wmmmm nmjuun.'mt . IAI. IMPKIl or 01 OFFICIAL PAPEB Of KLAMATH FAI.L8 KI-VM.ITII COI'VI'V Thirteenth Year No. 3,G51 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1919 Price, Five Cent W& iEtt jpnfttg 'SIX f"lV Ht SENTIMENT Willi TlH SIGNING TERMS Enemy Will Try All Other Schemes First ASKS MODIFICATIONS Prrwun" I'IwmI for Ailmllim t.i i Ix-sgue of Nation- Limit of Hun- drrd llllllnn Marko Indemnity mnl I Ni.n-Hurrrntlc mf Kx-Klrr Kb- f " rrt iii . .... m I'rrolilrnl. ..-. k . ...... . latle Hlnpiilrli by Annoi'lille I .... .. .--. Vcure trenly. II Is becoinlliK apimrent IhX the (lermiin. do nol l.ilen.l m w.kii Ihelr uttUtidi. ifflilully Kih.mii ultluuil an effort In oliliilu inoillfliii- tlonn in tenon They uuiil lo lino definitely tthut Ilie are nlgnlug inn' hap linkeil the pence collfereiire ,f the termi. nf covering mite Ilia) ti" C(inliered im pant purl of ilocliitienl llfplf They llUd itnkeil If the Alll'-s xnuiil udiult ! rnititiy liiinieillni l) to the l.eugiie of Nmliiiiii. I.luilt (i.-r muti) Indemnity in n hundred llll llnn ciitit marks and strike out the rtiiiiri'iiieul fur Ihe Htirieinler nf (gt.. i r Kitipenir Wllllelin The Cab 'net a. million In Mill lulled Advlos to luitlrnlc th.it I'M-fldum Kbert x. Ill r.tuln hii. office til least for tile pri'M'iit KrihircT seems ante n pllli e 111 111" (.'"eminent nml Is likely lo h , html nl Ihe I'enre delegation. Illls- law .oske. Iir l.'ilwiird I a Id mid l 'err Mueller have been inetitlone I , for l'-euiler Krunrlern Nlltl hu been utkrd to form a new Itnlluu cnbltiet He resigned last January after ill T- (crrlires with I'reemler Orlando He, . " .1 In supposed lo favor a cnuipriinils i with the Jugu Slavs nu the Adrlat; quotlou BIG WHISKEY L MKK MM'NTV MAN IS CAITl ! M WITH -WW OCAHIS III- WHIHKKY IN HIS POSSKSSION Willi the evident ltitolitli.il nf go ing Into the bootlegging game on n hnlesnli! scale, or desiring to ' tome proprietor of a moving distill ery or whiskey warehouse John l.' overstepped the bounds of dlscrellim nml landed In the hands of the Sher iff of l.itkn county this week. When riitglit ho hml 4N2 quarts of whisKey In the tonnoau of his machine, milk ing this Dm biggest catch of the kitu' since Oregon shed Us wet n'iriiiRiiii "in) dunned dry togs, llu was take-i l'i'fiiru Ihn I'nltinl Status ConiinlH-ilon-r .it Lnkevlnw, and Unit olllcinl I'l'Uinl him oviir to await Uw action "f tint Kodoral granil Jury In I'an Inml He was Inkim to that My lhl "oriilng, and with him all of Uto Ml'l'.l.ey found In hl.i posMDHalon PPLY FOR YOUR TEN-YEAR PAYMENT A romparatlvoly fnvv .ivoptniy , invierf tiro iivnlllng Uinnisotvnl of I'e Inslallment plan of imviJ'.T '-r their slroot puvlng. Th last duy on vlilch (hoy can do ho Ih July 74 Tito ' Tnllcn Judgo has no authority lo ox tfiul Ihn ditto of filing npllcntlmiH. bo 'nil that tltno, and If you have-'not mode your application you will liavo 1j ln for nil of your pavliiK In ono Jump sum und Immodlately following 1lio completion of tho work. This Is matter that will require conHfiler olo attention and If It Is put off un 'til tho last day there In a possibility 'nf the Police Judgo being unnhlo to care for all of the application, and those remaining unfiled cannot be nc 'e)ted on tho noil day. ,Vrr wniio imnii i tHTiiHiu urn, who in a loniHir iruifiiiior t laio uni WX I. d.clure.1 cn,,u.n(!l.ve.,y and a Kraduate of tho Un- ... . i , .i 'i i... . .. ... , ..... nirongly In favor of xlRiiliiRth. Ivemlly of ( iillfornla. will drive y si AIRMEN TO DIVIDE BIG PRIZE MONEY I UNION .e 'J I Tli, $ pne awarded Hit' iii- nf In- Vn I. im Vim iiernplniii- In ti Lundim Ibilll M II 1 1 fur being tin llrst In cross the Alliuilli' II 1m nil it Ht oi. will In liuiiili'il lo Cnpl Aliurk. illol or llii' truiiNiiiliintlr liner, h ii Iiiiii Ih-uii hi jtlin lintel Hnvny Frldnv iiniiii Off icials nf (In- nil ministry mill men 'u IT Inciii In iivliillnii will hn prim. I I ll In uutlerstni.il here t tin t Alioi-k ami Lieut Drown, hi navigator. hii iirriiuged to tin lilx tint prize "l""") Ap,,,,i r-.