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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1919)
'''smkmmmWkweWkmkmkWkwkkmmm it i sun, .11 si it, iiim K KES BAKER WOULD FDRftNTIOUES LI TWIT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AGIJ TnREH I.OM"1 A'" ' fnrlin" i iirii'"t"ii'li ti' i' of ih' I'llOr I i .'III l.llllllilllii ill III I III K I 'I II 1 llUlltll'. M". aruii r -iimllili for rei'oi'l Ineul. In I'f" "" ",,,,'' ",'""rM ,,f "iill'l'i"" ,(P(ii i. mil inn H'lilUliiK in I.iiihIiiii uctl' r """" Ib "'" "l1"1"" "r ' i lm" l""K 1"'"" ''""" "' ''" rule ,l"' "I"'1" '"' '" Iii'Ihc ji.jrtlK'1 for tlrimiiri'ii nf I'll klu'i hlcli i""1 r"lu ",l" '" l",l," )iih hiiltf rti lwn onl) tiii-ii pit' I If rori'iKimm A iiiv iUtIuiih portrait w lilt ti m tuill) ttt't''r1 '" """ "" '"i " it and w" '' ''' ""J"" """ " ,,U" lierii puiuleil ''X l"rll Mill" lirtiMKliI j()iiu ulllio lt iiullientlrlt itrt ,,,,1, now nut ln'i'11 i'hIiiIiIIiIh'iI llnymilil" pnrtrull ui In tin' in tut lintl ii"t iillriirtetl iiiiii'Ii utlculliui wan rinlU milil for 17". mm. mill plr lufi. l muili li'ii'T Unlit IiiiiiikIii ,1iii.iiii'IiuI irlri"i Artinlit furniture l In mih iiinri' .loillltlltt HU ('lllppeliiluln lintlllr (linim rr"i'n!l until nl u iimnlr) mile (,)f i: In kpIIii of lli" I'"' ilmt inmli-rti itrllntn urn c tllK thin piir UfUlnr ilmlKtl llll liuirli'il mil ri. ami mil li trnliu'il expert inn tl I Ml I In' ili(rriui' At another iiiiin ir) uii. tun i lilii'tnlitli lulilnn hm'l II Con mill n l'hlip"liilnle. lahlnel It!'." Khi rul fiirilltlirn l llnl n iiipii lur iix.otlt'itt Inlili'H kiiImk iik low ii l . An "III liarpnlelinnl III u Will iam mi'l Mary eime, nolil for Ji'.lno ami n Kriinilfnther'n dork riih 1 1 (llllllliali' OWIler Ji'.OO In lt iif tlin (act (lull llm lIocK IiiiiI ptohntilt t m nl II' k. morn tliiin ii hundred liliitiiinuli il inntiunrrlitrt nlo nrn In ilr in ii ml. mill ii In lli rmi. of fnrmiure. renin! price tire heiiK uliUiiieU Letter of Dnvlil (inn Irk ami n few ny hln wife, to iinti'il pr- (iik i'f tlii'lr lime. ciiiiskiI spirited ImiiliiiK I'lil were Mlthilruwu mnl I Kill III' offered UKIllll I f'.,rt in I nu i' llm pun turner nf , nun' "f I lli' i linli cm nfferllli: llti"' ri'ii'iilnl I lu pri'Ki'iu'i' In tlio market i '( I'lTMIHK Willi III'MT liefur.' p.ilil .ipi iiltriitlnu to mitliiii'n. Many nfl tlii'tn nrn piTMiiiN wiiii iirctiuiulated i Urn' furl n Men ilurltiK tl wnr, mull nmt ilmt they Imvn noitilreil fine Iiiiiwi-k hno net nut. Willi tlm nlil nfl rip.-rlK In Rite tlli'ltl ' lllll'll'llt ' ton ill ri'illlii'il Ii) Kiiixt tunic LTI AMATU CICUIMr WELL ADVERTISED1 N'l MiltK, Iuiik )' i" n-inr of Will' linker npinkliiK ill ii Iiiim II mil nt tlm Hotel lliliiiiure mill ilmi lie witn M'l) iillllmli In i.iuni to prHiite llle In llm imirKi. . f It I h xpeer llle neireliirv lllmi Inlil neerill lieu wur nlnrli'N mie nf tliem In llle effect tlliil wlieii Mnmlinl Inffre wiim 'in thin iniinlry In I'M lie Inul en i llliiiilei) iluit Aiiieili mi iiiiitrlliiitlnii 1 in men tit the war w until lie nunie. i where lii'lwi'i'ii inn nun unit 'mi nmi J 1 1 Ih inpi'i'leil tlillil repii-Hellleil, Hie ! retiir) remiirl.eil The ullilenl p.'