WBHWffl ,K)MU ,11 M. IC, 11111. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i'Aii: si;vi:n lscsesbjbi C(i..-iEOmri!.-THE AD5 vteRE FINE! lwJS!Sl!'''. WI.l'' 'w V) lr-i v iKwr-r- "'NJ- m it 7 i mi ; rm n V ''rv . Nl ' J! :W' v,NS SBombP5 ERALD CLASSIFIED COLUMNS LOR SALE '.' fur i.imI I I . I! I I ' I'ltUil U'1.1 I I.' l' t k it i. ii i. . i, i ' . kin n'. I I i i 1 1 ! !. - I 'I'll Hi PH I'l ' ""V flHHI Tt- .. ,, u mi irrigation t It ii 0j . i,imh1 groin land Begin .'.IIIIIIOllll mi to lltiu.i IJJO' Ii ' llllllll' I nil" !" IO If lljtin . , r. crnlii. IHiio unrlli nf unk' ' i" H " Iti'Mi nml !! bou'i" l pinon'snlon (li tohvi Uilft i I ' lr. Algoiuii. Urn ll-G fOll S'M " n""l iHT'n Hock ranch nrr (,nelle Slnhlyuii Co , Calif . fir vion-r right M U llur-l. ''& foalrvai.l liliilld. Oregon I" '5 rOII Ul I1 K KALE 3 riiiini planter ril h.i"i'- iiii'l two lull1. Mill ml iillon 1 1. 'tin I'irto down, tiiilii.irp time Iikiii'ik I ( l"v 111 nr 2'ifi.l RftUli alli'li m. 13-ii HELP WANTED MU"'''!!''''''-''"'!"'!'"!''!''"!''''''!''''"'''''" " WANTKI) Women Hi wall (nliln In loircltiK cum p IM per tnuiilli unit turil Xililri'im. Weed Lumber Co v"d lalif n-2 WANTLO rhumb-inuald ut .Metro- Kllllllll Hotel Hi-tf I, WAXTKH A girl wl III" Miimhnll lloum- 3-tf wANTKD Ctrl (iir general linum- ork liniulrv C3!j l'lini'titli hI . or phone 67 -J 8-tf MISCELLANEOUS FOIt HUNT Two l.,rge nicely fur- r i .1 t' 'i 'lotlroouih 'o of Ulb (all 917 Pine HI i H-h VANTKI) Two or tliri'f f urttlnln-tl or tinfiiriiliihi'il ronnm for HkIu I houpn ki'cnlntr I'lioiin "flU-Il Htf Cltl'i:NTi:i( n:nl inilliliT will ron ililcr niitoniolillit In payiiumt for njf klml of count ruction work Ail Irrm Carp' .it," llcrulil officii MAXWin.I, fur i)illi'--Coinl cninll tlon mnl Root! Hivh; or will i'x ChariKt' for citllln J. i:. Hull. Al io inn. Ori- H-3 FOH SM.K (ill TltADK l'Jltl Koril romlitii'r wlih IIkIH ili'llvi'ry body fhilfuti. ii Sinllli, U33 Miiln St.. i'hunti i;r h-:i TO ),X('IIAN(H"--'I(I ncrim i;oml liiuil 3 inlli'H from town, uiiilnr Kiilnr Irliio irrlKutlon ilUtrlci; kooiI Jioubii mill ollmr biilliliiiKH. Kmiri"! nml rroim fcncoil. Will Irnilo for i-)'bI-ilcncu jiroporiy In city, l'lioiio 27.1-M 0G LEGAL NOTICES VVMMVMWWMVIMAMMM N'OTU'i: INVITING lIU)l'OSAI.H. I'lirHtinnt to Onllnanco nnil onlor tho Common Council of thu City ' Kliiniutli KiiIIh, OroKon, notlcu 1h neroliy nivon that propoHuls will bo ecivi'il by tho Common Coiinrll for oaklnit tho Improvcniont iloBlfinoil or tliu Improvement of Market St., Jrom tho northorly lino of Oth Btroot to tho aouthorly lino of Iot 10 In Block 17, and tho aouthorly lino of I'Ot 30, Mock 18, of Bocond Unllroml AilOllInn to tho city of Klamnth Falls, including lntorsoctlonn. -nld Improvomont to tio mndo In wcoirtunco with tho pinna and epocl lilcationo of tho City Knglnoor for no or tho other of tho clauses of Im provement mentioned theroln nnd ap proved by tho said Council, and In accordance with Ordinance No. 4K7 Moptod on tho 9th day of Juno 1019, "j proved by tho mayor on tho JOlli tiny of Juno 1919. Rld pliinfl, Hporlflcntlons nnd estl mntcs boliiR on file In tho offlro of I'm I'nllcn Judi;n nnd In tho offlco of thn Vy KuRlnonr. fio piopnHod Improvomont will b" jt In (inn rnntrnet, nnd tho tlmo In 'iltli tho sumo 1b to bo complotod Is WAN'TI'Il ll( U'Mlllill -Wn nro In tin' iniirkot for K.nun.onu fi'i't of Mn box liinibi'r. oim tnko Hiimll por ifiitnKii wlillii fir. Ailvlnn prlcii fob. frn mnl iiuiintlty Hint could bo hup fllcil Vililii'HH llox 2. Unrolil. 