I luiuv, .n m an nun PAGK KimiT kkkaaaaaaaaA FIRF-: DESTROYS HANKPIJ iiaw i ..-.. t$ Y ; ; ; . v V ' V '' .,.,.,... T , , - .., .-- -- - - - . . ':r.A.".:s;.v . ;;r:..."ivJ kum THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Ml I II I 111 . I HiMllllt, ! .11 i i it ' M i ' , , ii i I .' I i .it iii 'iniMim i nf ' i ' , i I In . iiiii.i .1. limn i nun. I i i , II I I ll.lltl Hilt nil I i It lit I Minn) Ullflv'.i II ' tint . ii t iiki It iiiml In i mil i'I Inn tuiiii'Mim Hi. ,, , , xs. it It i tin Kt ninth Knits luilrt Thi ,,,' f ' ' ' v -. t t tiii mi rniil I' Ihi iriii ' I'H'- i f tu i i . iiini i rid ii iii winh of ili I'lro tin- ii"iini i t r in. il ... , , ll'IHIH v t 3 u it ratl WA ."A t tel !t i i h 1 m i: I. J i L. i 7 RJiWMf Oc&ihp Drop those films in on Mon day morning on you way to work. i We do good work Satis faction guaranteed. That's Why We Do So Much Kodak Work. BE SURE YOU HAVE PLENTY OF AMMUNITION WHEN YOU GO KODAKING HKJJiiJtSv" I TALC onteel 35 CROM the (lover gardens of all the 1 u-orld, from India and Franco.Gulana and England, the Holy Land and Italy, vrcrc gathered the fragrances that go into the making of Jcnteel, the New Odor of Twenty-six Flowers. Yet never before has a talc of this quality sold at a price so low. Talc Jontiil JSc F:t Potfdrt Jontitl 50c IslslMsSaSS Cemhtnalhn I y flHBMsHl Crtam Jontttt y BBsW 3sa o. f WHHsL YVWOlUa I.IZAfiUK cabi.nkt w.ktim.. SttiiuniuiK; tank Is ouiii oil clt?jtuil ei-r nlKht at th. SprtUR Hath House nnil Don forK ' tin FlKs will hsio a Hot' con en' ion horo August H, lj anil It 15 (Ji't bum ' '.at eeninR the mnii'rs of th" If-ague C.thinot of the (-. 1 V. church met at the home ol the pre-i a nt ' awrence I'l1 ups Wit .moim! inR the eier.ini; In planning work for the ear refreshments were rt ed and the members left feeling that thev had iujpimmI out a plan thai nill Interest the younc people If you are ounR. or feel tonne come out to the Sundav nlfiht meet ajp at 7 o'clock at 10 and I'ine St "Mve topics for lite younc people"! 11I be the Building spirit of all these meetings, making them Inter esting enough as to be entertaining nd free from dryness Don't forget, the Clks will hae a convention here August 14, 15 and 16 Ot busy' High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FIXKST MATERIALS BEST OF WORKMANSHIP UtTEbT STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are wry reasonable Your inspection invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAUOR !UH Main St. How It Happens I in t iiiiit.il iltln ijiH-ncv that i.iusc in nix il uiit'ists tu put into picsci iptimis prcp.it. ittiiti tl'.it arc tio weak tu lie cffcctixc or ton Ntiutti; ( in. safe It is circle .tics Tunc is rcqutrci1 t f'o ia'mratory work carefully, and ctra cntilum antl cot to jet pure inatcriaN. So the niakuijj ii iuaii important preparations is done in a hap hazard manner Care Counts in the Inn my of crude dittos, in the making of t'lein into tinctures, rupN. extracts, etc. m the cotiiptuuiiliiiy of prescriptions Ker process has our most careful attention You Can Always Depend on the Quality and Accuracy of All Recipes and Pre scriptions Which We Fill. Underwood's PtiamtacY W'v! KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tttSw V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE l P'JPIT X WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS :""..........................,..,.,,..,.,.. ' t SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 1919 OWL CAFE SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER, $1.00 SOUP f Cieam 'f Ll'icken f OVEHALLS M J t- O f Meg u Keep Kids Kleen the Suit A New Suit FREE if they rip Bnrartof imitation EL V y Look (or this Red Wovap Label IKftVERAUS ftt.u.CPT.orr. UV!Ha&c RELISHES Hearts of Lettuce, J-Vench Dtossing SALAD Frebli Crah en Mayonaisc FISH Fillet of Sole Tartar Sauce. Choice of Boiled shoulder Lamb, Caper Sauce, Roast Young Chick-en, Oyster dressing, Prime Ribs of Reef .in jii VEGETABLES Creamed Mashed Potatoes, Fresh String Reans, t DESSERT I , Ice Cream and Small Fancy Cakes. .. Demi Tasse, 'Td Walk Out of My Way Severn! blocks to buy nt the Star Drug because I know thnt there I'll get what I want," remnrked a patron to one of our clerks a few days ago. It is one of the Star Policies to satisfy a customer regardless of the amount of trouble it may mean to us. :::::: lsil MOII'lt Tltll' llltl s;:, J,. 1 eiimlilnilt VV Unit nFlt! u ilnt'ii llltl IhllllllMl tin If i itis! i i'l lull iiiiilini'it Imlin In lK&s'P C, 1 ' fi? S tin', i iilli Kim; .t it lo m-p IIki f .1. .i I., inn .. Hi. linn.' -arSSIl-iw rfenfa ROCKY POINT, 'tin: tit moon i ii i in M,Ur llft'rrnlliiii I'. O., Ori-Kini Mfiiini n Hfirmlur (It'lllCS. HOItSIX, IMXN, I'VMIMMi, III NUM.. riHiiiNt;. iui.ti(i sTiiui:, ti:nth. itt.in. nnrsi:iu)is (im) ni:i)S, (ioon mi:.i,m, . tionn inn rou i.vritvnom iMMiMi iv e.wu.ioN i:i:it s.nritnw nk.iii ITlti: MOI'.NTAIN sil'HINtJ WAIIH HARPST & WHEELER, Proprietors The Woman's Store SAFETY SAVING SATISFACTION A Condensed List of Savings That Await You Here In Saturday Specials We will not attempt to enumerate the many .special that appeal particuluh to thrifty women. You will profit by making a lci.surcly trip through the tnii' tomorrow. Savings will greet you on all .sides. .Ju.st to gie an idea of tin- op portunities afforded we mention New and Attractive Silk Dresses Specially Priced at $22.50, $25.00 and $30.00 A Rrtltip Ill-It ItlllUlll'H I III' M'UIMItl Ull'Kt anil lifnt MjIfH Of fri'iii ili ftiltin Oi'iirKt'ltn tniM' anil Tattrta In all popiilur linili' unit ull nlifti SpiTlul The Daintiest of Cool Whitf Dresses Specially Priced nt $7.50, $8.50, $10 and $15 Ol pri-ii) Ontiiiutii' iiini Vn)l in iumnri.ui rnplltnllllK llf lurlllimti' tmn lm " KtlltK In our ufti'ritiK iIiiiik- npurlul prtn Ml Uin A Special Group of Waists at 98c Just a few dozen Waists in the lot, but the value is so extraordinary, women will be quick to take advantage of the saving offered. Many pretty styles m sheer white materials, effectively trimmed. All sizes. An Extra Special at 98c New Welworth and Wirthmore Waists To Greet You A vr rtTi-nl Mtiliuiii'iii lirltiKu iih mum- of tlm protlli-iit nlli- liu ni litin In tln-i' linri m InKly iMipulttr llloiimsn lllll wlo utt.nnpt to ilvncrllni tlium .Sufflflmil lo ay tin-) mpr n 'In i...i..i.t ,,f ..rnM.iiMV -liiniilr..il of Hiiitiim will trmlfi to llin ilurt Ktir tomorrow rhiiolliK "" ,rl l. iii'i. Welworth Waists at $2.50 Wirthmore Waists at $1.50 CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS SPECIAL AT $1.35 AND $1.50 -In popular htlrn uffonlliiK coirnilfin prolirllnn lilnul loi Viuullon Tlini' rouipn. unit wliut 11 mini; In tmn' nmt fffort tliny nav n mother. 