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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1919)
Till HM1U, mm , IWGK TWO Him Fl KMECHT UKO. U. 3 lAT O'l "" J VUJ W THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ML REPORT i . IB tH$ k i .it ?d i . III Mf !' , f"ij DJ y J J . ! Jh! V. "ill i iLuiiiii i . ii iii tiiii):. & ti d tf ?&" '1 1 .1 ' I!"1 . "''I " :' P1 WSfffl "S T A V Vn r i 'TiMiwtnii.1 ii p. .ii f illt flFREDGHQSS im.i:iii ki:miu or iiii: i.. i, im.v.M ii or mis .noui.ii oKiasi.ATios uoiintv or '" IIKJIIINI' I'll.Msi:. V ' l& 'I "Mi. Orrrrtit tt ? "PI ill M'i'l llll ...' I , jmm t i '' l-.M -. ' - tlf &&t&ig&X 'if! Mi, u . r.. . ' .' fir r. ; :& .. :,i:?j; h.ME7 1 MKs aKttK'rift' R i!t !jMf a.tntaiAiAiefriIjL S stnokctnstc L Hush up mmnst n listening pv)st and you"ll get the Prince Albert call, all right! You'll hunt n jimmy pipe so quick and j'et so much tobacco joy out of every puff you II wish yon had been born twins! For. Prince Albert puts over a turn new to every man fond of a pipe or a home made cigirette. It wins your glad hand com pletely. That's because it has the quality! And, right behind this quality flavor and quality fra grance is Prince Albert's freedom from bite and parch which is cut out by our exclusive patented process. We tell you to smoke your fill at any clip jimmy pipe or makin's cigarette without a comeback 1 Tbttpy red baft, tidy red tint, handiame pound and f.uir pound tin humidorr -and -that ctevr, pmcttcul po'inl crystal Kiatt humidor uifi sponge motttener top that kpj the tobacco in tueh perfect tondition. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C POITLIO il'T r n t i n fi &!pt h : u h i a r i h ? 5 u u i n o n i i j EWOHT LJEW TORTLAXU. June 12. Approval ol a request from the San FranrIso Chamber of Commerce that the Port land chamber 'ooorate in recon mendln that war-time prohibition be not applied to lisht Minors a denied Kv the directors of the cham ber Thursday afternoon at their re gular neeting. The Portland cham her sent riie reply that Oregon was a dry statu and, representing Ihe n tlment of the people, favors a dry uation. The can FnnoVri chrmber In n effort to keep California vineyards and hon field in operation i en-deavori-g to pain the co-op'rat!on of erpi-i chamber on the coast in recommending that beer and llpht r-'no b kept on the wet list natlon-nll- To puff rtaln the tonnage of 'li in ing that is engaged in the Atlantic .'-. ! I'aci.'ic tri!e. the numWr ' . "! now av.ulahle und the njmh which may be poxxlblo to uperutf i i ter thi voir th llrcc'ra nqui-sinl bat tho chamber sblpplni; com ml1 up R"t out a questionnaire mid conit'il-' his knowledge. Authenic Information l not avail able on the amount of aliipping po V ' 'a !o betneen Van' e p-ir and the AtUntic coast, either fron, the shipp'ng board or anv oth r source This questionnaire should bring a complete record of tho ship ping and Its status. FRANCE PUIS SPEHNNG 51 01 iSS no urn MILL MAN LEASES MEDFORD RAILROAD MEUKORI). Or. June 12 An other chapter In tho checkered ca reer of the 'acksonUlle railroad was written when J T (lagnon, lumber mill operator of this city, leased the road from Its original owner and builder. W T Harnum. Oagnon states he will operate the road essen tially as a supply system for his lum ber mill, but will also conduct a freight and passenger business be tween this city and the ounty seat The ne-v owner announces he will r'.