rc.v stv THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON "VII ItDW. s, n & a ti" I M: i I -, LEGAL NOTICES MT.i i: VO I'KOI'MtlV OWNERS ON I INK Siitl.Nl-. N'.i l'A.'F. AU.J-.' 1 HAT I liK lt.V K 2 DANS KitOM FlrtSr PFIH.ICA TIO.V OP THIS NOTH 1-. IN W 1IICH TO FI1.K APPLICATIONS TO f.VY TliKtlt ASShS.SMK.STrf IN TUN ANNl Al. INSTALL MENTS. IN AlVOIMUNv. h ITU THE FOLLOWING NOTICE OF PUOPJKTiO.NAil. AislwVKNi Notice Is l-eheby given tli.it tlu Common t os:. n o. ( .e - ii of Klaui th Kills. Oregon did h ordinance dull udjptcd on Juno ;'tti. 1919 anil approved on tho tflili dav o( June 1319. dec .are lie pr.'i'ort mute .i trosmctii upon cich lot. part of lot. , 2t o- t'li- ii.irti'i and i lii follouitiK In .1 I m ot mo iimiios of on nor of tlio proper! so assessed .is shown 1) such Iniii.t lion docket .nut atil ordl-tiniii-.. .igether with the toi.it Jliwiinl to usmwMT igitliist tlii prop er!) of , . h iwium mill reference is hereby in ulo in such docket of CITY I.IKN'S f.r detailed description of each lot pnrt of lot block mill acre age pi open so assessed Further notlro Is also ghen the re-.pectiie propert owners so assess ed .ir.il t'eroln below mentioned. tli.it Hiir'i .iiuc'moiit H ilno mul payable, .mil will be tlcliniitcnt after tlio o plrnllon of 20 (i.iv from tlio date of tlio tlrt publication of this notlro is.iiil frt nnlilio.it ion will lio on block or aerobe uroiurt.- benefited end liable fir tfc cost of Improving ; Juno I.. 1919 l'lne Slice, fro-u TU.rd Strict woslor Tlio oronortv owners ho assessed ly to Payne Allv. ami Payne Alley I must either p.iy In cush or make and mul bond for the fiilthful roiiiplrtlon pnot .1 !' 'lie lit' nut I .ill I .11 li out illi o mi P'.l'tl tin No ! ' .l.loptoil on tlio t'l i'.ii of IllIU' I 'l I ' mil l'i in 1 1 l' (I . run or on tlio I lh .l.n of liiiui I'M'' Snld platfs .poclli.'iittofi mul cstl llwite being on file In tlio o.'ftco of ili I'lilieo Judge mul in the office of tlio Citj Engineer The pioposod luiprovi'iit'tf nltl In let In one emit met and ill" time In willed the H.iiuo Is lo lie completed U floii iiv s.i, onlin nice for iVtolior 16th. 1919. ItliN must 1e filed with the roller Judge for submission to the i'iuiiu'II nt tils offleo In tlio eity lull not Inter Hum S o'eloek r M of Co 2Srd d. of June 1919: at wlheh iImi niu' pl.ieo propiisnt.s Mill ho opened mul eonsldered. Knch proposal must lie nreonipnnl rd by n certified cheek on some m sponsible bmik In iimoiint mil to ." percont of the iiRgri'K.Ue miiount of the propositi, the sumo to bo forfeited to the city h the successful bidder upon failure to enter Into contract 'I f I in l i l ! .uloptnil on mul up llu Hub mul est I offnv of ofi.ie of Irom rii.e t;ee: southerly to Main Street. IticludinK intersections The property so asses,sed bj said crdinance it- all that proper!) lyinc tdjacenl lo said pans of satd slnvt.s between the above mentioned termini nd extending lateral!) to the centers of the respectlie blocks lytnc adja cent to said parti of said streets a. tar as impriied. That the docket of city liens has been made un as provided by section 26$ of the charte- of -.al I e ty and the followInK is a list of the names j f o ners of the pr pert o assessetl. , zs .shown bv such bond in dockei and ! said ordinance tocether with the i total amount so assessed :iK:ilnt thei properly of each of .aid owners and , reference Is herebv made to such rfockrl of c'lv liens for a detailed description of each lot. pari of lot. block or acreage properly so assessed Further notice Is also herebv Riven to the respective property owners so uses'ed