The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 23, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MOMl.W, , m
r.ei: hit
M .,
Y SHIilTON. .Mi no 21 The
Prince of Wales will be the llrst of
tin1 distinguished foreign guests who
I1I return In Washington tlu visits
of President mul Mm Wilson to Eu
ropean capitals.
Informal advices have couimunl
rated to tlio state dppaitmont hv the
Hrlttsh embassy tliat tlio prince will
nrrlvo about August 12. follow Iut his
official visit to ('.(inula, .mil wilt
upend at Iris', feu- dnr 'ti WnsliP"?
ton. two dnvs In Now ork ami 11
wool; In tl(o Mlilillo Wot.
No definite iiroc-am Ivw !een pre
pared, luit It in Known that Chicago.
St. Louts. Akron ainl .Memphis are
among the elites the prlt'ce desire to
visit. He Is keenlv Interested In tlio
irrigation of nr'il lands ami liopeil to
see the American system In opera
tion, hut this will bo Impossible un
less his visit can bo extended beoml
August 2" the date tentalivelv set
for his departure
Kl":i:! June 21 ,'. i.nne
war si irt l b -re bA vv.e hn the
altlloui cement was inmlo In the -tlun-ilnril
til romp in that the price of
Hie flulil would mlvaiice one tout
!le.ilii are now charging two' cent-
iWj than they were on the daytHi-
lovrtti. the r'se An iiuilorsl.iudlug
i bus misted among the Eugene gar-
ago men that they should obtain a
erotlt of four rents on each gallon of
Kasollue sold. One garage refused to
, raise the price to 27 cents, which
! would have allowed the varlnis
t-.ii,; e. uior nt lis ltv ofi m Mi
1 oomis UuiMiiiR Klamath Falls,
Klamath lount ilienoii. within s'
mouths from the date of this notice.
Dated Muy SI, 1919
Executor of the Estate of It
ti Fnlrclo. docensod.
son F. llooer. deceased
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed 111 the Court. v
Court of the State of Oregon, for
Klamath county, the filial account of
I, Id i,li,i ill l,it rut Inn nt ,ilil iimI.ii.i ntnl
, firms the four cent profl'. V'or 'A (.ollr, mi!( fUoil ," 6t', ,0 f
dav eerv other In the clt ie- July. 1919. at 2 30 o'clock, p. m . as
r m Mi
i i Hi in , i I n ' if I 't !'
llloi k ' . mul i lie s.miUeilv line n.
I .lit .1 ilutfk Is. of Heentld llallioail
Aibiii ! to the city of Klamath Full.
Iiiclui in t Inte-jeitloiiii.
sei mini 'iimni in be made III
accoti it i'o wit., :iie plan and sped. of i'" div 1-nMiioer tor
nun o t'e oilier of the classes of lm-
NOTICE OP I'lX.M. Sirrri.i:.Mt;r prove" nil mentioned therein and ap
prove'' v the sni' I'o'itit'il and in
ncron'm-co with Ordinance No II"
In the Cotiulv Court of the Statu of adopt I '" '-'I'1 ''' "r '"" "'V''
Oiegon. for Klam.ilh Count. . ami pro.'ed bv Iho mayor on the
In l he Mutter of the Estate of Jeffer- lOlll dnv of Jlltie 1919
iluvd the price to 25 cents.
the time and the court room of the
limit! court. In the City of Klamath
Sal I ' 'nils, simi tfle.itlons and estl
mutes ' "lug e'i file In the office of
th P ' e Jui'';e mid III Hie office of
the C't Engineer.
T'le pionise.l lnllro",tnen, will
let In one contract, and the time In
wli'ili the mil.e l to be completed Is
fixed '" said ordlniince for October
15th. I'M 9.
lib!. 'Hist le filed with the I'ldlce
v..iio ,.... ...... ., I,., 1,1.,..., f,.- 1 1... .1111 ire r r sun iissnvi 111 mn mun
r.iili,, iiii'huiii J ii' I'm , i,i ii- ii . t
.....-I.,... f i.(..cil.,ii if 11.1W 1.1 nniit at his office In the city hall not later
fmiil account, and for the sett'etueiit Ilia" s o'clock l'
Stilcrile for the Herald.
