The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 18, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    .WON MK
l MM st,.l Vi
11 '
I &
OX I'IM. ftlUl'J.T AM' PAM
Notice Is hchch) Khcn the
Common Count it of the it of Kl im
th Kails. Oregon, did hj ordltnnce
dulv adopted on June nth j M' ind
approved on the 10th d.iv of Juno
1919. declare the proportionate a--essment
upon each lot pirt of lot
block or acreage iroport benefited
and liable for the cost of improving
rino Street from Third Street e-.ter-Iv
to Payne Alley, and lnt Alle
2hN oi t'l t barter ami the lollxwiui;
i a ut .t tne n inn of oNWi'is of
tin propert o a.eaaeit a thtiuu ti
such bond lion docket and ".aid ordi
nance toKolhor with tlio total
amount to n.ter iiKalnst the prop
on nt o.ich owner and reference is
herein made to Mich docket or CIT
LIENS for a detailed description of
each lot part of lot. Mock and acre
age iirlrtx so sossed
Further notice 1 alo given the
respective proper! owner o ,n.
eil ind herein below mentioned, that
such assessment Is due and painble.
"id n l.. delinquent after the ex
piration of 20 davs from the date
of te first publication of this notice
fsntd first publication will be on
June IT. 1913
T' e nntpert owners so assessed
must either pa In cash or make and
piovnl I' the s.n.l lolliull and III luetit en'
a. iiiiluno w ill liidlnam N'n I" -
adopted on the 'Mil tl.l of lune 1 M vvitn
an.l pioied b the m.ivor on the the h
loth di of lune 1"1' pm.
Slid plans spei Ifliatl'Mls and out I da
nmtcs being on file In the office of mi I
i i pi'l'eo iihIro and In the office of uiiili '
the Ot I'nclneer the I li
urn I '
ii In ii .I
iti.l to ii
Si. I . ml
him I if
on tin- loth
III) in. '
da i r
i the in in
i no ' 'I
lain ie Ifti nlliitis and etl
ItIK oil llle III tlio olflie uf
e Jlli i .11 d I'l (he tiffin- of
ii ii ii I hi .ii lu'lni; on file In the
oi l mi it ih" I'olbe .linlee and III Hit
plml mi nf the ( in Kill llli "I
in, I ip riie proponed tuiprmomoiii will
,ii ii.'ini: on me in tin' tiffin
t III" I'olbe Jinlpe and III Hie offli i
let in on i out i act Hint the time til nil In paid fiiumil
whlih the mii'ie In to be lompleti'd In with I IiiIIiiiiih i Nn
fl.d In said onlilliilli n fn O.'liihoi III" tMh tin) nr I,,
Hi I Ollltllliii Mili 1 1,,
fli H Iiiiim nf ,, ( n . .'
,or I ho othet or llir ,
be IIH'llt lliniilliiin ,1 ,1,, ,.
IH lived bl thi in,,,,,,
The pioposed Improvement will ' the ( it l.'nKlnei
let In one contract and the lime in
which tlio same Is to bo completed Is
fixed b ald otdlnance for October
13lli. 19t'
Itlds must be filed with the Police
Judge for submission to the Council
at his office In the cltv hall not later
than o clock P M of the 23 nl da
of lune I'M'' a' w'hch time and
Th i ropnsed liupniieinenl will He
bl Ii i' le i opt i ' t and the Minn In
whlc'i I ie su' Is tu be completed In
fixed sild old, name fot Octotier
I'.th 1 't'
lib's must be (lied with the Police
JildK r ir submlssUm to the Council
at III o floe In the clt hill not liter
Hunt " i fli I I M of the !3nl da
place proposals will bo opened Mid of Ji tie I'M" nt which time anil
considered place ti-opoiiil will be opened and
hitch proposal must he ticcompinl couslileieil
ed bv a certified check on mime re .n h proposal must Im aicompinl
sponsible bank In amount etjuitl to oil h a tertlfle.l check mi some re
'. percent of the aggregate amount of spun lb e bank in amount initial to .'
