i . i m 2 .1 1 S ih i paor nititrr THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON vi:im:ki.u, .m m- ,, , ii i), H--H-H-H-H-J Vacation Days Are Strenuous Days for The Youngsters RACING through fields, picking daisies, running after one another, chasing butterflies, fishing, baseball, over the fences and through the brooks that's the child's heart rejoicing in rythin with Nature's harmony. We smile at them and then sigh at the memories they bring to us, and yet "Jumping Jupiter, how they do go through clothes and shoes!" Well, let 'em it's worth it. Just dress them in "any old thing" and let 'em go it. Don't worry about shoes, either. Who wants hot, heavy, shoes in the Summertime? Slip the feet in the cool, comfortable sandals and canvas footwear we are offering and turn them loose. The prices are mighty small and they possess real wear. Beats'going bare-foot a mile un less stubbed toes and stone bruises have more attractions than memory brings to mind. Thistles, too. Wow! Pa and ma are more sedate, but unless they want to cultivate soft corns and blisters they'll take a lesson from the kiddies and surround their understanding with solid comfort, too. You'll find plenty of styles, all good, at IE OF LIB VERY URGENT im'i:iu:sis or 1111.1 m wo i ot r k : si i ri him. r.i I'M s' ( IIMM.'lii I -. (I HUM' nl III ! III lli '. Wl.l l i T JUYM f M X-X" Te J1CLJ i -s w)mMt ; -T5r' um iiminniniiiiiiiiininniinmiiiimiin h h- "5 Tho nh.iolute i'rir of .i Com- nierolal Club It bo.'ouiniu more a'id more apparent over' d. vn irst.unv of the lot lo tho rlty and i 'i'.'il thru llio failure lo hn u ll lf' lookltiK after tlli development of !' ' ri-sounvs at tlili section lies 'n the propmed Io.isIuk of Ibo l.inilx - 'ho I ppor'l.uko. Inuilvod li till ir.ut- i -tlou "III bo about ten thou-Miid 10 r- of land If thin limit wore Imif.u.'tl under th ii Irrigation district pl.i'i t would place tho httiil on ttli' titv roll within Mry short tlmo. If It l ro ctatmotl under tho proposed Io.isIik system. It will niuiilti tho proper v f tho ko eminent mill not or will ho n part of tho taxable property of .ho count?, or ut least not until the -plratlon of tho limn for which lho lirt) leased ht tho Kin eminent I'mlor tho law rocotitl) passed by . , tho pooplo of tho state. It would bo " possible touliii'luito this land In an ' Irrigation district Tho land udJolnltiK - Is ownotl b tho Wood Kstuto and "j.Mr Mum tors If those interest could bo comldliod In an Irrigation illritrlit thoy could force tho Kovornuioiil l- 'put till;) land which tho Itoclamution ,Sorlco proposes to lease hit i It I' would bocouio Immediately avrllahlo for settlers and would oom bo ho't'ir.x to pay part of tho county s epeiie". iin woll as furnishing homos for Hi i returned o!illors. whlrh the an ln.ii ties try to ui.ik, It uiioar lb' , tiro o anxious to f"l With a -ioI llo riiini.i""! . I i'lu r' U i nls mii'oi could bo taki n in h.vi I P" 7 The -a.:. i- lllliK npi)'i s the marsh lam'- n.' Ibo l.ow-r 'i tlon Thero are setem! trarta of land there that could bo combined Into a district and reclaimed and made pro ductive brltiK.nK now citizens to Klumatli ('utility Thin Is a work for man flttd for that class of promo tion Tho results would bo of Itumo.is- tiroablo bonofll lo this cmumuuU" II Is t ' 'rett mI thai tho roorKanlia tie of t'io t'ommoiclal Club him boon po led to Iiik. but II lx '" ",,,v lot I. o lo K't II uuilfi' 'iill lieadwiii. mii i io co umi.i'o tint I as hi"' oh of II ' pre'liV'U ib ate ur il lo ! In till'- up tb tasl. an I mrrv it ,i i successful oourlusloii Those i. i iro desorUHR of I ho mis' 'Med pn i mill upiorl of tho coiuimiulli I'h x 'loubl no' time lo call upon the liu " ss men and piopmn owner of tin eoiinty, but thov should bo soumIi' ml i id Imndod tho ,vinrl milnrtlti tloi otitrtii't r hut Is a part of the prosi nit for tho 'evlvlni: of the Club Mint i:. l KoboKlllls ale louilesl.'d lo be lit II lte!nkll!l hall lonlrlit a' s o'l V, for i.iit tie ROSE FESTIVAL IS I OPENED IN PORTLAND IN SOLDIERS HONOR I'tHITI.ANM Ore. 'U'ic II I'ottlaltdH HUllllill lloe fl'SUU'1. which opoliml bote lo.lui. was till li ed lo tho rtlurlflenllim of the men who wore lit I ho servlio II will con .itiuo fol three limit The nrrluil of n fleet ot airship from Milt HIM Kleld. i'trmitioiiio. was a foiuurt' of tho (ostlHll's liOFllllllliH Thete will ho dall oxblbttloil (IlKllIK iHI'l tll "II fleet was srliedulod to Usll sol oral Oregon towns on Us tetntn Jouruo.. after the tolebiatlon ben' Misblps were in tho harbor todui ami sttlors anil murines from those will join with soldiers from Vaucou- tr harraiKs ami i ,,, , inm low in a miir u , irjllr oil uiorseas soldi,, H lUi KUarilstueu are to ,,N lionur In t!in imii..uin Oilier reslliiil tHi,lt v review anil Ad i Int. it,,,, ., dustrlal purnilo in i i , i,lv unit WashtiiMiiui rii I,- v, snllted II) mil, hiii, I, n, ti III tho public muni v i, u nohloNoiiieiits of inn h ,! tho war and the Ad i i,,i, , tried ftoin Man it- . rr iimbla took part in h Iriido mark and in I i.,ii The antiiiul rir.,i ,r hold tomorrow win i, ,,, , motif, with a nuii,,i, ,i i ,, phi) of floral tbmu ,r vat ploiisures, jAf ,, street diiucliii: etii , plauiietl '! tl Hi-hiti, oiliinil i'lu. f. l r ' nr "lltiil In '"Rilli " tfprs litlni; l"lltllc 'birlnn "' iiiiltu '"Il (ol 'H'lllllril 'i vUr ' b' W I'l'tintlr ' 'I llll " 'rni nhil 1 ' tut iin- OQ& Scientific Research Is Con stantly Being Made for Remedies to Alleviate Human Suffering The finest laboratories of the world with their expensive equip ments are ever working and searching for new methods of com batting disease and striving to improve the remedies- which now i exist. New discoveries are constantly being made and when the merit of a remedv is established the physician begins to prescribe it. If the druggist is up-to-date he must stock it. We- keep posted on the new remedies and know how to handle i. , - them in prescriptions. Bring Your Prescriptions to Us and Get the Benefit .': of Scientific Service. H -.., a '' UWleruwMfc Pharmacy I W'v KLAMATH FALLS OREGON trSW WJ V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE IFW lwTrvl BUY.TMtIR DRUGS UrgugACvl The Woman's Store The Opening Day of Our Great June White Sale Enthusiastically Attended, Has Been Pronounced An Unusual Money-Saving Opportunity Women, quick to take advantage of such a sale, have responded as mui before, to the manv irresistible advantages afforded. In the face of the un settled Cotton market, the price marks are u n u s u a 1 1 y low. Appealinir to women are The Garments So Pretty The Materials So Fine The Values Extraordinary To Uupllmte our r.etit l,nl. of MuslniKrar lo sell at theno loir uirlees would prv ir mini ttii mir imrrlui.. , uindo later on will sbew an udim, 'n pri.o