12-12 ; I rorct't VAN'S AI'TU KM'l'll KIO.N'lo Kliiiuiitll Hot HprlliKH. Join Hie cruwil nnil liuvn u Jolly Hum. Kur NrtlculiirM. ruU VAN'S AUTO HUH VIC'i: I'lmim 2BH.W. 7-tf .,; ' ' i ' i , i ,'', n.h " ' rv."t) b ) mw. I i! lyriiSV .'!. L'JLJ "V JS8F '.V1?a5" I In ' I i mii. nut Mill. Mill I 1 lilil,. ...r ii'. i' hi lift" i li: 'il i in to! ( I. . fl .1 Wll U'l III" I'l. I'd M In It. ( nil ll .i v ! it 1 1 not biter I ' .' t'l ' . I d ." ' ' I. I'l ' ' 'll'.. I,. I inc prnhns ill ul ho u pencil nml ronnlOnrMl , .i. ii , . (. t, .1 Millet tf iii'i urnpnnl fd iiv ri itifii'il i lii'i'k nti hi'iii1 r I uiiHll'lf luiiik in it rtt til ii t iiimil in . iit.niiil i.r I In- iUKriKolii ulnouiil of ill- pri'iK'i.il thfinuini in In forh fi'fl In llii' i in Ii thi mil rrmiful lilililof ii I', m r.illtin In i lili r Into nuitrnrl Mini liiiiiil (or 111" fiilttidll riiiiiplntlixi ( Mit lit liiiiriiviMin'iit In mi orilani Willi I 111' Hpl'l'lf Irut Iiiiih lliiTifnr Tim " u v of Kliiiiuilti KiiIIn ri-itiTV lm: llii' rliilil nt nil llmi-n lo. rr-Ji-rt nny nml nil pnipnxitlH mill In n h.i niltui tlin until iriiHiii J m 1 1 r v i i i 1 1 1 iipnti rouHliliirnllnll of null) IiIiIh. If It no nliTI. mnl ultlimit lliilillliv to tlin (liv of Kluiiiiilli 1'iilln, Ori'Kon. toiitn IjIiIiWt or pt'rmm Ininri-iiti-il In nidi (irnniiiii! iniiro "iiii'iit. Till' nvsnnl to thn HUrrcHnful lilililrr (or iiinkliiK tlin propoHcil niiIiI lin liroM'iiu'liI In tii'ri'liy mini" rniulni'iMil lll'iHl (hi' n.il" of till' IiiiiiiIh oiilhnrU mI to provlili' liinilx for liiiikln1: mil il I miiriix in in Tim pliitin hpi'rlflriitloiiK mnl i-til-niiiti'K iiIhiw ri'ti-rri'il to I'tnliniri' mnl provlili- I ri it I mi lil proponi'il hiiprovr NH'ilt of null) utri'i'ln hIiiiII roiinlut of puvliiK H.iltl portlonn of xulil Mirr-tM ultli liltnlltlilr pnvi'tiinnl. ultlinnt ri'iiii'lit nltliiMiilkit but InrluilliiK curb in1; mnl cr.iillii':. or oil iii.iriulum pitvi'liiiillt. wlllinill ronii'lit kIiIuvnii'Kh. 1'iit liirliiilliu: riirhliiK mnl t'.ruiliii': Snlil liiiprovi'ini'iit In rltln'r nvi-nl to in hull' KriullnK. rollliiK mnl rurtilns lit 1 ilrilllliiKr Knlil itliproii'llli'llt to lii' n fi'i't In wlili ii I 1-n'ioiiiiln nrr Inxlli'il on all kin In of piivi'iii"!it niimtliini'il, ulllioiil ri'iiii'lit Blilt'wnlkH Piil i'i at Kliun.itli Fiilln, Jiiiic Mill, l : i ; A I. I.CAV1TT. I'nllri. .Muli-ii of tlin City of Klmniitlt Kill I" MtTK'i: INVITINH I'ltOHIfAI-S I'limuiint to Ordlniincc mid onliT of tlin Coninion Council of tlm City of Klmuiitli KiiIIh. OruKmi. notlci' 1k lniri'by Klvrn Hint liropoMiils will In- rucrlvi'il by mild Coininon Council for tuukliiR tin" IniprovciiD'tit iIohIkiiimI for tlm linproM'inont of lntb Stn-i't j from Miiln Stri'ft nortburly to I'nif I pi'd Siri'ci. nml HlRb Stn-et from lull Ktri'i't 'I'lmti'rly to 1Mb Stn-i'l, lucluil- I Iiik Ind-rscctlonH. I Sultl Improvi'iiH'til to lm innili' In nrrnnlnnci' with llii' pbins mid Mpi'd l flcntloiiH of tlm City KiikIiiimt for ono or (llii otlinr of tlin i:1iikm'h of luiprovii iMni t ini'iitloni'd