THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rmii.t,.iiM . Lit a 2 TT TV T V Tfirin X 4noi-l l tin anl t'oun.ll and In incut mentioned nnriti aiui nppinve.- tneai-s mnim tin u.e hi mo nunc an in inui . win, ,( , r H i M lJ P ii U " 5 PJ vv ""'" 'vnh "nlnnr. i l i 11 i i 'i i 'I'll, I'nii.e .lu.iro and In the nrfu riiniinim nr iii. , , i H j Vi VL f 11 . 1 ll VL JT T. R.H .(s. 3 nlopied on the -itli ,li or Juno 1t ft. it ."' I . n.lnt'i l n of Hi,' i in I ncui.-iM nr iliniiilirr i,r ii,, , ,., . a. 4 -1 j V.' .A, JAI 'sW Jf 1 SwX .,,., ,,,,,..,. ... .., ,,llr ,, in,, ii, ,iv ,,. .Inn,, I il'i mill nil Ill,' mono, il initlti.vomeut will hr inin in...,,.,,.,, i .. I .v. l1' Ii di I'! 'isno I'M'' ir,, In '. niiiT on tin' l"lli let I" l." inMiiit in l I tie tlin" In i'd In null) I'iiimiII , i ' nl ! i'l mi spc. iitiaiiniM mill rill- ilm time I I' which the sumo I lo bo rnmpltited I vvllli tlrillnniu , ' 'ir. pa on sit iW NOTH'h v, rum ! V oM'if , . , m .,,1,1,1 umtes being on Me Iii tin' niflcn or s rt plain n fnmi.n t 11ml iH r, ,! I" aid nnllnmi, , .or October tan I'lli i..v ,, i ' 1 0:1 ON' I'IM. MIUKT VM) I'Vv'si'v .V, 1, ,,i .,,.,,,.., Vf ,!'.'",, th Pol , c .Indu-and III the office or innt- .elim m II'.' In llio u(ll.'.i nt Mh lltl'i IuoMmI Ii i, ,,, n, l)AS KilOM FIRST I'l HI It A- inrh tmi.l 11..11 .wl.,1 ...,i '..'.. . I''1" l"U,",'l Improvon'Mi vv III bo llu I - lint ,-1 IuiIbi' fi Milimhrdnn In tlio ('niiu- Hnt.l plium. ,,,. , m TION Ol' THl" VOTIi'K IV n nc .. th r . . u 1 . ", l ''" contr.vct n.i.l tho tltll.' In T n rinmt nipwiomrui l!t l-o rll l I.I. nff n tin- rit hull n l.u,K ' , , , 1 . WHICH TO Kit K Al'i'i i.'vrin.i n,ni.i .. n.l... ) . J. . .!' whl. litlio wmo In to lw rnmili't'il Ii lot 1 n. .'..iit. t ami tin t.nif 111 1.11m Hikii nVlorlt hi nr Ihv Sti lln I'nllci. .ii,l, ' ' " ,,( Tt TlVli! a-V;mVo " i .. 1 ,, ? ,' pn,p "' ' J'I nnc ror Ootot-or win-- -h 1. ' n '. oo.l.'....l 1. , 01 J , U'lu. m whirl, ttim. un.l nr c It., en, ,,", ' '"' IK.N S I.N u 1 1 m U 1. ,; , iwi rr ?. 1 ?,. 1 . .. llliNinnsl l.o ril.'.l "Itli th.' Poll.-.' fl' conl.l..r.'.l l.-l In. inin, ' , ''""Ii THK KO MOW IN,; VilT.'-K '.Vp - irt , h.r n. If 1 ,1 hi a . ". ' J'"1 f,,r -"'''" "' "' ''",l " ' '"' '"' '-! "' '", '" K'i'h irMnl mint I." nrr,,,,,,,,,,,. whirl, ,, ,,",, , , '" ..... l' OIVTONVTK uJsMK ,Tn I," v f , '' ,," " ,,ff"" ' "", '"1,v lm" m,t ,1,,or ""' - f"r " '"" "'','l 1 rrillfl...! .'h.'rl, .... ...,. - I- flx.'.l In ., r , , ' , I'M,,, XUIM Is hohob rt7nhii M, ".Sr ,H TT ... .. ,. Hmn S oVInck P M nf tin- 33r.l .lav , , , ffi.-,. . iln- city lull ... I.,.,.r M,on.lhl.. Iwiik In nimnnil ...,'...1 in fi lAMi. liim """" ' '' '" "l-r S 5H f s iS sSSf frr ssusr-" ""' " """"" ' wrv ::r!:;::::; sj irrirv'rcrvfflK :H:: r' --Ss K'9H."r """" i:;! r r7 f r:lr;;;:'?i;v--''?vr;Ki!,';K:::t: "t::';,';; . rrja&rii.xarHrV"-- sHi 7? '-'-jr " " f rrrrsyffii c ,;:::,,ll:;;r,:';:;i:,',;:! ,:';;:'':;,;,' li,,:;rv;,',::",v,x; - V ..'i..V, , V 1"lr,,,i,,ro.'t w.wtor- Tin- nrononv nunrm ..' nos..,l ui,m r.illur.' In .'iit.'r Into contrint tti,. city hy llio surri'itfiil hl.lil.'r t,v mill nil nrnnnmiN in tihiimliitt "'" ,,v. niriml .1.. , , , 'n, ;,,, ,!'"'