;fflgffiffHbjra&j m lje iEuenmg Iferalft I OFFICIAL PAPER Of OK KICIAI. IMI'KU Ol KMM.V" I'OI'N'I'V KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Year No. 3,051 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1919 Price, Five Cent JNOTHEH MILL Uli R W IWIH I UL LUUI ' TO THIS CITY , . High Cot of Factory ottes Driving Industries From Here COST PROHIBITIVE Tln Re'" 'oMlilrml of tbr founding "' lortor) I'. , Where Will He liH'lrtl Mill- ''l Potior lei To He Placed on n OprrntUe IUU for Owner. and Worker. I . j Another Itldimtry In BUtliK to be lot toKUmuih Falls iinle.u Mimethliir l done to routrol the price of the mill lllr. adjacent to the rlty. Tim liite.l ' concern to eek entraiire here U the White l'lne Lumber cotiipiin a oriirullnii tlml 1 beliu: orcniilieil br II V Tnrter nd f A elnter of the Hrny Lumber mid Hoi nimpun and the Ktocktoit Ilox fump.in f Stockton, fnllf . n ltd nptiiln Marlon Nlnr of the Slim Lumber hiImii f Jlray Theito KOIilleineti Imtn decided to riipace 111 the nuwmllt lilllllen in thl territory and with Unit end in tw luive orftiillUl'd the White I'll" Mm li- coiiiintiv. with n capital "f Mou mm They plan on the linuirdi Tie rrertli-ti of P nmutillt with u dull rap it v of ".O.iMin feet nud so plan d! ihti' f'lit mil be Increased to 75. eiic ' n .i ir.ir. If condition nr r;ni the clmtiir" 1 ' i I "Ire of thee 111"" '" ' their chief nfflfes, and tho mill Iw led In till rM . bill nlreidv lbe time been ciuifroiiled with ih I''- b Irm of n fnrtory ulte. The prlc.e ' Ins nuked for Kllen ndjiireui to I hi (Ity urn no iinreiiuiiiibly lit,;tt to make It ImpOMlhh' for them to een nniUilr the polblIlly of plud-i Hie mill here This I the second mHI that I being forced to mn In'o ttta llinliitr from thin mime, and i.nless mill and factories Is concerned Already there Is under cnnslilern linn by certain Interests the mhl:i ulllty of the selection of a site for n Purely mill city ., ..I.. II urt.l i no piiin ii.Be.mi. Prmldes thnt It slmll be on th linsl of n ro-iiperatlve enlerprlne, mii'iiifn ' turcr securing u cortaln ncreiir i In , proportion to the cnpltnl linected ami the stock curried In the tow I He tptniinny. It would be ii noli profit , (linriug unterprlHe Tho employees of 'the factories would be pnrt of tlm fnil.ir.l .lnn.1 It la n.nima.ll tft let i uii mill n ii in in iii'wi.. .. - tliPiiiKecurothelrliomesntthenotu.il cot of the ground and erecting tho nultdlng In no hciihii will It be a 'com Pny town,' since tho one object ought Is the securing of mill sites nt a rcnnnnnbln figure, so situated as to Hive, tho factories tlio benefits of transportation, labor supply and the other advantages nrcrulng from prox. Jmlty to n largo city. If such nn enterprise Is carried through, It will menn Hint Klamath Pulls will rnpldly drop from her pre eminent poslllnn buck Into tho sinnll ton clnss, and nil through tlio tin Njimnnnblo nvorncn of tho ownors ot Win lnnd ndjacent to tho city Tlio seriousness of this situation It "in-li ns to ngnln bring promlnontly to tlm attention of tlio people hero tlio "rgnnt necessity for (ho feorgnnlzn. t'on of tho roninmrclnl flub and 'Iir-iu'it It IliondJURtiiiont of tills fne. t"rv ,(0 iilfficnlty. It niso brings up fnr eonnldornllnn tlui ndvlsabllllv o. " i'v oxtondlpg Its llmlto (ind buy- n nil of UinJlmiil fmltnbjn for fnc- tntv