the proposal, the same to ho forfeited per it' of the acgrcgnte amiiiitil of
I .Mil I'M
llliln mils' n tllnl Willi tin. rolleo OH or June l'U'l
Indite lor mibiiilNsliip lii the Conn , Hnld plans hn i irn i,i ,
ell at lib olflco In tlio I'll halt not uiutcn being on rib i ',
lalet tlnin n o'clock p m of the :':lrd I lie Polite JuM,;,. , ,
tl.i of lune, I'M'J. ut which time and of the Cltt Ktigiti,,,.,
pliiie propiitaln will lie opened mid T ll prnpnnrd Impi,,,,,,
ronslil.'ted ,et hi iiiiii ninlluii , ,
i tit ii i'l ihii.fhi iiimsi u. hi i iiiiipaii ..nun tin. ruine In ,,
I.Ml Ii a centileii t inch on nome re
spounlble bank In amount etiual to f
pet cent of lite aggregate amount of
the piopomil the mi III" to be fnrfelti d
to the tit Ii the slid msf III blittlei
upon (allure to enter Into minimi
ami bonit fm the faithful completion
of i id Impttiicuicut In ncitirdatice
with the stei'iricatlotis therefor
The Clt of Klnmn'h Kails penorv-
Ing til" right ut nil (lilies to lejert
1 tin
, i
on i,
'l ii
' I nn
ii il
li f
I" fixed h nabl onlin,,,,, ,
K'th l'.M!i
lildi. iiium h.. riled i,, ,,
Juilge (oi nulunl.ii.lmi i j,,
at his ofrite In t,. ,, , lM
ban S ii'tlm-k t , ,,r ,lt
u Jtiue, i;i'i UU,
plnt-e ptoiHinitls will , ,
I'aill piiitnikiil iiiti.t
"' "HI l
" "' a' In
' ' I'l.'ln.l
"' "'loUr
" Ul.r
"I ibtr
'i niul
from Pine Street southerl) to Main, file with the Police tudge of saltl
cltx- their nppllc.itlotis to pav such
assessments In Installments within
the twert tHvx bectuulng with the
first publication of this notice
"amaih Pox
vlama'b IVv
M J. Hotly
Henry Offenbacher
v W Crockett
f W Mornhv
Marion Hanks et
C V t--b-.-
Paul K Smith
I'l"'!' I
Street, Including Interaections
The property so by saltl
crdinance Is all that proport Iing
adjacent to said parts of said streets
eteon the nbote mentioned termini
nd extending laterally to the centers
of the respectlxe blocks ling adja
cent to said parts of said streets as
lar a Improved.
That the docket of city liens has
been made up as proxlded by section
2SS of the charter of said city and
the following I a list of the names
of owners of the propertj so assessed. ' Pml K S"iith
as shown by such bond in docket and Klamatb p. Co
ifd ordinance, together with the
total amount so assessed against the
jiroierty of each of said owners, and
reference is hereby made to such R J
docket of city Hens for a detailed R T
description of each lot. part of lot. J p
fclock- or acreage property so assessed 1 f K
Further notice Is also hereby given " '
fo the respectixe property tjwners so " I
assessed and herein mentioned that '" M
such assessment Is due and pa) able. I K
and will be delinquent after the ex- "" "
pfratJon of twenty dajs from the date ,v n ,,,,slv
of the first publication of this notice c " I'-te-s
That the first publication of this c. H i'et"s
notice Is on June 17th. 1919 "nma'i '
That rropert ownen. so assessed '"'i"iii t,l-.
must either pay in cash or mike and '"'i ninth txv
file wfth the Police Judge of sain 'M""h 'v,v
efty applications to pay such as,ess- n ''clik-e'
ments In installments within the 20 T- cbml" .
davs from the date.of the first pub- T'"' r ''"'wo''
Ucation of this notice Mir r P.rewerlos
Amount assessed agslnsti' '' -'ohn'on
nronert nf o.ich .v.. nor tl-vard 7.nxn
Wow inl
?chmitt i Jos Schmltt
Co ...
Co. ...
Co ..
I. V Schmltt
M Collier
A M Collier
Elm McMillan
Helen PInmb Thomas
Alanson C Hlme
Alanson C Himes
Marv A Drew . .
7 Kstella Hosier
S H. ft Josle Low
57 TJ. Low
S B. Low
Fstate of Chas N Meyer
Maude Goller
Marx- A Jorj' .- ..
F. P Combs
H H Van Valk-nburg
JI. K X- Jei Momxer
H. T Vn Valkenburg
J. W McCoy
J TV McCov
J. W McCov
Estate of Wirrlet Roberts
tMite of H'i-iot Rolierts
"U'llliam N Willson
71 S. Moore
71. S. f- Slarr T Moore
7 S. Moore Miry U Moore
Molette Tennincs
Estate of "arrlpt Roberts
Estate of Hnrriet XloliTts
Ceo. T Baldwin and K L
Honklns . .
flen. T Baldwin and E. L.