.., ?' '"'.'i ;,ni' Alloy ""'"' ,,1,hor ,uv '" 0,,,h or m!,Ko ,,M" ,,,,1 l"""1 f"r lU,) fIH"l 'n.iil"tlnn Um. 1 .Hiiro to .Mitor Int..' t i,.", h.iI.I iirnt'tiiiMl ln.riiit.i.t ill". 11 "I"""1"'!" nl. In inn....,,, , ,,, '"l qtrrot inrl, 1 .r,,'!L ,r,.J' ,0 M',,l, r,,'', ".,".' ,ho ,''0,,-," ""IR" '" """'I "f "' lm.r,.x,Mno..t III mv.,r.l..nco mid IhiihI (or itu (rtlllirul t,iiui.iii.ii ,..,..ll..rutl.m i.r unlil I.I.U. ir llnif,"1 '-Ml ntth.- ,;,;,. ,. " r Mreot. tnciiutini. Intoroolloii!, rllv tliolr .ipnllriitlntK to p.iv s..,-. with tl... s.,.ouic.itloi.s th.'r.'for. or al.l li.ip.,n.'m.Mit In iio.or.lumv ,,-t. ut uiihoi.t lli.lilllly In Ilm ""' l""l"i.l ll... .,.,, , r ," ino proporty so ;,,..v., liv ,,i(1 ,,0,n, ,tiitlimnis xvlth!."' Tim fit nr Kliiimilli IM1N r..'rv with t'i. p..-irt.-.itloii Hiornror m, f Klnmalli 1'iills In iiiiv lilil.l.-r '" "'" rll '' "' "" ,1 1 1 ??! f a.'.1 'h,U ',1",prtv Ws '" '""" ' elnnlnc with tlio.iB tin- rlRlit nt ..II tint." to ri'i-ct Ti ,, f ..llin,!, p.UN r.n.'rr , ,,rtr. iroM"'Uu .il l.r.i . "I"1" f,,,1,,r" " "" - , , adjacent to said p.irt-. or -...Id str.-..f tlrst piil.llratlon ..r tttfe notice. in ntid nil propoil mid to nbntulnjt lnK t. rlcht nt nil tlmiM to r-jo-f ,.'r.nrm.-.V ""', ,"""' 'or "'' ' "" . Between tho aliove montlomil termini t--i,u,,a,, iV r,' J 1 11 ' . t"' ud nrnionl Imnrowment upon miiv ... I all .rnih.,iU mi I 1.1 l,(ii,,toi. Tho uwrtrd to Hi.' micconsful hld.ler '" "'",1 lrv.-m. t , "n and Pttendlnp laterally to the rent!. na..nm n.,v r 1 11 ' consideration of nal.l bids It It o tlio -id proponed Improx. m. in up . ,rtll,,r ih i,r..p..d nl.l .,. w" ""' !"' 'ti"iii . ' J .rea,I!!rC ? .,r,nK 0dja" Xl- J- lIalv ... 113 R! . I ."d without ! it.llit t" the M ropildemtioii of .-.Id M.' . Jilt .- ., -H l h.rel.v mml" eonilncein 'll,M '"' '''!';,, cent to gairt parts ,,r s.,id street (in Henrr Offenlinrher lU.-, t of KUm.ith Kails Hr.-Kor to w ,.,.- 4itd u.tlluut ll'iil,i to the t,A,i(h ,) of the lionls mi'horU. .1 iu ,hr r,h, "' "' wraa twiM-oyed r n- .'.-v,! 1t.t IV'l.l.'tr ..r persn'i Lit, -,.,!.. In , ,-,,, Ktxmath K ills u. nt.y .,..r m 1 1 'k funda fnr mn'diiK ald lm "" "'l 'l I' THat t,n .i.Hket of c -v ',-. J.,s r- iv M..r,v , 3: , , . r.,,, ,..,,, ..., i-r f-w It f ulnl in m, .ftW,i pto, , Hi. ,'. n, . nu mad up trot 1 -d tv ecti in .Marion 'lank e( M . Iinmj The - the smeesuful Milder imp . ,. ,.n. Tl.-"l'-i MHeirintlnii and mil "" d'-"H't . of tfce .rtor-of .hU . iiad -V -.- mMj". . -k-,- f... ....,! , ,1.1 ,n Tl .,.,, , ,h Hf hy, ., ,'v.M.f tM n nibrwr .ml rf" B"'1 the Coll.." In? is 0 1 't .v t! ' names n,.,t r t..,?, . MS 1 "v.. f.-.' I. h. -e y r.vir'nitert f, k ., n- r... -d ... m.i-. ,,, ' ,t it. ..r,..s.. imtir.n.. ' !" "' K,a or uwer- .'I V pr-i i,-r . V u ,' f,i ..(, 1 t; 1 ,i,,:i '. sale f the hotid outhornt- y n em Is l-ere'n ... , I .,-.,. 't.e-. .UKnl s',,i ,. ,iM rf ifrartlnit tl'e f" ,'"r"'" " an sho-w hv -11 & bond in do kc; and '-, .t ) 1 -1 o- -,l o ir. lil-' funds for ii.t.k.n nil ..i...