nltrn nnd ronolllni; It nt n prico tii will invllo factories instead ot (I. 1 n; tlinin (t'oin lioro, MIHS LOW HUTURVS. JoHle Low rotunii 1 from tho .mnetlilng I done within t.ie n-.r - ; "" ' r,...enled bv il.o. ",,",l" "nM P"" """ fr l"" ,il8t lleldlng. member of this year's gradu. Iwas rewarded by one of the sleekest, tare lo change this conditio... Mm... , " ' ' ' r "' ' " fmv day completing nrrnngements n ,, of te r,llversItv of ore- fattest bob cats that has been seen in 'lh V"n W ",,,r Ml """ ""'I c,', Mo ZuulZZt tm Ch" "',r"'1,,ctl11 of tlle truck '"- gon. to Miss Eunice Hodges, opera- this section for sometime. Now Mr. dry n far ns the securing of new J c l tne imm. ''"", ' ' " to till territory-. He says that ho has ,lir . fhl, veene office of the Wes- Lord Is proudly exhibiting the skin of . . . .. . . . Mi'iiiiit ii 11111- tiiiiiiiii' miti-ii'ii 41 7?o u SANFORD IS CLEARED OF SERIOUS-CHARGE I'lHIllt Hllllflllll Willi llllN lll'l'tl (III Irlul In (In' ('In nit unlit fur Hit- p:i ni'i'rnl dit eliiur.eil Willi Mat ill ttr rum mi tin' iH'iNiiii of Lilian Trimble HHH lirillltttll III a ril lllllllltl-a MM illt't yeMonlny iifteruooii Mi S.in- (mil, wlio Iiuh ii wilt' uimI iliri'i' ilillil- I i'ti iiinl who IiiiiI it lingo iiiiiiiIii'i of ittiliittiinlliil iiltlreiiH trttllfy p 10 'III' splendid lop.iliitlmi iinil rli.i ' H'li'i- hit bore, ciinlrinli'il Hint llu churgii wan tnimi., ,, ,. ,( ,. ,M,t erdlct wnti lil Inilli.iii. dint then) wuh Jlin iloulit In I Iim mind (if llii' Jurors u til tile tltltli (if III roiiti'iitloti He j wu repreneiileil Ii) Horace M .Man- llltlK A Ot.V.V I'AltTV. A "ctuty purl)" wns glten i liml uKit ul the Jobimton Inline on Canby, Ai'iiiie The kui-hIh were lnlled to uileud In the "rruzlcst" coHlume (Ml,y Ci,u( limine and the rvul can- ,.lt IIIUC, ,nrr , ThH unbiuo af- fulr n gh en uii u farewell party for M1" 1:vu Hanki. who leav.'H Hiinii to intend school III California Amonic ,, RtlilN were. Mle. Eva HunkM. Akin. Ine Klllott. Esther utid .s'., .McAmlro. Anna Mae utid Jen- ,- Johllhton i.nd .Mi'imn, l N Clem- ,.,h. I.eo Sour Ilex mid lloy I,u I'ri.lr- le A I) Mortl flint Dorr. Hubert rilioii uml AuMIn Ciiw - - - DISEASE GREAT 1CT T I W the vicinity of Keno. ATLANTIC fITV. June II One' It I not im Ilkelv thnt the mill will of the giriiii'iit Mrinrlc of the war l operated all of next winter, do n the trliiiupli of modern medicine j pending entirely on the supply of In the control of unite Infectious ill-' log. Hi'iinen but men greater benefit IH remilt fiom the tact Hint the w.ir aUo opened I lie e)e of the govern- meiil. :ib well a the people, to tUn gient liiiond Hint chronic dl!enis I are making In our iiatlonul econoiuv. Ir I)nld II Luiau said nt tho all- mini uieellllg of the N'ntliiliiil Tuber culol AMnorintion wnicn rnntonmi h today l)r l.yninu Ih preildent ' '' ubi-ociuuhu A n result of the ravages of the Suite public health serviri TIiIh.j he said, iindoiibledly would be fnl lowed b the estiihtlshltient at W'uali ,i i .. .i , nt i...,.iii. imr. IflKll'll "I III' 'IM.IMllll l ll'l ' , i lug equal rank with the other great. activities of the gnerninent. Instead of the nation's health being consld- I .n.il of minor luinoriiinro uml caivd fnr. tin H h at mcHt'iit. at a hIiId Ikhiim .. it,.. uttnf .Im. .it i itii.ui (14 UK' lli'linill tn