C D. Willson
f7eo. T Baldwin
Ceo T R-i. twin . .
K H Van all.enbnrg
Jcf.-nhine A Taylor
7f H Van ViP't.-,.rs . ..
7f 7f Vin Valkenburg
7r M Bristol
7f M BHotol . ..
7f M Bristol
T T TlntOP
First State Pivlngs Bank
Ernestine Heldrich
Ernestine Heldrleh
FrnestiP" Tfeiitrirb
J A & I Mlla HoiiBton
Jon A lcr)np!lld
Jasner Benpett
F S Phl'llns
Amanda HanaW-r
Amands Hnmnker
"S3 no
-,3 no
772 7s
S4 11
7s- ".s
SSB 30
s 24
4 2 70
113 .s
11". -s
113 r,s
1 3.- Is
13". 1
IT. Is
IS.".. Is
13i Is
11 07
.11 It
37 It
37 II
fig l
1 .5 .
4 "1
f. 29
fit ?
fit "i
fit 29
c t 19
fi4 29
fil 29
4 19
fil -0
r, I "0
(4 nr
l 2
C.4 21
r.o 2
t;n 1
CO "1
ft y,
fr "i
go ".'1
C 1 so
C I -fli
I (I '
fi ".
r.rt ,
r.o ?9
li- -t
3 '7
to the rlt to the successful limner the pm msal the n.uue in tie lorrouctl
upon (allure to enter Into contract
ami bond for the faithful toiupletlou
of said liuprtiiemont In nccoi dance
with the specifications theiefor
The Cltv of Klamath Kalis reserx
lug the right at all times to reject
any and all proposals
t... w.idl timmts,..l Imiirov
consideration o( said bid. If It so the said proponed Improvement up- fr making the proponed irnld lin- .. . "" "I"" Iflmiltnis lb. r. t
elect and without llablllt to the on coiisltleratiou of said bills if it so proiemeut In hereby maile roulluKetit , "' nt ,I,""b lull i,,v
cltx-of Klamath Kails Oregon, to an . and without liability to the i.pu the nale of the lioiitls iiulhorl'ed Ux ""'. !',,,, "' "" """" " r..rrt
bidder or person Interested In said Cltv of Klap a:h K11II1 to an bidder to provide futuU (tit makliiR uld tin- . " .". "" " mid in uluinn
to the .It he the smcesiful bidder sli, nm nil proponals nuil o ttiiatitlou .... i,',' ,"rMrl""1 r"'i k ., ,,, ft
upon (allure to enter Into eontrest the nabl proposed luiprniotitont upon ''I"""""" ""ilk In n in , ,, (
and bond for the faithful lompletinii ,onnlderatlon of until bid- If II mi J, '" ' ,".' UKK" K"" ' inn of
of siid linprtMonient In tinonlance ,,cl ,i without liability to the "' , r"1"'1" . ""' """'" '" '" inrlutrii
III, tin. si...rlfl. ..I I. ins t'li.refiir i'i. ,.t l."l.,...i. I'. .11. ... ...... l.i.l.l.... '" "" '" ") lilt' mn . , . r,,i ... i
times to reject The Utv of Klamath Palls re'erv- r person InlereMed In said proponed "', , . " !' '',""r """ """r
and to abandon ng the right at all times to reject ' improeiurin, '"' " ".""" r"r ""' '"iihtm .uii,i,t
irovement uiMin an niul nil proposaU and to nbiilidon The award to (he successful bidder ' .,, ,, l,,,l""v,,"'nt In u..ri!
'"I llliltlnr
nronosetl Improiement
The aw aril to the successful bidder
for making the proposed snld lut
prmement is hereb made contingent
upon the sale of the bonds outhorl
ed to pro Ide funds for making said
The plans specifications and esti
mates ahnxe referred to embrace iml
pro Ide that said proposed Improve
ment of said streets shall consist of
paving sultl portions of said streets
with bititllthlc pivement. without
cement sidewalks but Including curb
ing and grading, or oil macadam
pavement without cement sldewn'ks.
but Including curbing and grading
Saltl Improvement In either event to
Include grading rolling and curbing
and drainage Said Improvement to
be 30 feet In width
Proposals are Invited on all kinds
of pavement mentioned, without
cement sltieu iks
luted nt Klamath Kills June 1 Ith.
