TiT.MMt..irNi: i. nun. "" PvrM,vr' VTjMn ftMATH FALLS. OREGON I'AOB SEITCJT At the Theaters At tin "''' f iti'Uir" ioiiikiii more . uplfiiilnl Mil Iteml""! ' wIiuhiiiih .,1,1 tiuuit I" l"'r ihivm'hI I'nra- ! pi mnpliiv Naughty Naughty itilU' ii" alluring ii" Iliu 1 1 1 1 j liull- .. ....... ........jiii.tif i... i M..,. i tile Willi"'" "i"- ' ' " r niiiiumi lint production wuk ill MCli'il ' '"i"1""" Hluriii under t li urnum! HiiH"rviHlim of Thornim II jnct' 1HIHH If Tim Mnry l tull of uxli 'i"" "'"rl '" ""'l,'i lim' ''""" tin mini' '"'" ","' nii'il"'ii"il (MM nf I''" ("l"'r Items mi Hi" pnutr-niii arc l'l,.v Arbuckle In "Tim Mterlff vii) iiiTiimiiy Miui rn.' Hi"- rrfAt Hiru'li Climslr. lllf, prndui' (Ion I" I'" li",u H'll'O "I "" I'lliiT'y Ihi-iiiro l ' Plwy "' "'" " 'ii'"1"" ili (crll'Hi"' deiillng "'" ""' ll'il', "' It,, world which ruthles Uomuin ,ai wantonly dotrned mill fur which 'li"' ! ttttt In' until") In t In tull li i,. (in. Mory nf lmw ii oung n.niiuii h. nliiK In ill" iS'Tiii'iti ur wy m liorrlflDil m liw his ufflcuw Wd fellow Mildlern liuvi' ile.e.ind (rum i'io in"" I"1 'i"w 'ln'in t l' Mure lli" " "i1" ll"nitn let low III rl! IIIHl ilcnTuy til" hripIi'llt'iH ti ihi world Mnu vdiix'ti mill "'('i 1 n ,.r- llii'lr rightful pr ntul i. r luiili'T Ideal"" ur religion hold i Sin--Hiltir tlii'im'il li"'in M"n lo urn' with tin' linrror nf It ail n (li lt i ml ". n ii in iii.i't fir the (fu f freedom ni'i lUlit Tin iloi i 'if Iiii",ihi anil vr'iWitif w.-r nliowliiK III n-llUtlr vivid tins iliu deed nf tlM'to wnr-innd pen p)v but linnl;u: iiIku Unit pure uml traunful Invi run nlno flourliili itnil rruw in tin li-iirK of those who fight for ii righteous rnnni'. A tin rti'inn-'o tiM lieu u i .mil pathos tn (bo tn tdin' t"ry Ait nil star cam tif plyer I auen (u tin irniliu'tii'ii inn! tin rn tiers mieti dlniin ml ii i ia in c'ri-lnhti) i Hill- l"i i""ni' Hilling. Iloltm Fnrgu ron r "! i Jrrlnr. Frii I' Triiu drll ll'-'iry Kulk'ir. Jo-ph IvHucot Hit..mi MrWntli" Knrl H'-hencV ' Flor. i f -ilttirl lln'iy Ivy Wnril. iintl wan- .iiIht.-i Including tb nutt'd Ji.i i,ii tutor T Titnamotu. Tli. iln wn wiilton ! Mntwnll Krr- r mill illrtrii'tl by ftiurlits Mil lr un.lir tlit nrniitiiil biiihtMhIiiii nt !!UMtl K.irK"r. illriTlnr K-imral of Ibi' Mi'trti nlinlliiM o Kiind imnxtriil lii llli a koimI rlr tui It niiinn to nil rlaum'x. Tciik of tliutinniuls of x-(iio nttcuil u uilnntrrl ihow uIhi iii'vor think of uitcuillni; nv ntlit'r elm rnctiT of iitir'nfifiont Tlil I liomtiMi tlnv hiiiiw tlmro In Bolh'nr to nffcml or iMiilmrnim tliom i i ml tiiuy nr m tho mnui tlm min-1 of n In-arty IiiiikIi ThU UMn llnrvpyV (iroiitur Mln ilrilii nnct ItH nvt'i Hd.'n-ry xcltmlvt ly. It litu tlilrty-flMi ioopli in tln firm Jn, It litianlR of thti rim nt urilrol 'r worn ly i ny iitlnKtrnl ontanlm Hon nnil cliiiuiit in have tlio boat Iralnctl Cn-oli tmuty Chorus on tint roail Tlio liiodi'm inliiKtrcl tuunt liuvi' Mln-rt itiinciTb, cliiirmliiK KltiKorH uml klith cIiihn vnuilavlllo nnil with Iluf Wh (Iruutor MlimtrclH whlrli npjifitr t Tlio GHro Itnuiio, Tucmliiy unci