I'Hiiiiiiin With the rero.ilM showing u.m j nearly 100.000 men were n.juctvd1 for the milloniil m my. bec.use suf- ...,l.... r...i.n , IIM iniwit in ihim'h iiii'.ii" t .... suspected lubemiloslH.ln'Hiruct to haul log for Puekett : )(, vmall ,irK,.i greuter cooperation M'llllK lli'iu between public mid private health L. '. Jewel ot i. rants rass. wuo ua nuthorltles If pieventuble dlsense is'u contriirt to dulier logs to the not to hiiiiipor the country's develop- Latum Lumber company, ment during tho reconstruction j This truck bus boon manufactured yeniH. ' for the past nine years by the Dlniu- (liivernment officials, ns well as olid T. Motor Car company of Chi health nulhorltles from every state cago. ' in the union nro hero to discuss plans for n now nntlon-wldo campaign agnlnst provenlnblii disease. Dr. buries J. Hatfield, managing director of the nntlomil nssoclatlon, pointed out, that although tuborculo slH causes lfiO.000 deaths nnnually 111 tills em.ntrj- tho burden of tlio fight agnlnst tho dlseos was being homo by voluntary iis8q,clntlons. ' Even their work, ho said. Is greatly ti,0 repeal ot wartime prohibition, lu linndlcappod by lunilonunte laws, jaol'ur nH It affects light wines and That tho'Hprend of tuberculosis i,eei'. ' In this country Is duo largely to pa-, jtientH who trnyol from one plnco toj mother Booking n magical cllmntoi that will euro tlinui and who huvo not'ji uriioinni moaiw to proi-n, """,. oreh,r4, 0UtU qf, Medtord M,,,,'.!..,., r.loll orchard, sojutb qf, .Medf themsolyiw, wan anted by . wnc, V j 0 df 4n ftrrM 0,rlt rorshiiiK. who rend n ,por of In- roK, Ju .lont Mlcmtory ppu8nuuith'ua. . , ofA!m5nV of Hollolulu ui...imu.j., n..(l.n. ... -''" djqout w ' - " Joo Posplsnl, who hns boon jn T-i.Mlnn.l for the .ot to we, Kh ,, 1,. r ...n. I u-ul !.'.. e ,- ..,,.,, . ' I . FIRST SPUR ON : H RAILRIIAQ Al'UM.Y mioTiiCKS are i:.v timusg their i.iimmm; on:. RATIONS IVIO 'I hi: sV I.AM: TEHHITOHV Yesterday Krotiml whs broken by Aikley Brother on tin first of tlio j n.'i work of spur tb.it sir.; to lend ' from lint Strahorn railroad out into Em tlnil'ur i.nd to reach tho arioiis ri'Miurri'i of the vant tvrrltni'V to bo opriH'd up by thin line, I'lio itpur ene the main line about f've miles thin side of Dairy. nrTd will tap tho timber in the i'.wiii Lake recoil "Vit- tiuilly reaching mr.Kt of that formerly controlled by tho Swan Luke n.ill ,, ttllH ,uti.oned n few -.ir 'Ui. Much Interest I mnnlfei.ied iv lliu ,.nry r,.H,i,.n:H the developl.-.ent (lf ,'. Arll1. brother plm.t. H In ,,. , ,. r. ,n (ho cy Pr,or , ,, ,, MiHM ,.. ,,j,prnte(l , n on the went Md. of I.lnk rW..-. vit , thl plnnt was dl iniilled and p.ir: Of . It I now lnrorpor.i;ed In Hint of the , K' In Hindi Manufacturing o.iipiitiv "he log stipolv for the Acktev mill Im been lirmi'tbt fiom the K-m tec ,ro"' ",0 "-SlnnlnB. an I rtern- ' "r" """ ,M',n cnrr1'"1 " --" I '" ' "'"'""" ' "re "CMin.ii.'arranK,. th(Ir affalrs as to on!Mc 1-oi.mnr thev hC decided to .,. , , ,, ......I !..., t ... .. . .... errltorv now bolri opened up lix tli" new railroad, nt thr same time eon t'liuliiK to ndd to tbnlr log nupplj In ANOTHER TRUCK ENTERS THIS FIELD T.i "'bite PeHw Garni;" ha in i' ''n ii" i fo KlitiiMth ,in 1 I ..'i ini'c- in- ! i, n oi. Mi.rn ,, ..T- ,rurl. r000RI1(z,., as being ,, (f , ,(p notclprs of tho trurk family T f lluxlev, district mana- ger foi the Northwest mid Western twtjii inBuliii itti Tvlntttntli l-illti fii i '"Itern Union Teiegrapn company, on i no imxi lew years, not realizing what a rich field for his business ftmr. ti an nil It In il.l, nt tlwi itirtitii. I " - " "" " "- ""- , , , lams, inn no was rorcea to come nere "' " i .ilmiiiiiiiil 1rkt in tiklvliti tfiA ll thru the reports of the wonderful do- ""."