The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 24, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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II I -llV . II M .M
I n i
!," '
1 l ,
J. !
prp.tty and
petite as
a Gypsy
" " " - " BHHDH
Id fouitnii tm In Hi lrli.lh While,
tin' xlHMin l unit cltmed, ami tlio
iixlilontn of tin- I'oiiliiy dipilvtil of
'one of the fluent outliui hihh eoi
j found out of iIuki. tilt' fiu t leninlm
llmt n irtml tiiKfii fintu Hint ntttitlil
uuee I liml tt t'tiiiiit 'out to tip nliro
tllill I WilMl't Hint tlin limit Tlll'lo'il
no diiiuoi ol t lint nl III In itliiKu of 1 1 -Biune
.Niito otterholn Oh, lliiin'ft (tout
liiiir t 111. Init It In it fni l Hint Uii n-
nA?,.E:! jw m
rvf. in vmitX
Hint niPiiMiirn hIv Iniiien in leiiistli l nr not tioaily
.1 inilty tin timjoiliy of them tonrn nco
In iiik mete lliik'tiliut:i, mitt ncnrco
nl Hint
xpeill'l r I'ltil llOH HUtfl III HO
imu o HiHIl untie of thr lit I i I m" 1 1 (i mi
lino of thf l(.:lita nl HprtiiK fieuk
ntnl in Wllltniiinoii ilvm n jwi
uK' Hi'' elllllllltllt! pohiiii of
lion' fnillnc till tllotic Hie Rtii'Ulu.
Hit pi I'Pr'ltt llllli' It Ih nllilot (lii-...-.,
i I. to dim-over mini' itnin n tloi
i i m ill thi' cull I i' of iiu I'litlio
no iiiiiny nit n fetv
VtUti A' a
"In Search of Arcady"
This innocent and pretty heirr who detestd for'une hitn'niK Hiiitors. anil thli hand
some younc nobleman fleeinK from dej.isnltiK iiiamji slept toKether the first nlRHt
thfy met quite conventionally as two Gypsies tinder the canopy of star, cooked
breakfact together the next niomlnp. all of which considerably shocked their friends
the neit time they nivt under more conventional circumstance.
EM-m i' n- "
.on should be revived If it Is Klam
ath county will soon hae itn own
hatchery the violations of the same
law? by the Lost rhcr dam. the Cop
co dam. the purloining of fish ewes
for the benefit of other sections or
the state without giving Klamath
credit therefor, would soon etop. and
the grievance of this writer would
be removed. Klamath county Is fill
ed with real lovers of sport and It is
surprising that they have so long ne
glected to maltaln an organization
commenMirate with the interests at
Make. The letter in question fol-lowi,:
Editor The Herald:
The Herald is la receipt of the
communication published herewith.
One of the chief reasons for the fail
ure of this county to receive all of
the recognition that the writer of this i
luutri uciicuro ciiuuju irc ,,it(-u, jura - - .
a the fact that there is no organlza- of ,rmu '" tnat are now W fk- J
torlal pleanure In Klamath Kails and
the country about, and that comment
Is far from favotable In fact, the
lovers of the rod and fuzzy-vvuzzy
lures are considerably on the peck, i
and apparently huve ample cause fori
grievance. They cla'm that Klamath
county, furnishing millions of trout '
eggs each eur to' the state. In not re- '
reiving her just share, and that her
streams and lakes are being robbed '
for the benefit of the state at large i
They also claim, nnd with apparent
Justice for their claims, that In a few'
vi-ars Klamath's streams will be fish
ed out, and one of the principal at-
n HiM't. iih, wits oni'i' retniuk
, liti fin us tioiit flultliig. but Much
'ie itiHtttlutloii of the ilrrioii ilimi
Mieinl vinit ngti Uteri 1ms not been
ikui nt a high irlliiiitte. uiotn than
tro it Imtnii'ti tllenn ntul lluiuin-
( lui Ktr tut m are ulliui"! iim bad
i teiidi nlii of thi- Illy count!)' claim
Hi He fotk of Hie SprnRUn river
d .oi tulii'd out," nnd oiie of
-"iiifn of fund mipplv a "ll
i - mill' of ercnt piMuto ninl nn
rti'Mim for vinltom will nooti b u
t iik ' Hie past.
lint in in' do about it Well.
.' it., Kt to We but ii goi III
.!.. .in. iihniR (oi it l itgaliKt lui-
n an 'iiiuii' to if otill mill bi. rnh-
I'l.l v n Hod given benefit. Ulicll fl
tin- mi. nin-anil Inked of Klntnalll
fount' Iv (uiiilobid the piuple.