and herein mentioned tbit such assessnien! is due and payable, and will be delinquent ifler the ex piration of twenty days from the date f the first publication of this notice That the first publication of this aotice Is oa June 17th. 1919 That property owners o assessed must either pay in cosh or mak and file with the Police Jndce of sj( dly apolications to nay such assess ments in irstallrien! within tho ? days from tbo tlat of the first pub UcaUon of this notice i Amount assessed aslns! property of each owner file w"b the- I'ollee JuiIro of said city their apnllcatlons to pay such aMsst'ints In installmeiits within the lwotv iHys bei;tnulnK with the first publication of this notice. Klamet'i 'lev Co Klam.M'- iVy i'o M J. Heilr Henry Offe-ib ichor K W rnn-Vett r v v.ih Marion Hinks et al . tJ.W ',i..e Paul V ?aiit'i Taul F Si-lt'i KlamMh Dm Co Kmma A Johnson Kmma A Johmon Emma V Ti'inson $ II lit 'J .1 tr ir I TirUi-oU T nrlsco'l F t'nwird F Mow l-il t r.ni-,.v t r;iiv-,.v n VltV-r Schmltt .t Jos delimit! 'Vislev F T1 11 ir H ' i -i - i "istov I'eters tlov ti.- rn Co. A. t CoIHe- A M Collier Klla MeMilHn Helen Plumb Thnmxs Alanson C I'lnies Atanson C Himes Marv A. Drew 7.. Fstlla Hoslev .. B. : Josle Low S. T. Low S. n. Low ... . Fsla'e of Cbas. N Meyer Maude Goller . . .. . Marv A. Jor)' r. P. Combs H. H. Van Valkenhurc . . 7T. K. f' .Tpssl" Momver . H. It. V-n Valkenhurs 3. W. VcCov J. W. McCov . . .. J. W. McCnv Kstate of Wirrlet Rnhnrti . Ftfte of Uoberts "U'llllam X Willson H. S. Moore .. . Tt. 55. f- Man- ! Moore ft. S. Moo'P Mary L Moore Molelte Jennines Kstate of Harriet Roberts TTstate of Hirriet Roberts .. Ben. T Baldwin and K. L. Honkins fTeo. T Baldwin and E. L. Hopkins . . . C. D. Willson -.5"?.0'i J ."3 no 770 r. 772.7 - -S it -,.n nst.li 7.ns 4t,: "t."rt iiir..22 Tas. on 1 "0 o , 92 71 , f.5fi ft fiSS.o 2 1 so 1 in on 413.11 i ST. on ' ;r.ft.r.o ' 43 20 20". 30 ' 1S3 I" ' 086.30 ' 113 -. 113 :,; us r. 113 r- 113. Rs 13" 1 1 3 -. I 1!" IS 13". t 1 171 07 3111 37 It 37 t! ' '.r ; .;.-! rt I ?o u 29 (! I "0 ri "o fit "0 'it l."0 fit 29 fit 20 fil -'0 oi-o , i o r. 4.o fit 20 r. i ;o fift 20 fin o fin in fii lo fiA ! fie 'o r.o vo r i ) r i ( i. ii i r.o t:n - of said Itnproxement In ueeordimce wllh tho specifications tbeiefor Tho ('In of KUmiUh Falls rvsori ItiK the rlplit ut all times to reject am and all proposals and ( abandon he sitd nroposed Improiemetit upon conslderntlon of said bids If It s(i elect mul without llubilltv in the lt of Klaiiinth Falls. OreKmi to mi bidder or person Intero-ted in s.ild proposed Itniiroi euieni Tho award to tho successful bidder for making the iroposed said Im- tiroiemeiit Is hereby made rotlllnReii! w I'll I I' in .' the d.li i'l .llltle I'M p. '1 'I) the lil.u or oil il n ime 1 1 ' Si ' il'ins t'ocl'ii'.-itlfii's mail tint ',. fll" ih i lie the 1 . -e III utul 111 tin the i Kunll'ft'T Tl ' roposoil liiiproletui'iit will be li I I oe ei ut nisi the time In whle i ' le srt' e 's to bo i'iiiiii'leil Is fUed I. said oidttimice fot October I .Mil I 1 10 II - must be filed with the Police Jtidr ' ' ir nuiiioUsiou to tbo Coituctt at hi fftie .ii the cit h.ill not later than - 1 1 lor', I M of the 23rd d,iv of J n ip nl which time mul p!iir i ropiM. 's w ill lonsuieri'd. F ' proposal unit be nccomiimii oil b i certified check on mime re spun 'i e ban', in amount eiiunl to ' per i !" of tlu aiscroKiito auiouui of the I m nisiil i he s.une to be forfeited to the ."II v b the succeio.fttl bidder upor t illuro io (iiiii-r into eotitre.'t mid 'io'iiI fot the faithful completion or silt! iniprnxomotil in nceord.inco With t'ie speclfl.Mtiutin therefor Tlip ttv of Mmiuith Kalis reierr ItiK ill" ruhl at all times to re I eel ii 'n mi I ill iioio,i and to .ib.uut.ii the sa d proposed Improveiiteut UP ',i i ' iik mi filn In tlio off 'ut i ordniire t, , i I'..