Witlnemluy, J ii ii t- loth ami Jill:, thtri" s III bo n HUCcoHsfully urriinr"! I'roKrnin with n Impjiy roinblntitlon. Olio of tlio features of tlio viimlo tlllo Hucllon of tlio proKriun Ih tlio itk of Musical Kirk Aiiioiik tlm ro- imirkablo thliiKii ho does wlillu uhIiir ....11.. . ... . musical liiMruiuontK of his own mnko Md deslKli Ih Ihn Irlrk t.f mi.kln I'iriKiair mill lilnvlnrr m, lnuli.ni I ..f the samo tlmr. Tim uini. nf !,., .I-,,- ' dawn In hlH throat out of night and - .....u, . .. lr u vna "10 Hinnko pours forth from his muuth as If from a volcano, ull t "me ho Is singing nnd playing a ban-. I and dnnrlng. In addition jto Kirk, li may bu classoil us tho musical fonicdlan, tho long list of ond luon Is h.Vtj by Ed Tolllvor nnd Clarenco owull, tho two most colobrntod col wil coniodlana in tho world, thoro Must bo something tho muttor with ny porson who will not laugh at tho toclnl exprosslona and snappy Jokos 0' tlio pair. Thoy are ably assisted by othor cnpabla comedians and tho (!ro. olo Iloauty Chorus Is closely seconded by tho largo company of male voices. Thoy will bo mot no doubt by a 're house. A MtADRn IN MFE INSURANCE. Tho greBt BtronttD( tno big dlTl wndSl tho incomparable bonoflts w Tho First American Life Insuriuico mpimy, moans first class Ufa in ...IS0 fop Vou. For particulars. OEO. 0.' ULHICH, District Man !r Tho Mntnal Llfo Insuranco company of Now York. 38-10 AN IJXCKPTIONAIi IIAltGAIN. Nlno-room houso on 8th 8t., first iioor 0 roomn and Imth: Hucond floor rOOiMR utiil t'ltinf ,.nii. n iinn ('..... r in. .it aivani oml lot "ml ,'u 'lulelt: f500 cat-h, Imluuor $?nlth. litli, Cth and 7tli Stroots In nc '"r month, intn for $3S A A.'rindnnro with mild pinna, mioclflcn "'iiiinffuy, 431 fjftn ut. 3tf tlonti nml esllmntes; said Improve- LUiViCbi1irtUTHEAD,5 NkZF& few ipfcMsiHEocill FOR SALE I'llONi: I'CVTDN lor Wootl 1I2H VIDCK HlKIS ft.r ili II 0 l.or.1 r.-c KOIt A.UK Owvrnli'l (tllpplllKtull kllllll, tourliiK rar .i-3l fOIt RM3 -5 pwiii'tiKt-r nr Uua: buy In (own 1021 Miituitultn nt N'orDi V.iu Hot Springs Aililltlon KOIl 8AI.IV IMS Clmvrolut ISO iiowly piilntcil nnil ovcilinulvd' tor I50U. p.irt c.iab. btilnnou tuniiK. C'i-ii-trnl KitrtiMo 4t KOIl SAI.U A ;oyl cutiB Dtirliimi row Huciilro nficr (t o'olork ti, ornor Crciicaiii fop. mnl Mnnruniln :r-t 1-s 'OH BAl.i: My rntln liou-o tnovintt ciiulpnicnt, (Oiu''lni; of fiilsi. 'mln r. rol'nr. Jn kn. rablcn and rotui M It Mo:t. cor ttli ni.J f'r.i-tMi-i S.0 HELP WANTED WA.Nini - d.rl for r.i'rit'rnl liouso- wirh Imiulr- C tr. i:iovintli ' . tr ph a 07-J C-tf WANT! !- Firm Clan llotu'i ml .v Mct'ollum. McfPonlc. tl-Gt WA.in -A r.'fil r.mcli Imi d for t' iti't'ion. Reed wanes; chr.'O to " m lii'iu'ri llnrnld offlvo. l-tf LOST AND FOUNn FOUN'I- Ah,",ioii'I llepncn and In ii Oni'T rati have Miimo by "r.IlltiK at H -raid offleu. ld"iit.fyl:i.; iiiini" and payiiiK for this ad. 5-tf FOR RENT KO!t HKNT Two larKC nlcolv fur- t IhIh'iI front bcdrooniH. Ui of butli Call 017 I'lno m. 9-tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTini, WOHK by woman. On rnnrh In inlilli. or bv duV. I'hono 139. 