'nitre Judge nf the Clt of Klamath
or person Interested In said proposed
The award to tin; Uicossfu! bidder
for making Ihe proposed said lin
provemeni is hereby undo contingent
upon the sale ef the bunds aiithiirtnetl
to provttle rutuU for linking said Im
provement The plans specifications ami esti
mates above referred to embrace and
provide that the proposed Improve
ment shall consist in grading saltl
streets to ostihllshed grade niul pav
ing same with either oil macadam,
cement or blthullthlc nnd the cijn
strurtlon of foot cement sidewalks
all in accordance with the plans and
specifications on file
Proposals are requested on all clas
ses of pavement mentioned Pitted si
Kl'iiuath Kails Oregon this 14th day
of Juno lit 1 9
Police Judge of the City of Kltmath
Kails Oregon
tll M .III ........ ....! I ...
I""" " ...ilMint-mi nt upon
lOtlNltlerntlon of mild l,i,. ,( f M
elect, unit without llubiit ,(,
Clt) nf Ktuuiiith Pull. t . , j.
shall consist of grading the "r '""""" mieresimt m ,,! ,,r,,.t
in established grade to the "'"'"""ii
III' l.nuill to III" mil Its rtil I 1,1, r
tor inukiiig
The plans, upcrlflrntloit iilltl ot I -mates
aboe leferred to embrace and
provide thttt III. proinised liupiove
111 eti I
same to estnbllshetl grade to
width of ?r feet iiud hard surfacing
the "aid stteels In the width nhotv
specified over all. Including cement
curbs nnd cement sidewalks with
either oil macadam pavement, con
crete pavement, or bltullthlc pave,
ment In either event to Include
sidewalks curbing unit grading
Proposals urv on nil three
kinds of pavepient mentioned with
cement stdewalkt.
Patett nt Klamulh Palls. June 11th.
A 1. I.K.WITT.
Police Judge of Ihe City of
Klamath Kalis. Oregon
tttlil rs
l in brim
' 1 un
III" plllliiiai.t , , ,
proveillrlit Is hereb) lllinli' .uiliIKrt)t
Upon Ihe sill" of the boll. In niilhnr
U"(l to pro llle (nulls fm
sultl Improvement
111,, plain,, Kp"t Klrul lima
llmili"S above re(erretl In
nnd pro lile thttt auid ;m.
proieuo'iit o( snltl slr.'.iln ahull run
slat of gruding the nulll" to I tt tit tsh
eil grade to Ihe width n( In f -l tm
Iwri-u ihe iinrlherl) lin. of all
street nnd ihe northerl) lint of
Spring si reel niul 2'. r.'ei in width
b"lw.'..i the northerl) line n( s1)r ,l(
street to Purlflt Term.. .' 1 't
clflc Terniif frtitn llurt.ii aii.ti n..r
Mini i: ivvniMJ piioposaus.
Pursuant lo t.tdlnante mid ordt of
'he Common Counrll of the City or
Klamath I alls. Oregon, iiollr. la ft... ,.r t;iNi..,.tt. I..IIm n. .i I. .
Plirsnntlt to nrtlltltirtre nnd order, .ler.-ln jHi.m thai nrtiiu.aula will I... t..i., .-i.l ....... . ... n..
.... f- ... .. -...-'" ' .- .... ...n -
im in., t timiiion i ouncii or tin t'lty of rT"i..,i j tin. Con
seiiri: t.NviriM; Pitoi'oi.s.
Ill.rl In Pnltlulld alt. i.l 4i
Inlld slret'l from Pnrlflt l.tra
rl) lo the euslertl iMiuiutui i
i Conteil
C Ftrr
c.tmath lev
V fornllv
I. Kniehf .
" UVnilllt
n ah Pev "o
Rannle ..
Klamath Oev
Hnrr- A Kindred
Klamtth Pev .
3S 4.20 i Annie "soman .. .
90i'2; Anna Nalhan
Klamath nev. .
Klamath Per
Klamath nev
Klamath Rev
.'as Uvan
W H Stewart
W H Stewart
Weed Lumber Co .
Cai Or". Power Co.
Klamath Vallev Wrhse Co
Vlam Valley Wrhse Fwd Co 132 49
Klam Val'ev Wrhse & Fwd Co 132.49
pa 1 1 i.
iVemell or t n
minti i iiniirll rue ..!...,.. .....iri...l .... ..ii
xlauiath hall notice Is herebv cltiminiiillnf it... .t ..a l .-ti.-.l ............. ....i.t.... ...i .., ,.i
Mill. I' Ml' III. VI. wilt' .1 .. ..... ... .. . . ...-.,....-. ...,,.,.,. , ., r.. ...