If ou core to axail thenisehes of
the ten xenr Installment plan of xiy
lug your street assessments it Is ab
solulel necessary that our nipllca
Hon. so to do be on file with the I'o
lice Judge on before Jul"7th That
official Ins tii nuthorlt to ""!"d
the tune for filing 23-21
1 tin roof
Hated June 2, 1919.
Administrator of the KMato of
Jefferson K lloovvr, doceased.
2. 9. lt. 2 J. 30.
M of the 23rd da
of June l'.U" u winch time ami
place "ronos.ils w 111 be opened tUld
Ka--b tiroposal must be iirconiiiinl
ed by n certified check on some re
sponsible bank In amount eniml to
'. percent of the aggregate amount of
the proposal the same to In- forfeited
to the clt by the successful bidder
i'I3c9 ? -fi 1 1 1mmtvmzHP&K HI B5r-
seatea in its wax
wrapped package, air
tight, impurity proof'
The City KiiRlueer pursuant to re-vuiinu failure to enter Into routrnrl
ami I'omi mr ine laiuuui i-oouiiriiim
of said iiuproement In nc'-onlanc
with the specification theiefor
The citv "f Klamath K.ilN reserv
ing the right at all times to reject
an and all proposal and to abandon
the suld proposed ImnroM'meut upon
consideration of said bid, if It so
elect. 11 ml without llnbllllr to the
eltv of Ktaninth Kail. Oregon, to nn
bidder or person interested In said
promised Improvement
The award to the successful bidder
for making the proposed said Im
provement Is hereby made contingent
ilium the sale of the bonds otithorls
ed to provide funds for making said
The plans, specification and et
mate above referred I" embrace ami
provide that ld proposed Improve
ment of said streets until consist of
paxlng said portion of said street
.lth bltllllthlr ptenient. without
cement sidewalks but Including curb
'ng and grading: or oil leactdain
n.ieiiient without remelit sldews.'k
but including curbing nml grading
Said Improvement In either event to
Include grading rolling and curbing
ind dralnace ali Impinicinent to
be 3rt feet III width
Proposal are Invited on nil kind
of pavement mentioned without
cement sidewalks
Otted nt Klamnth Tails. June I tth.
A. 1. L.WlTT.
I'o'iro Judge of the c'ltv of Klamath
is hygienic and whole
some'. The oody
that's stood for young
and old.
The Flavor Lasts
14 tore fc ftt
for tft
VJwlS Jiglj"Wfl S9
solution of the Common Council
heretofore adopted. haMug on the
"l Inlay of May 1919. filed plain, spe
cifications and estimates of the cost
of Improving High Streets from Sth
Street westerly to 1st Street. Includ
ing Intersection-", and 1st. 2ml. tth.
'Ill th. nml Tth Streets from High
Street southerly to I'lno Street. In
ludlng intersections, and the Conn
c I having taken the same under ait
vlsement and finding the plans.' spe
cifications and estimates to be satis
factory. '
That the plans, specification and o.
tlmates for the improvement of High
s'treet from Sth Street westerlv to 1st
St root. Including Intersections and
1st. 2nd. tth Sth. fith mid 7th Sts
from High Street southerly to I'lno
Street. Including Intersection be.
nml the same are hereby approved
That the Common Council !iero!) iN
dares Its Intention to Improve said
portions of High Street and 1st. 2nd.
tth. "th. fith and 7th Street In ac
cordance with said plans, speclflca
"in ami estimates- said Itnnroye.
meut to consist of paving said por
tions of said utreets with oil maca
dam pavement at an estimated cost.
Including cement side walks, con
crete curbing and grading, of $r3
707.00 or concrete pavement nt an
estimated cost. Including cement
side walk, concrete curbing nnd
grading of $00,131 00; or hlthullthtc
pavement at an estimated cost. In
cluding cement side walks, concrete
curbing nnd grading, of Ji1;.2t7 no;
said Improvement In either event to
Include grading rolling curbing and
concrete side walks 4 feet wide on
both side of said streets nnd.