...i ""' ; "'k - ' ilil.i ihjill.iai tl.a iinlt.i tli.i ntnt.1.1 tin """ "' "" "' """'" " ! I heutd have been no exaggera tlOUH. Already he has sold four irucK to lio uhwUii llili. counij one 1" the Kirk litinber comiwny. ono to OulRley and Huberts, who have n Hiothers at Chlloiiuln and two to HOUSE COMMITTEE VOTESAGAINST BOOZE WASHINCITON, Juno 17, By n vote of ton to three tho house Ju dlclnvy committee rofused to adopt (, motion of Representative Igoe ,iomoprnt, ot Missouri, to recoinmuml jnjnVoini-ORCHARD IS SOLD. jJrjponD. .Tuno IS. Tlio Onl; Vlcbnltltr&' df 42" nerM of fruit and L'.n VaK'i. ittltilir,. Tl'ciT. n tenaltliv m.u"" """"""" ' llonoltilu . ."II.UIM Vr. Uemv ha ' ' - -lv-v to onoroto SPELLING BEE AT THE ACADEMY SPELLING AMI PENMANSHIP osti "T will i ik held mat vi;i:k. ti:um will end on irid.w ir next vi:i:k Next week there will be conducted al the Sacred Heart Academy an old fashioned spelling bee, In which tho , pupil will participate. Special prize j(j)nK o(((iri;(l ()). Father Mar9i,aU who Is keenly Interested In the eou tent, which will be one Ions to be remembered to thono participating In addition to the spoiling contest, there In also to be one In penmansnip. Thin In one of the branches to wtilch the Hamo careful attention Is given In the Academy today as was gtrcn In the dnys gone by. when to be a Reed penman was a mark of distinc tion A modified form of the Spcn eerlan nvstem of penmanship Is taught In the Academy, the vertical j method being taboo, and the result is that the children have made wonnej- ful nrocres In the acoulrement of .,,, ,. ,r,,Ml tviem (hrealened , ,. ,ncl ' , , ' ,hlu rmln,rv. I These contests will take place at ' the Academy next Thursday and the i nubile is Invited to attend The hours . wl ,. nllIlounC(, , tlmo to pi.rmlt of tho,e desiring to bo present to so. The Academy will close tho year on Friday of next week. The sNters lengthened the dally sessions nearly an hour and continued the term '""" i one month so as to enable the puplli; to make their grades. This the child- ,,,, that tlleTO ls something else be ren will do and none of the subjec,t 's(,ies WOrms eating her garden. That will be carried over until next year. inla Is H c Lorni wno resides just The customary exercise will ho held oa!,t of Ruck Island. About as fast as but owing to the desire of the sisters not to divert the attention of the children In the slightest decree from the object In view, the making of the grades, no special program hns been prepared for this year. WESTERN UNION MAN WEDS EUGENE BRIDE . . EUGENE. June IS. Announce - meut today of the marriage of Don ... . Jimp 10 ramp as a RUrpr,0 to the rHpms of ,he young couple. Mr. Held- . .. .. inf. j,lno ii for Klamatli tats. ,...., - - - . - - - ,,nrn ,, ,,. nr-fo,i i10 mnnnire. "I ment ot tile eastern union ottice. Mrs. Deldlng will be operator there. ' i leaving here within a few days. Mr. 