The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 19, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    mi iisnw, it i
NOTKi: TO PUOlM'im OW Flls
ON PtM SxTltri 1. AMI PAWt
Al.l.hA THAI' lll!- HAN K 2e
tion ot- rnts Mvnci. in
TO 1A THFIlt VmSi-Jv-iMi- xl'
Vm IN AiUIMlANi t-. xilM
i til-.
Notice l hehobx Mxen that tlio Further no tiro l "No given tlio
Common Council of tlio oltj ot roipoottxe proivrtx owners so nim
tth Falls. Oregon it lit hx ordinance oil unl lioroln below mentioned, lluit
duly adopted on Juno 'th IIP .mil
approved on tho 10th il i of Juno
1319 declare tho proportionate as
sessment upon each lot, p-vrt of lot
Hock or acreage property lionoflteii
ml liable for tho cost of ImproxtaK
lino Street from Thin Street xx enter
Ir to I'.ixne lloj. .mil I'jyne Allex
from Tine street soutliorl) to M Un
Street incluiliiiR intersectioni
The propertx o .io""ol '" -xilil
cnttn.xnce In .ill thHt nrop-ertj IMnc
adjacent to xiiil parts of .xiil strivtH
botxxeen the aboxe mentioned termini
and eitendinK lter.ill) to the centers
nf the rospoctixo blocks lyinc adj i
cent to said parts of valil streets .is
far as Iraprox-ed
That the docket of cltx- liens has
r-oen made up a, proxidetl b section
26S of the chirter of viid city and
the follow inc is a list of the n.iniosipai p
of oxxmers of the proper!) so a-sessed J I'ml K
as shoTx-u bx such bond in docket anil
raid ordinance. toRether xxith theiKmmi V 'ohnson
total amount so assessiii .iRainst the -mri i tohnson
property of eich of said owners, and Kmma V Johnson
reference i- hereby made to such
docket of cltx liens for a detailed
description of each lot. part of lot.
Hock or amuse propertx- so assessed
Further notice is also hereby Rixen
to the respective property owners so
assessed and herein mentioned that
such assessment is due and pix-ible
and xx ill be delinquent after the ex -
airation of twenty daxs from the date
f the first uubllcntlon of this notice
That the first publication of this
aotlce is on June 17th. 119 ' w'lr-n'h x-ix-
That nropertx oxxnprs o assessed '"'i-n,vi f"
must either pax- In cash or nnke and '-'i-itnaih rox
file xrith the Vollce JndRe of saii j '"l"iin,,i x
ritr applicatiors to pay such assess- 5 P r0tVor
ments ir. installments within the ?o T" 3cb"l' .?
days from the date of the first mib -
Ucntlon of this notice
Amount assessed acalnst
prorort of ench owner
A V Col' tor -ti nn
A M Collier $ 'tl rtfi
Klla MrMillin "71 3t
Helen Plumb Thomas 7"i .",
slanson C Himes
lanson c Hlrae"
Marx- A treiv
7, Fstella Hosier
S It A Josie Low
JJ. Tl Iiw
S R Low
estate of Chas N Meyer
Sfaude Ooeller
Marr A. Jnry
T. P Combs
115 so
Van VatkenhurR
f. jpq Momver
Vn Valkenhurg
KSfi to
Kstate of "arrfet Roberts
TV'ate of H"'1"' Roberts
William N Wlltson
R S Moore
R. S & Marx- I Moorp
R S. Sloore t- Mary L Moore
Molette lennlnes
TCstate o' 'arrie Roberts
Kstate of H-irnet Itnberts
Oeo T naldwiu and E L
fTeo. T Raldwin anil K L
r. D W'ltlson
7eo t Raldwln
f!eo T Rilwiti
77. H 5'jn all;enhurK
Jc"ihine A Tavlnr
71 H v-n Vsl''e-xHure
71 71 Van VMkenhurR
H M Bristol
77 V. Rristol
11 M. Rrlstol
.T V Tioton
First State R. SaxingK Rank
Ernestine Heldrlch
Ernestine Heidrlch
7'rnestln. Heidrlch
J A i. I xdla Houston
Jos A McDonald
Jasper Rprnett
2fil tft
130 on
(tt to
t7 9fl
2ft- so
ii v" -
9Gfi 30
r,0! on
-.ft I Oft
(.".I ".i
lft -9 05
fifi ' t.
