i,v;ii'z;t.yf7w mt iEtttfnmg Mttuth OlTK'IAIi PAPER Ol' KLAMATH COUNTY .- OFFICIAL PArEH OF KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Year No. 3,655 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1919 Price, Five Cent BINS ILL IRA llffPTTn IN AS LAID DM The Enemy Hn Made His Latt Squirm EXTENSION IS DENIED Council of Three Itefuvil lteiiiel nf (irrman Gmrriiinrlit fur Etriiliiii nf 1 'ort ) l-:i(tlit Hour, Oiling In I liungf 'f Government Refund 1'ollimiM li) Antuuiiuenieiit uf Arivplniuu PARIS, Jiltid 23. Till' (ii'iiiwm covornuiont at W'eliuiir bus formally communicated ItM wllllngtieim id sign the Pisco Treaty. nccoptltiK tli terms iinrniulUliiRally, ll was iinminci'il hy Vnmcli rurclKii offlm this uf'oriiooti Tln duj anil liniir for niKUliiK (In1 Treaty are uncertain It nmv tnkn place nn Tuesday, lint more likely mi Wednesday. Tim llnll.in delegnti's 1nrn have been nutliorlii'il lo li!ti lli treaty on behalf of Itiih This tctnov.ii I he one possible i-husn uf ile. ln in kIriiIiii:. Tin' Herman nolo at re reptmire tmilitnitui. .llinu, t ti pi-are rniiilltlotia make II a "I'eaco of Violence ' WnMAH. Juno 23 .(Associate, )'rei It l nfflrliilly iinnonnri'it ihal (inriii.ni- will sign (tio pence rraiv nrrordln in n dispatch from Vliimr nl I " Sntidtti iifleruoiri Aiprri'iill I' referred hi Ilu' Ceriumi .lis' 'I, ' I" l(:'l Willi lilt' ll'IHTVlKlllll "' wli li Hi.' Herman gave miller In tl-c Alllii I'.Mtl.S. June 23. '(leriiinuv tmlay lin. n'itii'Hlt'il an ailillttounl III hours Hllliln whlrh to make Ickiwu her ile cll(m relative to hIkiiIiik pearo treaty without reiTiitloii8 ThM re met wim refllNi'il hy Allien Til" Council nf throe flatly ri'funcil t.i ie- Uit whleh plenileil that Hie eh, nice In Kovernment ami itlnturlieit oiml' tloim inaile It illffleult to eompletr arriiiiReiuenti I'AKIS. June 23. Admiral Hiuinol iin lliilriiliiiiiKi'n will sign tho I'oaco Trrnty for tho Oirmmis, It aptn'areil likely teduy fro.u nK liif'rni.illrn M.1 Inliln at the ii'MiktUiirtr rr of '.h-' Arn i Iran delegu l-ri AUSTRALIANS CALLED BY KLAMATH FISHING "The Hcii'ty In Kliiinili toi:ry and Southern Or-mon is wltoout comparison," mild H l Vrnutc, n iuntriilliiu, wiio, with liH Cr.c'iil. J, f WoodhoiiHo, Is iniildiig u Jolut liUhliiesH and pluiiHiire tour of tho 1'iilluil Stales. Tho AiiHtralliiiiH ilrnvo In Mr. Ar nott's car from Hun FriinuUi'o, whero tlmy landed four weoKs ago. Tlm llilng which struck thiini mont upon Urat putltiK foot on tho dork tit San Ifynclsco was tho oxci'msIvi) iiuinber of nutomoblU's. Tho second thing to tflko thorn tin IioIiir odd was tho hotel life evorywhero thoy went. In tholr country only trnvolors aro found living nt tho hotel.H llfo thoro "elng mostly urban, Tho travcilorn had pinned tin going "trnlsht thru to Vancouver, II. C, 'tut upon hoarlne of the flshlnK In Klamath County tlj,oy rhangod tholr 'Toute to some extent nnd will fish nt Chlloquln, Spring Crook nnd In othor wfH known mountain Btroom. Krora Vancouver, Mr. Arnott eajm 'hat thoy plan on going acrais coun t'y to New York If tho roadt aro ont 'too bad, In fact ha doesn't wish to nmuntor any that aro worso than omo he drove oror In northern Call 'fornlo and Southern Oregon. MOTOR AROUND LAKE. Crl Newbury with his mother M. W. A. Jones, Little Brurt, George niggs and Mm. Sam 8an. ""rs, motored around the Upper "Klamath Lake yestrdi. S APPEARS IV CONCERT IN LOS ANGELES AI'IHTOIIII'M WITH woiti.n hexonwed organ ist, iiiti'ci: gokdox kixslev LOS ANOELKK. .rnni' IS (fipe rliil In llm Ilernlili Vera Crlsler of tv lit iii it I li Fulls npeared In rnurert In Trinity Aiiilllnrliiiii here tinlnv wild Hruce (ionliin Klnnlev. tlm world famous organist llir marvelous In. terpretiiilim in Itiilltui. with flu t oh ! IlKHto of tln mail ki I'lie from tin' npuiu I. lulu il l.iiiiiinrrninnr won i liintnnt upprnvnt ami wax greeted with tremendous iipplutixe Minn Crln lor liHloillnheit hoY iiuilh'tiro Willi the womlerfiil range nmt flexibility of Iht ulfi Thciiphllus Fit. iiiiiIit whom' illriTtlun the eoneort was glv. I I'll was delighted with tlm miccnni of Minn Crlsler ami united that he was "extremely happy nml satisfied." TIiIb will he plonslng news In the many friends of Ml Crlnler, who In ii tv 1 in ti 1 li Prills rlrl nnit ulin ns lb.. itlHpnteli Imllrateit rlnlms this