........... ,..,...- .....i iriiisnis hiii nr. rccivv,! hv fur llle liuplovemeut of Kpluliutle ..ti..r bltllllllllr
Sealed ii(. is w'li tie eil until -" oinmti-i t ouncii for making ihe itr..t (rom the iinrtherly side nf
th hour of 2 o clock p in. the 12th Improvement iteslKtietl for Hie lin- Wall street lo Pacific Terraro, Pa-
dav of July. 1919 by the undersigned prmemenl nf Lincoln sre.. from 9th clflc Ten me from Huron street nor-
and Immediately thereafter publicly mreei easterl) to 11th nir rt . lurltnl- therl) in Porltnud street, anil Port
opened by tin- County Court of Klam- 1' Intersection nn, Mn-ei Iroiii PneKIc Terrace
ath County. Oregon, at the office of Suld proposed Improvement lo be easterly lo the ill) limits 0f Klam-
said Court In the Couniv Court Houso lunde In nrcordnnto v?lth the plans nth Palls Oregon Intituling Inter
in Klamath Kails Oregon lor the """ "peciucniions oi Hie rily Kiiglp. ,., ilnnn
purchase of bonds nf said County Is- "f or one or tiie oilier 'if the classes
oi improvement
- mi
f (tin
' Mir
. il'hi
ml llg
79S 10
129 SO
i;s -o
gsfi 0
ntc, o
fiSfi so
2fil !0
1 tit 1ft
413 l"
S7 9ft
20 "0
13 20
207 30
96C 30
.0! 0
-.0 1 00
lS'it 31
loa'i 0.
9 s 7f
1C2 90
727. SO
727 SO
7"7 SO
72 78
J f,
17 OS
127 OS
'i7 OS
12 OS
!27 OS
127 0s
127 s
123 OS
123 OS
lllt'lil lotted therein
unci approved hy the iminrll ami In
accordance with ordlnante No 1 or..
atloiileil on the 9th ill) of Juno,
1919. and by the nutor npprovetl mi
the loth dav of June. 1919
Said plans, specifications nnd estl
males being on file with Ih
Klirnath Pev. Co.
Klamath nv Co
Klamath Rev Co
Weed I libber Co
Klamath Pev Co
Klamatb Rev Co
Kdwin P Wea Tv
Ed win P Wear
Kiaieatb Rev Co
Jay Repilng
W K. Feehorn
W. B Siehorn
w k Peehorn
W K Seuhorn
W E Seehorn
W. K Seehorn
W K Seehorn
Martin Bros .. .
'artln Brn
Martin Bros
Martin Bros
l?.l o
121 OS
lit ft
sued for the building of permanent
rontls therein in the sum of "150,000.
same being a portion of an authorized
Issue of $347,701. same being In de
nominations of J 1000 each, except the
wo last numbered bonds for $500 ami
$20 1 res.ctlvelv numbered from 1
uuwards tinted Julv 1 .1919. ami ma
turing serially In numerical order as Judge ami in the tiffin
Serial Numbers
1 to 31 Incl $34,000. ten
' )ears from tlate of Issue;
35 to S.V Incl. $34,000 eleven
jenrs from date of issue;
i9 to 102, incl . $31,000 twelve (12)
)ear from tlate of Issue;
103 to 13C. Incl, $34,000 thirteen
(13) j ears from tlate of Issue
.Saltl improvement to be itintle In
m "II I
Proposals lire Invllt.l in 'knit
of pavement lui'lilliuii d
tinted nt Klnmiith Kntla Int. Mih,
1 V 1 9
I. I.l V in
Police Jlltl-e nf It I t !' 01
Klamnth Pnlla. i. K"U
iuxim'tiox piioposiNt; to ciiam.i: tiii: t!itni: p
or itic.ii st.. rntsr vr., .m si:com st.
WIIKIIKAH. the Couiinon Counrll d us II expedient to 1 hat ge Ihu
grade or portion of High Street. Klrst Stnei nnd H"Coud Struet
UK IT IlKHOLVi:p--Thnl the grndo -it portions of saltl ain-eia li
Police ChaUKcd us follows
of Hit. tltv
engineer 1
The proposed Improvement to be Hltrti Street. Vst sldn of Klrst Street.
