i?:"''? ;u n 1 S . j tEljj 3tfetttit$ HraUt oithial rAi'icii or KLAMATH COUNT lOFFICIAL PAPER Of KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Yenr No. 3,656 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1919 Price, Five Cents nn MlTPUrn un. mi i Willi, i M RY Mitt ! IN T.F.NICHDLAS "Whipping of Dog Given as Reason for Shooting i I UOUuItUL RECOVERY I ribtxitlnK l Hw riilmliialliiii f !) lf llrtMHilUg ()! lilt' .Ulrgril I llrntlnu of ""K 'Hml ll-ii the Companion "f tin- Woman for Yritr. nml "" Wlilrli Mic l.i.v Mi ni n Ureal Ih'wl of Allriillini, i I Thl i-lty was Hlfirlli'il liiht "x-iiIiik by the announcement Ihul Grown (' ! Mitchell, Urn ll known veterinary aanciiiii w" lt Ii)' Mm T I Nlch- oln ho reside itl riev ruth mul Will-' nut streets Tint priiiulneni,- or tin' jwrili'n and ,lrt w''" known retiring (l)iiltliili of Mn, Nli-holim Iniiili' U ulmml liiipimiillilii to I'l'llnvi' iiml ubi-n thw fji'i i'r Kriultiiilly ! ! uiii'il lux min nppiirriit i hul Ihi nit Willi I III' I llllllix of ilan of liruoilllu .ir un UimIiIi'IiI thnt oirurrnl nil Jutu- IC iiml mil"! Iiiim- lntii.irniil uiihalaiiMMl ii iiilml thilt Iiml tlirri'lo fnrr hi'itl rolllrolli'il ol.-l li ' l ..I Vmilli'HH to tliumi llli ulioiu i-lu-taut'' in riiiilm I ,i. r.iimtitiK occurri'il In frniit of .p iUi K.otii llMiry nittlili "hurl I alUT i orlorK DmMor Mllrhi'll .i tan., ik I" ir""1 "' ,l"' "II'II,,K wi.i'ti iippnmi'lifil liy Mrc Nlrholim .ihi r.u i iivi.Ui'r lilrh nln mii un o.. iii.il pniiiU'il I' " I'1"1 '" unntl reulUllig from H tnri'HHlon t.i tin woman fuel that lm InU'tiil il llltlK the we.lpiill. be cried out to lirr Hun't nhiiol " The reply ciimo back "Hut Mill whipped 111) doK." f.illuwed by one shot. The hall! bit the Diii-lor on the lefl side of Ihe ab iliimen. Inking diagonal course and ImlKliiK Jiint under the skin on the rlKhl bli! near Ihe bnrk The boweN ncrn lorn nt flvo different places. nfl Ihe wouiulii ure such us to leme little hope of recovery, the Injuries bilnK severn liireriiHona IliHteiul of cli'tin-rul puiicturnx, iiiukliiR It Impos llile to follow the custoiuiiry uso of -the Murphy button. It will take tlirm or four days Imforo any mnrked change will appear In the conditio! of Ihe piillnnl lira. Mussey and -I'lbu-nn un thn ntlendlng pbyslclans. It has been must difficult lo gain er the real fuels loading up lo the; ru". win u..u..- .m ,..........- .hooting, Thnrn are as muny stories , tlUcuaalnic this Hubert one, of the gon .flout us then, aro people telling iMl-'rested In the location of thorn The principals In the ruse ab-'" mill suld: ...lately refuse to make any .1.11.-1 "Whul woulrt tho people of this mint concerning the affair iy think If by some slight of hand I'leclng lomdhor the fragmentary , H won. possible lo lift out or romuye Morles told, Ihe trouble dates buck ' from this city (he Chelsea, llg aomi'tlmn. being due ... Ihe alleged l.l ' Kwatiiin llox companies. sli-HlIng of eggs by the dog A week 1 1'." Pom-ail liny and Klumutl. Mun ..go last Mnnilny It Is ..llege.l. I)r uracturliin Plants? They would be Mitchell caught il.o dog In " l"m i f ' "" ,iiHtrnau.. ..ml p.nlc tn.l proceeded to whip him. Mrs. Woll. right now that very hlng Is Nicholas asked him to slop, but It I '. enlng. only ln-lo.l oC It lu-ln I" rlnlmo.1 her r.'....-st was unheed-1 '" ' oenrerns I speak .- .ux lew l. Tho dog did not return bourn ami , Plant with puyrolla equal to. If not thu next day Mr. Nicholas made a Iconslderubly exceeding lh concerns .-arch for the animal, wlil.nul k.