nii now. .11 , 1MOK RIGHT -'. Illlll) THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Ml m rh AT THE CHURCHES First ItapllHt t'tmrrli, corner WujOi InKton nn.t IVfihth J 11 (Tlttlt'.i. jiaMor. Sunitii school at 10 a. in , C K lcLi. mipoi.mtMiiii'iil I'ic.ullintj ni n t iil. h Hov J. II Griffith an I u..-u in il.o cit'tiiu,: at eight o'c! H'k. Sacroil llturt lliurcti, comer Sth mid itlRli st roots Hon. Hugh J Mtir iliiitl. p.tstor K'. T. T llnuly. Klpit .lnt ti. .- " i rlork .'.ixlt'r Duty , iM'Ooni' M- i in SO- Kvptvttl hi ami Hoiioiitctlou. No iiM'iiitiK M'rvlce. Methodist Kp'ocor.-U Ptitircli. Tenth' and HlKh Ht'v Simpson ll.itnrlrk, pastor. HIT V.&' stroot I'hone 67 W Junior l.vt;in' m '.' I'D A. SI. titlil li-'ol ; IrOr , M i Morning- Worship .it 1 1 00 A M I Due to the lllncaa of lie H.imrh'K the Suml.i.v murnjng anil PTcninc I services at the Methodist church will ' be conducted hy the Rev. J W Hry-. ant. ' All serrices will be nt the usual hour. There will ht special limbic and singing. The choir has rr-orKaniivd and i will be ahle to furnish some Reed t music Come and worship with us. i Preshyterlan OTiorfh, Tire street. near Second Ho. H 1 Lanrcncoj pastor. I The tliduc Tor the morning serv-1 fee at It A M Trill N "N'ewa Nug-' rets ficns the General Assembly; meeting" In 'he evr-jing at 8 P. M the pastor will epeai on the subject. "S.ifety Kirst" TM l the xr,k set ' apart the nation over by the rati-. roads for t consideration of the protection of life and limb. Sunday choot .is usual at 10 A M V K. at 7 P. M. r. " First ChHtlan rUurch. corner Ninth and Pine streets. C. V. Trim ble, pastor Sunday School at 10 Sermon 1 1 Christian Knde.ivn- !'resb terlnn Church) at 7 o'clock. Sermon and baptismal service at s o'clock. Prayr m"tliTg Wednes-lav evoa Ing at S p m. Emanuel Baittlst Church. Kleventh and High streets. W. L.. Wilson, pas tor. Sunday School 10 A M. Sir C W Murphy. Supt Preaching at 11 A. SI and I' M , Praver meeting- Wednesday at S. The Seventh Pay Adventlsts will meet at the Presbvter'an church at 10 o'clock. Salibatb (Saturday.) , Sabbath school. 10 a. m : services. 11 a. m.; young people's meeting 3 p. m. Prayer Meeting. Thursday at S:00 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. T !,. Thuemler, Pastor ! The Christian Science Society of Klamath Falls holds serrices at 113 Fourth street every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and every Wednesday even lac at 7:30. All are welcome. The suhlect of lesson for Sunday. "Is the rniveme. Including Stan, Evolved by Atomic Force?" The Sunday -school session is from 3 4S to 10 4R every Sunday mornliiK Th fiee re.tilmg room .Hid five lending ltlir.ii Is open truni i 30 in I 30 on Vueda.s. TliilMil.ix uitd Sa'.llldii l'h' .i in hate- lows recoKiu-ed the t ilni ' lt..n .itv oiimi i urn Heel lor r" ''"- epl m'i.1 .'tlit'- n tmmI of n jii'od tonic and tissue builder. 'e I iii col iltix I lies- iiMliotlaiU Ingredients lii ploitoiinl form. J too the largo bottle. Wliltninu Drug Co. It VIEWS FLIGHT OF AIR PLANES Stl i Vint Wiil'toi. ttbo is em i, .... m. .- ' fifl'Mtnte In hat !: tlt:ie-ed one of the mot InterestlliR spectacles it'tti; bet visit to Ashland fctor tho week-end, the army air planes stopped there on their way lo 'nun the Vlcloi Festival at Portland. The pilots of he four machines are well trained all men and their loop the loop stunts as well as the tallsplu dltes were cleterly done nnd the raen had perfect control of their planes. JIKs Walker said also that the most bciutlful part of the whole demonstration was the landlnir. on the side hill. Just north of Hear crvek. Diirins their stops at the tarloiis t alley towns cltlri-ris with a special ton.'