Q2? If
i to
1fi3 9ft
9 4 2.90
727 80
7"7 SO
"'" RO
772 78
"-? 78
--9 -g
772 7t
nl sfi
2R5 10
E P RhUHns r5R sn
AmancH Hamal'pr --R3 on
Amanda Hamaker 5t3 00
riih1Uhcd hv nr.lor nf the. fnmmnn
Council of the Cltv of Klamath Falls
niltFMIhnrllvnf nix-llnn 9fift nf f bo
charier of said city
Dated Klamath Fallo. Oregon June
17, 1919
Police Judge of the city
nf Klamath Fals Oregon
H H.
J. vr
Notice Is hereby Klven that the
Comon Council of the City of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, did. by ordinance
No. 454, duly adopted on the 9th dar
of June. 1919, and approved by the!
jnayor on tne loth day of June, de
clare the proportionate aasesstnent
apon each lot, part of lot block and
acreage property found to be benefit
ed and liable for. the cost of Improv
ing Spring Street from Sixth street
nnrfherlv in rinlr a....... j i. ' "s o iiiiiiruvemeiii aesignea
Motions ' ,ntcrVr the Improvement of Market St..
.r Jinan'ce01;:, 7h t ? ,
fh , till K I 7 l? h e e?.ter f
u. .mPJ frt.WofH lying adjacent,
to said part of said street bo far aa
t,?,?1 r1? , ? le,n?."h?on ,
mat tho docket of City Lien ih
leen made tip us provided ),y section
2t. or tl ihartir and tho following
lo i lt .it ilu nanus of owiu'is of
t!o prop'rtx mi aMm'il n liown li
Mich lioml Hon dot Wot .mil ilil onti
n mro together l(li I ho total
iiiiiount o -.eer .ignltiM tlio prop-
orfi ot ouh owner .unl roforonoo Is
herohv tn.iilo to uoh docket of I T
I IKS for n ilotiilloil description of
o ioh lot pirt of lot. block mil acre-
ago proptrtx "o iiss.soil
uteh iomont N iluo .mil pixnlilo
ml will ho ilollmitiont after tlio ox
plritlon of 20 divi fnini tho tin to
of IN' tlrit pii'i'lmtton of this notlco
fi.ild rirt public-itlon xil
bo on
Juno K till
t e nnxnertx oxxnor so assessed
miw either pix in cish or make and,
file xilth the Police Jmleo nf said
citx their applications to pax such with tho specifications tlietefor
nxes-monts in installments xiltb'n The Cltx of Klamath Kails resorx
the txxeotv dixs beginning lth tho'lnc the rleht at nil times to reject
tlrst publication of thin notice
iimath Hex Co
Kl.iiiti IVm Co
M 3 Heilr
Henry Offenlncher
v Crooktt
f W 'tiiriihx
Marion Hanks ot al
113 IS
111 s
lit '.v
113 Is
135 It
135 It
11. tt
135 1
135 It
11 07
31 tl
37 II
fill 51
fill 51
fit "I
fit 2"
t'i 29
fit 29
fit 29
''lamat'i nx- Co
, it
Hnw ird
Schmitt .C. Jos Schmltl
' w
fl "9
fit "l
'" n iiex-
fil T9
fil "9
fit 79
r.i 19
I 29
fit 2l
fin 21
i;n o
rn "
C. tt t'oters
,' H 'et-
I. K Schmltt
."1"'.' '
V ItrAWPi-'es
'lie p Brexx-orles
M 1' lo'inson
Kdw-ard Zorn
A ( Cornell
C " Firr
'.iTr.ath nr
r ( ir-olti-
Cft 1
i '.1
r u
7t,C L Knlchf
7t7 " XVendUii
r.n -p
'K'cn sth Dex- ""o
M. "1
r.n "o
r,o ?9
r v o
' " ." r .1
Sti ! I A ILann'e
7fit r.t R-inn'p
ttfi30A Rannte
t 24 1 Klamath rw
J27 7fi 1 Harrv A Kindred
r.o-, qt 'Klamath Pev
3t4 n Annie Nathan
"0fi 22 I Anna Natbnn
-it on JKItmath Per. .