-i ... :,. t .i... i,, . .riortr-l ,.,,, in .' I'.ll.Pe i.,.t to th titir.v, t,i-i, Mid ortl 1 . ice nvether with the -m,n 4 tr,,ns,,n 1111 Imemxement. to t -. l.le f.itl. for 111 kln - ild lm "' lih of ' 'i el nn.l tiirl Mlrfnr'nt Th ,tt"" total !tH!'i' aseaswl iilnst the ......, A T.rn 8? 41 The plans ne. Iffratons led rail proxefienl rtj, .r,., , (he ,'tU ihuw fl" " '"t i propertv or e.nh of said ,.wn"r. and rn..-,n To.non SZ.41 mats nhoie referred to emhr.e and The plana. Hprrlfi.-ioiii n-'.l est. ,n,-rtriftt mf all intludinit nonnnt l,r,,rin,.ni 1 refereme 1- hsrebv .de ;o auob r t nrt.,.t B "!1 ' ororlde that ald proposed Improve mat above r feird to embra. . and .mbs mid rum. lit aUliwalk tt'ltll '""", "l" "uI" " ' docket sf ritv Uen It .i d-talled R T rrieoll Rfi -.1 mett or ald street hall rotilt of provide that the proponed Imprnve (her oil murmlnm pavement ron- "'''', '" )- l. , doscription of each lot pin or lot. t " "ownr-' fil oaUnc ald porllona or Md streets mem shall rntulat In Kmd'nK Mld Ttte pa.ei.ient or bit ulltlilo ' pave- "B"' 'r"vii.".it block or acre ice property so assessed T F lo-ril . (I I 2t with bltullthle pixemert without treels to est tliltahed grade nml pav- ...rnt In either event to Include I'1" fan nMiiif, Ftinherrotiet I- u,, be-e!"- rlv t. ". t.. fiiVer fi;n cement sidewalks but Including curb- lnK ssune with either oil m.-irndn'n dewalk curtiliiK and i-ritdlliR Hinnlea olm." r.f.n. , to the rest'-etive property owners so ti t rtuttov 1:4 lnC and Rrndlni: or nil t.inci.laui cement or blttiulltl.'c and the con- Prnposalu mv linllcl i.n all three'""1 Provide il.u. ..,i , , assessed and herein mentioned that n . VotVr rtl?o nateinent without cement sidewalk-, wlructlon or I root cement sidewalk kind 0r imwieetit mentioned with I'"'"'""'1' f "aid m... , ?nch assessment Is due ard pavable. ' V S'hmltt .t .loi Schmltt 4, hut Inrluillnc curblnc and Kra.lln? all In accordance with the plan, and .imeiit iildewalki MM nf kibiIIiib the nan ' iiih and will be delinquent arter the ex- " n P.islev 4.21 S..I.1 improvement In either event to apecirirntlon on Hie Hnied tit KlaiiMtli Kall June I lib ','1 Kr,l I" Hi" width ..'I ft i plration or twenty days from the dnte n n ''ssinv . tit JO lnelude Kradlnp rolling and curbing Proposals nre requeaied on ..II clas. $) 'tween the iiortherh ii ,1 v alt of the first publication of this notice f it TV'erst . . .. . fit,"ind dnilnace Said Improxement to en of tmiement mentioned luted ot ' I IP WITT Mreet mid the ru in, n' That the first publication or this r. h J:rs . .. ntTO (,,. ao reel in width Klamath Kails. Oregon. thl 1 HI. dai Pnllm Jii'.Ik.. of' ii.e Cllv or "Prim? Mreet nml !.'. f..- v,tb, notice is on June Kth. 1919 ""'"Wii 'w To. fit i Proposals are Invited on all kind or June 1919 Klamath Ka Im lireeoti bM'n the northerh l. , , nt That nropertv owners so assessed '''"""i ''' fn r. " of pavement mentioned, without A I. I.I'.WITT - - - 1 Mreet to I'n.iflc Tern.., ' p must either pay in cash or mike and '"amath riev To. . fit.2 cement sidewalks Police Ju.Iro of the City of Klamath mhiTi- ivJitiv.