VSR T st V .11 si in, nun. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PA OK FIVE P ERSONAL MENTION i.riTi i OIIIMI Mllll I Kill M MS I III .M t tit: iTiiri i. in mis i 1 1 MM I'l Mli ft V k I I t !-! F ,T I t II Mil I (JOIN'IIM ASH CUM I f. III I III M. I 1)1. (H ii .1 Ik u ii l iiinl ntorin lllll in OiIh IIH-flfOI I Inn '.ill. h tlHI M in h Will A M i i itnliill anil hull, Ittiflxi'll, Mi i. i i iil'n i Mintlii Mr I'. i - I tn u. )- Knti'i-.i. .1 Ol- TAMES WILD BULL WITH LUMP SUGAR in-lit p.i I' Miimli. nf MktiIiiii, Kmiili litiliulii, Ik a cui'Kl nl t)n I'( II- I llll llllll'l H I. Yetiiii: iiinl wlf"'. nf 'Ihr"i' I'tirku, .Miiiiliitui, Mr mill Mm ( M l'i-iili or Merrill, Mm IIi-mM.- riiiiin-lii-iN of Hi-ulllc, mill Mr. mill Mm V V Wlilnli'jr ami iIuukIiKT of I'ort liiml, urn nil rc-Klitciri-il lit tli- Y)ilti IVIIi-illl llllll'l. I'l i'il lli-rrlii iii'i'iinipmili'il li Mr Kil KHunri' mill hIhIit itr In tuuii un mi HilvurtlHliiK lour, for tli- Jlni-un , i o limn of Mi'ilforil, who Ihih , n KiiiNt nl Hi" Hull HoM f"i bt .i Hif" w,",kH- '"" '" UU "" b imiriniiK fr l.'l"w- .. . y ( (liliunliuw, wim Iiiin Ihm'ii In Urrrlll i tuinlM''"" ,'" " """- I"1" iuriil to ik" l ' 'I"""" i Hi"1 lldln 1 1 ii rilwi.ro mr. In thin city i J l.yln hn tlm rnrpunli'm lit work " I'1" M"m" l,t :K,,,, "'l llli Mr'i. rmoililltiK ll Ititu mi prliii"iii lion"" Then- ' ,M' '"'"' . ..... i.mi unit four mom iiiuirt- ' , ,olll.lot'l fltrillMiml Mill I"x"r Hoiiu.l-I'i. Sim l.oM.hW o'l.tl.' -I -Mr" ,:r,l" "'' '"f' "'r Ah,i,n'1 M Lolllf Mnrllu. 0-rk nl Hi" ,,,,H '"oiulnic. wli.-m mIi.- lll m .! H,' lliil"! In III, nnil hf-r I'll".- i """'" l""" vUIIIhk n-li.tlw. mill hnlntk lll I"' taken l.y Mm Mil.! friend. 1 ., .. It W Tow in. of Ki'lio l In tin' til Dull) It mill (1 K Koiiilii'rlmul of " i"d"' ii"iiilliii: to Iiiimik-. mm- )jrlifil'l ' I" ,1"' ''"y ,"r " u'w lvr ' . - . ... . . . M w W - v r - - - Ml'. I,.M - Clilliln n' ilii) will 1 'it.Hcrvi-il Hiinitiiy. Juno 2'i. nt 11 n in ut n-' t Inn- at Mt t.ukl i lunch Children n iorni- will tin followed I'- ir-ih-(UK ' i 'li i-ii Mr mill Mm Kidc Pollen k frirn (Jrunlii I'm. nr vIMHlIK Mm l'o- M.(iilll. Willi linn liM-n III l"-k I'rolln-r. Ilmi II llrlrjle. RDil ,ht , , f t)i Uwntllift llox Co. nlM.r Mm II l Morrlnon ni- (,, i ,-( few iiiouilik. I-fl I hi l!tUl. Morilmin. Dod.