rllv ns i her nun This concert In undoubted ly tile llimix of a rrei In thi' Southern rlty that hat hi"n rons'.uit ly mounting IiIkIht anil higher In the innale.it worlil nml npeiii the iloor frr Rrnuler triumph In the 'iitiiri- hum iiiiuitis. The liani'hatl team of the Klaiuiilli Mautifai lurlliB company are Hteppln,; JiIkIi toilay in a result of Hie ri i iii I in: tlH-y kuvo to tho Dnrrlitom fa -tory team lit Dorrln yettenlai . wiii it roil hot panm trom start lo flnhli. miiwlthtituil!ni: tlu. iho nrore Ktooil 13 to '. A rut.irn 4i.io will he plaeil In this rlty on Inly -I tit. anil the Uotils hoys proinlcl to een IIiIikh up when they tvi .' up here AUTO TRIES HOYS WHO STOI.S ,IOK AVERY'S CAR ARE PLACED CNUER All REST XEAR DORRIS AXI UIOUGIIT RACK Joseph A. Fllnn and J. M Sullivan tho two boys who last Frlduy night stolo tho llulck "six" belonging -i Joo Avory, wero caught near Don Is yesterday and brought to this city hy Sheriff Humphrey. The lads do not seem to renlUe tlm sertouKiicss of tho offenso with which thoy aru charged Tlmy do not seem to lio pus. sesseil of tho characteristics that mark tho usual thief and It Is not liollovL'il that they have eer lii'n guilty of u transgression of tho liw before. They have been working In tlm log ging camp near Rocky Point for the IVIIrnu Hay Lumber company, 'at. unlay afternoon they had nn altetva tlon with tho cook, and onn of them still carries evidence of 'ho fracas In tho shape of a black eye. fhov loft tho camp hurriedly, and evli'enlly thoy were salll possnscd of a dcslro to placn as great a distance as pos sible betwen thmuHolvos nnd tho cook when wy saw Avery stop front Ills car and ontor tho Hlnlrvny load ing to the Moose hull. As soon ns ho had disappeared thoy hopped Into his mnrhlno nnd stnrtod for Califor nia. It was tholr Intention to go out over tho Topsy grade, but they lost tholr way and Inndod In Dorrls whom tho officers stopped them nnd took possession of tho cur. They socurcd employment In ono of the neighbor ing camps and wore headed for there when Sheriff Humphrey placed them under arrost. They readily consented to return to this city, where they were placed In Jail pending actlou by the district attorney. Tho time Is getting shorter every day for you to do what should be done before the Elks get here on August 14, 1G aud 16. What are you doing? 1 ABE CAPTURED NOW, WHAT IS NTT HFLD HFRE SOON nit: (iitoir or it n.v t v t i.i itiiM will m: imti vri:n INTO Till'. MYSTi:itirs or ISAM,. WW IIIIOTHi:itllt)OI The biggest doggonedi'M go it rid ing affair evoi htitged In Klamath Falls Is exported ben- on .lime 2 Mil. when all the railway clerks from k'.imuth Falls to Weed are guiu,; to l'e iii'i'lucteil tilt ii the mysteries of the Mosbrne Lodge IHT of til Itrotbeiliood of Hallway Clerks About forty visitors are expect-jj at this Umn. when tho neophytes, who have been accustomed to t.'e smooth riding over the iron rails -ire going to take their chanres on st ir n deck of tho goat. Tho ceremonies ve to be held nt the I O. O, F. Hall where medical nsslstmicu run be quickly summoned If found ncessarj BELGIUM TO BECOME FIRST CLASS POWER HUSSKLS. Juno 23. President Wilson, upon his return to Washing ton, will proposo to congress to raise tho American legation hero to tho rank of an embassador, and send a Culled States ambassador Instead of u minister, In recognition of Del glum's complete Independence nnd equality In the ranks of tree nations POLICE MAKE ANOTHER HAIL OF DORItIS HOO.E. Suspecting that Sunday night would be a good tlmo to make an In vestigation of automobiles returning from UorriB, tho police laid in wait and searched every machine they sus pected. They wore rewarded about occupants saw tho officers thoy lio songers novo In sight. As soon as the 4.30 when a raachlno carrying six pas gan to throw awny the Incriminating evldonce, but before this proceeded very far tho officers Interfered and placed the entire parly under arrest. Four quarts of whiskey still remain ed and this was hold for evidence against the prisoners. FUNERAL TOMORROW. The funeral of Mrs. Frank Geert son will be held tomorrow afternoon at .1.00 o'clook from Whitlock Under taking parloi-J. Per, E. P. Lawrence of the Presbyterian Church will con-" duct the stjrylCM' IT YOU WANT? FUNS Mil FOR NEWCHURCM FINAL I'LANS AND SPECIFICA TIO.VS FOR T1IK XKV PESRY TKRIAX CIICUCII SHOW MAO X1FICKXT KDIFICE Tlm final plans and specifications for the I'reslivterlau church lu'e been received ind may be seen 'y anyone interested at the office nf Arthur R Wll.