The prosetil sal IliKs are , ours I ..,. .i .. AN EXTRA SPECIAL $1.25 Skirts at 98c With 9-ineh flounces of pretty embreidery: of good quality Nainsook. In several attractive styles. One of the greatest bargains in the sale. Actual $1.25 Skirts at 98c GOWNS AT $1.50 tlli'lllded are III It II very pretty styles, of Nainsook daintily trimmed with etn broidery II u it u il rfnunre and V necks. Spet lul $ I. ." CHEMISE AT $1.25 l.nii' u ii d embroider) trimmed Nulunook. and litre trimmed and plain sl)les of I'ltlk Matlsto Specially priced A CONDENSED LIST OF THE MANY Saving Specials in Muslinwear The below mentioned items are grouped on our aisle tables for your con venience. Full descriptions are impossible in this limited space.. We mention AT $1.50 are Crepe. IlittlstM and Nain sook f Ii v m I s o : fine Muslin and Nainsook (! o w n s. Skirts and Combination Suits l.aco and Kiuhroldery trimmed AT $1.75 are downs. Skirls. I'lo-nilse mid Misses' Slips of fine Nulr sook and Chemise In many pretty embroidered and liu'o trimmed styles AT $1.98 Nainsook and I'ltik u if Chemise mid flue iiuitllti m sook Hklrls and (iow.i Lot mid embroidery Imiu hi i splendid shuwIiiK at Ml US. -AT $2.25 '-. downs and thnso Corded !Mlk Pink lllooiniirs The .mIikma ure very unusiinl. Mutiv hi lei shown . AT $2.50 Kino iiuallly Nainsook Cliem Isii, downs, I'riucef.H Mil; mid Combination Stills. ntt.'iK lll.'ly trlinmeil with laces unil embroideries AT $2.75 -- I'reliy. fin" iiuallly Nam ",,l Chemist! and (I o n ,xr'1 Itoiind. Siiiuro anil V i ti trl'tiiued with prett luio 'I embroidery The stylos are i AT $3, $3.50, $3.75, $4 AND UP TO $5.50 Aro splendid values in Chemise. tiowtiH. Skills, Klips mid Combinations ory pretty mill the innttirlals mo tho finest CREPE DE CHINE UNDERWEAR BEARS SPECIAL MARKINGS An Extraordinary Sale of Towels Owner of homos unit hotel and lOomlliK IioumIi keepers will do well to Investigate lite u usual huvIiikk on those koimI, Hiibstaiitlal towels A sperlal ptirrhiise resulls In out off run; 50 Dozen Huck Towels Ofi 50 Dozen Large Turkish ttf)c Extra Special at, Each . .OC Towels, Special, Each 77! sl-cu fujl 18 by 37 lurlies. of kooiI, heavy -Of heavy rlbbud Tuiklsh TowolliiK. M" -' niutuiltil, red borders; mi oxlrn special by -12 Inrllos. A InrBu Town I at this price MANY OTHER ITEMS lCxSO-lncli Turkish Towels u.f; 20x40-ln. Turkish Towels . imp 18-Inch Turkish TowoIIiik. yard .me 15-Inch I.lnon Towellnn '.v anil .V IK-Inch Unbleached I.lnun TowiiIIiik 'Mr 18-Inch All Lluoii CIIukh Towulint; 40c nr.n Loiik Cloth. aO-ln., ynrJ .Ific Nainsook, .'Ifl-ln., yard 250. Illuacliod .Muslin, yard . . Ktipiirflmi Nainsook, special .Ifl-ln, Ilarrnd Nainsook, yard... 40-lu, Lilian Klulsh I.inens, yard anr . ;i.v ftOf i.v Full Width Mosquito Net, Bolt of 8 Yards, $1.20; single yard. 11-Inch Colored Border Wash Cloths, Each 18c ..8c EMBROIDERIES AT 35c Kull 18 Inch Flouncing In a ureal variety ot patterns and an uttrurtlVn speclul ut 1M11 yard. LACE EDGES AT 5c Fully a thousand yards of thoso dainty Lawn in htindrmls of pretty patterns that mo udaptublo to ho inmiy uses, Ac yard, AND MANY, MANY OTHER SPECIALS NOT MENTIONED At the tlmo of writing; w am no busy that lo glvo'u romplotu, litimlxml list of tho many specials throughout tho storo would boulmosl linposslblo, Aluku II a point to attend tho nalo tomorrow -It will bu to your udvuntUKu, ir H. N. MOE