'lleldlng was employed In the Eugene offlco of the telegraph company on pnrt tlmo for three years, helping to pay for his university training. He spent nine months In France, return- ,M(, ,0 EK0Ile inst February. He is one of tho honor students of tills year's graduating clnss. His bride hns been an employee In the Kit- gene office of the Western Union for the past two years. Mr. Holding was registered at the untvorsitv from Grants Pass, while Mrs. Heldlng bas'cnslon will be furnished by the Peer- made her home In Eugene. MEDFORDITES VOTE DOWN SCHOOL BUDGET MEDFORD. Juno V . Tlio school. budgot was overwhelmingly defeat-' ed horn ot yesterday's oloction A citizen's commlttco will confer with tlio school board on a now budget to bo voted on at another special elec tion soon, SUI.LIVAN-VAUGH Ootporal Wolby Vangh and nuby R. Sullivan were married in tbjs city yflatorday by Judge. Chap man. Corporal Vnugh Is in tho ro Kular nrjny located at Honolulu and la Uoro on a furlough'. Ho intends to toko lila bitdo to Honolulu soon.' This is tlio third soldier boy that hns boon mrti'iletl within the list thivo divs n' w'.f'i thv i ' '.i comt'if f'oni , ii1 ri r br 1e Ir '.ito .w If l.no ') i ., (n 1 u fid J PORTLAND AFTER 1920 U. S. CHAMBER MEET PORTLAND, June 18 Portland Is seeking tbe 1920 convention of the t'nltcd States Chamber of Commerce. Local delegates who attended the re cent convention of the United States chamber In St. Louis arc enthusias tic over the prospects and at the meeting of the board of directors of the local chamber yesterday recom mended that efforts should be made to land the big gathering for Port land. Han Francisco will be tho meet ing place for the 7th annual foreign trade convention. The annual gath ering of the United States Chamber of Commerce will bo held about the same time. Many of the delegates to each will desire to attend both and It Is believed that If tho United States chamber should meet the week before or a week following the San Francis co convention and In Portland, there would be a much larger attendance at the two big trade meetings. The proposition will be given attention by the local chamber, and It appears Ilkelv that the board of managers of the United States chamber will he In vited to hold the 1920 convention In Portland XHe! MUS. If. ('. LOHI TRAPS A'ARMIXT AFTER TIRING HIS DESTRUCTION OF GARDEN OF HER Thpre ,s one man in Klamath county who will listen to his wife In ,.. .-., psnpelallv when she tells ',He vegetables in the garden, which! ts the pride of Mrs. Lord, would. make thei rappearance. they would , l0 eaten by some agency during the 'night. Mr. Lord said werms: Mrs. Lord said a varmint, and wanted her liege lord to set a trap, but Mr. Lord ,forts t0 sprinkling poisoned pow- dcrs for Mr- Worm- TlrInE ot the j damage that continued nightly, Mrs. ! Lord took matters in her own hands , and set a trap .and the next morning tho cat "we" caught, but he Is ore fill not to say "we" In the hearing of one certain party. DANfE FRIDAY EVENING what ,)romIses t0 be one of the most enjoyable dances of the seasou wu )Q gtve,i Friday evening in the Mooso Hall. The tickets will be fif ty cents and speciul chaperones will be provided for the occasion. One ot the features of tho evening will be tho serving of refreshments, special nronarations for which are under way. For