- , lrol- l.n. an. being hu lou . cess. Wednesday It returned, showing , IMr.on.Uly. 1 wan. lo locate n Klam vl.lenco of having been subject to a th Falls, for inch a location has terrible, beating. Ono eyo was do 'troyod, thu bead bruised and cut mid the body horn murks Indicating that a club or u whip had boen used, Thu attachment oxIstltiK between Mrs, Nicholas nnd tho do wns unus ually close. Ilelng childless sho Inv lhe.l a greut doal of affection on tho nnlmul. In pnst years Mr. Nlchotaii lias boon ntsont from homo n great deal, nnd lutoly, duo to his employ ment with the Big I.nkos llox com-. Pany, ho has been absent at night. During all of Ihese times tho dog has "eon the only companion of the worn on, Nopirally of an occontrlo dlsprvd t'on sho made tho animal tho object of unusual caro and attention, nnd "lion he roturnpd In 'the mutilated condition he did ,the shook Is bollov "d to bare been more than her high ly strung nervous condition could land, For the Uaya that followed she (Continued on Piie H) ! GERMAN SAILORS SINK THEIR SHIPS U li.MAil June 21 Ci-rmmi wur ' ships It icli tti'in mil suri-mli-ieil in, Him Allies mill whiih linvi' I ii j 1 unrlioreil off Kli-I VIIIhiIiiikIi.iiii ! iilul Other points, lime licin sunk ti I In' linriiiiiii KiilliirN iiimiiiiIiik llii'in, nrriinllng o rinrl k Twelve hIiIjim I i nml ii imimiIkt (if (lcMiro)iT.i vvere I nllll In (ionium bund ! WILL ASK VOTE ON RESOLUTION WAHIIINC'.'i.'.. June 21 -K.mii-J tor Kiwi uiinnutieeil Iniliiy tlmt ii(Iit , llii' appropriation hills hail been pun- , Ki'il li unulil :t 1 1 it i I In iililuli. .1 , V((, ,, . , t.Btoll ,.xpr-Hi liih- mi-i '.' Illllil') ' 'II IH (I'PI III I ,M ." rn ' ii 1 1 id mi mi i;i' . . iilili putl of tin- 1'eure Tri'.i i ir, i I WILSON WILL START FOR HOME THURSDAY llltCST Jiini' 21 .Tim Steamer (i,.rK Wushliiglon. on which Prcsb ,ni wilmm will return Iioii, linn ,. ordered in bo reudy to sail next Thiirsil.i --- HIrIi Prices of Factory Sites Threnten Future of City. NOW SEEMS CERTAIN I'rurnt XimmI of n !.! I oniinrrriHi Orgmiliilion Tlmt Would ! In I'o-lllon in lurnl-li All lntu .rnliil b Pni-pecllw Muniifiii--tiirfi- I'oliileil Out by Man Sink ing loriitliiu lleie. The i. ii'Udi' bv Tin- 'i".ilil Hint the high ;.re.i being ilimg il for mill sues we.,, uriv.i.s i facturllig establlshlili" cliy seems to have stirred up a hm- net's nest The eyes or the iiuiiiucsh Interests of Klamath Falls are turn ed on this subject, and unless so.ni thlng Is done to saw this city tho tremonilouH loss it stands liable to suffer, things are going to happen. Thero urn factories enough on tho voriro of soliictltiK Ihulr. location which. If placed here In Klumulh I eeei.. .iti .I....1. 1., liu iifii In! tnn In muny mlvuntuges, Wo an. willing to puy to got them, but when it come lo expecting us to pay tho prices now being asked for sites, it Is out of the uueHtlou. The project of locating all these mills In a now city Is no dreumv It is nearer a reality thun anyone hero suspects, and thu location will 1. 1 such an 1 1 afford tho mill ovory advantage now available .in Klamath Falls. I am not making this as a 111 rout. Thut Is the last thing In my mind. HI Is simply a cawo of tho ownero of tho land wanting to mako all they can and our pooplo trying to get allocation nt a figure that we consider reasonable Tbo pooplo of this city aro overlooking a big opportunity.' "Another thing that this city should have la a live commercial organization that would mako It pos sible for u prospective manufactur ing concern to find out where suit- ible sites cuu be secured I know ANOTHER W T I TORIES JINGLING $50,000 LIEUT. AE.THUR,' W. BEOVm z. J& f CAPT. 1 ' ' V t jH JAJL(JC.K LiT With the $50,000 London Dally Mall prize In their pocketi for the nrit oon-etop night across the Atlantic, theie two Brltliben, Cap tain Jack Aloock of the Royal Air Force and Navigator Lieutenant Arthur Brova, are now looking for Other feat to perform, maybe a flight front Eaglaad to Australia or a flight acrosa the Pacific. Alcock ad Browa tfreve a big Vkkers-Vlmy bombing biplane from Mw t Irelaad la It boars. of un liiBtanrc whi-n lliu ri-pri-Hi'ii-tutlic of un cli ii proipt-rt hud locuted ii Hllo. hi-iiiii'il un option on u plcco of propi-riy. mitlcliutftiK no illfflciilty In mtii 1 1 iik i-noiii;h land uiIJoIiiIiik TIiIh hi- uuh iinulile lo do If you Iiml it kooiI. live orKiiiilrutlon It would huvi; all of IIiIk ptoperty lin ed; It would know what It could l would know wliut It could bo; ,,r- ii u-nm.i Vnmr ntt ,.f ii,,. or, II wotllil .Know all or HUM . . i.. ,. ,l liHlunceH coiiccti'il with It and hud f clrruin inxtuud of a Mian IiiivIiik to ch.lHi' around, lit could do IiuhIiii'Kh thru! I ho Club. It mux coil u few dollar . a year to keep kikIi un organization Koine, hut let nn- iil you that the1 luck of it is rostlng Individual liun-.lust night the following business was lr.'