lliiTi'ln mid npprovt'd by Hiild Council, mnl In iicconlunci' Willi Ordlnmici' No t.M' udopti'd on tlin !tb dny of Jiint, r.H'.i. nnd np prov)'d by tlm tiiiiyor on tbo Id Hi day of J tinn. 11 IS' Hlild plllllrt. BpnclflciltlollB mid pkII I mntoH bclni: on flln In tin' offlci- of i tlin Pollen JndKi) and lu the offlci- of tlm Clly Knnliicor Thn propound linprnvnnmnt win iu I lot In nun coutiact. mid tlm time In which tlm Biunn Ik to lm contplotod 1 flM-d liyHnld ordlnuucn fur October Kith. 19 19. Illds must lio filed with tho I'lilleo JuiIro for buIiihIhhIoii to thn Council nl IiIh offlco In thn city bull not Inter (linn S o'clock 1 M. of thn 23rd day of .litnn 1919: nt which tlmo nnd pliien propotialH will ho oponod nnil conHlilnrod. ICnch proposal iniiHt tie nccoiupanl tul by u certified check on aoinu ro HpoiiBlblu bank lu amount niiual to f per emit of tlm iiKKroKUtn amount of tlm propoHtil, thu suniu to bo forfeited In tho city by the iiuccoHhful bidder upon failure to enler Into contract mid bond for tho faithful completion of mild Improvement In accordance with tho specification!) therefor. Tlm City of Klamath Kails resorv InK thn right nt all tlmoH to rojoct any and all propomilB and to abandon thn said proposed Improvomont up on consideration of said bldn, If it no elect, and without liability to tho City of Klamath Kallu to any bidder or person Interested In said proposod Improvomont. The award to the. successful bidder for making tho proposed said Im provement 1b hereby mnilo contingent upon the salo of tho bonds authorized to provide funda for malting said Im provomont. Tho plans, specifications and esti mates nbovo referred to embrace and provide thut tho proposed Improvo mont Bhnll consist In grading said Htroets to ostnhllshed grade nnd pnv lug snmo with ollhor oil mnendnm, cement or bltliullthlc, nnd tho con Htrurtlon of 4 foot commit RldownlkR nll In ncenrdniico with tho plnns nnd Hpeclfli'iitloiifl on fllo. 1'roposnlB nro requested on nil elns-1 sea of pavement mentioned, Dated nt i . in,. i i i i i wn l'i 'In IiiiIkc of M,.. i ,. ,,f i:iiimiti ('nil; 'IriV'lll. ' " I ' " I :i', l'l!OIM(SI.S. i ' ffilfr ' .. Ill" I'll , lf 1 I'l 'I 111 I' , 'I ' ' .. ll. k II I.. X , I,. ' iii i ii , i i .k I.. I1' ' ' ill d" i iii il fur llii lm '' t "I I. ll'fnli If . ' Ml i :ii. " i nil 'i'l. in. nii .1 t . , i ,' !, . 'I Ji.i Hiai'i lllllniA. Iiilji' In ItO M ' . I'li'ilmii i. vMh 'Ik- hIii"" and ii"('lfratliiMM of iln- city Kitcm. lm in or tin-nl i"i of tlii- i l.i " nl Impi'ivi nii'iii nii.nlloiii'd Ib.'ii'ln mnl iipprovfil by i bo 'nun' II. nml in ii. . otftMiici' with iirillnntiri. No tfir.. iii'niiii'il on iln- nh iIm.v of Juii" I'.il'1 mnl by tlm mayor iipprovid on, i l'i l mli day of J mi" l!il!( "ild plium. Bpi'cif Iratlmin and ooll iii.t'.i bi'lng on flln wlih Ihn I'olln In ' nml In l In- offliB of tho idly I lm . r I In rniiiH('d lm Jirovi'ini'tit to lm I'1 Hi mi" intlltlirt, mid llin tlmo In w li ii il"- .ni. I lo In- eoitirili'li'd i i d l.v Knld ii nil en nee for llrl i 'i i 'i i ;i H ' I UM b" fUl-ll Will, Ihi' I'ul'ro Mull' fin i u'ltiilHDioii lo th- C'outirll lm' lai i I him v o'i loi k i in i.f tho ' "i .hi' of .tint.' l'U!i. i,t which tun" mid plnri' all propoKHlK will ho Ml 1 11' ll ' 'I'll- ll" II l 1 i' ll plopoH'll