-nvp t''e name to the Itogue River Valley railroad, will establish a new strpot car schedule and repair the equipment II I IHI 1 1 1 1 II iWJs JJ1 T ' PAULS. (Correspondence of tho Associated Press l "Krance will spend about -l.'Mjii.'ioo.OOo fr.inrs on new public work, besides about .1, t'OO,"0u.i'i)O franrs for the rebuild ing of railroads in the devastated regions," The Associated Press wns told today by M. Claveille, Minister of Public Works . "Our program," said the Minister, "calls for the electrification of r.,200 miles of railroad, the budding of 2,. '.00 of local railroad lines and tramways, the rebuilding of fi.OOO miles of national roads and about 60,000 miles of other highways that were ruined by the intenslvo army traffic or destroyed by mines and shell fire. We have nlso." be added, "more than 2,000 bridges to rebuild, 12 tunnels that must bo practically rebored and n great many culverts to be replaced. I estimate the an ount of material required for this work at ten million tons." M. Claveille explained that, altho an army of rondworkers. reaching 78,000 men in 1018, had constantly !,nB "W 15 montliH of supervision TlinnWH in the iiutlrliiB offotl of the faithful Ited Cuius witrkuia "ir 'nJloitntt'iiiM uro at lust comp'oif I and the final shipment of l eiium of Kr ments has been atuilod on lib mh&tuu 'of mercy Those who luitu lutoii lut'Tlt'.l In tho work will also bo niirotxl In HnowuiR how much baa ui-u ut-'um- plUhud slnco tho organ luntitm ! the Chapter, henro the follow n.t iviwrt' I QtttnlttHl SollIliT" Supplli'-. JOU imima itilt. 104 1 vntor SftT bd JacHai. 3o0 coninlicoili' robs, J'i8 l'hrltmo nrvacut. t) pairs wrist Ins. U& palm mos. tut winter owl atrU. SU urgvn g)wn. 104 nlKhtlnle. ! khtt kit. 32" butt) towels. 3:S hunilkw-i-blofn. t&ft dlli tiiwoln. 00 hwU, '.o palm bod wKk, So ummr bel shirts, t helmet. U4 hnd tonvli. ! 250 dlh c'otlu. TS property baits. IS I napHlns, S AtBan. SOOlt Bne itrlp, . 24n gau ioniprciMti'4. iii ti'Unitu- )r baudaCM. 300 rIlo pad,, K I- ultctl Unndaxen. 13 urjton s pillow , 3 is; Dorbint puts, Si irrleatlou ' pd. 130 abdominal bandage, 4 ' nort"d pd. 12 causllity bundage. It T-bandnge total nuiubor 2t, 16(7 We hnT worked un!cr d'fflcul tK' ever since the Ignlng of tho or mlsttre. bnt novrtheless we have worked, a trill hm shown by ttiit nomtwr of rvfnseo garments com pleted ' 811 Cblldren'a drjs :1 worn-' n's nlBbt bowiw. Jt0 children' un- lilershlria. 1CS womon'a house gown. 125 women's r)ietnl. JI boya' ' blouse suits, men's shirts. 7J wont- en's p. tttcoats. 3S womn' drs skirts. II children's swenter. 20 pairs rbildrrn's storklngn. 3 women tarfs total uiilnber 1.217 Tiie Junior ited Crue uUn made a splendid showing the work being doiiv by the nrlous schools and ;they ha to their cedlt a niimlxH' of I ciues of complete Infant s la rites gitnwlpes. wash clolhH. pillows aid children's clothing of all kind ' Im ,.. ,1.1. !....,. t. ... I.. ... - , . itimii iifii t,r linn llll'ir. HUH IIVI'II icollected and shipped more than five ions of old clothing for llelglan re lief work, j Tho Ited Cross helped substantially during the Influenza epidemic by making several hundred musks, 21)0 pneumonia Jackets and furnishing the Isolation hospital with the nec essary nurses' gowns andbeil shirts also bearing with the city and county a share of the expense Incur red. Our auxiliaries and units are en titled to special mention for both the qnallty and quantity of their work often having to go miles to the meet- Ings und spend the entire day, these patriotic women helped us to accom plish what wo could not have other wise, and much credit is due them I wUh to tako this opportunity, of expressing my appreciation to the offlcor.i of the lied Cross nnd each and every one of tho workers .lnr M.J.B. Coffee U vacuum packed by special process which preserves its strength andj rich flavor indefinately. The