( lllllllll llf llle I'relich relienil 1 Utilff " U Mil, I.IK'K. Mill, l.ll. A illl'l hiillie Weilillnr w l I ei' IiiiiIiiI hint Kiimlii) niiirnlni; nl S n't Im k. Juiin Mh, nl the relienr. "f llie Iirlile k p.iri'iiin Mi mnl Mm ( V Whlllm'k. M7 Newlnwn uln-t. when their an uinplUlieil iliiuiihter. Minn lienrcln wiih lllilli'il III ill irrlui'e wllh Mr Wlllluni A. Iliilliin Die ferelllllliy Will re.lil hy the IteV (' It I'urlim. II. I. iif the rirxt Methu illiit ilniriii nf thin rlty The Inlile In mie nf .Mi'ilfuril'rt in on t popular MillllK lllillen. She Iiiim heell liilte nrihe In nil forum nf ilvlc mnl rellc.llllln Wlirlt I'or the piiHt nlle una the prenlileiit nf the Kpunrtli I.eitRlle of the l'lrt .Melhnillut Ii ii nil The e.rimm miw mirvlce In I'rnnee In Ihe 37th 1'iiKlni'nrliiK rnrpn. A K I. fur nine innntho. five of whlrh were nt the front. The) will , make their home In Klmiuitli V11II1 The li"t uinlien of their linntii of (lli'llilll lire exlenileil In thi'lll Melt fnrd Trlliiiiin COL LEADER QUITS UNIVERS'i TY POST I I LI M I II llf K Crillllicl Jnhll M l. uli i Ii ik ti luiercii hln ii'ilrini "on i iiiilii ir iiMiiiiiiniil.ini .nut In 'llii' lor. it Ho I nlM ruin nf twynn. iilol .il tin luti nf I In- pri'ni'lil Nl'ln i-hIii will leiue fur ilrltlnll Cnllimlllll ' In ii wnr or mo, when hln nffnlrn nie, III hlnipe, Colonel Leiiiler expert)) to leliirn to Ori'ivm mnl miike hln home hee CiiIijIH'I l.emler WIIH l ollllnilllller ' of Ihe lto)ul lilnh Itlflen nt the Htnrt' of the wnr In u h.ittle on the Hommn he wiih neMirnly woiiiiileil, mil upon hln illm hiirce from the hoHpltitl came in the t'nherHlt) of Oregon mnl took ihiiil'.e of the reHcrve iirflli'ry' tmln llli; rorpN Heverul Kin (ennflll tieHHloilH were in-ill, unil tiiuny or thn inminlH nloneil offli'erH from (lieijon nrc urad- , Hales of the prellmlnury loiirne nt Ori'Koll ( Olouel l.emler lerlllrell nil omu tint mule mnl illil miirh to aroiiKe the war plrlt which nuiile Oii'Kon Ilmt In nil patriots unit nilll Inr) mi'.miir'K S253fPi;a. ?. Meets every tesi MaMSS8fiM2X5W3Z)Zmr OTz-' r ,u-I-c.. v -vzi.TiLZwm W Wn M IN THE LAND 0' COMMON SENSE Says it is suicide to cut corns, and tells how they lift ni;ht out Mr llnllnwnv In n lirntlicr nf Mrn Uli) Hnterlee of thin rlty i: r m ii i.r ri.i.sii v I". s. HI'ltl'iAl' I'IMJIW. WASHINGTON. I (' . Juim !! -The f iif llm whale iik fnml In ml voiiileil In n pamphlet InKlleil li t In" linremi iif fliherleK Iteilpi'S for inuk liiK xucciiteiit iIIhIii-k from uliuli are Imiiiileil li the pumplilei, which lllhlnen retail lli'llliTH 1(1 lllllkl' I III', flenli of the whale ii part of their ro K u lur Ktork Thin arllim In In furtliemnro nl the ff fnrt in popularize fn'.ilt. frnz en anil rminoil whale meat