-iviiiK tiihiriiH mill llri.ivn one-third (Ml. THACi: STI'IMKII WAKIIINOTON. Juno 29 - All eiiNl.trii llriti'im ulll I... ......Ii...! l.. .1... nml few mouths by Dr John llii- waldii, HiirkltiK under the direction of jlllii I'lllled HlaleM KeoloKlral mirve). lllh a lew of lorntltiK Inillrn'loii of oil nml Kim diipiiHllM Dr Illlwaliln. ...... i . .... over (he eiiHlern part of the .tnte. making n f .he geological form- Moi. nml examliilng ..It reported oil anil gun IiiiIIciiIIoiih Tim sin f Oregon Hlinre ioltuly ll tli" feileral government the cost of the work H.W.I M lutie (h'lei ll ""'"" thn Oregi ..bit. service cnminls dun lis a railroad ) prntecllve assoelntlnii." coupled ultti ii iletiiuuit that Its liiemliers be re culled fur grnss luefflrlenr) , fealur- led a meeting of tin; Snleiii cltv couii- i ell .Moudiiy night. Tills alliirk llgllllist the cnmnils- slnn I...1 in- Aldermen u..ii .....i . Viiintervort. came us ii result of u re I cent i-iiiiiIIiIshIoii order III which the ,'ltfc iilfllnl Ik i.r.i tiiir..l fur .ill, it. .l ',.,,, ... bully in enforcing speed ordinances. 'The cltv recently filed a complaint vi lib Hie commission deuili'ldl'P- Hml the Southern I'nclllc company bo to ' i ill ri-.l to plain warning signals on N'nrlh Capitol street, where the west i nldn Southern 1'nclflc trucks crins i the street The commission denied Ibis application, with the assertion . I that enforcement of the speed laws was more needed than signal boards. ' Alderman Wnlst declared tho com- imIssIoii'n order n mnst vlnlnnt dtstnr. ' ,,m of f.icts and declared tho pres ,,( i,p.rprliili! limn for Uso of. , ror I "It should bn railed Ihe Railroad 1'rotoctlve association rather than Uiu Public Service commlsslnu," said Alderman Vaudervoit GIRLS CONFERENCE AT ASHLAND SOON ASHLAND, Junn 21. An Inilnr- .loiiom I mtt limn I Christian ciinforeucn I for girls will be hold in Chiiutiiii'i.ta park, beginning July M Clrls IT. years of age und older will be nllg 11. Id. Tents anil chiiperones will bo provided. Clnsses In liiinin and for eign illusions und Suuiliiy School work will ho given dully. Tlie after noons will be given over to limnls, swimming, walks mid nil mminer of outdoor sports. The session will con titiuti thru the week of Chautauqua, which begins July 1 S . An effort to make this a permanent camp feature for girls of the lloguo River valley will bn made. ABANDON HOPE OF EARLY VOTE WASHINGTON, June 20.- Thoto n.ro growing Indications hero today thut thn opponents or the league of j nations may abandon all effort to I force a test voto In the sennlo be fore the (lormans'act on tho peuco troay. All hope of bringing a roll call ou tho Knox resolution has been virtually abandoned. I OIVAN 11UVS BIOHK CATT1.K. .1, N 01 van bus roturnod from Fort Klnmnth, where he has been for sov- eml days buying cattle. 1 I M I FIRST ft FOIKXTKEK Tlllllll CHOI T Till-. N TIO" i.i'iniiT is '; iti: maim: 'MI am. viim:nt.s ovi; vi:i:k. AS" TO Kim I.mI Ii) the lallio.id of tin' coun li, next week In to lie devoted n mi rioii in picvcnt any accidents uiri I UK fiiim nil) cause whatever. ""' "" '" "" '""" f i. . ... n i ... iipp Mii-ii to in maice n special etrori lo iivoiii i-iuelesmiesH, and In this wmk an appeal In sent out asking for ""' "'"l" tl"n of every citizen In the I'lilleit Hi a I en. The preacliciH are nxki'il to lefer lo II from their pul plln. the Hoy Hcoiiln ale enllHted In the 1 .mip.ilKii mid all school chll- dren IliKifar as thev run lie reached uriii, nifonir iib uii cun ne nariiid. me uvki-il in len.i their iihsIhiiiici- in. uie arm i in 11 ii.t wieir assisi.uice ne U .1 I llH lit II If I ft i II II UltffC -.