- I'iiIIi.i IiuIk,, mul in ilio nffi, . ru iMiiiis i.( i,, , .ii Hi,, iin I.'uki or the other or ih, Die iiiopilsiil liiipriilenirtil will lie mi'lil iiuiiimhi,., , , let In ouo iimiuirl. mul tho tllili' In' ed U null) tniiti, ,i li 'Mill Oldlumii tbo 'Jill din nt iroii., In , lli( dm nf Jutiv, ii pi Mnlil plnim !,, , initios lining n i ho I'nllrii JiuIk., . nlll.ll lite miittii r tu be Colli I'li'linl I fiv.'il In said iirdliiutii'o fin liituhei Kill l'0 Mills llllln' bo flllll Willi I III' I'lllll'll JiulK'' for siibiiilRslon to tli t n 1 1- II ut hi' office in the I'll i hull not Inter thsn S o'rlncli p in of Ihu 23rd dav of .luce. I'll'J at which time mul "f Hie t'lli Cimu,.. . t'lico ptoposaU win bo upetiml mul Tbo miiiiisk, i,,,,,, ciiiislileroil let in tiiiuu Kiuli proposal niimt be neiomiiiiu- vblcli tho Un, , , led In a coillfleil heck on sumo in- I" fixed b) mild ouliii sponsible hunk III miiount ciiin to f I Bill. I'JI'.i tier cent or tlio ilKKIi'Kllto nillontit of the pioinisiil the mimo to bo fin dill,l bo opened and to the cm b the mi i.sful hUldei iiihiii iiiiiuie in otilei Into conduct nun niMiii uir me iiiiiuiui iiluiie(ioii of Jiitm, ;ii oi .iui niipioioiueui III IH'i'iU iln lire plucii witii i in- sieriiicitllous tlieteiur The City of Kluinii'li Fulls ivsoii IttR the rlfibt nt till limes to i elect imv and all proponils mid to abandon i l ' " I M ' '' in ' t.,1 1 ' )..r I llllll 1 II I ir ii,, lltds in mil bn fii, JlltlBn fill ,M hi hu tirrico in ii,, than S n rluck n l Hill, iniiluisiiU win i, ciMlsldored Knell iniiinii.nl , i led In ii cortirui.l . i,. . l III. I Il t, III II '"llllll ' Ulr '.I ,,r " Still 1 aiiil "Pin- Hllilltallil.i I... ..I ... -"'1111 ff. the said proposed Improvt mt upon .' ,.,'. ,"' , " '" ',,",,"" iuai (0 s coiislderallou of snlil bids. If II mi ,',' ','' "' "f. " '' "" " ..i,,,,,,,,, ,,. " ini'l will,,,,,. 1 lll.i I, ', ' '."i I m '""M Clti of malum h Falls to miv bl.l.ler ' . ',',, , " ' '"' MJ,.r 111 tl II 1' 111 1-111 . ... ..,,,, ,!M otl Cotisldenitloil of s.ild bills elect 111.1 without ll.ibltlts I'll The award lo the successful bidder for in ak I UK the pioposed snlil Iln- If It sit ptoiemeut Is heiebv utitdo coutlUReut to the " "nut llnuiii'ii,.-ni with tlio Mirlfraii,i, ,,, The Clt) of Khtinuih , iiik I lie riKbt nt nil 'HI' "HII, " iin. r,.i upon the s.ilo of the bonds outhnrlt- proieineut Is hereby tti.ule ciiutlURent IO tie illioii 111.' nnlo of I In. linn, U null,. .il. .l "" '"" rlK" "' nil II of Kl.ll ,J b Fulls to mil bidder in limit,!,, run. Is fnc ti.i.ln.... ...i.t i,. ""' 4""' "" l'loiou , ... . .-....-,.. ....... .... ..... .,,. . . or nersou iiiioresitii to H.tiit nniti..,..,,! i.... ..i u11' - --.. ... ....... .-,,.,.....,. , i ... .1.1,1. Impioieiuent ti,,. ,,IIUHi pnctriciitloii 1(Mll i no .tuuni to tne successful bidder mates nbnve leferre.I to ninbrare mid for makitit! the ironosed s.ild lm i.nni.i., it,i it,.. i.r,,i.,,....t i,. ........ .. mi, I I, I ptopusKd in, I,.,,., . . ctlllrititi.r.if t.m ..r ....I i . estl-' r ' "'i'i "in lilluv ed to prm lil. funds for muklUK said Imtiroiemeut. Tho plans sneclflcat'otis mul esti mates aboe referred to embrace anil provide that said proposed tmproio tnent of said streets shall consist of pavlni; salt! portions of said streets with bltullthlc paiemi'itt without cement sidewalks hut liicludinK curb Iiik and KniilliiK. or oil I'lucidmu tiaiemetlt without cement sldewajks. but Including curblnc mul Knull'nK S.ild Improvement In either even! to Include grading, rolllnc and curbing upon the sale of Hit. bonds nuthorUed to proiide funds for innklm; salt! Im provement The tilmis. spoilflciitlous ,-md est. mates alioie referred lo embrace am) proildo tlint the promised Improve ment shall consist In ttnullni; snld streets to ostibllshed uraile mul pnv ItiK same with either oil mnrmlnm. cement or htthutlthle antl the con struction of I foot cement sidewalks nil In accordance with the plans and specifications on file Proposals ire requested on all rlas and dnilnnee Said Improiement to ses of pavement mentioned Dated at l... in -.. i.. ...i.i.t. i-i i. ..... ... wreitoii. tins I till ilny r.n ", fill ? .:i S '-"iimn'b n. ,'),, ,, ti j n Vf.tivi- 'm ct"ti'f I. F ?chmitt Tb t ttrnwe'-'s , M(r o s Tlrewories M I' 'onson 1 "ilwanl 7orn . . A Cornell C " Farr . . . '"I'.tr.'lth nv ''ti W I irn,i1v C T.. Knich . 7 MVndMnf ... . Kt'i-ath Dov "o .... , A. "jinnte A Rannte A Uannie t'lnmath n"v I'arrv A Kindred Klamath Tiev. . . . Annie Vnitnn . .. . Anna N'otbnn Klamath Dev. . .... Klamath Dev Klamath rvv Klamath Der. . . . .'is. Rvan W it Stewart W. H Stewart Weed Lumber Co c-il Or" Power Co. Klamath Vallev Wrhse Co. Klam Valley Wrhse it Fwd Co 132 19 Klam Va'.lev Wrhse & Fwd Co 132 4 0 he 30 feet In width Proposals are Invited on all kinds of pavement mentioned, without cement sldw-aks Dated at Klamath Falls June 1 ttb 1919. A I. I.EAVITT t'ollce Judce of the C of Kimnalh Falls. NOTICE OF HOD sM.E. Sealed bills will bo received the hour of 2 o'clock p in . the Klmit'Hli Falls of June 1913 A I. I K.WITT Police Jiiilse nf the Cltr of Klamath Falls, Or.'icon VOTICi: INVITIVt; PIOPOS..S. I'ursumit to tirdlnmire and onler ment shall consist of KriullllR the smite in eslabllshetl urnile to the width of 2.'t feet mul hard siirfuctiut the said stteels to the width nboio specified Oler nil, 1 II C I II it 1 11 K coinent curbs mul t-emeut sldeivnlks. with either till in.icuilnm pavement, run CI i'l" puieiuetit, ill bltullthlc uin. ment In either event to Include sidewalks ctirbltiK mid Krmllur! Pioposnls nro Itiilinl on nil three kinds of pavement mntlllotieil wllh commit aldawalk. luted at Kl.iinutli Falls, June 1Mb. 1919 a i. i.KAvn-r. Police Juilce of tho City of Klamath Falls. Oronint MITIl II INMTIMJ I'ltOPOsALS. .iv Jt-ft 'l.aiiilDn "' llp.fl If l , '" thi tinlilur inHliiir is-lkilic elect, mul ii ll hum h tu oi nui in n n rnlls i or person Interested it, ,,,, prfm,) ""PI I'llK'MI The nwnrtl lo t tu- mi. .. n l,',i, fur nmklni- tbo ir.,...n, ,i a, ,, proveiuent Is heiebi u,, ,,t ,,,.' iil'ini mo nun. in i,,. I,,,,,, Uetl to prill III., f tin. In f ,, said Improiotiiou! The plans spm Ifirutliin-. mi, . tlllinti's nliim. rt'lorri'd in t.ntjrfi mul prill lite I lint nl.l ,ruio..., lBl. pltilemont of snld st roots nhitll con sist of Kruillnc tho sniiie I., u.iabliah otl Krmlo to tlu width of u fret Is. tweru the nun lnr ly litu. t Wall street unit tho luiiihi-rlv line of SprltiK stroot mul 2f. f,.,.i u, m.m, hot weep tbo utirl burly line of spr m street to Purlflr Ti-rrnn itm Pj clflc Terrace from Huron ireri nor llierlv to Purtlniiil ir.-..i ,m.i !'. Pursumit lo ordinance and order of laiul stre.-t from Pnrin, i,rrr,,( the Common Council of tho Clt) of ,.r to tb.. eustern boiin.tan .,( ih.i Klmnntb Fulls. OreRim. imtlco Is fn f Klitiiwitti Falls nn.l lu.r.1 .i,r ,i.-i.