an foml. . The hiireau In ailvlneil that the whiil lMK cniupanli-H In ponlilon to furnish , h ami frozen whalo mont have nut liot'li n lilf to nupply the ilemmiil. You kIiiiiiIv nay to the ilril Htmo man. "Hive me u uiimti-r nf mi ounce of fieenni'" Thin will cimt 'ty lit tie hut I (nfflcli'iil In riiiinti mitj hnril or mifi torn from on'- feet A few ilrnpn lipplffil (Ihrilh upon a leiiiler, iichlnK orn hIihuIiI n lleM' thy hiiieiii'iH liiMantly, mnl mon the en lire in ni, root uml all, can hu llfteil out with tlm fliiKiTK without p.ilu. Thl i ui'w win to rlil (iih-'h feet of corns wan Introiliiieil liy n .'InrlnnUtl mini, who Hint wlille fieczonc In nilck). It ilrP'H In u moment, ami Heonu in almply iihrlvel up the corn without liitlainliiK or i'U'ii IrrltatlUR the nurriiunilluR tlistio or skin Don't let father ill" finm infection or loikjaw from whlttllnt; at hln nrnri, hut tut thin out mnl make, him try It r v mi im tt iHni:-j i , u av MMfSasuT- lllll fiu- HI WrPWSBSwOKaiMKfi v aWav standard oil coupakk ffwi I AWHWW?BTTWWfcAVvSS (CliiornU) IlvI I ikWHMkSr' W rWKMT .' k wv Kull gy "Red Crsvn" meets every test for easy start ing, full powc and lnn mileage. Its .. form! 'ij;h quality is proved ddi by countless motorists. "RcdCrown,,L:raight distilled, ail rcfi;i-ry gas oline with the full and continuous chain of boil ing points necessary for easy starting, quick and smooth acceleration, de pendable power and long mileage. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. The xfmmAuA tm . f .m WW. r Lrasonne or iuanry NJoOIa R. A. Winzler, Klamath Falls, Oregon SPECIAL AGENT Herald Ads Get Results? You Know It, Brother - . 50c Molds Free Get a Full Set if You Use Jiffy-Jell SAN KIIANI'IHCO. June Hi Deep ica rinhlliic In offering miKlern the lical npurt lit till) prem'llt time. Ite lortn fropi Suiita Criu iilatu that ha (laliliiK for Hiilmou Iiiim )lelileil nplrn illil rnsultn. The lieot Inland flnhlitK "t tlm inuiiient Iiiih been founil at llelilru, AliKiin, Cluro ami HuutliiRtou Lake In the Blerni NevnitiiH, ami In I. Ink mnl Kluuiuth ltlvors mnl Cherry Creek In tlm Klamath counXry In tlm Hucrumento river country (lie npurt Imit heell luillffi'icnt. lion. i, .maim: ii IIICKC.S Is SOI, I). suiist'uiiu: Koit thi: hkkam) irsWICII. KiiKlaml Tlm (ironl ! White hotel, line of the mont fiimous I of nirkeiiH In iik In to he hold. Thin In the Inn incutlnueil, wlmro "Pickwick, to IiIh liurror, founil hlniKiiU in the hvilroom nf u ntlilillo iiri'iI luil.v In curl paporn. 0cr the front porch iln bIkii. ile ncrlhi'il hy Mr l'lckwlck. an :i "1110110 Htatun of Home rmnpiiKlmiH animal, with flowing mane ami tall, illntlnrt ly ri'HiMiihlluK mi Insuine cartliorse." In nt 111 in exlHtt'llcc -- - -- lASr 1 nj 1 j i ii Hi jL !j feA - WK HAVE tlio opportunity of coming in qontact with many motorists. One of the tiling we hear from them nearly every day is praise for our Accessories THE fa wniic ffMZl ICAN IE OFFICIAL AUTO BLUE BOOK AND