The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 14, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    sati mm, MM i, ,
nS . s 0 4"fr
Are You Planning for
The Future?
Greatest Spectacle of the Age
Anette Kellerman
Queen of the Sea
mmy william fox production &Msf
-..Yafl-iitt. - ,,
The Wei id Marcs On
Printpr$ thought the typesetting machine
.was not practical
The horse breeder said the automobile
tfould neer be in gen?ral use
The wire manufacturer said "tireless
was a dream
E-Oen congressmen said "heavicr-than-&ir"
filing machines were impossible
The last to be disturbed h) the wheels
of progress is the sir le-record phon
ograph manufacturer, who sa)s the
playing of nil r-jcords on one machine
"cannot be done."
"Cannot Da Done"
is now" in the scrap heap, for
The Brunswick
does it!
It ancts the e$e.
It plcajes the ear.
It plas all records
at their best.
It fc All
in One
Hear tlw Brunrdielc
First Decide for
$40.00 TO $1500.00
H. j: winters
706 MAIN
. . .
' I.ONPON Mn !.' (I'oitespoml
.emt ol the A.iiotiitoil I'li'iii Tlu
,1 lilted Sillies un liuilillliK on M.irih
,il twice us muili tihtpplUK ii
iirent 'trlttiln m curding to I ho Mg
Iiiiom nlcn !' I.Ioi1h ItoglMi't (or
tho first three mouths o( IS11
t Tho total iimoiint o( sill shipping
under construction on Una date l
Allied mill neutral roitutilo was gl-
u. '.196.266 tons C.iout llrltuln's
share of thin was 2.2M.Mf Tho
il'iiltcd States vu then ImllilliiK
isr. 5 23 tons or shipping
T1iom figures credit tho Culled
SihIoh itli ".' per rout o( tin toiul
tonnage titiilor count ruction In Altloil
lor noutrul oouiitiloH outside of (trout
llrllnin ami It l I'olnloil out ihiil iho
lnltil Stale In now building 2S
times u much It was In Jnno.
,1SH One l.omlim paper sus tho
.effect of no miiny no I hnllt shlw
lonteriiiK Into sou-going Initio Us ul-
irenil being fell
'When you become a depositor with this Hank, you begin a Iuim
noss association that will increase in value the longer it continue-
You begin at once, however, to receive definite results from yum
account. As a regular customer, we naturally take a deeper in
terest in your plans and success.
;Wu have but one service; the best we can possibly give.
Decorated for Turning Out
Locomotives That Got Our
Boys to the Front in Time
I Jberty heatre
Sunday and Monday
MATINEES 10c and 25c EVENINGS 15c and 35c
Hy Tit B
i 9Ik's P
- .t.
t von lime luil
proponltlon, c o in o In
milt tulk II oei llh
im M II l e (tin
help ion
State Bank
"The Daylight Hank"
Corner Sixth 'and Main Sts.
Tho mull ihn u-f i
ottepLliiK nriouni hi
ii rollnhle tiii'iiix
in ii k i jri'iuiiili i j
AKslMant Socrt'liiry of War (.'nun
well recent!- pinned u l)lstiliKiliheil
Service .MciIjI on Samuel MutthuWH
Vancluln Mr Vimcluln illil not iln
any vulornim il I ut the front . hut
ho illil at Hot to help boat the Huns.
As president of th Iluldwln I.ocomo
'tlvo Co., ho upecdcd up work and pro
vided the neceKsniy uiiKlues to taku
the i()UKhhoH and their Htipplltm to
the front Then he helped very much
in producing a inobllo hultery that
Kllcntfd tho IiIk Krupp giinn
two i)i:i,ivi:uii:s haii.v.
Hi 1,'lnnltit,' Mnudit). June H. wo
wilt mnl:e two (lellllerles iiacll (lav
'one ut a in and I he other at 1 p
I m (Jot your orilarn In In tlnio to
permit of their IhiIhk ready, an wu
Ieae prompily in thoHu hourn Thorn
will he no change In tho Hcheilulu for
i.MIIIh Addition anil KhlppliiKton.
, 11-2 O. K DKI.IVKHV.
The ( hrlnllan .Seleu. e floclet of
K'aiiuith J'uIN hiilitu hoi Ices in 111
h'ourth ktroet oery Sim lay ninrnlnr.
ut 11 o clock unit ovor Wodnodu
oienliiK at 7 30 All uro welcome
Tho Hillijoct of lovmin for Suiutu.
liod tho l'ronerr of Mun"
Tho Sumlny nchool elon Is from
4.', to 111 ilt ovory Suuduy utoriiltiK
Tim (roo reading room and frei
IcndliiK llhrary U ip n from : 30 to
4 3D on TuiM(l;i), T!uirtit!us mid
Metlnnllut Kpucopul Cniirrh. Tenth
iiiid IIIkIi Kuv .Simpson llamrlck.
piiHtor, 1117 Kimi iilrool l'liono 67 W
.Innlnr I.oik'io ut .' I'O A M.
Sunday li-if.l nt If In A M.