-,i kiu'ii nun iiroinisais win i rn-inL- , i.i ir....i. i., , I,.. .. i.i.. "'i . '""I'll "I ilio I 111 OI IVCl.llOil 111 Mill I'llllllllnn l'.iili!ill f.. ..I. !... .. .. .. - ,...,.. t.tl . . . --- - .... - , Mif.i.ii nM'lll'l llll-l III, Mi IH.ITI1C hat si,,,' "' ,", '" ""r ' : K.IV:'" ,,Uk,n ""' ""Prgiomeill deslKned concrete curbll.K and Rridifiit with ., ,,, s id Co, titn (-..ii ;' '""'r' ,v '"r "" l.rovoment of Kiplaundo ..,),..r bltullthlc p., .,., u I n .?! i i1?'1"1'""1"1 ,r,,m '"" "'' '" f endnm pnlrmoht or ....,.(.. ,u,n 12th imprtMepu'lit tleslKiiet f r i m in. VVhII .in.i .. It n -r ..-.. it ' ---- ...... ....... ... n i ts. lit' IIII'III clflc Terrace from Huron street nor therl) to Portland slreot mul Port- hind stivci from Pacific Terrace Haiti Imprntcitu'tit to be luado lit r 127 n! 117 12 i 27 127 117 127 123 nS 123. OS lay or July. 1919. by the iindenlieneil proveitu.nt or l.lnroln "treot from 9th anil Immediately thereafter publicly street eusterl) to Mill streol, inrlutl opened by the County Court of Klam- "" Intersections nth Cnunli- nrpnn nt tli.. nl.. ,. Said tintit.i.i.l l.i.i.... ..,.. ... i. . ... .. . ... . . W...V. ... - ui 1.1 t.nsieriy 10 1110 city limits of Kin 111 said Court n the 'County Court House made In accordance win, the plans ml, Kalis. Or.-Kon. lncludlnK Inter In Ktnmnth' Falls. Oiokoii. for Iho n' leclflcallotis of the City Knitln- s"-tlons purennse ot nontls of said County Is- '"er uir one or the otlu-r of tho classes sued for the bulldlni: of permanent "' Improvement inetitloiietl therein roads therein In tho sum of )lai). 1)00, nil upproietl b the council, and In same belnR n portion of an authorized accordance with ordinance No. tSS. Issue of J347.704, same twins In le- adopled on the 9th tla) of Juno! nominations of JlOOrt each, except the 1919. and by the mayor upproietl 011 wo last numbered bonds for $500 utul '" tth day of June. 1919 J20I respocllvcly. numbered from 1 Snld plans, specifications and estl upwards, dated July I ,1919, and ma- males be Iiik on file with the Police turlnic .serially In numerical ortler us JuiIko and In the office of the cltr Ptoposnls nre tniiti'd m, nil i. iiili ot IMIellli'lll Illt'lltlotU'il llnted ut Klmunth Fall Jm,. I Ph. 1919 A I. I.I' ITT Police JllllKe of I he 1 'II ot Ktmiuilh Fulls Oii'Kiin HF.SOI.FTIO.V PIIOPOSINC TO CHANOK THK OHADF. OF PtlltNtlNS OF IIKill ST.. I-'IIINT T.. AND SECOND MT WHKIIKA8. the Coillinoti Council tleems II mpedlent to rlmiute thi Krade of portions of HIkIi Mreot. First Hlreet anil Heroud Sir UK IT ItK.SOI.VED That tho crndu -jf ixirtlons or snlil streets Imi Chanced un follows 01 on Klamath Dev Co. I Klamath Dev Co. Klamath Dev Co Weed I umber Co I Klamath Dev. Co. Klamat'i Dv Co. ... ,' Edwin D. Weary ,,7''; Edwin i) Wearv .' . Klamath Dev Co ln-jo.n-; ,... n.,.,in 121 OS 121.0S in. os 121.08 121 OS 121.0S follows Serial Numbers' 1 to 34 Incl $31,000, ten (10) )ears from dun, of Ismui, 3.r. to SS. Incl . $3 1,000 eleven (U) years from date of Issue; 69 to 102. Incl . $34,000 twelve (12) years from date of Issue; 103 to 135. Incl. $3t.00n thirteen -mi., i"J." .ray Derilnt; . .. 121. OS ,iV. s... K- ' i -o "' E- S-ehorn 117.33 h . Jf . qn Vallrenburs "1, W. E. P-ehorn US.r.s Jc5Mne A Taylor . .. Z-.,p W- K Rhorn 113.S8 U' 5' i"" J." , CnuU,'S inn I W. K. Peehorn . IIUis H H. Van Valkenhurs . t.9nv K pehorn n3 -s ""2" ::-"Jw.E. S-ehorn 113.58 ""J?,li',0, " !:" Martin TlroK . n.U.1 i,T;I'lt0"o . r, ,- IS:-""' Martin nun. . . H3..18 rirt State x. R3vlnB, Bank ;2'n Martin Ilros U3..-.S Krnes ne He, r ch . . . r,R, Martn Kro(i ,,. Frnestne Hedrch ; '-. 1 Klamath Dev 2.f!0 Ernestine Held rich . ;.' J Kalnath Dev . 123.08 t 'iv,n ,m rii's?''3 Kurman .. . 