the Common Council that the proper
tv hereinafter described be, nml here
hv I, declared to bo benefited by
said Improvement'
I.nts 1. 2. 3 ind 4. nio'e ? and 1
southerly of Illock tl. Nichols Ad
Sealed bid will be received unlit
ihe hour of 2 o'clock p 111 . the 12th
1l.1v of July. 1919, by the undersigned
and Immediately thereafter publicly
opened by tho.County Court of Klam
ath County, Oregon, nt the office of
said Court In the County Coutt House
In Klamnth Falls. Oregon, for the
purchase of bond of spld Count v Is
sued for the building of permnnetit
roads therein In the sum of 130.000
dltlon to the Cltv of Klamath Fall.. """ "olnn a portion of an authorised
Oreren: Loti 3. 4. S. C. 7 and S of 01 same neing 111 ue-
nominations 01 mmi encn, except tno
wn lust numbered bonds for J500 and
$204 respectively. ntimlMTed from 1
upwards, dnted July 1 .1919. and ma
turing serially in numerical order n
Serial Numbers'
1 to 31 Incl 131.000. ten (10)
years from dale of Issue
35 to fiS, Incl.. $3 4,000 eleven (11)
years from datn of Issue;
(5D to 102. Incl.. $34,000 twelve (12)
years from dute of Issue:
103 to 130. Incl. $34,000 thirteen
(13) years from date of Issue;
137 to ISO, Incl-, $11,000 fourteen
(14) yeurs from datn of Issue
Suld bonds to bear Interest nt not to
niock II;
Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, S, 6. 7 and S or
block 10;
Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. n, 6, 7. and S, In
Block 9;
Lot 1, 2. 3. 4, S, 6, 7, and S, of
Illock S;
Lots 1, 2, .',, . 7. and 8 of HlocU
1 ;
Lou 3. 4, r., H. 7. nnd S of Illock
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, ."., C, 7, and S of niock
Lots 1.
Legal Notices
Uy virtue of an execution duly is
sued by the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for
Klamath County, dated June 20,
1919, In n certain suit In Bald court
In which, on the 14th day of June,
1919, It. C Uroeaheck, as plaintiff,
recovered judgment agulntit Kdnuind
.M. Chllcotu, an administrator of the
estate of J H. Wenncr. deceased, for
the sum of $39K.C3 and IntereHt
thereon at the rato of 10 percent per
annum, from June 14, 1919. and
losts and dixhuremurit8 taxed a(
thereof as may be necessary to sat
isfy said judgment, interest thereon
and co.its and disbursements that
have or may accrue.
Dated June 23d. 1919
7. and S of Tllock 4. ori
ginal town of Klamath Fall Oregen:
The southerly 220 feet of Illock 51:
The southerly 2S0 feot of thu prem-
in- ticciiiiii-il i inn niuuiuiii vuuii-i . , . , ..
ty High School, said property lying ' " "" !w wit (6 per cent) per
between High. fith and Washing- ninim. payable semi-annually on
ton. formerly Canal Street; January nnd July first. Principal and
Lot C. 7. S. 9, and 10. of niock , ln,!r'',,t Pnl'1'' I'nlted Slates go d
rn. coin at the officii of tlm County
," Lots fi. 7. S, 9. nnd 10 of Illock 4 3. .Treasurer or a Uhe. Fiscal Agency of
1st Addition to Klamath Falls. Ore- J ' .(?rcR0:,i,1" ""? ork
on. 'City, at the option of the holder.
Loth 1. 2. 3. 4. and fi of niock fi; , Said bids must bo accompanied by
Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. and fi of niock fi; , " rertlfleil check for C percent of the
ii. 1 ,.n,i t t nii, 1 P-urniinn amount bid and must lm tincondl-
Heights Addition to the City of Kin-' ""i"1'
math Falls, Oregon, and that said
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Klamath.
In the Matter of tho Katate of B. H,
Gardner, deceased:
Is'otlco Is hereby given that F. L.
liurns Ih tho duly appointed, rjualL
fled adinlnlt trator of the above en-
property above described Is hereby ,
declared to be the property assessed
tor tho expense of said Improvement 1
and, I
That Monday, tho 14th day of July
1919, at tho hour of 8 o'clock. P. M. ,
at the council chamber In the city
hall, bo fixed as tlio time and place
for the hearing of objections and re-
The approving legal opinion of
MessrH. Teal, Miner & Wlnfreo of
Portland, Oregon, will be furnished
tho successful bidder.
The Court reserves thu right to ro
Jet l any or all bids.