-lU mI Mr corn i- f..r Oninrto. famuli) .for n Vlrklnp n'tit Suniliiy with L' llutli-r anil fnttill) In ii n .1 'I mi Hun. I.iii lltrr Hill' lii-iink Mr l.iiwnon, .loo Cliotliril. ) i: Hum Huiluliili .li-llltili-k, I I, 1 1 it t ! v I Iiiii- I'uiiKht. .1 A .Mil'oillli Aiitoii, I.iii). ( M Klikpulrli-k ' Vmiiif I.iiiDim Conking Chili" fur-iiIhIu-iI a hiokI niiitllnK illlilH-r for Ho- luliort-iM Thorn worn (iilt n till Ill InT llf lllllli-H (IIIHOIlt It I HI) mill Un- iluv ii moHt i-nloyiililo iih wnll uh luoIltuliU- oiio Tim wiitor for Ir irlriitlon of thi- KrnimilK will bo fur-itilhhi-il h (In- puinpliiK plant rnti'iitly liiHtulliil d () K. Hunt uml C. M. Klrkpntrlrk Tin- Hlmcta View Sunilny School oliKiTM-il Chllilron' Day with an ap- proprlatn pror.rmn. MI.XK O ( IT Inn- I 'J 'Ho Tint io i;i Toro mi' o om- of tin- wont im i kiioiih of hull f clit .in-mtH In now Un- homo or iri.mil upora iih u r'-Miili of I'ronlilout Cnrniiiii h i.-rroo Hun Inill-flKlilH Hhoulil cpiiho lutcr- ,-. p'-iMltii; urniiil op'-ru. iliiti'-orH and linn on lirtlMlH llino iiiM-nroii in iin iiroiia mid It Ik Hlutoil Hint thi-so varl oiih forniM of miiimoiiiont will ho of- forod until hoinv iloflnlto nrtloti Ih itiikon un to tho futuro of hiill-flKht- bull Th--- aiilniiil diiilil'-nly ronwi rt Its bi-llowlriK uml In n f'-w inoiiiontc ih -doy lie k'-l tho RtiKiir from linllo ml Tho latter rcturnoj unhnniM-il to hli box n in I'l th- plmiillln of -In-npoi tutorH T TO HfV" 'AV nlniHB havo n rurofnllv aoloct oil lint of hoiiHoB lots. biiFuno" prop ,.riv .ii.il farm IhihIh. at rfdiimablfl prifiB Wi know kiiimI lanil. anil wi Kr,"v. -..iiui'. fall at C31 Main St., or 1'hoiM Of. hilroto ft Brnlth 17tC InK It wan In thlH arona that what I Haiti to bo one of tho moHt ruinnrk nblo Kpoctaclos In th; history of tho Hport wait BtaK'-il A bull El Ilonlto, known nn ono of the fh-rcost fight itk. on hnlnc hrouKht Into tho arena charKoil anil kllh-d throo horses anil o .r.at.. prorratn. , .() Jn(.n whout benR iioy . okio an. no arc RpcnU.nB oiich1 ,jy lh(. ,.M(J,lllf. of an. ,1Ittta. uuillt- Lllll'; ,,llil II, V mini n tiiiui;,, va.- W MiTi, hi-lplm: put up thu larfio ,r. I 1' Hull of fhllmiuln. Is In town f ' n lnirl vlll 81m I tuiilllK tt tin- 11-11 Hotnl ,i ,) Mm J I' M'Wl nro In ti.iin iholr hoiiM' In Kouiinit. ,,riotnroi nt lh lloiil Hull 1. 1 -ill, , of Mnlln, ha r--'i.i a pi-r oil of twninjr nut' v.ili thn Twl)tltli KiiKln l i all' ' Mr th. bit m J-' Ii-i Cll ' I"" 1 TlK-ro SHASTA 'li:V m.ih ii piihllc- Hpiriml rath- ihor ' ' with hin parent IU ,rllln Kouthyrn I'nctftr tntnltinr mil ''stnrily with hl wife uliiiin lit' I'XpnclB to ncromp.inv ti fat u ()i:it-s. I tub Mm Strain H mi In' wii) i:t for n l!t with ln-r lirriit- Im will rnturu nboiit tlm erlni: at th" Shiinta Vlow nhool' lint nf AiiKilut Imiliii' Juno lf. fur llm iiniiinil mIihoI II J Hhintii of tlu l.lnk lllx-r ino.'iliiK A i:ri-nt iiiiiny ol th.- put- EU-ctric pmiy. with hi wlfn anil ton of thi illmrlrt ronm with two lltlh- ilaUKhmr. h-ft thl inernlni: for uml four homn imini with p)o uml Otlrll l..ki' wlu-r. h plnim on npi-inl- ncrapom anil proc.