123.08 Jon. A. McDonald "J-JJ Klamath Dev 123 08 Jaaner nennett ?f... 10 F p WJh T.. S. Phi ins 8.80 ffi h (. Anler,orl 123n Amanda Hamaker -.R3.no K,Bmath n,,v ,,, "rfllr Jf'?7aker, ,., n Klamath Dev . 123.08 Publlsbed by order of tlte Common FIorpnCP WendHnl5 .. 123.0S Council of the Citv of Mamath Falls FIorf.nre Wendllnc 123.08 under authority of section 209 of the FIor,.nrp Wendllni; U3.S8 charter of said city Klamath Dev 113.S8 Dated Klamath Falls, Oregon, June, Klamath Dev 113 ";8 " 1919' tv WITT j Klamath Dev.' :.' .i....".'.:..: nj, Police Judge of the city ) p. r, r,nntp ,,, n of Klamath Fal.s, Oregon, j p. G Ctn0l lia.r.g NOTICE TO PHOPFUTY OWNERS j jUm?, ,Si'n2 OWNERS ON 8PHINC. STREET . Klamath Dev 12308 THAT THEY HAVE 20 DAYS I K.n h nZ ' ,i,2 WnPft I.llmliap rn til no TO , WopH T.lltnlmp fn Oi ..................... 6.,i,i Published by order of the Com mon Council of the city of Klamath Falls under authority of section 269 of the charter of said city. Dated Klamath Falls, Juno 17. 1 f 1 9. A. h. I.EAVITT. 131 coin nt the engineer The proposed luiproieiueut In be let In one contract, and tlu time In which the same Is to bo complfted Is fixed by said ortllnunco for Oct. ISth, 1919 Mils must bo fii,! with Ihu Police Judge for submission lo the Council not Inter thun S o'clock p m nf t!u 2 3rd tiny of June. 1910 m ui.i.i, High Street. West side of First Street. from Curb North .South HittewAlk North south High! StU'.'t. Eust High Street from nt and from nt lo side of First Street from to . 70 font from East from lfiO feel from the from 23 1 n 22U & 231 0 229 f. 23 1 0 232 0 230 11 22R S To. ill llfi feel from tho East line of First Street. (13) years from dato of Issur to 150. Incl. $11,000 fourteen "me and plaro all nronnsnU uin 1. (14) jeurs from tluto of Issue opened und considered Colli tinnitn W .m !.. . . l fl ll iM.n.ul .... .) i.,iin.-i i.j ui-ai iiiivreni ut 1101 10 i'..ii""in iiiusi no urcmnpan- exceed six per cent (6 per rent I per '''I ")' a certified check on no-no re. "'t'1 Street. West line Serontl Street. annum, payable emi-annually on sponsible bank to tho amount nt r. from 121.08 January anil July first, principal antl Per cent of tho aggregate of the nm. to 121.08 Interest payable In Fnlted States gold P"al, to he forfeited by tho urre. High Street, East line Second Street, otrtre or the county '"' nuttier upon failure to ont sr into from . 230 0 . 22s r. lino of First Street, 220.ll 220 11 East line of First Street Illll 211 I) 210 II 2 13 ll 220 0 Treasurer or a tthe Flscul Agency of contract anil bond for tho falihini! the State of Oregon In New York completion of tho Improvement In ar. High Street from, nt 9fi feet from Second Street. to 213 r, 212 0 212.0 212.0 !12 0 !13 f. np 212 212 0 212 0 ,city. al the option of tho holder. coruance with the contract The City Said bids must bo accompanl-d by of Klamath Falls, reserving the right a certified check for 5 per cent of tho 1 reject any antl all bids and propos- amount bid and must he uncondl- "Is and to abandon the proposed lm. jtlonal. provoment upon consideration of snld , The approving legal opinion of "III". If It no elect, and without llu- Messrs Teal, .Miner & Wlnfree of blllty lo the. City, to any bidder or Portland. Oregon, will he furnished person Interested In said proposed 211 n 2 1 0 212 0 213 d 212 0 214 6 219 11 218 0 und from, at 17G feet from Second Street, To, nt 65 feet oiinl of the east lino of Serontl Street. 220.5 220.5 223.0 To, nt 185 feet east of the east lino of Second Street. I1S.0 218 0 221.0 tho successful bidder. 