T9 en .Klamath Pex
oe -ft Klamath Hex
ftfi so (Klannth Dex
".2 S7
::2 s7
'x S7
127 Ot
127 OS
'27 OS
12 Ot
27 ns
127 0t
t Ptpixirt
W H Stewart
xVeed Lumber Co
r'al 0r Power Co
Klamath Valtv Wrhse Co
x 2
123 Ot
Hft -.0 Kam vailex- rnse s. rxvn x o . s Val'nv Wrhse Fwd Co 131 f
. .. . r- n n
Klamath Pev I'n
Kinmav nv Co
Klamath Pev Co
Vped I umber Co
iKIaraatb Pev. Co
Klamat'i Pev Co
Kdxxin P Weary
Kdwln ! Wearv
Klifatb Pev Co
Jay Pemlng
' ?pehorn
VT K Stehnrn
fVT K Pehnrn
V' K Seehoni
W E Seehorn
V". K Seehorn
!' B Seehorn
i Vartln 'lros
! vartln Uros
' Martin Bros
I Martin 'Inn
j Klamath Pev
' ""lamatli Pex
iMnrv A Kaufman
121 0t
191 ftS
121 Ot
19J ft
121 Ot
121 OS
121 08
121 OS
113 58
113 5t
113 58
113 58
123 or
193 08
123 OR
123 08
'Klamath Pev
k wrlKtu
Hugh C Anderson
Klamath Pev
l?.-; ftS
123 08
123 08
123 08
123 OR
113 58
113 58
113 r.R
113 .58
113 r.8
n 3. r.R
i Klainatll UOV
j Florence Wendllng
' Florence Wenilllng
I Florence Wendllng
' Klamath Rev
Klamath Pev
j Klamath Pev
(P O C.oode
P r. Coode
P. G, Ooode
'Standard Oil
Klamath Pev 123. OR
Klamath Pfv . 123.08
Weed Lumber Co. 123.08
Weed Lumber Co. 24.fi7!tno place, when und whsro liny pur-
Published by order of the Com- Hon may present any objection or x
mon Council of the city of Klamath iCOnit0n to anything contained tbero-
TCnlln 4ln ill.Alla 0 A f t " . . a
Falls under authority of section 2C9
of the charter of said city.
Dated Klamath Falls, Juno 17. 1919.
Pollrp Judge of the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Pursuant to Ordinance and order
of the Common Council of the City
of Klamath Falls. Oregon, notlco Is
hereby given that proposals will be
received by the Common Council for
"SSS'A eo7 ! VSTn
luelu'Ung Intersections.
hal(1 improvement to ho mado In
,,,,,.,. wm, n,.v ninm. f,,i aJt.
HlMtioiw of the City Engineer for
onn r the other of the claps or In
',,r0 ir cn taeutioiied therein and np
proved hx the iiil I 'Hiii tl iiiiil in
iiocordntii o with UnHitnnie No 1
adopted on I ho "Hi dav of time I'M '
nuil proved tx tho m.ivnr on the
10th tlllV of Until l"r
Sulil plan spoelfliutlons iiml ostl
tnntos being on fUi In the off loo of
th Police lodge Httil In tlio offlco of
tlio "t Engineer
11... ... ..........I rtni.iM, Mill lie
1111 H.e-..M llll."'l
lot In otto contract mul tlio tltno In
.. I.I..I, !,., ........ I. I.i li. emiiiitnte.l la
f(vtl llN ,1lll onnunio for October
tilth. 1919
lllds must ho flloil with llio Police
ju,, for ,ubmllon to Iho Council
1(, ,,,, (((,.,, i tlio oltv lull I not later
than s o clock I' M of tlio STru mix
nf June I'M" at xx'licli time anil
place pronoil xxlll bo oponeil nml
l-ach propixnl tniMt bo iicrompitil
(il bv a certified check on Rome ro
ipon-xlhlo bank In amount mual to
percent of tho nRKrcKate amount ot
l0 (iroposal tho same to bo forfeited
to the cltx bx tlio niicceMiiii ninner
iinon failure to enter Into contract
md bond for the faithful Completion
of said Imnrovement In accordance
aux and ull proposals and to abandon
ho said proposed Improvement upon
consideration of said bids, If It so
elect and without llabltltx to the
cltv of Klamath Kails. OroRon to anv
'ilditer or person Intorosiett in said
promised Ininroxomont
The award to the successful bidder
for innklnR the promised said tin
proxement Is herebv made contingent
upon tho sate of the bonds ottthorU
ed to proxlde funds for tonkins said
Tho plans specifications and estt-
mates above referred In embrace and
provide that slid proposed Improve-
ment of said streets shall consist of
paving said portions of said streets