Mornlni; Womhlp at 1 1 no A M
Huhjecl for tho mnriiliu: norvlco
Tim Way to tho KliiKdotn The til
Htnlltillnn of tho Kpuorlh l.eur,ue of
1 1 corn will tnko place at tho otonltiR
M-n'Ice Tho puhllr In Invited to thin
Hcrvlcn which will he of Intoreii'
Tho choir han re-orrunUed unit
will ho nhln to (urnlsh NOinr Reed
iniiMlr ("oiiui nml wnrnhlp with im
I'roihylnrlan rhiirrh. l'lnn troel.
noar Second. Itev. i: I. Lawrence
The ConKrepntlon of tho fhrlxtl'iti
church will inept with iih nt tho
moniliu k rvlre nt 11 A M In the
iilmnnci) of their paiilor. Thamo for
tho i.-(-rnlnK hoi ntoii will ho "ChrlH
tlnnltv In Action" u contrast of Kll
century with Twentieth Century
ChrlHtlnnltv "
At tho evonlnK snrvlrn nt H V. M.
our roiiKroKiitlon will moot with tho
ChrlKtlmi church In their hiilldiiiK
Itev K V. Lawrence will npoiilc on
tho Second Comiunndnient of JeHtm,
I'ollow Mo."
ChrlHtlan I'tiilonvor will meet In
i ho ChrlHtlan church nt 7 I. M.
Topic Wlint wu own mid how to
pay It".
Snliliath School iih iihiiiiI nt K A
M. In hnth churches.
H-H-I-HI-HHH-WH4 l-H W H-HH-I-1 'l-H l-H-l I I l-HH'
I Are ou KOttliiK read.-' Wiy. don't
you know that tho Llks aro comiIiik
Ion Aimu t 14, 10 and 1C? Now got
I Klriit HaptlHt Church, corner WohIi
Ington and KlKhth. J. U. Orlinth,
I Sunday school at 10 a, ui., U. H.
, DeLap, auperlntendent. ,
i I'reachlnK ut oluveii. hy nov. 3i H.
Griffith and nlno in tho evcnlnir ut
idBlit o'clock.
Tho Southern uri'Ron unu Nortnern
California Uaptlst AHSodutlon , will
meet at this church ut ten o'clock u.
m. on Thursday, tho J 2th Inst., and
continue over Frlduy, Suturday and
Sunday. ... ,
The HensloiiB will hei;ln, on each
day, at ten o'clopk In tho morning,
ami at J wo. In .tho uftprnxm und, eight
In tire evening, ' ' l
MlnlKtorB and delegates aro oxpect
cd to be present from tho dlffor'flnt
churches In the association, arid also
special ttvungellst IL K. Murshall of
l'ortland, who will preach at tho dlf
ferent'ineotlngH. Sacred 'Heart Churcn, corner 8th
and High streets. Ho v. Hugh J, Mar
shall, pastor.
1st MaHb at 8.00 In Klamath Falls.
2nd Mass at 10.30 In Merrill
So evening or Monday service.
Klrst ChrlHtlan Church, corner
Ninth and I'lne streets. C. V. Trim
ble, pastor
Sunday school will meet ns usual
at tho Christian Church after Sun
day schol the members will go In n
body to the Presbyterian church for
the sormoii at 11.00 o'clock.
In llm evening Christian Kiiiloavor
will bn held at 7 00 o'clock and
church sorilccs nt 8:00 o'clock.
Itev. Luwrenro tho Presbyterian
milliliter, will preach tho sermon.
Both evening services will bn ut the
Christian church. Uov. Trimble Is
away on his vacation.
Prayer meeting Wcdnesdn evon
Ing nt 8 p. ni,
Kmuniuil Iluptlst Church, Klnvcuth
and High streots. W. L. Wilson, pas
tor. Sunduy School 10 A M, Mr. C W
Murphy, Hupt.
Preaching ut 11 A. M, und 8 P. M
Itev. Wilson tot tho Kinmanuol
1 Iluptlst Church cam ii from Portland
lust night," and will fill his pulpit
Sunday morning at 11 and Sunday
evening at 8:00 o'clock,
Prayer meetings Wednesday nt 8,
The Sovcnth Day Advontlsts will
meet ut the Prnsbytorlun church ut
10 o'clock, Sabbath (Saturday.)
Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; services,
11 a, in,; young people's meeting 3
p. in. -
Prayer Meeting, Thursday at 8:00
I. M. ., .'
Round-Up Contestants & Riders
On July 3rd, lth and 5th the First
Nevada Round -Up
Will Be Held in Reno, Nevada
Five Thousand Dollars will be offered in the
bucking, riding, roping, racing and other con
tests, which will be open to all entries on fair
and equal terms.
Riders of Oregon and Nevada are especialy
invited to write to the Manager of the Reno
Rodeo Association, Glenn D. Hurst, for prize
lists and other information relating to the con
tests. Exhibition performers and owners of ridi' '
and racing stock are also requested to communi
cate with the Association.
Patrons of the Reno show will be assured one
of the biggest and best wild west carnivals of the
season. In addition to the ROUND-UP the nielit
show will be a spectacular reproduction of
"STINGAREE GULCH" a typical modern min
ing camp street with many new and novel enter
tainment innovations. It's a bip; show both hy
day and by night. Write to the Association
about railroad rates, automobile roads and in
formation about the accommodations in Reno.
We Clean, Press and Repair
From a Heavy Suit to Flimsy Lingerie. We
re-block Hats, and call for and deliver your
Klamath Dye Works
431 Main St Phone 408
'. :i