i:li h), ii ,, I II I II, VOK TWO THE EVFNING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ft t: h m KILO'S RECORD IS BROKEN ermine "t?t c v Tho all-yoar ''round soft drink. Leadership, once established, is strengthened and confirmed by its followers and imitators Bevo's leadership is proclaimed by the largest rear guard that ever followed a leader. Sold everywhere -Famllie supplied by grocer, drucCiJlst and dealer."--Visitor arc cordially Invited to imped our plan. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS. niirri.iN soi.it i rm it uu: WlU l,l I1IMI II PIMM MW nm n m: 1:1: ii.o few I ..! I H MASON. EHRMAN & CO. Distributors Klamath Falic, Oregon l-L v; -- vrtT- i l,t 1,1 tl HI 1l.ll.MM1.Hl! ',n,',Mii;vvt.;,i mvi thSi lliuwi,ull!! "'"uuiuuii TOTil.il. Ui i.tui.tiiiuiiiiiiiiii Wed seweoi Stoves f Iff llHHlf. '''ll m ICLMATnQCJIVC- uLitiniUI Uf! d he m Built lor lasting service, economical in operation, pleasing in appearance. They are made on the Pa c'in Coast and specially designed for Pacaffc Coast climatic and fuel conditions. They combine every desirable feature you could hope to find. A complete line always on hand Also many used on3. We take your old one on a new for what it will bring. EVANS & BALIN 910 MAIN WHifl . tur n pn ii' Uinl ,'(. uf T n UUQ'li ,l ! II ' I'S1 111-' l-i'' of mi.' ih'iIK.ih' In tho 'i"1 I u wMI known In Omnia " l ill'' iinniry In tho bilof period f ol four pai time, thl now famous re i,wl has limped tnmi olm'urttv ii thu vory plnnelo uf ucco n fni In foet. has toug slnrn prHl ietm the llinlta or llu continent, nnii uum ro ImiulrlM micnrilUia it ur hum ' 'Iiij rfted from mittn fnr-iKi rouutrle. Veiv few peopl. Ii.iwvr fii'l. rrollro what rwl'v wind'n" - to.'l Tin!c has mad. Indeed. ' ! w to hoc for (he unuirtnt ft i i Hr-iroi ptven out bv th lr ' v known dru f ' ;' ' ' , ! r h story nf It aof woult u I " ' olievc i i Juuiiry Ann. lh- lnl !Hn 1 mi'.h- 'ioiintl o nnrtttinmi ' millinn hottlpii. Tho rt?mi l-. url neroi!, Tor tlitHi fk i. t.i wiH-Vt of tht vir or ni n'liion i.otilos wore wld ami ilUi .Kit in tU rnltwl Jteti nnrt r-. .... (.xik'I (luro Ulns l.80.l l thr tiiontlia. Ar thin rmte. tlirefir-. Hi i' 'nr thr ipinl vonr will l("Ot1"' ...rn thou flvo inlUInu lll 'Thl vll uin Hint 17.000 boltloa'of Tan-'m- will b nolil lurt -vrv dn n ht. ynnr. or 210 ' ft" " hour of th averseo worBing uy risurwi art too tuo"'i!', . nvorace mlnrt to grsup, b u.tlle wht twil f" Hon boiriwi iob by (majtln"' t'ero Ulil oat In ft ir.tlc nw .r.d ' ' I kiTr 1 1 iC I i v-'. I The Thrifty Housewife has for hor motto "One llundn'il for Every Dollar Expended." Cents She believes in a full return for every outlay. She is not tight-fisted. She knows that the cheapest materials are often the most expensive in the end. She lias an Account Hook which shows what becomes of the money she spends, and a Hank Book whu-h shows what becomes of the money u- Mves. Her funds receive absolute pu'ticti.,:) c first btate Savnuor, R UjkA. villas id an & xk KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i (''!'' .". .: irT Mill i ciipr--".; m h'LL 3 urn z'irz - - Hon boUfow ITOV J Hie 11 kin t'ero Ulil o if V.'ashlBsion in a 41 to fil. Thm laJ 'Ik ; v.nrt ii i beforo'th nat(iial eon- track of Trnv1-- from Ni' York ihft WSIKttTOS tor Jun.'s o rs noro fetor.) 't no national eon- triwk reatton of tho Ant!wloon f.eaaue tif cklixso, snt ill) twvr. '.'oro-lo Aradc W'5 ia tuitt fc'c irtartl b ar tltoy wniM Jorn. i libl ii."K, tijny wnatort. wt were opponed io' (t Toni,it rn h ''" l1' ' prohibition tht inmmooh n It mt8 n r,uIf M,.,.o , il( vul "" ""' .io wriuen In.o tba ronwltntlon na th(v woul., ,ov,,.. n-, .,.' - '..,' ax. px)-'un c' iwpur w,.i. :ay ,.,fc(nl ipafe or ri. 13.3M fmo w.u'a np. iy i.njbirtiaB -r H ,,gh0r tbnn tho Woohrortb DulMinfl! In ''ox Vork. tho toilcst bulldini: in mtmffiiimzgstmmz PAY A VISIT TO THE 'V r irs it WV.K fAFF rtn'pl c . or" y on 'tpu'ai' hur um: ifi;ht w!Hm (n tho war tlinu pro liltiiiiorj pet. fie ju4 tic it (.ted thoroforo. ihero was no (fel!)lllt) of tho ia,ilficaiIoa of tho net In that rcpect. Jinny Hcnatorsi who voteil aKiilnut tijp lu'uhibillMit .inionilMit'tit. Senator lores ViI. ulso liml anauri'd him Unit th world. Tho ilcmnrul fnr Tanlnc has o- ( i coniV ( Bret that Its ualo liutoail of ' boliiK mua-iiircil by tho Rrow on otnor prrpurutlona Imvo hven, Im nov reck-1 J oni'd by thu curlond. iind nvcn by thoiv iruln loud In proof