imssm GLl jgttgnmg Itealfr OKPIC I A li VM'iUt l" KMJIATH county OFFICIAL PAPKK Of KLA.MATH FALLS Thirteenth Year No. 3,650 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1919 Price, Five Cent CITIES ON TI ! -" MEXICAN BORDER IRE GARRISONED IMPORTANT Tnitiiy'H Inane iiiiittitiix iiki Ik Hi Ulet liti-rit lllllt III" : iIioh lii wlui li the mi,y fill, up -1 1 lit t III u, , ,.r .,, iiii'IIIk III in Miimial hialall Mii'lllH begins In rilll liiil.n THE HONOR ROLL IT Mexican AmbitModnr De clare Riht Violated FEAR VILLA REVENGE Km) Hf'orl I" H-liK Mnile In N'm. If) American III the liilriliu uf Mrilm ( III'' Situation So til Id lie Prepared III Cue I In- IImiiiIIi I'mli'i tnUi'o itrlnllullon. I COUNT FI AT KIEGO LANE plans aui: iiriM, maim: m pur noAitn I'oit iik; i: i:ton si:r. OND AMI THIRD OF OtTOIIdl IX I'AHO. June 17 Piery lionler i dlf (imn iiiul hiimlnt iiIimik (lie Itlu I liwnil.' u Im'Iiik garrisoned ! ill-1 pr,.,,nniUniiH jir now being mnuV Ufwni-iii i Ain" "m i iir.' fr ii, Klntiinlli County Fiilr this Ajjain wo call your attention to the neces sity of bringing or sending in the photo graph of those who are entitled to a place in the Honor Roll of Klamath County. The time is growing short when these pictures can be received, and The Herald must not l)o blamed for the neglect or carelessness of those whose duty it is to send these pictures to us. When war was declared and the boys were called to the colors, there was such a quick response and their departure was so suddenHhat no official record was kept of all of the enlistments. Some of the boys joined here, others at various points throughout the Coast. These are entitled to Only through H L ' A C. I.K8TKR ienty-thi Dateless Germany's answer must Iks presented by six forty nine p. in., I'arlH time, June 23rd. The terms are to he laid before the German Nation al Assembly today. The Allies reply carries some minor concessions but no material alterations. Under the re vision Germany would he admitted to the League of Nations "in the early future." If she fulfills all of her obligations. CANADA ARRESTS STRIKE LEADERS iWIESON CHS HOI TO EIGHT I FOR LEAGUE Expects to Sail From France on the 24th. IF TREATY IS SIGNED a place in the Honor Roll. co-operation of their relatives and friends will it be pos sible for us to get their pictures and record, and we feel that the obligation rests with them to furnish us with the TtM tn ioiMiity of a vuiu rni.ij ,.,. wUMl , , ,, ,,,,, , ,,. Kn. .information. If you know of a Klamath county boy who riiK-iiiiiiin , Kor i.uii,.. a Mm i fir I, i,,ii,. ,,iiMi. . mincfl tlu n oi'H :if snmp nt.hnr himpo ruin Klamath ha s. i ;. - - - : r .." .v fint of the rlty on October second rills will l... the llrst Cnuniy Fair we haVO him ill OUl' list. Don't let US Overlook a Single Onejralded the labor temple, seizing lit In rrtnlliMlnu fur itllnul III" rebels the WINNIPEG. June 17 Ten Strike leaders were arrested at their Ifomes early today and taken in automobiles to some place In the country, pre sumably Stormy Mountain, by gov ernment nollce officials. Slmultane- please notify us so that we can check him up, and be sure ousiy the northwest mounted police WANIIIMiHi.-N.Jlin rii-nti.. li ,... i. r.i ii i. rr in i ri.. ... .,. ,, , "" " oi me iaos wno onereu inemseives ior our saiuiy. 2 .. Z i II '?' "T ,,;v,"0,,,,"," "f "" (" "' Beginning this week, Mr. A. C. Lester, who has charge uZ . ihJ ' In, . 