9.4 IMllVvVTK HOSI'lTAI. now open for ciibi'h or fuvom of any High M I'hoin' lfn. 1' ktllil. 30l 9-2t i.-M-nuiv..iii ..f. rwiniM by rh"rtr provided. pay i contH P"r pound brim; thoinlsn of OreKon. County of Klamath. In CVntrnl 0 IiriiKo 7-5tl f "v of Klamnth Falln fs in. antral wariiM. ow i.oavltt Toiioo jiwlre of WANTKI) Two kooiI cow for thoi aiiiuiiior. Host euro KUiiranlwd.!''0 ' ","' ",lfv that tho foreKolnK U'lll uVllbi.riillv for tbolr uso In.1'" n " v "'n"',,i Fnr,v "f " 'nln tmlio 010 "lh"t ti' 'Ho" """ "' Common rn,,,rl DON'T foritft VAN'S AUTO HXCUIt-1 KION to Klamath lint SprliiKH. J0I111 tho crowd uml hu 11 Jolly than. For 1....1 ,,..... uiipn oi'u particulars, call VAN'S 'i"i oin- VICi: Phone 29-V. 7-tf .T. . . . . ., . -'itu '... i,nr.. .., .inu- mum Midi IIUHi. ." ,.,w ' sound and truo. Phono 11F11 or call at KdKowood ranch, north ond 30-tf Swan valley. Halin. Orow young uguiu at tho Hot Spring bulb homo. 12-1 LEGAL NOTICES HKHOIiUTION. Tho City Englneor pursuant to re solution of the Common Council horctoforo adopted, having on tho Ct hday of May 1919, filed plans, spe cifications and estimates of tho cost of Improving High streets rrom ein Street wostorly to 1st Stroet, includ ing Intorscctlons, ond 1st, 2nd, 4th, r.ihxr.tii. and 7th Streets from High Street southerly to Pine Street. In cluding Intersections, and the Coun cil having taken the samo under ad vlsoment nnd finding tho plans, spe cifications nnd estimates to bo satis factory. ' ' ' UK ..IT ..HEREBY RESOLVED, That tho plans', specifications nnd es timates for tho. Improvement of High Btrnet from 8th Street westorly to 1st Stroet,, Including Intersections .nnd 1st, ann, itn, cm, uin. nnu mi m, from High Stroet southerly to Pine Street. Including Intersections bo. nnd tho samo nro hereby approved and, HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Tbnt the Common Council horoby do- clares Its intention to imprnvo said n 'fit I-) ro.iH.nt of ji.iv!., , .ill in,.- II )Il-i lf MJltl Ktnoth 'Att i Oil IIIHCft- I iliiiii iHUfini-rl tit nn "slliu it"il cyt Hi' I m! -IB tiuiiil till, unit h i-oii trvto rurllns ami Kr.n!.i,i;. t.r .",S ,'o" ii 'i or Minrri'l" p:n" iiit t an "nMm.'ttct! nut, l:i"lii(liis '"iiiont hltlo wall'r, conTolo ruri Ini: nnd ItratllMc of JO'i 131 "0, or Vtbul't'ilr paMilncnt nt n:i natlmtttfd (nil, in ''udti't ! -in 'dc wa'l ''oi.rr't') r'i-J!r-4 mil itr.id v: o" J1C 21T.00; Bitlil !'iirtivmotit "n olilier event to In-Ill''- ":-''illaR rllli-'j ni-'ini' ,tnd rnnrnt- h'iI" w-I'-jh ft-t 'tl oil btl'' ''In- r -'. fnn O- " v it pi'utii'-'J! itffni.vrn n- h 'i,--iT-fin 'VmMI t""" tlio rrtor t, 'ki,f,iiftf tn"-i'M ,'" igrf liv i inii to I o lio.nnfitril by Bil'll 't"r(i"8iinf 1 '! 1. 31 1. f"i' ". "If-vc ' and '"ti't-r'- ' o' "in"' "1 V"' (' '0- Ororoo' 1 nf 3. i, .'. 0. T and S of lJi'i 11: t """ 1 2. 3. 4. 5. fl. 7 and S of block in; li 1. 2. 3. I. ... f.. ;. end "?. In Illoc): ?; I.oib l, 2. ?,, 4, t, C, T. anil S. of Hbvfc S: l.uta 1, s ".;,;. o:ia S of Wecl: 7 . Ixf. J, 4. S, C. T. nml f of Illock 0: 1." :-. 