THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH KALIS. OREGON Tn:M.v..n m ,, IUIL park ninirr BT I m m IETIIITM HER fill EN OAICIk.'1. Calif.. June 10 Motel mrn of. the. Pacific Coast s tit mwl tu tilts clt from Juno 10 tu I to nnv ale principally v ltl the ilry priudem The occasion will tu the eighth an nual contention of the Northern C.xli fornl.t Hotel Association, but dele Rates iiImi will be present from t-hi hotel orgsnlrtfons of Southern Cali fornia. Oregon and Washington About T00 are expected to attend nnd eery subject pertaining to hotel keeping will be discussed, but over shadowing all will be consideration of ways and means how best to mane Ino bar pay. Notwithstanding President Wilson's urging upon Congress the amendment of the war time prohibi tion law to permit the sale of wines nnd beers reports coming to the local committee on arrangements say that the bonlfaces have about rIvii up hope of continued wetness. Neither It Is said do they pain much encourage ment from Ellhu Root's suit for the New York brewers. To get some Ideas on how jo run hotels under the new regime, the con vention plans to go Into ancient his tory, one of the papers on the pro gram having to do with the manner In which the Creeks and Romans did such things in the 15. C. period. This will be covered in an address by I'rof. C. M. Washburn of the Department of Archaeology of the Fnlverspy of California on 'The Hostelry of An cient Greece and Rome." Another means of making up the deficit from "spirit-less" bars w'll be considered In the attraction of tourist travel. This will be discussed in a paper on "The New Playground of America." by Herbert Cuthlvrt. secretary of the Pacific Northwest Tourist Association of Seattle. The "dead- beat" will be hro.i,-ht before the convention In papers by Ezra Deco to district attorney if Ala meda county, on "The Hotel, the Law and the Criminal." and by Albert L. Loeb, attorney for the Northern Cali fornia Hotel Association on "The Credit Bureau." MEDFORO TO SELL IRRIGATION BONDS MEDFORD, Juno 10. Prepara tions have been completed for the bond sale of the Medford irrigation district, and it Is believed that in a few weeks the bonds will be placed on the selling list by a number of the large bonding houses In Cie United States. Promoters encourag ed by the prosperous ocndltlon of the Medford district are confident that the bonds will be readily disposed or. For the Medford irrigation dis trict, of 19,656 acres. rL.500.i)00 In bonds has been issued. The entire territory, except r.00 acres, is under cultivation. One third of this district Is devoted to orchards extending In a crescent about, the city of Medford. There are 670 farms on the project. The principal crops of this dis trict are hay, grain, fruit and vege tables and the principal agricultural Industries are livestock, fruit grow ing and general farming. The price of lands in this district with water rights are from 1400 to $2,000 per acre. PIONEER RESIDENT IS SERIOUSLY HURT Judge J. n. Orfffith who nurtured a stroke of pjralysls here at his home last Friday and has had very little' use of his right leg since that lime, yesterday had a narrow escape from death when he waa dragged for some distance by a cow and Is reported seriously slck at Ills homo here to day. Mr. Griffith had picked up the rope to which tlio.cow was picketed, according to report-and was colling it preparatory to leading the animal away when she slarted'suddenly and his legs, became cntangl&i in the rope. Owing to lila injured condition lio was unable to extricate himself. KKTIIW8 TO IlKKKK.Kr. MJm Kthel Hushes' returned UiU morning to her home in Berkeley after a brief vlnit on business and pleasure In thin eky.i While hem nho was the guest of Miss Joueplilai Van