7 2 """"' a;1 ,;i:", " '" ""M of the Honor Roll, will make a house to house canvass of urine mai in" ..nieriimini '""I that the ufiilr will outstrip ntiyiltltiK .i . i . ,L . . i i i ixr 1- P f Mlr mnnlder an a viola- , , ,,, , , (,llln,y ,.,,.,,,,. , I 10 Cliy III Oilier U) SOO Hill HO uilli livui IOOKUU. v e asr. lion nf Mrilrnn smerelKiilv Hie (foxing of I'nlteil Hluii'n imtiir In to Mulrau territory " erature alleged to be of a bolshevik-character. ' 11 tlii irtn u'fttwl i t Mm fh onnnni't ya miccinn mnntc Tf The Ilrsl .lav f.f the Pair will be y"lv u" v;. ? ' ii i Vu A it V 7 .i..u.,i , ,.. ,vru ,.f .!. sihooi i- not a soliciting campaign for the book that Mr. Lester is, .ii.Mri.,1 riuim wiurti hav., i,. ,iiK engaged in. If you want to place your order for the book ...ri. remaruhi.. work in aii pan. .f you can do so. Ho will tell you under what conditions you' i he founn iinre they wer.. tirt or- can get it. It is a matter of indifference to The Herald Runied three lenrs ngn J wliothor you buy one or not, but it is a matter of the deep-, Th.. sermid iinv win he itiven nv.r ej!t interest that you help him to get the picture and record .. uKririiuurai ami turk exiubiu ' ()j- evC.y0ne who is entitled to a place in the Honor Roll. Ti.e Kiicore i.ane Ik i,ii..x..,i iiv, appreciate every assistance you extend to him,! tin- Pair Hoard to lie about the imiht ' , f . ,- .ni-rlitil rupontinn u'hpfPVPf aim wo uttNtim iui wun .i.wov vv. v wwi,..- NEW SYSTEM IS Will AddrrHs Congrc on the Iajtuo of nt Ions Immediately Upon Mfc Arrival anil Will Then Start . T.iur of the Country Which WIU Cover a Period of About Three Wt-ekM. FJ WASHlS'OTON. June 17. Presi dent 'VIIsc? hopes to leave Paris for Warhlniilon. June 24th or 2"tti, t the Germans sign the peace treaty He will address congress Immediately upon his arrival. He will begin his. speaking tourof the country early In July. He expects to tour the last three weeks. He wants audiences made up largely of. the opponents of the League of Nations rather than of his supporters. He may discus.? the League covenant in his Belgium addresses this week. TIIIKTV-TWO 1UM)KKI AfllKS OP l...l WILL SOON ItK I NIMJIi iitiiicATiu.v di:vi:lopki 111 PltlVATK CAPITAL i:i:oimis uwvpit up nn vn t km n N II. w. ItVAN i I LINK P.I l!NS IIAMHIS Lit. t TI II V I OUT KLAMA I'll Oni' ( the larttext real etaiu lt-ui ' U iln.t turn taken pl:ii:t Id til!- Jiliily lur a Iiiiik tltiie, linn Jul Jhm'H ' Hextou. rentrnl plare lit the County where Mich an affair ran he held Thf an exri'tli'iit pasture for the xtnek. flue niiiiln and other attrartlmiM wblrh appeal to those who are pro- mntliiK the affair. i The County Pair Hoard romOstx n' , Preil Petenmn of Merrill, Prank Industrial Club worker. I he may go. nir i ' tint thru the ptirrhu.i" !i !. !' of the II W I'van .itid Prank ll'iiim ranrheit ut Port Klari tlt The iicreiiKn Involved Is In ttc rrlcliborhiio.l of one thntitauil ii'ie. and lliu price paid wan ITfi.tHUI. The Hynn ami HiiriiH proirl In con-lilrn-il an IikIiik atuoiiK the fluent rttirlu-it In a Hertlon of thin rouilty hi'rn nearly all of the ranches are at tin- licHt Mr .MrAulirre has not fully uiiitur nl lit titans for lliu further develop ment of his newly ariiilreil property, liul utates he Is going to confine Klamath Dairy. Palls, and Una Sutton of PUCE OF III 1IU PEEVED OVER SW HITS 111 MARK cor.vrv copht oitncits i:w mtiiM.'i: at .MiJtmi.i i:p,v compktitiox hptwkkx TUP, lUPPIUtnXT iicykks imivps tiik puici: t p to pip TV CUXTS POl M laillKS OX KLPCTIOX IIOAKDS NP.CLPCT TO LOOK PP I'ltli SCIllltKI) IIKSU'XKHATIOX AX1 aim: disappoixtkh A rontract was entered Into bo tweeii Khiiiiatb County ami the Pari Die price of wool lu this territory1 Say Pntle reader .did you think flc Poundallon Company for the ereo-Mias been climbing higher unci higher: that the war was over? Did you lion of a steel bridge across Lot , during the past week, until It nas ' think that the dove of peace, after river... Merrill. 