(tO),let In 0110 conlrnrt ami the time In ,r,,m
whlrh the s.nit.. la i., t,. . ......!. 1 to
Is fixed by saltl ortllntince for Oct ' IHslit Street. I.'nsl side of Klrst Street
I'th. 1919 ' from T-
Bills must be filed with the l'ollr..! I" -
Judge for submission in the Council H'K" Street from nt 70 feel from Kast llim of Klrst Street,
not Inter than S o'clock 11 m nf th.., from . 220 0 220 0
Curb Sidewalk
North South North "viti'h
231 0 231 0 2 11 2 10
229 f. 22! f. -' I- " '-s &
230 0 230 0 210 n 2 "ii '
22S 5 22s i 211 ti 2:6 0
2Ji) 0
: 0
sard dav of June 1919 at wl.irti
137 10 150 Incl $14,000" fourteen ""'e and place all proposals will be 1
(HI ears from tlate of Issue opened and considered
........ . . . .--.. 1
nam minus 10 near interest at mil 10 -tn proposal musi do artompau
nnd from nt If.n (eel from the Kast line of Klrst Si reel
exceetl six tier cent (C tier cent) tier led by n Certified rheck tin mn,. ....
I21 ft,! annum. p.i)able semi-annually on sponsible bank to the amount of
121 OS Januar) anil Julv first principal and I"" cent of Ihn uggregale of Ihe pro
121 OS interest pa) able In I'nlted States goltl pomil. to bo forfeited by the sucress.
121.01 , coin nt the officii of the ('ountv fill bidder upon failure In mil .r mm
117.33 1 Treasurer or a tthe Klscnl Agency of contract and bond for the faithful
rrom . 2110 21 I 11 21" -II w
To. at 115 feet from Km Knit line of Klrst Street.
213 5 213 5 216 0 . 1 1
High Street. West line Settind Street.
from . . 212 0 212 0
to 21 2 0 212 0
nigh Streel. Kant lino Second Hlreel.
from 212 0 212 0
to .. 212 0 212 U
2 I .' "
213 ii
l Klamath Rev
--0'-jj '"lamuth Rev
pjj jij'MaryA Kaufman
113 r.s
11. 3. 58
113 38
113 58
2 15.58
the Slate of Oregon In New York completion of the Improvement In aci High Street from, at 95 tent from Second Street.
Cltv. at the onilnn of the holder. cortlunce with Ihe commit Tim rii. anil from, ut 176 feel from Second Street.
---.. --. ... .. . ........w .. ... ... ....... .
Said bids must be accompanied by of Mamuth Kails, reserving the right' To, ut 05 feet east or the ensi line oi seronii mreei
212 0
211 5
219 0
21S U
a certified rheck for 5 per cent of tlio to reject any unit all bids ami propos.
bltl and must be iinrondl-
220 5 221 0
?xr, 10
0-R SO i
! Klamath Rev
F F Wright
',3 00 ,,".n rtntierson
;&? 00 'Klamath Rev. ..
Published by order of the Common ! 'unl"n "f
rnnnrii nf th citr of K'lnmntii Pails Florence endllng
nndpr authority of section 269 of the
charter nf said city
Tll.i.t t.ln ......I. L"oIId nA..M Tt.nn
I " 1919 .--fi. -""-Klamath Rev
A L LEAVITT. ! 5,"n",h.
Police ludge of the city If, J,' r''l1'
iri ....!. i'i m . P. O Ooode
... ,h.f.iin,iu u.n, .iftuti
Florence Wendllng .
Florence Wcndllng
Klamath Rev . .
123 OS
123 0"R
123 OR
123 OR
123 08
(Us and to iibunilnn the proposed Im
provement upon consideration of snld
bids, If It so elect anil without lia
bility to the City, to un) bidder t r
person Interestetl In saltl proposed
Tho award to the successful bidder
for making the proponed Improve
ment Is hereby contingent upo'i the High Street, at 70 feet tnist of tint east
Clerk salt) of the bonds iiuthorue't to pit).
vide runtls for making s.nd proposed
APMIMSTHATOIPS NOTiri: OP ,,n 'jS, speclf.calbms and e,li.
I Il.I.Vft I INAIj .LCOL.T. mates above referred to inbr.tni Mid
In the County Court of tho Slato of provldu for the proposed liupiove-
Oregon lor Klamath County ment the grading of the street to tho
. tlonal
j The approving legal opinion of
Messrs Teal, Miner & Wlnfree. of
Portland, Oregon, will he furnished
tho successful bidder
. The Court reserves the rilfht to rn-
123.08 i... i .,.,.. .... ni tii.i,.