17-21-1 Clerk
monstrances against the said nronnv
imI Improvement and the police Judge In tho County Court of tho HUto of
bo. and hereby Is. directed to cause Oregon for Klamath County.
titled estate, and that all persons notice of said hearing to bo published In tho Matter of tho Estutn of Noah
having claims against the said estate n by Charter provided. E, Arnold, deceased :
will present the same with vouchers State of Oregon, County of Klamath, ' Notlro Is hereby given that 1 have
Notice la hereby given that on attached, and properly verified, with- City of Klamath Falls ss' filed my final account anil ropoit as
July 24th, 1919 ,at the front door of n six month from the date of this I, A. L, Leavltt, Police Judge of Administrator of tho Kstato of Noah
the Court Houbo, In the city of Klam. notice, to this administrator, nt the tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, K. Arnold, decoasud, nnd thu abovo
ath Falls. Oregon, at 10 o'clock, In law officii of H. M. Manning. Loomls do hereby certify that the foregoing. entitled court has fixed upon 2; 30
the forenoon, I will sell at public Hulldlng. Klamath Falls, Klamath Is a duly enrolled copy of a resolu
auction to the highest bidder for County. Oregon, which Is the r-lace Hon adopted by tho Common Council
cash, the following described prop- this administrator has chosen to tran- on the 16th day of July, 1919 dcclar-
uact the business of said estate
Dated May tho 24th, 1919.
F. L. nURN.S.
Administrator of tho estate .and 1st. 2nd
of 8. II. Gardner, decerned,
erty to wit:
Situated In Klamath County, Ore
gon, the parcel of land described as
commencing at the Intersection of
tho southeasterly corner of Wall and
Broad utruots, city of Klamath Falls,
Oregon, thence Boutburly along thu
easterly line of Broad street 80 feet;
thence ata right angle easterly 7G
feet; thence at a right angle north- In the County Court of the State of
erly 80 feet to the southerly line of Oregon, for the County of Klamath,
Wall street, thence westerly along In the Matter of the Estate of II. O.i
the southerly line of Wall street 75 Falrclo, deceased:
feet to Us intersection with the east- Notice Is hereby given that II. M
Ing Its Intention to Improve High
Strecot from Sth Street westerly to
1st Street, Including Intersections,
4th. fith. 6th, and 7th
Streets from Hgh Street southerly to
Pine Street, Including Intersections
and approving 'be plans, specifica
tions and estimates of 'the cost sub
mitted by the City Engineer,
A. L, LBAVITT, Police Judge.
Pursuant to 'Ordinance and 'order
erly line of Broad street, the point Manning Is the duly appointed and 'of the Common Council of the City
of beginning, being the nortneriy o quanuea executor 01 me aoove en- of Klamath Falls, Oregon, nottco. is
feet of Lots 8, 9, and 10 of Block 8 titled estate, and that all persons (hereby given that proposals will 'be
of Hot Springs Addition to tho citylhavlng claims against tbo said estate 'reciiypd by tho Common Council for
nr if iimiath Falls. Oregen: taken und will present tho samo, with vouchers making the Improvement designed
levied upon in said suit or as much attached, and duly verified, to the for the Improvement of Market, St., hereby given that proposals will bo
o'clock In the afternoon of July 19th,
1919, a sthe time and tho county
Court room .In tho Court house of
Klamath County, Oregon In tho City
of Klamath Falls, In said County as
tho place, when and whore any per
son may present any objection or ex
ception to anything contained there
In or to anything done by him as Ad
ministrator ,ahd that a tsuch time and
place the said court will finally pass
upon and settlb said account und re
port, n ,E, SMITH,
Administrator of the Kstato of
Noah E. Arnold, deceased.
10, 17, 24, 1,,8,'IS
Pursuant to Ordinance and order
of the Common Council of the 1 City
of Klamath Fulls, progon, notice. n
,, , , 1 . ,1 ,1 1 ii i ii- 1 '1"
1 , ,',m, 1 .. i iptin i" ' ! -I
fill 111" liiiinmellli It n I 'I'l ill 'i 1
from Main Mrent liorlbeilv in I'm
port Stieet. nml lllnh iHtent trout 9th
' Street enterl i tlth troei, Includ
ing Inlerseelltm.