most economical coffee you can buy. Rrnnmnb. Our Guarantee IUT THE FIVE rOUKl . , AND SAVE MORE M0XEY who, thru their co-operation, have enabled us to say altogether that wo are proud of tho Klamath County Chapter MItS. l., K, flUI.UVA.V, Suporvlnor of Sowing nnd Knitting mL FtrrM miximPFm AND "v M0RE M0XEY JJm 'sHBBBBBBBBBHrHriBrnB H H MHBI IbIbIIII 2QVHs1bVbs3 M H H M H PH M H H been employed repairing roadways ' In the army zone, they were worn nl 1 most as fast as thoy wero restored. ' "Tho Germans torn up or blow up 2,000 miles of "track on tho North ern railroad system nnd about 1,600 miles of tho lines of tho Eastern Ilallroad, along with 2.000 miles 'METHODIST FUND tuiegrapu anil teiepnone wires," ne . said. Thcso lines have already been restored In part. "What remalnB to bo done constit utes a formidable task. Lack of labor Is all that Is delaying work on these enterprises. Much of the required material wok assembled during tho last eighteen months of the war." "CUUM PA' TRAVEb HIiOW WHUK VOUIt AUTO IS NEW. There is one way to ruin a perfect ly new automobile that is suro and certain. Itfjrpti do" not believe this, try It. 8iraplV,'drive your brand new car at high apeed for a time and then wonder why it will not pull. Brand new cars ahould be treated with the respect due a fine piece of machinery and not banged around an lu too often the case with many drivers. IS NOW SECURED PORTLAND, Juno 12. According to a telegram received by R. M. Hughes, editor of tho Pacific Chris tian Advocate tho Methodists have gone woll beyond their goal of $10G, 000,000 In their great enntonary drive. There are three areas that have exceeded their quotas the Hel ena, San Francisco and Detroia areas. The total for tbo 20 areas Is $106, 6.15, 728 for tbo Metbodlst Kplscopal church (north)( and $36,249,223 for tbe Methodist Episcopal church, South. AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. Nine-room 'bouse on 8th st first floor o rooms and bath; second floor 3 rooms and toilet; only 12,000 if sold quick; $600 casb, bulancc $26 per month. Rnts for $28. A A. Mahaffey, 431 Main st. stf 1 Yl 'lll It the ' nf tlut pr Oil ' tu ItllliC rrv irp nil tu'l ricr niliuilc," ll Hcv4ll)C- it i ii !l "X' I" lUtt w ii Ii I Our ttnt m'u!rritiu Ins nlu4 t I'crii to put into ivi't llin,iiiuir Armv Mioc! brt M'f m'i, wliolrlirJtird netkniai)lnp Hud Inline, t'jUt, f S8&&Z& SHOE HIACKC.UNMKTAUMAIIOOASV CAI.I OH INDIAN TAN CAl I Iv. K. h I'or Sale nt Store, llriulle) M..,uf.,.,. BUCKINGHAM miwpti msnjis mm wtf wii wmmmmnm HIhip sinrti & iiEcm ii . Ko matter .u vh it speed you sluu Gem Dnm.i'.ktcnc Rzzot it Icnt:. ... cool ami refreshed. That'i bccauie the Cicn la a toft, cfmf ' ' like feel and Jutuch unooih, clean-cut "' Wc sell die complete Gen Djrratkccnc U-vt - The outfit includes the ra?or, icvcn G'm ' IIUucj, Jmvnir .mil m)jpinc handle-..!1 ' so-nr leather oic. Enjoy the comfort of iclvet-imootli jelf-iha c Ce't in ami git )'''"" C"'1 i'Jxl Baldwin Hardware Co. Lv i'-'-' ir-""' ' ' ii People's Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER This establishment hns raised the standard of Meat Quality in this community, because we have used eveiy proper endeavor to attain success as the leading Meat Market in Klamath Falls. Phone 83 534 Main St. Motor Trucks For Sale Heavy Unit for Road Work Also Light Trucks Greatly Reduced Prices Address x SPRUCE PRODUCTION CORPORATION Vancouver Barracks Vancouver, Wash. I ID H KENS CHICKEN FEED. ALL SIZES GRIT. OYSTER SHELL. SCRATCH FEED. CRACKED CORN. EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE Murphey's Feed & Seed Store i9 Qm,fu c,th s Phne 8' 126 South Sixth St RJLLtK. jjH ,i-v