Following nr miutii of ili aplu-
ons ipitl by lovers of the port
i ii."i mtiTVii'Mtit on the sliuntloti
llitiiii'V Chamber If a damn
hame 1 was up to spring Crek and
Wlllamson Klver lunt vviek. nnd at
places where 1 hnvi- iiluni .aitgli1
trout at till lime of the nar I never
oven got a stilke the flnh are four,
1 I el I votl
Charles Itoberts I have fished
the Klumiub ntri'uins nil my life, nnd
must say that In th lut few yenrs
the sport ba fallen off to a very
great extent Nothing like It was
when 1 was a boy, it ml nothing like
It was Just u few yeurs ago
Hob Sloun Klshlnc fallen off I
should say It has' "Spencer Creek
used to be a dream: now It's a night
mare j
Kred Houston You can still get
'em If vou know Just where to go nnd
how to lift 'em out. j
r'ninrls Olds You can still got
'em at Odell Uike, but ou want to
know how to swim. i
Clin Marpli I can still get a "
few, unit nlttnvs expect to. but It Is
a fact that there are not near so
many trout as there were n few year
I.ce 1 1 en n It s tn-en a long t lulu
HeoigK lli'oii' I rail uolln a iln
ii"im'e ill tlin fun tenia I Iiuik bet II
fi III UK hole Hope It limit lit
ol o
I i Mm tin ll'ti ui iiiio'Iii
pbnse of II C I. When ton lould
get a good slunk for 1ft tmils vou
roil U H i plin'v of find Null Hit
tent. In i lit of nil. Ill llllli Hie flMli hi.
ilem y so
Mmt lliKttitil If vou me going
to n'l 'em )oii hne got lo gel w hern
nobodv elue goes 'I'lieii. ne nl i
few of I lie fniorlle lilnres, but lliry
nie (eti lug sen l re.
Jns Hrliroll- Never rnught it tlsh
In my life, nml my rtiiinrn Is getting
sllinuiet "iirli ilny
Mnill otllel Hen' MlteM letted iiliil
Hie geueml opinion ns vpiesni'd is
llmi Hit trout fl.lilnr of Klittnitib
.one" di't'ldeitlt on the vtiilie. nnd
fiat nnlos miiu'lliliu ititx ilnne nt
fire the rntiuty would suffer In the
l. of one of lis i:iinti'i nitinrtlon
Aiinlltar itieiiibrr i thB V f,
Tll fmnlly lin. sltBinnt .chill,,:
He liniii.r. ti 1. mi.. II.,.. .'"
tUmthler of tlin furiurr pruw.J ,
o. ,,,- "Clinic luoililrnt or
et f,,r
t txy
Hie llryn Mnr collrKii
In sbavlicr or llr
Thiiiii, 1... I ..
'...n. .nn ruin it. N ...
lour Ml. Trt lm i .I,.,,,'
ll.e srltdol for tun yrn
Mil It I. It) I'lliil'l Itl )ls
l.lnt vour proimttr wit It us We
riitf to find he tuver when the
- e ' rll'tlt i U at our office
""I" Main Pt . or I'hone f.C CliUrnt.
If vou ii iv iii n.
tlin tell tear lnliilltti.
iiit ti'iir .i,.
oltliiiv in i imonr) tin
tioti o to do lw on i
ll lllllfe oil liefi'li
..(ti. Ill' ll.l" In. ml '
' a
a.' mlth
t ?if tl time fi r fillne
Tj """ i I jB . , ' ll Llfr i ! i T" T
Who Banks Your Money ?
1' vou (invent mi ncroinf hue at the Ktrst N. u'
Until, or mo bank Hint is no sign votir inour, !(..,'
get hero sooner or Inter Suimui von spend it He
store Welt there's mil one store lit u hundred Urn' lu
nol littvo u bank urcoillil Therefore bark It come. Jil I
wouldn't on rnthr It would be Vol It tuone) ttisti 'In
other fellows Of counn' Then bunk It here )iitiri:
I.'. It. Ilrnnif., rrmldrnt.
I.. I'. Wlllrt., Vlicl'rol.brnU
lwllr lt"Ker, Cualilrr.
A, M, ( oilier. Ami. (n.lilrr.
John M. Moore, Ami. Ciulilrr,
She First National Bank!
fractions to tourists from nil over llu.
News that the enormous quantity -,.,i,i m i. i, , ... t.m .,.
I - ., . m-t luni ! 1 lM ILIUIIIIIiii
Spencer Creek Is taken as one ex-
tion representative of the lovers of
i-pori in Klamath. At one time there
was u real live Ilod and Gun club, and
when It wag in existence Klamath rot
what it went after That orsaniza-
en from Diamond Lake are all being
shipped to the Bonneville fish natcli-
I ample of what Is being done lo Klani-
ath countv streams. Just ri f.w vi.nm
ery lor distribution in other part, or ' )Ilt wa. a para(1() for
he state has caused considerable tm, f( cf iHaac Wni,on, ani,
comment among the lovers of plsca-lwaf) IaIrl. allVo wlUl trollt frf)m ,
18 cents a package
Cmi f old mrttywhtf in
0ti9nttflcttx lmd pskg0 of 20
tiitttt or tin package (300
ttgafttma) in m ilftnm-papar
totmtPtS cation. Wm attongly rtc
emmmnd thi carton for ihm fiomm
mtotfifyppljot w ban yc at ratal.
They Win You On Quality!
Your enjoyment or Camels will be very great
because their refreshing flavor and fragrance
and mellowness is so enticingly different. You
never tasted such a cigarette ! Bite is elimi
nated and there is a cheerful absence of any
unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or any un
pleasant cigaretty odor I
Camels are made of an expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are
smooth and mild, but have that desirable full
body and certainly hand out satisfaction in
generous measure. You will prefer this Camel
blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight!
Give Camels the stiffest tryout, then
compare them with any cigarette in
the world at any price for quality,
flavor, satisfaction. No matter
how liberally you smoke
Camels they will not tire
your taste!
Winston-Salem, N. C
m?4' ' - Cm4ru it"" --Aknu- -
PIF FD Egg Mash' Growin2 Mash Fattening Mash
Murphey's Feed & Seed Store