1 !,S 4. 5. t,, T. end of Clock t,. Lota 1. J. 7, and of Illo.-k 4. ori ginal tOUIl ill IMU.11UU. !''UI..-,. OIL-li. Tlio castorly 25o tci-t or liiorK .. Tlio i .iMi-rly -'00 feel or tin- prein- lAt.0 kvb, .til W t.,t ,..,., bHM- l-lt;n oc'ioiii, ,iiu in,riy i.. iiif, Iihiwuoii i!i:;ii, .'ttb, titii tin. i wt..iiih tiin, Kuauiriy v.aanl .-.true. l.otH i., . , s, :i, anil In. or Illock i'iU, Lots K, 7. .S. !', mid in or llluU: 4ti, 'l Addition to Klaiaatli Kalii, Or i. v.' . l.nti 1, 2. .1, i, and 5 of niock C; I ots 1, 2, .1, 4. and f of llloek n. l.ot 1 uml 2 of 111 no I: 4 Cwauna Hoi-hli" iiiiiop to tut- tt ut Kln inuth Fr.Ilc OrpKon. and that said piopuny aovt uuscrltn'ii In imroiiv doclurcd to li. tho projiorty assessed for tho utpcnsu of Bald Improvement and, iu: it Ft'iiTHEn nnsohVED. Thai Mnn'inv th d '"' "". nttho hour of S o'clock. P M. "l "" -""" " ti-"i" " imc i nnil. dp nxcrt an mo m-e anil pine ror tno nearmp of o""1 lonn nnu re- monstrance i-galnst the 4nld propov 4I Hli'TOf ( 1 i'ni niii' ' u inuttB juiiku "i' nni np"",v ih. uirecteu 10 miico . not""" r' Bain neanni; 10 ne puuiiBoeo ino tiv Plmrtjii- npnl'lflnil ' bo Cltr of Klamath Falls Orefnn. ini; Its Intention in Improvn HIrIi Sfpp"t f'om 'Ml "'"0' wpitnrlv to ,st, fr00' ,ln.c.,.,"nrn.7 nnil l"! 2nd Jtn, rtn InterspctlonB, fith and 7tb ctrpAt from IT!" Piont Qnito-"" to . . .... Pine Street, Including Intersections lions ami estimates of the. -ost sub tnltted by th'i cv r-nqlnoer. A. h. I.EAVITT. Police Judge. 30-10t. DISSOMITJIOV OV PAIVUVKIISIIIP Notlcn Is hervbv given thnt tho nnrtnorshlp horctoforo oxlstlng bo twoon Frozlor nnd Woedon. of Mer-i rill, Is this dnto dissolved. Tho bust-, nesa of this firm will ho continued by E. C. Frazlor, who will pay all debts 1 of, and collect all tho accounts due, said firm. 1 E. C. FRA5HER. ' 6-3 C. T. WEEDON. tn the County Court of the State of Oregon tor Klamath County. In tho Matter ot the. Estate of John Olson (somotlmoa spelled Olson), deceased, ,. To Lena Oson, Johanna Hegge, Elene Petterson .Olga Erlckson, Asbjag Erlokson, Martin Olson, and to all otnor unxnown, uutseiTiiNu: In tho name of .the State ot Ore en: 'You--are herovy cited and re quired to appear in the County Court of tbo State of Oregon for the County ot Klamath, at the Court' room there of, at Klamath Falls, In the County of Klamath, on Saturday the 21st day ot Juno, 1919, nt ton o'clock a, m then and there to show cause, It nny you have, why au order of sale should not be made for tho sale ot the following described real prop erty of said estato, at prlvato sale, for cash or for part cash and part credit, to-wlt: Tlio nortnoim nuartor or tno north- onBt quarter of soctlou twenty-four, tbo nortliwoBt quarter of northwest quarter and southwest quarter of noiitliwi'Hl quarter of noctlon twenty Mw. and tbu nortlieart quarter of imrtliwent quarter of section tblrty x all In townnhlp thirty-six south in'iK'' fifteen east of tin Wlllametto Meridian, containing 160 aereg of I11111I. I: Klamath (oiinty, Oregon The north half of tbo northwest '(iiiirl'i, Did Koutheast