR-IM3YTON for Wood 11 2H LOST AND FOUND LOST On Merrill Hontl -Wnllot win, mitiniH c k. c. ;R7f :;' UiereonCalling cnnls of tecll 1. Karhart and two iiillronil tickets nuioiig rontenlH. Finder please, com munlcnto with Dr. Soulc 420 Main SI I'hono 1G1J. Hnwnrd. 24-3f STRAYED OR STOLEN From Mnl In 1 black Jack small, white, spot. on noso caused by halter Sultnblo roward for Information. Write Llskey Ranch, Dairy. 2'31 I M A A Hi llinnti K Hnti ri'iilly offl , a lM-U Im Ii lirmii Ii i ill fmiii ,i i hi' 1 1 v in hi lit- h niiir Merrill -a-n 1 1 v i Hi' liiimlri il iinil llflv IhtiIim kih i II f, mil hi . in i Im lirutii h w!i n hi' Itndii'il llilx ii inn) lliiri' .'n ii Iiit iliniilfi. ulilili ilrniii'(l off on tlln'way Iuti' Mi f ! 1 1 n k .- tniti lliul II Ih JtiMi ii rulr Hit in i I ul n lut 111! lltIF lit llllllH1. FImIiIiik rim ni Kinky I'ultit lie nor! mm liirp- inl'li"s Ih'Iiik mini" it II i.i'i mil Mini mil III Kit iiml iiil'i' ii lilrl .il tin' pp'iit'Ht I'iiiih- III I lin ni li '.'I H ASKS WHEAT BONUS TO AVERT TIE-UP C JiiIIur II HarnvR, whet dlri-c-tnr of tlm t'nltcil Statos, rhvo WunhltiKton uti outllnn for a wlu-.it bonus to bo added to tho KoMTiiinvtil'H Kuaranlcuu price, of t2 2t per bushel anil which Is aimed to aurt a tie-up of ruIN ronilH ami elevators In handling tho ureal crop now being har- fitted The plan akB (hat 1 to 2 centii per bushel bo paid farmers for every month Ihe wheal Is held In their own grunurlcs. It Is esti mated that one billion cars will otherwise be necessary In trying to handle the crop as farmers rusfi.lhclr grain to tho market, knowing tho price will noU go higher under the guarantee law. House Movers We are prepared to move your building promptly and reasonably. Old houses bought Smith Bros. Phone 93 NOTICR CARPENTER AND CABINET WORK K. C. STUCKV Located at 1140 Main St. NOW OPKX KOK IlUSINi:SS Coe's Jitney Service Day Photic 10H lawnKNCE's riGAit stoiie Klamath Falls, Ore. Physicians' Prescriptions Our Specialty Drug Stores nro really neigh borhood department stores In which vnrlous lines nro fent nred. Ono druggist mny push patented preparations, nn othor toilet goods, cameras, optlcnl sorvlco. tho fountain or othor dopnrtmont which nets him good financial ro turns. Our specialty has nlways boon tho filling of Physi cians' Proscriptions, and as n roault our storo has bo come a prescription center. Wo carry nn exceptional stock of prescription drugs, and our laboratory equip ment Is up-to-dato. Wo em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. All of your Prescrip tions nnd Reclples ra important and desorve tho special caro which we mre able to give them. l" t ..... a.u.-iu.A aim... llfll rT :i'JO "w 1',' ony twfJ NOTICE OK BOND SALE. Soulod bldH will ho received until tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m , tho 12th day of July, 1010, by tho undersigned and tuiuiouiutoiy tnoruiuior uuunciy .B. T ti m It- I Underwoods PharmarY V'v!. KLAMATH TALIS OR EG0M titS W 0niil ty the County Court of Klnm iiili ouiity Ori'Kon. ' l'i'' offl'o of .nil Court In ilic f'otmtv Court llouw In Kliiiimtli Falls. Ori;on, fur 111" pui'liasi- of IiiiiiiIh of mid County Ih mii'il for tin- liullilltiK of iMTiiuiM'iit rotiilB tlicrcln Iti the hiiiii of $150,000. nunc lii'lui: a portion of nil ntilhori7i'd Imhiic of t'M7."lil. itiliii' being In lie tiiitii IniilliinH of $1000 ear h, exii'pt Hi" wo Inst tiiiiiilicnil liouili for $500 anil J .'HI rcKfi tlvi'U, n"inln'ri"l from 1 upwards, dtitnl lulv 1 I 'i l!i, mill inn tut in; iii-ri.tlly in mi. m ni al in l'-r . fOllllUN Serial Niirnlii-rw 1 to 'll Inrl $1l 000, li'ii (10) JOIIIR f I dill llatl' of tBMIP, 'I. to t'.fc. Ini-I . til. OHO fli'Vfti (11) 5'iiin from ilati- of Ibhuv; i'i!) to 1'2 Itifl . im.tioo twHw (12) M.iri from il.ili' of Issue, in: to lie, Intl. J34.UOU thirteen (111 t-arn from date of Issue; 117 to ion. Intl. !llooo fourteen i 1 I i t'iirK from ilatf of lssu Sulil IiuikIh to lii-iir IntiTi-Ht at not to fxn-i'il ilx iwr cent (fi jr ct-nt) per miriiin iiatililc