To, at 185 feet east of the oust line of Second Street
2 1 h 0 2 1 .S o
High Street, West lino of Third Hlreel,
High Street, Knst line of Thlltl Street.
20 4 0
20 I S
20 4 0
203 li
. 202 0 202.0
202 0 200 li
no of Third Street,
from 194 0 19 4 0
to 19M) 194 o
High Street, nt 150 feet east o fthn east line of Thlid SI t,
Hlghl Street, West lino of Fourth SHeul,
191 4
191 0
191 I
192 0
21 U
20 4 o
207 0
20 2 n
20 I 0
05 0
195 '.
19 10
19 10
193 0
193 5
Notice la hereby given that the
Comon Council of the City of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, did, by ordinance
No. 454, duly adopted on the 9th day
u.iu .Mipruveti uy me
P G. Ooode
Standard Oil
J. F. Howard
Klamath Rev
Klamath Rev
Weed Lumber Co. .
Weed Lumber Co
Published by order of the Com
In the Matter of the Estate of Noah established grade, anil paving mimo to
E Arnold, deceased : with "Oil Mnrailniii, liirlutlltig it-l Hlght Street, EiiHt lino of Fourth Street,
N7iifl. tu fw.rnl.v ..Il'i... 1 Imvn ment nliliu.'nlla r.irt.l.n. 11..1I ..rnit. frit,..
1 . n re ' n " ---' ....... ... , .- n r,,.,- j ,
11.1..I4 f 1,., ,v flnnl r.erntlnt nnrl rfil.fn! nit lilt, nr Cement. Itieliullntr r..i., In
Administrator of the Estato of Noah sidewalks, curbing and grading, ori High Street, at 130 fent east of tho east Hue of lourlli Street,
lent Hide ' from 198.0 I'" IJB "
193 0
19.1 5
E. Arnold, deceased, and tho nhovu with bltullthlc, Including ceme
mitlllpfl enlirt Iuim flvoil llllnn 5!!I0 vvi.lltH. rtirblnir tillil vrnillnt. or fili,i.
19-t'ftB ''c'ocIt ,n 'ho afternoon of July 19lh,'lng thcnion 8 Inches of Cinders with
19'ns 131J' a B'nu ",no "'"' tnn founty out sidewalks Proposals nrn re
i2'na t'nurt loom In .the Court hotiM of tiuested on all classes of pavement
loX'Uo Klumatli County, Oregon In tho City mentioned.
i. ,2 of Klamath Falls, In Bald County as1 Dated nt Klamath Kalis, Oregon,
J'u I tho place, when and wharo nny pur-
195.0 19S0
212 0
.'09 5
2 1 9 0
220 5
:m o
204 0
202 0
J0U 6
191 0
19 J 0
190 5
119 J
190 0
1SS 0
1S9 0
193 0
mnn rnii , ,!. ! . ,'. .J " 'nay present any objection or ix-,
inon Council of the city of Klamath ,,', .hi ,i,.,i ,i....J
oTthAZAeTrsTd city:0"0" 269 l"r to anything done by h.m a, Ad-
this 14th duy of June, 1919
Pollco Judge of tho City of
l. . tn nnvthlne. ilnnn l.v him n Aria Klamrith Pnlla flrnrmi.
... ... .w .. n Uw..u ,, ...... -.. .. ...-... w.w...
Dated Klamatb Pniu. .i,,n 17 mm miniraior ,ana mat a t mo ana
A. L LEAVITT p,uce tne Bald court wl" lna,"r ,'&,", NOTICK INVITIXfJ l'IM)POHALS
Pollco Judge of the City of "I'"." """ """" ""m ucuou"- u"" Pursuant to ordinance and order of
Klamath Falls, Oregon. p t v oxtiTtr ltho Common Council of tho City of
208 0
Falls, Oregon, notice Is
il ,r.. culm, ' irii.
NOTICK. -WITIXG V1UWWA1M. T T" 1 S to e' ed ihroby g.ron that proposal will be
.. .. -.. . -------..-..... ..,. . .... ., ....... W-a i, . an in i-nmninn i'aiihaii
,rrt ZZl LJ""e' ?.;L ':4.- - Ordinance and order-0. 2"' "
;; ;. ? ;;; ' ; ,.t.7::,."'c" i '? common council of the cit:
of June, 1919,
I received by said Common Council
j for making the Improvement design
ed for the Improvement of Sth street
from High street northerly to Pros
poet street; Lincoln street from 8th
.LaaI natf.rlv In Oil. utroAt nfw! .Ti.f.
