MOl. .M SI l!il. I1MII. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON page seven .IVES LOST IN MEATER FIRE v I'm tn Itli " Iuik i I unci nftt iii'Ihoiiii I III! II II' i il li ii hi liijun'il In 'In' On- elm' hai ' lrlir" lll' KI t I. iif n nmllMii plinm ii.nt nlitlii. Twenty- ,u ! il ueiilli'ii htlie Ih-i-ii VII LA WILL NOT Vl MAKE REPRISAL I ,, , ii lllll v it , 1 1 nix H"iil Ann 1 1' nil l , ii i xli ii ii until I i i .ii i iiiii il 1'iiliiy i HI"'' prop frw COM'EOrilllliTHE AD'S J- Mnmu WltOM - 1 VuuJ 0 OR SALE i'ii H rr n"l -1 1 l 11 IW MPT " " r, i i u"ii at iiiii utl unil" r I t illflllf.l Hlllilll In n" "'' . ', 'ulli ttttn KUiunl't KaJI finm rii. 1 lot Mux '"it !'" v il-u. It F D. No 1 ntion l-t.t .t All in MUI AdJ'n. a- li im unit two lot. JC7C Aim in" unlniorovfd lot. I! K HmltH. SIT Main. -. J II Vitbm. 7T!! a t , I .on AtiKtOe Mlnfcl 17-6 ii Liu I! i J ! ur V1 Im Kul f In m. i In i W . our homi m 3H Hleli 1 ifi o(.r Umliwr on ltk 1 1 iil it b-Fi of C.14IK It IF?' II lM ' Illl nil li"l.itlt ' 1 nn 1 '1 tlf : alif ' ni"jta. 1 ' ilit i't illllon fill 1 'i' I! li if mi su r I'limialiud 'mil.." NirutU nioiliim .rlni""it tu t lorn Hon in (iii )y 1 duo en If ilixlri'it. Mr 2 lllcli 't 1 urn r Hit , '!iltloi-k 21-31 Ftir sii: I li'rlrlr llflit flxlun mil' Inlitn unil flvo initn nf linn' IiiIin flffl i" of Tlniiiiun Drnl.c Odd KidlnuH I1I1I1: 21-21 Will SAI.K Cliinrolot IPO totirlnK mr rii'CtrlP IIrIiIh ntiil Htitrti'r '.noil tlri-H, $.ir0 nmh. J. II Htmili icil Del City 21-21 roit sai.i: 1 st, lintn Wiibhh Mukii Illicit. 1 U'l Mllrliull uiikoii fiiiikn Itiirk, 1 :it Stitiliilmltiir run -iiinr Ki'tir. 1 !1. .Stiiili'liukiir wltll OtitniiiiiiiirilH, 1 :i'i .Sitiili'linkiT Im Itiick 1 .1 '4 WhIiit hiiikit rink All in koihI roiiilltloii I tii'l li'iitlii'r 1'ariH-nH I 0I111I11 liiirnriix All ouiti I'loti' 10 Inmil Iminy work horwiM , nii iiniiiiiiM Ki iiiini ikiiiiiiih, ri'itny 10 ko tu work Modoc Kialiloi. Cur 'til unil Wiiliiut. 21-3t FOR RENT fou im:nt Kinitli'inon rtirnlHlii'il iiininw for 711 Wnlniit Ami 21 :it SITUATIONS WANTED WAS) I INC AND ri.HANlNC ilium ly Im hour Mm, lloml anil MIhh Mill- Inr 3, 'in .liiffiirson HI l'liono itvon- mifH 1 in V. 21-Cl HELP WANTED WANTJJl) A Imly Imlpor m. tlto Kliimntli Dyo WorkH. 18-tf Tim tlinn Ih koUIiik Hhortnr mory lny for ytm t ilo wlint hIiouM lio loini Imforo tlto I'lkH i;ot luirit mi AnmiHt II, ID and 10. What uru you doing? " . - tsw v7s 7 '-A'7r-i -L ! - "''i 7 safe smr om LOGS WANTED Will contract for five to ten million feet of pine logs per year for anv number of years. S. P. or Strahqrn railroad delivery. Purchase in either large or small quantities. . ' ' SAWMILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone 149-J GAR'.7 J ELD JACK VIEWS HAUNTS OF GRANDADS I I I lii Inr liiilinii il 1 1 r i ii in' h tin' I I Ii t I iii l( Ihi III lll.'Ki I Kill III ' , I I . II 1 1 III ,1., I' ' ' ' ' i I ii t till i Im I m mi i i. n urn 1 1 On lll'lllll nil .1 i In- ii ti'nm In' Ii I'l' ,i i i il hit U lulu i n! ii 'ii i.i t' i til with li ilili Kill Ion ' ' .'Mill ludlnMM Willi l' l-IIIOtltl' ill. hllllilll Mil III) lu-IM-ll lit lllll' i f tit rni i In- MiiilnfH In lli"lt . 1-1. H i- liltm H wim tll'H' lllll Mlll'lll II lllll I Cnliliilii Inr It. .i ,il Ml. Willi lllll I llHIlHtMl i Iv'nltili'll I l'i!llih n ?f K Ui.'JIti V n t MISCELLANEOUS I t' fc. (lURlt 21-21 t 1 1 a l' niiii'il liM' rovor 'III i i -i h.ivi- -- in in im 'UliK lli-tiilil nifliK lilpnitflnK m" d imjlnu rr iltln n1. 