of thin It l ' they would Hitpport mcttnurcH nr..vM.j notoworthy fact Hint tho londltiK Iob for tho strlctust onforcoment of ilniBKUt Jobboni murywhoro imw '"v? national prohibition i Tanlnc almost cxcluslvoly In car loid J Representative Fess of Ohio told j lot- To l'y tnu '"clflc Co.mt .t the contention ho believed It would trade ulnno rviiln;K from forty to I be imposslhlij to select it committee "f,y Clir hmdii per year Jobber of , in eimor oouy or concrcau that woiild i tin1 .miciuiu went are. HeiniiK irom uv a ho "foolhnnly" i.Tiough to mako a ' onty to nighty cam per year. favorable report on a pieaimre. pro-1 Tho well known druK firm of Hen. J vldlnj; for tl.i repeal of tho ban on hIk-KIIIh DruR Company of MemphlH. beer and light wines In tho war time , Tonnewiee. hnn sold over forty car JUST REMODELED C 0 'A V , AND CLEAN QUICK SERVICE Even' delicacy of the season served, in cluding Ice Cream, Strawberry Short Cake and Good Eats of all kinds for Warm Weather. JESSE BAILEY, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St. pioblhltlon act. "The principle of Bclf-determliin- f tion rules eonresH nowadays." khIiI Mr Kckb, "and It Is not prepared to do tho blddlnK of another." ! WhitePelicanHotel ! Dining Room I NOW OPEN FOR SEASON 1919 The Place to Entertain Your Friends Dinner Dancing PHONE NO. S AND MAKE RESERVATIONS STATE FAVORING RETURNING ROADS loads slncu thu Introduction of Tan lac In that Mute four years ago. Within the past ninety days ,tun j car loads of Tanlac lmvo gone to sup. ply the demand of llrltisli Columbia j Saskarhowan, Alberta and Manitoba,1 Canada. ' The Owl Drug Company of 81111 Kranclnco, (ho largest retail driiggUts on tho Pacific Const, statn that they havo sold morn limn 1R0 fiOn hottloH at retail, which surpasses tho remark- X t . The Herald tells you today's new today not tomorrow. PORTLAND, June 10. Raliwn.a should bo returned to private i.inn neement and ownership with more extended irovernment rnvr't'' 'lini than existed prior to the war, nr,nl.,M,, rornr'' of lho Jnro,,H ''hnrmarv inc to 11 commercial oran .il!..i.i (rmnanv at Atlnnln. who havo sold of tltf state, recently askod to voir """roxlmatoly SO, 000 bottles at re en rallrouo ownership b (hi otato '"" chamber of Commerce. Of this num-f Tanlnc Is composed of tho most her six believed thoro Hh'inld hu no I beneficial rooU and herbs known to government guarantee) -m to earnings "'once. The formula compiles with while tho remainder belloven 'hero nil national and atato puro food and should bo no government guarantee.) health laws of both tho United Statos i . ... .,... miu vuKuua, nun uuiioiiiio mcrii ami merit alono Is responsible for its phenomenal and unprecedented sue cess, , Tanlac Is sold In Klamath Falls by Tho Star Drug; Co,-and In Lorella by the James Si ore. Co Adv. an to earnings, while tho teinalndor bollover there should be come .;.inr antee of a minimum. These 11 bodies represent about twO'tblrds of the commercial oranl atlons answering; the request for their opinions. Three other m m.iur clal clubs believed that the railroads should be returned to prlvutu ownir ship under no other government i i.n trol than prevailed before the war. Two other. clubs agreed that Mm rov ernment In returning thn railways should compel a grouping of owner, hip Into from 10 to 20 groat sys tems. These views represent tho opinions of about 3,000 Individual members of the constituent bodlo.i. IIUTH MW.l'IlKI'ARKH TOn TltANfMKJEAX TBIP. NEW YOIIK. Juno 11-nnth Law, the arlatrix, has arrived to mako pre parations for a transatlantic flight. She intends' to bo the first woman' to make the crossing, and If sho can make the start fn time hopes to bo (he first aviator to make a nonstop flight from America to Kurope. 6000 8000 Miles This is the new mileage adjustment you get with Goodrich Tires From 23 MAIN ST. JUDD LOW PHONE 22-M sbbbvI ROCKY POINT, "iKoUTiHK,nMKm,t Recreation P. O., Oregon , 'fcntMW-p""". C1UIDK8, HOHMBH, 1XK1H,' CAMPING, HUNTINM, ronB.VI tKNTH' oorrAORH, rioircraWATfi. OOOD BEDS, t GOOD MKAM, A VOOOD "TIMB ' FOB ,KVKRyBODV'' , DANCING IN PAVILION kVKBY gATUBDAY NIOHT PITBB MOUNTAIN 8PB1NO WATKB. ' HARPST ic WHEELER, Proprietor FOR CHICKS AND CHICKENS CHICKEN FEED. ALL SIZES GRIT. OYSTER M.ivJkr'e VA 8 Qoaarl Store shell, scratch feed, cracked corn. Murpney s reed Cfc oeea lx, EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE ioR tnttlu c:vu c Phono 87 KILLER.