-oi.-il in plow. itf n w.-.-k fUhlilK Bi-riipo .mil lnol thn mhool .inl for Mr uml Mm W i: Sorhnrn. nc llm purponn of pliinltm; tr-. anil (oiupAiili-.l by Mr nuil Mm (l.-orKn m-.-iIIiik tlm wuiih t" Krax i:ory Tlmtrlmr uml tlmlr iluiiRhl.-r. Mlhl- oim uork.-il with a will until tlm la in! h'fl Ihl iiinrnltir. for u trip hv ill.- of tlm rmiiiiiunliy i-alli-il illnnor. ninniiihlln thru tlm ItoiJun Hl.-r which hml hi-mi pn-p.in-tl by wllllnt: vaiu-y hmiil. An onjoynblt; rx-pnnt wns l)r C A ltmiibo unit hi ilauKhl.-r )il ufl.'r which thn moil proc.-il-Mru- i-.-turn.-il tmlu from AmIiIiiihI ml to nurupn ami In i'l until tlm bell Thry ilrovn omt llm tlmt of thn w.-ok rmiK calllliK all In Io hitch their for tho purpon of hi-urliiK Miulmnn t.-mi. until after thn annuiil m-limit Fchummui H.-Ink nltiK mi Wi-iln.-H.luy tm-.-lltiK rouv.-im.l Thi-y proo-c.loil CUri-urn MontKomory. who lint to .-l.-ct a illn-clor anil clmK for tlm tf-n i-inployoil by tlm MkiIoc I.uiu- .oiiiIiik voar uml to talk of iIiIiikm W riiiiipuiiv. en' hi foot w hi!.. porinnliiK in a nooil Htanilaril lino! Un, ..iik tr.o ittnriluy "nil wim nuch wn Iiido Irimshl to town rur nmillrnl alt! Alt.-r thn iin'ntlnK thn nmu pro- Mr am! Mr. II C lllbbaril. 1. A cn.-il.-.l to plow anil Hcrapo Home morn Mllli-r niul Mm K. V Mlly. all of until 6 o'clock, hut Htlll th.-n- wn FMtlr nro tourist ku.-hIh at tlm work to Iim ilonn anil nmer.il K.-ner-Whlti. IVIIcan hotel mi hearteil men who coulil harilly Mr ami Mr I'nuylmr. who urn piire the time from homo iiKr.-il to .Ti- from Honolulu, arn utoppltiK nt come nt) tho 17th niul finish the Job the Whim IVlinii. hotel, for the pre. Wn hope to makn our xchonl (nt Krouml nttrnctlvn uml protect the ciop of ru )m on Ills California raudi. Olher Martin wan n buslnces Ib ltnr at Klamath Tails ono Cay last wu-k A Kalii. a anil wffu of Mnlln nro reJolcltiB our the- arrhal of a bab) bu'. (i W Mirf ha purchagcil a truck uml ! hm-.linir woo! from the Ilartu KhiurinK I" hub to Klnmnth Falls. Mrt Mhil ForIo enterlolu the Ih'io of the Hilplni; Hnn.l Weiln.--iln-. O E Hunt recolvyd wonl Moniluy tlin' h brother ClarMirp. who un derv . i.t hi, operation for nppenill ntir m the hohplta! Ill Kluniath I-'allM !- iIoii.k h well UH could be ex po ml Mini- Iin mill Klllott. who Ik tak-lii- m a' loMHonx in Kluniath l-'all-i. a loiiipain. il li'-r father to xpeml the wi k .-nil . ' the.r home here FRENCH CRUISER IS DISABLED AT SEA WASlUNUVdV June 19 A wire leB -ii 'h- Nav department hn ii' nouureil that the Kretich Crulii'T J.-iitiim I) Arc ha- been illsabletl ul M?n ant! that tlm traiiMport lmpeimo.- 1 til ti.kwii off Pr Hi-hhIu. pre.nlilont elect of Ilraxll anil a party who were en . route to the I'ntteil StnteH from M bon Tin eiij-ine of the cn-lier w.