Ht'inl-.innuully on lami.ir anil July firm, principal anil Intcri'M Malili' In I'liltfil Slates Kolil ruin at tin- offli't- of the County 'I n dMirer or a tthe F1kc.iI AKency of I he Mate of On Kin In New York C'llv al the option of the holder San! bills liiilt lie actompatil"'! ly a lerilfleil cherk for !i per cunt of the nmoiin' Mil and must he uncondi tional The approving h-Kal opinion of "nm. leal .Miller ii. Winfree of I'i i'i'ihI OieKon, will be furnlMlifil Itu ic i Hkful bidder ih ' ourt resereH the rlKht to ro , . ul' -rill bids C II T)K.L M. 1 . l 1 Clerk UFSOLUTION. The City Engineer pursuant to re soluiion of the Common Council hentoforo adopted, hnvlpg on tho -.t hilny of May l'Jl'J, filed plans, spe cifications and istlmutc'8 of tho cost of Improving High Streets from Sth Street westerly to 1st Street, Includ ing Intersection!!, nnd lut, 2nd, 4th, 1th. t.tli, and 7th Streets from High Street southerly to I'lne Street, in cluding intersections, and the Coun cil hnlng tnken the same under ad visement and finding the plans, spe culations and estimates to bo Balis factor)'. HE IT HEREDY RESOLVED, Thnt the plans, specifications and es tlmntcs for the Improvement of High Street from Sth Street westerly to 1st Street. Including Intersections and 1st. 2nd. 4th. Sth, Cth. and 7th Sts. from High Street southerly to Pine Street. Including Intersections be. i.s'1 the same are hereby approved and, HE IT Fl'IcTHER RESOLVED. Thnt the Common Council hereby de clarrs Its Intention to improve said portions of High Street and 1st. 2nd. 4th. Cth. Cth and 7th Streets In ac-H cordance with said plane, specificn- lions anu estimates; sum unuruve ment to consist of paving said por tions of snid streets with oil raaca dnm pavement at an estimated cost, Including cement side walks, con crete curbing nnd grading, of $53, 707.00; or concrete pavement at an ' estimated cost, including cement1 side walks, concrete curbing and ' grading of $C0.131 00; or blthullthtc pavement nt an estimated cost. In cluding cement side walks, concrete curbing and grading, of $06,247.00; said Improvement in either event to Include grading, rolling, curbing nnd concrete side walks 4 feet wide on both sides of said streets nnd. HE IT FFRTHER RESOLVED, By tho Common Council that the proper ty hereinafter described ho, and here by Is, declared to be benefited by said Imprevement: Lots 1, 2. 3. and 4, nio'-k 4?: nnd Boutherly U of Block 41. Nichols Ad dition to tho City of Klamnth Fall.s. Oregen: Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 nnd 8 of l)lock 11; Lots 1, 2, block 10; Lots 1. 2. Block 9: Lots 1, 2, Block S; i Lots 1. 2, 'i.ots 3, 4, 3. 4. 3. 4. I 3. 4. ! .".. fi. ', C, 0. C, 7 nnd S of C, 7, and 8, in 6, 7, and S, of nnd S of Block nnd 8 of Block i Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, nnd S of Block li; 1 Lots 1. 2. 7. and 8 of Block 4. orl- Klnnl town of Klnmnth Fnlls. Oregen: Tho Miutherly 220 feot of Block 51; 1 The southerly 250 feet of tho prem ises occupied by the Klamath Coun ty IUrIi School, said property lyltiK between lllfih, 5th. fith nnd WashitiK ton, 'formerly Canal Street: Lots C, 7, S, 9, and 10, of Block ne: Lots fi, 7, S. !. and 10 of Block 49, 1st Addition to Klnmnth Falls, Ore Bon: Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, nnd . of Block C; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, nnd 5 of Block 5; i Lots 1 and 2 or hiock i. i;wnunn Heights Addition to tho City of Kla mnth Falls, Oregon, nnd that said property nbovo described la' hereby declared to be tho proporty assessed for tho expense of said improvement nnd, BE IT FURTHER nESOLVED, That Monday, the 14th day of July 1919, nt tho hour of S o'clock. P. M. nt the council chamber In tho city hnll, bo fixed ns tho timo nnd place for the hearing of objections and re monstrances against tho said propos ed Improvement and tho police Judge bo, nnd horcby Is, directed to cause notice of snld hearing to be published ns by Charter provided. Stnto of Oregon, County of Klamath, City of Klnmnth Falls