onld luipriii .Miient to bo mmlo In
nrrordance with t'le plan mul npeel--fll'iitlmis
of the t'ltv I'litflneer fur one
or Hie oilier of I lie i-lues of Improve
ment uietllliilieil therel'l and iii'riivei'
liv tiulil Cumuli nilil 111 lieenrilillire
with Otil'lliilU'o No Hfi adopted on
the !Mlt day of .lilfi, 1 91 9 ami up
imiv.d br the iiuiMit on the l"tli
d.iv of June l'l'
Said plans. stieiifirnlloiiH and estl-i-iate
lining en file In Ihn ut"ri of
the I'.ilhe lodge mul In Hie office of
the fin Engineer
The proposed Improvement will be
let In mi" cunt met nml the time in
which the simin I In lm eoiuplelml l
fhed htsalil oidltialii'i' for October
, I Sth. 1 9 I'l
lllils must be filed with the Police
Judge for Htthmlnloii to the Coiiticlt
nt Ills office In the city ball not later
than s o'clock V. M of the '.'."trd dav
of June I'l I 'i at which time nml
place iriiioiiil.i will be npi'iieit unit
I'ach proposal must be itri'tiiiip.tut
ed bv a certified check on some re
sponsible bank In iiiuoiiut eiiml to '
per rent of Hie aggregate aiiitiiint of
the proposal, the s.iliie to be forfeited
to tlie city bv the nuccst fill bidder
Upoll fVltire i enter Into coMtre.t
nml hiuiil for the faithful complntii u
of said Improvement lu ticcoriUiic
with the specification therefor
The Clt of Klamath Fall reserv
ing the right at all times to reject
n in ami all proposal ami to iilmmloti
the said proposed Improvement up
on conslilerutloti of said bids, If It mi
elect, mul without llahllllv to the
l'lt of Klamath Kails to aitv bidder
or person Interested III said proposed
The award to thi; successful bidder
for milking the propmed said lm
ptoii'itieut I herein- made contingent
Upon the is In of Ibe bonds (ttilhorlinil
to provide funds for making said Im
provement The plan, specification nml estl
tnnte above referred to embrace ami
provide that the proposed Improte
iiieitt shall consist In grading said
streets to estnh!lhcd grade anil pav
ing sniiie with either oil iimciiilam,
cement or hllhutlthlc nnd the ron
Htrtirttou of t foot ruineiit sidewalk
all In nrrordnnce with the plans nnd
specification on file
Proposals nre riueird on nil chis
es of pavement mentioned DaTeil nt
Klamnth Fall. Oregon, this Mill day
of June l"i 19.
Police tiidgn of the City of Klamath
Falls. Oregon
Pursuant to ordlnnnre nud order
of the Common Council of the City of
Klnmath Fnlls. notice Is hereby given
that proposals will be received by
snld Common Council for making thu
Improvement designed for the Im
provement of Lincoln street from 9th
stp'et eusterly to lltli street. Includ
ing Intersection
Said proposed Improvement to be
made In accord mice with the pluns
and specifications of the City Engin
eer for one or the other of the classes
of Improvement mentioned therein
und approved by the council, nml In
accordance with ordinance No 4v"fi
adopted on the 9th duy of June.
1919, and by the mayor approved on
the 10th duy of June. 1919
Said plans, specifications und esti
mates being on file with the Police
Judge und In the office of the city
The proposed Improvement to be
let lii one contrail, nml the time In
which the Haunt is to be completed
Is fixed by suld ordinandi for Oct
15th. 1919
lids must be filed with the Police
Judge for submission to the Council
not Inter than 8 o'clock p. mof the
23rd ilnv of June, 1919; nt which
tlmii and plnm all proposals will ho
opened nml considered
Each proposal rhtisi be accompan
ied by u certified check oil soilM le
sponslble bank to thu amount of fi
per runt of thu nggregule of Ihe pro
posal, to be forfeited by the success
ful bidder upon failure to cnlir lulo
contract ami bond for the fnlthlul
completion of the Improvement In ac
cordance with tho contract. Tho City
of Klumnth Falls, reserving the right
to reject nny and all bids und propos
als und to abandon the proiMised Im
provement upon consideration of ialil
bids, if It so elect, and without lia
bility to tho City, to any bidder ir
person Interested In suld proposed
Tho award to the successful bidder
for milking the proposed Improve
ment Is hereby contingent upon the
sale of tho bonds nuthoti7.o'l lo pio
vldii funds for making iiud proposed
Tho plans, HpedflculloiiK and Hl
mates above referred to mhr.icn Mid
provide for the proposed improve
ment tho grading of thu Htreet to tho
established griidti, nud paving sumo
with "Oil Macadam, Including ce
ment sldowulks, curbing nnd grad
ing, or Commit, Including cement
sidewalks, curbing nnd grudlng, or
with blttillthlc, Including cement nldo
wulkH. rurhing and grading, or plac
ing thereon 8 Inches of Cinders with
out sidewalks. Proposals aro rn-
niiiiHlKil on all classes of naVUIUUIlt
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
this 14th duy of June, 1919.
