K ft If i 1. l ! r.CiK rciCHT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON rmit.u. .m m 1 1, II s st lira iM: lMMI-lll K THvl MI VltIM N MOl I' I IM THAT TIU' UOlSK l Hitt. Mnto flame ComiitlMlrnr- C K yxeoe no.', dime Warden Hon' Stn'it Kit mm! jeterd.iv from !''nin .id t.l v Lon the) wont for th pnr ?t if seeing what profited ' lie fnj: tii.dt in the gathering of trunt rs Isy Mers. K.midale mvl tVut vl:. w!o for tho past throo wjes tiave been engaged In seetirirr n up r'." "f VP to be moil In u'k .' tN N'o-th Trapqna river Tho Jour ney was an eventful one. the r's lif iat; tho first c.ir to roach tho Uke this yrar I.ittlo difficult) was experienc ed until I hoy woro within about throo milos of the lake, from which point they had to practically shot el and cut their way thru. Monday night and Tuesday there was a hear) snow itorm at the lake Tho work of securing the necessary eggs for stecking: the North I'mpqua was undertaken about three weeks ago, when Ran&dale and Padgett went to the lake The) were able to drive to wlthlng twelve miles of their destination, and it required throe days for them to get their equipment and supplies the balance of the wav ering the time they have been there remarkable success has attended their labors, for they have secured enough eggs to stock the streams that are today without "any trout These eggs will be hatched and the small fish will be placed In Hear and tar2 creeks and Clearwater river, all tributaries of the North I'mpqua. Mr. Stone states that bear arc very plentiful at the lake, many tracks be. fng seen within twenty feet of his tent. Ransdals and Padgett ay that ft is a common occurrence to see oear, the feed for them being quite ylentiful in the vicinity of the lake SOLDIER LAND BILL OPPOSED BY GRANGE W -lllilTO. 'lino 13 Open ing e: .ill offde In the itioll.l i:n.i b in Washington within the liit w 1 1 k t. oppose the paax of tic nt te provide homes for roUirniiiK soMte-H sailors and marines is the bicgeM surpilso llmt has hit co'igrona and tV capital In n lung lime When the plan to provide liotn. t fot sol.lters on arid, swamp and out over lauds was tlrst proposed, an I for a Ion time after, it was taken for granted that tho oouiitr woul I bo prartlcall) unanimous for such a measure Imagine the urptle of the pulili lauds committee of tho house, pre sided oxer b Representative Slunott of Oregon the other morning when T C Atke-on of West Virginia, legisla tive representative for the Orange .u this city same bolting In and askod for a hearing Atkeson announced that the N.i itional Orange was against the bill and ; proposed making a fight to defeat t on the ground that It will set up new i competition for the farmers nlroad) engaged In food production Ho called the bill a plot to put the government . behind a scheme In competition with ' i fnmr mid declares it a consta ncy, or word to that effect, of ve.i ern representatives in congress to re- claim vast barren areas in their hom .districts Asked whom he represented, Atke son said he represented "l.OOO.OOn everv-dav working farmers from Maine to California." a statement which has been repudiated by some, of 'the representatives in congress from California, who declare that Atkeson does not even represent the Orange . of California Representatives from other western states also declare that this action has been taken without consulting either their farmers or their Orangers There Is much ncltatlon on 'be 'question of cheaper food In this roun- ' try and ever)body wants everybody ' to go back to the farm except him l self." Atkeson asserted "w'c farmers hare got Just a little nauseated with that attitude In the public inW w are confronted with the condition that eight hours a day nnd $1 un hour means $tl wheat and I def.v any man on anv farm to pioduco It for less on that basts , t.roiK.r mi i:wt m m i: hk. lieorgo Stevenson, who is olle of jhe Klamath touiitv Ihivh with the 23rd Kuglueers writes his friends lit i this et) that he leached Now York Cltv last Munditv and litis ei'ii sent to Camp Pevens. Muss where he will remain until he is dlselmrged IIU VN IIIM MI.I.KIt MKXICO I 1T June la The crumpling of a wing tip of his hi plane while he was performing evo llliu-v i it a helRht of ..'" iliet-r "enal airdrome lime I the fall and ileith of Miguel , a s an iiiiiiv int'it. r one of ilie, levli I u.'"ieis to I ike up flv lib tic .la til in PVTUil. fl'MI'. V A M nil in ilinger of the Hot Sp i s Hath House hut Installed an ni n an. I i utiirilgal pump wttMi Wl llllbll til 1 1 1 10 tll'll -l le.lli'f an I eflll ilie swlmuuiiK tank ' uli The piitious will find the wiii fri'sh and lear everv morning '. 