.l f dollurs annuully It would transacted pax the rlty to defray the .mtlro, Permits were granted te: J. V. , ..M iis.-ii. provmiMi roinpeicni iiihii wi ie in ( li irge in ii-'ra in nas neen ca ling alten- iion m itie lU'i-essiiy cor a luinmor- mil club for several months past : h Xeer w.ih It moie urgent than right now i but this city have one. Thu bilHlni-M, moll of the city Mioldd droui eterjthlng else until a hiiiushiuKly progrehslie CoMiinercial chili Is un- tier full swing and then liiei should keep right back of Jt every day not mi fur hack that they will bo of no iisslhiuuce. but right up with ev ery movement it will inaugurate. The iiiestfons ihe live, progressive citizens of Klumalb Falls have to fare now an- Do you you want u i rliy tiere, or do you want a tempo-l rary boom that Is going lo f bitten out uh It flutteiied out before? Do '"arrett and the Wnrren Construction you want another town established i r''iUany on Oil Macadam and Ilithu wliblii a few miles of Klamath Falls.' ",lr Pavement on the following units close enough to kill thu future oflTen,H street, from Mam to Linceln: . , u ,t.. fi. mi thti1,,,n VJ viiuuK" uwuj u uiaii It can be of no possible benefit? The1""' m-oin street, rrom Ninth to , Herald will tell you tomorrow tho , plans for the new town, and then) lo rospect. including Jefferson and you cun think over what action you' I'lnco,n M-fcPlannde. Pacific Terrace want -to take. It Is no dream. It Is an, I'ortlnnd streets. nearlng an actual reality. appeared to be the prevailing .sentiment among property owners , PRIZE WINNERS GO TO CORVALLIS, Klnmath County Is always getting Its. at a total cost of $l28,003.ri7. In tho limelight In one wuy or an-1 Tho question of the city acquiring other, nnd now we lire sending two a city park was brought before the prUe winners In the school chll- council bv Mayor Strtiblc, who urged il'i'ii's Industrial Club work, to Cor- that tbo time was at hand when some vallln for the summer term of school ' definite action should be taken look All their expenses are pnnld for the "K to the consummation of such an two weeks, and the children are glv-' Improvement The demand for a park "ii ii thorough training In stork ' 's constantly becoming more press Jt'illt'.ug, broad-making, sewing mid '"K and the sentiment In favor of other Imliistrlul Club work. 1-1... ,..,... .. AU , n iO ' ..... ...un, u.. .... .-...,-. .'T ttuhv Scbrelnor of Spring Lake dls- riot no. ::... ami iJiiarios snuimiio. " " iieuon resis in tne minus ... k, ,s , bo staed from tho Miller Hill district. of a Park Commission, which for Ne ,"v of tc (eatures aro -ears b,s been more or less dormant, somothnK out of tlle ordimirj. for BELGIAN KING '' '" n?i "' "" ,!nPr,bn !,e ,nt ' this district, and will arouse wide in- l there will bo a stir in Its dtroctlon . AND OIJEEN COMINr.lo,,,. of n,efin ,i,.v, m. ,.,......: terest- --t- -.- i HKl'SSKLS. June 24,--K.'i,r Al-b-jrt and Queon Kllzabeth o'' Ilni;j!ui!i hi.'-e ncceptod the Invitation of Presl dnnt Wilson to visit tho United States. They will probably come hero sometime during next September. i.iiiruiir OPKN DAILV. Tho county library Is open daily from 'one to six o'clock In the after noon, and the public is cordially In vited to visit It nnd make use of the public reading room. DAYLIGHT SAVING RIDER IS APPROVED WASHfNGTlN, June 24. The House and Senate conferees, have ap proved the rldor on the appropriation bill repealing the( Daylight saving law. October 26 next. Its adoption is regarded as certain. AIR PRIZE MONEY BN. 9 -W jj Jim. ltd I MlH mumiL) l5 vV PAVING AWARD E LAST KIGHT AltltK.N f OXSTIHXTIO.V COM- inw uiv'riti-'w r-nvTiitiT '" Sl.f I IthS fO.NTItACT Toil ftlt!H,IMM WOHTI1 Ol'f sti:i:t iMiitovi:.Mi:T ! .i me iiicuiui),- oi iii c.iy council' ..... ..,....... ,. . i.