-r.' illHUbleil Latir ilUpatchu salil army traiiKport MoiiKolla tuning Jeanne Dare to A tort ilor An the bull Blood bellowlnR defi ance ami with no one apparently willing to attack him, MIkiio! Ilallo, a picador who wan a spectator In one of the. boxes, leaped unarmed into tho mcloiiure In hi oiiutivtched I. niul he farrled two lumps of iiif;nr which h' nonchalantly offered to the People's Market PRODUCEK IO UUINSUIVlt.K Confidence is earned by giving the best grades of Meat with Superior Service day after day. It can be retained only by continuing that Policy. Phone 83 534 Main St LIBERTY THEATER thi; tick or thi: imitthkh" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT EDITH STOREY in "THE DEMON" Universal Screen Magazine Finley Nature Studies FRIDAY Pretty Peggy Hyland in THE GIRL WITH NO REGRETS" REGULAR PRICES Matinees 10 and 20 Cents Evenings 10 and 25 Cents DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. Fruit-Juice Essences Jiffy-Jell desserts carry real fruit flavors in es sence form, in vials. A wealth of fruit juice is condensed for each des sert. So you get a fresh fruit dainty, healthful and delicious. This is the new-type quick gelatine dessert five times as good as the old kinds. Loganberry and Pine apple arc two of the best flavors. Try them. They're found only in m jm-m JO Flavor, at Your Croetr'a 2 fackagcM lor a t-enu "-I I Reclaim That Tide Land be so low it will surprise you. Reasonable terms can be arranged. Land taken in part payment. SAWMILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Pho"e 149-J K D' BuiltHng RHEUMATIC LIHIMEBT For ItHKlWATIRM SOnUNESS, NKUKAIiGIA SWAINS, IinUIBKS BOKK THROAT HlCADACllIC, TOOTHACHE KTC, ETC. 50 CENTS Uao toy applying frooly to all tho affected ports, rubbing In well with warm flannol. WHITMAN, DRUG CO. KIjAMATJI FAIiliS, OKE. L Ikill!- M u mmWKo Tn&vn3c&yuHwy7$f oo Msmmm?m k W$ PA :'K-'. .i i i ii, i) n i' 1 ,M 1 "1 A. I ' I " i .-v-' '-, "TX'TfV 'Otirfjf- 9c 1 . - iU- - uV w Salmon, per lb 30c Fine Fresh Perch, per lb 20c L'ACE MARKET Klamath Packing Go. PHONE 68 524 Main Street ) iiB,,, Ask Your Boy When the fighting was thickest When the suffering was greatest Where was The Salvation Army Lassie? He'll say: "She was right on the job!" And now, back home in the byways and hidden places where misery always lives, where a mother needs a home, where men, women and childrn are on the down grade, she's still RIGHT ON THE JOB." a I lM1?r MEQIKSHaKEBoaEBEBB 1 m .n .. -5 , - i . ffh Help Her to Carry On i i The Salvation Army Home Service Fund Jjf JUNE 22 TO 30 J J- ' ji i ' - M""""" ..,,..,,. MMIIII LlllMiaMM1-jaajajMMmo' S.-1 ir