- ..i..w.,.u clflc Terrace (ton. Ili.r,,.. .... file with the Police Jndce or alo 'leme'b ti.,v Co. . . fit. 29 Dated at Klamath Kalis. June 1 Ith. K.UI. Oregon MHItl. INI1I. I ItOI (M.ll.s. h(,r) ((( .orti-IMl ,, , , ,.,, city apolications to par such assess. c D "'rl'ke'- fit I1 1919. Ptiruanl to or.llnmue and order or bind Mreet from Pu.-tfi. l , . . . ran menL in installments within the 20 Tos ehiilu f- I.. K Schmltt "0 9 A I. I.KAVITT soTlt'K IVVITtNf I'ltni'iw 1 "", r,""""" Council or the City nt ,,r to the euMern b...... 1... f ihs day from the date of the Hrt pub- T''" r n'p--' n Police Judce or the Citv oi Klamath ' ,, ,'"""N-"'S- Kliimath KalU. Orecou. nntlre U t'H) r Klaiimtli Kail . h.i'.i.r lication of this notice , rV ? p Breweries fii It Kalis 1 itniiant In ordinance and order hereb kIm-ii that proixmaU will w fnri.iK .ild mreet 1.. i, . ,!-h Amount assessed acalnt M r T0i.nson . n "i or the tominon Council or the Cliy or received In the Common Council for M.v.. pe.lfed met ..' ,.i n property of each owner vHard Zom CO .'9 ,,,",,"'1,,,,. . ""!..,' ,,,r", lti making the Improvement delRned rniirr.Hn curbing and gr.' r ih A- M Collier s r..0ll A r Cornei! ... c ;OT t)l HOM .s U.K. 1 recelvvd bv for the improvement of Kp,m,e ,.her bl.ullthl.- u. A. M Collier $ r,S.-..n.i.r ' Karr " Sealed bids will b.. recited until 'ld t omuion touticll for u.aklnR the ,re.n from the northerly l if raduni pavement or ..... ... iu.e Klin. McMillan TT1 3 X'.-nvnth rer n r '" the hour of 2 o'clock p m . the 12th Improvement designed for the I in- Wall mrvel to Pacific Terrace. Pa- ment Helen Plumh Thomas 7:1 3 ' "rollv .,0 ; day or July 1919. by the underslRne.l Provenienl or l.lnroln treet front 9th clflc Terrace front Huron mreet nor- Prnpoal urn luvli.-l ..., ,1 k AlansonC Hlmes T-2.TS C I- Knight . . .. r.i " and Immediate v thereafter publicly Mrvel earner to lltb street, incltid- iherly to Portland mreet and Port- of pavement mentioned Alanson C Htmes . 7-' 7 7 . nvmill'is- . nn :i . opened hy the Court or Mam- lK '" eraectlona lalll Mtv, frm .ttdflc Terrace luted 1.1 Klamalb Kail J... . Hih. Marv A. Drew 41 -. $0 Klcnath Dev. "o rn . nth County. Oregon, at the orrico or s-ld propoed linproveuient to be eanterl) to the city limit or Klam- l!iI9 I,. stMla Hosier ." A. Rannle . . r.o ",1 ald Court In the County Court House made In accordance win. the plan nth Kail. Oregon. Including Inter- I ll'WHT S. R. & Josie Low 7fit nt A. "ann'e . . CO ?9 in Klamath Kail. Oregon, ror tho nd eciricatlon(i or the City Kngln. M-ctl..iu ' I'olln. Judge of ib. 1 ov of S. Ti. Low SSB.30JA. Uannle . .. - purchase of bond or said County l. ;cr tor 'one or the other oi the raM... Hal.l Improvement to be mini.. In Ktmnuili Kail. ng.. . S. B. Low- .24 ' Klamath Pr l". M ued ror the building or permanent ,,r Improvement mentioned therein Ksfa'te of Ch-i N' Mever 427 ta Htrrv A Kindred .2.7 road therein in the sum or tl."0. 000. and approved li the routicll and In Maude Goeller " r.9.