l IIMsim It M tN paoe rocn THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ... tm iMki will hif " f a 7 The Evening Herald J. M t II II A V Kill TO II siv PublUhert ilolly r?t Sumtav b TT Herald I'ubllnhliiE Company of Klamath Falls, at 116 Fourth Mroot Entered at the poMofflce at Klam- ath Falls. Ore , for trausralsMon thru the malls as rcconil-clnsa matter Hatacrlptlon terms hy mall to any ldres In the United iates: te year Cue month SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS FROM THE LIVER Everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In It, before breakfast. I nil of IRISH IS URGED To frrl ji nut. 11 tho proxcrblnl 15 00 fid die, wo must krop the liver nsliel 50 Cwn ami allium every mornlnK to nrownt Its tlHWKP-IIke porei Irom Tl..NTH I I 'Hi" 1" ...... i.. .i.m ..! urn of T ibnr l 1IVI IMII ..,.....--- roollltlotl pnl UHlnV urReil oii cres to ii'iiiRiiui th Irt-h n imb" uril ri'cumiwnil that Hi" Inch ii letetitutlM' be yiwn n he.irillK u the poiu-i ronferenc It Imi favoml self-ileterinllwituin for lreluml immi i i'i r, , ......... l Vtieutt H I t" ' mil rn umi if "" lb l. bn vmftfiT KEEPS MY HAIR HEALTHY r - i .-, i I L-. -r.a.. j CORPS PLANNING SOIL nns llMiihr i,f flif A4HlatCtl lr' . . ul i.IIHAJ.l1t.. ttinlitrtnl trf all news dispatches .credited to It noted phslclan. w not otherwise credited In this pa- If .ou stl hodaehs. It's our liver Xr. and also local news published jf )ol, catoh cold easlb. Its our liver reln If ou wake up with a bail uifte. fur- All rlRhts of n-publlcatlon of ape- . ,h , t,omach elal dispatches herein are also re- ,tu "'"" ' en.... iWTfd becomes rancid It's our liver Sallow S mixl'ly completion, wnUrv e YKIM-IA . JCK IS, lsll. rll denote liver uncleniilliiess. Ynur , - Hvcr Is the raot Imporumt. nlo the mot abused and neKlected orsnn of .the body Few know Its- function or how to rtluis-e the 1 minimi-up body vvaMe. lillo and toxins Most folk resort to vlilir.t etlomel. vhich l a danperou- nHvntliii; chemical which can only lie um'J m i.iiotm.l- because It .imitmilates in tho tlsiuts. also at- tacks the bene- tAMMKirriM. OKru-lMKiMii , womnn. .tc! or k Wll.b UK HKOTKI TO stlll. noH shnul(, l)r,nh (aob mon,lnK I,, t,THI(.IN(. K MlMi: N - . breakfast a cl.v of hot water ( (MMITTHh IITOIM. , teasiioonful of llmt-tone phos phate in It. to wash from the liver nud bowel the previous dnv' liidlc-tlble Tha. the la-t meetlnp of each material, the itoltons. jour bile and month of the local Woman- Uellf toxin. thu clcnniiic. iweotenlnB ,'Corp from this time, will be a social a"d frcshenmc the entire alluientar) affair cf some nature w.- decided at canal before puttlnB more food into the regular nueting of this body the tomach. Jlondav night Limestone phosphate does not re- Preparatlons for fesiiv.H of rlct the diet like calomel. bruie It ome H.nd on July 4,h were d.scus,- can not salivate for It I, h.rlfM and i - r... ..,!.. v-ou can eat anything afterwards It ed at the meeting and a I , .,, nel,nsle aDtl nlmost taMele. composed of Mesdan.es bl "tv.n a arraacl8t ,, fell J0U a Kamsby Henrietta Brookfild. al quarter roundp nlch te ,umclent for Cecilia M Bogardu was appointed to a demonstrnton of how hot water and promote this matter A reception tmMlone nhoDbate cleans, stimulates and freshens the liver, keeping you feeling Ot day In and day out. AdT. muni i-i injuu-i niii -- i At the Theaters n.. . ! in L- iA--. x .Ji ti m:. i n The llelli-r (Vie whuh will he set n for the lnt nine at lie I Iberiy tonlglit pleu''d u MR iid'-ne ye ttrdnv at it inula! howius in Kliini nth Fall" Tin- picture opffd ' an Francisco on .May 1st and Is nll be ing huwn as v.terdii lv inner 'i in ),, an'it --ien' nonces It deal with the futinv lde of life ill the front nnd l a welcome nllef from the usual war play, which, at beit. nre nlway more or les sal. The fp.Timices of Old Hill nnd hi bun- t!ur llg Ihe Kreai Wlrld war I whit innke the plruiro nud there I mi doubt that the pitrfiasof tho Mb rtv will be wll satlfle with their evenings entertainment. "Ilv uinK WiWhmH lrliUll)r.l rll" k .Vi.iii lite Iti HI Hit ll'hiM ""' et d.irfiurt. lhmwetiinel ili lieubir my liwr.lt-io llil !U '"d l'')',"' I rent J) WR0!?LT ?cMAHXNrrr.r.tt tiAiit tonic fat jtt ' m'Jrt STAR DRUG CO. W I. . .1 YOUR ELECTRIC SWEEPER Will bi' with you nearly a. Ions at jn,u i ,. i vf and should be purchased with the .simc can ami t ideration. m- RoesgsA I Will be a source of satisfaction through tin- i-ai.s u, come. No need to apologize either on account of ap. pearance or performance. Free Demonstration Any Time. Link River Electric Co. PHONE 171 te; AW l'"U mt The time I getting shorter evirv dav for u to do wbnt should I" done before th Klks K"t here on August 14 15 und 1C What nr v( u doing' si iiscituu. Foit thi: hkhai.h H OUSTON'I Metropolitan Amusementa Louise Humphrey. lone Terill'ger Hattle Garrett. Una .Martin and Jiar garet Fleet was also appointed WILSON REFUSES TEXT OF TREATY TO SENATE ELErRTlCAI. WORKFRS STRIKE CALLED OFF SPRINOF1KLD. III.. June 1". The general strike order for the clec- WASHINGTON. June 1 '. PresI-. trical workers was cancelled yester flent Wilson, responding to the sen-' day but the workers In Los Angeles ate resolution asking for the text and other California cities went out ol the treaty, advised the senate today, due to the slowness In trans through the state department, that, ralsion of the cancellation order the lie did not consider it com pa tble officials stated. with public interest to transii.lt the test of the treaty at th's time. b- The greate' mineral water In .. . . ,..