with bltullthlc imvomont without
cement sidewalks but Including curb
Iiir and grading or oil macadam
naxement without cement sldexvnjks,
hut Including curbing and grading
Said Improvement In either event to
I Include grading rolling and curbing
and drainage Said Improvement to
be 30 feet In width
, rroposits are Invited on all kinds
I of pavement mentioned, without
cement sidewalks
Piled at Klannth Kails luno llth
1919. ,
I'ollce ludge of the Cltv of Klnmatli
NOTll V. or HOMI s.,1.1
Sealed bids xxlll be recelxed until
the hour of 2 o'clock p m . the 12th
dax of Julx 1919 In the undersigned
and Immediately thereafter pubtlclx
opened by the County Court of
ath County. Oregon at th offlco of "'iii proposen improxfiient lo bo
said Court In the Countv Court House made In nrconlunre wltb the plans
In Klamath Kails Oregon, for the and specifications of the Kit) Ktigln
purchnse of bonds of said County Is- ""r for one or the other of the classes
sued for the building of permanent "' Improvement mentioned therein
roads therein In the (.urn of $130,000. '"il approved bj the council, nml In
same being n portion of an authorized urcordunce with orilltianre No IfiS,
Issue of $347,704 same being In do- adopted on the 9th dav of June
nominations nf $1000 each except th 1319. unit bx the miivnr upproxed on
wo lust numbured bonds for $600 and Hi" lth '' of June ni9
$204 respvctlvelx numbered from 1 Paid plans, specification und estl dntei! Julx 1 .1 9 1 9. unit inn mates luting on file with the I'ollie
turltig serially In numerical order us
Serial Numbers
1 to 31 Incl $34,000 ten
' vearn from dale of Issue.
3.5 to 6S. Incl $34,000 eleven
vears from date of Issue
69 to 102, Incl , $t 1.000 twelve
)ear from date of Issue,
to 116, Incl. $31000 thirteen
(13) uar from date of Issue
to 150 Incl $11,000 fourteen
(14) )ear from dale of Issue opened and lonslilered
Said bonds to bear Interest nt not to Each proposal must lie arcotnpan
exceed six per cent (fi per cent) per p'l ') a certified check on imimh re
annum. p.i utile seml-annuall) on sponsible bank lo the nmottnt of ft
Januarx und Julx first Principal nrwl l'r cont of the aggregate of the pro-
121 0t Interest pa).ihlM In Cnlted States gold I'osaJ. to bo forfeited b) llm surress
121.08 iColn ut the office of the Count) fill bl'lder upon fullure to out -r Into
117 33 iTreusurer or a tthe Klscal Agency of contract und bond for the fullhlnl
the State of Oregon In New York
Clt). at the option of the holder
Said bids must be accompanied l-v
a certified check for r, per cent of the
amount bid and must be uncondl
The approving legal opinion of
Messrs Teal. Miner & Wlllfree of
113 58 Portland, Oregon, will be furnished
24.5 fiS nho giiciessful bidder
24 CO. xhe Court rcserxis the right to ro-
'i,,,, an or ait bids
i 17.94.1
It PEL '.P.
in ii.n fv.nntv f'nurt of the Stato of
Oregon lor Klamath Cout't) ment tho grading of the street to tint
In the Matter of tho Estutu of Noah established Kraile. und paving sumo
E Arnold, deceased with "Oil Mncudain. Including ce-
Notice Is hereby given that I have ment sidewalks, curbing and grnd
filed my final nrcount and report as lug. or Cement. Including cement
Administrator of tho Estate of Noah sblowalks. curbing und gl ailing, or
E Arnold, deceased, and the nbovo with bltullthlc, Including cement side
...i.i.ii.,! nnr. hH riie.i unon 2:30 walks, curbing und grading, or plar-
" r,n o'clock In thp afternoon of July 19th, Ing thunion H inches ot ciniiots wun
123.08 1919. n sthn tlmo and the county out sidewalks. Proposals aro re-1
. ...... - .. . - ....... r.