-...t . eren u i . iiiock .,-... .MrnoiH uiiiuiioii, ii live room lungu-i i " io . costing jiiiio. trsi iths iy- . , . , . tiuii ciiurcn in ereci a cuurcn on lot I. block In. at a cost of Jl.'.noo J. A. Lemon to build a carpenter ''hop In Hot Sprlngi Additien: t'ofer Brother to erect a business building "" ''"' corner of Main and Seventh streets, for Mrs. Sarah II. Jones, to cost SIS. 000: Conrad C. Jalo to i erect a six room bungalow In Nichols addition at cost of rt.000; S. W. .Martin to conduct a shooting gallery on lot G, block 3S. ii . u . ii inningnam was given a i permit to inttall a gasoline pump on , the side walk at the Sixth street gar age. i-roiin.ai ivere sunnillted py .1. n m,i.i. ,n i.inot. ..,.h.i f. .....fc... ..w. .(. nu m ' entn streets; hlgiitb, from Hlgli i present, thnt the best pavement was j none to good, and the council, accord-' '"?' accented the bid of the Warren ' 1 Construction company on all five un 4 tho ritv launching out on Hitch nn en- , .. . , , , ' "" tM tnrtirlcn la lani-lilnir n ..nt... ..., ""'"" .""i woo hero -la to be an inslslent demand for '..'.' -...,, ... i uuiiuis.ir, . STILTS' HKTl'nX. After a visit of snvnrnl mnnlha . with relatives in Omaha. Nobra.ktf t nnd with tholr sister, Mrs. J. V, Car-1 tor. in Blair. Nebraska. Miss Fllza , Stilts, Mrs. Anna Leach and tholr brother, Phil, have returned to this city. The sisters had operated a dry, goods store here, previous to their departure" last fall and are very well known in the county. The family made the trip homo In their car and they report an enjoy nblo trip, altho the roads were far from good In all states with tho ex ception of California. Tho engine In the car was "working better when they arrived than when they left Ulalr," Miss Stilts said. They enjoyed tholr winter, but they were also very glad to get home once more and have decided to live In Klamath Falls In the future. 1 ri:Aiirii. tornado HWKKI'S ILLINOIS. KVANBVILLK, Juno 24. Forty seven people aro known dead, anil lfiO Injured, are In hospitals and property valued , six million were destroyed as result of a tornado, which ' swept thru Fergus Falls late j yesterday, ANOTHER BOLSHEVIK i CRUISER IS SUNK HKLSINGFORS, June 24. British warships Wednesday evening torped oed the Bolshevik cruiser Slava, which sank almost Immediately. Ol'T IX COUXTKV FOIt LU.VfllKO.V. The members of tho Women's Im nrovement riiiii will mppl n fhp Wln- I nek Htnr Hi 1 : 1 Ti Inmnrrnip nftpr- , .... . !,,,,. .i,h r.orminv nrobahlv will noon and will motor out to the home I lreat wIlh German prouamv wiu ....., . . i-l.. ni.. nn Thnrsdav There Is Mr- Mart n Greene, where they taKe l"ace on lnursaa mere u ''. ,,m , ,n iho Hate, because will partake of one of the well known luncheons served by Mrs. Greene Every member Is urged o be or. hand promptly at the hour named. BUTCHERS OUT ON resignation to" Weimar rather than SYMPATHETIC STRIKE, attach his name to the document, .President Wilson has ordered the vitTOKIA. II. C . June 24 The ,. , , ,,.,. -. f., n.