nillxl ll" IK'Ol'lJIlM- 'I b 4 I'flUlld (lll'lll fill NO i i. l'i ! ..I l,i.W In ll, lit.tOlltll nf . I" " ' i I of I'm- mrt-.i '-.in-rf tin mi. "ii .il In In foi-fo'ii'd In Hi, i 4I ,, 'nl Ii il Ii i ii pun fi "ti to I'll - i'o "I'ltiiiri .hi. I hurid for i In' f.i llilul i Mliilil"' lot) of (tin lllllllllV, tiif.i.f In l.f- unit, 'ii with Iho rfiiiM'iiil Th Cilv of Klttin. )h KiiIIh, r'orliiK Iho null' lo riii-M ittiv nud nil hi Ii ,'tul piopon I; In mnl lo iibniidon tin proprisi ! lm provo'noni upon cnn!il.i, tinn of mid blilc If Ii m I'locl, mid without lia blllti lo tlm Cltv. lo any blildi-r ir Ihtmjii tiitori'Dtud lu mud pruposoil ImiirMVPini'iil 'lb- nwniil to tho Hiiccoiiiful blddor for in.iKIni; t)m propoM-il liuprovo uini l 1 hervby coiitliiRont upon tho milo Jf thn btindii authorizo'l to pro vldn fundi) for niakliiK mh 1 prop'isod liuprovonmut. Tlm pliiim. nporlflrutlii'iH and onl inatoi iibiivo niforrod lo tnbr.i"n i ml prmlile for tho proposod nupruo uiont lb)' RradliiK of tho hi root to tlm oDlabllBhod Rrado. mid pavltiR name wllb 'O'I Miiridr-m iin-ludliiK ci uii'iit HldowallEH. curliliiR and Krnd ItiK, or Cement. Ini'ltidinR coniont Nldna. 'I-" iiirli'ni; and K inline or wllb bltiilltblc. InrliidlUK coniont nliln oalki ciirblni; mid R-ndl'ir or pine lug tlmrvou ) Inchon of Clndem with out .sldewalkH l'mpnxali nro ro "lii'stod on all cIiimk'h of puoiueiit montlouod Dated at Klamath Kails. Oregon, tblN lltli day of Jmi". iiii'l. A. I, UBAVITT, Police J mice of tho City of Klamath KoIIh, Orogun NOTICK INVlTINtJ I'HOPO.sAl.S. Pumuiinl to onllnanco nnd order nf the Common Council of tlm City of Klamath FiiIIh, Oregon, notice Id Imroh' given Hint propoxalH will bo received by said Common Council for making tho Improvement design ed for the Improvcntt-.i; u.' li .'rvot from High street northerly to Pros 1 peel street: Lincoln street from Mil Btroot onBterly to 9th Btroet: nnd Jef ferson street from Sth Hired ennterly to 9th street. Including lntenectlonR Said Improvement to be made in acconlancn with the plans and speci fications of thn Clly Knglneer for omt or tlm other of Hie classes of Im provement mentioned therein nnd approved by Hiild Council, nnd In ac cordnnco with Onllnanco No 4 f S . adopted on the Sth day of Juno. 1919. and approved by tlm mayor on the loth day of June 1919 Said plans, specifications nnd -, 1 1 mates being on file In the office of Hie Pollen Judge and In the office of the City Knglneer The proposed Improvement will bo let In nun contract, and the time In which the same Is to be completed Is filed bv said ordinance for October l&tli. 1919. Illds must bo filed Willi the Police .liHlrco for submission to thv Coun cil nt IiIr office In the city hall not later than S o'clock p. in. of the 23rd day of June. 1919: at which time and place proposals will bo opened and considered. Knch proposal must bo accompan ied by n certified check on lomo re sponsible bank In amount otinl to ft per cont of the aggregate amount of (ho proposal. Urn Riiino to bo forfeited to tho city by tho successful bidder upon failure to enter Into contract and bond for tho faithful completion of Haiti Improvomont In accordance with tlm spoclflcntlons therefor. Tlm City of Klamnth Knlls reserv ing tho right at nil times to rojoct nny nnd