-, 97 Klamath Dev :!2 S7 same being a portion or an authorized accordance with ordinance No 455, ItKSOI.rTIO.V PltOI'OSIM! TO CIIAMii: Till: or 1'iHt I ltNH Marv A. .Tory r.S4 2'1 Annie Nathan .. "2.aT Issue or J347.704. same being In do- adopted on the 9th da) of June,. OK IIKJH hT.. KlltsT NT.. .M Si:t'M sf K P Combs 90 " Anna Nathan 2"S7 inomlnatlon or J 1000 each, except tho 1919. and by the ma)or approved on WIIKIIKAH. the Comiiion Council den.. Ii np.-dleni to rlia. th H H Van Valkenburg 7t 90 Klamath Dev. . 1"7.0S wo last numbered bond ror $500 and 10th day or June. 1919 grade or portion of High tflr.-et. Klrnt Street and Second Street h! k! ', f- Jesi Moniyer 129S0 Klamath Dev 127 OS $201 resp-JCtlvely. numbered from 1 Said plan, speciricatlon and cml- MK IT HK.SOl.VKD That the gradu r portion of mild trrei h H. H. Vn Valkenburg 2? 70 Klamath Dev 127.0? upward, dated July 1 .1919. and ma- mate being on file with u... 'Ilre changed a follow. J W McCov RS 0 Klamath Dev. . 12 0? turlng serially In numerical order a Judge and In the office of the city ,,lr" Sidewalk J. W. McCov " g-fi'so -'a Hvan 12" 0" follows engineer North South North Ninth J W" McCoy 6SB SO A " Stewart . . . f7.0 Serial Numbers: The proposed linproveuient to be High Street, Yt side of KlrM Street, Kstate or MarHet Itobert 2-u'sn w- Stewirt - 127.0'? 1 tt 3t Incl. 1.14.000. ten (10) let In one contract, and the tin.,. n front . .. 2310 2310 "11 n "10 rotate of Harriet Roberts 130 90 "A'eed Lumber Co . 127.1 1 years from date or Issue, which the same Is to h completed '" - 229 5 229 5 212 u : 0 William V WIIlRon 41110 ra' 0r" power Co 123 OS 35 to 6S. Incl.. 134,000 eleven (11) I" fixed by said ordinance for On Hlghl Street. i:st Mile of KlrM Street. Tt. S Moore K-: 00 Klamath Vall-v Wrhse Co. 123.08 years from date or Issue; 15th. 1919. ' from .1. 230.0 230 n 21.10 220 0 r!s.'& Marv 1. Moore '.-.O 10 Klam Valley Wrhse & Fwd Co 132 49 fi9 to 102. Incl , $31,000 twelve ( 12) Hid must be Hied with the Police ' 22.S.5 22S.N 2130 22 0 R. S. Moore & Mary L Moore 41 o Klam Valley Wrhse & Fwd Co 1.12.49 years irom date or issue: Judge ror. submission to the Council '"gh Street from at TO reel from Kust linn of Klrst Street. Molette Jennlnc " "O-'ao Klamath Dev Co 121.08 103 to 136. Incl.. $34,000 thirteen not later than 8 o'clock p 111 of tho from 220.0 22110 220 1) 220 0 Estate of Harriet Robert 4!1 1" Klamath Dev Co 121 08 (13) veanl (rom uat(, of s,.. 23rd day of June, 1919; at which " from at 150 feet from the Kast line of Klrsl Street Estate ot Harriet Roberts IGfi'-'O Klamath Dev Co. 121. OS 137 to 150. Incl. $14,000 fourteen "t"" tnl place all proposals will be from 214 0 214 0 211" .'III Geo. T Baldwin and'F I Weed lumber Co l?t 08 (14) years from date of Issuo opened and considered To, at 115 reel rrom the Kast line or KlrM Street. Honklns ' " r.I(1.iKlamath Dev To 121.0S Said bonds to bear Interest at not to Kach proposal mum be arcompan- 213 5 213.5 21fin -' 1 1 0 Geo. T Baldwin and F I ' Klamatb Dev Co. 121 OS exceed six per cent (6 per cent) Pr l"l ") certified check 011 som.i t,..' High Stnet, West line Second Street, Hopkins ' '' rn nt Kdw In I. Weary .. .. 