-inc for alt filKhts were taken up for n little spin ll Is reported thai the mu.'orltv of these air notices had lost their desire ever to travel by airplane bt the time the machines were brought safely bark to earth. The nauseiiatlni: effect of .t tall spin is anything but pleasing they de-rlare. mmm; in u in . at Till .vrwt Tlli:.Tlir SIONDW. T' s coti'iMiit mi libers notch "ii pie liicliiiUlig Mnrle Fuller nnd Slmlo , itii t.i.o.1 ii inoiiitii picturos also l , loliKiinld, liat Htiodeker. Harold Hunt I'lut Steiii'is urn! Mnl or Vim full V .unlet lite ! m i nets s el' of Iho fi'iillltes or I he sb.iw Special sconeit Is emued chin a fluislii'it nppenrittlie ! .ill plus me etiled Star. June '.'.! 21 It ,TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOI8 SAI.K 1 3'. Hill" WiiKoii Stake Kark. I :t .Mlteliell ttiiKiiu Stake (Sack. 1 3 Vi Stiuletiaker liin ii'iij: pear. 1 3 1 StiideituUer tilth Humplio.irils. 1 3 i, Slmliiliaker Hat Hack 1 .1 Webei stake tack. All in Koil Ciiliilltloii I set leather harness, t chain haruckv All com plete, to head homy work horses a 1 100 pounds to UiOO hiuiiis, ready to ko lo tturk Stodoc Stables. Cor. iilth and Walnut. 2I-.1t Mirici: ',, m I ' I ' t ,, t.ey 'Mil ! iitiil A . eiiui'itl I'mers of 'I lie libiin i' itluntliiii DNli'let. i and ' i' ton are liendit thai rotiui'Kts b ton fur the in of Is from th Kl.miath on l'siroi or fur M' lts . i of p. . meiit on nil portion of tmls . I" I'd" i ' r ,K e r I tot "th I bo Son-el irv f i Irlct. In I lie IMsirlcl tlfrbf I" aiuii"on tl'iUdliiB, Kl'tmntli Dreitiill. not Inter limit .Milt l"t! In iirtlrr thai the Hoard of iters of Hie Plstrlct mat' bate ile time to view the lands in not oe Irrl pen toll I'll! Iho S ' l'ii I 1.1. Dlr. ami iiui'stiun prior to imikliiK Up liin us 'KriM III loll tni I III' prt'ieiit I oil I' iSouli A I.. WIHIIAKII. Sim tetiiry fill' lllii llonrtl . of DhtH'torH nf I tit KlHin-' nth Intention Dimtlcl. JI.SK.o.lS i FsTlt.W Vtll'M i: I Millet 3 tear old looi llrnuileil It t' Sm ui loir fit r U In rlttlil ntid iltid vr noii'li in left our I Millet S vii'ir old uteer Itiainleil T I 'ier lilt onl of enrli oai Iniis I'ltiuo lo feed tnnl of II. U Itrown, I'lVNtal. iiiogou, Notombi'r, I t'UV iliiners may liare oitine lit I ItuvIiik iroirl. paj Iiik con! of niP ti'itlsliiK and keep 3 I -US-fa VI IT 1 1 I I ...... . ' ' "' 'II IMIilUs III till' I'lllllll l I ,,!,, Ori'noii. For th. , , ' " ",""' lib "' Mum III (tin .Mattel of id, i , , if iHuhf i i '' ' "'in I ormolu h 1 1 in . nliovii estate at. i i, i , ' ' ' "'K smile Willi nr.iin , , "ill slv itiiMit tin from ,i ,i i , , l ''"n M.l or mini at I' . i '" 'nlt " loiie Finn ll ,i ' ' llllllk IIUltillllB ttliin,,,)), ,,, ''rt" KO'i , "ri'' Dated .Inn.i l'i, I . I . l.tecutilt ,i ,, ,, , , ,uu .SN s s''-'''"v';''Nv'5''ss'"!''-i" WASIIINI5 AND Ct.KANlNl! done by ' (he hour. .Mrs Ikmil and .Miss .Mot. ler S3.1 Jefferson St I'hone even ,lngs 11.1 W. . . 21-t i IWVNTFD A ttell furnished room In private house with prlvllcKo of telephone ami bath also use panic. Cupl Ntne. Hotel Hall 'J of l-tf WANTKD To buy a small house or vacant lot Address 1 2:i. In rn Herald or call on P2!' High St '.'1-lt VOU IlKNT -Furnished looms for gfiilleniyn. 711 Wiitnut Ate si-at FOIt SAI.K Furnished apartment bouse, strictly modern, best loca tion in cltt. also one comer lot Terms If desired Mrs A Whltlock. .12 t High St 21-31 ! WVVTKO Oscillating Klectrlc r,An The Smoke 21-21 '..- v (;., Keepem Hon b ,i N ' -A"""""I ,,or J"T- on the Farm." and other lite records ,, " ln,,l,,r r"" '' ""'"!' hy ,""lnK Shenherd's nejt door to Post Office "ll ""Ire. Identifying same and 3t p.itlns for this ad. 21-31 FOIt SAI.K Chevrolet I'nl touring car. Flei'trlr lights and starter itood tires 3.10 rash. J 11 Staub. Ocn Del City. 2t-2t No woman can bate a beautiful complexion unless her blood Is rich and free from Impurities. Nux-I-Tone. i be now-ful tonic, contululng Iron and Nux Vomica In combination .. ..v. p.,,, .,,) wihp, nurlfles the I'ton.i :,n,i rr0rotes health and strength. $1.00 the large bottle - ,. t, FOR SAI.K Flectrlc light fixtures, one table and five sets of book sholtos office of Thomas Drake. Odd Fellotts bldg 21-21 Not a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water Saya a giasa of hot water and phosphate prevents illness and keeps us fit. "SOMKTHINt! TO THINK