those who do not care to j dance, cards will bo provided, thus breaking tho usual monotony for thoso who prefer other means of en j tertalnment. The music for the oc less Orchestra. ALL TROOPS ARE BACK FROM MEXICO KIi rAS0, Juno 17. All American lroops are back on the American side. Tho officers belie vo that tho punitivu expedition will havo a wholesomo effect on th,o rebels who havo been sniping Into El Paso. Many Villlstis wore killed and wounded and sonvo prisoners were taken by the Americans. Every effort was mndo to warn Americans In tho interior of Mexico -in caso.,VUla starts nn. anti- U-m01.icVl c.uuatKU. ' i GERMAN CABINET.IS SPLIT ON TREATY, " 'LONDON, June 17. Savan' iueni-1 bers of the Garnvm cabinet are in fa vor ot signing tin amended penco - l T'l 'l ' ' e 'V " ,f lJ C u . O b T TOT E ED L EOGH ORDERS ME TOBMTKG Allied Forces May Resume Fight Saturday HUNS CONSIDER REPLY Cabinet Will Lay Terms before Gen eral Assembly Today. Cabtaet SUi Unanimous Against Signing Peace Treaty. Americans Keady to March Toward BerUa Dateless Dispatch by Associated Press A Wiemar dispatch says that the sentiment of the German cabinet is almost unanimous against signing the treaty. Official Germany has not yet definitely committed itself. It la expected that the cabinet will lay tha terms before the National Assembly today. Meantime General Foch has order ed preparations for an advance east ward from occupied bridgeheads. Th American forces are ready. GARBAGE DEMURRER ARGUED. A demurrer filed in the cas brought by the city to enforce tha provisions of the garbage ordinance, was argued yesterday afternoon be fore Judge Leavitt by City Attorney Carnahan, representing the city, and W.H. A. Rqnner, representing Fred. Grennon. Mr. Grennon contends tnat he had a contract that could not ba affected by the ordinance. Judge Leavitt has the case under advise ment A voluminous answer was today filed In the famous courthouse casa by the attorneys representing tha county court. It consists of ninety two pages of typewritten manuscript and covers every potnt thoroughly. The filing of this answer brings tha trial of the case on its merits within the realm ot an early probability, when a final decision of tho lower court may be rendered. 40(1 ACCIDENTS REPORTED. SALEM. Or., June IS. Two fatal accidents from a total of 460 were re ported to the Industrial accldeut com mission for the past week. The 2 fatalities were Albert Foege. a log ger of Newport and H. L. Owen, an. engineer of Newberg. Of the 460 accidents reported dur ing the week, 449 were subject to tha provisions of the workmen's compen sation act. Two were from firm which have rejected the compensa tion act and from public utility cor porations not subject to Its provi sions. .MISS FERN HOURS APPOINTED CHIEF. Miss Fern Hohbs, formerly secre tary to Governor Oswald West, has been appointed chief ot tho home communication sectioifrof tho Ameri can Red Cross In France, according to tho Rodross bulletin of Paris under date of May 17. Miss Hobbs entered tho Red Cross service last summer. HACK FROM UNTVERSITV. Tho JUsfos Clara CalUIns and Mar Jorie Del-'oll returned lasLnlght from I tho University. nt Eugene; Miss ,Cal- Kins";tool rtrti"i n nnorinn morning wlitr'tlio'' City 'and Cou Abstract co 5LLL - j 4 i -" Plvijr)ftj5 !' COUNT COURT FILES ANSWER ,m