121.08 annum, payable semi-annually on sponsible bank to the amount of R fropi 212 0 212.0 212 0 2120 C. D. Willson ,.','" Kd win I Weary 121.08 January and July first, principal and Pt cent of the aggregate or the pron to 212 0 212 0 213 u 209 5 Ceo. T. Baldwin in'19 ii- K,an,a,n Doy- Co 121.08 Interest payable In fnltod States gold posal. to bo forfeited by (ho surrej,. High Street, Kast lino Second Street, Geo. T Ba.jwlti r.sV'r Jay Dem,ne 121.08 coin at the ofriri.. or the County ful bidder upon failure to vet .r into from 212 0 212 0 212 0 212" K H Van Vallenburc o -r W' K' Peehorn 1 17.33 Treasurer or a tthe Klscal Agency of contract and bond for tho falthlul' to r ... 212.U 212.0 214 5 212 0 Jr-Venhlne A Taylor M -p W' K' Stehorn - 113."." 'the State or Oregon In Now York completion of the Improvement In iic-l High Street rrom, at 95 feet from Second Street, 219 0 219 0 II I Van Valt'cifciirg 1039O 1 .' S,'eu0rn ' 113-58 ' City, nt the option of the holder. cordancn with the contract The City' uud from, at 175 feet from Second Stn'el, 218 0 21SD Tf H Van Vnlkenhiirr "f'qn .-' 5 5''e m ' 113-r,s Said bids must be accompanied bv of Klomath Kails, reserving the right To, ut 65 feet east ot the east line of Second Street. If M Bristol ' R.lF.'Jn )).- S- J:oehorn - 113.5.8 , d certified check for 6 per cent or tho to reject any und all bids und propo. 220.5 220.5 223 0 220 5 II V Bristol " "on 1 J- J;- fotioi-n . ... 113.58 amount bid and must be uncondl- als and to abandon the propod Im- To, ut 185 feet east of the east linn of Second Street. H ir' Bristol --'80 ' Seehorn 113.58 .tlonal. provement upon consideration of said 218 0 218 0 2210 211 0 JYTInlon 77'n !,!n UroB 113.58 The approving legal opinion of bids, ir It so elect, and wlthoul II11- High Street, West lino of Third Street, First State X- Savings Bank" 7'-R0 1 J "!? " Uros " ' ,13"'8 Mesara Teal. Miner & Wlnfreo of blllty to the City, to any bidder or from . .. 204 0 204 0 204 0 20 0 Ernestine T"eidrlrh 772 78 x a S- ' ,i:i-'s ''ortland. Oregon, will be furnished person Interested in said proposed to . 204 8 203 6 207 0 20(0 Ernestine Heldrich 77078 ?-, ".J1''' ' 25.58 tho successful bidder Improvement High Street. Kast llnu of Third Street, ErnesMn "eldrlrh ? -R , Klamath Dev .. . 24.C0 ( The Court reserves tho right to re- Tho award to the successful bidder from 202.0 202.0 202 0 202 0 J A. & T villa Houston 777?i aAth .Pe,l ' 12'no J"'! '' or all bids for making the proposed Impiovn-, to 202.0 200. ii 2010 200 6 Jos. A. McDonald r..i 1 S6 I -jVI .fchIaurman " :2'? C. R DiiLAP, ment Is hnrnby contingent upon the' High Street, at 70 rent east or tho eaat lino or Third Streel, Jasper Bennett ?-5 10ip,atmaT!r,D,r, ' " JxHS 1 17'24'1 Clerk salo or the bonds authorlr.el to pro-, from 194.0 194.0 105 0 193 0 E. S. Thiillna . "11 SO !u 1, nil "'?! vide funds for making sa.d propien d to 194.0 194.0 1955 133 0 Amanda T'amaker ' K l,h n!, " i2n2 AmilMSTIUTOIVK XOTICK OK 1Provu,,,",,u , High Street, ut 150 feet east o fth.i east lino of Third Street. Amand Hamaker 583.00 IS "Ih Dev ' lll'nl wiiw wvu irrarw The plans, specifications and est I- from ... 