0lng to the unsafe I reached the flfty-cent basis, and the .circling lower and lower had with a sou coo, ui lasi hemeu iuiun,i uunii. that the storm clouds had passed out condition of the present structure. Indications today are that It will go the Court believed that an emergency;., little higher. This Is due to the existed and did not take time to nil- j competition for the cllt.s In this vertlse for bids, hut let the rontract ! county between Dan Oodsll. Ceorge hl operations to the raising of caf vertlse for bids, hut let the contract j uiil- l.etww.11 Dan MSo.l.l . C.corRo l Knrly In the Spring he disposed ! without following the procedure. The.""1' "'" ' ",c,,' ''','" )M1()St(m. ought to talk to a few of the women 'of his sheep Interests and nl that ' Pacific Poundatlon company and P . i f"r "" ''S,'"1"1"" ',"0"(.'hland Com-"1"1 K,,rve'1 on llu' clt' K'Mtion tlmn ilerldeil that the lime was oppor- K. Phillips, both of Portland, submit-1 "U "'T1""'11 .'!.,!'...i ninVm- re I Hoard at tho special city election a I i i it, i ' pauv of uu ranclsco au.i is.cKej re-1 What will be one of the best small irrigation systems in the county Is having the finishing touches put up on it and will soon be completed. It comprises about 3,200 and is located Just south of the city on the Keno road. Within Its boundaries is some of the finest land in the county. This system is being installed by H. H. Van Vatkenburg. It. V. Kss and H. A. Talbot In one greupe: and 11. K. Kerns, W. C. ICzell and K. H. Haw kins In another. F. Hill Hunter, of the Knglneerlng Sawmill and Con struction company, has just finished dredging a channel from the lake In land for a distance of four hundred feet. The ditch is 27 feet wide and five feet deep, and will furnish an ample suppply of water for Irrigation at all times, Irrespective of the levei of tho lake. Three pumps will be used in con- lum for Investing In rattle and tm ncdlutely began to look around for a ullable ranch. The result of hi In VrstiRallons Is the purchase of these ITilIU'tllns ted bids mediately The work will start liu-' ''' CAMPERS FINED ' FOR FIRE NEGLECT Norman C Jacobson, supervisor- of Hit- Iluschules National Purest, jvus In the city yesterday on business con nwleil with the administration of tho ri'Humi. On tho way to Klamath Palls, Mr. Jacohviu discovered Unit "emu rimipurx had not takim th Proper precautions for extinguishing lhlr camp fire and he picked up their trail and placed t hum under ar rut They were brought hef,oro Judge Vfliiiur at Port Klamath and each "ro fined $2li. The urgent inicesslly tor the care of camp fires cannot ho oo strongly ImpresBod upon those "ho go cam ping. Tho Htiason Ih very and tho dHuj?or from flru 'is groat "nil unlosrt the propor precautions urc Men Klamath County will ho sub tocto.l to u uurlouH Iohh thru tho dos tracilnu of quo of Its chief roHourcns, """Ha Umber. Uomomber tho warnlnK "'ut out your camp flroB." REV SED TREATY N HN THOMPSON PHOMIHKH TIIK HUPIIKMK CHJUllT ,IUIHJi:H W. Lair Thompson, accompanied h his wlfo and son, passed thru tho 'ty yesterday on hid way homo to jrtlund. Mr. Thompson states, that Is coming to tho Elks Convontlon "l lhat ho Ih going to bring with lm ovory one of the Supreme Court Judges, Wllil. IIP TKP TO WIXMAK WIIKUP. IT WILL III: CONSIDKIt. i:d itv tmi: political lkad-pus r.uiniH I Iiiiii nhrev & Moffatt of Itei.o. The latter entered tho