--.- f .- .-.. ,.,,. , ,,,,,,, ,,lril llMH , ,. KrowlllK rar..eM1.ess among ,,,.,., Uml ,,.,., ,. womll.r ,low Heilnus accldenls have been avoided, Mke the muffler orilliiiinre. the hpood ' s should be eufoiceii llu tl ie In prevent iirclilelils Is before they happen, unit a peisou who forgets the i Igbls of others to the extent of drlv- lug ill n high nite of speed oi leaving bis muffler open, should be given mi i iti..iileriitlou by officials. , Help iiialie the no accident week a iinc.iw. tii f'ii nu It 1 ! tifi t ti njitlTttf 11 ' i r. I w 1 nil lllllllllllM .Klttliy - i tririiM). nml while you are dolnc l.eii. iliul uiilfflei ilosed mi jour .mm bile. im.VI'll I'OM.oW SIMtlOl S ijPKII TloX. -- j Mrs. Nellie Ceerlsnn. wife of I.. ' ' . CeertMiii. who pis a ninth at Stu K"l iliililge, died at the Klamath (ienenil ""'''""" ""I "'""' uinewur: nil n-'- riitlon for Intestinal obstruction. The .... ........... remains will be taken to Idaho for Interment. .Mrs Ceertsun was forty nine years old and she leaves, besides her '.us eleven, who have the s) inp.ithy of their inuny friends VISITS OI.II .SCHOOL .MATi:. Wllllmu tiray. an old tlnte friend ""d schoolmate of J A. Houston h.ts i slopped while on an auto tour of the f oast to visit for a short time at the Houston liouin near tm.s city nun uiu twn lilotiils ire lmving the best Mm'. 1 . ... .. . ... .of u visit together Champion, Ex-Champion From l.eft to Right Kill McCoy, rfM . ,, , , ' r " , '"B w"? I campaign I. no ov,r in the wale. The Tuscnla '" l"' lonflned l lhn rallroadH, but had been dodging nearly all tliat af- , .. ... , ,.,,., . ,,.. ,.... ., ,t pa Tillllftj .'Jul' JKyTiiliP Ji.ijuCBJII vtAiKII PPPPPPPPPfl3sgPPPPPHHIPBKflpPPPPH VBQjHBBSBEQffflillllilSlllllA Jim Jeffries was always considered one of the greatest fighters of his tho grlKly hoar of tho prlui ring. wolKht. Had McCoy been a little blg ... . ,,.,.,,,' ger It Is probable that he would havo Comparing him with Jess Wlllurd it " , . .. , ., v,uui ni, been tho world's champion. This is difficult to find a term that Indl- hoto8ruph waa tBken In San Fran they are together, with Kid McCoy, Cgco jugt before Wlllard started for man than tho former champion. Hero ones thut Wlllard Is a much bigger SOLCiERTElLS T I I IWV WHO WAS AltOAUO FA.MOCH ILNSroilT IJKI.IKVKH O.NK StVII KXPKIUKNCK IS PI.KNTV lOK A LIKKTIMK T "It certainly wus a sinking Ben-ltif Ballon," declared Charles Hendricks who was on the lam bout to net away f.oin the sinking Tusoanla on that foggy night of February f.th. 1918. when tin big boat went to tho bot tom about fifteen miles from the ...III ...rifiiv ,,.,,, coaBt. HemlrickK, v. ho ban juit had his hoiioiable dlrhart'e from the 17th Company of KiiRlneers, recorded at ( I... .. t.ir ft..pl.'n ntttfa hum 1 .1 rn . ... i f,., ,-jnK- t the incident until that Ihe . n . . .11 r,,iiHpnrt floated omr llnee hours nf-. iii i iijiiii v.. : i w ii w .lit... .!.... . . . . . 1 ... t. . I... H.. i ..,. l(ittr i r r:. iiriiiininir irriifiiiiiiiv f . , ,n f. llntM ,nrp .. vonl.l have been too dark for iho'.Chlna during teh summer. He Is a p,.,Hc.)pe lo delect her Three de- member of te Ileta Theta 1M frater-J strikers reached the scene before Ihe boa' nunk. the one on which Hen-' ililcl.s departed, gelling away about thlrlv minutes liCfori she disap- 7e.-i "(!. Flvi boys fiom Klamnih county wen mi the boat, one, Joe Redfleld, heinc 1it. HKItK I'UO.M I.AKKVIKW. ' ' Artitur I). Hay. one of the leading iilloriu ys of I.akevlew. Is In the cltv nn m-tlers of business connected vlth is law practice. Mr, Hay former-' v practiced law In this city and has , i. host of friends here who were glad i to extend to hliu the cordial vvelcom'j ' he received. He was accompanied by i Ms wife and fa mil v. ' . ............. ... IsAlllll I'UWI.M. Ill MAKK THIXIIS MOVK. W. O Smith, who recentlv ot re- Knn and forsook the piibll.shlng of n ..ewspsper. now propose, to make . view has purehlscil the house mov- n equipment of M. It. Doty. Associ- alpd with hi mvvlll be his brother. W'lllnrd. nml the firm will be known ' as hmllli lirotliew. 