1 1 1 1 or TII.WKN Ue wish to ovine our hllireiesl thanks anil npiiieelntlim lo the many fi lends who so wllllliBlv nllil nvm ptUuilinllv assl.teil tin diirliiK the recent Illness illld ileiilll of out' he loved wife anil iiiolher. Wo ai nlo guileful or tho minis beautiful flor al nrferlur. filiulnhed by Hie friend anil Ilie Itebei Itall Indite lUnl for the ktmllv otflies of Hl.1 ordi'l ililrllttt our time of need Mr Amo" II lliirdeulirnok Mis tieorgi Oslmriii Mi. '. r Ituiiilolpli Mrs Merle Houston llvrnn l.ero) HariliMiluook I'veiett Hardenlirook loiisin .iiillse nllil I I, i View addition lu,, Mil ' Knit. "- in i pi 'Mill ii n I i nevvei iltv w,,ir riimi ll,,,, nlieelK, ptlr, $j,,i "" I'lfw ! Iluiihe mid .' Inii it i ii . .lii'iir Mills tihii.'t pn, ., , ,'"' 'Ion (lood mo. , , ,,,,1, , inliK" mid wail i , , "' t I oil an eh i-nii b. i,n, , i , ri" lll 'Mil Of tit. i , , ' IU,II two llllH. lldlillM. , , ,, ' -"lit III pill'li of (1 ,llli '" lU'll-.l W " Mil-Ill Km s Dill l.liiniln si , KIMI IIMf I'l,,,,,,. , M ""',' "re. fl -nvs l.i , i, , , xtoie. In. i uii. t , i ,i i 1 si innlR ii ,i , llradle) Hliui Mm, "Dependability" THIS IS A WORD .THAT DOES NOT APPEAR IN THE DICTIONARY but we like to use it because it so fully ex presses the character 'of goods which we handle and the superior service which we render in all departments of our drug busi ness. FOR YOUR PROTECTION When we supply drugs or fill a prescription you may always be sure that everything nec essary has been done to protect your in terests. We also consider right prices a part of good service and will guarantee that quality con sidered, lower prices than ours cannot be found anywhere. Our Motto Has Always Been: "Keep Quality Up and-Prices Down" Underwood PharmacY W'v KLAMATH FALLS OREGON W7(t7 V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE T! pubit'y I BUY THEIR DRUGS accupacv"! What is Folly in A Man Is Crime in A Woman Why Should This Condition Exist? See the William Fox Super Production of the Sensational New York Success "The Strange Woman" with GLADYS BROCKWELL and Solve This Problem for Yourself Cinematized From the Play by Wm. J. Hurlburt That Ran One Whole Season in Njew York, . Liberty Theatre TONIGHT ONLY 1 fur ' ' ' thi ''l l-M II I The Woman's Store SAFETY SAVING SATISFACTION Still Holding the Center of the Stage Our June White Sale Combines With Many Other Special Items To Make Saturday a Day of Unusual Importance to Women. We cannot too forcibly impress upon you the advisability of making your Muslinwoar purchas's now. The cotton market is rising by leaps and bounds. Tho below mentioned specials are the result of price concessions on our part or on the part of manufacturers on purchases made months ago You will do well to lay in a supply at these prices . THE MUSLIN WEAR SPECIALS This special group is comprised of many very uttracliu styles of good quality Nainsook with 9-inch flounces of pretty embroidery in many designs. An extra special at tin, price 98c. $1.25 EMBROIDERED SKIRTS 98c Offer itirtiiieutH thiit nre mi vurled- te ttitil nre n pimlltlvi It ' utile nnd iiatliiK that lire no nillmtnilllltl tllut the) nluiuld In- Klmpl) lnih .'