Riper. ' COK QKTH A DODGK. J .A. C'oe, who Is operating a lin-i of jitneys In this city, has purchase i a new Dodge from Wakefield & Sul livan. It will be used In bis service. The Wan JfL JK f St SILK GLOVE SPECIALS We hae selected two sties of Cloves and ghen them markings mat mean .i.iMitga to j on Con lie-" White Jei-e, tl I x v s In Mack iml While Washable Willie d -I y f- c: yr ofune (T T f f 2 rl v I A.VvV h I oj ., "VfO Qdja s vi'nii I W I f CC 1 -rj!m WOMEN'S NECKWEAR iMHitv. f I I In t I.. II n r k f t In K" ii i ,. trimmed in l.u .. , lirnlil'iy -iilnii i in . , stjles loiiud titul . i Hemes o( tile ei v, . model. pet'lll m . i $1.25 to $2.25 i i The Long-Awaited Event Begins Tomorrow, Offering Undermuslins, Yard Goods and Other Items In Wonderful Selections at Unusual Under Markings Tomorrow we launch our June White Sale for 1911). We have assembled great stocks of dependable merchandise for this event ami assure our thousands of customers that the values we offer are the best obtainable in the market. Practically every department in the store has many special bargains for the June Sale. Visit the store tomorrow and every day you'll find many opportunities to saw money on seasonable wearables and other items. Matchless Values and Superbly Lovely Styles in Silk Underwear Women who love the sheer, daintily fashioned Underwear of Silk, and who know real values, will appreciate the savings made pos-sible by purchasing during this sale. Special mention is made of Crepe de Chine Gowns, choice of several Crepe de Chine Camisoles, daintily trimmed styles, prettily trim'd with laces, $8 and $10 with lace and embroidery, $1.75 to $3.00 Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise, in many Jersey Silk and Satin Bloomers, of fine te.- very beautiful lace trim'd styles, $5 and $6 ture material ; specially marked at $2.50 Kayser's Italian Silk Vests in several ptottv styles, at $3.00 and $3.50 Lace Trimmed Boudoir Caps of Silk and Georgette Crepe, lace, ribbon trim. $1.25-$3 Domestic Undergarments at Great Reductions ka --i rt in liriHi iifnif Thousands of pieces, all new and fresh and pretty at savings m a d e possible b great purchases made months ago. We content ourselves with the briefest outline of items and prices. The early shoppers have the advantage of first choosing. GOWNS lu u many lieiiutlftil M)li' thin detailed dencriptlon would lie folly Of fluent iiiunIIii, ntilimook. plain nnd elalxirutu ntylex. lure uud embroidery trimmed, and with V, Round anil Kiiiitre neck. Hanging liy easy degrees In price from $1.25 up to $4.00 COMBINATION SUITS The Corset Cowrs are trimmed with Inces and em broidery, nome very elaborate, others with simple em broidery. Drawers are finished to match. Of fine .Mus lin and Nainsook In many, many nltmrtlve model nt iindurmarklngs thnt erennmy to the thrifty wo man. Kl..t to $2..10. ENVELOPE CHEMISE .Some wiih oken of dainty lure In Kmplro ntyte; ninny with hire unit embroidery edging of film Mtiolln. Nulnsook and Crepe with Hound. V and Sniinre neck Sroren and cores of pretty model to chooim from at the Mpeclul prlrcx ran Kim: from l.'J.l to :t.Hi. CORSET COVERS .Many dainty luce and embroidered Mylex. Of npeclally flue muter lain. In tarled modeli. At tuo ery low KpiTlnl prlrei, for IIiIh mile Hut imvliiKH urn uutuiial. 