191.4 191.4 193 0 90 5 Published by order of the Common 'pMr"nCe Wendlln. ' l'n.. I-IMf. 1-I.NAI. ACOOIT.NT. mates above niferred to . mbraco und , to 192.0 192 0 194 1S B Council of the Citv of Klamath F-'ls K 5-1 f ' h"2o In the County Court of the Stato of provide for the proposed Improve. Hlght Street, West lino ot Fourth Street. (nA( nnder authority or section 269 or the pj Won n? -3.n Orewn lor KlBninth County ment tho grading ot tho street to tin. from 191.0 191.0 193 0 90 0 charter of said city 1 r torence endllng .. 113...8 i the Matter ot tho Kslute of Noah established grade, and paving samo to 191.0 191.9 193 5 18S 5 Dated Klamath Falls. Oregon. June Klam" h ""' '" '"'" K-Arnold, deceased with "Oil Macadam, Including re-J mR,t Street, KaBt lino or Koitrlli Street. ton. 37, agio !&! i n ii2'ro Kotlco Is hereby given that I bavo ment sldewuIkH, curbing and grail-1 from 191,0 191.0 193 0 1S9 A L LEAV1TT ' p r r . ii?"ro '"ed my final account and tepott as lug, or Coment, Including commit to 191.0 191.0 193 5 HUS Police Judge of the city .' A 1!"! ! ii?'ra Administrator of tho Eatato or Noah sidewalks, curbing and grading, or; High Strvot, at 130 east of the east Hun or Fourth Street, ot Klamath Pals, Own n p S "3- K. Arnold, deceased, and tho nbovn with bltullthle. Including coment from 198.6 198.5 198 5 195 letMniVr i nil I',"8 entitled court has fixed upon 2:30 walks, curbing and grading, or plac' to ... 195.0 195.0 198 0 193 0 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNICUS jp Howard 121 (is ?n!'ck '" 't"5 af1ternoon,t.,Jul' 19t". ? thecon 8 Inches of Cinders with- nKn Street, West lon.i of Ki'tth Street, OWNERS ON SPRINT. STREET KiamVtn Dev ' ,,'S 1919, a slho """ a"a th,! (,ty out sldowalks. Proposals nro re-' from ,'. 0ftn 20fi.O 206 0 206 0 THAT THEY HAVE 20 DAYS k amath Dev ' Court loom In tho Court l.o'iho of iiuested on all classes ot pavement 1 , $0 0 ,; 20S f. 20.15 FROM 1ST PUBLICATION OF Weed Ltimbor Co los K'a'nath .(i0Ut.',,y 0lreB0,,l,'',) t,,0.Clty ,,l01n1t,.on1m,-4 ,,, ., ' High stm-t. East lino of Fifth Street, THIS NOTICE IN Wllini TO wlJ 1 imW r " "-.OS 0f Klamath FiIIIh, In Bald Co'inty bh Dated nt Klamath Kulls. Oregon, . v ' 207i0 207.o 207 0 207 0 FILE APPLICATIONS TO PAY Publlsho i,v order nf .'i, n' lUi ,,laco' w,"n ""'l w"-'0 "ny per- this 1 Ith duy or Juno, 1919. t(, "'""". ."""..'.!.!. 207.0 207.0 2011a :'"l& . THEIR ASSESSMENTS IN 10 AN- m "p ' ,, ,1 ,J ,,'", ( 0IT1.' "" ,na' Pf'wnt any objection or tx- A L LEAVITT. ' f,Ki, strent nt 80 tu.-t oust or tho oast lino or Firth 8t I. NUAL INSTALLMENTS IN AC-, ,?s un er 1 Sfioritv of Lh ?" S c,,lltl" t0 """'"B rontulne.1 there- Police Judge of tho City or """ StrCOt' Ht b0 f ,,m " l ' Va1 8y ,V, s0 0 .'OH CORDANCE WITH THE FOl, 1 r trio ' H It" 2 ' ln "r lo an"llln,; ,loM by """ M Al1' Klumiith Falls. Oregon. I Jrolu 5x0 S- 210 0 212 5 20" i h?S',JJrLL, ,rinf"- Dated Klamath Falls June 17 1519 m'l8tf"tor 'f!"1 at n tsuch tlmo Pil : : ; ,Rt stn.()t nl 17C feet Vni'sTor'll.'o'aHt 'ill... ot Fifth Street. TIONATE ASSESSMENT V ' , Tf mvitv JJ'"IaC0 tl10 "a,(1 c,,nTt wl" ""ally pass .eTICi: INVITINO PltOPOSALS. I from.' .' 