-nn. ."it 7 Main Street. It la planned to have bids on the construction opened on June 2tn. Work on the excavation of the bu-ej- ! ntent haR already begun. i The church will be about 52 feet by 71 and will pent about r.00 people. Provision has also heen made for installing a gallery when tho needs 'of the Church fhnll demand It. and when this 'is done the seating capa city will be considerably over 600 The erst of building materials and I labor Is. however. o high this year ' that the church will not attempt to complete the gallery at once. K. K. McClaren of Portland Is the architect for the church and will be here when the bids are opened. OREGON HAD 53 FIRES DURING LAST MONTH SALEM. Juno 23 Fifty-three fires of varying origin the cause of 24 of them unknown in Oregon during the month of Mny rosulted In lose3 totalling $S9.1fiO. nccordlug to figures compiled by State Fire Mar shal Harvey Welts. Pendleton suffer ed the heaviest loss, a barn and con tents valued at $16,000 whllo Haines, with n fire in which a barn was des troyed and several hond of horses were burned to death, is second on the list with u loss of $12,000. Thirty of the fires were in dwollings nnd 7 were in barns In which 49 animals, mostly mules, were burned to doath, INDIAN VILLAGE DUG UP IN YORK STATE AUBURN, N. Y. A buried Indian Tillage sitoo believed to have been occupied BOO years ago was dlscov- ereu.ior iu. a. uramer, Auouru cu; forester, in digging after a wood' chuck 'in the town of Cato, Cayuga county., TaeAlite contained skeletons and many bone Implements believed of Irlquuola origin, the six nations hav lag had their home in the Finger Lake region of Central New York. WASHINGTON : ! ' LABORS FOR ! PROHIBITION; I I nrXMNGHAM. Juno 23. Tlie ! State federation of Labor convention today voted to send a telegram to the American Federation of Labor con ventlon In Atlantis City, condemnla? Hh action again it prohibition as W3ll as what was termed the "booze spe cial train" to Washington, D. C. The telegram reads: "The Washington State Federation of Labor, in session assembled Rtards emphatically for national prohibition and condemns the offlcals of the A. F of L. for their support of the li quor traffic, and further condemns the action of the delegates'to the con vention In going In a 'booze specie!' to Washington to protest against tho repeal of the wartime prohibition amendment." The action followed the passage of an amendment to the resolution committee's reports censuring Sam uel fJompers for his stand for boer and light wines. This amendment was offered In a resolution by Fre-l Nelson of the Seattle bollermakers. The resolutions committee report faored merely a stand by the state federation In favor of prohibition, eliminating all reference to OJompcif.. A K Miller of Seattle led the at- , tark on Gompers, upholding the right , of the state federation to censure iipv j of Its officers who fall to respond 10 the washes of the rank and file MOVE TO CHANGE DRY LAW FAILS WASHINGTON. June 21. The proposed amendment to the pending prohibition enforcement bill, giving the president authority to repeal war time prohibition act insofar as it af fects light wines, and beer was de feated by the house today, the udi elcrj committee voted twelve to five. SIEXN FEIX PRESIDENT IN CNITED STATES SCW YORK. June 21. It Is an nounced today that Prof. Edward Di valent, president of the Irish Sinn rein republic, has landed In America, and will be In New York Sunday. IMSfEDLATE CONSTRUCTION OF 815.0OO BUILDING WILL BE UNDERTAKEN BE LEASED FOR PRESENT Work is to start at an early date on the construction of a new hospital for Lakevlew, which will cost in the neighborhood of $l.r.,000. This an nouncement wa smude today by Rev. Thomas Brady. Father Brady is here for a few days, having exchanged pulpits with Father Marshall, past or of the Sacred Heart Church. The project has tho indorsement of the Commercial Club of that city and is meeting with tho hearty support of tho residents of Lake county, who recognize tho urgont need for such an institution. When the project wns first consid ered it wns Father Brady's intention to have tho Institution In charge of Sisters of Charity. This plan, how ever will have to be abandoned for the present. During tho Influenza ept demlc of last winter tho heroic sac rifices made by these noble women throughout tho nation depleted the ranks of all of the sisterhoods to a point where it Is Impossible for tho present to sparo the sisters needed to care for new Institutions. Conse quently Father Brady will operate the hospital under a lease tempor arily. 