2l-St WAVTPlv A wH ftirnllMMl room in jirUotn hounr with prlvllp of tetttithanc unil hatl- lo u of y irocc C"i' Nlnt' Hotel Unit 21-" 8101,01 M. VTKIK WX I.l'MnBH Wo ftro . ihn ntnrlrol f -- OilO ullfl fll of plM, , rtx hiintti' ' :tl t-niull iit- eeiiti.. f r A-lv h n-lf fob car 1 1 ' (,:-; 'v itm could lie jun- PIW Auarew 'J1 - "- f-"- 0i r forX VN.- At'TO KXCtTJl MON I KIh imt It Hot SprlnB Join iln toiI unil ItitM' n lHy tltuo. Kor prtlruli't i. fill VANS Al'TO Si:it Vlt'K ritoiH' 89S-W M' PhysiciansT Prescriptions Our Specialty PniK Rton'f nro really tlflKli liorliooil iiiiirtini'iit Btori's In tthlrli ntlous linos nro feat-, uri'il O1111 drtiKKlit may push pnti'titi'il propariitlonti. nn otlit'r tollm kooiIh, ranii'rn'. optical crlco. tho fountain or othrr di'pnrtnii'iit whlrli ih'Ih li 1 111 ;ouil fliinnclal re turn. Our nppclnlty hntt nlwns Ih'imi tho flllltiK of PIdbI rlans' Prescript Ion, and aa 11 tvHiiIt our storo has hc I'onu) n proscription contor. Wo curry ntt oxcoptional Muck of proscription ilrttKa. unil our laboratory uqulp iniint 1b up-to-dalo. Wo cm ploy only experienced Krod ttat'o iliarmncl8t. All of jour rrcscrlp Ilium unil Itoclplod nro Important ntnl lccro llio Nppclnl' earn which wo nro nlilo to uho thoni. KLAMATH TALLS OffEOON ) mms&gs $3t nndcrwootfs PharmaiY V's1 KLAMATH fALLS OREGON m7?W K. D. Building ww. ns m X.LW UkdL H -iuU!) ) (rnM Coptc:s Ccr.-iirrr) to f.a'c C:rhifl F. lire Gn"''h of Tmm-.orlr.t en Faoilit es. pla::s aghce on i-rkjciples. Rclurn of Roads to Owners With Assurance of Adequate Revenues. u llll'-l I III ItllH him tint tun' nf tin- li'u priili Infim tin- new I'niin i nil tin ritllri'tii'ti Inn li lii ii t iii'i 'llll'iM' J .U.IKlO in h - if s'i i 1 div ni i ri k -i ii i ' t ' ' 'l 'lir-l I l llil" lllll nf f 'I'l III I IIIIW Il t linn in n in i In- null' mi1 i ihi r mi I nut U Mil I I I I III II ! Illl I. I ' l I '.I 'il I , . Ill It ! iii I iii ii ' M 'fl II II- II I . I ' 1 1 1 - a mi i! i I I ' t . .ill. ' - -r I III UI' 1 1 ..I iti- l 1 - ii nl n 1 til Illl lit) ti ii t r -urn Hi. i.ii! i ..i i i . - .. i , ' . . . tltp Imnklnc i-'i'iim - ii i-in tm ii tmii in . '" l'i '' ' t Miipl- li nl i ' 'i urn li II I ! I'limtnift" Mi iiil.w tu Li ik tol.."ml..t.l '. rv .I'ii ' It 1ms lu'i-n n Hi'ni " 1 Inr Pllllllllln'- f ! n tluit v.-nn- ' 1 p p nit Iiiim" rulb nil tutu h iii "iD 1 urn wi ii.k-Ii sii .1 it hi '- 1 11 1 nt 11 CiuisriV will Urn llttli- 'I 1 'iv n ! in iik n hill thm mil l", t with im 1 . inr iippnunl mill ihnt il uiko In- 1 1 I "ml iin ,un "in nf m hiUs 'ur 111.111 j 1 am :o n . M.iny Plans With One Aim. 'I'll- lima Si- lor hi a nitiitti md Iiij; on In tli 'Oonj.-i -. In uui-i lie l tin- ranUliiK in' ttiu'rof tin- litii rtnio 1 niiiin-rii- t'oti 1 ill i nf tin J luted nils Si mill', liinl It ! Ill ill "til milli'i- Unit Hie in" illrnml till! u HI tul.i" tU -il furni. I a iinlltinal uici-tln Pi nil I'llilri".". before f I tivliii mi n nl SI I.1111N Sinniur 1 u iiiiinc Mated tluit Him i the 1 lii.t uf 1 ii- war fully 1I1I1 11 tumplfte piano fur new ti'K'Kliillnii bail lieiu Mibtnllteil to him In IniMiiess tm 11 1 iiimiml-ts bankers tnlliuail olllilalt anil oiiners (.uicrn im lit itlllilals, railroad worki r- and J in-, t plain illlreiiv. . 