m !" It THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON iiunw, ,M i .-,. TAOK TWO mm. fjjt t-i- Of J.httiKMon Fnr- Victor .'. Viiuclmn. lnn of tin- M.-.ll- MHHMKnianfiHHHHnKHfiBB mfonnRvnjf. mint. ln-.tor-licninnl. Aun-rlcan lied ctil S.-honl I niv, r-.it ii.-1uku t'ro-s: Colonel Kieo K lutimtl ( .! lr liuw.l li l.:.'m. I'i'-i.I.iu the Surgeon OonPTOl's ofdee; Jiitill of th- Nnlixli.il rulK-KlllilH A-"Oil K. Commons, l'rotesor of Krouo- nitons. t i R Sri va VA I 'V :m u&. . I ::l It .r ft 4 J. a c 4 BETTER HEALTH ATLANTIC CITY. X J Juno 19 Vlntis for a conntrwule program for the protection ot the notion's henlth during the reconstruction em will be illncuwil by pnvernment exports nntl henlth authorities from every stnto In the I'nlon at the annual meetinK' of the National Tuberculosis Assocl-' tlon which opens here Saturday., Jnne 14. The sessions will continue' until June IT. i Vifteen hundred state anil local voluntary anti-tuberculosis organ!-' rations, which have lel the fight against the disease In the past ten years, will be represented by dele-' gates, who will make a strong plea for further co-operation on the part of the government in their campaign. ' As a result of their representations basvtl on wartimo revelations .they hopo that a division of tuberculosis will be created in the United States rublle Health Service. Now truths about tuberculosis learned during the war will b pre sented by army and medical men who fonjfht the diseas both overseas and in th mili'ary hospitals here. Amcig thoso who will addrv the mics. I'nlveroity of WKiensm: Pr jre?x.--. -i:-i.-.sfi,. iGIf-3 Sss-rr-. t j 'R&ai.iT VV.V -r-lrtr! II I 1 ,Tw.rf m CJt 1.1 I m I u In !l ' CO-OPERATIVE CIRCULATION OF CURRENCY WHKTHKIt one's money I -pent or deposited her.- Klamath Knlls it .-ontlnue 'working for uveryoix- -and the community too. You uiav l. spvndlUK II - but proh ablv the other fellow deport it here tit the KIHST NA TIONAL HANK Then u good portion goes out again In behalf of some worthy -nttrprl- and thus YOI bentflt again directly or Indlrectlv li ivi: you oi'kxko ven: .t nuvr Yirrv I.. It. Iteiiiue-. rreldent. I.. I Ulllet. 'li-.rrflilent. 1 -lte lt'sei-, Cnliler. A. -M. Collier, t. Iti-likr. Join. .M. Mi.m Avj, Culiler. w " '. " 5 Sterling Values M - m hi m m t i EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. YOU WON'T KNOW MOW GOOD THEY ARE UNLESS YOU SEE THEM. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. ws7 First National Bank;" s J!'A KLAMATH KALL-S OKCOON CT- . u t f Y rn WE REPRESENT I AMM Mr SL-JJi .O. V JLA V AL vWU'oa HOENBRUN & CO. l'0 TAILORS TO MEN fHKSI". AKKTWi 'i ! "THK i'K.sf WD HIGH EST CLASS TAlLukS IX THE COUNTRY. .XD WE STAND BACK OF THEM. AND MIND YOU. THEY ARE NO HJGHEK PRICE THAX READY MADE CLOTHING. ttl tii t4 m .. w V RI S3 MU EI 03 II ! A ti '- 2 1 . p ' V J' JTRA Sbk I iiU u pH ?n 'rt iH f N ' n w s li f py'op n ,1 k " lii a NG V "The 5Stoi'e of Service" NINTH AND MAIN STREETS Co JaiiaaiiHaiESEiassaiasEiESHHasaaaaEiaaAisaaiiHurasis nHisa1 BB23C1 lllHBgiF?aF2!3BI i4"" :!:-!!! FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED N. B. DREW The Men's Store 6TH AND MAIN Successors Drew & Merrill I i . THE WNNEK CO. MMH 5mmj5Jm5m5mJjmJj h A, . ' t I he Parisian. Millinery .rY a gcmpljst:; urJE r.s and U;g:;rie 0 LAOILS VA'ST?, Ltf.JZSi AXD S10C:-:7?IG? .-.NTTHING WE HAVCNT GOT WILL GLT ifc THi: LINE OP LADxES. - WEARING A i'PAkSL Condition of tlie fniit market as reported from Ashland and California this morning. From California Cherries done Raspberries and Logans scarce, Blackber ries plentiful. From Ashland Berries Scarce Bings and Royal Anns will be plentiful, u rgo your customer. to do their canning next week. Coffee will takcanotlier advance, wo have a few more cast of While House Coffee that we are ailing at 50 cents the pound when this is sold we shall be compelled to advance the price. We have a quantity of the good bulk coffee nt 40 cents. T!:; i.-: a bargain now. ., Butter fluctuates aluiost dully, we are selling this wnsk 't 53 cents the peund: this is a saving to you of about If) tents t-i . pound h J - Old Potatoes from California will arrive today. Eftrly Peaches and Apricots getting cheaper. Do not delay canning for canoed fniits wiij be expen.-ive thi fall. !' ,'M!fCTMCMiBBwaiiaiWCT 519 Main Phone 366 WI m M IP W w rid I i 1 FOR CHICKS AND CHICKENS CHICKEN FEED. ALL SIZES GRIT. OYSTER SHELL. SCRATCH FEED. CRACKED CORN. EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE KILLER. Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 12C South Sixth St. u Kl! m rs 3 ts PI fa rs f! S n c-j ti n n in u f n f i m Fnonc o &dl