,fnr. IOom in tho Court hotiso of
, Klamath County, Oregon In tho City
l vama,h vi In said Countv as
In or to anything dono by him as Ad
mlnistrator ,and that a tsuch time and
place the said court will finally pass
upon and settle said account und re
port. Jl .Ii. Hill ill.
Administrator ot the Instate of
Noah E. Arnold, deceased.
10, 17, 24, 1, 8, IS
XOTICI-: INVITING PHOPOHALH from High street northerly to Pros
Pursuant to Ordinance and order pect stroot; Lincoln street from 8th
of the Common Council of tho City street easterly to 9th street; and Jef
of Klamath Kails, Oregon, notice Is ferson street from 8th street eastorly
horoby given that proposals will beto 9th street, Including Intersections,
received by said Common Council for , Said Improvement to bo modo in
making the Improvement designed .accordance with tho plans and I sped
for the Improvement of 10th Stroot ' Mentions of tho City Engineer for one
t k.i. a.,t northerly in I'rns. ' ,ir ihn other of tho classes ot Im-
nn.i a.ri .,nH Tllirli Hlrnel from flth
Street eastorly to llth Street, includ- upproved by said Council, und In uc
lug intersections. 'cordauco with Ordlnanco No, 4r,8,
Suld Improvement to bo mado In
.acco.danco vltli the plans and speri-
' fictions of the City Engineer for ono
or tho other of the clusses of Imprcno.
,, H l , l', fell Hill II'I'H I
ii i in n. ' iirdun '
lni.ui. N.i I ii itdopi' 'I ''h
tit di nt I into I'M'1 mul l'
in tlio maim on tlio l"lh
mio ' it '
I il.ittH spoctfli nitons mill oil
' HIIK "II Mlo III III" nfflio "'
l -o tiii' ' mill In i lie offm "f
Hi. f 111 PndtlOOr
. t- ' .-.. -
Hi' ronim t improvement will i"
I..I Ii ii i.i ril"l'l t l II tl till- IttllO III
which t i" an l I" ' completed I
Ii said nrd nanio for (lctoiirr
I .Mil
J uilie
at hi
I 1 1 '
i must bo filed xx llh Hi" roll'"
fir Hiiliiulsilnu lo tho Counill
o'flco In do cltx hill not later
orloi'l I' M of the I3rd da
of Juno I'M'1 at wllicti lime imu
jilacr n-iiposaU xxlll bo oponeil and
La ti propuMl must be areoinpniil
ml h a lertlfled ibeck on some ro
spon-lblo hank In amount equal to
per eii' of the nucriKut" amount of
tlio I ro msal tho a.uiio to bo forfeited
to the 'It b the suooosiful bidder
upon failure lo outer Into contre.t
and bond for t'l" faithful completion
of said Improvement In accordance
with the specif tuition therefor
The i Itx of Klamath Knlls remrr-
Iiir the rlKlit at all time to reject
anx nml alt proposals and to abandon
the said proposed improvement up
on consideration of ld bids, if It so
etoi't and without liability to the
Cltv of Klatoath to any bidder
or person Interested In ald proposed
The award to tin; successful bidder
for maklilK the proposed said Ittf
proxement Is horeh) mude rontlnxeut
upon tho site of the butvls aiithorlteil
to proxlde funds for making said lin-
The plans seolf(eatlnns and estl
mates above referred to embrace and
provide that the proposed improve
ment shall consist In grading said
streets to established grade and pav
ing same with either oil macadam,
cement or bltliulltlilc and the con
structlon of foot cement sidewalks
all In accordance with the plans and
specifications on file
I'ropoasls are roqnostoil on all clas
ses of pavement mentioned Paled at
Klamath Kails Oregon this t till da
of June 1919
I'ollce Judge of the Cltx of Klamath
Kails Oregon
I'urnuint to orilltianre and order
of the Common Council of the Cltx of
Klamath Kails not Ice Is hereby glxen
that proposals xxlll be received bx
"nl'l Common Council for maklnK the
Improvement designed fur the hit-
provoim nt of Lincoln str-.t from ih
stnut o.uiterlx to lith street Itiilud-
niK intenirctions
Judge and In the office of the city
The proposed Improvement to bo
lot in one rontrurt. und the time In
which the same Is lo be lompleteil
Is fixed h) said ordinance for Oct
ISth. 1919
lllds must be filed with the Police
Judge for submission to the Council
not later than S o'clock p in of the
23rd day of June ma. at which
""'" n"u pioco mi propositi will no
completion of the Improvement In no-
cordance with the contract The City
of Klamath Kails, reserving the right
lo reject any unit ull lilils and propos
als und to abandon the proo"il Im
provement upon consideration of iwild
bids. If it so elect, and without lia
bility to tho City, lo any bidder or
person Interested In said proposed
The uwurd to the siiciessful bidder
for making the proposed Improve
ment Ih hurvh) contingent upon the
sale of the bonds authorize I to pro-
vide fundH for muklng proposed
Tint pluns, speclflcatl'i is and rll-
matcH above referred to inbi.i") ml
provide for the proposed linprow
.. .. . ....