nil proposals and to abandon tlm said proposed Improvomont upon consideration of said Mils, it It bo elect, and without liability to tho City of Klamnth Falls to any blddor or person Intorostod in said proposed Improvement. Tho nwnrd to tho successful bidder for mnklng tho proposod aald im provement la horoby mado contingent upon tho Bale of tho bonds authorized to provide funda foe making aald Im provomont. Tho planB, spocltlcntlona nnd esti mates above roforrod to ombrnco and provide that tho proposed improve ment shall constat of grading the samo to ostabltahod grade to tho width, of 25 foot and hard Burfaelng tho satd Btroots to the width above spoclftod over all; including cement curbs and cement sldowalks, with olthor oil macadam pavement, con croto pavement, or bltulithlo pave- mnnt In nllher event to include sldowalks, curbing and grading. Tropoaala aro invitoii on an mroo kinds of pnvomont montlonod with enmont sldowalks. Dated at Klamath Falls, Juno 14th, 1919. A. h. LEAVITT, Tnllco JudBO of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, SH ' llfV I P"l 'i-.tl,M I h ' . ii ',' diti i lu ' .iiid i.ri'"i nf 1 ' ' ,ii i i ii' I .: il..- ' of Ki iiinii ii I i.il, ,ii lei'i. "hi : . i III i. p.' I'll I lllll illl, 'n v II ll" i" i'. d I II . ( nriii'i'.ii in in' il for innkiiiK lb" t tiriiV"iM m l i cnoil I'.. ' , i.i i ' ,i' i mile i 'lm!) i lie Of ' . i' i i ; Pa- i "i. i in. I i ' t ..r ii . i : i '.i 'i . .i ' I'oit- , I III ,11 I' II i '! . !',! " i ..' -it alh I'h 1 1 1 ;. ,, ii, I' .1 ti,- ii ! A 'l 'Ml Hn' i l i pro .' ii, i,. i it.' h, aopfMilniM . -v t i 'hr plii't ii'id iv . f" i M . ' i ' ii , . " i tn. fiiii or Hie oilier of the i lime .." , i pum- ed liv 'Hid ''ouiicil. ami In i oril.ttn'" wllb Hiilln.'ino" No 4r!i, iiiloptiii on the 'nil diiv nf June, lt'l'i .-ti.l up pro.. I I the mayor on in- 11th day of .Inn , 191 'i Ku'.l (il.ii.'i. Mp.-i lfl"iit(iun and "ti mules leing '"i fiii- 'ii "So off c" or (bo Pollro Judgo uml In tlm offlco of i'o ('it- Kn r i,o- i Tho pruposoil liiiprovoineiii will lm let iii oiio nitiirud, mnl I he tlmo in wlili"" llm nam" l'i lo bo i in. '! -tod I f" d h" rn orrtlnmi"" for () i.ilH-r 1Mb I !U 9 Hid, ii'iml be fled v!ih I'm Pnliri. Jmlr for Hii.ir. D'llon to the I'ouncII m Ii "ffio hi tb" oitv hall not later licit l i'.'i ii m of the 2Jrd day of 'iii'. ''U'l ti -v'lic'i t'i'i" and pluci iroHi ,i., wtil be op"ii d and CO I li I i I1 I i 'if. i, il !'us-t bo iii-t'onipnn- '("I ii n r'Ti'f'"'! 'b'".k on "-opi" V.-- I"i t. ! i. I"i- k !n .-"i cunt omul to f ii'T cr t rtt tb" r -r , 't" at toutit or 111, ) 'ItH'i.-'l 'Hi. 'H'lM' .'I l" fm '"'tod to tin- i,f. Ii do i!i"c- fill b'ddor iiion f'i'liiro to "nti - n'o co-i'ract tint! bond for I In ', Ithfu' ompli 'Ion of hhIiI improve -i 'it l:i ue or.lnnee with the spotlflcr tlons trmri 'or Tho City of K n. .nth Kal'ii r.