1 I'olir.o j lingo 01 1 ne i-uy 01
Kfamuth Falls, Oregon.
pursuant to ordinance and order of
the Common Council of the, City of
Klnirioth Kails, Oregon, notice Is
hereby given that proposals wll bu
received . hy .said Common .Council
for, making tho Improvement .design
ed for the. Improvement of 8th street
from High atroH northerly to Pros
pect .street Lincoln street from Sth
stfeet easterly to Oth street; and Jef
ferson street, from 8th, Htreet easterly
to 9th street, Including Intersections,
Said Improvement to bu made lu
1 -I
"i 1
' .i" 1 , , '1
'i 1 m ii. 1 ,, ,
prominent , ,,,,,,
approved bv n , ,,
coi'ilrtlieit t o ,, ,
tdnptml on 11,,, jh
1919. nml appim,.,, ,
tit" Irtih du of ,i ,,
Bold plan. ( ,f
tliuitt.i btiitin on ti
of the Police Jn.R ,
of the (itv Eiiciii.. .
The i,,,,,,,,
'el In one 1 out rail .
"iiii-ii 1 ue siiimi 1, (,, (li
flM'd bv (..!.! i.r,i., '
I fi t ti . '.itl
Mills liilint be fn.,,1 ,
-luili'" for siibiiilsHi.Mi ,
e'l nt his office ,, ,
liter limn ,S o'i lo, , , M
la of Jiinn, ni'i , wli
place tuoposals Mil!
LVeh ptoposnl inuv i ,
led I.V certlfleil , , k " 'l"n
"PonlTlhle bnuk III i ., Xy'",
per lent of the aggr..KI,i, ' , '" '
"e...opoB.lelll.!! , l,,':,"t'';
' the eltv bv t. ,, V, ..,'"" V"1
nimii t r"' '"liter
:, '" 1 11 1
nml bond for tin fuuiif,,'
of xn'd Improveiii,.,,) ,,,
with Ihe sieclf,i , ,,
The tily of M . ,, ,
'n Ihe right si all 1 ,
nnv und nil piupnieii .,, 1
'he ald iniius,.il i ,,,,
"tisiilernilon of ,iic 1, 1
ei-i-t. nml wttlinm 1. ,
01 iMamntli l-nll-, 1
' Hi)
' l IK
" '.
, " r m
" 1 id .,
"" "ft,, ,
"' "ffl n
,"' 'll
' " " III
" .''Mill I,
" " 'iilier
"" I'ulif,
''' un-
" '"i'l tun
' 'Ii- '1r,
" mm
i" il an
1 fri
1 1 iii- 1
' ' U'.IS
f II n
to Ih
or person Intent a, ,,,, ro .
Improvement '
The nwnrd to the n
"''!' ll'llilfP
1 I
i' IWgfll'
'' 'Nful
.1 l lm
I nt
for making the m
(iriivciiieiit Is herebv n-1,1
upon the sale of the li.m I
lo piovble fmiil for 1 in
The plans Kiclf,- 1..
mines altove referred in i-iiira, , ,nj
tirnviile Hint the pinii.n.. t improrn
llietit stllill consist of r"al'ngh
sat'ie to established era,!.- irt n,
width of 21 feet und li,i,,i nrfr,f
the said street to th- M ,?ti stx,,
specified over all. lm 'udit.g rrnirst
curbs nnd cement sid-HaU- whh
'liber oil marndiim luti-mpni con
crete pavement, or lii'ul 'In, pjtr
lil'Mil III either eii 111 111 ini-luil
sidewalks, curbing nn.l ? I 1 k
Proposuls are liivir..l ,--i ', itui-
kinds of 'ia,-e"'etit me r 1 w.ij,
eiuenl sidewalks
lMtd at Kin in ,iih PjM-i 1 . nth
19 19
A I. 1.1 WIT
Popie Judgi- hi 11 1 m of
Klamath Kal. 1 .