-.i.rtnra i,- T ntol, irw-nl ivnrk'pra ;,i.l v Inn,., i fne.s at HreSt for niS'UepartUre. UUfe . . , , .,. . , , leaders to number .i00n, struck here todnv In sympathy with the Winnipeg strikers thactei: ih:moxsti:.tio. atiili:tic kii:li sikkt to hk FKATL'Iti: OK IIIC KVP.XT IN OITOIIKK Premium lists and posters will soon he out for the big Klamath the Kilgore Lane early in Octobel, rou,v fair, which is to be held ai aeconng to announcement of mem-' ,,L.rs. of tho Klamath County Fair lJoard M a recent n)eetinB or ths board Frod ,,etorson of Merr, wus electett phnIrmnn. P. w. s,nI1 n, Klamath Falls secretary, and Ross Sutton of Dairy treasurer. One of the interesting features of I the fair as now being planned is a tractor demonstration, at which thei i various machines which are now used ' i In the county, will participate. Dur I Ing tho last few months farm tract ors liavo been purchased in ever in creasing quantities by the ranchers of the county, and it is expected that tho tests which will be made nt this i time will be a great drawing card. Tlirt.i rt ft nlcn in lin n tmiiilioi rt I i. . '.. ' horse races It the present plans of . ,10 ,)0an, mlUer,nUz0t um, a fle,rt' mcet nt which atl)Ietlc conte9ts ofl Th0 county Fair Board has ap pointed a large number of assistants, who will take charge of different parts of the work, and It Is expected that preparations will go ahead rapu- '-dly fr0'" th'8 tlmf "" BARN DANCE NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT. Next Saturday night there will be given an old fashioned barn dance at the Louis Schmltz ranch, formerly known as the Sisters' farm, on the Midland road. Unusual preparations are being made tor It and it Is anti cipated that those attending will spend a most enjoyable evening. The dance Is given prior to the tilling of the barn with hay. It Is an annual affair and has always been muck enjoyod. The floor was constructed especially for dancing and is said to be the finest In the county. The Jazi orchestra has been engaged for the COUNT! I occaaloa. , .- . . . PFIPf TfHIIK : TO BE SIGNED nni i miKmimi aaal nam 1 Ulr.llUl.dUnii Wilson Prepares to Start for America CLEMENCEAU TO QUIT German Delegated to Sign th. Terms Reljcn Hl Office Itathoi? Than Afflv lilt SlRnature to thw Document. Work has been Rc. Mimed on Treaty with Austria. Dateless Dispatch by Assoclatfyl Press The signing of the Peac , s'"e douut as to tne aaie. nuw 'ot 'he lack of word from Germany regarding her new representation at Versailles. Hanlel on Halmhausea who was named plenipotentiary to . , ,,, ,,,. hnc ,Bio.rf,nhPil hla l steamer Georg Washington in read- ...,,, ,.i 'will remain until the Treaty 13 i signed. Work on Austrian treaty was rw bumed by representatives of tha great powers In Paris today. PARIS, June 24. Premier Clera enceau has expressed intention to resign as soon as the Peace Treaty is promulgated .feeling that he has accomplished the task for which he assumed the premiership, says the ''echo de Paris". It is expected Par AXI, llament will ratify the treaty late in. July. lARMY DRIVE i STARTED AT FORT The Salvation' Army drive In the Fort Klamath district was started off with a will by C. H. Underwood, Fred M Houston, Austin Hoyden, Horace M Manning and the Peerless Orches tra, who drove to the Fort In cars last night The speech of the evening was over thg.U. ETAOINHRDLUN was given by Mr. Manning. befor a lurre fathering of Fort Klamnth c't izers. After the business of the evening wi. sover the company danced until ear.v this morning, when the Klaju- ath people returned home, with the . Innltnv Ihnl IV.A maotlnv had haan f . ... vppps4 If enlhiiRinsf ennntn for nni success, thing. POE VALLEY MKAVV WIND OF SATURDAY AFTKUXOO.V DKSTUOYF.D VIA DUCT THAT CAHIUKS WATKU ACHOS.S LOST IUYKIt The big flume that carries the water for the irrigation of Poe valley across Lost River, near Oiene, was blown Saturday afternoon, resulting in its almost complete destruction. "Work was immediately started by the Reclamation Service to replace it temporarily so as to save the crops of the valley this year. It Is believed that this can be done. CONSTRUCTION HKAD HERR H. B. Warren, vice president or the Warren Construction company. Is hero from Portland on busineea connected with the proposed paving that Klamath Falls is to do la the noar future. AIRMEN KILLED MINEOLA, N. Y. Juno 24 Lieut. Shelly M. Watson and M, Roland, ct civilian mechanic were kilted at Ryo Beach today by the fall of tu?lr u? my plane FLUME 1 Ii M i . :? C"X