-s-r--Itil' tho right a' nil Uno-s to reject nn .Mid all prop" uls and to abandon tho s'iUI titojioBod Improvniont upon consideration of snld bids If It so i'li"-t. and without liability to the Cltv of Klamath Palls, to imv bidder or person interested in said proposed iinpiDiomont Tin award to tlm miccossful blddor for making the nroposod snld ni provoinont Is hereby made contingent upon tho salo of the bonds author bed to provide funds for making Hit lil Improvement Tho plans, specifications nnd es timates above referred to embrace and pnnlde thai said proposed im provement of said streets shall con sist of grading the same to establish ed guide in the width of 40 foot be tween the northerly llnv of Wall street and the northerly line of Spring street and 25 feet In width betwoen the northerly lino of Spring stn.'it to Pacific Terrace, and Pa cific Terrai) from Huron street nor therly to Portland street, and Port- land street from Pacific Terrace east nrlv to the eastern boundary of the City of Klamath Falls, und hard sur facing said streets to tho widths nbovo specified over all. Including concrete curbing nnd grading with either hitullthlc pavement, oil ma cadam pavement or concrete pave ment. I Proposals are Invited on nil kinds of pavement mentioned. Dated at Klamnth Falls. June 14th. 1919. A. I-. LEAVITT. Pollen Judge of tho City of Klamnth Falls, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Connty Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Klamath. In tho Matter of tho Estate of H. G. Fnlrclo, deceased: Notice is hereby given thnt H. M. Manning Is the duly nppolnted and qualified executor of tho abovo en titled estate, nnd thnt all persons having claims ngnlnst tho said estnto will present tho same, with vouchers uttnehed. nnd duly verified, to tho said executor nt his law office In tho Loomis Building, Klamath Falls, Klamnth County, Oregon, within six months from tho dato of this notice. Duted May 24, 1919. II. M. MANNINfl. Executor of tho Estate of II 0. Fnlrclo, deceased. 2C-2-9-1C.23 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for tho County of Klamnth. In tho Mntter of tlm Estate of Sarah II. McOehoe, deceased: Notice Is hereby given thnt the un dersigned has been duly nppolnted administrator of tho estnto of Sarah 11. McOehoe. doceusiid, 'v tho Coun ty Court of Klamnth County, Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estuto uro horoby required to present snmo, properly verified, to snld administrator ut the offices of J. II. Carnahan, Rooms 5 and 6, LoomiB building, Klamnth Falls, Or-, egon, within six months from the' first publication of this notice. Dated May 19, 1919. i Q. V. BRATTON, I Administrator, 19-26-2-9-16 NOTICK OF ANNUAL MEETING. Tho annual meeting of tho stock holders of the Langell Valley' Tele phone Co. will bo held on Saturday, Juno 14, 1919, at. 1 o'clock, at Bo nanta, .for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors, and such other business as may proporly come before tho houso. G-lOt Q. P. KELLER, Sec. Just Remember this. The dates for tho Elks' Convention aro August 14, 16 and 16, Get ready,' PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Cases or Fevers of Any Kind 301 High St. Phone 455 Kr'C(l an-1 Stalilc f i i" Day or Nijht I Mir TrlM Om Mti nlt It 'jiill,i'il" lltWi -. Klamath Stable I'liono I. 'Ill Kiil Klamntli .i: Sen Iii "nr Motto NiitWtai Hun Our t'liinmitoo Kandy & Harlman Painting, Kalsomining Paper Hanging City mid Country Jobs Sollrllod Make Your Home Al tractive Phone 414 .'ipur.1 ; JlOfl Pl-ic St., Klin -!li V.i'.U, On-. flS J. HART MAM GEM CUT Klile Willi: I'ouiiiliilions I mic i opines Slop. Comoiit Plnterini: M(Mirs, Stucco iriil TiirrnJi WalN Cenieter) Work .SK-clalty. I'lllST CfcSS WOHK PIUCES ItKillT r,:W Pine St. Cir. (Ith nnd l'lnc :--:x-:-:-:":-M--x--:--x-:":"j"X-:--'-.