nucsted on all classes of pavemnutj
Dated ut Klamath Falls, Oregon,'
this 14th day ot June, 1919
Police Judge of tho City of
Klamuth Kalis, Oregon.
Pursuant to ordinandi and order of.
the Common Council of the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, notice la
horoby given that proposals will bo
received by Bald Common Council
fne makinr the ImDrovoment design-
'.nH fnr thn improvement of 8th stroet
i nrnvement Iliontlonod therein und
nclopted on mo iu . ' -'.
di.i. i ..inniinil lit' ilia iitnvnt nn
dm i
tlio I
1919, und upproved by li mayor on
tho 10th duy of Juno 191!
fluid plans, bpetlfliutloiiH nml es-
,i i. ir un file in thi offlu'
r 'Ii. 1'iiiiu tudun and in tin ofriii
nf lln t Itx i:ii,lnio
Iho pioposoil Improvement will be
let in one i outrun and Iho (line In
wlilih the same Is to bo lolilpli'lod Is
flxid hx hm lit otilluatiio foi Oiloboi
I.Mh. T'l'i
lllds mu.ll bo filed wllh III" l'lillio
liidg" fot submission to tlin Conn
ell at his nrriie In the i It) hall not
Intel Hunt S n'cliii'li p tu of the 21rd
dnx of Juno I'l It), nt which time mul
,iii" ptoposal will be opiMii'il mid
Kni'h proposal must bo aiiompiti
led bx n toil If led thick oil some to
sponsible bank In amount equal to f.
(nil tout of tlio iiKKH'Kgiito niuoilllt of
the piuposal the same 10 b" forfeited
to tho i IK bx tlio sueiossfiil blildoi
upon failure to enter Into routruit
and bond for the faithful completion
of sutd Improvement In iirordnuiii
with the speclflrntlous therofot
The Cltv of Klamath Kails tvserx
lug the right at all times to rejei t
mix and all propostW nml to abandon
tho suld pioposoil Impiovoitli'ilt Upon
consideration of said bids, If It so
l..i.t itltil Itlltmlll HnlilllM III lll.l
(Ml) of Klamath Kails to mix bidder
or person interested in sunt proposed
The award to the successful bidder
for making tlio proposed said tin
orovement Is horeh) made ronllngent
upon the sale of the bonds nutliorlied
to provide (mills fur making said Im
provement The plans specification and esti
mate above referred to embrace and
provide that tho proposed Improve
ment shall consist of grading tho
same to established grade to the
width ot -fi fool and hard surfacing
tho said street lo the width above
specified over all. Including cement
curbs and cement sidewalks, with
either oil macadam pavement, con
crete pavement, or bltullthlc pave
ment In either event to Include
sidewalks curbing and grading
Propositi are Invited on all three
kind of imvemenl mentioned with
cement nUluwalki.
Dated in Kluniiiiti Kails June llth.