ss: I, A. L. Leavltt, Pollco Judge of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a duly onrolled copy of a resolu tion adopted by the Common Council on the 16th day of July, 1919 declar ing Its Intention to Improve High Strecet from 8th Street westerly to 1st Street, Including Intersections, nnd 1st. 2nd, 4th, 5th, Cth, nnd 7th Stroots from High Street southerly to Pine Street, Including Intersections nnd npprovlng tho plans, specifica tions nnd ostimnt'es of tho cost sub mitted by tho Cltv Engineer, A. L. LEAVITT, Pollco Judge lS-lOt Livery, Fond and Sales Stahlc Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable I.oiiK 'Mips Our Speilalt Iti'iiioiinlile Kates I'lione KID H'Ji! Klmuatli .: S" Hen I"' Our Motto Satisfaction Our (.iinrnntee Kandy & Hartman Painting, Kalsomining Paper Hanging C Itv anil Country Jobs Sollclte'l Make jour Iloinf Attractive Phone 414 AWiKEFS 1 1 Oil I'lne St.. Klainalli KalN, Oie. HARTMAN CEMENT CONTRACTOR Side Walki Foundations rjitnj oping Steps. Cement I'liiMriliiK Moor-. Stucco anil Tnrraza Walls remeer Work a Sccialt. F1ILST CLASS WO UK 1'KICKS IlIGHT KW Pine St Cor. tli and l'lnc :k::xm-x :-: rwvv White Pelican Laundry DAMP WASH, 20 IiBS. 75c FAMILY DBY WASH c LB. "Put Your Dud In Our Suds" 83 MAIN STREET PHONE 421 if v I . ., L8j5-"X"8-JC"M' W-M- HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station Exclusive Agents for the Harley- Davidson Motorcycle. None uet ter. All Makes of Motorcycles Bought, Sold and Exchanged. C. E. BISMARK 115 S. Oth St. Klamath FaUs it.,. . .....i .,ITA KLAMAIH AU1U SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacksmithlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 259-Y 017 Klamath Ave. OLD FURNITURE Repairing New Made to Order Andy Mauritsch 10 Mnin St. TRY .ME PnONE 17 -J For Home Mode Bread, Pie and Cakes, Go to T. A. ROBERTSON 42 Main St One Trial Means Satisfaction Orders $ Delivered Any riace in Town MWVAA- SEE ME For Camentering. Furniture ReH pairing. Linoleum. Laid. HENRY SMITH The Handy Man" 100 MAIN ST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A. SOULE X-Ray Surgery Medicine Phone 151-J 4BO. Main V J. E. Il ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT IiAW 211-14 Wlllita Bldg. Klamath Falla : Oregon ...r. PROFESSIONAL CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open i'or Cases or Fevers of Any Kind 301 High St Phone 455 vrxO-ToLju-'jiitiB , Till", f'MtlSIAS HKAI'TV SHOP l.ul.il MiiskiiuIiik lllem lilnc ami I niiiil I'm ks Manlrurlm;. Shampooing Scalp Treatment ."111 Main Plmnr 30 .x'":''-:X"M''M-X":'M ? H. C. SCHLEEF S, KATHERINE SCHLEEF I'IijhIi tans ami .Siireon.s Offiie. White Hide;. I 1 1 c-M-X":-:'X'-x-'X' DR. G. A. MASSEY Sin-censor to Dr. Truax Hull aon, i. o. o. v. Hicig Olllic plionc HM llixi l'honu 80M DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE ItUILUINO I'lIONIJ 8H3 I VsSW1SSS.NliWSI DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE iKrl P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Oier Undervfood's Seventh and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomls Bldg., Klamath Falla C1TV AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY B17Maln ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician A Bargeoa Suit 811, I. O. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. 8tore Phone 821 . . H (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Burgeon in Klanuta Falls.) SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer and builders of mod ern Haw Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to build any class of a building uud install machinery of any kind. Draftiug of any kind done. Blue Prints uuide. PHONE 140 J Oftlco in K. D. Building ijMMVV' WELL DRILLING Vocnatzer Bros. & Klabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W .X;h SHANGHAI 5 RESTAURANT CHOP 8UEY AND NOODLE HOUSE Short Order Meals Served. 72 Main Street KLAMATH KALLS, ORE. J-ll ii ." v: .- ' DR. C. A. RAMBO t Dentist :: I. O. O. F. Building raoE oi T ,it5?s. -n ' 207 I. O. O. V BLDG. v