1 The Court resorurs the right to re ject any or all bldn. C. It. DEI. VP, 17-21-1 Clerk sale of the bonds authorized lo pro- vino runus ror making said propuied ADMl.VISTItATOIVH NOTICE OF 'mrV,i1','".'nt . , ., .,... ..rvir .,,,... T'"' nI'l,1Hi Mioclflcutlotts and estl- f"'1"' h.ai (M-UJU.11, mates ubovo referred to .mbiio und, In tho County Court of the Stato of provide for tho proposed Improve-j Orogon for Klamath County ment tho grading of the Mtreet to tho! In tho Matter of tho Entuto ot Noah established grade, and paving sumoi E, Arnold, deceased : 1 with "Oil Macadam, Including co-i Notice Is hereby given that I have ment sidewalks, curbing and grad- men my imai account, anil report as ing, or i:cmont, including cement High Street, West linn of Third Street, from to .. High SirVi't, Eust Hun of Third Street, from 202.0 to ...... "05.0 hereby contingent upon the. High Street, at 70 feet east of the eust llnu of Third Siren I, from 194,0 194.0 to 194.0 194.0 High Street, at 150 feet eust o film eust linn of Third Street, Improvement Thu award lo the successful bidder for making the proposud Imnrovo. mem is 204.0 20 I. S 204.0 203 6 202.0 200 0 from lo Hlght Street, West line of Fourth Streut, from lo Hlgbt Street, East linn or Fourth Street, from (o 191.4 192.0 191.0 191.0 191,0 191,0 191 19! 191.0 191.0 191.0 191.0 Administrator of tho Estato of Noah sidewalks, curbing and grading, or, High Struct, nt 130 feet east of'tho eust lino ot Fourth Street, 204.0 207 u 202 0 204 0 105.0 195 f 193 0 194 0 193 0 193 ! 193 0 193 r. J.-!! 0 .: 21ii 0 220 220 1) 21 0 2110 212 0 209 S 212 2120 219 21S 0 220 5 215 0 20i a 201 202 0 200 i 1930 193 i) 190 5 189 ' 190 1SS S 1S9 0 1HS 5 FROM 1ST PUHMCATION OF I THIS NOTICE IN WHICH FILE APPLICATIONS TO PAY THEIR ASSESSMENTS IN 10 AN-, NCAIi INSTALLMENTS IN AC- CORDANCB WITII THE FOl,-! 7.0WINO NOTICE OF PROPOR TIONATE ASSESSMENT Notice Is hereby given that the ' Comon Council of the City of Klam-' th Falls, Oregon, did, by ordinance No. 454, duly adopted on the 9th day of June, 1919, and approved by the' Mayor on tbo 10th day of June, de-. dare the proportionate assessment pon each loti part of lot block and acreage property 'foundto. be benefitt ed and liable, jtor.ithp cost. of. improvy fng Spring StreetIfoax HlitU street aortberly to Oak.-avenue, and inter actions. : ' i rJ- -V . " f The propertxBO assessed, bysald rdlnance is)allthe property lying adjacent to snld- part ,of said street between the atibve mentioned termini and extending laterly to the center of the respective blocks lying adjacent to said part of sald'street so' far as the Improvement extends tbereon, That the docket of City Liens has been mode up an provided by Bectlon E, Arnold, deceased, and tbo ubovo with bltullthlc. Including cement sldn entitled court has fixed upon 2:30 walks, curbing and grading, or plan o'clock In the afternoon nt July 19th, Ing thereon H Inches of Cinders with 1919, a stbu tlmo and thu county, out sidewalks. Proposals are rn Court room In the Court hottfei of quested on ull classes ot pavement Klamath County, Oregon In tho City mentioned. ot Klamath Falls, In said County as Datod at Klumath Falls, Orogon, tbo place, when and whore any per- this llth duy ot June, 1919 Police Judge of tho City of Klamath Falli, Oregon. son may present any objection or ex ception to anything contained there in or to anything dono by him as Ad-' mlnlstrator ,and that a tsucb time and! place the said court will finally pass' upon and nettle, said account und ro-i port. II .K. SMITH, A L, LEAVITT. Pollen Judgo of the City of Klamath Falls, Orogon, NOTICE I.VVITI.VO PROPOSALS Pursuant to Ordinance and order l10, 17, 2 1' 8 1B 01 ine uommon Council of the City of-Klarnath Falls. Oregon, notice is . NOTICE INVITIM. I'llOPOSAU hereby given that proposals will be I Pursuant--tQ Ordinance and order KOTICK INVITINO PROPOSALS. Pursuant to ordinance and order of tho Common Council of tho City of Administrator of'tho Estato of."la"itth, Ka,,.,i ,0roon, notice Is Noah K. Arnold, deceased., "&'- ","HJi"I" '"!" ,..,........ .,, ,,. wui.iu.ui. UUUMUH I for making tho Improvement design front 198.6 198.5 19K 5 li to 190.0 195.0 19.S 0 JlU'i High Street, West lono of Fifth Street, from 200.0 206.0 20C 0 20'0 to 208. 0 206.0 208.5 203 6 High street, East linn of Fifth Struct, from 207.0 207 0 207.0 207 n to 207.0 207-0 209 5 2015 High Street, at 80 feet east of thu oust lino of Fifth Street, from 208.0 208.0 208.0 208 to 210!0 210.0 212.5 207.S Hlght Street, at 175 feat eust ot tho oast lino of Fifth Street, from . 197.0 197.0 201.0 197.0 to . 202.0 202.0 206.0 ID"-' Tltonco on a uniform grade to osUblluhod grade at Sixth Street. First Street, at 20 foot north of thu north lino of I'l 11 u Street, West from 187.0 to 189,6 revived by,tb.Q Common Council for ma King tne improvement designed for' the Improvement ot Market St., J hereby given that .proposals will ,be from the, northerly line of 6th Street to the Houtherlyllue of Lot 10 In Block 17, and the southerly. line of Lot .'10, Block 18. Of Second nallrnntt Addition to tbq olty ot Klamath Falls, iiiciuuing intersections. Said improvement to be made In accordance with the plans and sped IficuUona of the City Engineer for ono or the other of the classes of lm provectent mentioned therein and sp ot the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, notice Is received by said Common Council for making tne improvement designed for the Improvement of iOtb Street from (Main Street northerly to Pros pect'8treet,';and High Street from 9th Street easterly to llth Street, Includ ing Intersections. Said Improvement to be made In accordance with the plans and speci fications of tbo City Engineer for ono or the other of the classes of Improre- od for the Improvement of 8th street First Stroet, at 120 foot north of tho north lino of Pine Street,, from Hlh olrnnf 'nnrtliarlv n.-Tr.-l frntn . -." .......... ..lir .,,. front Hlghstroot 'northerly toPros- iwcj street ,iL.incoin,.sireei iremtstn: street easterly to 9th strcotpand'Jpf ferson, street fropj 'Lh street eaatorjy iu m Birueijnciuuuig'iiier8eciions. Said Improvement tTq bo made' in accprdancp with 'tho pans and spool flcatlons of the City Engineer for one or the other of the classes of Im provement mentioned theroln and approved by said Council, and In ac cordance with Ordinance No. 458,' adopted on the nth day of June; 1919, and approvod by the mayor on tne lutn uay or juno 191'J Sad plans, specifications and es .from .....V.:;... """'"" 20.t , to J.... 208.6 Second Street, at 20 fret, north of tho north llnu of Pine Street. t trout ......i... . w , 187.0 Second Stroet, at 120 ft)ernojtb.,of tho nprth lino of .Pine Strept. J.IIUUI , .JIVO.U ... illO.U JUO.v 19J.0 198 1. . 1 Jtd . 201 .6 ' 201.0' 204.0 State of Oregon, County of Klamath, Cltr of Klamath Falls s: . I, A. L. Leavltt, Pollco Judgo of tho City of Klamath Falls, do uorobf eartlfr Oiat the foregoing" la a duly enrplled copy of the resolution propos ing changes In grade on certain portions of High, First and Second Streets, as above set forth, as adopted by the Common Council of said Cltr n June 2nd, 1919, I I I If u" A, Li, WAiii'i 10-1 Jf 'i. Police Judf. srffapA ia.fcW iMl