197.0 J97.0 2010 l'l.O .Notice 1 hereby Riven that tho Polke Jud of (ho Cliy 'of "P"" lo bbIU account -ml r- ,,llmmill t0 0rilllmllC0 nd order of! to 202.0 202,0 20 r, ,1 i 0 Comon t ouncil of t l.o City of Klam- Klamalh Falls. Oregon "ort' ,, ,, n,T tlio Common Council or tho City of Tlinnro on it iiliirorin grn.lo to .'SlabllHl.o.l (.ndo nt SIMh W.e. I No! ff urapled'oX'; R frlS?l& of a' hHl't?Snl.QJJm tit" " "" "" "' t,,U "",th ""U ' ,,'" Hl,0Ut' W ,. of j.. ,919 and approved hy th. XWICB INVITIXO PROPOSALS. Nonh ft ArnoUl. .b-ceasod $ X S gnunrtl from & Mayor on tho 10th day of June. a... Pursuant ... Ordinance and ordor 10- 17' "1 ' 8' 10 for nmldnt? tho Improvement rteolt.11.' lo is ' tm ih iri nV tat MSlTi t t C.TT. c"uu' o tho city ",, IV,.lvr. niMllmtl.l(l 'd for llio Improvemotit of 8th efroot. Flint Street, at 120 foot noith ot tha north lino of Pine GLroot. upon oath lr,t, part oMot Mock and r,f Klamath Falls, Oregon, notice Is NOTICE IMTILNO PROPOSALS from inK, ntroot northerly to Proa-! tt,.- rf roln .J , .,., oa ?, t ,- ! . ' al'"" acreare proiMsrty found'4o he benefit- h-rei. glrcn that proposal, will b Pursuant to tlrrtlnance un.l order Ueu street; Lincoln street rrom ih Y,l, fo vv,....,..i ,i 1 r (: 20i ,i and iini.'e for the coat of Improv. '-nvfi by i,.e Common Council for' of tbo Common Council of tho Citv street eenterly to 'Jth hlreet: and .I'.t.lSoqona StroelfilTSO febt north of tho north lino of Pine Street k 1 . nt i .1 'nakip the Improvement Cmig&ei t Klamath Falls, Oregon, uotlo i r.w.n atroot rrom 8th sln-ot oasterlj . . fiom r.-.- 1 s r " rjfrtaeriy to oait avenue, and lawur- for th improvowent of Market St., heruby given that nrUPoaala aim be to Uth ret, Including iiitemmtlona 1 . ,(, , - sx :..!..: .., - u - f"-'hSnroprrty eo assessed hr id , ,"i,i ! ",?-V,li.!J2f ,tb flt,e''' mclv bV HA Cowmon 0ti' il for Huld improvemwtt to be mado in ''geitonlJfSat, Pi 120 tot ifoMhfoj;tht npfUi. Hpntjf IJlM iv'.' ft proprrfy o ejisesseo- bf.eeld to the outherly HtA of Lot 10 In makln fhe Improfemnt 1 .. kuml (.eo. dune vv.lh tlm nlaus und spcti-i ' ,n'" from' i. I.!...........:.. I0.fl r l''1- " fi i.nnee J ail tn PJPPerty ivinB nio 17. and the onihnrly line cr.ton e luveforowent or JOtu ! t-eet 'tuitions tln, f'lty Bnginoor for one L, ' to ... Q. SflLO. Ml11 ' ., ''," $?v?J$ffli$D S',- M"ll ."-o'Se-o-id Hkllrottd ' ! om StafiS- Street nnrtheily to Proa- or the OtUer af'tHa claasea of Im-lfUlo of Oregon. Oouuty of KUumtU, Oliy of ICIaitU JfoUa ?,!lrl? ?lrnt t2 ',l' ' '" t Street, und Higl. Street f mm lUh piovtuneilt nwmtioned then In audtv &. A. h, LtHiVltt, Police Jmto nf ttio-OUy 6t KtttjtUtll Knlla , ,, , ,,,,. , TiAiLl, " ""." -"-"' vrfcct aitrly to-Utlt Stueet, iud-i-aniproveA'iiyiiairt CquM1. vd In w- oertlfy thaftlte fornrjilng l n duly enrolled copy of to pmoIiii. -n ,.ir iihj,.. , ,ro, nt fr , ,,,,,. , T lU, r,totlf. . (,, ,,,(o with Ordlfltincp . , -,s, Im chanea In nad . on eerntn , jrtlotVH of Hli.h, Vlr.t nnd 1 "' "!'' '1 it ' it Ii ' " f! 'v , On I h .' In i.e ni,.,vo set. fin I h, an ad wl ' . I be loinnlon Cu.ii-,1 1.1 , ' ' ' .11, 1, 1 . 1 1. I l'i 1 9 1 ' I 1 1