AIKHT" PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE "The Furnisher of Happy Homes" IUO-111 X .SitCh Mrrrt 1 am overstocked on wlckur furniture and will hare to move same to make room for a new line that Is com ing In. and also I cannot afford to carry this lino over, and the season Is short now. and If you are In the market for a chair or rocker In this high grade class of goods your dollar will surely work overtime It you try and spend it now for the particular articles that I have called your attention to. Itespectfully, PKRKINS Fl'KNITlltK IIOUSK. "The Furnisher of Happy Homes." Uy J. T. Perkins. s VMany a man dates back his success to the day he opened his savings account. $$$ The day you begin to save is the day you grow independent. $$$ No man ever retired on the money he spent start your savings account today. $$$ WE FAY YOU .1 PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSITS Jylamath jtate pank "THE DAYLIGHT BANK" Corner Sixth and Main HHIIMIHIII tttt1r-M"tAA-M--'-Afr'M-fr-r K:44"XX"X T J T t T hind a certain amount of incom- T A t T T t T T T & it behind a certain amount of Incom bustlble material In the form of ashea, no the food and drink taken day after Jay leaves In the alimentary cana! a certain jniount of Indigestible ma terial, which if not completely elimi nated from the system each day, be omes food for the millions of bacteria hlch Infest the bowels. From this mass of left-over waste, toxins and ptomnln-like poisons are formed and sucked Into tho blood Men and women who can't get feel lng right must begin to take Inside' baths, llofore eating breakfast each morning drink a glass of real hot wa ter with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash out the thirty feet of boweta the previous day's ac rumjlitlon of poisons and toxins, and to keep the oat I re alimentary canal i clean, pure and fresh. Thou who are subject to sick head- j J ache, colds, biliousness constlruitlnn. others who wake up with bad taate. foul breath, backache, rheumatic stiff ness, or have a sour, gassy stomach after meals, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosprate from the drutr store, and begin practicing internal 'sanitation. This will cost very little, but Is sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on tho subject. iwtmlAtk hat hlnv la mnnA Important than outside bathing, be- mum the skin pore do not absorb 'J impurities into tits blood, causing Toor healUa, while Ute bowel pores do. Just as soap and tot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens tbe skin, se sot water and limestone phosphate art on tbe steesaob, liver, kidneys and bowels, Adr, SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 1919 OWL CAFE SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER, $1.00 SOUP Cream of Chicken ' RELISHES Hearts of Lettuce, French Dressing SALAD Prcsh Cral) en Mayonaise FISH Fillet of Sole Tartar Sauce. Choice of Roiled shoulder Lamb, Caper Sajuce, R'-ast Young- Chicken, Oyster dressing, Prime Rihs of Beef ait jus VEGETABLES Creamed Mashed Potatoes, Fresh String; Beans, DESSERT Ice Creain and Small Fancy Cakes. Demi Tasse. ''MW'i;- J 7 7 7 7 t Let Nux-I-Tone Tone Up Your System Nux-I-Tone is peculiarly fitted to tone up the system, en rich the blood, improve the appetite, aid digestion, and promote new health and strength. Convalescents, weak, anemic women and girls, feeble old folks, delicate children all need a good tonic and blood builder. Nux-1 -Tone A Powerful Tonic Containing Iron and Nux Vomica in Combination With Beef and Wine Is our recommendation. Nux-I-Tone differs from many other so called tonics in that it is pleasant to take and the Iron and Nux Vomica are in a form that is readily accepted by the system. There are other reasons, too, why Nux-I-Tone is so popular with our customers. Come in and let us show-you. $1.00 THE LARGE BOTTLE Whitman Drug Co. 520 MAIN ST. PHONE 143 ft4!tN frftfrfrl 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 : 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t J T T T ? T t t 1 '. lLiMliSi