Police Judge of the Clt) of
Klmnuth Kails, Oregon
Pursuant to n rill n a lire attil order of
the Common Council of the I'll) of
Klamuth Kails Oregon notice I
herehx glxi-n that proHsut will b
received bx the Common Council for
making the Ituproxoiueni dpslgtieit
(or the Improvement of lplmiaie
street from the northerl) side of
Wall stnut to Pacific Terrace, Pa
cific Terrure from Huron street nor
therl) to Portland street und Port
I md stp'et from Pacific Terrace
eusterlv to the tit) limits of Klam
ath Knlls, Oregon Including luior
set l Ions
Said Improvement to be tuiute In
ItrXlLITION I'ltOPOSINt; to rii.wt.i: im: i.hahi: r puihiunh
WHEREAS the Common Council it. ems II tup. dieiit to ilimnse thi
grade of portions of High Street First Street and Second Hire, t
HE IT RKSOl.VKt) That Hie grudu f portion of said tn-l Iri
changed as follows
Curb Sidewalk
North South North South
High Street. West side of First Street.
from - 310 23in slo Sl
, . S29R 'iVi' -' -0 -' S.r. .... East side of Firs, Streei. 23ii 5i(n sJoo
ti) 22.S f. 22S S 2 1 J i 2"0
High Street from nt 70 feel from Kust line of First Slreit,
from 220 0 2311 o 2.'" SSO
and from ut tf.O feet from the Eust lino of First Street
from 214 0 214 n 2M' :M
To ul llf. ft el from the East line of Fltst Street
213 f. 213.'. 2H " -H
High .Street. West line Serotid Street.
from 212 0 2120 au !i:0
, , . 212 0 212 0 ill " 205 6
High Street, East linn Second Hi loot.
from . . . 212 0 212 0 2 1 J
to .. 212 0 212 0 211 & "I"
High Stroet from, nt 9C fuel from Second Street. 219 " -''
unci fronii nt 176 font from Second Street. 21 so -1
To. ut OB feel oust of Iho east line of Second Street
220 f, 220 .5 225 U 230 5
To, at I8C feel east of the oust linn of Second Street
218.0 21S 0 2.'l 0 -I'0
High Stnet. West line of Third Street, ( mh .,,
Ji " ' 2H4 S 203 1! 207 U .'04 0
High Street. Eust tlnuf0rrhlrd Street, () .,(pj (( .,,
to 202 0 200 fl 204 11 200
High Street, nt 70 font east of Iho eust line of Third Hi rent. ,, .
fiom 194 0 194 0 10'. 0 130
to . . 194 0 194 11 Da . I'1-'0
High Street, at tfiO feel oust o ft hit eust Iluo of Third Street,
from . . 1914 1914 111" n
t lliso 192 0 !' " 1"6
Hlght. Street. West lino of Fourth Slieel, .
from 191" 1910 910 00 0
to 1910 191 8 193'. 1SSB
Hlght Street. Eust llm, of Fourth, Street, .
from : 191.0 1910 ?y ""
to .. . 191 I) 191 0 19J 1"J
High Street, nt 130 feet oust of llm oust Hue of Fourth Street,
from 198.6 198.5 191 C 19"
Ii 19C.0 195.0 19S0 193 0
High Street, West lono of Fifth Street, . .
from 200.0 21m o son e -"- -
(o 20(5.0 208.0 20S 5 203, E
High street. East lino of Fifth Street, A n- .
from 207.0 207.0 207 0 20.
to 207.0 207.0 209 5 2'
High Street, nt 80 foot east of tho east lino of Fifth Stroot. . .
from 208.0 208.0 20S 0 20J 0
0 . !...":::: "....;.;;:; 210.0 210.0 212,5 2075
Hlght Strcot, nt 175 feet oust of tho vast lino of Fifth Stroet, .
from - 197.0 197.0 201.0 97 0
to - 202.0 203.0 206.0 W
Thenco on a uniform grade, to cituullHiieil grndo at Sixth Str.