quarter of I lie north west qtlaiter and the north wot quarter of tho noitbeaNt qunr 'r or si el Ion Iwenty-slx In towushlp Milrf-H'x Houtli of rniigo fifteen east of Hi't Wlllametto .Meridian, contln lug 1B0 acres, more or lens, In Klatn nth County, Oregon The northeaxt quarter of southeast (ilinrter of scrtlnn twenty, township t)ilrt)-Nlx ,rane sixKen east of Wil lauieite Meridian, containing 40 acres of Indemnity land In Lnko County, Oregon All " h In tho petition for snlc horetoforn made nnd filed In said Court In said cause, prayed for. WITNESS, tbo Hon. It. H Dunncl, .Itid-je of the County Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of Klamath, uml the seal of said Court hereto affixed, thlH 12th day of May, 1 J 1 !. Attest: C, It. DE LAP, (Seal of County Clerk. County Court) 13-20-27-3-10 I'OH SALH C-room house on pavement. 11250, leim Paving nnhpftsmcntH paid, .'ii'-fool lot on pavK'ment 1200. . tin-foot lot on pavement $250. Lot In Industrial addition near fac tory and depot, $100 and up. LotH In Hot Springs Addition, $325 1 cd up Tho only restricted resi d nee dlHtrlct In Klamath Falls ll on terms to suit the purchaser. ee V. M. MonterluH THE KLA.MATII DKVEIIPMKNT COMPANY l.'Ml.t Miin Street. 7-tf NOTICE OF AVM'AL MI.LTlNfi. The annual meeting of the Ktock hohli rs ot tho Lang'll Valley Tele pbcn Co will bo held on Saturday, June 14, 1919. nt 1 o'clock, at Bo nanza, for the p'irpobb of electing a Hoard of Directors, and such other hunmess as may properly come boforo 1)11 house CI0t O P KELLER. Sec WHEN Vou have trouble with your Ignition, phono us, call on us just let us show vou we can fix It, and fix It right. . Hoagland & McGolIum 2-M Main St. Phono 2S2-W. CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Woik of all Kinds and Hoofing Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contracto ,miiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiid Lively, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Umg Trips Our Specialty Reasonable Rates Klamath Stable Phone 1311 822 Klamath Ae. rA"MAAlsAArlarVtVi FrNMrrlMrXarlrrlrrWrrWVMWWWWV Sorict Our Motto Satisfiutlon Our Guarantee Kandy & Hartman Painting, Kaltomining Paper Hanging City and Country Jobs Solicited Make Your Home Attractive Phone 414 ADDRESS 1109 Pine St., Klamath Falls, Ore. rAAArVMAAAArWWVWVMVWWWWWWWWJ THE MOLINE UNIVERSAL TRACTOR The Greatest Tractor Made sBaaakssaaaaaaHalsBaaaaaaaaaaaaanS .t 1 HlalaSKS'e' u lBufsf rssHAaVvl J m JOHN M. LEWIS, Agent 6th and Main Phone 140 g Dassengers and Baggage ANUlli:itH IV 1 111: CITY yiicit hkkvici: iii-.A.fv.nM: ii.ti:m I'HOVK 187 WesternTransferCo. New City Laundry AVE OCARANTEE OUR WORK J i Shirts and Collars Laundered ', We nlMi wa-li silk, wool and col ored gwids cry carefnlly. Try " , once nnd be convinced. Oar priced j are right. I'lione 154. j 127 Fourth Street! Hack of First National Dank J. HARTMAN CEMENT, CONTRACTOR Hide Walks Foundations Fancy oping Steps. Cement Plastering Floor. Stu( ro and Tnrritf-za Walls Ceiiieterj Work a Specialty. FIRST CISS WORK PRICES RIGHT mw Pine St. Cor. fith