- . ,v. . America at me noi aprmg um any delicate points sti'l tinder n-'-cotiation. House. It VIENNA RIOTERS SHOT i DOWN BY SOLDlEKb COPENHAGEN. June r When aht thousand. "Vienna rioters at tempted to obtain the release of com munist leaders arrested last Satur day, eight persons were killed and fdxty-six injured in the rioting that Kisned the soldiers firing Into the crowds If HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCINCJ Wednesday & SMurday NlKhU.. JAZZ MCSIC. STAR THEATER TOUAV I'araiiiuBnt Hrrrnl JACK HICKKOKD jAatPtcnrcaa i r.S-K-CJKIt I'UVNKS TO AMKKICA AKK IM.WM.'U. , j.O"0N. June IS Fare to Am-r-ira iiv air 4 cents a mile This is i tne Vkkers company s predicted pric lor a transatlantic trip In the new g' .En. n. jirship. now practically coir pted n the firms Harrow yards. nr.it of which the trials are being (ondu-'ted The Teceel which Is of l.j 1j u Tt improved type, will have a cubic capacity of over 1.20't in ffe' snd Is designed " put "' nan 'i;es to America in 4S hours. Trie average sped for the trip will be 7" mllei pir hour, and the fare should -vfi-V it ahoiit 4 rents a mil" or $2'" Vickers are aleo building a numb - ' airships for sporting purposes, In lii(l.ng African big-gamf hunt- foot Troubles Corrected AT VAN ELLEN'S WITH A PAIR WIZARD ARCH SUPPORTS LV "MILE-A-MINLTK KKXDA1X," Ali j A Sidney Xtrevi Comedy i "SQUARED" I. . . TEMPLE THEATER! i TODAY j IIIiip Hlnl rrrncnt MONIMJK SAMHUItY i In "TIIK MIMJOMIIti: PlltATI' AIm Ijjoiis A Mor.in Comedy mill Universal Current I'eiit-. AflmlsHlon 10 it 15 reul Matinee '-'.:i. KvciiinuM 7::io & o. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTIJKKh TUEHIJAYH AND HATUIU1AYH Merrill. Oreuon 1e$tOtte First We want to bring to your attention these facts about Firestene: Frrt to build truck tlrem . JTv. First to build the channel type of truck tire ' First to build removable truck tires ,' & First to build the cup cushion truck tire ' .' First to build a complete line of tires for all commercial vehiclra .. q First to build a successful slant truck tire First with a practical, efficient giant cord tlra equipment, indud. tag demountable rims First to establish S00 dealers with hydraulic press and service facilities in leading dties throughout the United States. The only manufacturer that makes the tire and rim complete. nccrIT Over half the truck Tonnage ol RESULT : ftmTrlca u crried on Firestone nre. Our truck-ttre service-in completeness, speed and dependability also ranks FIKST. We watch your truck tires, help you get the most miles of scrvics. surest the correct tire for yo'ir trucking when a change is rehired and make the change wttn least delay. See us. D. A. KENYON Plum and Sixth Street eM;M$ . . ... vvvv WIZARDS CONTAIN NO METAL a39MIIEIEMI DANCE At 8000 y. 8000 ies This is the new mileage adjustment you get with Goodrich Tires From MALIN Saturday June 21, 1919 Music By M. Dobry Orcheetra t ? V ? r t r t f t X f X T r i? t T t t WATER of Klamath Falls was "Up one peion in live numiifn ? o Just a few years ago the City nirninct it " PrM'hnns thPl'C WUSll't ( ,V3....... ... - - ', . . . i knew it, but, nevertheless, it was a laci. The situation was critical, the future of the City hung in the balance. Few realized, busy in their everyday affairs, that the Queen City of Southern Oregon, standing as she does on the banks of a great river and touching with her boundaries two greal lakes, was famished for water. There was "Water, water everywhere, but not a dron to drink ;" it was starvation in a land of plenty, for the water of these big lakes and in the river was tule soaked and germ contained. The only available supply was being pumped from an open .spring into distributing reservoirs, but the quality was questioned and the supply inadequate. n,wi.. Something had to be done ; something was done ! And toci.i the City of Klamath Falls is possessed, of an abundant sup ply of the purest artesian water in the world. Three 12-inch wells were driled through hard rock, one to n depth of 78 feet, one to BO feet and one to 1(50 feet, from winch pure, cold, clear water gushed. These wells were cased, capped and sealed, and it is from these rock covered strata that the watei used in the City today is being pumped water free from con tamination of any kind, for it does not see the light of day until it pours into the reservoir, and then only until it again runs away into the mains to serve you at the faucet. California-Oregon Power Company x t T t T T T Y T v t Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y T T T Y -Ir JUDD LOW Everybody Is Invited h 23 MAIN ST, PHONE 22-M VKKKK E1S i-il