-. White Pelican Laundry DAMP WASH, 20 MIS. T.lc I'AMIIA" UltY WASH Oc LB. f "Put Your Duils In Our Sud" S3 MAIN STltKET PHONE 421 'I'-V. . .. - - - " HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station IRicluBlve Agents for the Harley Davldson Motorcycle. None Bet- ker. All Makes of Motorcycles Bought, Sold and Exchanged. C. E. BISMARK 115 S. Oth St. Klamath Falls KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS Wc Do All Kinds of Spring Repair Ing New Ones Made to Order ' Axle Straightening and niack-sniitlilng ALTj work guaranteed Phone 239-Y 617 Klamath Ave. OLD FURNITURE Repairing New Made to Order Andy Mauritsch 10 Main St. TRY ME PHONE 170-J For Home SInile Bread, Pie and Cakes, Go to T. A. ROBERTSON 42 Main St One Trial Means Satisfaction Orders Delivered Any Place In Town SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re-, pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH "The Handy Man" 106 MAIN ST. CONVENIENT 'j HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A. SOULE t X-Ray Surgery Medicine Phone 1B1-J 400 Main MVVMssMsssssrrSArNMWrAi E.L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 211-14 WMIta Bids. Klamath FaUa Oregon i WSwVWiVsyiiSAAWV Li'V".', Auto ( j v. l" ,' ; A J'OS ' IliKlmsl (.nil pri'-os paid for fino i J or-l.i-.ON INJUAV IMPIM AND OTIIKH P.KliK H $ Po to'ncfl Hot 2ifl KI.i'VATM VM,hH. OUR. i-u--b-b"""!" ," i -i" "i i- " 11 " i TlltC Atl.MN HUM TV SHOP Hie H.irpir Ii'lbnil of '.' i'-i Tri iin'til nnd Shampoo- : - ci'lil Tri itirn i.t, Manli iirim; j .-.111 MalnM viniiic ::no !-'M-'v-M-M"!-''"'-!,--"--t-M"!'-: II. '. SCHI.KUI-' K VIHI'.IH.M': KCIIIiKKF PlijslilmiM mnl Surgisum Offlio, Willie Ithlg. ;...-M;..;;-:"M--:"""M-,X'"X" I A" I A t. A i -BmB. DR. G. A. MASSEY Snrii-sMiP to Dr. Trimx sun mm, i. o. o. i uiiiK Ollbo pliono (!! Ki-. Plii.ni" HUM iWV'VS(M' DR. CARTER DHNTI.ST WllITi: HUIIiDINO pue.m: iJh.-. DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver I'HONi: 3SI Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 CHer Unrlerwooiro Seventh and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomis Hide., Klumutb Falls DR. C A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. V. Building PHONE 01 SrfniWj1M''i CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY M7 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathlr Physician A Bargeo Sulte 211, 1. O. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian aud 'Burgeon In Klamath FaUa.) SAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer"! nnd builders of mod ern Saw Miiln, Plantu-; Mills, Box Plants. Complete, plants contract ed. Appraisal and report") made. Dredging. Wo contract to build nny class of,a building nud install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue PrlntH made, PHONE 14UJ Oflico in IC. I). Building sV""siSS4kAtw "fit-ftX 207 I. O. O. F 11LDG. WELL DRILLING VochaUer Bros. & Klabznba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W 4 SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP SUKY AND NOODLE HOUSE Short Order Meal Servod. 72 Main Street KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. X .M.MttfPfMw$tp?i T X X X T X