anil Pine :cm:: I! White Pelican Laundry DAMP WASH, 20 I.RS. 7.1c FAMILY DRY WASH Oc LH. "Put Your Duds In Our Sudh" 33 MAIN STREET PHONE 421 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station Exclusive Agents for the Harley- Davldson Motorcycle. None Bet Iter. All Makes ot Motorcycles Bought, Sold and Exchanged. C. E. B1SMARK 115 S. Oth St. Ivlamath FallsJ irinn n n.nrLrui fLn-rni.tnijiriJiis'ii"'i"'i"' .. KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ingNew Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacks mi thing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone S50-Y 017 Klamath Ave. OLD FURNITURE Repairing New Made to Order Andy Mauritsch 10 Main St. TRY ME PHONE 174W, MsAiSIMAAMM For Home Made Bread, Pie and Cakes, Go to T. A. ROBERTSON 42 Main St One Trial Means Satisfaction Orders Delivered Any Place In Tows r -. .- - - - -- - -. . .. a. mmmi i SEE ME For Carpentering. FmrnlUre Re-j pairlBC, Unolena 11- HENRY;SMlTk X10 MAIN'T. ' ' x s a t V - ri HOSPITAL ROfMI Bit A. A. . r . t X-Ra Surgery- iclne i Phone 1B1-J 4UW Mais fWWVAAAAWl, E. L. ELLIOTT, ATTORNEY AT 1A W 211-14 WlllitB BMg. Klamath Falla Oregon VSifN.AVVNA.iVNWSVl,VV,WWNWNAVV , V FKOFESSIONAL CARDS ilsssssssWls'sSMNa illlgbesl cash prices paid for fine Olti:COV INDIAN PII'KH AND oniKit niii.ics Posloinrc llox 260 KLAMATH FALLS, ORE, SISSM Till: I'AIIISIAN HEAUTY SHOP The Harper Method of Scalp Treatment and Shampoo ing. Facial TreTttaent, Manicuring .!() .Main HI. I'lione SOU syssyssviisisissiNysifSisi ' tl t 4JI1( 1.1 0 v II. C. SCHLKEF ? II KATIIEHINK SCHLKEF jt I'hjnirinno anil SurgtMiiui Office, AVIilte llldg. Y ii 5 I -K--M-M--MM-fr-5-C-0-9- V DR. G- A. MASSEY Hurccwsor to Dr. Trnax Holt SMO, 1. O. O. F. Dldg OftUe phone HGJ lies I'lione 80M MMWWWsmAmAAA MajW) DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE BUILDING PHONE .185 DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE .- Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Oirr Underwood' .He cut li and Main Street FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loom is ltldg.. Klain.ith I'alLs CITY A.ND COUNTY AHSTRACT COMPANY R17 MuiB ARTHUR R WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician A Surgeon Suite 211, I. 0. O. F. Temple (over K. K. K. 8tore) Phone S21 . . (The only Osteopathic Phyai clan and Snrgeon la Klatath Falla. SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to build any class of a building mid install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints mude. PHONE 140J Office in H. D. Budding KMrVsMrVsMrMWVVWWMMWVWs 207 I. O. O. F. BLDG. MrAArliMAAMAAMMsMMA(WVilsMMMsMV WELL DRILLING VocBAtaer Brtw. A WUbmha Merrill,, Oregea McDonald Peel Room Klamath Fadls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT .1 'SERVICE hMfl!f ' ' ' K. F., Bead Stag Ws-0-9-M-ssss SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP 8UKY AND NOODLE .HOUSE Short OrderMrals Served. 72 Main Street , KL.1AIAT1I l-'ALIA ORE. i j. ? DR. C. A. RAMUO 1 Dentist 1 I. O. O. F. Building 0 PHONE Ot 0S0MSrfMSMWMSWWWSSI 'WvJW'KW-t'WK'M