field last night nnd they say he Is n whirl- wind when It comes to buying wool. lie came over from l.akevlew. whore he boosted the price beyond nil ex- perditions and some are looking for him to do the sumo thing here. If he taltei his coat off and goes after Pie , business he Is going to make tho fur fly. for ho never quibbles. All thruu are ready to go the limit, of sight beyond the horizon and that the sunshine was again spread tag; over the land? Did yon;? Well, you! nectlon with this system, the powet for the operation of which will be supplied by the Kerns Brothers plant near Keno. The pumps are of the few weoks since. Jnckson dlrect-connect type, furnish- Why didn't they get their pavV' ,, by tl)p ijhUIwIh Hardware com You ask. Yes they did. Henry. that mlnJ.( (no benK a 20.,nch one i2. just wnn i s tno matter, rney uut It would appear from tho general report that a number of those who accepted appointments on the elec tion Hoard did so with the Idea lhat tho remuneration would bo tho samo as that paid by the County without looking up the matter on iho statute books. inch, these being used to pump tlu water into tho main canal; the third, which will be used to pump Into the smaller laterals, will be an S-lnch. One of tho satisfying features ol the system as the fact it Is relieved of the hampering infleunces of the Re DATKI.KSS clnmatlon service, has been lustallei I AVhtit was their surprise, therefoio a fraction oi wmu u.e wou.r and this will soon be reached for few . . rpc.,lvi,(1 ..,. .,. ,SVo l"- heen If tho Keno project nat hheepmen had little hope that tho ! .lollars whore thev expected to find. Bono thru and escapes being involve' I price would go above forty-eight )tll,s slm muuipltott by about tluee. I in tho questionable tactics now being ,,, . . cents. When the fifty-cent notch was I There was strong talk for h time of ' porsued by representatives of th I lie roused iirait oi , . i,,i,, ,i,,, in.-,.,, mini. . .... ,... ,, ... , ,. ' ...,.. .. .,, . ..... . inim.iu-11 ii """(" ' " ouiuuug a new ciiy iiuii nun iiiMiui- govornmeni in ine ei.ori i the treaty has been presented to the Gorman delegates today. They will go to Woltunr whore tho political leadorn will consider II. Ilerlln opinion Is that tho terms will bo rejected unless they 'are greatly modified. PIXKD ton. Iloy Walker was fined $100 yester day by Judge Chapman for unlaw fully huvlng Intoxlcntlng liquor In his possession. Ho was arrested by Policeman J. W. Hilton. OKK FOR VACATION. P. J. P.vatiB of tho Star Drug Store Is now taking hla vacation. Ho ex ports to spend part of tho time nt Itocky Point on tho Upper Klamath Lake. , MURIUM. MAN HRItK. Oconto Offlold, n well known re sident of Merrill paid the County seat a business visit today. but It Is now doubtful whether this Step will bo taken. It Is safo to pre dict, however, that the next, election boards for a similar event will he composed of a different personnel. . (JO TO HAY CITY. her of those who were hesitating, i illK au entro now city administration Some, however, who know they have choice clips are holding out for fifty two cents, nnd it is not at all unlikely that this figure will bo reached be fore tho market hero Is cleaned up. A fourth factor In tho field Is James Roberts for Theo. llernsteln of Port land. He la a still hunter and gets lots of game. The sheop business all along the lino has boon remarkably Reed. Tho porcentngo of lambs reached as high us 92 por cont In many cases. The range has boen good und very fow of tho boys wero caught without ample territory for their sheep. Tho shear ing is practically