8 ilimiintliilly inmlf lo hIiiiiiI ioiikIi iik or lint- Dmilin unit fliamlino In funt rotorit CornTll) tut nnil mini lull !' l'r t lilliln n III to lfi nr The Coveralls $1.35 and $1.50 The Overalls $1.50 Extra Specials Selected at Random Our aisle tables and counters are full to overflowing with items whose spc r-ial sale iirices suggest savings. A few we mention below- Wash Petticoats $1.65 I J5c Huck 1 owels at sac Of iliiraliln Willi" Wtmh Halln. Ml" ili'tip rnllli'il flotiiiLii mill of iloulilo tlilcknvmt lit Hid Ironl ult linn wlmni wi'iir lit KH'.iU"l You will noli- n HinliiK at MI.W.1. Women's Fibre Hose 75c - In Illnrk Whim, with hfflB ami locit ol I.ImId lor I'xtru Knrvlto Tlioiiiiniiilii of ttoim-n lniM- lii-i'ii won ovtii to tlm ili'Hlnililllty f thMO HhUlT Hllk-llkl) HOHC All HlIIH Notaseme Hose Special 85c Of tlini Silk l.lMo In Illntk, Whim, Hrown anil Oru A niitloiiallj iiilMTtlmnl anil Hpli'ii ,11(1 Hohii, that wo aro plfiiHiil to ri'ininiuontl Women's Cotton Hose 40c IIohi) lor moiih'Ii m toll at bikIi a low prlcn at thlH tlini) urn Imli-uil Htarco A pur rhano iiiuiin inontliH ukii t'lialih'H iih to offnr thmii at thin prlr! 1" Mack ami W hlti). All hIoh, Women's Union Suits 50c Cotton nililicil Union HiiIIh with tlKht "iitl Iooho ktiou, luco trlmnii'il In nil hIzuh uiul un uniiHiiul Hpi'ilnl at ilOr. Children's Hose Special 29c lllnck Cotton Hlhhnd Hohu that will appeal to inothnrx for thnlr trim ticonoiny loaturn. In ull Hl7eH. lCxtru Hpncliil nt Slr. Corset Specials HarBnlnM thnt ar n roRUlt of hroktm llnoa oftorlriK you good BUbHtuntlully inudi) Cor- BotH ut HPtTlal prlcoH. In Whlto nnil IMnk In thri'o lotH, 08c, 1.1H nnil mi.BH. f - W riinnot to lorflhly liiiprniiH upoii )"" Uiii huv IllK niUiilltiiKt' orfurtiil ill thin Hpi-rlal Of rxlra iiuallty rull 18x37 Inch Hli Hl lmriliT lilt' Vnlni' nl .t'. 69c Turkish Towels at 50c I,a In a Hiippb of iIh-mu llni- Tow 1 1 '" Kiiniil hkiiIiihI riiturii IiIkIi iiHivh A trui uuiiHilal HpiTlalltt off I In Uii'mh rxlui hi a ylxli linli Townlh at I ho low prlrn " 30c Ginghams at 25c ComliiK at n limn whim woimm am I'l"" iiIiik HiiiiimiT I'rorkK for Htrrmt anil homn im' wn nffnr an iiiiiihiiiiI mhIitiIoii of tli"' i'i"l (liialll) niiiKhumH In a Btoiti of putii"!" 1'IiiIiIh. t'lii'i'ktt. StilpiM anil IMaln Colors Pretty Voiles 45c and 50c Dainty, Miiiiiiiinry inutnrlulH that Ilium''" iilcly KUKK'-Hl warm wi'iithor KrockH An " Hortniiuit of fiKurfil anil Wliltn nnvnliy wvuM't at tlu-Hii Hpi'i'liil pilri'M 40c French Nainsook 25c An lilmil mattirlal lor Hiimnmr Unilfi wi-nr or for InfanlM" w.uir. Full 36 InchfH whlo u ml u rt'iil 40c vuliiu at 2.V. 35c Longcloth at 25c Ho many iimhm for thlH rooiI iiuallty '""K" rloth. 38 Inihr-H wltln anil nn nctiial .mc Krailu, ut -f. Remnants at Savings On nn alHhi tuhlti In mar of utoro am t w (lonlrnhlii nliurt longth thnt may ho """I1" to mniiy uhcm. From nil iioctlons ol yni KOOilH il.ipt at ilocldoil nvliiKM. Boo tm occuvloiiully, TO MOTHERS WHO REGISTERED DURING BABY WEEK The wnlt, perhaps, haB been long, but tho pretty Httlo Ilnl.y Ilticord HookH Mh ? '"J ' " nnt HOUv"nlrH, I nvn nt last arrived. Quito tho daintiest little place In which to keep "f1 ami DoIdks from time ol birth. Ol Whlto Bilk Moire decorated with hand P"od 'ta0' "d,B. ,m Dy TnSod "Our Daly,-. Theno Houven.r;, will a Uo b. ven to mo her- - - ' "..Z'Tittent " Week aim tnoso woo rfBimur nuiw i i'i"i m. . ...... .. .-. H. N. MOE Ltwi StnuiM &CeSaFrBacUco Ihim ouno rm i r.r.i-t Wr1rW'4Wl