THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MOMIW, ,11 PAGH TWO Iro Ifj If! m All That Was Left of the Plane in Which Aviator Hawker Tried to Fly Across the Atlantic Occn SSTiSPM t) -ws-up us yKmnnir". H tM-.. v tU WBa2S5a toS& - ' x&&&t. .$' m - . pr BJS& n I?V IvR1 E r ... . s i i - u,sa .--t'?i .... ., 4 i-'j ? m ?' . ..s. i j rr : iMt. Vr K.iRe of Sopwiih fn."lttc on lV'-k of Steamship , The trip will not K ;-... '..r 5 i, ; It ".'ir'! i0 :t Pro TV' '.'.- ;: Ik mil pl.rit- vii! ho- .:i .. K '.;.-.vrik :"-(d f soil" ."' tmu'ii-? u. .Ips to tho southern tip nf t'.rfi ! mil wV.-T" i r.iv.-.ii!n .ll "-. uui" t i refuel and to r,-p.iir anv 'In mi;;" T'. nt-xt tr"ih i u:;iTult)in!o!y thi" sajiif dlirtanro, from (ireiilwin! ; ! Nfwfoundlancl, antl th-nf. to th I'MiteJ States. Tho une rou( will ! Iilll.l. low I. .11 IM'HU till' llltll'l'ft Kiili-i'. Mr- Ml -I'll Ki-IIi-i Thi'x mi' n on n Uonr.Miii"'ii i np lliicnth I In' vt Ttii'mlny Mi T. K IIokk onlpr-l-i'ninl in Inni'ii. Mr. Sui'i'il lirln : tlio IMit'M of luiltor. Mr .Will fnmphi'll rrliniioil Iioiiip Similay, fttr a monih'n tult Willi 'rcitlvr mi filcnitii In Vnhtimion ml I'ortlnml. Mi. und Mm. rtnvlil rnwiilwll ro tin noil to thcli- lmnii In K nmnh f'ti'l-, nftor sprntltnt month with ihiir non. V. t. Campbell. I.r'r Itos-t- N Rnlri'tr niii. He rrplrii for III canullno tuielm no hi t'f'i rontiiuH- tin1 in li-itttnii of hi nlfalfii. M AUrml Krllir enw a liinrliimn Thursilay of thin wppk. In honor of h'- hNiit i 'Tiifc nnwoll, who has Just to- iiiphI T'oni p-crwr. )m 1)h vlulf- ' ' 1 ;nrh torn of V. !). CuiImU for ih.' M l'ow ? Mm R. P Cowley in qnll orlou ! '! n ho hew J" l.orfll'n. Sh I? ',!'? inn fw- pi-'tiltl. " Tnitle Is aulto sick at ! J '(. :l ol-lu I In VVte UP fho i .' -. I'l.'il of w'i't.-h Inr lii4 WOUID UKF1T0 SPREAD THE NES ill othi'r llinoi I woilM - :i 'limii' I lip w.lli K i. ilH'l "olllil III" ' olnini. ' oo'iim lulu nil lln-ii iii y imilv My ktdtioMi wiro mil of orili'i' ton . i n I I Jim hml u dull, tvtw pnlu T.i itn : Mtmill of inv 1'ii'K fi-niii iiiornl'iK I'll nlhi. nint I wimlil "-lo-r vii Miili' for I wonlil hoc to in K or wnlit time lurin ih nln' '. M I'nrH oii1i1 ho o iuro nml irtlff rs m. Till tut thm I win hnr.tiw (-' i not om of ImhI unit ilr'--n t;vtilf nn.l I finally rot m wonlc nml rtnviliw Ihni I vvi hnrdljr obi to htt -timii "I hnii mt no much iihom Tun bio ami hol hwrl mnv t!t', lilt ii'-o-it ihf riM(l I' hint iiu'ix III!"!!. I'm! I (IfPlil.'i! u Klv ll :i irl-il iiiyilf Vnll. lr. hv ihr tlii I Mil" "iUt.h.'.l mj PCnt)l holMo of ""iv1 i v i4 pii-kinp up rlRht .iioti't , ' !" tlto tBitu brtok. nu.l ftM i'ii! '.! I" thl. It Ju" In"1" HH" 'ii'- .'umh'!i I" i-iii I tnt Jml iinytliliu: I l:u II It Tin l;i,.( lb. I l pill ho lorn IPO loo, mill I llOVrr IMII'I n k, ll , .. l,- Irii.l hit Of tl'UtlhlO llft'M iinl Mv Kiomnoh tioilhln In n ihltu- I T H V I'M" of (ho r'llil I UnVMl't tout ti.lf o1" rii'np-ili,. x, . I'hi-iii i-ni-'Hilnit fi)tl ln"P I fl'ilh'i I '" -.'' i om hoi -ml hot 1 1 of Tntni' M 'I h-fn'M !' .. .ii , ,iv. ha.mii to 1(0 nil rlht rw. nntl I iMiiir in , , i i .vir hnttmrml with pitlrin In mv f ''. m I - i" k. mi. I I n'ri lh wholo nl(ht t"l!" i i tiro witlmui Imvlnn i t" V ' rt'""'"'l "i I ivo r iln oil n much la wrljtm n1 '.miino. ,. ,, 'iiciii that I nn not In oa much buihn m.t o ,. hr itt p I avwr ronhl. Taulnc ilhl hut oromoto hi n: I i nil ihj.i for lli. anil III In tti :t" - -. .. I wii'd m torratl tho ito-mI nw from oka i'il of tho omt'itrv lo lh nthm rtv.l I Iio'ik in' Mii'.-lri' i will i-iii" .li-M iii Kllffl'l 11 ' lll'l I" ' l" Ti'din- iin. I ' 'hi o III Ir ir.i'i li-i " T(iI,ii- 'i iiohl In U'ui.illi l-'ull to t'n i.ii I'iiii' i'o unit in l.orpllt I "! .l.wiH-i 'rir i'o h Ml im. Khiu, i(i."ii' "ii-'li lnttr rinm Mllldll'y'M Klli'rt , Jll I I'- I1H , ,1 ho Mill' I'on , . i 1 .mil 10. ' . nsriiii i ,,, ' 'In 'III "III 1 -lltl i an I ' ' t-'fll.l I 'I MUMr -.