'I'lie bithli prlni-!pli"i upon uhiili nil of tin m plans with one ixu'ptlou, uri e me as li ilous 1. Private operation ia more effi cient and more economical than Government operation, and the public Interest will therefore be served by a return of the roads to private management. 2. To make certain that new capital will be attracted to the expanilon or railroad facilities, there ought to be greater certain ty that a fair return will be earn ed on the Investment. 3. The merging of weak and strong roads into large competing systems should be encouraged. The iniikltiK of a formula to pro vide a fair letttru 011 railroad uipltal M-eniM likely to ho tho phase of the piohlt'in limit thoroiiKhly debated In CoiiKrett, The Director Ceiierul 1ms been urKltiK that the Covenitnent otiKht to KUitruntee a certain return mid slutre In any excess earnings. LeiidliiR bunkers, espoi hilly some of the International bunkers In Wall Ntreet, who !mo In the past marketed many hundred of millions of railroad securities, also look favorably on the KtiKKOStlou of u (iinerniuetit guaran tee, which will make It easier to sell new securities, ami will also stabilize 1 the market for the old bonds and Htocks. I Qovermient Guarantee Opposed. I tut the proposul thut the t!o em inent shull guarantee tho Interest and I dividends on private capital lnested In railroads will undoubtedly meet with vvry vigorous opposition In many Itiuiirtors. Kven railroad execntlves, ! ho mlKht ho supposed to take kindly to the Idea of a Government Kuarantea jitKiilubt- failure, huo fmnUly stated I Hint they do1 not uant It, because they helleo It Is lin-Ainerlcnn In prlnclpli would tend to lessen tflUloney, and' FU would Inwilw the roads In ti Coern, nient liartuerstilii that would lnolta; ,bly lead to Uoiorwueut otiraUH. 1 a . f I' THAOE MAMK ., ...-. ..... The Citu of GOODRICH li i Akron. Ohio Mt rr- t! Goodrich's NevvAdlt'siiuc; 'Having, en May t-. m a r 1' ct ti w n ti-. pr f-jr. (jtin,(i t . ' r ' ,r rrotr; f'v 1 : '.. 1' d up :i .' i , t n e n c iv i . ;.r . es It lifts 1 ..J 1 i . - mm . to .1 j ,it) r.uie U,r ' ., . ; 1 .1 -nd J,f,'i) tor mix erti , n t.nrds. irnre.n! fi 3,500 and 5,0 0 0 muej.respecTiVL-iy heretofore in foue Goodrich marked down prices in strict accordance with the Goodrich policy 'always to fjic the user the benefit of Goodrich economies of man ufacture. Goodrich m irked up its adjustment mi I en tie because the wondcrlul endurance and scrv Ice Goodrich, Tires are slumlni: In actual serxke demanded .u- rnstincnt that squared with performance Remember it's a Good rich A djustment, nlvas s-fe anil con MTi.itise, biscd on J j;n iter mik.ij;e con sistently clvcii b Goodrich '1 ires Goodrich knows its tires are brimful of mileage, and it wants esery automoble driver to hao.i Kcnerous share of it. Buy Goodrich Tires from a Dealer ADJUSTMENT Fabrics 6,000 miles Cords 8,000 miles BEST IM THE LONG RUN" "w ?.- n I I I KM 6j fT S I yfTfcYtaA&Vl''itsV vanillin M sWmSssiMsWvM I 1 sHIIlIM 1 W iiWlIB ' BL?9v ff bV mntmmKIHSIKM KsS I aWfissWasEaViM ' B' Im mmmmmK 3 ' BjpKaPHIB JuRl ; Lif.y, Ffffl and Sales Stable Auto Service Quids Service Day or Night Klamath Stable 1.1 11c Tilp 'I'll SIMl.llt !'.