Miril'i: IMITIMi PI!ti'M-,.s,
Pursillitlt in lllilllliUl. uiul ..r.ler of
the t'omil'.o" Couuril uf Ml. i i 0f
Klamath Falls. Oretf'. 1 14
hereby slvett Ibnl irn., .'. mil Ik-r.-celvei
bj the Coiiiini"- 1 niiin I for
making the luiprnveiiH-ti- ,i- ctirtl
fur the Imiiroveinent of 1 i:iitli
s'reet from the t-iirib. r' . ,.' nt
Wall street to Pnilfii T. nn. . I'
rifle Terrace from ilitrnn sirn. nor
lllerly to Portland street ami Port
laud stivet from P.icifn Terrace
eusterly to the rlt) limit- of Mam
nth Falls, Oregon. Including Inter-
rt.ild Improveiiient to lie inmlo In
itcrorilniice with the plans ami uprci
flcullons or the ('It., Engineer for nnij
or the othrr of the rlnsses uf Itnprnre
meiit liientloueil therein unit approv
ed by suld Council, und In arroriUnce
with Ordltiuure No iU'i uiioptril nn
the 9th day of Jum- nr.i ami ap
proved by the mnvoi on the 1 Oth
dny of June. 1919
Said plans, sprtiflriiiimis mul esti
mates being on file In th. office of
the Police Judge ami lu the offlca
of the City Engineer
Tho proposed Improvement will h
let III one contract, and the lime la
whlrh the same Is lo be romplvted
Is fixed by said ordinance fur Octoiwr
t Ct ll. 1919
Bid mint be filed with the Polio
Judge for submission to the Council
nt his officii In thu city hull not latr
than S o'clock p m of (ho 23rd day
of June, 1919. nt whlrh tune ami iroMisals will be opened anil
Each proposal must be
led by a cert I fled check on some re
sponsible bunk In iimmiiit eiiinl lo E
per nml of the aggregate amount of
tho proHisnl, the same lo be forfeited
to the city by the successful bidder
upon fiilliiro In enter Into mntract
and bond for the fallbful completion
of snld Improvement In urconUncs
with Iho speclflrntlons therefor
Tho City of Klamiith Kails reserv
ing tho right nt nil times to reject
uuy and all proposuls nnd to abandon
tho said proposed Improvement "l,nn
consideration of snld bids If It
elect, and without llablllly lo "
City of Klumnth Falls, lo nnv UWr
or person Injnreslcd In said piiiposen
'Improvement. .,,
Tho awurit to Iho successful bbiinr
for milking the proposed s.ild im
provumutit Is hereby niadn roiilluK"t"
upon the suln of the bonds '"nl,r;
Ired lo provide funds for making
Hiild linpioveniDiil- .
I Tho phiiiH, Hperlf lent Ions ""''"
itlmutes iibovo referred lo ein brar
ami provide that said l"l,0M,1,1,l'n'
,provotmmt of suld streets ''''""
Klst of grading tho sniiio In ; esla d in
ed grnilu to the width or 40 feet W
twetin the northerly Hn va".
street und tlio northmly ",UJ '
Spring street and 20 feet lu wldlh
.hvtwuon the nortlmrly Hi"" f s',r'7.
'street to Pacific Terrace, and '
'clflo Terrace from Huron street nor
thorly to PorUuml Htrccl. ""','";.
land Htreet from Pacific Terrace i-art
'erly to the. eastern ,""""'".","
I City of Klamath Falls, and hard aur-
facjlK said HtreotH '""t. ' j,g
nhovo.spi'clflud over all. "clu
concrete, curhlne and P"Iln w" . bltulHIile pavHimui . "I ' ne.
cadam pavoment or concrulo P"
""itposais art. Invited on all klW
of iavoment mnntloned. .i.h
llatod ut Klumuth Falls, Juno in".
"l9, A. I, I.WAVJTT.
Pollen JlldRo of the t I Y
Klumulli Fulls. Oreso"-