-. -V W&flz&v Goose J&foys&s M Li (A . n u I SERVICE 18 ICELAND IS il PUHKD taken on the return trln. WA-HINOTON. J V . J'ine 23. Officir.l advices to Washington stot" that Ireland Intends to establish a resular air service between noyjavik. its raoital. and the eastorn ports of the United State:?. 1. A. Olafscm. the consul at Rey VjavJV 'a quoted a.- sayinu that two hydroplane. with .sufficient power to nccoTnnlish a transatlantic flight are nlrcadv in commission and that i larse nirnlano corporation has been formed to hrlns about regular aer tnl ro'-.i;ps hetwoen Icoland and tho fnlted States. The preent two hy droplanes will be tried out in the cir cumnavigation of Ireland. i - -o - - i.oitKi.ia. ' u.- iv -'h,, -.' .i! - 1 !''' ti, - I'- V'flfli, a '! . : i , !! i . ' ' iiv .. li'.s : -' i ' PoHtead,, !'i!?" i ! Inl . -.R (ViiMMii a d ' ;i'. 1... .,.!- i!. p, ffl vr.i. h iiii'lnitcJ. i :-' iiifffliit fru.ii .' ti --.-' m ai! .!'.!' t-m'-'.'. bi' .-'i'o n rio up iroiu Pti sttsrlt : ? rji- .i t 'i-ii' - Uit con It t' n h.-i hf""i V'-"-. : -r.t h wir. !' to iht' tini" ! I't'C.ia tukitif Ta'i' my apptie wan very floor iiuil " 'o.iiafh ai in socb tnrrlble c.-m".-llon that what little T dM ef 'Voj.l r.'us rn to ufffr Hk -. m'mk aftorwiifdi' ! would h-iv ir.unp -i pains In lhe pit of my ntotuu h 'hi" would almoiit draw mo double Thou ' 0'- i k agreed to mil J . i'or honor but momiyi aou&rs. fj Nov, if JriA 5J GS3 5 I'Kv, tfVfW SW 7 WO $m t fwlli do XJJt &j&Y3P Itwill be Mi' Jack's CrowrM J7 T 17 I . JiMmnTr ''-w?lfiyfjtfvccra ' i-arf j?jwc!u?flr .tmnH'TP jiXf ' - ... ' . IT a .' .1 j - r . . .. .'i , iT JHL'" t 1 ., 'wi-itnHfc Ks.. 4nd a bt will u;all) hotxv? in their collai iurrrr inlK wM4r IntXy i -,sMr kjpr CVI I I I 2Jfef i v r I ' .- A rf-f fjV uN' JsrilVbntJ Hay'ne has begun in thi. --wt'on of tho country. The extreme dry rea son has hastened the cuttinB of the hay crop several weeks. WillU I'ankcy and bride were fa vored with an old-tlrae charivsrl hv by soma of their friends Frlday night. W"tlnpdav of UkI week. Mri. If K. Wiiuard entertained a number nf t..(H. ai lupi-h in honor of Mr John S'rii-d llr. and Mrc John Ptreed or Coe's Jitney Service Day t'lioiio KIN j-uvhk.vck's ti(i.n steki: Klamath Falls, Ore. ::c-:-v:-:- 6000 8000 Miles This is the new mileage adjustment you get with Goodrich Tires From JUDD LOW 23 MAIN ST. PHONE 22-M xe'rifi: CARPENTER AND CABINET WORK K. C. .VTIVKY I.orali-il at 11 IOMii!n t. now ovv.s rei: ihsinkss House Movers We are prepared to move your building promptly and reasonably. Old houses bought Smith Bros. Phone 93 i inriiiTW viir a top i a 1 1 S a j lA I R O Fa H b 1$ L LAST TIME TONIGHT : V YOUR ELECTRIC SWEEPER - JWill be with you nearly as long as your home itself, n and should be purchased with the same care and con- siueration. ttfps&z&M,, p Vill be a source of satisfaction through the years to come. No need to apologize either on account of ap pearance or performance. Free Demonstration Any Time. Link River Electric Co. PHONE 171 RCWMJL Si&yS3viJi2a& High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MAI)K TO OIlDKIt FIKEHT MATERIALS BEST OK WORKMANSHIP liATEHT STyiiES PERFECT KIT (JUARANTEED Priced are very reusonahle Your Innpectlon invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAUUJfl nix Main HU THE MASQUE OF LIFE" Fob nsiinio AMfi nuiPiCMC I USi UlllUliO nnu UIHUllLnu NOTE: One of the most sensational pictures we have ever shown. Don't miss this one. H. W. P00LB. REGULAR PRICES LIBERTY THEATRE X ? v t T Y t t T T f T T T T J T T T T T T T T T T T T ll Hh4h$4i :k4X1 CHICKEN FEED. ALL, SIZES GRIT. OYSTER MiiwiIiWq FPrl Rr Sppd Store SHELL. SCRATCH FEED. CRACKED CORN. lVlUrpney S TCea GL JCCU EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE 12G South Sixth St Phone 87 ft.lULiU.lS. 'f.h:&JJ. ' -.-..!