1 The building will be of cut stone and will be large enough to accomo date twelve patients to start with. MRS. STEARXS REfl im Mrs. O. E. Stearns has returned home, after having spent the winter In Corvallls. U M T KLAMATH FALLS IN LIMELIGHT Till: XOIIIKIl OF IXQUIItlKrf I'oriciXf; ix to tiik com.mhi ciai, ric is constantly in- CUKAttlNt; To those who think Klamath Falli Is not coming into the limelight a.- ! the hustling young city of the Pacific coast attention Is called to the follov j Ing extracts from letters Just receir- ed by the Commercial club: From the Butte county, California. Commercial Commissioner "Kindly advise me If furnished houses or nouse-Keeping rooms are obtainable In your city at this time. Family ivould stay all summer, as there would be children. Would tikf scitiuhlng renting at i J'i or t.J i;r month " From an important Commercial club of San Francisce: "Give us In formation on the railroad line which we understand is being surveyed down the Klamath Canyon from K!i tuath Falls to Crescent City vix Yreka, California. We would like t- know who the parties are who are responsible for this road, as we ar enxious to get In touch vith thesi A great industrial congress is t" be held at Calgary, Canada August 13 and 1 I and will include l tour of tin prov luces by special train, commenc ing .it Medicine Hot, Alberta August 1. Tho manager of this congress says among other things, "It Is hoped to lay the foundation for a broader and even more friendly relationship be tween the peoples of the United States and Canada. Our speakers ILst already includes the names of several men of International fame in the in dustrial world. The program commit tee has requested me to communicate with your splendid organization, ask ing that you advise all your members regarding the congress and convey to them a special invitation to attend. If you will advise us In advance of the names of those who will attend, we will arrange special sleeping car accomodations from your district. Amoiig the various letters from in tending setlers and investors, ther pre a good many from returning sol dier boys, or from those interested m seeing them located in a cot. d try where there Is something doin and where they may be able to secure land at n reasonable price. From such a letter we make the following ex tract. "Having applied to the land offic for information in regard to the Kla math Falls district, I was referred to you. I am writing in behalf of my son v ho I leturnlng from servile in France and who is anxious to loeat? on a homestead. He was told jbiJt land that could be had near Merrill, en tne Irrigation project suPxil) Tor alftlta. If you can give me ,n-- ". tion about available land will - rnrgo to come down to look over the situation with my son." 19 DECORATED FOR VALOR BY PERSHING WASHINGTON, June 23. Gener al Pershing In the name of President Wilson, has awarded 19 more dis tinguished service crosses to officers and men of the A. E. F., for acts of iierolsm, the war department an nounced Thursday. Among thos honored were: Major Lyman S. Frasler, 87 Bunn street, Kansas City. Mo.; Corporal Eugene R. Ferguson. Minneapolis, Minn.; Private R. Evans, Lebo, Kan.; and Private. Darls V. Ford, North Platte, Neb. BOLSHEVIK UPRISINGS IN INDIA PREDICTED COPENHAGEN, June 23. A dispatch from Moscow reports that Lenin, the Bolshevik leader, bas is sued a statement prophesying sensa tional events shortly in Asia and. East India. It is assumed here that Lenin has received word of Bolshe vik uprisings. PASSENGER STEAMER GROUNDS . NEW. BEDFORD, Mass., June 21. The steamer Northland, bound to New York and Boston with, several hundred passengers, ran aground at West island, ten miles from Busearda Bay. The passengers were transfer red so My. : W m si . U.7 I H