CALIFORNIA STATE AUTO ASSOCIATION . GARAGE Pine MoldStyle D For a Jiffy JM Salad or Meat Loaf JilTy-Jell is for salads as well as for desserts. And we offe this 50-ccnt aluminum mold for use in making salads. Use Lime Jiffy-Jell for salads. Each package contains a bottle of lime-fruit essence, sealed. Added to Jiffy-Jell it makes a tart, green salad jelL Some serve it with the salad as a zestful garnish. Some mix the salad into the jell while cooling. With cooked or uncooked vegetables this makes a salad loaf. A meat loaf is made by mixing in meat scraps. This gives you meat in aspic an ideal summer cold dish. We Supply the Mold Pint Mold, Style D, serves a full package of Lime Jiffy-Jell with the salad or meat mixed in. It makes a flat loaf with six indentations' to mark six individual servings. Send us five end labels from Jiffy-Jell packages the end labels naming the flavor and we'll send you this aluminum mold. Mint Jiffy-Jell contains a vial of mint. It makes a garnish jell, far better than mint sauce, to serve with cold meats or roast lamb. St"""" Atl Flavor a in Liquid Form in Gtat JvfMa For Desserts and Salads Ten Flavors in Glass Vials A Hotlla in Each Package Mint Lime Lemon For Mint Jell V or Sulid Jell For DciwrU Strawberry Pineapple Orange Raspberry Cherry Loganberry Also Coffee Flavor Tit-o Packages for 2S Cents Individual Molds ASH of Six for Jiffy. Jett Real-Fruit DmmrU This u a 60-cent gift. These aluminum molds come in. nets of six, assorted styles, valued at 10 cents each. Send us five end labels from Jiffy-Jell packages the end labels naming the flavor and we will send the entire set. Loganberry and Pineapple are two dessert flavors which we particularly want you to try. They are flavors which must be sealed to keep. So they were impossible in old-style gelatine desserts. In Jiffy-Jell the fruit-juice essence comes in liquid form, in vials. So with all fruit flavors. There is a wealth o the real-fruit flavor, condensed from the fruit itself. Include Loganberry, Pineapple, Lime and Mint in your purchase of Jiffy-Jell. Learn the delights of these liquid flavors. They have won millions of housewives to Jiffy-Jell. Pint Dessert Molds Free At the bottom we picture two aluminum pint molds. Each serves a full package of Jiffy-Jell. They are valued at SO cents each. Send us five end labels from Jiffy-Jell pack ages the end labels naming the flavor and we will send either mold you want. Or, if you prefer, send a grocer's sales slip showing a 5 package purchase. Send them to us with the coupon below, stat inr the mold'; you want. Cut out the entire offer so you won't forget. Jiffy-Jell, Waukesha, Wis. Pint Mold-Sty le-H Our Now Star-ShapeJ Mat J MAIL THIS JirTy.Jell. Waukesha, Wis. I enclose end labels naming the flavor, for which send the molds I check. .Salad Mold, Style D. .Pint Mold, Style H. .Pint Mold, Style E. .Six Individual Molds. Pint Mold-Style E Serve a Fall Package of Jiffy' Jell i, WrU Xiau W Mi rhult