over, and aside from tho strike of the shearers, noth ing of moment hnpponod In connec tion with It. There was a blref strike of tho shearers, due to the tact that the union has raised tho price from fifteen to seventeen and a half cents Charles Garcelon of the Ford Oar age and Mrs, Effie Garcolqn, of tho County Clerk's office, who have both boon on tho sick list for a number of days, expect to leave Thursday morn ing for 3a'n Francisco for a week's absonce In tho hope that tho change will be of benefit. PARKER LANDS IN V. S. A. (Continued on Page Five.) Mrs. D, W. Parker Is In receipt of a telegram from her husband, advis ing her of his safe arrival on this side. Mr. Parker was with the 20th Engineers and has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant. rob the farmers of the Klamath p ject of that for which they have pali and to which they aro entitled. WHICH OXK IS GT1LTV.' Olen Garrott and Virgil DeLap re turned Sunday night from Medford, Ashland and Jacksonville, and there by hangs a tale. Virgil says that Glen got married while on the other side of the mountain, and Glen says Vir gil Is the guilty party, so to make suro that the right one is caught the public will believe both were married until they prove otherwise, although neither brought, back the evldenco of their guilt. AFTKR ANOTHER LEXINGTON. C. L. McWIUIams left this morning for Uend .where he will get another Lexington, shipped to him from Port land, and bring it to this city for de monstration purposes, CON IT ITI I.AST NIGHT'S SESSION GIVEN OVER ALMOST ENTIRELY TO THE TRANSACTION OF ROC TINE IICSINESS Last night's meeting of the oity council was an uneventful one, rout ine business consuming all of the se. sion. A new resolution was passed set ting July 14 as the day on which protests against the paving of High Street will be heard. The ordinance extending the fire limits from Ninth street to the Big Rasin Lumber company was introduc ed and passed to second reading. U will be up for third reading and final passage next Monday nlght.'and those vho are opposed to this'extenston wilt have an opportunity to be heard on it. Under the provisions of this ordi nance no frame buildings can ba constructed within the restricted nrea. The Slayor was authorized to steri a contract with the Warren Construc tion company for the paving with bjlhulitlc of High, East. Crescent an C'anby streets. An ordinance fixing the assessment roll of Tenth. Lincoln. Esplanade. Market and Eighth Streets w.-is last ed and the Police Judge was direct? I to publish the roll. T'nder this ortll-no'-eu those objecting or wlshim; f.- Like rrt'fintage of the ten-yn.r pay ment piovlsion must do so wlth'.u ten days A l'umber of miscellaneous pu7i jtvis that have been hanging fire for a Ion,; time was taken up and dispos ed of, the most important being vliat shall be done with Sixth street fron tho end of the. bithulltlc pavement to tho railroad track. The city engineer was directed to look into this nnd make a report to the council The general opinion is that the street will have to be repaved with blthulitte or concrete. MRS. WATTF.NBURG ELECTED DIKEtTIUH At the annual school election held yesterday to elect n new director for schol district No. 1, there were but 240 ballotts cast, 149 of which were, for Mrs. It. E. Wattenburg, nd 91 for Elmer I. Applegate. Mrs. Watten burg has been connected with the city schools for some time and should prove a very efficient director. UUYS A DODGE Doc Powell is the latest addition: to' the Dodge family of Klamath, H- has purchased a new Dodge frc-ni Wakefield & Sullivan. 0