THE EVENING HERALD, 'KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MllMIU, , m ...., 1( TAOE EIOHT At i i hm 1 ri tt- ffi'-c iw t ! i i 1! By RECTOR IS tiG iI'Mili that h v.i tow In on clit to tlicm & KILLED IN TEXAS HERZOG IS HELD FOR GRAND JURY kw. tome ursinKvr or thi UKKAK HI NKl'K 1 INTO MIAM.OW WAIl'lt l'nul Hoi nig of AlROina who .n arretted on Klamath Indian Ueer- I'll Nation June 13th. itwi lli: brought hero tt Walter G Wott Su- po-Mor of tho Klnm.ith HoeratIon on the rhiuge of iutioducitig luiuor on tho reservation w.s gtton n pre llminarv examination last Krldav nftornoon before I nltoil States Com missioner Thom.n Tho evidence pprodueod hv tho Government lmlt- from tho toranda of tho cated that Horjog was eon to Mo shortlv before eight nVlin-k .posit n gunny s..ick containing some- i Ko Ueotoi. Sn ohl on of Vr and Mrs. K C. Hector rf ll MvmiuUo --treei. Is. tho firt Iclim fa ilron iitnn iccldent In Corpus Chritl tht season, rte made a shal- tv dtt frrraKo- "Vhcn ho did not appeal In tho wa- thing ho.ity In tho thick brush along tw poisons who won' vfaudltig h . i. b.'-ioad near Chlloiuln Tho sack rrtnarkcst thoro was a polbllltt of was later discolored to contnln fs haxii'p he-en Injured, but ot hen I eleven full iju-irts of whlskoy N'o siM ho ha 1 boon sw tannine under (i0rouo was offered hy Horiog nml water anil hail come up out In tho.jne was bound ovor to await tho ac yjirf As Hector wis not a member . . th . . Inderal crand lur. f anv party, hut had gone to tho orh alone, no one paid further at tention, nnd tt was half an hour lain- that his body iras washed to stmre First aid was given and a call sent i Kt Fire Headquarters for the pulmo ttir. Eventually the body was brought to the fl- house -in' t'u nt-lmotor ir nsed fo- half an hour without ffr It is believed that in the dlte e broke his nook or fractured his sutt. Then was a wound In the World international commerce In Head which Indicated that lie mavil9lS was neurit or quite JSOrtrtO intv struck a sharp stone Tho vater! 000.000 in stated alue agulnt $10. in which he dived U not more than 000.00.000 In 1913 .and $20 000,. tour feet In depth. 000.000 in 1900 Official figures The man's parents were at the Tire nf the 191 trade of 0 principal House ami waited during the time the countries of the world are now avail pulmotor was used. The futher pate ah, ,, thM) ,, th ., figures for other countries tho Na- hls bond being fixed at J I BOO, which he furnished. The car drlwn by Horxog is sub ject to confiscation by tho govern- 'Input if he I- convicted, and It Is now In the utstody of the Indian Sort I co. WORIDTRADF n BILLIONS LAST YEAR ? , s WMtZfm. LaW W teiliy rtft-fifefaS KMUr 'f II Hraa ! I W" vi .1 -IVT1 -f i.M JMMU -m w rmr - a - ' mm '- .9-:r ,vi - ii -jtrv- .tv i i rr.- u. t mttrti' 11. sjr citi' , Sti X - .'-o. rie oust? of Kuppenheimer Clothes np hope at once and moaned and trfAf. but the mother hoped until the tesr. When told that her son had yone out she shrieked and tore her terself upon the younR man's body. hoelf upon the toung man'- mody. etlllni: him to speak to her and lnfst lop that h was not dead I'h-ilcians linally nnclasjted her hands from tho body and she was taken to her home Vhe father cotlap-cd completely Rector was born tn California, and fame to Tevas set era! ears ao The family had Iied in Corpu Chrisu for s year and tho father and son v. eie itlona! City bank of New York esti mates that the valuation of the en tire International commerce of the world In the calendar vear 191" will when official figures become avail able, approximate and perhaps fully equal O. 000.000. 000 aKnlnst $S3 -000 000.000 In 1317. $17 000,000 o in 191S and $-tnooo.oooooo In 19tt. the jear prereilinK the war The 20 countries for which 191S ftiRures are now ntailable are the most important from. t lie trade staml- Thoroughbred style, designed, cut and tailored for two-fisted- upstanding young Americans. Robust lines with the finishing touches which lend a bouyant effect, the style of strength, virile, yet graceful. These special models for the New Amer ican Figure are exclusive Kuppenheimer products. We show them in a judicious variety of new style details and fabrics. Ml SI iA a 22 K.K.K. Store firtners In a confectloner shop bust- point of world nations In a few Tiess in the Catharine buildinc. ail- Inntnncrs the f Inures for 19 IS are joining the theater entrance baed upon estimates for tho cloMnc MIMII iiltl TIII.ATUI' l A pathetic feature of the tragedy- months of the ypar. but In practically ' MIW UWDS. was the fact that the yeuni: man did fall the Important caws the futures not want to ro to the beach last night . are Rotermental and coter the full MIIllKOUO. June 23 Announce, bat finally teilried io th peiuas!on year incut was made todnt of the taking f his farther, who Insisted that the Xearlv one half of this estimator! oter of the Puge Theatre. Medford -ecreation would be beneficial. Sector was a member of the Odd i jeiiosrs. and naa many nejby the Une(, Sta, Q nrltaln. pictures, hy Arthur Moran and Tl 1 had an acreeable peronaltt and hi. , pranw ,uly Cana(a ,, Ja ,hoP was a favorite place with the' RloxlatRec,nt ( ,hrdu ghr( , iheater-going crowds Leading Clothiers and Hatters IfllBHIIIIBIlSailSllHZll.lURIlS The Herald tells you today's new today not tomorrow. -j jjj5 JJ J J J J J J 5 J J X t world total of $60,000,000,000, Hays, legitimate