1 making the Improvement designed of Klamuth Fulls, Oregon, notice Is i ferson street from Sth Htreot eastorly
upon each lot. part of lot block and Klamath Tall , oion Bntie T
ZmriflSF "11? b. S5.-- nerc.:rRr,heK?hat TovZuX M b !
ed and liable for tho cost of Improv- V":, ' S u' h'n'' r"' wV,'.Be ''"""i1"- lo ";"""" " raex
Ing Spring Street from Sixth street iK' .t-lt??0.l.Coi,.nr" toT.r' h.e Common Council of the City
nrihBrlv to rtnlr nn- nn,l B. i." , B ." ""irovemeni UeSlgnCU Of KlftmUth MUtl, UregOIl, nOtlCO IH
ectlons r .? ,mPro.vern''t of Market St.,' hereby given that proposals will bo I to 9th street, Including Intersections
I frOlll tllA, It.... A I..L n. V
The property so assessed hy said to the southerly line o lot loTri
rdlnance Is all the property lying jniock 17 and L .liiL..! i, '".
dfacent In saltl n.ipf nf nlri I tro7 , 1. "'. ?d. "10 OUtlflrly line Of
adjacent to said part of said street
between the above mentioned termini
and extending laterly to the center of
the respective blocks lying adjacent
to said part of saldstreet so fur as
the Improvement extends thereon.
Thnt the docket of Cltv Liens has
leen nitide up us provided by section
received by said Common Council for
making the improvement designed
.. !. l.nKn.lAn.anf nf mill Q,.aa,
1, n .. . -..-...,, ..i.o III llll !, IIU1IIU1HIIIGIH w. iv.ll uviVb
.01 JO, JIIOCK 18. Of Secnnil,1 !t.n. Main nn.lliarlif In Pfhi.
t S i?n .the clty al Kla'"at" Palls, I poet Street, and High Street from 9th
including Intersections, Street easterly to 11th Stroet, Includ-
n-.i ,mPro1vFment to o made in ling Intersections,
ffi , nce r'.'I1 tll?. pIan'' and BPe(- BnM Improvement to be made in
J 1 ?i ' the c"y Knglneer for i accordance with the plans and sped-
OnO Or Hie Other Of tllP ClaiRPa nf tm. I rixntlnna nf Ihn Pill' tnr nnn
jprovt'Mcnt mentioned therolu and ap,or the other of the clauses of improve-
Said Improvement to bo matin In
accordance with the plans and speci
fications of the City Knglneer for ono
or tho other of the classes of Im
provement mentioned therein and
approved by said Council, and In ac
cordance with Ordinance No, 458,
adopted on tho Sth day of June,
1919, and approved by the mayor on
the 10th duy or June 1919
Said plans, specifications uud eu-
200 0
207 0
209 5
206 0
203 S
207 0
291 5
20? I
207 5
197 0
to ... I9& 0
High Stieet, West lone of Fifth Street,
from 200.0
to 200 0
High street, East Hue of Fifth Street,
from 207.0
to 207.0
High Street, ot 80 foot eunt or tlm oust lino of Fifth Street,
from 208.0 208.0
to 210.0 210.0
Hlght Street, at 175 feet east ot tho east lino ot Fifth Street,
from 197.0 i7.u
In 909 ft "09.0
Thenco on a uniform grade to established grade at Sixth Street.
First Street, at 20 feet north of tho north lino of Pine Street,
from 187.0
to 189.5
First Street, at 120 foot north of the north lino ot Pine Stroet,
from : 20 t
to 208.5
Second Street, at 20 feet north of the north line ot Pine Street,
from 187.0
to 190-5
Second Street, at 120 feet north of tho north linn of Pine Street,
from 108.0 198,0 198,0
to - 201.0 201.0 204.0
State ot Oregon, County of Klamath, City of Klamath Falls ss:
I, A. L. Leavltt, Pollco Judge of tho City of Klamath Falls, do horoiiy
certify that tho foregoing is a duly onrollod copy of tho resolution I,r0D,'"
ing changes in grade on certain portions of High, Klrst and Socond tree'"'
as above set forth, ns adopted by tho Common Council ot said City "
June 2nd, 1919. ,
10-1 , , 'A l,0"co Juds
198 0