1 ne equipineni is of the latest type and capable of handling any of the wooden struc-' ttitv.s In the city, - ,. ... ...i... i..... i....... i i "' ""' "' '"''" very ill as his home on Eight Ii street, Is ennvnleselng. and Near Champion Jim Jeffrlen and Jens WHIartl Toledo to train for his bout with Jack Dempsey. i BIG CLEAN-UP ON RABBITTS Vi biggest single haul on ruhhlu In l lie lilHtory of thin country has Just been completed by C. W Ilnlle of Hii'tta View, wen he presented In du" In tho county clerk for bounty the erin, of eight hundred and twenty ri,t Mr. Halloy killed all of tl-tm OI1 ,g ranch an,i n n0nK 0 has sei a high water mark that It In going to no hard for anyone else to bent, tf every rancher In the county would stay with the Joh as persist iil!y and .Mr. Ha I ley did. there woii! 1 soon .e mi end to the rahbltte nultunc; 'a .this tr.lley. OHKfiO.Y ATHLKTE to UK DIRECTOR IX CIII.VA. I rciV.KNE. June 21. J. C. Brand on, prominent uthlete at the Unlver Rlty of Oregon, will sail from Vnn- 1 couver, H. C, AurubI 7, for Canton, China, Having xlgneu a contract lor ' . " term of three years to teach and be .. nuui'it? uireciur 111 .1 uiiiverMi 111 that country. Mr. lirandon will also hZ "l- ULU,l-' -"t.ui.-u uiuiib uib nuts of trade and commerce and expects to do considerable traveling about. "Ity COMPILING DATA .Mih. II. It. Reynolds, In company w.m. fripndj.. drove to Uorrls estei- )lnv nort. shp intends Interviewing N N 1 M T r Frain vv ho Is said to be familiar toast, said Mr. .Nlckerson today. with Indian legends. Mrs. Rejnolds j "There will be nothing liner oinsiae. is compiling a book on early Klamath 'of San Francisco, and It will be ready Indian mythology. She is pushing! in time to help care for the Tlslfn. the work, as she expects to have alo the Elks convention. Every mod- small volume issued in August when j em appliance that will go to malo it itiH - J-.iks noia men- convention nere, the intention being to piesent every ........ ...B ..... ...... - ... vnlr of all the scenerj tn and around i a t ni e L' w tli nn lll.tcf ."...til ami. , Klamath county. In connection witli the Indian 'l""'"s.' -,"B- "u r"u'1 ,B - '."" nnU Klvlng Mrs. Uejnolds early ..,4l.nlnA.. "f rm T . S T m I 4 In A f1 A 4 utaia never puniisnea ueiore. mis promises to make very Interesting loading, especially the legends sur- I rniiniiiug ru cniiiiecieu wuii oiuici Ijike. Regardless of what has been pu'illshed heretofore on this subject. ,,, rplll K,alllnln llulin myth has ,,,.,. i,oen RVen out until now. Tlu, comprer of those legends is ' anxious to hoar any Medicine Men ! stories known lo Indians In this vl- . .. . .... .... . . , cinlty. Mie wouia hko 10 near. aiu, from anyone who may have kodak pictures of Interesting or romantic (spots anywhere In this county. She can be found at 338-10, St., or tele phono 247M, WILSON ASKED TO l SPEAK IN OREGON PORTLAND, Juno 21. President .Wilson is Invited to come to Oregon during his contemplated tour of the I I'tilted States, upon his return from Franco, In a message sent Tuesday evening by Dr J. V. Morrow, Demo cratic national committeeman from Oregon, to Secretary Tumulty. It is expected that people of the .state who wish to learn more fully the Inner secrets of the pence con ference, and the demands of tho l.eaguo of Nntions upon tho United States, will Join In tho Invitation to thn president, ' Tho inosage sent by National Com Imltteeman, Morrow wns as follews: "I understand "President Wilson expects to tnnko n tour of t'to states