play house, which part of the bank's statement, was handled ttio lime nas neon ilevoteu to moving J Percy, owner and munagers of the' :: Besides has parents, he ieates two .sisters. Airs T V Evans of Long Mott. and a sister In Abllene.whose eaate could not be learned, but who irflt not be notified of the tragedy, because she is HI. At the Jordt-Allen moreue. where 4be body was taken. It was said that Rector's nk was broken, and that lis death could not be blamed either ro the delay In getting the pulmotor r the delay in getting the body out af the water. DKLAP UKATS WIItT with two iik; nsii. County Clerk C H Del.ap. after reading the Wlrtz fish story, deter mined to put the "music master" to shame After enlisting the sertlces of J W McCoy as witness, he started for Soenrer Creek in quest of fish Friday night Mr Uelp's family had gh en him up and were preparing to retire when they heard him slip Into the kitchen tind upon going out and peering Into every lllalto Theatro. on a 10 year's lease from Or Frederick C Page The lat ter finds that he can no longer devote ho much time to the running of the Page and tuu therefore retired to give much needed tlnm to his other Interests UA.VT TO Ill'V? We alwnH hato a carefully select- ed list of houses, lots, business prop- X crty and farm lands, at reasonable prices We know good land, and wo know values. Call at 6S3 Main St.. v or Phone 66 Chllcoto & Smith 17tf t - , ? Z R EN SOUor Ktcnarclson and Sonne " i "" t'-cring into every r . ..,,. r..,..,.., ...,. .,..., Clark, men honorably dischargpil corner they at last discovered two you know that tho Klks are coining j from the navy, recovered the body, under sized trout shivering In tho ,,n August 14, 1C and 16? Now get j The county clerk had "a lot f AT en T t! and used navy first aid measures From the Corpu Chribtl Caller. Mr. Rector was for over a year alerk In the old American Hotel In this city His father was the news agent between this city and Weed, and had a host of friends all along the line. The family was a most es timable on and their man) friends will be deeply grieved to learn of the sink courage to come home with that catch." his friends Insist. I Crnssett Shoes Makes Life's Walk Hast- Wo are exclusive agents nradley'H Shoe Store. 21-lt We specialize" In fitting Children's Shoes. Ilradley's Shoe Store 21-1 'fOO LATE TO CLASSIFY, ' ,ijv"jninnjuuL'uTJxruxr XOTICi: TO lll'IMH.VG CONTItACTOn.s. """' You donna Keep'em Down on the Farm." and other live records. Sb"iherd's next door to Post Office. 3t' TO THE WOMEN FOLKS OF KLAMATH FALLS It In now, as It ever has been, up to tho women folks to plan to take care of the vliltlng Elks when they ar rive next August, and I want their co-operation In plan ning how to buy for this big erent, for you are surely a-eolng to need a lot more bed-clotbcx to cover the vis itors that you will have under your roof, and I want to be prepared to take care of your needs In tbli line; so come In and let's talk over the bed-clothes situation. You will need a few cots, pads, oullts, sheets and blankets, bo place your order now for them, so we will be prepared to take care of your seeds on a moment' notioe. At least give me an inkling as to what you will need, so that I can prepare for your business. Respectfully, PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE, " The Furnisher of Hippy Homes." Business Phone, 41 , Reesldence Phone, 290 T . i The Presbyterian Church Invites bids on plans for new building at corner of 6th and Pine Sts.. Klamath i Falls Oregon. Boaled bids accented 'till 10 A M Saturday Juno 28th at or'lce of Arthur R. Wilson, C17 Mam St St parate bids considered on exca- vption, wiring, heating, plumbing etc i All bids must bo accompanied with certified check for S per cent of amount, bid. Plans nnd specifications on file at office named. Right to re- , Ject any and all bids resorved. ARTHUR R. WILSON I 23-4t Chairman Hoard Trustees, Mrs. D. F. Salmons, lSUi Messanle St. St. Joseph, Missouri would ap preciate any Information concerning her brother, John Pfltiger, now" 47 years of age. Last heard of at I -owls-ton, Idaho, In 1013, 23-3t FO R SALE First class ,rye hay, 1C. 00 per ton at the old Menden- hall place three miles east of the city on the Olene road. P. ,C. Carlson. 23-3t FOR RENT Furnished house, 914 Grant Street. Inquire 714-10th St. or phone 270 TV. 23-3t FOR SALE 240 acres, $6,000, Three miles of R. R.f on Irrigation nich nlrf hulldlnri! rood rraln land. Would take automobile, up to 11000, zfjuu casn oaiance iirnu. ov acres, $1600, 70 acres grain, $800 worth of timber; close to R. R. Barn and old house; can gire possession October. Address Robt. S. Fry, Algoraa, Ore. 23.t TO LET A contract to log and haul lumber. Write or call on O. F. Has kell, Macdoel, Calif. 23-6t So many people would like to go camping if they could rent a tent, that we have added a tent renting department to our busi ness. Now is the time to take the kiddies and a tent and enjoy life in the open. Our charges are moderate. GUNS, RIFLES, AMMUNITION, FISHING RODS AND SUP PLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Visit our store and see our curiosities. We have fa ' T one of the most unique museums in the country. fr. t THE GUN STORE al.iu.. PHONE 59 J. B. CHAMBER'S. 619 MAIN ST. i 44WW S r t ; V t V t I T 'i V t V ; : I T T t T Y f T T T T J T 7 7 T T T T 7 T t T I wr $ ' t f-j