( Miiialile Hati s l'lioni- till H'2'2 Main.itli m. Sni "in M tin Siitlsf.u lion Kandy & Harlman Painting, Kahtornining Paper Hanging Cit ard Loan'ri Jobi S'jllrltP'l .Make ii'ir Ho 1 f Atrai'tHo Phone 414 110J Pine Ht.. Kl.u isMi KI!. )t J. H ARTTIAN rn. ,"r comnAcron y limn ''tM!i Men 1 , ,.,'! " , . il' 1 . S,Ui"i a'nl Tin.';a Vjj' fcniet-rj W'n'n .1 (Mcll1. PIBhT I-ASS WORK 1'Kil'L.S JfltJHT ntiS Pine ''t. lor Olh nnd Pine! White Pelican Laundry DAMP WASH, 20 ld!S. TAP I'AMII.Y DRV WASH c I.1J. "Put Vour Duds In 0 11 r buds" a:i mai.v sTP.nirr I'HOM: 421 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station Exclusive Agents for the Harley- Davldson Motorcjcle None llet- ter. All Makes of Motorcjiles Bought, Sold and Exchanged. C. E. IUSMARK 115 S. :h St. Klamath Tails KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Io All Kinds of Spring Repair- jnj; New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and lUiicksiultliing AI.Ii WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 017 Ivlamath Ave. OLD FURNITURE Repairing New Mndc to Order Andy Mauritsch 10 Main St. TRY ME PHONE 170-J For IIoiuo Mnde Bread, Pie and Cakes, Go to T. A. ROBERTSON 42 Main St One Trial Means Satisfaction Orders Delivered Any Place in Town SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture ReJ pairing. Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH The Bandy Mas" 106 MAIN ST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS s DR. A. A. SOULE 3Ray Surgery Medicine Phone 151-J 420 Maim jnjxuxArurrvi,y'ir'i" E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEI AT IiA? 211-14 Wllllts Bldg. Klamath rails Oregon Uf 1: - i I 4 ,koff:sstonal CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open ior Cases or Fevers ot Any Kind 301 High St. Phone 455 , Till! FMHI lA KM lV SHOP j r.Kiitl lliwit -li i, !Ii.'(iiiiik anil 1 acini 1 hi ki M.uil'iir nc Sh.i 1100 11K Si .tip Tn .1 in. 11 r,Vt M.1I11 Plume atio .VW." O K. C. SCHLEEF KATMEHtNE SCHLEEF t ntnl Siirciimt .J Offlie, White IIIilK. ''. ' it ..:..:..j.:..:..:.:..x..:-:":"-:-:-:--:":-X":' "N DR. G. A. MASSEY Siifti-sor In Dr. Tni.ix Huit 200, 1. 0. 0. r. niiiK onire phono 0.l Hen Plump 80M DR. CARTER DKTIt.T WHITK BVIXlftmi PHK tt5 DENTISTS ir. E. G Wwecarver PliO.'.fe. 3il i A Dr. P. M. Noel PHONS 4 ' Over Piidcrtiood'a Seeutli and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD nn.NTisT Lnoinit lllils-, Kl.imith Palis 1 M - (in AMI COP NT V A US TRACT COMPANY 517 Main ARTHUR It. WILSON Manager r DR F R. GODDARD Onteopntlilc Physician Snrgeo Suite 211, 1. 0. O. K. Temple (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon In Klamfcth Kails ) - SAW Mllili ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer- and builders of mod ern Saw Mills. Planing Mill", Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals ami reports made. Dredging. Wo contract to build nay (lass of a building and install niachiner) of anj kind. Drafting of an) kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Otltce iu K. D. Building JSSN fu& .- I-M V 207 I. O. O. P. BLDG. MVM10Wt WELL DRILLING Torhatzcr Bros. & Klabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDenald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W rfS.V.V-W-"..V.V- I-sViVSsV&sM. SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CIIOP'SUEY AND NOOUliK fir rii.d 1 1 -1.11- - hj- tfiinirn -tinipirwiriinrri"! i T '"A ' DR. C. A. IIAMUO , Dentist ' : I. O. O. V. Ilulldlng 5 .,;: I'HOM! 01 S 1IOIIHB X Shorl Order MenN Scried. . 73 Mnln Street T KiaMATJI J-UliLS, ORE. " :...J..x-::":":::::::,, ES8m w?$mmmm