Immediately on his return from Eu rope Will you extend to hhn. on be half of tho people of this state, an in vitation to visit Orogon and address tho people on the peace treaty and tho League of Nations?" HKAIMJITAKTKUS UOA1) TO CRATKIt I.AKR NOW Ol'KN. Manager Wise of the Fort Klamath Hotel sends word that the Klamath Falls-Medford highway, which Is the principal ontcrance to Crater lake and which passes tho headquarters building, Is now open. This willbe good news to tohse wo have been contemplating a trip to the world's great wonder, for this Is one of the best and .most convenient ways of reaching the lake. GROUND BROKEN FOR NEW BLOCK COXTItACT IS I.KT KOK HTItUC Tl'HK TO KKP1.ACK OI.II AM KltlCA.V MOTKli IJI'II.DI.NC; AT HKVKXTH AXI MAIN A contract was signed yestenliy for the erection of a one-story press ed brick building at the corner or Seventh and Main streets, on the slt, formerly occupied by the American Hotel Annex, which was destroyed bj fire a few weeks ago. The announce ment that this corner was to be Im proved was welcomed by the business men of the city who have been rery anxious that the burned structure-! he replaced with substantial build ings. The placing of the contract wa handled by the Sawmill Engineering and Construction company and the work of construction will be super vised by this concern. Cofer Brothers will be the contractors and they com menced work this morning. f " The building Is to be one story. 45 and will be pressed brick. It will be of class A construction. When completed, which will he by August .", In time for the Elks' Convention. j It will be occupied by Ross Nlcker fcon with his New Rex Cafe, which j was one of the business establish ments destroyed by the fire that ' swept that area. Mr. Nlckerson will leave in the morning for San Fran- I cisco to purchase the equipment to be ' used in his. new restaurant. ! "Klamath Falls will have a res- taurant equal to anvthlng on tha clean, sanitary, convenient and up-:- ,nte will be installed and It will be , UIi u-uiiuiisiiiueiii oi vviui-u iuc ci.y wlll nave reason to feel the sam. ... ...,. . -. u.-t. .. -.. rr:de in as we have in the Whit Pelican Hotel. It will be a restaurant for the future, and consequently it must be the very best." The property adjoining, and wlmh Is owned by A. A. Bellman Is 'o he imptoved with a one-story building, also THIEF STEALS JOK AVEItV V.OSK.S HIS Bl'ICK SIX LAST XKJHT. KINAIXY IMSCOVKUKO AT DOIIRIK Joe Avery thought hist night that he had ridden in his Iiuick Six for the last Hme, wehn some auto thieves stole the car while Joe was dancing; at the Moose Hall. The machine was taken about ten o'clock, but search did not begin until near midnight or Mr. Avery thought some friend had borrowed It. He has since been re dleved by the dfscovery of the Rui's'c. which tho thieves abandoned at Dor ris. At the realization that his car wa? really gone, Avery, accompanied by Tom Dolrell, Howard Wlnnnrd. Nlckr Coglln, Earnel Stearns and K.lvvin Driscoll secured another car and went In mad pursuit. They were, thrown off the track some way nn.1 came back from Topsy grade tlita morning, about eight o'clock, a baff led and tired crowd". FRIKNIIS SiritPRISH XKWIiYWKDS WITH SIIOWKR. A real surprise shower was given last night to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Orenu who were married two weeks ago in Ashland, when numerous friends or tho young couple came in cars from nil e.ver the country, to their ranch on the Merrill road. The different can were laden with soixl tbtngs tn eat as well as with amny useful gifts. The bride and groom couldn't utid otstand why they were nut warned in advance, but in spite of this, or i e cause of It, everybody begged thut the juitj might go on fori or. C,en. Watt leaves tomorrow .vn business trip to' San Francisco. MU - ,