50c and 75c Womun'tt White Lawn nnd Organdie Tea Aprons In miveral Myles Ibco, embroidery uud ruffle trimmed with pocketit and with or without bib NmtIiiI ut 4.V, .Vr, 7.1e mill IMle. And Many Other Items for Women. PETTICOATS Of MiihIIii uud N'nliiHtnl. inmin. ' with rottn of litre. oim rli wide I'lilbroltlery f I u tl n r v iitid dainty ribbon In no uuint l we tantiiil rhe full tli-iiiriiliiiii m thtx Kliiull npure Qlliillli In of Hit bent nnd the M'lial pili-ea r miirknld) lot im- in .t,.mi. BLOOMERS Of white Srttlnt'Ut- a it r Ireulilit. wuithnble itiitlerinl In nil nlli'H uutl Sperlall) Marked at CI. .111. I-'les'i Colored Corded Silk lllooiu erH. ait lllilliiuiilly opuliir lle a' WoiuenV Druwern of good iiualus .Vulliiionk. elilbroltleret'. Illlf Unadvertised White Sale Misses' and Children's Muslinwear in the Sale at Special Prices GOWNS, 35c TO 75c In several styles, with hcalloped. em broidered yokes and tleeves in sizes 8 to 14 at 2.V and JOc. Da nty laee-trlmmed Gowns of good quality Muslin. Special ut 7.V. MISSES' SLIPS AT $1.75 Of flue quality Nainsook, beautifully trimmed with dainty laces, Hlue. and I'lnk lllbbons Several styles to cIioomj from at the special June Hale I'tiee Sl.7.1. DRAWERS, 29c, 35c, 45c In Olrls' sizes, embroidery unit rufflo trimmed styles Of good quality .Mus lin. SH-(liilly Pilreil 'Mr, it.-. .-.e. BLOOMERS, 75c TO 90c Of good, siilisluiillul gntde of Sateen In Olrls' sUes and marked at 7.v. wi nnd IMe, iireordliiK to size. All repre sent suvllig. Down go the Prices on White Goods and Domestics Noteworthy special prices throughout the stock, even though they are on many items lower than like materials will cost on the wholesale market today. You have the, sale price advantage of purchases which were made months ago. Here we tell briefly of but a few savings opportunities. TOWELS AND TOWELING 15x30-Inch Turkish Towels 2."e 20x3S-lnch Turkish Towols . 50e 20x 10-Inch Turkish Towels lc 11-lnch Square Wash Cloths, each .He 18-Inch Turk-lull Toweling, yard . .. !I.V 15-inch lS-Inch Linen Toweling. All Linen Glass yard -." anil :(.ir Toweling 10c NAINSOOKS, MUSLINS Hue Kngllsh Long Cloth, yurd . 'J."e Hflc NahiHOok, .16-Inch, yard U.1e 25c Hluuched .Muslin, yard ITJjr Hupurflmi N'alnsook, si-(ial, yard :t.V .Tfl-lnch llurred Nulnsook, yard ."Or .16-inch Linen Finished Linens, yard. Lie 40-lnch Cross llarred Voltes, yard .IHe EMBROIDERIES lS-lnrli llnilirolileri'il Kloiiurln, yd SL'-liitii Allover Kmbrold., yd. IIHc to JM.rtO n-lncli Kmbrold Ktlglngs, yd. lie, I2e, l.V ovi:u a Tiiors.xi v.titns ov val. axi) ioitriio.v laci: i:i)(ii(;s at i'K it v.m. .v. 50 dozen Kxtra Fine, Full Size, Linen Finish Huck Towels, at U."e. Kxtra Large Fine Quality Turkish Towels, flOr. MOSQUITO NET, Bolt $1,20 8 yards to the Holt, sold by the ward at IHc. TlivlXI Fine l)iiiiutk Table Linens, pc. rial, H-'i-VI. IIIUH.T Flue lauia-k Table Llueim, spe- iliil, l I. .-,(). 72xU0 Cloth and 21-Inch Napkins, Poppy uud I'ansy Patterns, KtH.IMI. II I 1 kB 1AA f I I ' I I LI f N l) Pretty New Tub Skirts Special Markings That Show Decided Savings In many very attractive models of Pique, Wash Satin, Gabardine and Waffle Cloth, Belted and Pockets. Prettily trimmed in many cases with large Pearl Buttons. They are specially priced at $2.50 to 8.50. Pictured Is One of the NEW WIRTHMORE WAISTS AT $1.00 A shipment Just received brings this and three other very pretty models of this popular make, In all sizes. Also many now models In WKLWOKTIf WAIHTK at S2.IM) WIKTHHOltK WAWTH 91.50 CORSETS AND BRASSIERES AT A REDUCTION An accumulation of broken lines, but in the loUwill be found all sizes. Of good quality material. Elesh and White. The Brassieres in all sizes, embroidered style. Make a Special Trip Down Town Tonight and See the Window Displays of Merchandise on Sale Tomorrow. H. N. MOE OTHER SPECIALS WORTH MENTION Just everyday wearables that will appeal to economy wisn women. Women's lllbbed Union hull tight and loose kiioo, CJfr All sizes W1 Women's V I n r Milo How, in UUck and White. ACr Special f '' .OWWronV IUUImmI Union Hull- uovorul styles. A11 Ak to , OC I Womrn'M It u n g I o w Apr" Blue and Tan, Strip- QOr ed and plain Hlue ZfO AND MANV OTIIKH UKC1AI NOT AOVKnTIHKD 'r