. to ecomnio vie women Many Specials Not Advertised Including Crepe de Chine Underwear Children's Muslin Underwear $1.50 CHEMISE AT $1.25 - Ince unil einlirolilery trimmed; of Kiiod iimllt Niilliitook Inelnleil iiImi nre pliilll Mle In IMnk llmlMe Sim rlul nt HI.U.V SPECIAL AT $1.50 - Are flown. Sklrm nnd ChiiniUe of fine Mimllti unil NnliiMiok. lure mid iiiihrnltUry trlmniel In many attrac tive te Sieiul nt $!.." I. SPECIAL AT $1.98 Niiliikook and I'ltik llullMo Client Ue nnd fine ini.illl' Nnltmook (Sowiiii ami Skirt, lure uiul emliroldery trlmnied Speclul nt SLUM. SPECIAL AT $2.50 -Finn iillliy Nlok ('lienilie. ISowiih and Cotnldnatlonii In many dulnty lttv und emliroldery trlinmed Mlc Speflnl ill --i- $1.75 GOWNS AT $1.50 - (Deluded are ItllttO Ver ptelt. i.t) li. of fine NnitiMink ami Mimllti attrurtliely trlmnied vvllh eintirnnl rj . Hoi.iul. Siiinte nnd V ti'ck Special at HI..VI. SPECIAL AT $1.75 Oovwm Skirl" ChmnlM' nnd Mie Kll of fine NuliiMiiik. trlmnii'il with luten mid emlirolilerle A vurud KrollpitIK Special at Hl.T.'. SPECIAL AT $2.25 Are Crepe and fine NiiltlMiok Coiwi. Iue mid unihrolder) trim Illed Willi Uotlllil. hillure nllil V jokes. Iilno I'lllk Corded Silk llloD'ii em Kxtru Special at "'J.-.l. SPECIAL AT $2.75 I'rett). fill" Nalnmiok Cheltllie ami (low n In lloiinil. Sijnnre und mrk l)le. trimmed with prell) l'i mid einlirntdcrlen Stclill at MT1 PRETTY NEW VOILE DRESSES Bear Special Markings of $7.50, $10, $15 and $20 In many unusually becoming styles for summer wear. Ginghams Plaid, Floral and Checked patterns with collars and cuffs of embroidered, pleated and hemstitched Organdie; glide and belted models. An especially attractive showing bearing the spe cial markings, $7.50 to $20,00. NEW WELWORTH AND WIRTHMORE BLOUSES Bring a Message of Style and True Economy S;EB.,, ,s? wss; : ' - CORSET SPECIALS ('omprlHi'il of khiuI'Iiik "t well known make; In I'ank and Wliltoj of pood iinullty tiinterlulN Spei lull) .Mails id nt Hc, ijll.lH unil Sl.. UNION SUITS AT 50c . .-Woiwii'H Cotton Itllibed I'nlon Hiiltn with tight and Ioohii kneo, luco trimmed. All 8l?en, Hpeclal at .lllc BUNGALOW APRONS 98c A regular ll.TiO vnlim. In pluln Illuii, nnd Dark Illim, Unlit ll "'l Tan trlped I'nrculoH. An Ideal Kuimunt for liousa wear. Speclul ut Hc. MIDDIES SPECIAL 69c of Reed uallty material und Junt the thine for uportH or outltiK ; ' nU White "r White with IMnk. r Illim irli ...1 collam and cnffB and trimmed poc ket. All bI7ch Spoelal nt Hltc. FIBRE HOSE SPECIAL 75c Hebo that ha?e all tho diHlrulilo fen tnren of puro Silk Homt with tho addl tlomil quality f lonK-weurlnu. In Jllark and White; IIhIo low), lit-eU and tops. LISLE HOSE SPECIAL 45c An oxtra Reed nuallty Hoho to ll at thin special price. n Hlack und White, All (ilzeu. A Condensed List of SAVINGS who to IWi ' !t."Vi .Mil' ,l.-.i mil aft ' ii"n v. mi In Our Yard Goods Dcpt. Criinoiny uvwiltH the Momail will, muke yard kooiIh piin.tinmn morrow Unlove vve ltenne :ir.c Loin; Cloth. 311-ln . )ard Sf.i' Nalimook. l-ln . yard 2f,c llleaclied Mimlln. )"rd l HniMrflne Nnliiwiok, upeilnl nfi-ln. Ilarred Niilimook. npei'1"! 10-ln l.liun I'liilHli l.lneiiH. .ird ir,x3il-ln Tnrkliih 'I'owelH nl..iil.l., 'I'nrlflNll Towelii 18-ln Turkldh TowelliiK yard it? ir.-in Mii.-n TovieiiiiK r'",1"1::' lS-ln I ii'iliui'liil i.ini'H i' " IS-In. All l.lnuti (IIumh TovvelliiK NEW GINGHAMS 35c Almoin n liunilieil prett) mH'-'"' ho deHiuelile for the mnkliiK t -"" inur frockH und uptoim I'IiiIiIh, MriP ed and Plain. Speclutl) pilivd at ..M BEAUTIFUL NEW FRENCH ORGANDIES - So Bhuur and dulnty and ho ndinli nliln for tho niukliiK of tho m '' iIkihh. Iii I'lnlt. MKht llluo "l v1 .iiidiir; polkii-dotted und heuuiiriii f lot ul iU'hIkiiimI puttiiriiH, at 85c and $1.00 Yard TWO EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS IN TOWELS Wo started tho tialo with 60 doon of each of them) TowcIh. Our present Mock will show thut many huvo neon oiu ai menu iim-vi. A Thousand Yards of Cq Val and Torch'J-nce, yd v TURKISH TOWELS AT 50c Good heavy, substantial rlbhod Towuls. full.21x42 inches. An upusual offer, Spe cial ot W)c. HUCK TOWELS AT 25c Anothor worthy special In Huck Towels. BlzuH lSx.17 Inclien. lied Ilordurod. An un usual offer. Special ut line. Dainty iiiIrL sutvo so well fp wonderful vuri pliikiiuloir ul ihn arU. "fa BMttloiiM that tBUri' A for jour Of .V KT IVV J? bf THK JUIiV PIOTOIWAIi ItKVIKW TATTKIINH AUK HKItK H. N. MOE i'H 1NM IIRI Ii