First Street, at 20 feet north of tho north lino of Pine Street,
from , 187.0
to 189 C
First Street, at 120 feet north of the north line of Pine Streot,
from ,. ' So" ?
to . 208 5
Second Street, at 20 feet north ot the north lino of Pine Street,
from 187.0
to 190-5
Second Street, at 120 foot ninth of tho north line of Pine Strcot, .
from 198.0 198.0 198,0 W
to 201.0 201.0 204 0 19 w
Stato of Orogon, County of Klamath, City of Klamath Falls sa: ..,
I, A. L. Leavltt, I'ollco Judgo ot tho City of Klamath Falls, do i1PM'
certify that tho foregoing Is u duly onrolled copy of tho resolution I1'"'
ing changes In grado on certnln portions of High, First and Socond ""
as abovo set forth, ns adopted by tho Common Council of sum '"
Juno 2nd, 1019. M-AVITP. ,
l0l . Pollco JilJBO.
III llllllllli i nihil
fli "tlnliH nf lb i Hi
ot the id hot of lln , ,
ment liiinitiiii.,t t,, ,
' urn
I" on
' ' hi
'' l'1' I mi
mul U,
"" lutii
" 'I lull
""III .If
Oil III Mill! t llllm
with Oi illiiiini i.
Iho Hth dav id It,,,,
(I'loveil li Hi,. ,,1MV
dax of Juno, I 'i l'i
Said plans nimin
males belli); on fib
In Hi
III" Colli ii Judge mul
HI I lie i in i.umiiis I
Th" I'topiiseil Imp,,,,., ,,
let III HIIK lliutliiu , ,, "Ml 11
wbli b lli.i ..,. i. . . """ III
' fixed bx mi ttlltii. f 'm!',1'!"1 nun Mi.r
Hill IllllSt be fll.,,1 ,, ,,
lllilKi. fit, subinl.,1,,,1 ,, , 'f-
il his of flie In tl, hi, llU , ' ",,r"
than x o-clnck p m r ,,,. ' '" 'r
place , ,,. J
I'OUsllll'tl'll u"1
1. Ill II lll10lll 111 111. Ii, , ,.,,,
i"i i u if I...I lh,.k 1;;,ni
spiuislble bank In ninuiun , UU .
per lent of the ngKrign.. (
I. lieu ptonosii in ii i. i,. .
-...,. .1,
... n... ..,,,., ... .,,!. -hi I,, m , (
wllh the Hi-flniilini t,,,.f,
The Clt) f Miimuih I nil.
, . . ... "V1
- " niiiiiiii i nil. r .
mg mo rignt m nil tin,,, , .
an) and ull proposals ami in sl,nn,,m
the said proposed Impim. ,, ,,, , ,Hm
coiisltlerullon of saltl hliU it i, ,
elect and without llubiln, (n,
Cltv of Ktamatb Kiilln in .,, i.i.i.i ...
or person Interest, d Hi saul prusir,
Im provement
Tlio award lo the Miin.ii t.icld r
for muklng the tiropusul mud n
provement Is bereb) uin.le imliinrnt
Upon (he sule of the liiiiiitn uuthnr
Ited to provide fiiints fur iiiaktng
suld Improxomenl
Tho titans spi rlf lint Ions and m
tlmales aliove referred In tubrare
and proxlde that uli! propotnl (m
provement of said streets shall ran
slst of grading the suiiik to entuhllnh
oil grade to the wlilih nf I" li
tweeu the northerl) lim nf j
street nml the nur ln-rl v lmr of
Spring street and 'l' fe ' m w iiliti
between the tiorlherlv line nf Sprint
street lo Pnrlflr Ti rruri ami l'i
clfli Terriiie (loin Huron .rnt nnr
therl) to Portland strut nml I'nrt
laud st ri it from Piulfli 1-rmr, ran
ert) to the eastern liniimlari nf th
Clt) of Klnmatli I'll H ail h rl mr
fui lug said striets In In null hi
uboxe spi rifted our nil 'i iiitinit
com rete curbing and cmlti,. nh
elltier bltlilllhli liuiiii.n' i mi
ludnm pavement or in i m
Pioposals are IiivHk! 11 k ml
.of pavement miintliiiii tl
li.itnl nt Kin in nib I aii Juii It'h
A Lit M1T
1'nllrw JiiiIki of lln I I') of
I Klumath Kails tit. nun
;. ,", "i"1"'1" hiihiiiiii of
the proposul the snuie In r,,r(i,'
to tlio rt) l, t. , ,, f, (l. "
upon failure to out. r im '!
laud bond for the rnhr,,i,i,ii,m
lof said Impitivemeni , . . riBr
5,fcri.f Wi